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File: 48 KB, 640x853, stolichnaya_stoli2-640x853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8866381 No.8866381 [Reply] [Original]

The first time I had vodka I had Absolut and it was utter shit. Thinking of trying a different one and was curious about this one. Is it any good?

>> No.8866383

>trying a new vodka hoping that it won't be utter shit like the last vodka he tried

what are you, 12?

>> No.8866388

I suggest absolute

>> No.8866391

Stoli is almost one of the worst vodkas. If you hated Absolut, you'll definitely hate this.

>> No.8866399

No, just someone who didn't start to drink until 20.

>> No.8866400

Stoli is good, I pretty much have a bottle at home all the time.

Russian Standard or stoli are best bang for your buck.

>> No.8866403

Absolute has a bit of a metho taste, stoli is pretty neutral.

>> No.8866409


Vodka is tasteless, you fucking fucks

>> No.8866411

Snob spotting 101. Ask which vodka is better and find the people who say anything other than "they're all crap".

>> No.8866413

Sorry, but this is a thread to hear the opinions of people who haven't fried their tastebuds through years of abusive alcoholism.

>> No.8866418

Vodka is typically used to mix with unless you like the taste of alcohol. All of them will usually taste equally shit.. if you think one is utter shit, then you probably won't like any of them very much. If you want tasty hard liquor, you shouldn't be going with vodka!

>> No.8866420

Stoli is okay. It's not mind blowing, but it's the cheapest non-shit vodka.

>> No.8866435

There is a difference between shitty cheap vodka and mid price vodka.

I don't see the point of top shelf vodka. If you buy vodka that comes in a bottle shaped like a skull or something you're buying a label.

>> No.8866436

Good vodka is tasteless, yes

>> No.8866441

>There is a difference between shitty cheap vodka and mid price vodka.

True. One tastes and feels like it should be under a sink while the other just tastes like shit.

>> No.8866452
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you're saying you don't like Dan Akroid's best?

>> No.8866486
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>> No.8866503

Old alcoholic trick: run that through a water filter a few times and its perfectly good

>> No.8866519

Absolute isn't that bad to be honest. If you thought that was utter shit then you are likely a bitch who can't handle vodka. Unless you are retarded and fall for the expensive vodka meme.

>> No.8866522

Pinnacle is a solid. Popov is absolutely the best cheep vodka, hands down. It is what vodka should be: not much of anything, strict neutral. Better than Smirnoff. Svedka is good also, kinda fruity.

>> No.8866536

What does /ck/ think of Skyy? $10, tastes good in a moscow mule, and gets me drunk. No complaints here.

>> No.8866539

Finlandia is better, very soft. Absolut smells, tastes, and burns like rubbing alcohol and always gives hangovers.

>> No.8866568

Pffff. Drinking vodka. Blech. I'm going to Russia later this year, and my biggest challenge will be avoiding vodka. D:

Hopefully kvass tastes better.

>> No.8866578
File: 83 KB, 960x1280, voda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get smirnoff. dont listen to the hipsters here who tell you its shit. Its popular for a reason. its good. Its a nice middle ground between actual garbage like mccormicks and pretentious expensive shit

>> No.8866585

Absolut is one of the better vodkas out there though, you might just not be the right person for vodka, which is ok. Vodka isn't any fancy drink, it's not going to taste amazing. Cheap vodka is often not as well distilled and will smash your stomach and give you terrible hangovers so avoid that and buy a mid range vodka (I've tried some really expensive vodkas and it's just not worth it, it's not much different from mid-range you might as well get some decent rum or whiskey if you want to go more expensive).

It's almost flavorless so you can try mixing it into something, even if you just pour it in a glass of orange juice, you almost won't feel like you're drinking alcohol.

Also, don't get any ideas about trying flavored vodka, avoid it like the plague. Flavored vodka gives you the worst and longest fucking hangovers.

>> No.8866787


Please,describe the different flavours if you would ?

>> No.8866791

On the same page, man

>> No.8866973
File: 197 KB, 228x566, reyka_bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly recommend Reyka Vodka as a sipping vodka. Vodka easily is my favorite spirit.

>> No.8867036
File: 12 KB, 140x540, 01037_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite vodka by far

>> No.8867049
File: 23 KB, 600x600, buy-vodka-beluga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good vodka brand?

remember to drink ice cold vodka and eat some nice meats and stuff with it

>> No.8867051


You're not doing this right.

>> No.8867079

I can't stand vodka alone but I made some mint lemonade and mixed it with effen and it was bretty good

>> No.8867081

What about straight vodka puts youy offf?

>> No.8867093

when i was a full blown alcohlic id get gilbeys vodka. that shit is disgusting but in a sadistic way i miss it

>> No.8867122

Skyy is my go to for cheap vodka, every other vodka in it's price range tastes like ass compared to it

>> No.8868008

Skyy is $10 in the States? $40 a pop in Straya, standard lowest (give or take a couple of $30-35 brands) on our spirits.

>> No.8868012

If you can find it, get spirit bear. Easily the mildest, easiest drinking vodka I've ever had

>> No.8868023
File: 313 KB, 750x750, milkwalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguing over which is the best alcoholic water
This is a worse than a best sandwich thread

>> No.8868039


Tito's is my go-to, it's only available in Texas afaik though.

>> No.8868043

Stoli and finlandia are my go to vodkas! As a swede i should prefer absolut but i dont since i got drunk on it so many times when i were a teenager! Stoli on the rocks with some nice pickled herring ! 10/10

>> No.8868133

I'm kind of a lightweight so pure liquors are hard for me to swallow

>> No.8868142

Toto is available all over, friend. It is a good vodka. It's second only to ketel 1, which is extra delicious.

>> No.8868153

I thought lite beer held the title of alcoholic water?

>> No.8868199

Just get a vodka made by the polaks, they know how to make a proper vodka and are the ones who created it

>> No.8868206

Putinoff if you are a poorfag.

>> No.8868228


stoli is a meme vodka in germany

>> No.8868258
File: 118 KB, 580x696, monopolowa-vodka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink pic related when I'm in the mood for vodka. It's what I expect from a vodka (mixes well and makes for decent shots) and it's only marginally more expensive than the plastic-bottled Taaka that I used to drink in high school.

>> No.8868266

if mixing use grey goose, if drinking straight use belvedere

>> No.8868269

Get some Russian Standard and stick it in the freezer for a few hours before trying it.

>> No.8868276
File: 79 KB, 634x947, blackcowvodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you live in the UK, try this. A lot of my friends swear by it.

Yes, the base is rather unorthodox, but it really is quite smooth. The results speak for themselves.

>> No.8868282

Nice Try

Nobody's is buying your homebrewed line of vodka. That Hipster Packaging makes only the dumbest people believe that it has quality.

>> No.8868296

>milk vodka
I'd try it just to try it.

>> No.8868300

>posts something I like as a suggestion

And people wonder why we get almost nothing but meme threads. Maybe it's because we fucking deserve them, because no one wants to get REEEd at for posting an actual opinion anymore.

>> No.8868309

having an opinion is a meme

>> No.8868349

I get you are still in college and you and your body are making this cool vodka in your garage and one of your mates is a Grafik designer so he made you that minimalist design and you got a lot of likes on pinterest for it and now you are trying to close some sales on 4chan and someone exposes you for shilling your product. I would get mad too. That money could have been spent on longboards or more weed.

>> No.8868358

that's oddly specific anon

>> No.8868394

I prefer Absolute, Stoli is a bit harsher in my opinion.
If Absolute isn't on the menu I prefer Grey Goose.
>inb4 girl vodka
Just fuck off any closeted faggots that say that shit.

>> No.8868396

He actually is. I became alcohol during university, but going through high school stone cold sober is patrician god tier.

>> No.8868398

>tranny vodka

>> No.8868400
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There you go. Practically no flavor or hangover.

>> No.8868401

Fuck off.

>> No.8868407

>tranny comeback

>> No.8868416
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1493104661536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8868425

You're getting excited aren't you Suzy?

>> No.8868434
File: 404 KB, 144x247, creepy susie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm as moist as Marlon Brando's gooch after a trip up the stairs.

>> No.8868446

Belvedere for top shelf meme vodka. Grey Goose for top shelf meme vodka (and if you're a cuck).

Russian Standard for cheap decent tasting vodka. Skyy Vodka is pretty decent. Stay the fuck away from Finlandia. Wyborowa if you want great tasting vodka but a raging hangover.

>> No.8868555

Absolut really is shit. Literally anything will be better. Just get Stoli.

>> No.8868577

>no titos ITT
I hated vodka until I had titos, flavorless, scentless, and I can drink half a bottle without getting hungover the next day
My perfect vodka

>> No.8868586

It's because you guys make inflated money per hour. My childhood babysitter lives in Melbourne now with her husband and makes $50 an hour but doesn't live as well as she did in the US

>> No.8868592

Absolut is my favorite vodka. I've tried most of the expensive brands and prefer absolut. It seems smoother to me. It's hard to describe exactly. However I've heard many people say the opposite. People either like absolut or hate it. It's really bizarre how it divides people. I only drink shots straight out of the freezer on the rare times i drink some.

>> No.8868618
File: 4 KB, 225x225, ad9e4cc6e1f7c1c76b42f216ce324af6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolut best quality/price ratio. fite me!

>> No.8868666

no reason to fight, you're just a downtrodden alchie

To answer OP's question, Tito's is the best. It's up there with Grey Goose and Ketel One, but has a better price. It's too bad they're not still in their "breaking in" period where you could get a 1.75 for $20

>> No.8868690

Absolutely correct. Most consumers can't tell the difference between expensive and cheep vodka in blind taste tests. Popov is superb.

>> No.8868695

Stoli is a solid choice. Mixes well.

Want something stronk? Get some Finlandia.

>> No.8868704
File: 40 KB, 790x996, belvedere_identite_fond-blanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have flavoured absolut like citron, raspbery, kurant and more
I like Belvedere

>> No.8868709


>> No.8868778

Black Cow vodka isn't some garage brewed vodka you fucking flyover cunt, now fuck off.

>> No.8868820

You should lick a nice moist man gooch

>> No.8868827

Solid budget vodka.

>> No.8868853
File: 19 KB, 210x240, creepy-susie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you prepositioning me?

>> No.8869424

Get Luksusowa. Cheap and pretty smooth.

>> No.8869487

That one is expensive. All vodka is the same m8.