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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.81 MB, 640x360, how to get salmonella.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8853197 No.8853197 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all these shitty youtube "chefs" and their terrible and/or unsafe cooking habits?

>> No.8853199

any mma fans here?

chad mendes cooking channel is pretty comfy desu

>> No.8853237

> raw chicken germs everywhere

Gotta burn the place down just to be safe

>> No.8853268

Nobody taugh them. We need to tell them.
Also now this place needs to be sterilised with fire, now.

Theres a lot of stupid-ass comments on youtube, but none telling those people it's hazardous. Why the fuck? We need to conquer the world with smartness, so maybe it will be habitable again.

>> No.8853280

I don't know, you tell me, you're the one watching it.

>> No.8853310

>chicken hands on everything
>knowing he's going to just cook it all to a lump of dry shit

>> No.8853314


what are you guys talking about??

>> No.8853345

You can't just man-handle raw chicken without cleaning up afterward.

Raw chicken = salmonella risk (and possible e. coli)

>> No.8853350

He touches the raw chicken with both hands and proceeds to grab everything else

>> No.8853359

Every time I hang out with americans I am shocked at how scared they are of food contamination. Scared of runny egg. Scared of some vegetarian non dairy soup I left covered on a counter for 4 hours. Scared of pasta I left out while I was eating my meal using some of that pasta???

>> No.8853361

I guess people see professionals cook and they usually cut out the part were they wash their hands after handling chicken.

>> No.8853371

> When everyone is cooking... no-one will be

>> No.8853373
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Is keeping your phone in the meat tray kosher?

>> No.8853415


>> No.8853529

only thing im really scared of is raw meat

egg is just kinda gross when it gets on stuff but i obsessively wash my hands when handling chicken

>> No.8853551
File: 2.09 MB, 1280x720, cooked chicken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but only if the chicken is nice and juicy.

>> No.8853564

You're disgusting

>> No.8853565

>We need to conquer the world with smartness, so maybe it will be habitable again.
epin /plebbit/ dude

>> No.8853570

I don't know where it started but it must have been post WWII because my grandmother wasn't like that at all (lived to 90 years old, left soups sitting out overnight, left cooked meat sitting in the oven overnight, left milk sitting on the counter for a week to "clabber") but my parents were. Seems like it must have been some kind of propaganda campaign to throw food away and buy more because you let it sit on the counter while you ate dinner.

>> No.8855094

>touch Raw chicken
>proceeds to touche everything else

>> No.8855101

if you actually watch the video you would know that he already bleached all the chicken surfaces so there's no chance of spreading bacteria

>> No.8855106

most of the time they use thongs or gloves.

>> No.8855134

That is not cooking. Thats bro cooking for complete faggots.

Unevenly spread some premade shitty seasoning on skinless chicken breast? Then overcrowd the dish and bake the chicken in the oven until its white and has cheap chicken brine goo seeping out the sides? I can't think of something I would want to eat less.

>> No.8855138

at that point who gives a shit about his cross contamination I wouldnt eat that garbage anyways.

Also for you crybabies, this is a little unrelated but you can dip chicken juice fingers in salt dishes without cross contamination. Nothing can grow in a pure salt environment that will make you sick.

>> No.8855153

>American factory chicken is so full of germs, it can't even be handled anymore

>> No.8855154

He should wash his hands before touching the seasoning, but assuming he washes them after putting them away, he should be fine. Salmonella can only survive for 4 hours on hard surfaces.

>> No.8855186
File: 768 KB, 722x758, Not_Of_This_Board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heaven be thy name for you have truly blessed us with this juicy #aBetterMeme

>> No.8855329

lol players can

>> No.8855336

Learn to use the catalog, newfag.

>> No.8855346

i actually made that thread and forgot about it

>> No.8855349

Why do you like YouTube so much?

>> No.8855425
File: 35 KB, 320x240, 1492334227564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn love meatballs so much that you actually turn into one

>> No.8855428

This is not a "chef". This dude is one of those faggot bro/fit/ "meal preppers" who can't cook for shit yet act like they can. The fact that he puts his salmonella-ridden hands on everything is a proof of that.

>> No.8855430


>> No.8855431

idk, furious pete taught me a lot about cooking

>> No.8855688


This guy is an idiot. I know because I have the pleasure of living in the same city as him and watching him turn his supplement shop into a major business.

Trust me, he has no idea what he is doing in the kitchen but whatever retains his client base I suppose.

>> No.8855711


> What do you mean you just wash it afterwards

>> No.8855723

his wife seems nice too

>> No.8855761


his wife is a bimbo slut. who's yearly progression was getting larger implants every year.

>> No.8856042

how rude

>> No.8856088

Christ you germaphobe nu-male faggots tire me.

>> No.8856250


Salmonella is transferred through chicken shit, you can't get it from raw chicken meat, unless it has been near chicken shit, and considering that that's 'murica and their food standards are shocking he should be wearing plastic gloves.

Why the fuck are Americans so disgusting?

>> No.8856373


>> No.8856623

Cooking != Culinary practice and preparation just as much as a cook != a chef.

>> No.8856640

Does anyone have the masao webms?

>> No.8856691

Actually, studies show that when people wear gloves while working with PHFs, transmission of food borne illnesses increases because they feel safer wearing the gloves, but in reality the gloves just create more steps by which pathogens can reach the food.

>> No.8856777


My wife and her parents are the same way.

>don't like it when I season meat and let it get to room temp

>Don't like that I leave the eggs I'm going to cook the next day out of the fridge.

>Refuse to eat anything beef cooked less than medium

>Refuse to eat sushi, ceviche, or tartare.

>> No.8856816

freaking Americans and refrigerated eggs. Its funny how your eggs cant even be sold in certain parts of the world due to the fact theyre chemically treated.

>> No.8857106

Not quite my temperature

>> No.8857113
File: 15 KB, 350x261, 350x700px-LL-8f38f426_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Americans don't eat eggs often enough to warrant leaving them out, but still buy them by the dozen or more.

Also chemically treated? You mean we wash the blood and shit off of them?

>> No.8857125

Touching raw chicken isn't going to give you salmonella.

>> No.8857129

all of these posts are by me

>> No.8857160

I'm very cautious when it comes to touching meat, mostly because my former girlfriend was a germ freak, but it leads to complications. E.g., how do you handle a pepper mill while turning and rubbing the pepper into your meat?

>> No.8857166

This isn't everyone, but it is pretty prevalent. Pretty much all of my friends have worked somewhere in food service once in their lives, so thankfully my life is free from this nonsense, but I dated a girl who would literally throw out a container of salad dressing if it had been left out for a few hours.

>> No.8857178
File: 59 KB, 640x480, Where The Fuck Are The Others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most grocery eggs are cleaned and bleached. Then stored for a ridiculous amount of time for no good reason before being sold with a week or two expiration date.

Many of us buy eggs from farms now. I'm goddamned tired of yolks that dissolve like butter in the Arizona sun and have already separated from the white inside the egg.

>> No.8857207

Yeah, even most of the loonies who gnash their teeth about "farm to table" and "locally souced" recognize eggs bought directly from a small local farmer are far superior.

>> No.8857211


Good to know.

I have a buddy with chickens and we do this weird trade where he gives me 1 dozen fresh eggs, and I make classic chocolate mousse (w/ 3 of said eggs) and give it to him the following day.

>> No.8857228
File: 4 KB, 136x102, 1469132066-ramzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive joe

not massive at all