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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8877330 No.8877330 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you have no food in the house
>tfw all you have is a can of tomato soup a tin of sardines and some garlic salt
>tfw you mix them all in a pot and eat the whole thing
>tfw you end up enjoying it and plan to do it again

>> No.8877334

that doesn't sound all that bad anon

>> No.8877371

i actually really liked it

i guess it was the concept of just mixing whatever shit i found in the pantry was a bit odd but after looking into it its not that uncommon a combination

garlic salt helped

>> No.8877439
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>Be grilling chicken quarters with brother
>Turns out not bad initially, but decide to keep them warm on the grill with minimal temp
>Totally forgot about them and rushed back outside
>Skin was a deep golden brown and crunchy as toffee, flesh was juicy and whiter than a safe neighbourhood

>> No.8877486

>sour cream
>white rice

Bretty good fusion cuisine desu

>> No.8877531

Those all sound like flavours that wouldn't be bad together anyways, but glad to hear they were good!

>> No.8877614

They can sardines in tomato sauce. You were just missing some form of starch.

>> No.8877626

Gimme wunna dem ketchup packets

>> No.8877847

Can I sub milk with chocolate milk for a can of mushroom cream soup? I have no regular milk.

>> No.8877871

sour cream mixed with rice is amazing.

>> No.8877950

give it a go

>> No.8878012

OP please, I pray that the shit sticks to the wall every time I turn on the stove.

I'd like to know how this turns out

>> No.8878021

>blue box mac 'n cheese
>blue box mac 'n cheese is the only solid food in my whole damn kitchen
>no milk, only margarine in fridge
>go to service station on corner for a 12 ounce bottle of milk
>everyone in service station is into some kind of sin...because it's 2am.
>everyone in service station gives you a funny look for wanting milk.

>> No.8878127

>not an ounce of cocaine is in my apartment
>hit up my dealer, he's at a gas station
>walk three miles to the gas station to get my fix
>get coke
>some rando walks in, maybe he wants coke too, it is 2am after all
>rando gets a bottle of milk
>at 2am
>wonder where the fuck his life went so wrong

>> No.8878139

You nailed it exactly. I'm not sure if it was my autism kicking in or if my awkardness was well warranted. I'm leaning toward the latter.

>> No.8878142

I'm no chef so I can't say if it's delicious or not, but it worked in case you have no white milk around.

>> No.8878151
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>no dijon
>use sweet mustard sauce
>tenderloin with mustard diablo is ok

thanks foodwishes

>> No.8878169

I mean, 2 am is a weird time for anyone to go to the store. Going in for a small bottle of milk just adds another layer

>> No.8878228

>drunk on schnapps and vodka
>boil two packs of ramen
>start throwing random shit in there
>leftover easter ham, cubed
>leftover carmelized onions from burgs the night before
>pepperony that's gone a bit dry
>burger king nuggets from god knows when, chopped
>can of tomato paste
>like five full squirts of honey
>mix, then strain, return to pot
>realize straining it got rid of the liquid so add spagedy sauce
>realize i didn't finish cooking it so put it back on the stove
>remember i still have the seasoning packets (beef) so add those in
>red wine because it needs to be wetter
>boil until sticky
>top with more ham just to use it up before it goes bad
>find a garlic butter packet from papa john's and add it
>add hot sauce because i know my tolerance for spice goes up when drunk

It was delicious as fuck and I kept drinking and fell asleep about an hour after I finished it. Ate it straight out of the pot with a plastic fork. I will never achieve that kind of happiness again.

>> No.8878245

>Make scrambled eggs
>have no ketchup to drown them in
>try salsa instead
>have eaten salsa and scrambled eggs almost every day for breakfast for the past decade

>> No.8878303

Same set of circumstances, but didn't live near a store. Used water in place of milk. Actually wasn't bad, the cheese seemed cheesier.

>> No.8878410

>OP doesn't know that throwing a bunch of random shit together on a pot usually turns out well

Not completely random, obviously, but lots of stuff goes well with other stuff

>> No.8878412

Salsa with scrambled eggs is the fucking shit though

>> No.8878444

This is why cooking isn't hard at all.

>> No.8878457

It just takes the bravery to not be afraid to fuck up when you experiment.

And otherwise it's not at all hard to follow any old recipe. I don't understand how people "don't know" how to cook, even basic shit.

>> No.8878478

I went over a coworker's house for Skyrim once and he had to have his roommate make him a bowl of fucking cereal because he's afraid to make food because he thinks he'll fuck up.
>But dude, cereal?!
>What if I add too much milk and the bowl overflows??
The man is 7 years my senior. Needless to say the dick I sucked that night was not his.

>> No.8878492

London or just a fellow co/ck/sucker?

Also, that's horrible. How can someone be so retarded?

>> No.8878512

Grill. He's not the first person I've met like that, but anyone who doesn't grow out of that by their 30's needs to be abducted for prison labor.

>> No.8878546

>salty can of tomato soup
>salty can of preserved fish
wtf dude your tongue must be broken

>> No.8878558
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I maed dis. Thought it turned out alright for being my first /ck/ OC

>> No.8878591
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>> No.8878635
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>premade beef broth slime
>green onions

>> No.8878707

One of the best girls.