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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8854397 No.8854397 [Reply] [Original]

My boyfriend's birthday is on Friday, I want to make him a home cooked meal (going to take him out for dessert). His favorite food is Italian, so what would you guys recommend?

>> No.8854398


>> No.8854407


>> No.8854410

How about something more high end aha we could go to dominos or something if he wanted pizza. I want to surprise him with something he's never had.

>> No.8854414

Pizza is the only real Italian food

>> No.8854416

Pizza isn't even italian you mongoloid fuck

>> No.8854422

if he likes italian food he doesn't have taste anyways just toss some weired things on his pizza and hell be happy

>> No.8854424

Lasagna is hard to screw up

>> No.8854428

Some combination of wheat product, tomato sauce, olive oil, and/or cheese. Italian food is a fucking meme

>> No.8854438

Risotto with seafood like shrimp or clams. It will probably help with his libido since he's probably a typical nu-male uncertain if it's proper to have an erection or not since it might offend you when you have a headache.

>> No.8854441

they also have casu marzu
get him one and make a nice recipe with it if you want something special

>> No.8854447
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how about spagetthipizza then?

>> No.8854451

This sounds interesting. Do you have a recipe you'd recommend? Never made this before and I've never made clams.

>> No.8854474

Cannelloni made the traditional way (using crepe-like situations you make yourself, adding the filling, rolling them up, and covering in a homemade tomato sauce, bechamel, and cheese. Serve with a well made green salad, and a good Barolo or Barbaresco.
Or, if you want an even less "typical" Italian meal, make him baked fish with anchovy sauce, roman dumplings (a type of semolina gnocchi), and salad or sauteed greens, with a good Pinot Grigio.

>> No.8854482

Something something clams and a bagina joke.

Post feet.

>> No.8854487

The best clams are the ones that are open before you cook them.

>> No.8854490

Not a girl. Let's keep this thread in topic, thanks. >>8854474
Cannelloni sounds good and relatively simple. I always pass by those gigantic shells at the market and think about getting some. Recipe for a good filling?

>> No.8854497

it's a sign of quality
if they are closed, they are old
be careful

>> No.8854507

chicken parmesan and a blowjob

>> No.8854527

Post feminine penis.

>> No.8854530

Well, do a typical risotto by heating some olive oil to medium and saute diced onion for 5 minutes. Add minced garlic, cayenne pepper and fresh thyme for 1 minute. Add aborio rice and stir for 2 minutes. Add 1 cup white wine and stir until you see the bottom of the pan when you move the rice. Add ladles of seafood, fish or chicken stock 1 at a time stirring until absorbed for around 20 minutes. Add shrimp or clams or both, if you feel frisky, for the last 5 minutes.

Then serve and tell the fuckwad to learn to cook. Tell him Oprah said as a modernized gril, you don't deserve to be a slave in the kitchen catering to his selfish birthday notions.

>> No.8854541

Make homemade gnocchi and pasta sauce. Throw in some fresh baked bread and serve with a Chianti classico.

>> No.8854542

Sounds good. Think I'll make a small batch for myself as a test tomorrow

>> No.8854639

A word of advice dont believe or trust a thing anyone here tells you without some research they will have you poisoning people lmfao

>> No.8854675

Take him somewhere nice instead of forcing him to chow down on your dreck for another wasted year in his meaningless life

>> No.8854796

Let me.be real with you, if you cook italian food and youre not a good cook, youre gonna have a bad time...if youre not a good cook, go out to dinner

Good Italian food requires some finesse, its not an amateurs first meal

Dont listen to people here, this guy is telling you to make.gnocci...dont do that

More traditional italian dishes and desserts arent easy to.make, again, its not rocket science, but if.youre cooking skills are average youre gonna have a bad time

Im a cook

>> No.8854822
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A spaghetti sandwich

>> No.8854862
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>Good Italian food requires some finesse, its not an amateurs first meal
Using a can opener is pretty fucking easy