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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8883790 No.8883790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 "wife's son" jokes
Now that that's out of the way,..

How do I get my stepkids to start liking vegetables?

I don't think they spent the first five and seven years of their lives eating anything that wasn't breaded. And now I'm trying to get them on the right path but vegetables are like kryptonite to them. The best luck I've had was mixing tiny amounts of chopped carrot into various things but they still try to pick them out.

Any tips with young picky eaters?

>> No.8883791

How about you stop trying to be a life-changing hero and just make them things they enjoy eating? I fucking hated when my step mom did shit like you're about to do. The kids are young, and you're already setting them up to resent you lol

>> No.8883801

Yeah, no, I'm not subscribing to the "my kids don't have to do their homework if they don't want to " school of parenting.

>> No.8883803

cover that shit in butter and cheese nigger

>> No.8883804

>Any tips with young picky eaters?

Cut stuff up in pieces and give them a toothpick. Sometimes making eating playful works.

And never underestimate the power of butter and salt. Lots of butter.

>> No.8883807

what kind of kid doesn't like baby carrots and ranch dressing?
Ants on a log?
cmon they can't be /that/ picky

>> No.8883810


Yeahhh, no, OP don't listen to this bullshit.

You really want them to eat their vegetables and be healthy? Put it in smoothies. Make the smoothies really delicious. Then pull the carpet right the fuck from under them.

>> No.8883813

You seem to have some internal issues you need to work out. You aren't their "parent", and not force-feeding them vegetables to start off the relationship isn't the same as not making them do homework. Are you trying to come off as the "tough but loving" type or something? That's what everyone does but it's cringe and annoying. Do whatever you want, idk why you even made this thread since you don't want advice, but have fun sowing the seeds of your step kids' discontent with you early so they grow to resent you. you're an idiot.

>> No.8883820

Irish saying hunger "is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras". Hunger is the best sauce. Stop whining like a little bitch about your stepkids on the internet, let them work up an appetite, then give them the option of eating a nice meal with vegetables or nothing at all. You're not a cuck for raising another man's children, but you are for not specifying that they're stepkids on an anonymous imageboard and being too pussy to force your kid to do something they don't want to do.

>> No.8883821

Your stepchildren will never love you or see you as an actual parental figure.
Sorry, chum.

>> No.8883824

>not a cuck for raising another man's children

thats exactly what a cuck is though lmao. OP is deluded in thinking that his wife's children are ever going to see him as their dad, they're just going to hate him on top of that

>> No.8883827

sounds like you have some issues of your own kiddo, this guy seems like his heart is in the right place
definitely better to get the kids used to eating healthy even if it causes a little stress rather than trying to buy their affection at the cost of their health.

>> No.8883828

Funny how you think making vegetables appetizing and yummy (note that this is distinct from force-feeding ) is "sowing the seeds of resentment" and look, I know you think that the best way to develop a good relationship with them is to throw them their favorite TV dinner at the dining table but maybe one day you'll be mature enough to understand that the fastest way to see these kids become self-destructive rebels such as yourself is for the stepparent to act like he doesn't give a shit about them at all.

>> No.8883829

Oh boy, did someone get diddled as a child? The guy is just trying to get kids to eat healthy, you dumb nigger. Sorry they didn't have a farmers market in the hood.

>> No.8883830

Jesus Christ, did your stepdad fuck you with a cucumber or something? where is the butthurt coming from

>> No.8883831

If you're this scarred about being forced to eat vegetables you're a faggot

>> No.8883834


Learn how to actually cook veggies you fucking gross flyover mongoloid

Forcing your wives kids to eat food that probably tastes gross is the worst way to "change" them

>> No.8883841

whatever you do, put that effort into your actual children

>> No.8883848

Nobody is trying to say that his heart is in the wrong place, but trying to force his stepkids to do shit isn't going to achieve anything.

It's not "throwing them their favorite TV dinner" you neckbeardic cuckhold, it's as simple as not trying to command another man's kids on what they should be doing.

And for you and your samefags, I never had a stepdad. You just dont seem to understand that your wife's kids aren't going to like you lmao

>> No.8883851





>> No.8883852

they're not your kids you literal cuck.

>> No.8883857

My parents made me eat every single piece of steamed broccoli at every meal otherwise they'd take away my access to the family computer and all of my game consoles for a month.
Worked for me, now I love broccoli and appreciate it's unmatched flavour.

>> No.8883860

>my parents
that doesnt apply here

>> No.8883867
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>fathering some goobers kids for some beat up pussy

>> No.8883876

>making his stepkids ok with eating vegetables won't achieve anything
it will help the kids live healthier more successful lives

why do you hate children?

>> No.8883879

Cuckolding is the intellectual fetish. Remember that next time you call someone a cuck you fucking troglodytes.

>> No.8883882

Kill yourself

>> No.8883883

>"Eat these vegetables, stepchildren!"
>"ew no vegetables are gross"
>"Eat them!"
>"wtf I love vegetables now, I'm so healthy"

fuck u got me, that's exactly how it'll play out LOL

>> No.8883886

parents are the people who raise you. have you never spoken to anyone who was adopted?

>> No.8883887

OP can't inb4, enjoy caring for another male's spawn for the sake of pussy kuuuuuuuuuuuuk

>> No.8883889

Don't give them anything else to eat and let natural selection pick off the weak.

>> No.8883892

adoption is different from being a literal cuckhold

>> No.8883893

look, raising someone else's kids is kinda weird but the alternative is letting them grow up with single-mother parents aka antisocial criminals degenerate factories. If you care about society at all you shouldn't have a problem with step-parenting.

Plus it's literally not cuckolding, that's letting someone else fuck your girlfriend. Step-parenting is just used goods, which in today's degenerate society is basically a guarantee anyway - fucking nobody marries their virgin highschool girlfriend what the fuck are you faggots smoking

>> No.8883894
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>> No.8883895

i said it upthread, cover that shit in butter and cheese so they get used to it. It's a process you fucking mongoloid

>> No.8883897
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>and I told this dumb piece of shit that I love him because he's willing to throw money at me and my kid

>> No.8883898

Look goy the damage is probably already done, so quit fathering kids that aren't yours and find yourself a woman and have YOUR OWN kids with her dumb dumb.

ps the kids will never think of you as their father

>> No.8883900

I'm not OP you butthurt stepkid retard, I was raised by my biological parents, u jelly?

>> No.8883901

the cuckold is the biological parent.

also it's not different at all.

>> No.8883904

he can try to "parent" all he wants but none of those kids will ever respect him or truly see him as a father

t. someone who doesn't know what a cuck is

>> No.8883906
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>If I call this cracka "pops" he finna buy me fresh Jordans

>> No.8883910

Please stop trying to rationalize your cuckolding fetish. As a fellow cuck it's just embarrassing.

>> No.8883911

I grew up with plenty of kids who respected their step-parents.

But then their bio-parents tend to be non-shitheads who were capable of finding a respectable mate

>> No.8883912


>> No.8883913
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>> No.8883916
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dese crackas mayn

>> No.8883919

If she's a single mother what are the chances the father was a antisocial degenerate (the type to leave), and she was too for having kids with such a person (unless he died or something), then to what extent might that be genetic and to what extent can you actually stop them from becoming degenerates.. By not having children of your own you're also removing yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.8883923

you know you can still impregnate a woman who already had kids

>> No.8883933
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>busting a nut inside some shedevil who failed to keep her first man
>wanting to be some goober so desperate for snatch he literally becomes a fakedad

>> No.8883940

It's less likely - certainly at least you won't have as many as you normally would.

>> No.8883953

don't talk like that about your mother anon

>> No.8883962

I'm a kindergarten teacher and I can vouch for these methods:


>> No.8884151

he's right, you know that?

>> No.8884161

Traumatize them by showing them pics of supermodels and fatties side by side. Tell them the first eat their vegetables and the second don't. Then proceed to tell them more about life's suckiness when you're obese

(God I'll make a horrible parent)

>> No.8884182

Make soup, put in a lot of carrots so it's sweet.
Tarts with cream also.

>> No.8884205

try those steamables frozen bags with seasoning or sauce in them. Some how they are less frightening to kids afraid of fresh vegetables.

>> No.8884243
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>> No.8884259

My step brother definitely sees my father as a parental figure, he literally calls him daddy, unironically, and he's 16

>> No.8884261

My step dad helps me with everything like a dad should. My real dad is just a friend

>> No.8884265

I don't know why you're getting all this hate brev, but I have some advice.

They're very young, aren't they? Children's tastebuds are developed more towards sweet and sugary stuff, so try to get them to eat more fruit if you are concerned that they aren't getting their fibres. Another thing you can do is for example coat certain vegetables in sauces (not fatty, buttery sauces) like winesauces or in curries.

Also, I've never met a kid that hates salads.

>> No.8884273

You just inb4 and think that's going away. Stop being a duck and raising someone else's children.

>> No.8884274

could you try this one?

>> No.8884292

Hi Sargon

>> No.8884314

Got yourself a keeper there son. Woman who spreads her legs and can't keep a man. Raised her children on fried shit with no variety. For 7 years the most important thing in her life never ate vegetables. You're such a hero captain vegetable. With your carrots and your celery.

>> No.8884601
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I wish you all would get your hearts in the right place.

My parents are separated, both remarried. I love my steps dearly, and consider myself fortunate enough to have 4 parents. Remember that before the agricultural revolution nobody gave a fuck about parental lineage because the entire community was invested in raising their future.

Tldr: shine on Op

>> No.8884603

Ps: sex is not a commodity, and a woman is not less valuable because she had had sex.

>> No.8884615

Don't listen to the 14 year olds in this thread. All of their responses are "You're not my dad!" and "Lol I hate when my mom makes me eat veggies" so I think it's safe to say they're children.

Butter, salt, small portions, and garlic are your best friends starting out, I think. Also, make them sit and eat it. When I was a kid, I was literally not allowed to leave the table until I ate the little bit of veggies my parents gave me. Also, give them a variety. String beans one night, broccoli the next...

And don't overlook them. I hated vegetables until my 20s because I didn't realize they could be cooked without steaming them into a mushy paste.

>> No.8884622

Sweet potatoes. Yeah, it's a tuber, I don't give a fuck. When I was a kid, the first vegetable-like thing I could stomach was black eyed peas. You could also try the old parent trick of drizzling broccoli with cheese. Oh and boiled cabbage is easier to stomach when paired with cornbread. I still kinda hate boiled cabbage though.

>> No.8884623

This. Properly cooking food is how you get kids to eat it. They're not stupid enough to force down overcooked, boiled, tasteless vegetables.

>> No.8884625

>And don't overlook them. I hated vegetables until my 20s because I didn't realize they could be cooked without steaming them into a mushy paste.

2nding this. Make sure the food is prepared properly. There were many things I thought I hated as a kid but it turns out that my parents simply sucked at cooking them. Make sure it's not under or overcooked, etc.

>> No.8884647

try picking better tasting vegetables.
peas drenched in butter and water, scallions with the ends chilling in salt water, olives, fresh green peppers. shit that has taste
i hated salads.

>> No.8884672


/pol/ is the white trash board.

>> No.8884711


>They're not stupid enough to force down overcooked, boiled, tasteless vegetables.

They are stupid enough to refuse to eat them any way if they had shit parenting for years. No matter how good the cooking, some force might have to be involved.

First things first, get wife on board and have her be the one to put her foot down.

>> No.8884725

All children who don't grow up in a family consisting of their actual mother and father always end up fucked beyond repair. I'd jump ship and start anew.

>> No.8884739

take solace in knowing they'll never see you as their real father and that you will always be a cuckold who had to settle for a woman with kids and then take them to wendys you fucking closeted fag.

>> No.8884746

That's kind of hot.

>> No.8884757

You could have avoided all this if you just said they were your kids OP

>> No.8884759

Who hurt you

>> No.8884761

maybe he doesn't feel comfortable beating them because they're a package deal. if it's your seed you can do whatever you want but with your wife's son there's always the chance she'll leave or their real daddy will take them back.

>> No.8884768

>they're not my kids but I act like it

Have fun when your kids think you're a an old cuck who married their mom because she couldnt pay the bills on her own.

Also nigga mac n cheese is easier to make than veggies

>> No.8884772

seriously what a cancerous thread

>> No.8884773

he didn't grow up in a family consisting of his actual mother and father.

>> No.8884778


>> No.8884782

White politicians and Cabrini green.

>> No.8884785

It's irrelevant, he could've just asked more appealing ways to prepare veggies for young kids and we wouldn't have this shit fest, /pol/ ruined 4chan seriously

>> No.8884794

Holy molè a good post!

>> No.8884799

You sound incredibly obese

>> No.8884802

Please don't label me pessimistic, but you can't. They're not babies, 7 years of being accustomed to eating crap and having a warped taste of what nice food is a long time.

If they ever start to like vegetables it will only be when they are adults and are mature enough to be logical and open minded. Even then a lot of adults have child palates.

>> No.8884804

/news/ and /b/ ruined 4chan way before /pol/ did, kid

>> No.8884813
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savage m8 xD


>> No.8884817

Your wife has probably enabled their beige food habits thus far, so they probably will just resist everything you try, but I always take note of things I would "sneak" feeding my kids healthy food if I ever had them.

>Peas w/butter
>Fried banana/plantain with honey and cinnamon
>Cooked carrots with maple syrup
>Creamed corn (with bruised rosemary, white pepper and a LITTLE turmeric)
>Spinach souffle (from Stouffer's) or spinach quiche
>Kale "chips" (just bake them in olive oil and salt)
>Brussels sprouts/asparagus roasted in olive oil and garlic
>Those sweet little bell peppers with ranch

None of this is actually healthy with the condiments and all, but vegetables should be eaten with some kind of fat that doesn't have milk in it if you can help it. But the major priority is to keep them from dying or getting scurvy, so you're doing whatever you can.

They're beyond hope if they won't touch these things because these are basically the only veggies *I* like at my age.

>> No.8884824

kids older than seven incorporate new foods all the time. you just have to make them appealing to their current palates or at least not immediately trigger a disgust reaction before the food even hits the table. op could always riff on some of their vegetarian or vegan recipes to get the kids to try vegetables in ways they wouldn't even notice.

>> No.8884831

/b/ was one of the original boards, you fucking retard. saying /b/ ruined 4chan is like saying manufacturing vehicles ruined pontiac.

>> No.8884838

>They're beyond hope if they won't touch these things because these are basically the only veggies *I* like at my age.

I'm with you in general, but keep in mind that people's tastes vary.

I consider myself a very non-picky eater. I will happily eat all kinds of oddball ethnic foods. Runny cheeses that smell like a dead man's feet. Raw fish. Blood sausage. Chicken and pork feet. Game. Rare/raw meat, Salt licorice, fermented fish products, etc. Mysterious things from Asian street vendors. Natto. Vegemite/marmite. I will eat nearly any vegetable you might name. Except asparagus. I don't know what it is but I just can't stomach asparagus.

>> No.8884841

Juicing is always a good habit to get them into, spend like $60 at a local produce joint, you can make it a family "activity" where they help you clean the giant fucking mess it leaves.

>> No.8884844
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Jesus Christ, what's with all these edgecunts.

>> No.8884847

Yes I know kids can discover they like new things, this isnt what we're talking about. This is not just a new favour, it's a group of foods they have already decided they don't like because they've already been ruined.

You say as long as the disgust factor isn't there before vegetables get to the table. Well it's there. And it doesn't go away.

>> No.8884858

Don't Tell them there's vegetable
Unless they have allergy
Because /ck/ gets pissy about not telling someone about ingredients for some reason

>> No.8884859

Just keep forcing them. There's dozens of child psych studies which show that children will eat whatever you tell them to if you ask them repeatedly. By the 40th time they will eat their veggies and will replace eventually eat it without you saying anything. Be a man.

>> No.8884860

>a board being filled with retards for eleven straight years that leak out and raid every other board and catch the attention of normies and msm can't possibly ruin a site

>> No.8884862

>it's a group of foods they have already decided they don't like because they've already been ruined.

Has your wife asked you to intervene here? Do you think she'd support you if you grabbed the bull by the horns in this situation if you had to, or does she just want you to magically change their minds? This is important, because you will be the 'bad guy' if she is just going to fight your efforts.

>> No.8884864

I still call my dad, daddy and Im 26.

>> No.8884870

Iktf. Trying to get my 3 year old son on a vegan diet but it isn't working.

>> No.8884874
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>"psychology" experts says if you force people to do something they will do it

>> No.8884876

/pol/ runs 4chan now

>> No.8884880

that's the point, to incorporate the vegetables into meals in ways that the kids won't notice it immediately. it's likely that they aren't actually that adverse to vegetables but, after avoiding them for their entire lives and relying only on beige deepfried shit for nutrients, they've come to associate the sight of any vegetable with disgust. if they don't recognize it as a vegetable, they won't recoil.

>> No.8884885

Because babies taste more metals in vegetables you dumb cuck. Give them some god damn scrambled eggs at least.

>> No.8884890

Why do people always think you're op when you join a discussion?

Also my point is not to bother forcing them. I don't know how you I ter pretend that as grabbing the bull by the horns.

>> No.8884891

Retard. Go to normal store and you'll get plenty of food for way less money.

>> No.8884893

That's morally wrong so no.

>> No.8884898

>I hated vegetables until my 20s

that sums in /ck/ nicely

>> No.8884899

You're not in a position of moral superiority, you're just stupid and your kid needs a source of protien that isn't loaded with heavy metals.

>> No.8884904

Is that why the produce place I go to has cheaper vegetables than the supermarket? Fucking potato.

>> No.8884907
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>raising another mans children

>> No.8884913

(((Scientists))) did it and proved it works. Children will submit to authority.
Either OP or their real parent could do it and its easier than being a pussy and sneaking it into their foods. Children lack the processing abilities to condition themselves to eating veggies if you sneak it into smoothies and larger meals.

>> No.8884917

They make pills for that you know but whatever, I'm just lurking this thread for some good recipes and all it is is disgusting meat eaters projecting their insecurities. I'm out

>> No.8884921

You have to force them if they are rejecting the vegetables in principle. If you have to literally sneak it into their diet and they are willing to stop eating something they LIKE because you lied about it's nutritional value, they are way out of line and the behavior needs to be corrected.

>> No.8884931





>> No.8884932

The idea of vegetables is probably a big factor, but my reasoning includes taste too, I think even without seeing them the taste will be noticed as not nice, because it's not processed crap.

If they ever do eat veg this will be the way though. Op will have to make sure he knows how to cook really well to make the hidden veg dishes are so nice they'll be enjoyed like a happy meal.

>> No.8884936

>Children lack the processing abilities to condition themselves to eating veggies if you sneak it into smoothies and larger meals.

That's true but there are ways of making the food palatable so they don't associate dinnertime with conflict over whether or not they want to eat something that disgusts them, like raw broccoli or lima beans or something.

>> No.8884941

Just beat the shit out of your kids with a belt when they dont listen. Theyll eat what every you tell them to

>> No.8884947
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>> No.8884978

>a woman is not less valuable because she had had sex.
This fucking cuckboi.

>> No.8884987

Step 1: Talk to your wife and see how much of a pain in the ass she is willing to deal with when the hammer comes down. If she's not on board then nothing will change and you can stop reading here

Step 2: No snackfood in the house. You have to get rid of anything the kids can prepare and eat themselves. You don't have to toss it but don't buy any more of it

Step 3: Cook them healthy food and don't take any of their shit, and there will be a lot of it. You're going to have to waste some money here on food they aren't going to eat and that's fine, it's worth it.

Step 4: monitor their outside activities, they need to be supervised so they don't sneak off to mcdonalds, I don't know if you let them have money at this point tho so this may be moot

Step 5: Wait. You have to starve them and they will eat what you make eventually. You don't have to be a huge asshole about it and serve them a big plate of kale every night, but try and make sure the meal isn't going to be enough without the healthy stuff

No bargaining. If you bargain they view the veg as punishment and that is bad framing for the future.

Try recipes sort of like what you're doing that include veg but are otherwise not super healthy. I got my cousin to eat his first vegetable by making it into a gratin with cream and cheese

Or you could not give a fuck. His sister would still order sweet and sour pork with "none of the vegetables" when we got chinese well into high school. Now she's doing keto and eats a ton of them. Kids do sometimes grow up to not be shitty adults without anything but gentle encouragement

>> No.8885007

>five and seven years
Too fucking late now. Unless they are obese beyond repair, keep feeding them shit they eat. Then, at age 14 start feeding them healthy.

>> No.8885012


>> No.8885013

she gotta have a cuckboi fucking her to have had sex bro

>> No.8885017

>actually fucking their women

>> No.8885027

OP shown no mercy. Suicide watch confirmed.

>> No.8885031

>ck is full of dadddy issues vegetable haters
what a surprise
grow up you fat fucks

>> No.8885034

cuckbois, when pressed, become serial rapists. they get the puss somehow, anon.

>> No.8885051

That's cute and all but I gotta tell you, senpai, you probably should not have told people on 4chan that a 16 year old calls you daddy. Stepdad or not.

>> No.8885072

I didn't know the cuck meme had gotten this bad. WEW lad. This thread is an abortion.

>> No.8885077

so it's something that his whore wife should have done before she locked him down?

>> No.8885144

>don't overcook them
as a kid I loathed cooked vegetables, but I could always get down with raw veg. Something about the mushy texture was absolutely awful to me.

>> No.8885158

>removing all the fiber
>consuming only the sugars

>> No.8885161

Bullshit, it can be overcome
Children are fickle creatures