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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.19 MB, 2560x1440, 20170430_181642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8877859 No.8877859 [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/, I think this may be the best homemade pizza yet. A sourdough starter dough with pepperoni, jalapeno and mushroom. This beauty is going in the oven right now. Will post pics when done no matter the result.

>> No.8877896
File: 1.44 MB, 2560x1440, 20170430_183444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grated some fresh parmegiano over it but this is how it looks from the oven. The devil will be in the details, though, after it rests and I get a crumb shot.

>> No.8877985
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1440, 20170430_185718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crumb shot. Texture's pretty good, chewy and crispy.

>> No.8878032

I like more sauce in a pizza. Also a bit thinner crust. How was it OP?

>> No.8878041

5/10 by homemade standards
2/10 overall standards

>> No.8878085

Bumping for op

>> No.8878108

I thought it was pretty good. Flavors blended well and as I said it was a good combination of chewy and crunchy. I think I can improve it by increasing the hydration of the dough, though. I've been trying these once a month. I made one apparently far too thin a couple months ago because people really ragged. So I changed to try to make it a bit thicker, but I agree, I need to reduce the thickness a bit.

>> No.8878115

Well, thanks for the reasons you ranked it that way.

>> No.8878123

I second this >>8878032
more sauce.
Otherwise looks great.

>> No.8878156

I can't tell if you need to clean your camera lens or if everything in your very-slightly-out-of-focus-but-still-enough-to-induce-nausea pictures actually is coated with a good amount of grease.
Either way your pizza a shit.

>> No.8878193

Kek. It's a cheap phone. Probably do need to give the lens a good ass wipe though, as I haven't cleaned it in a year.

Just out of curiosity, why did you think the pizza was "nausea inducing" and "a shit?"

>> No.8878210

The "being very slightly out of focus" was the most nauseating part. I only barely moused over the images before the urge to vomit kicked in.
Other than that, canned mushrooms, discolored jalapeno, and what looks like summer sausage.

>> No.8878297

Presentation is horrible. Even the shittiest brand of frozen pizza looks better than this.

Probably tastes pretty good though

>> No.8878317

Explain your logic for using canned mushrooms in a way that doesn't contradict your reasoning for feeling the need to show it off to /ck/

>> No.8878340
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 20170104_135919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Thanks for the comments. But the mushrooms were fresh that I sauteed briefly in olive oil and the pepperonni was homemade (pic related). The jalepenos I admit were some we froze from the garden last summer.

>> No.8878355

Please see >>8878340

>> No.8878363


C'mon guy, come up with something better than that.

>> No.8878393

There isn't really anything else to complain about. It probably tastes bomb, it's just ugly. It's like Susan Boyle.

>> No.8878458

Why do you know what Susan Boyle tastes like, anon?...

>> No.8878469

I meant that she is pleasing to one sense and displeasing to another.

>> No.8878470

>It's like Susan Boyle

kek, I like that. That's good and pretty accurate too.

>> No.8879037

looks good