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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 212 KB, 825x1200, real chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8847956 No.8847956 [Reply] [Original]

Think about it. If you were really passionate about food and cooking, what would you spend most of your time doing? Eating. All fucking day, because your food would taste so good. A skinny chef is a sure sign of garbage, boring cooking. Putting "health" before taste. It's pathetic.

>> No.8847977

Nah. Being fat just signals you're a lazy, undisciplined slob without standards, both in and outside the kitchen.

>> No.8848002

t. garbage chef

>> No.8848007
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This was on my fridge when I moved in and I never bothered to remove it. Thought you'd get a kick out of it.

>> No.8848017

Pretty much. Is Daniel Humm fat? Grant Achatz? JGV? Keller? Adria? Ducasse? Ripert?

No, they are not fat.

Fat people do not appreciate food. They appreciate the sensation of being full, and of being barely able to breathe while something - ANYTHING - that can be digested gets shoved down their gullet.

Ever been to a nice restaurant with a fatty? Please note, Cheesecake Factory is not a nice restaurant. Ok, that rules out 98% of /ck/. Let's try that again. Every been to a nice restaurant with a fatty? They freak out and start whining almost immediately. The room is too cold/warm/dark/bright. The tableclothes are weird. I don't know what these words are. Can't I just get a diet pepsi? Etc. It's fascinating and revolting all at once.

>> No.8848023

sounds like you're using a profession as an excuse to be fat because you don't have any self-discipline


>> No.8848034

Literally who?

>> No.8848036

Chefs are supposed to taste the dishes they create not wolf down the lot.

>> No.8848040

t.flyover fatty
>I only recognize BAM and IT'S FOOKIN RAW because my only interaction with the real world comes through the television

>> No.8848041
File: 24 KB, 581x279, never trust a fat chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat chefs are garbage

>> No.8848043

Super Mario

>> No.8848045
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>> No.8848054

omg culture #BTFO

>> No.8848065
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Holy shit ahahahahahaha
Culturally enriched maybe

>> No.8848070
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>Eating. All fucking day, because your food would taste so good.

Chefs SAMPLE their dishes to ensure their food doesn't taste like raw sewage, not devour the whole lot!

Also, how DARE you use Prudhomme as an example! SHAME!

>> No.8848073

>a list of 7 extremely well known chefs that even basic bitch stacy from facebook should recognize let alone someone who appreciates food
>uncultured flyover doesn't know a single one of those names
>tries to derail the thread with "muh niggers"
what are you even doing on this board?

>> No.8848077

You're right, I should be prepping the bull right now, oh wait that's a coastie thing

>> No.8848083

stay classy, cleetus

>> No.8848087

You seem to imply you have time to eat during your shifts? Where did you get a notion like that?

>> No.8848100

for me, the fun part about cooking isn't stuffing my face, that's just an added benefit sometimes. The fun part is actually spending time to make something. If you can't tell the difference between enjoying cooking and eating, then you're probably already fat tbqh honestly

>> No.8848120
File: 10 KB, 236x255, 099667585999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents are obese as fuck
>because they eat disgusting meals, like sticks of butter sprinkled with cheddar cheese served with fries and a grilled tomato, I cook for myself
>whenever they see me cooking they laugh at me
>last week I was cooking some lentil Dhal for myself
>not a great chef or anything but it was going pretty well
>parents walk in
>see the lentils cooking
>dad pokes my acne
>try to explain it is tasty
>dad grabs my wrist
>hand fits round
>mother hands him a wedge of brie
>he literally slices it in half and throws half into my dhal, then eats the rest like a carrot
>stands and watches me cook it
>watches me eat
>tastes disgusting, very overly rich, brie smells like shit
>tells me he is 'proud' of me
>as I am eating takes a spoon, sits down at the table and starts eating the food from my bowl
>eats half of it and walks off

fuck fat

>> No.8848188


move out you idiot

>> No.8848191

Gordon Ramsay isn't fat.

Marco Pierre isn't fat.

You're just trying ways to delude yourself. Eat less. Go for a walk.

>> No.8848304

>my parents are shitty and fat
>every fat person must be shitty

>> No.8848336
File: 2.90 MB, 200x200, 1492954197338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848346

Why are most chefs male if women 'belong in the kitchen'?

>> No.8848421

>Think about it. If you were really passionate about food and cooking, what would you spend most of your time doing? C O O K I N G.

>> No.8848447


Women belong in the kitchen located in the house a man pays for while working, her job is to stay home and tame their children. Women don't belong in restaurants except dor FoH staff ie: cleavage showing bartender, qt3.14 hostess, waitresses. This is permissible until she gets married. Her "job" then becomes a portal through which her husband extends his progeny and good name.

>> No.8848467

Male chauvinist pig!

>> No.8848483

>her job is to stay home and tame their children.
Until they turn 5 then they start going to school, the idea of a stay at home wife is stupid nowadays because she will be sat on her ass watching TV for most of the day going cabin crazy.

>> No.8848506

nah. I work so hard I burn 2000 calories at work before even getting home and trying to get a workout in.
not to mention I don't have fucking time to stuff my face on the line because I'm too busy

The fat chefs I know are the type that you see with a clipboard or in the office chair more than actually producing good food.
fat = lazy
and a lazy chef is a bad chef, likely to cut corners everywhere if they neglect their health and neglect busting ass on the line.

>> No.8848520

>disrespecting and marginalizing the role of women as caretakers of children and the home

This is what lesbians, and leftist Jews have done to our society.

>> No.8848586


good thing our current economy makes this impossible, breadwinners don't happen unless you're a millionaire

>> No.8848589

>sitting on her ass watching daytime tv female group hug cacklefests

More likely going shopping or to the local casino and piling up more debt for his wageslave ass to pay off for the rest of his life.

>> No.8848916
File: 3 KB, 452x523, Who could it be.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good thing our current economy makes this impossible

Who could possibly benefit from a surplus labor pool I wonder?


>> No.8849090

and you guys have the nerve to wonder why you're alone

>> No.8849119
File: 16 KB, 220x311, 220px-A_Jew_Broker_by_Thomas_Rowlandson,_1789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post. There are very few people who understand the impetus of convincing females to feel guilty by not joining the labor pool.

Let's see, I have 2 men who want this job, but there's the same job open at my competitor so I'm going to have to offer a higher wage to get the best candidate. If I had 4 people, 2 males and 2 females competing for the same 2 jobs, I can offer shit and they'll lap it up.

Good goyim.

>> No.8849127

Being morbidly obese is hard

Like, you need to go out of your way to constantly eat

>> No.8849160

>There are very few people who understand

More like unwilling.

>> No.8849661

I'm quite skinny, but I think I could eat enough. Just need to eat lots of calorie dense food. Ezpz