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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 692 KB, 2448x3264, mojito with berries and ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8861512 No.8861512 [Reply] [Original]

You're at a bar. The bartender sets this drink down in front of you and says: "It's on the house."

>> No.8861535


>> No.8861537

Y..you too

>> No.8861544

"thanks, I appreciate it"

>> No.8861562


"Here's a $5.00 tip. Next time make it top shelf scotch on the rocks."

>> No.8861573


Anyone who turns down free booze is a retard

>> No.8861589

this, I can't stand the taste or smell of jager but someone puts a free shot of it in front of me and I'm downing it.

>> No.8861614

You sound like you'd be a great drinking buddy

>> No.8861635

>Awesome, also could you bring me a glass of white rum as much as you'll give me and a glass of water.

>> No.8861639

Not even sure what it is but hey, free booze.

>> No.8861647

It's clearly a raspberry mojito.

>> No.8861652

"Oh, ok, thanks"

>> No.8861653

bitchin, but ur barking up the wrong tree there buddy

>> No.8861803

First I would have to make sure all the ingredients are 100% organic.

>> No.8862545

And vegan, did I tell /ck/ i was a vegan?

>> No.8862554

I'd look around for the gay man hitting on me with this monstrosity.

>> No.8862562
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>> No.8862592
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Id probably make a move to maybe get some napkins or something but "accidentally" knock the entire glass over and then ask for a Bahama mama instead

>> No.8862596

There's a sneaky snek hiding in there, Frankie Muniz must be trying to kill me again.

>> No.8862601

>sweet! Thanks
Bartender says enjoy your drink.
>Y-you too

>> No.8862657

"I can see that you over-diluted the spirit. Thanks anyway"

>> No.8862724

Has a crime been committed if someone puts a roofie in my drink but I just wake up with all of my orifices untouched and all of my posessions still in my pockets?

>> No.8862726

No, it's on the table.

>> No.8862746

They probably stole your kidney by shoving a vacuum cleaner hose up your asshole. I'd get myself checked out if I were you.

>> No.8862748

Yes, Tampering with anyone's food or beverages is a crime.

>> No.8862758

>I rock the house! Haha just kidding but seriously who carries fresh mint.

>> No.8862767

>and what's the house on, a burial ground for fuckin' faggots?

>> No.8862769

Yes. It's legally considered poisoning someone.

>> No.8862776

Thank you

>> No.8862852

That looks delicious, I'd tip extra well and ask for another

>> No.8862886

*tips fedora and winks*

>> No.8862898

*raise glass* "Well then here's to the house!"

>> No.8862902

I thank him and drink it.

>> No.8862904

are mojitos gay?

>> No.8862926

Only if it has mint.

>> No.8862937

Not if we keep it between us.

>> No.8862952

Fuck you.

>> No.8862963

That actually happened to me once. The bartender for the night turned out to be my cousin and he offered me a drink.

>> No.8862972

Well I expect that.
The drinks here are always free.

>> No.8863004

Okay, but don't tell.

>> No.8863076

Throw it in his face and remind him I asked for a drink, not a fruit salad

>> No.8863147
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Slap the glass over.
>it sure is.
>bring me a real drink faggot.

>> No.8863310

11yro commentary

>> No.8863332
File: 119 KB, 600x900, 47356301f7b7b9edba06652696f79662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start having Hotline miami flashbacks and kill every russian in the bar.

"it's like San Francisco all over again"

>> No.8863336

>Someone wants muh cack.

>> No.8863350

>rasberry mojito
Never been to a tropical area, huh?

>> No.8863362

I don't waste time in flyoverville.

>> No.8863371
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fight me bitch mint is delicious

>> No.8863421
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>I like fruit
>I like booze
>I fuckin love ginger
>It's free
>I'm not autistic and I'm secure in my masculinity

"Fuckin sweet, thanks man." And give a good tip.

>> No.8863432


>> No.8863453

Underrated post.

>> No.8863472

i cast magic missile

>> No.8863477


>> No.8863576
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>> No.8863633

shoot the place up. take free condoms

>> No.8863663

>"Awwww thank you!"
Then I drink it and probably get something to eat as well.

>> No.8863673
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>glug glug glug!
>wake up next day next to dumpster
>why does my booty hole hurt so much

>> No.8863693


Sup /tg

>> No.8863702

>why does my booty hole hurt so much

Someone hasn't been doing their stretching.

>> No.8863704

and you clearly suck dick

>> No.8863708

>Red/pink and leafy is appealing

>> No.8863734

free booze is free booze
thanks barman

>> No.8864713


5 dollars is dick

>> No.8865809

He surrepticiously adds Visine to your 'real' drink.

>> No.8865812

Please tell me it's a cute girl who does this.

>> No.8865841


Nope, it's a bara bartender named Jack and he thinks you're looking really good right now. Maybe he mistook you for a soft twink.

>> No.8866552

"I only drink space beer."

>> No.8866557

only correct answer

>> No.8866577

Ask him if he's a top.

>> No.8866582


>> No.8866769

I mumble a thank you while looking directly away from the bartender
If they ask me what I said I mumble quieter
If they ask me again I curl up on the seat and start crying until I get taken outside by the bouncer
I then shuffle into an alleyway and sit amonght the rest of the garbage crying until I get too cold and go home smelling like shit

>> No.8867619

Nothing was mistaken here

>> No.8867622

Thank you!

Seriously, it's free booze. Don't be a cock suck.

>> No.8867626

you reply: "thank you" good manners cost nothing...

>> No.8867633

thanks uleh

>> No.8868594

No one said there was booze in it.

>> No.8868617

Preach brother!!

>> No.8868620

Dumbass. That's a fuckin myth

>> No.8869332

mojitos are disgusting but the raspberry may convert me

>> No.8869364

Thanks, could I have a Guinness too?
*Pass fruity drink off to a pretty lady

>> No.8869388

I'd wink at him and tell him to meet me behind the dumpster after his shift

>> No.8869458

Drink it, because I'm not too insecure about my masculinity to enjoy a fruity drink. Anyone that's a part of the "real men only drink hard liquors straight" crowd is just desperately worried that others will think less of them for enjoying things that society decides aren't manly.

>> No.8869474




>> No.8869522


>> No.8869570


hahAA i'm not gay haHAa here u go pretty lady because i'm not gay HAhaa

>> No.8869645

"it better be, because I didn't order it"

and then I'd drink it

>> No.8870385

decline it
dont know whats been done to it

>> No.8870403

>tropical area

>> No.8870419

I trust my bartender; or did until I moved.

So, "Thanks man. What's on next?"

>> No.8870436

>contains alcohol
>tastes good

"Thanks" and then drink it.

>> No.8870664


>> No.8870671

Probably not the right thread but I've got a gallon of Bacardi in my freezer that I need to do something with, what's the best way to mix and drink without hating it? We mixed some with just coke and it was plain bad.

>> No.8870723

Drink it straight.

>> No.8870740

Bacardi plain brown rum is a great buzz, though the taste is lacking you should drink it straight. People that can keep alcohol around and not drink it baffle me. Unless it's spiced rum, which takes several years to drink per bottle because it's so fucking bad.

>> No.8870754

This almost happened to me. A bartender at my local dive was openly gay (dont care) and got convicted of many counts of rape for drugging dudes via a special bottle of strega he kept behind the bar. Dude kept giving me free shots because I was a regular then offered to smoke up in his car in the parking lot. I got fucking wrecked (I could feel myself getting too far gone) thanked him for his generosity and went on my way. I slept till like 5pm the next day. Way longer than my typical bender.

A week or two later the dude was arrested, now serving 20 years for rape of dudes using that special bottle.

Jokes on him, he didnt realize I was al/ck/ and could handle my shit. Thanks for the free drugs dude.

>> No.8870768

I wish someone would try me. There's no amount of any drug that can bring me anywhere near a knockout and I love free drugs. Even fucking scopolamine does nothing but make me smoke invisible cigarettes and stare at my computer.

>> No.8870853
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Drink this straight? And it's not brown at all

>> No.8871870

It doesn't give people the shits like most people believe. You put enough in there it can potentially kill someone. People are so fuckin stupid. You included. You don't fuckin poison people asshole

>> No.8871929

Cuba Libre

>> No.8872496

Thanks bae, what's your grindr?

>> No.8872547

thanks, can you whip me up an old fashipmed while i drink this

>> No.8872839

Spiced rums not bad desu! sailor jerry is ok and so is cruzan spiced rum, I will say its cheap for a reason though.

>> No.8872848

Drink it, obviously.

Mojito, by defintion, has alcohol in it.

>> No.8873167

>Next round's on me lad

>> No.8873169


Wait a minute. Why would you put ginger in a mojito?

>> No.8873373

>mojitos are a pussy drink
Says the virgin beta while I sip on a freshly made mojito while my wife sucks my dick after I made 39 bucks an hour that day

>> No.8873767

I suck dick and still did not know what it was. What now bitch?

>> No.8873778

>makes wage instead of salary

wew lad

>> No.8874046

should have visited the court house while he was being dragged out and shouted.
> "Thanks for the free drugs faggot!"

>> No.8874070

Thank them and put in an extra $5 when I pay my tab. Happened often enough when I went out to bars, if I catch some of my favorites outside of work I treat them to a shot.

Have you ever had ginger syrup? That stuff is delicious.

>> No.8875283

>Doesn't get paid overtime like a cuck
t b h f a m

>> No.8875599

what if someone asks for a couple of ice cubes and you only put in one

>> No.8875602

Epic d00d. Super random.

>> No.8875653

Yes, because some people have dangerous or even fatal reactions to roofies. Also, the morons who do that to others don't always know how to calculate proper dosage and use way the fuck too much.

>> No.8875817

thanks for the chuckle

>> No.8876075


Wake the fuck up

>> No.8876554
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"Thank you bartender Cory..."

>> No.8876875

>Oh shit, thanks man
Berry mojitos are fucking delightful.

>> No.8878660
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>Even fucking scopolamine does nothing but make me smoke invisible cigarettes and stare at my computer.
Knowing that I know this feel is a worse feel than the feel itself. Datura was a mistake.