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8866310 No.8866310 [Reply] [Original]

Which alcohol snob do you hate the most, /ck/? The winefag, the beer snob or the hard liquor stickler?

>> No.8866348

I like people who are enthusiastic about quality beverages

The kind of people I hate are picky drinkers who won't explore beverages they are uncomfortable with because they think it makes them gay (or it intimidates them and they make up various excuses). They're basically the drinking equivalent of people who pick the sesame seeds off a bun before eating the hamburger. Awful people to drink with

The single-beverage people tend to be either whisky drinkers or beer drinkers. More often beer drinkers

But just to be a snob about beer, liquor, or wine? Those are fine and good things to do. Snob is not a bad word

>> No.8866359

Being a snob about something isnt so bad. Being an asshole about what someone else likes or how they drink it or what theyre drinking is whats bad.

Same goes for the cunts that never drink anything new.

I also hold a special hate for people that think a drink is "disgusting" because it isnt some sugar filled concoction or has so much other stuff in it you cant taste the alcohol.

>> No.8866369


I don't mind snobs so long as they don't patronize my drink of choice. I love trying new things but if some hipster is going to tell me I have an 'undeveloped palate' for enjoying something, I won't hesitate telling them to shove it.

I know plenty of wine/beer/liquor snobs but they're never the kind to talk down, they're always quick with a recommendation to my liking and encourage me to try new things.

>> No.8866371

I do hate beer hipsters, the most, but something about people who sip hard liquor gets to me. No way you're actually enjoying that shit. I've tried with some of the best liquors and they all taste like burning death.

>> No.8866377

None of them bother me. I don't give a fuck about what other people think or do. But I probably understand the wine guys the best, having been in the industry.

>> No.8866390

Who's worse, coffee snobs or beer snobs?

>> No.8866392

I drink straight spirits pretty often and I enjoy the feeling of it going down my throat.
Quite often I'm at home alone drinking so it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone by doing it, I just enjoy it. I'm not a fan of mixing spirits with sugary drinks.

>> No.8866394

The worst is that shitposter who jumps into coffee and beer threads and starts stupid arguments about estrogen and mycotoxins

>> No.8866404
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>> No.8866421

Whiskeyfags are the worst

>> No.8866424

You have to find the right ones. Ordinary Jameson works for me.

>> No.8866431

They are up there with IPA queens

>> No.8866439

Wine snobs are usually rich so I cannot compete with them.

>> No.8866455

IPA drinkers and beer snobs.
Whiskeyfags just stay the fuck out of the way but beer snobs openly advise shit they you will pour out after one sip.

I have never poured out a full beer until I tasted an IPA. What the fuck is wrong with hipsters?

>> No.8866513

All of them. Just shut the fuck up and drink your goddamn alcohol.

>> No.8866517

>they'll ask what type of stouts are on tap
But I like stouts and porters. And I ask that because I don't want to fucking drink an IPA because they are disgusting.

>> No.8866587

> No way you're actually enjoying that shit.

fuck off you underage B& faggot, we don't enjoy the god damn taste, just the expedited results

>> No.8866609

None are that bad compared to the virulent anti-snobs of /ck/.

>> No.8866628

I think you're right about single beverage people. I was exclusively lager drinking until only recently, and most whiskey drinkers I know aren't interested in anything else except maybe a beer at a bbq.

Wine drinkers turn into insufferable, snobbish, faggots most of the time. As soon as my dad started to get interested in it his oestrogen levels soared.

>> No.8866632

>Drink is disgusting because no 500g of sugar

That's essentially most young women and children. Women get a pass because everyone knows their soft, but if you've reached puberty and can't handle the taste of beer or whisky then you're a straight up gay cunt.

>> No.8866636
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>> No.8866770

What asshats

>> No.8866841

Its tough to say. They're all terrible in different ways.

Beer snobs think their tongue is somehow magically imbued with greater degrees of perception and never shut up about how they refuse to drink any but the most obscure brews possible. They'll then proceed to lecture you on why its good, and why you should like it. This is ironic because they tend to equate beer quality with how hoppy it is, which is hilarious. I can appreciate hoppy beers, but most beer snobs seem to think a dry hopped sextuple IPA is the pinnacle of brewing, and that anyone who doesn't like beer that absurdly bitter just lacks the sacred tongue they've been gifted. They're a lot like people who want their food absurdly, rectum destroyingly, spicy, because they're so tough they can handle it. Anyone who prefers their food to not taste like Dresden in 1945 is just a pussy.

Winefags are annoying because they tend to equate their beverage preference with inherent cultural superiority. They think their is inherent cultural value in wine and they're superior to plebs who don't appreciate it. Their taste in wine automatically transcends to taste in food, music, film etc.

Spiritfags are a lot less common but they tend to be a lot more aggressive. For example if you prefer bourbon and they like scotch, or vice versa, they seem to almost get upset at the fact that someone doesn't share their view.

And I feel obligated to state I'm obviously not referring to everyone who enjoys these beverages, just the faggots who take it way to seriously.

>> No.8866844

At this point, it's just a matter of time before you yank the bottle out of their grasp and attempt to shove it up their rectum.

>> No.8866846

*there is

>> No.8866884

All of the beer snobs I know are way above IPAs, and basically jizz in their pants anytime ANYTHING bourbon-barrel aged comes out.

Case and point, the big hard-to-find release this month was Founder's KBS:

> Founders KBS is a beer "brewed with a massive amounts of coffee and chocolates" that gets aged in bourbon barrels. The brewery says it's "aged for a year in the caves beneath Grand Rapids," which means you might want to start spelunking now to score some before everyone else.

I only knew it was released because my dude who runs the beer section sold me 1 bottle of it. They got 1 keg to run on Tap and it was sold out by the afternoon. The restaurant we went to wouldn't do any samples, you had to buy a $10 glass of it.

All that fanfare and it's nothing special at all. Barrel aging is my least favorite snob-trend, I think it muddles every other flavor.

>> No.8866893

Probably these fags because they spit the wine out, and I can't ever tell the difference.
At least different beers taste different. All wine tastes like ass, I only drink it for health reasons. I consider sticking to wine "quitting" after all the liquor I've drank.
>Hard liquor
These people are just drunks. I know what it's like, but I'm not stupid enough to drink in public.

>> No.8866917


Don't get me wrong whiskey is my favorite alcohol, but I'm fine with any old cheap swill.

>> No.8867055

anyone who
>cares where a beer is from over how it tastes
>anyone who quotes beer advocate
>anyone who gawks "oh I don't go below<perfectly fine beer at a party>"
>anyone who only gets their beers from local microbrews

>> No.8867059

I like the taste.

>> No.8867061


That and usually the "oh you mix your alcohol? why waste perfectly fine liquor?"

Because fucker I can mix a rum and coke or other liquor and a splash of something else and pay 2-5 times less than you did for the same damn result.

>> No.8867064

I wouldn't know op I only drink WATER

>> No.8867071

>All wine tastes like ass, I only drink it for health reasons. I consider sticking to wine "quitting" after all the liquor I've drank.
i agree, wine makes me feel like shit too, its really acidic or something and i dont like it going down. plus to get properly trashed you have to drink at least a bottle or two which makes me feel like a real piece of shit

>> No.8867072

>plus to get properly trashed you have to drink at least a bottle or two which makes me feel like a real piece of shit

Tell me about it ...

>> No.8867076

Honestly, with everyone and their uncle making all sorts of crazy IPAs, flavoured stouts, etc, I actually miss a good, decently done mild or bitter beer.

>> No.8867085

Man thats a hard one, I think it all boils down to people flaunting expensive shit. So I guess wine is the worst on that note but I'm pretty far removed from that. Liquor snobs have annoyed me the most though. Hyper expensive whiskey tastes like smoke, and thats great don't get me wrong, but if I'm drinking whiskey straight I don't give a shit about that.

For the most part, people don't give a shit that I like highlife and whatever sludge called "whiskey" I like. We're all drunk in the end.

>> No.8867090

There are plenty of wine drinkers like that too. They pick a single grape,from a specific region, and refuse to drink anything unless it's that.
It's frustrating when you have a good wine that they'd probably like, but they won't try because it's not French/Italian/Whatever.

>> No.8867217

Wine tastes like rotten grape juice to me. It's good for a second, then it just grosses me out. Plus, I had a bad experience with some homebrew stuff. I hate the combination of sweetness, acidity, and alcohol.

Liquor just tastes like burning and chemicals. I don't like getting drunk that much and I don't like the taste, so there's no reason for me to drink hard liquor.

Beer is my drink of choice because it's just so drinkable. Even bland shit like PBR or light beer is at least crisp and refreshing. Then, there's all the different varieties. I can sodomize my tastebuds with a mega-ultra-super hop extravaganza, crack open a frosty can of macrobrew lager, or have a malt-tastic stout that's darker than yo Mama's ass crack. Also, between beer, liquor, and wine, beer goes the best with food.

>> No.8867230
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How about the faggots who think it's somehow cool to have a large part of a room dedicated solely to the elaborate mixing of drinks?

Not calling them snobs, but just people who seem to have very odd priorities.

>> No.8867233

Nothing worse than a pretentious scotch fag

>> No.8867254

>Which alcohol snob do you hate the most

Niggers who want to go to some fancy place or a breasturant to drink, only to order something like budlight or something which normally is 3.50 but at this play 5-6 bucks because ~atmosphere~

>> No.8867258

Beer snobs. I love beer, drink mostly local craft form here in San Diego, but beer snobs need to swallow a revolver.

>> No.8867263

There is also this weird sub-type of scotchfag - irish whisky fag who thinks that every single irish whisky > any scotch.

>> No.8867272

I think your definition of "snob" is my definition of "enthusiast," which is of course not a bad thing to be (unless you're trying to rile people up on the internet). You cross the line to "snob" when a superiority complex develops out of this enthusiasm, which doesn't always happen.

>> No.8867291

go to Munich.

>> No.8867409

i drink good scotch/bourbon/rye or higher-end beer at home in moderation when "chillin."

when i go out, i slam cheap beer and shoot well whiskey. if anyone tries to one-up me i can just school them and they look like asses. it's rare, but a great feeling to turn the tables on someone preying and trying to spit game

>> No.8867454

They don't do mild or bitters in Germany.

>> No.8867474

I thought most Bavarian Helles type brews counted as mild. either way, great stuff whether you're having 1 or 6, and they have withstood centuries of changes in beer culture

>> No.8867686

as long as people don't bother others with their hobby too much I don't really care. They should allow me to put whisky in my coke basically.

>> No.8867708

dunno if samefag but I agree, IPA fucking sucks
here in the NW everyone religiously drinks that shit like it's the best, or actually a real beer. Degenerates....

>> No.8867732

>Being a snob about something isnt so bad. Being an asshole about what someone else likes or how they drink it or what theyre drinking is whats bad.
This, basically. I like a wide range of drinks - beer, whisky, bourbon, wine, and gin. If I can afford it and it is available, I will generally pick something that I know I like and stay away from the cheap stuff that I know I don't. However I will happily drink a can of Fosters or whatever if it is all that is around and I sure as hell won't complain about it or mock those who like things that I don't. If someone wants to try a nice bottle of something I have around the house then I am happy to let them.

I fucking hate people who try to force their preferences on others and act as if they are superior because they prefer some local breweries offerings over mass produced lager. Especially autists who don't understand normal social standards - if you go out to a bar with friends then you are not there to sample craft beer, so don't fucking complain when you are faced with a limited choice of well known stuff. Fair enough if you are going to a tasting session or whatever and the offer you Miller, but you aren't.

>> No.8867735

Depends what you are drinking. I sip whisky quite often when I am at home by myself because I like it. Something like Talisker with a couple of drops of water in it is really nice and full of flavour.

>> No.8867742

Apparently I'm a hipster for going to a bar and asking what stouts they have on tap.
Man being a hipster is mainstream

>> No.8867744

They may be on to something here

>> No.8867747

Brewdog has good beer though

>> No.8867757

I really hate how they pull this sort of shit as some of their beer is pretty good and no more expensive than regular stuff here in the UK at least. Might be wrong but I think they have dropped that BS on the new style bottles, will check and report back when I go to Tesco later

>> No.8867770

Trick question, its cocktail faggots.

>> No.8867772

Whiskey fags & beer hipsters I get: those both have a wide range of styles and tastes, and there is a clear taste difference between them.

Wine snobs are fucking hilarious; it's been proven, time and time again, that all of those "tasting notes" are total bullshit: given cheap plonk in an expensive bottle, the vast majority can't tell the difference. Fuck, some can't even tell the difference between red wine, and white wine with red food colouring in it.

Then you've got the Vodka fags and Gin fags. Get the fuck out of here; you can't taste shit.

>> No.8867800

>all of those "tasting notes" are total bullshit: given cheap plonk in an expensive bottle, the vast majority can't tell the difference
Kek, any links for that?

I drink £5 a bottle Australian red wine and it tastes as good as anything I have had at fancy restaurants / wine snobs houses. I always knew fancy wine was a meme

>> No.8867804


>> No.8867807


The only snob I don't like is the one that turns their nose up at me getting shit faced/enjoying myself (only at the expense of myself the next day). It could be a cheap cask of wine or a $60 bottle of vodka.
I've never met an actual drink snob, only judgy cunts who think their cool because they sit at tipsy all night.

Never forget, half drunk is a waste of money.

>> No.8867810


>The "vodka doesn't taste like anything" guy

>> No.8867813

ALL vodka tastes identical: it tastes of Vodka. If it doesn't taste of Vodka, it tastes of industrial alcohol. There is no subtlety in flavour. You can not taste any. Stop trying to pretend you can, you insufferably pretentious cunt.

>> No.8867818


Also https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/jun/23/wine-tasting-junk-science-analysis is good and has a bunch of links to primary sources.

>> No.8867837

Calm your nuts faggot
of course vodka has very specific taste but it doesn't mean there is no difference between triple-filtered vodka and diluted nail polish remover

>> No.8867838

Vodka definitely has different tastes. I've tried three brands in my life, I can't remember the first two but they tasted great, it was like drinking fire. Then I bought a bottle of smirnoff and it was disgusting, just pure bitterness.

>> No.8867843


Like I said, it either tastes of Vodka, or it tastes of industrial alcohol. That's it. There is no subtlety.

>> No.8867845

Right, and some people like the vodka taste.

>> No.8867848

I'm talking specifically about the insufferable faggots who endlessly debate different brands of vodka and pretend they can taste any difference between them, not people who just "like vodka".

It's the same difference as between the IPA hipster faggot and a guy who prefers a pale ale when he's in the pub.

>> No.8867851


There's subtle differences like sweetness of taste or oiliness on your pallet (I've always found Absolut to have a vaguely oily texture for instance).

There's differences, just no where near as obvious as brown spirits or other alcohol like ouzo that are about herbs etc.

>> No.8867861

wine and whiskey are premium products. they require autism and can be very expensive. snobbery is permissible.

beer is cheap and working class. anyone can make it in their bath, filter it through their neckbeard, shove it in a hipstery bottle and sell it to other cunts. snobbery is laughable. it's like hamburger snobbery if that was a thing.

>> No.8867863

Idiot child. You might as well claim all brands of bottled water taste the same. Just because vodka tastes the same after it's mixed and poured over ice doesn't mean people can tell the difference. Even YOU can tell the difference, you just haven't had the opportunity to make the attempt because you're underage.

>> No.8867873

>Just because vodka tastes the same after it's mixed and poured over ice doesn't mean people can tell the difference

Subtle, Anon. Subtle.

>> No.8867880

>Wine is premium

Only the absolute, top end, "Only made 5 bottles 87 years ago and they were locked in a Nunnery until the Nazi's stole them and drank 4 of them" type of wine are out of reach for the average person (and that stuff is almost universally not even worth the price anyway. Shit a lot of it is undrinkable)

Even the experts can't tell the difference between any given average bottle of wine. That's not snobbery, it's unsupported bullshit, and it's designed to keep people "out".

>> No.8867891

>tfw win price to quality ratio balances out at $10-$15 dollars

>> No.8867893
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>the only options are 2 buck chuck and DRC la tache
>wine is designed to make me feel dumb
>experts can't tell bandol from TBA riesling
I don't mind people who lack knowledge. What I really don't like is people who intentionally avoid it and take pride in the fact

>> No.8867897

>the only options are 2 buck chuck and DRC la tache

That is the exact opposite of what I said.

>experts can't tell bandol from TBA riesling

They can't even tell the difference between red & white. See >>8867818

You are precisely the exact sort of idiot I'm talking about.

>> No.8867898

>You are precisely the exact sort of idiot I'm talking about
Right back at ya

>> No.8867900

Oh no, a wine snob thinks I'm an idiot. How will I ever cope.

>> No.8867903
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>ignorant and proud of it

>> No.8867912

but liquors have some sort of magical sweetness that awakens your inner child. only problem i have is that they dry out my throat

>> No.8867923

>A wine snob who wouldn't be able to tell the difference between red & white thinks I'm ignorant.

Oh no. Please stop, you're killing me here etc.

>> No.8867930
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You don't even know what makes a red wine "red" or a white wine "white", let alone what TBA stands for or what "bandol" is.

The thing that makes you a terrible person is not that you don't know. It's not even that you don't care to know. It's that you think not knowing means you "defeated" the mean elitists who invented a time machine and invented a beverage thousands of years ago so that you would feel dumb in the 21st century with all the world's knowledge at your fingertips. Instead of using that knowledge, you use a search engine to find examples that cater to your unwavering belief that expert opinion is just a tool of oppression and that technology should be used to "fight back" and show those mean experts how irrelevant they are.

>> No.8867940


Grape skin contact is what makes wines red. That's it. Plenty of white wines are made from red grapes.Trockenbeerenauslese is fungus wine that is viscous, overly sweet shit, some vintages are okay. Tokaji or Saunteres are better dessert wines.

>> No.8867943

Is that how you did all your work in school? Read wikipedia and salt it with a "just" or "that's it" here and there to make it seem like your opinion?

>> No.8867945

>No no I'm right because I say I'm right

It's interesting that you think I'm rejecting "expert" opinion, when I've given you two links that give primary sources from studies that prove that wine snobs *can't tell the difference* between wines. Literal, scientific studies.

So no, in fact I trust the studies, that have been repeated multiple times, that prove your claims are total horeseshit and that wine snobs are, for the vast part of it, making it all up to try and sound clever.

Here, because you're so hard of reading, I'll gather some of those link here so you can go educate yourself on your little hobby:


How's that for belief in expert opinion? Now go back to your full bodied red (or white? Hard to tell isn't it?) with notes of blackberries, summer holidays in Ryhll, fish fingers and dead hedgehog.

>> No.8867947


I'm not even the same person you were talking to. Listing off obscure wines or random factoids means you sat through Weiss' class and passed by the skin of your teeth, OR are currently enjoying his musky Austrian odor. One or the other.

Most wine is shit, Argentinean and African wines are the only quality products on Canadian/American shelves. Some NZ Sauvignon Blanc is okay.

>> No.8867948

>The one spirit with a wild amount of variation in flavours through botanical usage all taste the same

I don't even like gin and I can easily tell the difference between them

>> No.8867950

1. The guardian is not a "primary study", it's a newspaper
2. I too could google up 45 minutes of reading and say "if you don't read this I win", but that's extremely transparent trolling, so I won't
3. I'm familiar with the "study" in question and it doesn't prove what you think it proves

>riesling is obscure
Are you the same idiot who was arguing that tarragon is obscure the other day?

>> No.8867969

>The guardian is not a "primary study"

No but you seemed so shy of actual information I thought I'd throw in something soft for you, you poor lamb.

>I too could google up 45 minutes of reading and say "if you don't read this I win", but that's extremely transparent trolling, so I won't

Who's rejecting "experts" now? Suit yourself, if you won't educate yourself that's not my problem.

>I'm familiar with the "study"

There are multiple primary studies I linked to.

>> No.8867982

>if you don't spend an hour typing up a point-by-point refutation of my huge ass pile of shit I googled up in 30 seconds, I win
And if I do, you get to say "lol u mad"

How about we stick to the facts: you believe wine exists to make you feel dumb, you believe the only options are 2 buck chuck and DRC la tache, and you GENUINELY believe that (a) riesling is obscure, and (b) experts can't detect drastic differences in sugar levels because of some article with a bunch of words you barely understood but which seemed to support your deep seated suspicion that it was all a trick to embarrass you

You can put on your dunce cap and sit in the corner now

>> No.8868003

The fuck's wrong with stouts? Did some chocolate peanut oatmeal espresso milk stout touch your no no zone or something?

>> No.8868014

This isn't about winning, Anon. I've stated my position, I've supported it with facts. You're ignoring those facts. That's your problem.

>How about we stick to the facts
>Proceeds to list a bunch of things he made up.

You're really not very good at this are you?

>experts can't detect drastic differences in sugar levels because of some article with a bunch of words

No, they can't. The study has been repeated numerous times; I've given you links to a bunch of of them. You could repeat the study yourself, today, and reach the same result. Because they can't. This isn't some voodoo science; there isn't even a single credible study that casts any doubt on this; wine "experts" largely can't tell cheap plonk from expensive wines. Under some circumstances, they can't even tell white from red.

I can see how this upsets you; I'd probably be upset if I'd based my personality, in part, on my self proclaimed expertise in something that's been proven to be total rubbish. I mean your whole persona as a wine expert is a lie, and it doesn't require much intelligence to uncover the truth that it's a lie. I'd be upset about that, it's perfectly normal and I can't blame you for that: but I can blame you for continuing to deny that fact while clinging to a barely credible position while at the same time trying to cast *others* as the ones who are denying reality and ignoring "experts".

I guess it's a strong psychological defense, but it's just not healthy.

Oh and
>you GENUINELY believe that (a) riesling is obscure

That wasn't me. Do try to keep up.

>> No.8868021
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>Under some circumstances, designed specifically by wine experts to point out a phenomenon to other wine experts
>Therefore, in all circumstances, I'm smarter than the experts

>> No.8868025

ITT: alcoholic hipsters

>> No.8868027


Not all TBA is made from Riesling grapes....

>> No.8868034

>Things that weren't said, again.

You really do love believing things are just straight made up, don't you?

I think you've beautifully proven the point of how insufferable wine snobs are. Thanks.

>> No.8868038

>experts can't tell bandol from TBA riesling
Thanks Dr. Google

>> No.8868044


>I'm wrong
>I'll continue to shitpost obscure things even I'm not versed in

Do carry on...

>> No.8868049

I love cocktails but cocktail bartenders are some of the most obnoxious people I have ever met. I went to a diageo seminar and 3/4 of the bartenders were jizzing in their pants over the 'concept' of a levitating drink. So fucking stupid

>> No.8868050

>now that you put it that way, it sounds dumb
>waah why do these wine snobs keep making me feel dumb!

>> No.8868055

>riesling is obscure
There he goes again

>> No.8868062


Most TBA isn't made from Riesling, you're thinking of Eiswein, which is also sugary shit water.

>> No.8868066

Why are you saying obscure things to make me feel dumb!?

>> No.8868070

I mean you could have just left it; yeah okay, anon thinks wine snobs are wrong. Haha, silly anon.

But nope, in you steamed: and proved the point *perfectly*. Better than I ever could have done. Straight up, balls out, "Look at me! I'm a wine expert! You're all wrong, even the scientific studies! It's really a clever and very special thing that only true connoisseurs, such as myself, what with me being so educated and all, can enjoy properly!"

Shit man, I'm actually impressed. Thank you for putting so much effort into my argument.

>> No.8868071



Now you're just memeing.

>> No.8868078

He is. He's latching onto a thing I said, completely missing the point, and then trying to meme it to the maximum to obscure the entirety of the actual argument.

What he hasn't seemed to have realised is that he's just digging himself deeper and deeper into the hole every time: either because he's so upset he can't think straight, or because he couldn't understand the original point. Or probably a combination of the two.

>> No.8868083

Except I didn't claim to be a wine expert nor did I claim to know more than them. I said you're NOT an expert, and your resentment of expertise doesn't make the experts wrong. Nor do a bunch of URLs you spammed "prove" that experts know less than you

Now, scurry along to the diet thread and find a study that contradicts another study, thereby proving that medical science is a hoax and who wants to live to fifty anyway

>> No.8868085


Definitely winos, it's been scientifically proven that they have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

>> No.8868088

wine is artfags, hard liquor is fedoras, and beer is hipsters. I hate hipsters more than the other 2

>> No.8868091


I already told you that you're speaking to multiple people. I own a wine shop in New York and corrected your stupidity, because I dislike the spread of disinformation. That being said, most TBA is made from Chardonnay grapes that are picked by Semitic trash from Turkey.

>> No.8868092

>beer is hipsters
A fat guy with a huge collection of "rare empties" isn't a hipster, it's just a slob

>> No.8868097

>I said you're NOT an expert

No. That's why I supported my argument with evidence from actual experts.

>Nor do a bunch of URLs you spammed "prove" that experts know less than you

No, it proves that they know more than me. That is, actual experts, not wine "experts".

It also doesn't matter if I "spammed" them; they support my claim. It's up to you if you ignore them or not, it doesn't change the fact that my claim is correct, and it doesn't make you any more right.

>thereby proving that medical science is a hoax

There you go again. I've linked to an entire corpus of scientific studies that support my claim, and you're back again with "Uh-uh-uh, you're so anti-scientific. Uh-uh-uh."

Somehow believing actual scientists over wine "experts" makes me believe in anti-vaccination or fad diets. Let me guess: by ignoring them and believing self-proclaimed wine "experts", you're just being fully logical and secure in your position? You're special, anon. You don't even know what you don't know.

Still, once again thank you for continuing to prove my point. I owe you one. Don't worry, I'll put it into a bottle with an expensive label on it so it tastes better.

>> No.8868098

when I picture a beer hipster I imagine someone getting some weird fucking ale that tastes like fruit punch at some hipster magnet bar

>> No.8868108

>they support my claim
How can you say that if you didn't read the articles but merely copied and pasted a bunch of search results?

>> No.8868113

>How can you say that if you didn't read the articles

Because I've read the articles. I've been fascinated by wine snobbery for a while; it doesn't take long to find those links again.

What's your next excuse?

>> No.8868119

I wrote the articles. I've been fascinated by retards for so long, it didn't take me long to publish them.

If you don't type up a 50,000 word essay summarizing each and every one of my articles I will know for a fact you didn't even google them yourself

Oops! You lost :~)

>> No.8868123

Oh boy, a shitty slapfight about alcohol.

>> No.8868126

>I wrote the articles

Okay anon. You seem pretty upset at the idea that somebody might have stumbled across an article about the voodoo science of wine tasting, and then be interested enough to actually read some of the primary material on it.

But, of course, spending your time pretending you're capable of tasting "notes of elderberry and a long slow smoky finish, reminiscent of charred hazelwood" while everyone else nods sagely: that's clearly a great use of your time. Nothing weird about that, is there?

>You lost

You still think this is about "winning"? How sad.

>> No.8868128

go sip your microbrew fag

>> No.8868129
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i can actuall picture your face getting red when you type

>> No.8868135

Yeah, I'll go drink a bottle of Honey Brown lager later.

>> No.8868139

>the voodoo science of wine tasting
"Science of wine tasting"? I think I understand why you're so mad now. You're one of those people who thinks Parker Points are supposed to be the output of a scientific instrument and now you're frustrated that you bought a 98 point wine and it wasn't to your taste.

You've learned something new but you just don't know it yet. Nobody takes that shit seriously except retarded middle aged golfers.
I'm drinking coffee now, maybe you can shitpost some about mycotoxins or instant is better.

>> No.8868143

>He doesn't understand the common phrase "voodoo science"

That's a lot of projecting you're doing there, too, anon.

>> No.8868146

The voodoo is not the issue here, it's the fact that you confused a magazine review for "science" because there was a 100 point rating system involved.

>> No.8868156

>it's the fact <made up stuff>

There you go again. You can't stop. It's pathological, isn't it?

No anon, it's the fact that the science says it's all bullshit. You're the perfect example of the sort of person who believes it isn't.

>> No.8868158

>No anon, it's the fact that the science says it's all bullshit.

But that's not true in the slightest. Science says that a LOT of it is bullshit, but not all of it.

>> No.8868161

>mycotoxins or instant is better.
>casually taking drugs
how about neither you fucking degenerate

>> No.8868172

This. I just sip on a glass of Jameson couple time a week

>> No.8868175
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Yes, all those words like brix, ABV, and so on, are just liberal hoax words designed to make me feel dumb. There are no measurable differences, it's a hallucination by so-called "experts". I don't want to understand it therefore it's Bullshit™

>> No.8868177

Okay, I'll concede that: the majority if it is bullshit.

>> No.8868197
File: 102 KB, 579x527, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these kinds of people more the alcohol snobs. Wine/beer/liquor snobs may be pretentious assholes but fuck the retards who denigrate a kind of drink they've never bothered to try anything else than cheap ass versions of it(Only retards spend money on expensive alcohol hurr), and make sweeping generalizations about it such as:
>Then you've got the Vodka fags and Gin fags. Get the fuck out of here; you can't taste shit.
And go on about some pleb pandering studies that make them feel good cause the evil wine "experts" are out to trick them.
Not that there isn't a lot of bullshit in the wine industry, but anyone who's gone to a tasting session without fucked up taste buds know that wine doesn't taste the same.

Most alcohol types have some depth to it if you go out of your way to learn about it and develop your taste buds. Every alcohol has it's merits, just go with what you like and formulate some depth to your taste. Just because you don't know shit about Gin doesn't mean all gin tastes the same, especially to someone who has tasted 100 of different bottles of gin.

If your tongue is used to chicken nuggets and hot sauce all your life don't be surprised that all beer taste like piss.

>> No.8868209

>we don't enjoy the god damn taste, just the expedited results

I don't think the people who want expedited results sip their liquor.

>> No.8868216

the fag who thinks all beer tastes bad and people are just pretending to like it.

>> No.8868217

the stick figure comic guy?
yeah he's a mega queer, probably the dumbest wannabe philosopher to ever exist.

>> No.8868223

I want to find and post the comic but he uses some name I can never remember

>> No.8868329

Literally the first thing when searching
"All beer tastes bad comic"

>> No.8868352
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>> No.8868361

yes. hold it in mouth long enoughto stop burning and it becomes sweet and full of flavour...

>> No.8868391

>its really acidic or something
You're missing the point. While beer and liquor can be drunk of their own wine doesn't work so well like that. Wine is meant to accompany food, particularly foods where its acid compliments the food. If you look at wine drinking cultures food is almost always served with wine. Having a glass or two of wine without at least a little snack is doing it wrong.
>you have to drink at least a bottle or two
Which is not that hard to do during a two or three hour meal with friends spread out over several courses. And as long as you start out hydrated and eat something while drinking wine it won't leave you feeling like shit.

>> No.8868522
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my brother in law a complete beer snob but he does share his brews with me so I can't complain
ill drink a luke warm coors or a 60 dollar plum tasting beer with an ABV of 24%, I don't give a fuck

>> No.8868574

then drink watered down everclear fag

>> No.8868582

>Being an asshole about what someone else likes or how they drink it or what theyre drinking is whats bad.
This is part of being a snob.

>> No.8869133

I didn't use to like the taste of coffee, mayonnaise or even toasted bread. Until I did.

Why can't he accept that beer tastes good to people?

>> No.8869317

>drinking beer
>drinking wine
>drinking hard liquor with ice
top lad

>> No.8869558

I want to break a bottle of that over the head of whoever wrote that trash.

>> No.8869574


>unironically never reading the description on a bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale
>unironically not recognizing that it's a parody of Arrogant Bastard's description
>unironically taking it out of context to create the illusion that beer enthusiasts are truly this autistic and pretentious

You people are helpless

>> No.8869576
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>> No.8869579

to be perfectly honest family, i like arrogant bastard
it's cheap and fucks me up

>> No.8869582
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>unironically not unironically prefacing every greentext with "unironically"

>> No.8869584
File: 115 KB, 480x640, 1416455262984[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is just ironic man, looooooooooooool so funneh
>can't you just like, UNDERSTAND my epik wit and vocabulary on this beer bottle, wasting ink and resources so you can FEEL what I FEEEEEEEL, man?

>> No.8869608


>misunderstands a joke
>is irreparably humiliated and upset
>instead of remaining silent and moving on, decides to go into full damage control mode and condemn people who create jokes for a target audience

The thing to remember is that Arrogant Bastard is 20 years old, as is it's offensive name and description on the bottle. If you were buying a beer in 1997 and saw a beer called "arrogant bastard", and then read the description only to realize that it was a complete assault on your character, you'd admit that you likely have never felt such a way about a commercial product before.

You can imply that the entire marketing technique is fedora-tipping all you want, but that shit revolutionized the way we market beer, how we're allowed to market beer, and paved the way for breweries to name and describe their beer however and whatever the fuck they want.