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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8863909 No.8863909 [Reply] [Original]

I am the only one who adds the seasoning packet to the BOILING WATER and not on the noodles themselves?

>> No.8863914

Incredibly, yes. You are the only person in the world that does this.

>> No.8863922


>> No.8864017

Is that not what you're meant to do?

>> No.8864039

why do they have so many non-political artices? I almost want a mirror of that site just to not give them views

>> No.8864063

>dirtying the inside of your water boiler
what if I want to make tea with this kettle?

>> No.8864095
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>> No.8864097

Just archive link. Huffington post isn't really credible because they're a blog site. I'm neither liberal or conservative on this shit, but after reading many of their ridiculous titled articles and the articles themselves it's safe to say they're not credible because the amount of blogshit.

>> No.8864126


> I'm neither liberal or conservative on this shit, but after reading many of their ridiculous titled articles and the articles themselves it's safe to say they're not credible because the amount of blogshit.

Fuck you, you know that? We're fighting back against an oppressive fascist dictator. We need all the help we can get. And what do I see on fucking /ck/ of all places (one of the only good pockets of sanity in this fucking cesspool of a website, probably because of the majority female userbase)? Convictionless COWARDS like you with no beliefs, brain, spine. You're a Useful Idiot and you're too stupid to even realize ot.

>> No.8864136
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Fucking doing it wrong. there are two ways of making noodles and it's dependant on the cup or the bag.
let me help you out.

bag. (use two for best results)
>Apply noodles to pot.
>Cut off oil sachet and place under noodles after de-solidifying the dark not-that-oily stuff.
>bring noodles to boil and then wait for noodles to get noodly
>once you have noodles place them in a strainer, then begin to strain, then place in a bowl of your choice, preferably round.
>Apply the oil first, it is the runniest and you will get the most consistent value dispersion of flavor.
>apply 2/3 the amount of soy sauce supplied. if no soy sauce is provided you probably bought the wrong noodles.
then, cut the flavor sachet open at the corner, pinching it, sprinkle very softly, turn the noodles, then again, you should aim to us about 1/5th of the flavor sachet.
add cheese and herbs of your liking and whatever other spices.

>Apply sachet provided in full to a cup of noodles,
>place a plate over the top.
>Shake it until the flavor has dispersed evenly.
>Apply boiling water.
>place plate over the top.
>wait for your food to work.

>> No.8864191

No. They're shitty instant noodles, but they're still based on ramen. Ramen is about the broth. The shitty seasoning packet, when dissolved in water simulates that broth in a sad, pathetic way.

>> No.8864194
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>stormfag pretending to be SJW.jpg

>> No.8864198

To give up on the illusion of broth is to give up the illusion that your life will one day be a better one. You have fully embraced the sadness.

>> No.8864224

The fucking state of /ck/

>> No.8864306

I didn't know people did this until I saw my then-girlfriend-now-wife doing it. It's very obviously supposed to be make an instant broth. She said that she just figured she was supposed to drain the noodles and then pour the seasoning on like macaroni and cheese.


>> No.8864352

1. Boil water
2. Add seasoning
3. Add noodles
4. Eat
Your gf is dumb, you will have dumb children

>> No.8864576

There's some varieties like cup yakisoba or mee goreng where you are supposed to eat it dry.

>> No.8864592
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>> No.8864624

Drink bleach

>> No.8864635

why do you boil noodles in a kettle anon

>> No.8864857

It's not like adding the seasoning packet to the boiling water gives the noodles any flavor. The noodles themselves are already cooked and fry-dehydrated, so boiling them just re-hydrates them.

What you're supposed to do is use two pots. One you boil the noodles in then strain, and another one with just water and seasoning packet for the broth.

>> No.8864864
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how goes through so much trouble for a fucking sub-human quality meal.

instant ramen are garbage food and should be consumed as such, they don't deserve gourmet treatment, they're just for (mal)nourishment.

>> No.8864867

>so boiling them just re-hydrates them.

Correct. And if the water used for re-hydrating is seasoned, then that seasoning will be absorbed into the noodles as they are re-hydrated. It's the same idea as salting the water you use to cook pasta--the pasta absorbs the salt in the cooking water.

>>What you're supposed to do is use two pots
....yet the directions on all the packages of noodles tell you to mix the packet into the same water used for re-hydrating the noodles.

The only exceptions are those packages meant to replicate fried noodles like yakisoba or mi goreng.

>> No.8864890

Pasta and noodles are for women.

>> No.8865134

>use two pots
Why the fuck do you make it so complicated for convenience food?

Just put the water into the pot, boil the water, dump the noodles and seasoning and bacon into the pot, poach an egg in the same pot if you want, remove from heat and eat directly from the pot.

>> No.8865164

>ramen is garbage food
>ramen is unhealthy
>ramen is bad for you

You guys should start reading more ingredients labels because the same fucking chemicals are in 75% of the food you buy.

Canned soup, bread, bagels, muffins, pizza, doughnuts, spaghetti, macaroni, flour, rice, pancakes and every other wheat based food in your country.

You sound fucking retarded saying "ramen is bad" then eating 3000% DRV of the same food chemicals and calling shit like bread and pasta "healthy."

Too bad no one can read an ingredient label and retain the information for the next time they eat food.
Call ALL of your food poison or NONE of it, because ramen is 99% identical to every piece of bread and pasta you have ever had.
It's all trash or none of it is trash.

>> No.8865171
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Not everyone buys processed pasta & bread, box mixes, canned stuff, etc. anon.

What I buy looks like this.

>> No.8865187

Do you have access to unenriched wheat? 90% of America doesn't.
I avidly avoid these chemicals but I'm going to have to start ordering food online to get unenriched spaghetti and other noodles.

The difference is extremely notable when eating government poison versus something life healthy harvest unenriched spaghetti. The taste is also leagues ahead. The water doesn't catch on fire. It doesn't soap up and foam over.

The benefits of unenriched wheat are enormous. As long as a couple people have an idea of what they're eating, I'm fine.
But the rest of america literally believes they need to eat synthetic chemicals to survive.

Eating a piece of toast while hating on ramen is the end of the road for hypocrisy and people who do this are incurably stupid.

>> No.8865222

>Do you have access to unenriched wheat?

Sure. I mail-order mine from Anson Mills. I get lots of things from them; their sea island red peas (aka "red beans") are god tier. So is their grits, and the Carolina Gold rice.

>> No.8865313

I wish someone could explain to me why simply ground wheat, without further processing costs 5x as much as ground wheat processed to remove nutrients and then add synthetic chemicals back in. That simply makes no business sense whatsoever and makes it seem like you're getting buttblasted by the guys that don't process beyond grinding.

>> No.8865399


Because it's a niche product. It lacks the economy of scale that the industrially produced stuff does.

>> No.8865409

>Boiling water
This is a dry food dumbass

>> No.8865412

Some foods are sold cheaper to entice poorer people to further poison themselves.
The rich get the good deal here.

>> No.8866054

It doesn't last as long once ground.

>> No.8866314
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wait, there are girls on /ck/?

>> No.8866638

Just a bunch of fat chicks that love McChickens.

>> No.8866693


>> No.8866913 [DELETED] 
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Cold water loosens the weave. Sprinkle, genies.

>> No.8866922

Just drain the pot halfway, jesus.

>> No.8866925

throw it out. boil noodles in water, drain off water, add toasted sesame oil, scallions, seaweed, rice vineger or lemon, soy sauce, powdered ginger, black pepper, garlic powder. great noodles.

>> No.8867042

>Cheese on Ramen.

America was a mistake.

>> No.8867056

I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.

>> No.8867057

Why did you post this I didn't need to know I enjoyed this

>> No.8867249
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Nice copypasta. May I save it?

>> No.8868059

Cool. But doesn't sound convenient nor cheap.

>> No.8868938

>copypasta that's literally everywhere, even in /t/
>samefagging this hard

>> No.8869542

no. I do it that way to because I'm not some subhuman fuckwit

>> No.8869555

I just apply the dry packet to the dry noodles directly and avoid the whole water thing.
The water condenses the sodium as it boils making the noodles more unhealthy.

>> No.8869564

wanna suck my femine penis?

>> No.8869599

Who wouldn't love the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich around

>> No.8869641

Pour water into pot
Toss noodle brick in
Pour packet on top, cook 30 seconds
Flip brick, cook 30 seconds


>> No.8869789

I do this then I reduced the sauce down so it's much thicker

>> No.8870319

This is the superior way to make ramen.

>> No.8870530

boil water
break brick into 3 pieces and put it in
pour seasoning packet into serving bowl
pour noodles into serving bowl
rinse pot and it's instantly clean again

>> No.8870770


>> No.8870786

are you fucking insane?

>> No.8872244

You just bring a pan to the boil, add noodles. Keep them in for 3 minutes then take off heat, mix seasoning and oil separately then mix in with noodles.

>> No.8872253

Only sensible answer

>> No.8872268

It's true, I agree, but throwing the wheat germ away to the animals is fucking wasteful, and we replace bread every week in stores so replacing unenriched bread wouldn't be much more of a task.
I see your points and take them to heart, this is the only good argument the chemical eating people have yet come up with. I'm just concerned about the percentages being unannounced, because I eat the shit too, but I don't want to be eating thousands of percents over the DRV.

>> No.8873819

you should be hating AOL news

>clickbait headlines
>reuses phrases like 'slams'
>mostly celeb gossip

the most obscure, bluepilled news site

>> No.8873931

You are going to fucking die of cancer, shame ON you, like the fucking sauce.

>> No.8874493
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>government poison

>> No.8875550

nope cuz sometimes packet are very salty

>> No.8875572

some people do it because they're worried about the gutter oil the noodles are fried in. it probably doesn't make it any safer, but it might reduce the fat a little.

>> No.8875601

I like it

>> No.8875726

Politics are fucking stupid. All everyone ever cares about is picking sides not what's right or true. Besides all I want to do is cook and shitpost.

>> No.8875729

I don't eat pack ramen but this seems like the most logical way to do this.

>> No.8876371

9 wa la

>> No.8877035

where is the website to look at instant noodles recipes???

>> No.8877064

I've had lots of different Asian noodles served with broth and without.

Reminds me watching people eat those Korean hot noodles with broth for some reason.

>> No.8877861


Christ I was getting worried.

>> No.8877921

Better luck next time friend.

>> No.8879594

yuropoor here, i love it. started with tom yum paste and cream cheese. moved on to those hyper processed "cheese" slices that are separately packed and unrefrigerated.
>the things you do when nissin is all you got

>> No.8879647

>Put noodles in bowl
>Throw everything else in
>(optional) add some other stuff
>Pour on water
>Wait until soft

>> No.8879648


>> No.8879653
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The lazy fuck/depression approach
>obtain bowl
>insert noodles
>insert seasoning
>insert water
>microwave 5 minutes
>cry inside

>> No.8879678

>cook noodles
>make egg mixture with seasoning
>put noodles in pan
>put egg in pan
>make bowel destroying noodle omelette

>> No.8880662

>the lazy fuck method
>eat the noodles dry