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File: 276 KB, 300x730, Coke_20oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8867095 No.8867095 [Reply] [Original]

I bought one 20 ounce Coca-Cola because I felt I could use a slight pick me up and I'm too sensitive to caffeine to use coffee.

And HOLY SHIT, what on earth are they putting into Coca Cola these days? It's cranked me up to 11 and put me on the verge of a jittering manic meltdown.


Is literally everyone insane? How do you people stand drinking this shit without it affecting you hardly at all?

I can't begin to comprehend the stories of people who chug several cans of Energy drinks. To me that's complete and utter madness.

>> No.8867103

They use Phosphoric Acid as a preservative, I don't believe anything can grow or live in it. Since they use so much Phosphoric Acid they need to balance out the taste with sugar. around 65 grams of sugar.

Don't drink it.

>> No.8867138

Christ at least booze makes you feel good.

>> No.8867153

>having nothing better to do than talk about coke at midnight

It's good mixed with rum/whisky. Beyond that, drink Monster/5Hour I'd you need energy. Mk

>> No.8867162

The phosphoric acid is for the taste, you paranoid weirdo

>> No.8867169

Oh, look. It's that one kid from elementary school that would act like a fucking maniac using a single skittle and 'sugar rush' as an excuse.

If a single coke puts you on the verge of a jittering manic meltdown you need serious medical consideration.

>> No.8867184

>measuring sugar in grams

what is that in american?

>> No.8867193

Aren't grams used in America?

>> No.8867200

it's printed on everything, usually in parentheses

If you want to get the horror of sugar through though, you need to declare it in ounces

For the record, 2.3 ounces of sugar in 20 ounces of liquid isnt really that much

>> No.8867205
File: 64 KB, 600x513, 1493083859793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one kid who drank red bull and thought it would give him super strength for gym

>> No.8867246

>that one kid with heart problems that chugged three Monsters before a test and got sent to the hospital
I didn't drink the shit, but it was still a bummer when they were banned the next day.

>> No.8867259

Kill yourself you fucking pussy

>> No.8867264

Drink tea when you want a little caffeine rush desu

>> No.8867278
File: 47 KB, 178x187, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw on a field exercise and watched a buddy of mine sitting in his sleeping bag
>checking his phone, opens and slams a 500ml can of redbull, finishes the cig he was smoking then lays down and goes to sleep

If I have any caffiene after about 6pm I won't be going to bed until at least midnight.

>> No.8867287

You understand these kids had at best a mild case of munchausen syndrome right? On par with modern qualifications for "autism" like shitting your pants and being a transgender furry at 6 yo.

>> No.8867298

It wasn't until recently that I started actually paying attention to that shit but it's insane to think about anyone who drinks more than one bottle of soda in a week, there's so much sugar in that shit.

>> No.8867309

sounds to me like you're just bipolar

>> No.8867311

you get used to caffeine when you drink a lot of it regularly. Coffee does nothing for me anymore, i've been drinking it since I was nine though.

>> No.8867324

>tfw caffeine has never done anything for me
I swear, I never had exposure to it as a kid (concerned mother)
When I started drinking it (monster in high school because it felt badass) the only thing I would feel is the sugar crash a few hours later
To this day, I can drink home brewed espresso before going to sleep, but it keeps my wife wired all night

>> No.8868144

there used to be a guy my group of friends played DnD with and he was an absolute maniac. he was already fat, and this guy would get a pitcher and then mix like 5 different energy drinks like redbull, monster, 5 hour energy, etc. And then he'd turn red.

we stopped playing with him because he was a retard. I wonder if he';s still alive, considering that shit

>> No.8868169

Small amounts of cocaine and nicotene. My dad works at Coke

>> No.8868186

it's roughly 62 paperclips.

>> No.8868189

Coca cola is repulsive sugary shit but it shouldn't send anyone into a "muttering manic meltdown" wtf

Maybe see a doctor?

>> No.8868271

That's simply what (added, refined) sugar does do you, if you haven't consumed it for a while. Most people consume high amounts of sugar with all meals and between meals, so their metabolism is used to it.
I know because I only eat sugar to get high anymore

>> No.8868288


The redness was probably just a niacin flush from the 5 hour energy, but that's still retarded just in terms of how awful that must've tasted.

Just stop fucking around and take meth at that point.

>> No.8868381

America doesn't use the metric system but nutritional facts are in the metric system

>> No.8868397
File: 55 KB, 957x621, 1491592568146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this and it gave me super tard strength

>> No.8868421

I can feel my teeth rotting away with every sip of coke that's why I stopped drinking pop but holy shit coke is by far the worst of any. Makes me want to brush my teeth 10 times after

>> No.8868440

I'm pretty sure your tard strength is derived from being a retard.

>> No.8868521

Sounds like you're a little pussy.

>> No.8868643

heh, if you're a commie maybe

>> No.8868654

ITT: Coca-Cola Co employshills vs oblivious fu/ck/s

>> No.8868739

>I'm not the one with the problem! You all are!
Easy there, champ. Maybe you should take your xanax and anti-psychotics before you really begin worrying people.

>> No.8868745

Dude, that's 10%. That's significant.

>> No.8868772

Hmm, that actually sounds really good. Put a quarter bottle of Hendrick's gin or Tito's in it and I'd be happy to sit at that table.

>> No.8868800

Probably makes him wake up quite alert. It doesnt kick in for like 20 mins enough to prevent sleeping

>> No.8868808


>I won't be going to bed until at least midnight

Kek I forget there are people who aren't up til 4 every night

>> No.8868815

I think you're just a sissy, lightweight desu~
The average person(American) can drink about 20 of these throughout the day and experience no significant changes whatsoever

>> No.8868831

I used to be like that, worked overnights for a year because of it. Was pretty sick. Then i got promoted and now i work 5am so i gotta wake up at fuckin 3:50 to get to work on time and try to sleep by 9pm like a little kid. Feels bad man.

>> No.8868875

You should try a coffee with 10 shots of espresso

>> No.8868903

Same senpai, iv embraced working on a cozy assembly line overnight, just going in at 11 and leaving at 7. Lifes great. Get to enjoy gettng day drunk being able to go out and get any type of food while drunk. The nightshift is the best.

>> No.8868913

Breakfast food is the GOAT drunk food

>> No.8869571

This is the most retarded argument. Nothing can live in the excess of one thing, regardless if its citric acid or Sodium Chloride

>> No.8869578

No dude phosphoric acid is flavoring. Tastes like match heads, which are delicious. It fucks your teeth up though.

>> No.8869580

>They use Phosphoric Acid as a preservative,

you're wrong nigger, sodium benzoate is the preservative

-t. chemist man

>> No.8870272

Some guy I worked with died from too much Monster. 25 years old, drank around 5 cans a day. Suprise, he had serious heart problems, died of a heart attack.

>> No.8870434

This, it's so acidic and sweet; it feels like you're bathing your mouth in acid and when swallowed you can basically burp indefinitely because of all the gas.

>> No.8871073

its like 3 tablespoons. Not really significant unless that's all you drink

>> No.8871079


Coke? That shit is tame.

Was a UPS driver, (before getting shot on the job and getting to retire) my route was all residential, 200 stops a day, drank at minimum two 2 liter diet Mountain Dews a day, every day, all the running I needed the boost, got so bad I would wake up at night drink some Dew and go back to sleep, needed to maintain a certain level of caffeine, stuff wasn't sweet enough so I used to dump packets of Splenda into each bottle, had a huge cooler to keep them ice cold, in the summer I upped it to 3 bottles and supplemented it with water, only slept about 5 hours a night, got off the caffeine while I was in the hospital, withdrawal wasn't so bad since I was on morphine

(Was shot by a center manager, her husband thought we were having an affair, divorced her and she lost everything, she blamed me, shot me then offed herself, got to retire because of the damage and I had filled grievance's about harassment and the management and union did nothing)

Coke only has about 50mg of caffeine, diet Dew has around 100, per 12oz

>> No.8871084

lol pussy

>> No.8871126

I find soda in general disgusting, but...


>> No.8871523

Or the other 6.7 billion on the planet lardarse.

>> No.8871528

Wrong fucking reply.

>> No.8871569


holy shit dude

>> No.8871592

OP ignore these idiots. There is definitely a lot wrong with Coke and basically all the foods we eat. I am going to assume you eat low sugar and eat healthy.
Basically everyone is coked up on chemical intake that's been in the food for years that it doesn't affect them the way it normally would anymore.

>> No.8871634

My brother drinks a 2 ltr of cola a day, is 31 and has been doing this since 14
Not diabetic. I am in awe every day.
I can't even look at soda without gaining weight.

>> No.8871637

Another reason Mt dew is better.
Holy fuck though

>> No.8871654

I drink a bottle of coke every few weeks, drink various other soda without caffeine and rarely drink coffee. I've never felt the slightest difference when it was coke.

>> No.8872856

Or you know, don't drink any of that garbage, like the vast majority of humans since the beginning of time.

>> No.8872868

Yes, but only by STEMfags and people who buy drugs.

>> No.8872874

op you're the only weird person here i can drink a couple cans of this stuff and then go to bed for the night...

>> No.8872895

What do you usually drink op?

>> No.8872899

>source: used to be a stoner and would take niacin pills to try to flush my system before a drug test for a job

I don't recommend it you feel absolutely terrible after taking too much niacin plus I don't think it even works really

>> No.8872911

yes but only by healthy people who read the nutrition facts and druggies

>grams of fat
>milligrams of sodium

>grams of weed
>grams of coke