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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 1012x1300, 4374938-silhouette-of-a-man-drinking-Stock-Photo-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8873708 No.8873708 [Reply] [Original]

>I declare this the official Al/ck/ohol thread

Oh no you don't.

Here it is. The silhouette is essential.

>> No.8873729

I'm embarrassed to even call myself an alcohol. It's obvious many people have it much worse than I do. But I just feel myself slipping, from one beer each day to two, from two to three, with benders increasing as well ...

How can I stop myself from becoming one of you, al/ck/?

>> No.8873733
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x766, IMG_0279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bin collected 5 days ago
>already this
I have to stop this. Halp.

>> No.8873742


>> No.8873752


As long as you stick to beer, you're doing better than most of us here,

Think of it as another bridge you don't want to cross. Like graduating to day drinking. As long as you avoid this and stick to beer you'll probably be fine.

>> No.8873766

I think cheap, 8.4% cider like 'K' will still fuck you pretty hard, but yeah, babbyjuice compared with spirits.

>> No.8873769

Daily reminder that if you even get out of bed to get drunk you've graduated to alpha normie mode.

>> No.8873781

That's 5 days worth? This isn't a dick swinging contest, but c'mon. Ultimately if you think you have issues you should take steps to seek help. There are free alternatives that are Anonymous.

I wouldn't expect many people to commiserate with your 5 day stash of empties though.

>> No.8873789

What are we all drinking today tonight?

>> No.8873794
File: 9 KB, 190x265, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this. I crawl out of bed solely to accept deliveries, occasionally shit out the few atoms of food I eat and to empty my piss/puke bucket.

>> No.8873814

I polished off a bottle of homemade blueberry wine at around 13% abv and am now into my second bottle of homemade sake at around 18% abv. Probably will skip dinner and crack another bottle of sake. Enough calories for an evening.

>> No.8873829

you gonna shitpost the night away?

>> No.8873836

Wine and beer. Been going on for a long time now, but if I were to start getting wasted on liquor again I'd be shaking in the morning and have to start drinking almost right away. So it could be worse obviously.

>> No.8873840

Usually I don't go for flavored whisky but I was feeling like some of this candy tonight.

>> No.8873844
File: 1.49 MB, 1862x4526, IMG_20170429_195200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lul forgot the image

>> No.8873903

ughhh the hangover tho..

>> No.8873907

I only don't hate myself when I'm drunk. What is the cure aside from alcohol?

>> No.8873911

>your cans are already in the bin and not all over your bed and floor
Don't come here just to show off.

>> No.8873915

Fix yourself

>> No.8873917

>his empties aren't literally all over the floor, in the sink, in the bed, and in the cat box

fcukin lightweight

>> No.8873926
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>being a messy slob makes you more of an alcoholic

>> No.8873932

unironicaly this.

Start listening to jordan peterson lectures and do his self authoring program, along with exercise..

>> No.8873936

pic pls

>> No.8873941

No I agree with them, and I posted the bin pic. I've done the hyperslob thing extensively, but being in a reasonably tidy environment for the last few weeks has boosted my mood a tiny bit.
I'll probably go back to sleeping on empties soon enough.

>> No.8873944

some off-brand, shitty local vodka

>> No.8873986
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Why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.8874004

Post another pic. I can, you can't. Why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.8874014
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1493225982168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the burden of proof lies on you, even if I did give a fuck

>> No.8874040

I answered his question, but yeah, I'll do some shitposting and then again, try to contribute in some of the cooking threads since I do cook.

>> No.8874061
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So, why pretend to be me?

>> No.8874064

Do you consider food addiction a real thing? Can people really not stop eating like people can't stop drinking?

>> No.8874087

Have a nice life loser lmao way to waste youre time

>> No.8874097

You're not an alcoholic if you're drinking a beverage made for women.

>> No.8874104
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 1493052584263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, you actually did all that to claim a post everyone told you was fucking gay?

Top fucking kek, kill yourself.

>> No.8874118

I think you're lost. This thread isn't for kids. Please al/ck/, less angst. These threads are a breath of fresh air after the shitposting we see on /b/ and the like.

>> No.8874126

>noooo you're not alcoholic! I'm alcoholic!!
>proud alcoholism

neck yourself lad

>> No.8874131

I found taking a mouthful of Mist Twist with a light sip of Gin triples my intake. I can get smashed in just under 30 minutes if I go for a whole can of Mist.

>> No.8874150

Christ, this is one of the worst /alc/ threads I've ever seen. Suggest you abort OP, and try another later.

>> No.8874152

Wahh my Mongolian wall demolition coalition board isn't as good as Reddit.

>> No.8874157

Yeah really. Did someone link the threads somewhere shit? Whiney anons need to leave, it ruins the mood.

>> No.8874160

Pretty sure it's some teenager samefagging.

>> No.8874161

It's actually just me shitposting. Then that one guy who took the bait

>> No.8874167

Nailed it.

>> No.8874171

Well could you stop? It's really lame, this isn't the place for it.

>> No.8874178

Uh, yeah I mean most of my posts are pretty low quality but it would just be dead otherwise.

>> No.8874181

its the same people shitting up /fit/ all day.. lookism /r/asianmasculinity /r9k/

They are feeling especially vulnerable today and are craving any kind of acknowledgment.

>> No.8874218

Uh, alcohol sucks

See this thread is literally 2 people besides me tonight.

>> No.8874237

Besides this, this is my only other post. Planning on grabbing some 4Lokos with my EspressoTequila. Gave up alcohol for Lent so I get wicked hangovers again.

>> No.8874238

14 posters apparently. I think maybe some left until the /b/ subsides.
3am here, I'll be asleep soon. About to slam my final 10 units and take some Diaz & quetiapine. Should knock me out nicely.
And yup, alcohol is balls. I may try tapering for the 1,000th time as of tomorrow.

>> No.8874240

yea why does it suck tonight?

>> No.8874253
File: 891 KB, 1569x3761, IMG_20170429_220141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, it's me again.

>> No.8874258

Saturday at 10, I'm guessing all the real alcoholics are passed out. All the fake ones are out with friends.

>> No.8874259
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Just got a raise.

I was starting to taper my alcohol because I felt like I wanted to use that money for a house down payment.

This raise is like double my salary, though, so fuck it.

>> No.8874347

>5 hours until alc sale starts

stupid laws need to be removed

>> No.8874355

Why are laws these days so incredibly fucked? Not like they're enforced, but God knows how they all get passed in the first place..

>> No.8874357
File: 37 KB, 600x600, hurt_feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the shakes and the night sweats. Im tired of it but can't stop drinking

>> No.8874359

>buy this a few months ago
>enjoy it
>drink almost 3 quarters of the bottle
>puke my guts out the entire day after
>try to drink some after this incident
>vomit after one shot

No thank you. Hell, the thought of it right now is making me ill

>> No.8874368

i thought drinking got rid of the shakes?

>> No.8874370
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vodka + kool aid

>> No.8874378


>> No.8874381

been sober just over a month for the first time in 7 years. helped my sister move yesterday and what does she repay me with? a 24 pack of beer. couldn't really refuse it. now it's just staring at me... what do i do with it?

>> No.8874390
File: 88 KB, 500x484, 1430374008657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour the fucking stuff away. I bet it'll strengthen your ability to stay sober long-term.
Or drink it and join me here in hell. You know what's going to happen if you drink the shit.

>> No.8874393

pour it down the toilet
post pictures.


>> No.8874407

Depends on what the beer is.

>> No.8874438

But 3/4 of their biggest bottle is like .5 a liter of 33%...

Unless you used the very rare gallon bottle? And even then, you must have drank faster than you could pace yourself. Poor fool.

>> No.8874466

>all the post saying to delete it
Look. I'm 19 year old.i can't got drank (I'm fireball guy) unless my family or a homeless man buys it for me. 24 beers is a BASED gift. Idk wtf you did with it but I want it in a real way.

>> No.8874477


If you can't have it in your house without you drinking it, you're not strong enough to stay sober for a long time anyway, you'll crack eventually

>> No.8874482

put it in your ass, you get drunk faster that way

>> No.8874508

I usually just drink on weekends, but I decided to hold off this weekend because my birthday is coming up on tuesday and I was going to take wednesday off so I could drink after work.

I ended up just drinking again tonight.

Someone please help.

I'm so close to just starting to do it on work days too, and if I do I think i'll lose control of my life.

>> No.8874529

What the fuck did I eat
Super foul farts for the past 24 hours, and so much, my room is like a fucking gas chamber, how the hell is it possible to even contain this much gas

>> No.8874550

Same happened to me a few days ago, lol. I had to change my duvet because the stench was so pungent and persistent. I think it's some kind of alcohol induced intestinal malfunction, not because of something I ate.

>> No.8874562

Beef ramen, nissin version, and Buffalo pretzel crisps do this.

>> No.8874563

women can't be alcohols?

>> No.8874574

>See a character drinking beer and eating a burger
>Get really hard craving for both burg and beer
>Shops closed for 3 more hours

This is stupid why does it always happen when I see this shit on tv

>> No.8874605

>date an alcohol
>one night she gets hyper shitfaced, plays infuriatingly loud music for hours
>I turn it down, she goes ballistic
>punches me in face
>storms out
>~1hr later she's back, police brought her home, she was going crazy at random people
>they ask her if she wants to be left with me, they give me stern looks
>next day she receives a letter telling her who to call if I'm hitting her
>I've literally never even shouted at her
>home now listed with police as having a history of physical abuse

>> No.8874622


Get the fuck out of there
You're gonna get seriously fucked either by her or by the cops

>> No.8874630


>> No.8874635

>dating women

you got what you deserved

>> No.8874673

I posted a link in fit the other day. Im sorry anon

>> No.8874766

>2 more hours

God damn I hate the fucking wait
I wish I could stop fucking drinking everything at once and leave some for this exact situation when it happens

>> No.8874770

you fucking sex offender
you're gonna get thrown in prison and raped by jamal if you stay there

>> No.8874787

Are alcohols in the u.s permitted to buy guns? I cannot fathom how much shit I'd be in if I owned one.

>> No.8874793

i would've already killed myself or some of my classmates desu

>> No.8874802
File: 374 KB, 1280x1760, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting patiently for 6am. Ten minutes ago.
I didn't realise it was a Sunday. They're not allowed to sell until 10.
4 more hours.
FUCK licensing laws. This is bullshit.

>> No.8874808

you don't stock up?

>> No.8874816

1PM here. Good thing I don't have money so I won't be shitting myself today, but it will only be a week before I realize I forgot to stock up on Saturday night.

>> No.8874821
File: 10 KB, 243x200, feelsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but I'll inevitably run out at some point. It'd have been ok if I could have bought more at 6.
3hrs 43 mins. Sigh.

>> No.8874824

It has been one month since I quit drinking. I'm finally gaining some of my wit back. Still a long process, though. I'm certainly not as slow as I was the first couple of weeks.

>> No.8874825

We all stock up. Then we drink it all.

>> No.8874830

do you drink beers or spirits? im a spiritfag, i buy by the lot and don't usually run out

this happens sometimes too

>> No.8874831


Pretty much this

>> No.8874836
File: 6 KB, 208x242, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vodka, but there's never enough.

>> No.8874837

Just got up. Starting round 2 and watching Rogue One. Maybe some vidya also.

>> No.8874840

also, beer and 90
proof Schnapps

>> No.8874845

same, there's this place nearby who sells it by dozen boxes, i have an endless supply of shitty vodka
what i run out of is mixers, so i end up drinking is straight. i'd do it more often if this ''''vodka''' didnt taste so awful

>> No.8874851

Crown russe was good enough to drink straight last time I had it a couple months ago. $11 For half a gallon.
But we all know how inconsistent alcohol manufacturers are.

>> No.8874852

Eurgh, cheap vodka is scary bad. Drinking it neat would give me nightmares.

>> No.8874858

heh, im not american but i get this local off brand ''''vodka''' for around 6 bucks the half gallon, if not less
the soda i use to down it costs more

>> No.8874866


>> No.8874881


>> No.8874882

my feet get really hot when I gert drunk

does this happen to anyone else

>> No.8874887
File: 897 KB, 1218x760, knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anything know if there is something in existence that would taste good with Andres medium dry 23% wine

regular wine is unmixable but something this strong might have something out there that complements it. getting bored of drinking it straight.

>> No.8874892

You are a lucky man. I buy $6 worth of 40s (3) a day so I'm spending twice as much as you if your half gallons last two days.
60% Of the price of our alcohol goes straight to the government, can't wait to be paying as much in taxes for weed, but not having to deal with dealers is a lot fucking nicer.

>> No.8874894


I feel the same way

>> No.8874901

I'm at the bar right now, what should I play on the jukebox

>> No.8874909
File: 773 KB, 260x221, 1451443518457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink when I wake up. Only at night or mid day.
I usually chug my beers to feel it faster. Usually 2 4 lokos or 1 4 Loko and a reds or 4 mikes harder lemonades

>> No.8874912

>tfw friend is dealer
>sells pretty much everything
>too much of a pussy to buy anything
if i didnt live with my mother i would. i guess it's good i can't.

>> No.8874914


>> No.8874915

Just being an alcohol won't rule it out but many related crimes can get you disqualified

>> No.8874917


Fly Me to the Moon

>> No.8874934

Thanks, almost forgot where I was

>> No.8874938

Nah, but my body gets hot when I'm sober sometimes. I don't know if that's normal.

>> No.8874959

whats up pussycat

>> No.8874986

Somehow I'm drunk enough to get this reference but not quite sure where it comes from.

>> No.8874988


>> No.8874989
File: 41 KB, 480x640, alc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moneys tight so i headed on over to the store and picked up a 7 dollar bottle of vodka and some snacks. have some days off so i figured i'll fuck around. how is everyone tonight

>> No.8874995

Yeah. It was between stand up comedy, Eric Forman, and Happy Days.

>> No.8875002
File: 17 KB, 500x324, fuccccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw drunk bingeing again
im having vodka too, gotta wake up early tomorrow but i cant sleep

>> No.8875005
File: 32 KB, 500x374, IMG_0309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ
Guessing this isn't legit...

>> No.8875018

im binging too my friend. life is pretty stressful at the moment, need to have a job to support my soon to be born daughter and my work is clowning me hard. but im having a good time so fuck it

>> No.8875021

I actually forgot all about it until that guy posted that. John Mulaney is a funny guy.

>> No.8875026

shit m8 that's harsh
i feel like a cunt now

>> No.8875031

why do you fee like a cunt, you didnt do anything

>> No.8875036

i feel whiney when people have i harsher than me
nothing agaisnt you though sorry if i made it seem that way

>> No.8875046

nah youre good n1gga

>> No.8875072
File: 28 KB, 300x400, IMG_0191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish shoenice visited al/ck/. Thinking about sending him a bottle of pic related to chug, along with a link to the board (as well as a request that he doesn't broadcast said link, last thing we need is a tsunami of YouTube shitposters)

>> No.8875083
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 612d02a2-c940-4c40-92db-7e4e0f958091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasty stuff

>> No.8875087

w00t, 5 more mins until it's time

>> No.8875097

I'm sure he's been here 10 years or more.
Normal people do not eat soap and toilet paper.

>> No.8875102

what's a good mixer for bombay sapphire?

>> No.8875109

tonic water and a slice of lime over crushed ice; if you don't like tonic, grapefruit or cranberry juice

>> No.8875154

Oh god

Finally drinking some decent beer not the "cheap strong beer" i usually get

>> No.8875324


why mix a good gin like bombay?

>> No.8875451


>only had some sake and a bottle of wine last night, so feeling very rested. then got a drunken skype call from murrica early this morning and had some rum. pretty good mood, atm

>> No.8875488

Anyone drink to cope with anxiety?

I had a bad panic attack yesterday and the thing that caused it is still on my mind. I'll forget about it for 30 minutes and then remember and get that sickening feeling in my stomach.

Will drinking a bit help stop this feeling? It's honestly torture and nothing is helping me. I haven't been drunk in like 3 years so I can't really remember what it feels like

>> No.8875493
File: 38 KB, 480x480, grolantor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno if it's anxiety, but i have trouble sleeping at night because i can't stop thinking. which is why i do sleeping pills and a six pack of natty most nights.

>> No.8875496

Been drinking to kill anxiety, depression, paranoia, all sorts, for years. Thought I was going to prison last year, and oh wow did I drink. I had 3/4 of a bottle of vodka just to appear in court. Totally annihilates them. Only problem is that when you sober up you won't have emotionally dealt with the problem that made you drink in the first place, and youll have additional anxiety because of hangovers/withdrawal. Only solution is to never sober up.

>> No.8875504

>you won't have emotionally dealt with the problem
What does this mean though? I don't feel like I emotionally deal with any problem even sober.

I have anxiety pretty much 24/7 but the post-panic attack wave of dread is just so incredibly awful. There have been times where it's so bad that I've honestly wanted to just kill myself so the feeling would stop. That's the closest I've come to actually killing myself despite having suicidal thoughts as a result of depression for 10+ years.

Also all I have is my uncles moonshine (everyone makes their own spirits here) which is so fucking strong that I want to puke as soon as I swallow a drop.

>> No.8875517
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, to some extent time heals emotional wounds, but not if you're smashed 24/7, hence so many alchies being plagued with oneitis and increased depression, anxiety etc. Make no mistake, it will make everything worse long-term. It only works if you're willing to die young from liver failure.

>> No.8875529

would you say you guys are mostly escapist drinkers or escalationist drinkers?

i am certainly the second kind, in the sense that when i am down, drinking really does not feel good or fun or ejoyable for me. luckily i am on the manic upswing most of the time, which means i do drink everyday and enjoy it just about everyday. been cutting back getting drunk too often lately, and it´s been treating me pretty well.

>> No.8875534

How do I drink high alcohol content brandy? It's our national drink and you're not supposed to mix it with or chase it with anything but I think I'll throw up if I just take a few shots

>> No.8875546

if it is not too cheap you sip in, instead of chugging it like a shot
if it is cheap, either don´t drink it at all, or do it quickly and often so you build up a tolerance for it. nothing more to it

>> No.8875552

sup /ck/unts!

Im on day number 7. It was a rough few days. I couldn't afford to taper off, I ran out of money.. literally.. ran out of shit to pawn. I went from 18-22~ shots of vodka a day for a month to 0. I was so itchy, angry, confused, throwing up over the side of my bed, smelled like piss, hadn't showered in almost a few, asshole felt like it was ripped open, piss hurt and was dark brown. I looked on the verge of death. I couldn't afford valium for withdrawals so I didn't bother going to the doc

Today I feel.. human. I'm not particularly happy but at least I can stand up straight, literally. My family was yelling at me for looking like an old man because I was so hunched over.

OH! It feels amazing not to be paranoid as fuck.

>> No.8875557

Congrats and hope you keep on the up and up

You might want to go to the hospital or something in the future. Going cold turkey with that much alcohol is pretty dangerous

>> No.8876049


definitely escapist. it really was controllable until i moved into my own apartment alone. then it went from like a once a week thing to a 3 times a week thing and now i'm getting blackout every night. oh well. i can keep myself from drinking till about 10pm so i'm not worried.

>> No.8876053

and then how much do you put in?

I usually start drinking wine at around 11am and go from there

>> No.8876217

Take the cans out to a shooting range and blow holes in them. It'll look awesome and be cathartic.

>> No.8876292

try moderation. There is a website moderation.org it is kind of like a program but it is for people who feel like they might be in danger of becoming an alcohol and want to learn how to get a handle on it.

>> No.8876306

Didn't drink any water before going to sleep but woke up feeling fine. Strange.

>> No.8876308

Self esteem really comes from what you offer to the world, not how many people like you.

So, if you start doing good things to improve the world around you, taking responsibilities, making a difference, you can improve your self esteem and have a chance at hating yourself less.

>> No.8876316

Women dont have alcoholism, they just have emotional problems.

>> No.8876321

yes. In some states there is no background check and no waiting period to buy guns, so you can have any kind of history or mental illness and get a gun. god bles

>> No.8876350

Think I'm getting sober again. Maybe it's just because I'm on day 1 and still feel like shit mentally and physically but I really think I'm done for a while. I just don't have any desire to drink anymore. It's not even that I really want to quit it's just that I don't feel like drinking anymore. Always end up going on benders and drinking 24/7 whenever I see my friends but I just gave them an Irish Goodbye and I don't think I'll ever visit them again. I'm moving away in a couple weeks so that will make it easier too. Just want to start a new life where nobody knows my alcoholic past.

>> No.8876361
File: 356 KB, 599x631, essential guide to stalkan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a sunday evening and I don't have work tomorrow and that (naturally) means its time to drink myself into a stupor while enjoying some films and a little bit of video games. Since my poison of choice is rum i'm thinking a warm up with some diplomatico exclusiva reserva (sip it for about an hour) and then hit the cheaper stuff aimed at slamming.

Option B is vodka and whatever the fuck I can find to mix it. The vodka (because it is mixed) goes down better but I do feel like a savage drinking it - what does /ck/ think I should do?

>> No.8876398
File: 202 KB, 499x499, 1493323027923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like nigger try not getting hooked lol it's the shittiest fucking drug to get addicted to

blaze it instead faggots

>> No.8876408

Eric Clapton's Cocaine.

>> No.8876484


>> No.8876873

Diplomatico until tipsy, rhum until drunk, then vodka. You're a savage when drunk.

>Want a drink
>No, I don't drink
>Why? Are you an Islamist or something?
There goes your cover.

Can you buy a gun when drunk? Or looking suicidal?

Does that work if I become a woman?

You could totally refuse. She's family, doesn't she know about your problems? Also trash it down the drain, of give it to a hobo or something.

You're supposed to drink a lot of water when stopping, benzos or not. It's dehydration that made you feel like a grandpa.
Enema is the way to go when the other end of the digestive track keeps puking.

Alcohol is anxiolytic, withdrawals and PAWS are very anxiogenic.
There are better anxiolytics, ask a doctor. Look into mindfulness meditation and CBD too, should help more on the long term.
Also 1/3 moonshine 2/3 orange or apple juice. Adapt to preference/tipsiness.

"About us" tab, very noticeable on top of the site :
>We started started this completely ridiculous and farcical web site in March 2013. None of the information contained within is real and none of the content makes much sense
That was easy.

>> No.8876879


usually 3 quarters of a fifth of vodka

>> No.8876956
File: 24 KB, 500x500, jw-dundee-s-original-honey-brown-lager-beer-new-york-usa-10483048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drinking this on the weekends.

>> No.8876963

any of that honey shit or any attempts at mixing drinks make me wanna throw up desu but have fun

>> No.8876987


Reminds me when I mixed Mead and some decent Tequila recently. When down a lot smoother than it had any right to.

>> No.8877003

Sailor jerry's and Colt 45. I think I might pick up some patron next week. But maybe not.

>> No.8877221
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Any Michigan anons here?

>> No.8877274

Canadian Club, some cheap wine I stole from my parents and some beer from my dad.

>> No.8877312

There is always someone who has it harder than you.
I'm an alcoholic who lives with his well earning parents who don't know anything about it.
My circumstances are pretty good, but still I'm a sick person without any perspective.

>> No.8877328


I used to do a physical job which helped keep the alcoholism at bay. Now that i'm a desk jockey again all kinds of booze and depression are setting in so i've vowed to lift some fucking weights to try and keep me from suicide. Early days yet but hey, the pain lets me know i'm not dead.

>> No.8877340

Mixed up my piss bottle and booze bottles.
Which is it to be, withdrawal or 7.5 hrs of warm pisska?

>> No.8877347


>> No.8877364


That is both disgusting and a risk worth taking. That said if you can't taste the difference between urine and booze you might need to lay off the tobasco sauce on your cereals.

>> No.8877374

I lifted for two months and lost 18kg, also I almost drank no alcohol.
As soon as I stopped lifting I started drinking again.
I don't know which came first though, the drinking, or stopping to go to the gym...

>> No.8877388


I'm in PA but this stuff is bretty good

>> No.8877391
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who /victory/ here?

>> No.8877406

Sour Monkey is my fucking jam right now. SO good. Doesn't hurt that I'm not that far away from Downington.

>> No.8877414

if you can't tell the difference by color or smell the taste won't be that bad, just go for it.

>> No.8877417


It's a bit too sweet for me to want a whole sixer. I wish they sold it in 4 packs.

But it really is fucking delicious. Where are you from? I'm in West Chester.

>> No.8877419


Well my previous job was a labourer on a building site. Shit work but I spent 8hrs a day hauling heavy things about and I severely miss the feeling of being superman it gave me (plus the bulging biceps). I do think now worthing in the office (for the same company) is turning me into a pussy which is why i've started lifting again. I'm starting slow as this is part of a long term (roughly 8 months) plan to sort my fucking life out as i've been saying for years i'll end up killing myself and that day draws ever closer.

One advantage is I have a somewhat heavyset frame so even now while i've lost a lot of my strength I look like I could pin your average woman (and some men) down regardless of their feelings on the matter. Issue is i'm true /tg/ and /v/ material.

>> No.8877428
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I only have beer and wine left

>> No.8877431

If you get it straight from the source, the tart and sour give way for a crisper and lighter taste. It's fucking dangerous, since the tartness is what keeps me from slamming it.

I'm from a place called Myerstown. It's close to Lebanon, which is... I dunno, close to Hershey? I'm maybe 40 minutes' drive to Hershey if I take back roads. Been to West Chester plenty of times--dated a girl for three years that went there. Never got to experience your bars, unfortunately.

>> No.8877433

they're hit or miss, but if I'm at a bar and they have a victory I haven't had the current year of I'll try it, even ones I'm unlikely to enjoy like that salty abortion gose

>> No.8877444


>salty abortion gose
Which are you referring to?

>> No.8877448

my bro and I finished a six pack of pacifico, a bottle of cheap champagne and orange juice now I'm on a 24oz can of corona, then a 6 pack of 16 oz raniers should get me feeling nice and toasty

>> No.8877456
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This shit is fucking GOOD. I had one when I was in Philly for a week a few months ago. Been having my buddy mail me bottles of this shit out to Seattle.

>> No.8877458

have you guys tried Sinfire? its cheaper and not as sugary and its slightly stronger than fireball.

>> No.8877460

How do get rid of anxiety when quitting? Is all you can do wait a few weeks for it to lessen? Fuck I want a drink so bad

>> No.8877473
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Michelada master race gas IPAs beer war now

>> No.8877475


Extreme amounts of masturbation helps.

>> No.8877479

can confirm. been trying to quit the booze since february.

>> No.8877510


The real risk is when you head to /d/ and start finding it tame after a while - that is a one-way road.

>> No.8877527

the diaper threads are usually pretty good

>> No.8877579

I'm fighting now anons. Sunday stores are closed and i'm trying for renewal. I hope i can last.

>> No.8877639



my childhood

>> No.8877735

Gonna try to go sober until June, wish me luck

>> No.8877773

he's here already

>> No.8877853

How do people even like beer. It doesn't taste good/all tastes the same. After turning 21 I realized this and thought why pretend liking this shitty drink that harms me when I could be drinking a mint limade maybe shot of vodka.

>> No.8877865



Beer is for pussies. Real men drink (good) lager or if they actually have a beard drink spirits neat - mainly rum or whiskey.

>> No.8877867

Oh god here come the beer fags

Way to shit up the thread anon

>> No.8877903
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>real men does *insert thing*

>> No.8877925


I'm sorry did I forget your pronouns Xir? Please forgive me. I did not want to hurt Xu feelings.

Please don't report me to the thought crime police.

>> No.8877929

6 cans of beer + bottle of red wine. Am I an addict?

>> No.8877930
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>> No.8877969

Thanks for spreading your infected feces in the thread, fucking co/ck/sucker.

>> No.8877991
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But he's right you stupid nigger; I can't recall a time I've ever heard an actual man say anything even remotely similar to that. It's almost always been either loud women, insecure faggots or just faggots in general.

>> No.8877996

The amount you drink has little to nothing to do with addiction dude.

>> No.8878005

i got shitfaced last night and thought i lost a very precious ring but it was just on the kitchen floor

i'm so happy

>> No.8878087

i drink beer so i'm a man

>> No.8878090

Anyone else bored with IPAs?

All I've been drinking are saisons and sours. Much more interesting desu.

>> No.8878093

I agree to an extent.. Some of us here have been/currently are physically addicted to alcohol. 6 beers a day won't do that

Mental addiction on the other hand..

>> No.8878100

Ayy man congrats! Have a son, 9 months old. When I went back to work I got 12 hours a week. Was bull. Dont let them clown you man demand the repsect you deserve fuck that

>> No.8878129

got a half gallon of takka 80 and a half gallon of northern lights

what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.8878185

Decided to try this and get wasted on easter to celebrate Jesus or some shit.

Woke up after I passed out with the shittiest taste in my mouth of fruit punch Kool Aid

>> No.8878188
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I'm depressed as shit due to finally quitting drugs after losing my girlfirend, and I have been drinking a lot lately. Soon I will hit a six pack a night. I am constantly angry at others because I see that they are happy, and I just want to be happy too. Hold me, /ck/...

>> No.8878192

>1 bottle of beer left
>6 hours until the alcohol sales start

>Want to drink it now
>Probably should hold it off for a few hours at least

>> No.8878213

Think weed is helping me stay away from abusing the bottle buds. I haven't been this happy in awhile.

>> No.8878404

why not both?

I think that Anon's last bottle is laced with piss, and stores open in hours, I may misunderstand.

This. Only closet fag have to expose and overdo their manliness and straightness. Straight people just do straight people stuff.
I'm a straight man, and if I drink strawberry milk, it is per definition a straight man drink.

You are depressed because you drink too. Alcohol is a depressant.
Look into mindfulness meditation, it sound designed for you : you have to learn to ignore people's happiness like trolls are supposed to be ignored.

It doesn't last, just like booze.

>> No.8878429

How much do you weigh?

>> No.8878452


Just stole a cognac glass and a whiskey shot glass

I thin kthey might come in handy

>> No.8878476

Why is Ginger beer so fucking expensive?

I wanted to try making myself a Dark N' Stormy but Ginger beer goes for $5 a bottle for some reason.

>> No.8878484

How do you guys deal with hangovers? I haven't become a full alcohol yet but anytime I binge, I'm sick for most of the next day? I typically just drink liquor straight and I try and stay hydrated.

>> No.8878498

>I typically just drink liquor straight and I try and stay hydrated.
yup, after a while you won't have hangovers. Daily drinking helps.

>> No.8878525

>Daily drinking helps.
so much this
i recently went from drinking everyday for a few years to drinking a few times a month
i went kind of wild last night and haven't felt pain like i did this afternoon since my high school delinquent days

>> No.8878563

>It doesn't last

Believe me, I'm only 26 but I've seen some shit. I've run the gamut. My vice of choice isn't the only thing about me that's changed, though. I've become far more comfortable with myself in the aging process and I decided the bottle had to go. By far the most depressing slow-and-inevitable suicide we've invented. I'm no longer a part of the death cult that is alcoholism. It's not worth the final price.

>> No.8878590
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people still drink that shit?

>> No.8878593
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>tfw your throat is so sore from a 3 day binge of straight vodka and beer

>> No.8878594

What do you folks do for a living?

Does your drinking get in the way?

>> No.8878599

The newer ones have more alcohol in them and gold is actually really good

>> No.8878615



>> No.8878618

i'm a heavy equipment operator

not normally but i've showed up for work still drunk more than a few times and gave my coworkers a good laugh

>> No.8878620

What kind of heavy equipment do you operate?

>> No.8878627

dozer mostly

sometimes a loader or a hoe but i don't like them as much

>> No.8878628

Ur mum

>> No.8878646

not really

>> No.8878662

Former warehouse employee. Didn't do anything at all.

>> No.8878751

>Take a shit
>There's both very light brown and very dark brown shit in my shit

What the hell

>> No.8878765


weed is a great anti depressant. it boosts serotonin and dopamine and puts you into a meditation like trance , allowing you to focus on things in much greater detail, while also getting a boost in both natural happy chemicals. the only problem is that it makes you fucking retarded as well

>> No.8878777

FUCKING WIFE BEATER I hope she divorces you and takes all your money

>> No.8878788
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Hey al/ck/, have any of you been to AA? went there cause my gf suggested i quit drink (i didnt lol)
how do you guys feel about the heavy religious overtones? and any crazy stories from other alcohols?
pic sorta related, what im drinking now

>> No.8878808


AA is a fucking cult, you don't need it

>> No.8878822

yeah thats what i thought too
but idk some of those fuckers seemed like they needed a "god" or something to hold on to, it was actually pretty fucking sad

>> No.8878843

As soon as I'm done drinking (or when I wake up because I got trashed the night before) I do a few things. 1) I chew 2 or 3 antacid tablets 2) take 2 acetaminophen pills (pain killers the cheap kind from Walmart works fine) 3) either chug Gatorade or if you feel like you have a pounding headache get the alkaseltzer tablets that are the night kind. You may fall asleep but you feel alright getting up.

>> No.8878857

>Slept all day Saturday and couldn't buy booze
>Stores are closed on Sunday
>Have to wait until Monday to get drunk

Send help.

>> No.8878951

Go read step 12. In effect it means that the program was not designed for you to move on or leave. You're expected to stay and 'bring the message to other alcoholics". I was shunned by my own sponsor basically told not to come back after 9 months of no drinking because I said I don't need AA anymore it takes up all my free time I'm sober and I'm not religious so the steps don't work for me. I was also ostracized by other for claiming its not the steps which helped me but being around people who haven't drank in 30 years. Also in California at least, they're all 100% anti marijuana and they will convince you not to take SSRIs even if your clinically depressed etc.

>Muh doorknob

It's an old cult that has been revised for the modern day. Stay far away.

>> No.8878952


I'm so, so very sorry

>> No.8878965

damn dude, i mean i get the whole support group thing but thats fucking crazy

>> No.8878970



>> No.8878972
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>already drinking homebrewed vodka

>> No.8878976


>He doesn't start as soon as he wakes up

>> No.8878978

which of Goetia's demons is this?

>> No.8878980

How do you know if you're an alcoholic?
I know I don't NEED it, but I would really like a half rack of beer right now, and I'd probably end up drinking 5 tonight

>> No.8878982

I would have, but i've spent half the day packing since I'm moving tomorrow.

>> No.8878985

break the FUCK up with her dude

>> No.8878991

Yeah man I didn't have any options for alternatives because I live in a backwoods part of Northern California so I'd suggest those over AA. If you have to go to AA find those who aren't totally brainwashed, which is almost always the younger crowd but at the same time are the most likely to get you back in trouble. A huge culture of AA and expecially NA is the whole 'one upping', and 'war storying'. I met 70 year old men who could only talk about their glory days of drinking. In NA the majority are current users who will bring you back down. I met a few people like myself but it's rare since most will leave eventually.

Try to find a non faith based support group. That's really all I can say. I just hate seeing people get sucked into the same egomaniac AA cult that I went into having no idea how it really was.

On a positive note, like I said, at least being around people who /claimed/ to be 3 decades sober gave me some hope and showed me it's possible.

>> No.8878996


I'm sure you mean LAWYER the fuck up anon right?

>> No.8879000

>Alcohol is a depressant.
true but you don't know what that word means, do you?

>> No.8879004
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Never been to AA but I'm an alcohol. I feel like AA, NA, whatever anonymous is for people to dumb to understand what addiction is. Shit is literally just brain chemistry. I mean if it works for someone more power to them, but in the end its just the dopamine rush were all after. I feel like AA just paints over what addiction really is and avoids the scientific issue.

>> No.8879008

Also to add. My sponsor was divorced 4 times, one of his wife's committed sudoku. Every one of his wives initiated the divorce. He thought he was a good person to give me relationship advice about my ex girlfriend of 9 years. It wasn't him, it was them. And this was a 30+ year sober guy.

These are the many types of people in AA.

>> No.8879017

i get you man, i dont really have a huge desire to stop drinking. i stopped all hard alcohol use for a while (besides special occasions). mostly beer almost every day and not getting shitfaced. but to just leave it all behind is a huge lifestyle change. told my gf i would not drink for 2 weeks... i ended up not getting drunk for 2 weeks. maybe one day, but im also saying that as a guy whos 4 beers deep with some strong fancy stuff.

>> No.8879018


Eh I think your missing the point of AA. It's meant to put people in the same room, with the same problem, so they can talk about it. It affects those from any and all backrounds.

That being said I can't stand it.

>> No.8879020
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Start filming her episodes to present in court or get her so drunk she (((falls))) down the steps. GGnoRE

>> No.8879026

A big part of it is your own desire to stop. If you have something, your partner, your kids, your job, etc is what personally worked for me, when I had 'enough'. At that point I was able to push through the 5 day alcohol wd, and 2 week benzo wd.

But yeah the desire/addiction to the rush and being high not having to think about anything is still there.

>> No.8879034

In the meeting that's what it is. Beyond that working with a sponsor it is a different cult level.

>> No.8879045

So i quit booze 3 months ago. Still felt shitty depressed unmotivated and terrible literally every day just holding on to the hope it will get better the longer i stay sober.. untill 2 days ago i stopped drinking coffee, and feel much more clear headed, sleeping better, and not nearly as depressed. my attention span is also noticably better.
i honestly think caffeine may be worse then alcohol at this point , might go back to drinking now

>> No.8879050


Never worked with a sponsor. I go to closed meetings (alcoholics only, no family) once or twice a week in the back of a book store. Most of the time I don't say shit. In a way it just makes it feel better that I'm not the only piece of shit in the world that's alienated everyone that's ever cared about me.

>> No.8879088
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I mean I do respect AA, my grandfather went to detox/rehab than AA and has been sober since 1982 he's 83 now and probably wouldn't have seen me born if he didn't stop.

>> No.8879111


i just love being drunk so much

>> No.8879112

The closed meetings here really meant nothing. Anyone could show up as they could be 'in need' of a meeting. Same reason men could go to women's meetings kek. I felt the same there is a point to be made you get out of it what you want in a way.

There are successes for sure. But they're far and few between and mine many AA alcoholics stop drinking they're still total cunts in all other aspects of life. The minority of success does not diminish the majority. Plus he was an old fart read to get sober anyways which is 90% of AA success stories

>> No.8879247
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Yeha AA is pretty shit tier. Personally for me it made things a lot worse. I could never understand how their mysterious sky daddy wanted them to be so fucked up do so many bad things and yet he loved them and forgive them blahbalhablhabhalb

Also the Jesus freaks saying they have no power after being sober for decades and if they didn't make it to a meeting TODAY they would go out an drink. Lmfao

>> No.8879249

Fuck I hate that disgusting Jewish goblin looking faggot.

>> No.8879258

LOL he sure is a disgusting hook nosed shekels worshipping ugly gremlin hob goblin sloth fratelli inbred looking kike

>> No.8879277

Wasn't this the guy that shilled hard for Hillary?

>> No.8879284
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600ml of vodka and barely feeling it, 18 standard drinks. Thinking of opening a bottle of wine.

What do lads

yes, casey something. Such a punchable ratfaced cunt. Looks like a meth addict.

>> No.8879290

Im Casey niesfaggot and I'm voting 4 Hiwary Cwinton. Yes Hiwary Cwinton.

Dude is 40 years old and refers to himself as the young generation. Well he still has acne I guess.

>> No.8879292

in what timespan

>> No.8879294

1 hour

>> No.8879298

wait a bit, it might hit

>> No.8879300

as in, i drank it an hour ago and i'm only feeling tipsy.

>> No.8879309

My dad passed away from end stage liver disease on Saturday. I'm not really sure I want to keep drinking anymore but I started drinking on Tuesday and didn't have a beer yesterday (Sunday). I generally feel shitty when I wake up now and I get super dizzy and depressed but maybe that is my antidepressants. I'm not a heavy liquor drinker at all, I haven't had a hard alcoholic drink in years but I always drink beer on the weekends. I know that drinking more beer won't bring my father back but if I keep doing what I'm doing I'll end up slowly getting his disease.

>> No.8879323

Your father probably would not want to see you take the same path as him. He's not around anymore but you don't have to end how your father did. But yeah I drank myself into alcohol poisoning when my grandmother died. So there's that

>> No.8879357

You pathetic frogposting failures belong to /r9k/

>> No.8879360

Only nice posting is allowed

No rude/bully postings

>> No.8879380
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Did your for you mcmeme thread get bumped into the archive for this?

got get an Ice Cold Coca Cola and relax.

>> No.8879405
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>What do lads

Whats your daily average, or are you a binge drinker?

>> No.8879414

>Bottles keep piling up faster than I can be assed to get rid of them

>> No.8879417

Welcome to adulthood

>> No.8879427
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No exaggeration, I go about 6 days a week on average 18 standard drinks each day. 20% of those sessions I'm also munching molly and oxy.

>> No.8879436

Whats Molly like doing it all the time? If I do it more than once every few months it feels like any regular amphetamine with the slight serotonin release. Spacing it out for me is an entirely different experience.

>> No.8879541

fine. It's not as trippy as idiots would make you believe. It's great if you're fucking.

>> No.8879629


Great way to fuck yourself up. Have fun while it lasts

>> No.8879634

>depressant n (drug: tranquillizer) antidépresseur
>depressant adj (tranquillizing) dépresseur
Well shit, "depressant" means both "antidepressant" and "depressant" when translating from French. I learned a new thing today.

I understand how bullet wounds work, doesn't mean I could treat one myself.
I understand addiction and brain chemistry, doesn't mean I have control on my addiction and my brain chemistry.

What about now?

>> No.8879695

How do you know?

>> No.8879922

Strawberry milk and vodka Y/N?

>> No.8879927

day #8 sober. feels okay man. managed to get through the withdrawals without valium

hoping on a call for a job today. don't lose everything cause of boozing fellow drun/ck/s

>> No.8879933

Try rubbing Valium on her pacifier instead.

>> No.8879934


>> No.8879938


this kills the babby

>> No.8879971


>> No.8879977
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Shit's fucking nasty, but it's all I have on hand.

>> No.8880358


>> No.8880360


>> No.8880380

If you already are on record for it you might as well punch her now.

>> No.8880406

>acetaminophen pills
Stop taking these, they're worse for your liver than booze as it is, and using these on top of heavy alcohol consumption will FUCK YOU UP. Taking them for a hangover, when your liver is still busy working on the booze you drank, makes it even worse. Seriously, people die fast from this shit and they don't even see it coming.

>> No.8880440

Congrats Anon. Stay strong.


>> No.8880463


I have noticed that since my wife won't let me fuck her in the ass, nut on her face or put on a show for me that I have been drinking significantly more.

Men have feelings too you know!

>> No.8880479

>~1hr later she's back, police brought her home, she was going crazy at random people
>they ask her if she wants to be left with me, they give me stern looks
>next day she receives a letter telling her who to call if I'm hitting her

So she is going crazy enough that they have to detain her and bring her home and they believe the crazy that comes out of her mouth on the way. Then she hasn't tried to rectify the situation. Are you still with her?

>> No.8880533

What the fuck do sober people do? I got up 2 hours ago and cut my hair and did some laundry. Even played some vidya but it just wasn't the same. There's still 7 hours until NBA games start and I have no clue what to do. Any hobby I try to get into is so forced. All I really want to do is drink. Have 2 weeks off before I start my next job and I really wanted to start off sober, but I don't think I'm gonna make it. I was going to go get lunch but I know I'll stop by the liquor store on my way back if I do.

>> No.8880567

They find a hobby that they can get into and genuinely enjoy doing. Some people can play vidya all day and not want to stop because it's fun. You just need to find something that will fill the void so you won't want to drink as badly.

>> No.8880576
File: 9 KB, 268x188, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean, it's really bad. I haven't been sober one single, solitary day for 24 years. My addictions have ranged from cannabis to alcohol (almost exclusively Smirnoff) meth, psilocybin, LSD, DMT, heroin, crack, coke, prescription opiates, benzodiazepines, speed, extracts, butane and anything else I could snort, object, smoke or shove up my ass. I'll risk my life to avoid the nightmare which is sobriety. I've stopped breathing after smoking fent. I remember thinking to myself "I feel so good. Why breathe? Oh, right, to live. wait... why live??"
I think our brains, our very neural pathways, are irreparably retarded. We'd rather die than be sober.

>> No.8880810
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>> No.8880821

Completely agree.

>> No.8880908

Welp just grabbed lunch and stopped by the liquor store on the way home. Only got a 30 case and 1/5 of tequila but going to try to make that last til Friday. I have no life anyways so what else am I supposed to do

>> No.8881120

Smirnoff bro?

>> No.8881476
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>> No.8881482

Been sober for like 2 weeks. My poop is finally normal. But life is so boring without drink.

>> No.8881545

There are few things as unpleasant as coming to from a blackout and finding yourself talking to a cop while more and more and more cops steadily enter the scene

I think its time I stop drinking once I finish off this handle of vodka

>> No.8881557

I once 'came to' while a cop had me in an arm lock. No kidding, no idea why until I was charged.
And nothing much worse on this earth than 17hrs of withdrawal while locked in a cage.

>> No.8881621

I got woken up by some teenager today.
I passed out in the middle of my village while taking a walk at night. This is a new low for me and I'm going to quit drinking for good (again)

>> No.8881639
File: 14 KB, 236x298, 97db9e166b893511a9a23bfd6a70743c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woken by some teen
This didn't end as well for you as I'd hoped.
Good luck eternally quitting again. Im trying again too after tonight. (Although... who knows how long after tonight)

>> No.8881704

why do Americans have to always go for flavored fucking liquor? Just drink wine or chase vodka with juice this shit is so infuriating

>> No.8881749

>"Usually I don't...."

>> No.8881805


just down it, light a smoke after

>> No.8881851

Quality dubs.

>> No.8881874

My wife was out of control, as well as my self.
Take a break from drinking and from her. If she makes it right, cool. If not that's fine too.
Signed, someone who knows this all to well.

>> No.8882383
File: 25 KB, 294x332, alistair overeem 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a friend i hadn't seen in 2 years found me next to a creek holding a bloody switchblade
>they thought i was a random dead guy and were checking the scene out

>> No.8882409

Anyone else only alive because they don't want to upset family?

>> No.8882419

Can the children please fuck off when we have the next thread?