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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8873457 No.8873457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey Cu/ck/s. I frequent 15+ different boards and this is by far the worst board in its field. Every single thread is about fucking fast food or alcohol. I get that most murricans are fat degenerates but still.

No one here actually knows how to cook or anything. On /fit/ a lot of the guys are actually in really good shape... On /o/ a lot of the guys know about mechanics and cars but OH NO /ck/ is just about McDonalds and shit. Such a shame as i actually really like being in the kitchen. Guess its a european thing.

>> No.8873480

If people want legit food tips they will get them here. Usually we just screw around.

>> No.8873490

Arnold is cute. I'll bet he can't cook.

>> No.8873498

yeah thanks for your contribution. threads like this is what this board needs. fucking retard

>> No.8873503
File: 240 KB, 996x1372, typical ck posters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no we are actually really knowled-

>> No.8873511

>These posts
Worst thing is that most of these post most likely arent ironic

>> No.8873531

>I spend a shit ton of time on 4chan.
That's nothing to brag about, dude.

>> No.8873537

Where did i say i spend a lot of time here?
This is the type of retard that frequents /ck/ jesus christ

>> No.8873547
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I'm here for the clever discourse

>> No.8873552

I sometimes wish this board had flags, if only for a day. I want to know who is posting what.

>> No.8873560

>No one here actually knows how to cook

There are threads still up with recipes and recommendations for how cook things. Of course, this worthless thread probably knocked one of them off.

And what do you give a shit for anyway? Go back to your /fit/ circle jerk of steamed chicken breast, steamed green veg, steamed starch and metabolic steroid smoothie.

>> No.8873566

guaranteed all the "wtf do americans really xyz?" posts are from americans themselves

>> No.8873568

Illegal immigrants aren't American, Pedro.

>> No.8873570

>And what do you give a shit for anyway? Go back to your /fit/ circle jerk of steamed chicken breast, steamed green veg, steamed starch and metabolic steroid smoothie.
Well its better than McDonalds you fucking fatass. Guess i struck a nerve there lil fatty. Being fit isnt for everyone.

>> No.8873580

>frying food in water
Have fun with your boiled chicken faggot

>> No.8873589
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>How about you use real words next time, OP
>frying food in water
>Why does a six pack of tallboys "feel" like it has more beer in it than a six pack of just regulra beer?

>> No.8873596

If it's so much better why aren't you there now, idiot? This isn't real life where you can drive by in a car and lean out your window yelling "faggot" to change the neighborhood.

>> No.8873597

Shitposting is probably 50% canadian.

>> No.8873603

>Guess its a european thing
Stopped reading there.

>> No.8873604

What? You can't just do that shit in real life....

>> No.8873609
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>> No.8873613

You're absolutely not fit, tubs. Don't even pretend. Bet you can't even do a burpee.

>> No.8873615


>> No.8873616

it's not us fan i promise

>> No.8873617


>> No.8873632

gr8 b8 m8 no h8

>> No.8873639

>I frequent 15+ different boards

>> No.8873646


>> No.8873653
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 1491496364789 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>with green beret friend, super chill
>go to party, he gets lit the fuck up
>be me, designated driver
>driving down road, he's livid
>he unrolls the window, screams faggot at some Mongo-tier biker
>next red light, biker hops off hog and accosts my friend
>friend stumbles out, trash talks biker
>biker takes a swing
>friend dodges like something out of a Jackie Chan film
>slams biker face into my hood, guy is out cold
>kicks the biker's hog over, we drive off
>mfw I've got the biggest boner of my life

The dent's still there, we still chuckle about it.

>> No.8873656

>this worthless thread probably knocked one of them off.
actually it was a taco bell thread that got knocked off. but there will be more tomorrow or tonight if were lucky

>> No.8873664

It's true, though.
Gordon Ramsay honed the blade in the wrong direction. You're supposed to 'cut' the steel/stone, not drag it away.

>> No.8873683

... That was the end of it too...

>> No.8873694

Your post isn't informative or insightful, despite that you appear to believe it is. In fact, it only shows that you are ignorant and stupid.

Most people on EVERY 4chan board are ignorant, stupid, or uneducated, not just /ck/. You are retarded if you think /mu/ posters know about music or /tv/ posters know about film, just like people here don't know much about cooking.
>on /fit/ a lot of guys are in good shape

It is purely in your imagination that you think one board is more "expert" in its topic than the next. There's no way to quantify that, and you certainly haven't found out how to do so.

The entire point of this website is to make jokes and post irreverent and often irrelevant pictures in the context of a "discussion" about a board's topic, with the very occasional intelligent or informative post.

>I frequent 15+ different boards

If you frequent 15 4chan boards, you don't have any credibility. It indicates you have a low IQ, autism, and a range of other mental issues. but we already knew that because you can't even figure out the purpose of 4chan--you think it's a discussion forum for knowledgeable people to discuss topics with seriousness and intelligence.

>> No.8873754

You all are illegal immigrants there, all besides native americans.

>> No.8873760

> this
But also, /ck/ isnt nearly as bad as /g/. /g/ is a pure shithole compared to this. Everyone on that board claims to be smart and skilled at whatever programming thing, but not a single one of them have ever completed an impressive project on their own. They all complain and compare languages and their certifications, but at the end of the day they are all code monkeys like the rest of them who use the /g/ circle jerk to feel better about their mediocre career performance and life accomplishments. Like these people have shit fits over operating systems and environments like they even matter in the grand scheme of things.
Thank god /ck/ doesnt take its self as seriously as /g/.

>> No.8873791


>> No.8873799

Since when is 4chan an American website?

>> No.8873803

They migrated from Asia not that long ago. Humans aren't "native" to the Americas.

>> No.8873805

Who the fuck is 4chan

>> No.8873816

But I was born here, so would i be native? I must not be human then

>> No.8873822

Who owns the earth? if you want to get into a philosophical argument nobody really owns anything, the natives killed other natives for territorial reasons, some of the american tribes would cannibalize and eat other tribes etc. Human beings are violent selfish people.

>> No.8873823

while this post is savage, it's false.

>> No.8873846
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>> No.8873849
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4chan was a mistake.

>> No.8873852

You're the ones who bought this "illegal immigrant" argument up in the first place. Don't try to move the goalpost now.

>> No.8873870

I didn't bring up shit, just a passive observer until I looked at your stupid post.

>> No.8873884

this is correct

>> No.8873886

is boiled chicken good ?
is boiled meat good?

>> No.8873889
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anyone who is good at cooking knows talking about cooking is pointless lmao

I can google recipes and I know how to read them.

>> No.8873895

And the post you replied to just now was my first post ITT. Doesn't fucking matter. You didn't bring up shit, but you still agree with it and tried to argue from the illegal perspective, no?

>> No.8873904

>lets screencap retards, r/4chan will love this!

>> No.8873910

>having to resort to comparing to hobby boards with media consumption boards
Your just proved OP's point lad.

>> No.8873920


>> No.8874012

You're right, and I got banned for making this thread like 6 years ago
nothing changes

>> No.8874047

>make an awful offtopic thread
>get banned

>> No.8874140

I am a 28 yearold male from the board /g/. My opinion is that /g/ is a great place for people to post about operating systems. I have fixed several issues in not just my 6-month exercise and experimentation project with gnu/linux, but also my mothers computer (she is very grateful) by asking questions in the helpful daily program thread. most people do not understand operating systems like the people on /g/ do.

im not sure if you didnt notice but operating systems run the world. I think that board deserves accolades for all that it had contributed.

>> No.8874397
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Shitpost: The Thread