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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 1336x1016, japanese-restaurants-in-tokyo-unatoto-unadon-grilled-eel-on-bed-of-cooked-rice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8880232 No.8880232 [Reply] [Original]

>just got back from foodcation this year from France
>food kinda sucked
>like the breakfast is worst than an American breakfast
>service sucks
>a lot of shit is fried
>steak tastes worst than American steak
Fuck France is kinda a disappointment, plus everything is fucking expensive and there's a lot of areas which freaks me out. So I am planning a foodcation next year out of these country which one would /ck/ recommend:

-Worst Korea
-Hong Kong/China

>> No.8880239

Why are Anglos so obsessed with breakfast?

>> No.8880245


Japan is your best bet out of those choices imo

If ur a weeb, even better I guess, went before I was one and thoroughly enjoyed it, was more or less the reason I started watching shit

>> No.8880301

>japanese breakfast

If he didn't like French breakfasts just imagine how he'll feel about miso soup, grilled mackeral and pickled vegetables for breakfast.

>> No.8880316

go back to your hole

>> No.8880331

An american breakfast cereal manufacturer was facing declining sales and created a campaign that said that doctors recommend breakfast because it's "the most important meal of the day"

Highly active, successful upper middle class people who eat breakfast because they're running/cycling/etc in the morning aren't harmed by breakfast and can enjoy the boosted athletic performance, but otherwise, most people are best off skipping it

Unfortunately, "most people" think that rules that apply to their betters should also apply to them, so just as they routinely vote against their own interests because they think they're temporarily embarrassed millionaires, they will also routinely eat breakfast until suddenly they're 70 pounds overweight and screeching that vegetables are too expensive

>> No.8880342

I don't even know if this is true, but it's shit like this that makes me paranoid.

>> No.8880382

I'm French and besides the fact that service sucks, wich is true, you either :

-went to the wrong places
-didn't understood French cuisine and/or asked for the wrong things
-are retarded

I'm tempted to give you the benefit of the doubt, because if :

>a lot of shit is fried
You went to shitty restaurants.

>steak tastes worst than American steak
Judging french cuisine by a dish that isn't that popular or, rather, usually served in restaurants (besides things like tournedos rossini for example) show that you didn't really knew what to ask for.

TL;DR : French cuisine can be great, you just have to now where to go and what to ask for. (And stay away from Paris, this place sucks).

>> No.8880395


>An american breakfast cereal manufacturer was facing declining sales and created a campaign that said that doctors recommend breakfast because it's "the most important meal of the day"

[citation needed]

>> No.8880420

>Highly active, successful upper middle class people who eat breakfast because they're running/cycling/etc in the morning aren't harmed by breakfast

The people that benefit from it are farmers and laborers. That was a weird group to choose.

>> No.8880423

It was actually just a FDA campaign to sell more chemicals, produced by the chemical lab they own, cameochemicals.

>> No.8880438

yeah service sucks major dicks and people are cunts but the food is very good unless you go to tourist traps and kebab shops
and I don't get the expensive part? where did you go? sure we don't do portions as big as in the US but honestly you have way enough to eat unless you went to some gastro craps 30€ for two leafs of salad and balsamic

>> No.8880445
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>French breakfast is "worst" than an american breakfast
Well yeah, we eat some croissant, drink a coffee and nothing more.
It's not unusual at all to drink nothing but coffee either
>a lot of shit is fried
Where the fuck did you go ? France is rather light on fried stuff outside of the croquettes and even then it's rather rare.

>> No.8880474

Maybe OP tipped 20%?

>> No.8880485
File: 98 KB, 762x458, Deere Cab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like 2% of the population?

It's not 1690 anymore, "farming" consists of a fat guy in a lacoste shirt sitting in an air conditioned cab in a $2.5M vehicle guided by satnav. Pretty soon there won't even be drivers

Stop buying into this horse shit about how "real americans" are salt o the earth guys in cowboy hats rasslin' calves in a blizzard while chewing a lug o tobacky, that's hollywood. A harmless lie until anyone with a job involving "stuff" instead of "ideas" buys into it to the point where they eat 2.5x their TDEE every day and by the time they're 40 they can't even get around without an electric wheelchair

>> No.8880500

Food in Hong Kong is no longer good and prices have risen. All the good chefs fucked off to Vancouver, Toronto, and San Francisco.

Same goes with South Korea but there aren't any strong centralized food communities in the Americas that I know of.

>> No.8880508

>Food in Hong Kong is no longer good and prices have risen. All the good chefs fucked off to Vancouver, Toronto, and San Francisco.

1997 my son, Hong Kong is in a steep cultural decline.

>> No.8880514

Thinking about that, no french specialty that involve deep frying comes to my mind, and I'm French too.

>> No.8880518

cos its the most important meal of the day

>> No.8880526

The food was still worth while 10 years ago when I visited. Went back last year and everything was shit.

>> No.8880528

[citation needed]

>> No.8880529

2% is still a larger chunk of the population than what you chose and it drives home the point better that people not doing manual labor should not eat breakfast. There are other people like construction workers that benefit from the calories early in the monring

>> No.8880530

This, breakfast is an anglo thing. If you are getting breakfast in Paris, you are at a tourist place that is going to have shit food for shit prices.

>> No.8880535

Pommes dauphines & beignets
that's pretty much it

>> No.8880538

It's obvious you've never worked hard a day in your life.

>> No.8880551

>muh real job
I worked with my hands to support myself when I was in school. But you're right, using your mind isn't real work and I should be shot and have all my stuff taken from me because you're entitled to it :~)

>> No.8880552

Declines do not happen over night. When was the last time Hong Kong put out a film of any real note?

>> No.8880559

>people do not actually live in Paris

>> No.8880561

Ah yes, indeed, didn't knew that beignets were a french invention tho (those acacia flowers beignets, hmmmm ...).

>> No.8880566

It's more that people get breakfast at home
If you want to have it outside, most of the time it's going to be shitty croissants from a supermarket and bad coffee.
Better go fetch things in a good place and make your own breakfast (which is tricky since you're not from the town and don't know where to go)

>> No.8880568

I could think about beignets,croquettes or some fancy way to fry potatoes but outside of that...
People live in Paris, but don't eat breakfast like american and Brits do. Actually when visiting London I was surprised fast food joints served breakfast. It seems so weird here. We do have brunch and all but it's far from the norm to eat a lot on breakfast. You mostly have butter on a toast and a fruit with your coffee, or a cigarette as it is France.
Diner and especially Lunch are much more important in French customs than Breakfast.

>> No.8880573

I don't think it's a french invention, just like crêpes aren't one. Too many countries did something similar

>> No.8880585

they're on par apart from korea and taiwan which are worse

>> No.8880588

it seems like it, but depending at how broad you take the term beignet, surely the French weren't the only one to think of that. But the word beignet do indeed sounds French

>The tradition of deep-frying fruits for a side dish dates to the time of Ancient Rome, while the tradition of beignets in Europe is speculated to have originated with a heavy influence of Islamic culinary tradition. [3] The term beignet can be applied to two varieties, depending on the type of pastry. The French-style beignet in the United States, has the specific meaning of deep-fried choux pastry.[2] Beignets can also be made with yeast pastry,[4] which might be called boules de Berlin in French, referring to Berliner doughnuts which have a spherical shape (in other words, they do not have the typical doughnut hole) filled with fruit or jam.

>> No.8880591

>It's not 1690 anymore, "farming" consists of a fat guy in a lacoste shirt sitting in an air conditioned cab in a $2.5M vehicle guided by satnav
Plowing and planting is about 5% of farm work.

Maintaining the land, irrigation, fending off pests, etc is where the majority of the work is now.

It's not 1690 anymore. We cant survive on sustenance farming techniques. The modern farmer needs to be an agricultural science major with a minor in chemistry.

You will spend about 60% of your time in the field taking soil samples, taking tissue samples, feeding and weeding, repairing fences and irrigation lines, and looking for and trapping/killing pests to ensure high crop yields.

God forbid you grow something like strawberries or grapes, too. Then you have to harvest them by hand and hire as many cheap laborers as you can afford to get the fruit off the plant and into your shipping containers before it gets too ripe.

If you grow wheat or other machine harvested crops, you'll still have to do random sampling and lab analysis of every field (its recommended you take 20-40 sub-samples for every acre.)

You obviously have no idea how much work goes into making sure you get cheap food.

>> No.8880596
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I'm really confused by what you mean by "like americans and brits do", both are highly diverse countries with all kinds of people doing all kinds of things, and from my limited travels in France (and my reading of Bourdieu) the same is definitely true for you, as I would expect from a large, wealthy, geographically and demographically diverse country

I know people who don't eat breakfast, I know a hamplanet who eats 3 eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes every day (and then has the gall to ask me how I stay so thin). I know people who just have a piece of fruit. I know people who will literally have nothing until lunch, not even water

I'm a bit different each day, sometimes just black coffee, sometimes coffee and yogurt (unsweetened), sometimes coffee and a croissant or bagel, sometimes coffee and a protein shake. The only constant is always coffee

>> No.8880604

>You obviously have no idea how much work goes into making sure you get cheap food.
I think maybe you and I have a different idea of "work", which is fairly typical of people associated with agriculture and other "muh real job" sectors. You are intentionally taking it to mean one thing when a person you don't like is talking, and another thing altogether when you're talking.

Of course lab testing and logistics and so on is "work". But it's not a massive calorie burn because the vast majority of the physical labor that was required in pre-industrial times is now done by machines. As you yourself said, we can't survive on subsistence farming techniques. So why should you eat like a subsistence farmer?

>> No.8880607
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Because by contrast it makes sense. I'm not talking at the individual level, but in term of cultural norms, people in England and the US value.
English breakfast, or just going to some restaurant to have a toast and some eggs is much more common in the US than in France. And they pretty much make the bulk of the people here.
I don't doubt the diverstiy of the american culture. Actually i think it's pretty amazing you guys can call each others americans while here we'd have a war over our differences, but I do think that, as a whole, the US has a much stronger love for breakfast than French do.

>> No.8880608

Food in China and Japan are breddy gud. Homemade Chinese sauces are wonderful
Only tried a few traditional worst Korean dishes and they're alright. Mostly soups
Haven't had anything from the rest of the list

>> No.8880611

As a french, it doesn't vary much.
Most kids have cereals for breakfast
Adults either drop it or stick with cereals / croissants / bread with jam / quatre-quarts (pound cake according to google?) or just a hot drink like tea / coffee. You may find some alternatives like yogurt instead of milk (because people become lactose intolerant as they age) or fruit instead of jam but that's it I think.
Very few people eat eggs, cheese or ham for breakfast, salty things are not the norm at all even in regions near the german borders. We don't eat hot things either beside toasted bread.

>> No.8880614

>We cant survive on sustenance farming techniques

Sure we can. Yes, that will entail a higher food cost. That's fine, we can afford that. We just need to spend less money on unessential things and more of it on food.

>> No.8880615

Why do you think insulting people is necessary to form an argument? Are you 12?

>> No.8880617

Where did I insult you? You mean the part where I said you're intentionally using two different definitions of "work" in order to make it seem like I'm saying something I'm not?

>> No.8880623

You're obviously speaking for people you know personally, so, speaking personally, about 5% of the people I know routinely eat eggs, cheese, and ham for breakfast. Most people eat either nothing, or chia seeds and yogurt, or steel cut oats and fresh berries, or something else relatively light

People do eat big egg and ham breakfasts like you see in the movies, but only on weekends, and certainly not every weekend, just as an occasional treat

It's entirely possible that in the slave states they do differently, but certainly not anywhere I've lived, and I've lived on both the pacific and atlantic sides of the US as well as the middle

>> No.8880639


I'm from Thailand and our food kinda meh, but lots of street food tho.

>> No.8880668

You didn't, you're talking to more than 1 person

>> No.8880691

>you're talking to more than 1 person
Ok, and? Who was insulted? Why am I 12?

>> No.8880705


>t. Hyper obese acne riddled breakfast eating low fatslurping American

>> No.8880710

>steak tastes worst than American steak
Probably missing that growth hormoney taste you're used to.

>> No.8880722

There a ton of Koreans in the NYC/new jersey/Philly area

>> No.8880768

There's litteraly nothing better than a Turkish breakfast

>> No.8880786

France is a meme country. There were more niggers and mudshits in Paris than any other major city I've been to, and Lyon was a shithole too. Is there a single white person left in France? I think I might've seen some in the countryside, but they skittered away like small, frightened mammals before I could get a good look.

>> No.8880801
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>I worked with my hands

Yeah, I bet you did.

>> No.8880828

What is usually eaten for breakfast in Turkey? I can imagine Turkish tea but what else?

>> No.8880833

as someone who visited every place you name, i would say every single one of them has great food. unfortunately this is not really the question you should be asking, your problem seems to be not about the destination but the way you travel/eat.

Where in france where you visiting + where did you eat?

Saying france has bad food tells more about yourself than about france, since, righteously so, france has a great rep for food.

What you didnt name as a traveldestination:

First Unesco World City of Gastronomy in asia, and my favourite city for food in the entire world.
But youll have to change your ways if you want to have a good time in asia, or well see you soon screaming about how much worse the scrambled eggs in your hilton were, and how asians dont know how to cook steak

>> No.8880836

Thailand. Real Thai food is a lot more varied than American Thai places would have you think, and, as a bonus, your get that sweet sweet Thai ladyboipussy.

>> No.8880841


Something like this...


>> No.8880857

That's me my boy I do wheat research through my university, 12/hour is nice when I get paid to get driven 3+ hours every day and then walk behind a 2 million dollar specialized combine until harvest is done then drive 3 hours back to my hotel

>> No.8880869

What is your opinion on US wheat processing laws?

Why do they remove the nutrients and then replace them with synthetic chemicals?
Why do they throw the wheat germ to the pigs?
Why do they waste money doing unnecessary shit like this?

>> No.8880881

Most wheat grown in my area isn't for the us actually, we ship it across the Pacific to Japan, Philippines, and Korea. My university is a land Grant institution, so they conduct this research so farmers won't have to do it themselves. Also we try and grow new varieties of wheat that will be more drought resistant and stronger against pests. But everything we grow can't be a GMO because the Asians don't wanna buy that shit.

>> No.8880892

You probably went to the wrong restaurants, most of the "cuisine maison" restaurants are straight up liars who buy frozen food from specialized stores
You could order a 20€ dish and get served frozen shit nicely decorated
We don't have any laws against that

>> No.8880915

>We don't have any laws against that
La mention « fait maison »
Depuis le 15 juillet 2014, la mention « fait maison » s’impose à tous les établissements de restauration, traditionnelle, de chaîne, rapide mais aussi les traiteurs qui vendent des plats préparés dans leur boutique, sur les marchés de plein air, dans les halles couvertes, sur leur stand à l’occasion d’une foire, d’une fête, etc.
Le « fait maison » identifie les plats élaborés par le cuisinier et valorise ainsi son métier. Pour le consommateur, le « fait maison » permet de distinguer la cuisine d’assemblage de la cuisine confectionnée à partir de produits crus comme on le fait traditionnellement dans une cuisine.

>> No.8880919

>"you are intentionally taking work to mean one thing when someone you don't like is talking, and something else when you're talking"
>"well yea doing all of that is 'work' but it's not a massive calorie burn that's not real work"
Putting that irony aside, putting your brain to work burns calories. It's harder to quantify how many because it's not as objectively measurable as lifting X pounds, but it does still require a higher calorie intake than sitting around watching TV. You're probably going to tell me that you don't need as many calories to do lab work as to do field work, to which anyone responds "no shit sherlock."

But you weren't saying that, you were saying that farming is a guy sitting in a vehicle that is guided by a computer system, which it isn't if you have perspective like the anon you replied to apparently does.

That's because you're a presumptuous cunt who is trying to hard to masturbate himself with the words he types and it shows.

>> No.8880947

>let's be more unsustainable because muh conspicuous consumption meme and other lies I've been fed by leftists the post

i bet you think roundup is the greatest evil in the world too and will spam """"""""sources"""""""""" at me defending such

>> No.8880959

>a farmer does "real work", what is "real work"? well it can be either brain work or hands work, but in either case it's more energy intensive than any other job because muh feelings

I've long since gotten used to the fact that facebook algorithms have convinced everyone that they are the center of the universe, but it's still kind of unsettling to see the effects in practice

Keep on eating 4700 calories per day though, I'm sure your brain really needs it watching the moving map display

>> No.8880977

>reading comprehension
>>You're probably going to tell me that you don't need as many calories to do lab work as to do field work, to which anyone responds "no shit sherlock."
Man it's almost like I said that manual labor does, in fact, require more calories than lab work and you missed or ignored it because your feelings are hurt after getting called out for not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8880985

It's western tradition. In America for example, people have to make a trek to work, so they eat for energy. Simple stuff my man.
White power btw.

>> No.8881007

Man, it's almost like you're desperate to twist this into an argument about something other than what it is in order to "win" at something even if it's a debate that only exists in your head

What's your point?

>> No.8881010

i'd go to China, lived there for 5 years and had all of the best meals of my life there

>> No.8881011

>so just as they routinely vote against their own interests because they think they're temporarily embarrassed millionaires

Too /pol/ for /pol/

>> No.8881015

He's probably insecure about what he does/wants to do for work and needs to feel better about himself by shitposting on an anonymous cooking image board.

>> No.8881023

>stay away from Paris, this place sucks

Where would you recommend instead?

>> No.8881026

A small town with only white French people who hate foreigners. Also stay away from that town, we're full.
t.Le Pen voter

>> No.8881032

Don't talk like you know shit about something you clearly don't, and don't be a fag about it when someone corrects you on it.

>> No.8881035

So basically, what this guy said >>8881015

>> No.8881042
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>Why do you think insulting people is necessary to form an argument?
>Are you 12?

Well there you go

>> No.8881047

>Only rich exercise and need energy in the mornings


>> No.8881055

not an argument

>> No.8881063

Fatties eat that or sugar cereal every day. There's a lot of fatties in the states.

>> No.8881076

>putting your brain to work burns calories

Your point, much like your sexuality, is strained and facetious

>> No.8881094
File: 92 KB, 600x559, Yudkin[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakfast used to be exactly as it sounded, the time you broke the evening fast. it was originally quite a simple meal like pea pottage or bread and fruit, vegetables (even for the nobility! though they would dine on beasts later in the day while the peasants still just got porridge) but access to cured meats and tinned beans, refined sugar for tea, eggs & vegetables delivered by rail from the countryside and mass production of bread through the vienna process bloated it quite a bit. when people did 14hrs of hard industrial labor this provided a lot of calories and sodium for the day, caffeine from the tea, protein from the meat, and simple carbs to burn off working. people didn't know about nitrates and colon health yet so they didn't care. most of these foods were readily mass produced so even poorfags could dine. WW1 and 2 delayed it for a time through extensive rationing, and it would've become a problem much earlier if there weren't two giant wars in the beginning and middle of the century

>> No.8881106


You'd get to sample quality Chinese, Thai, and Indian food, in a clean, safe environment.

>> No.8881134

Just remember, don't litter!


>> No.8881179

you should have gotten chicken

>> No.8881181

I find it really funny how people freak out about the littering and gum stuff. Would you spit used gum on the ground in your home country? Do you litter in your home country? Why is this a concern?

>> No.8881200
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Personally I'm going to Cuba. Thanks Obama. Taking a cruise out of Tampa straight to Havana and I'm hoping for some good food experiences when I get there.

I leave in October if anybody wants to come, it's $600 a ticket.

>> No.8881202

Smaller cities definitely, Dijon, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Bergerac, Poitiers are way better than Paris but for me the smaller is the best. When visiting France, I think it's more interresting to choose a region and go from one small town to another and visit the whole area, sure there is interresting things to see in big cities but it's nowhere near as pleasant as the province. (And I say that from experience, living in Paris since 5 years).

>> No.8881215

>Do you litter in your home country?

You've obviously never been to Everywhere, USA. Drive along any road anywhere.

>> No.8881219

Oh, I was just joking dude. I am all for Singapore's policies. I live in a fucking boondock part of washington where I frequently have seen dumb rednecks throw McD's bags full of trash out of moving cars. Those people should be fucking caned, in my opinion.

>> No.8881222

Do you want to go on foodcation with me? No gay shit just exploring good food

>> No.8881255

Millenials really are this fucking retarded.

>> No.8881263

>>service sucks

Nah....it's just different.

In the states, the attitude is pretty much "shut the fuck up, eat your food, and get the fuck out." The wait staff is working for tips, and the faster they can rotate customers in and out, the more potential earnings they, and the restaurant, can make. This is great if you're in a hurry, or if you have something to do after the meal.

Euro wait staffs don't work for tips, and the dining experience is seen as a social event as much as an eating event, so they're more inclined to leave you the fuck alone unless you call for them, or the food is ready. This is great if you're not in a hurry, and just want to sit down with your friends and bullshit, or maybe after a meal throw back a few bottles of wine or whatever.

It's just different.

>> No.8881301

food's great

>> No.8881336

>Why is this a concern?

Because we have too many lilly-white pussies that are unwilling to put the cane to somebodies ass for being a rude, obnoxious fuck in public.

The Singapore folks don't have that problem.

>> No.8881350
File: 112 KB, 1570x824, welcometotrv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should visit /trv/ some time, it's the home of ultrabutthurt over the fact that there's a nonwhite country where whites don't have free license to binge drink, vomit everywhere, and flagrantly abuse drugs

Oh, and also "everyone who has an opinion that differs from my own is from /int/"

>> No.8881475

>You should visit /trv/ some time,

No thanks, there's enough pampered nu-male / femishit crybaby garbage on /ck/, so I find no need to seek out more.

>> No.8881816

>Could you provide a citation
>No, you're just a fat ass...

Fuck this place.

>> No.8881852
File: 179 KB, 450x338, SOGO百貨_外觀.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan pretty good (just don't drink the tap water).
I visit Taiwan because my family lives there. Go to the SOGO department store in Taipei and visit the juicy bao restaurant (I don't remember the name) . It's fucking great, expect to wait awhile in a line. Side street restaurants are pretty good too. Any nightmarket will have tasty food. There's some small family owned places up in the mountains that sell crispy river shrimp, and you just eat em like popcorn.

>> No.8881866

You just don't really have any idea what you're doing, or you're a picky eater/flyover if you didn't like the food in France.

That being the case, you should DEFINITELY not be wasting money traveling internationally just to eat food, since you won't be able to appreciate it.

>> No.8882107

Singapore,with a couple days bus/car trip to Malaysia.It cannot go wrong

>> No.8883915

Rennes, Aix-en-Provence, La Rochelle

>> No.8883951


South Korea

In that order. I've been to those countries and love eating. Maybe SK over Thai. Its close between those 2.

>> No.8883976

I live in Hong Kong and have visited most of the other countries and I think Taiwan is the best bang-for-buck for foodcation. Street food and night markets, man. Besides that, you can't really go wrong with any of those.

>> No.8884031

live in singapore atm, food is fucking amazing. hawker centers (food courts) have everything from middle eastern to indian, chinese, etc.

>> No.8884534

still waiting on a source faget

>> No.8884706

It's not a western tradition. It's an anglo tradition.

>> No.8884732

And I don't have any problem with it, by the way. I always enjoy a good breakfast. But it's not a whole European thing, it's more of an anglo thing that Americans had popularized on the 20th Century after World War II. So it's normal that breakfast can be crapy in countries that are proud about their food, but don't necesary had breakfast as part of their culture in the past. It's as simple as OP was looking for something that would be difficult to find in France because he wasn't looking for french food. He was looking for american french food.

>> No.8884733
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I've been to Japan and Taiwan, both had pretty good food if you're adventurous, Japan is probably better and more expensive. Taiwan has a lot of street food.

>> No.8884740
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OP is a faggot.

A French breakfast consists of two cigarettes and a glass of orange juice.

When you travel, you have to let go of what you are familiar with. Different cultures are going to do different things. Don't expected a good breakfast if the local population doesn't fucking do breakfast.

>A lot of shit is fried

Were you eating like a poorfag beggar or what?

As for your choices. Mainland China for variety. You could visit for a year and not eat half of what exists. But based on your shit brained friend food experience in France, China's complexity in food culture will overwhelm you.

Japan has amazing food. Culture is pretty homogeneous so outside of ramen, a well prepped meal from one restaurant will taste like a well prepped meal from another. I think this is more your speed

>Pic related. I've been to both France and Japan in the last 2 years.

>> No.8885967

As an American who spent like 3 days in Paris in have to say the quality of the crepes sold from food vans was amazing. I could spend like 4 euro and get two enormous piping hot crepes and stuff my face full like a proper American.

Then I'd go to some restaurant and pay 25 euros for a thimble full of creme Brule. Not cool. But I'm not much of a foodie and I get more pleasure from eating a cheap dish with big portions than the other way around. I did most my eating out of the food vans and overall enjoyed it.