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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 225 KB, 340x462, 02-beers-primary-image-Sculpin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8845602 No.8845602 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really considered a good beer? It tastes like soap to me.

>> No.8845703

memest point

>> No.8845714

Ballast Point is unironically shit. Overrated and overpriced garbage.

>> No.8845793


If I drink a 6 pack of this, will it destroy my body? Are IPAs not meant to be drinken heavily?

>> No.8845804
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>implying any beer actually tastes good

>> No.8845971


>money is an issue

Is this really why people don't like craft beer? Can't find it in your tight budget to drop an extra two dollars for a six pack of good beer? Sad.

>> No.8845987

>good beer

>> No.8846003


>good beer sucks, not because of anything that goes into making it, but because it is just like any other commodity in that it's price is directly proportionate to it's quality

out out out

>> No.8846084

price is directly proportional to a buyer's willingness to pay, quality can be a factor but not necessarily

>> No.8846096
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>Ballast Point Red Velvet
>$14 bucks
>Oh it's delicious, like nothing you've ever had before!!11 REVOLUTIONARY NITRO BUBBLY!
>le sip


>> No.8846098

You'll be fine unless you're some kinda weakling.

>> No.8846269
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Ballast Point is just bad when there are so many other brewers in SD that are actually good, such as Green Flash.

>> No.8846288


BP isn't terrible, but it is way overrated and over marketed compared so many better SD beers.

Drinking an AleSmith right now.

>> No.8846488

There's a reason IPA stands for "I Pour it Away". 99% of IPAs taste like old dishwater, they're much harder to pull off correctly than most people think, which is probably why every hipster fuck and their gender nonspecific parent brews it thinking they'll make something good even though it turns out to be fucking rat piss in the end.

>> No.8846551


I'm surprised that there are still flyover places with such terrible beer.

You sound like you came straight out of 2005. Literally nobody who actually drinks good regularly still bitches like you. Next time try doing a little more research about the current state of things before speaking like a 12 year old regurgitating internet diarrhea as though anyone will actually take you seriously.

>> No.8847108
File: 151 KB, 853x853, johns-ballast-point-victory-at-sea-porter-with-coffee-vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ipas they make are meh, but the porters and stouts are fucking on point

>> No.8847156
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>> No.8847503

It is by people who haven't had a decently balanced ipa.
Ballast point sucks. Even their meme porter is a watery, bitter mess. I seriously don't understand the popularity when there are so many other better breweries in cali that are way cheaper.

>> No.8847762

Hate coffee
Hate vanilla, why did I buy this

>> No.8847788
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The Cherry one tastes bad, but pic related was great

>> No.8847803

You guys clearly haven't been to ballast points home brew mart, all their beer for cheap and they have every single beer they make and their R&D beers as well.

Tastes way better and they have some really interesting beers as well for you to try it's like $5 a pint there

>> No.8847815

It's extremely overpriced in my area and I don't really get why... like $15 for a 6-pack. I'd understand if it was a double or they did some kind of special aging or some shit, but it seems like they're just jacking up the price for the sake of hype? It was pretty good ignoring that, though.

>> No.8847830
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Drinking pic related right now.

I am not impressed. It doesn't smell like much, or taste like much. Just a mild bitterness in the finish.

I expected way more flavor from this "limited release".

>> No.8847855

I think the pineapple and grapefruit ones are ok.

Def too expensive though

>> No.8847861

when was it bottled

>> No.8847872

April 11, 2017. Less than 2 weeks ago.

>> No.8847874


I had that on tap last week and it was pretty good. Their fruit beers are shit though.

>> No.8847881

wow that's actually pretty sad on their part

more and more evidence ballast point is a fucking meme

>> No.8847892

It's just not at all what I expected.

Very mild citrus nose, and not nearly the hop flavor I would expect from a "heavily hopped, unfiltered" limited released.

I get that taste is subjective, but this is just unimpressive. It's not a drain pour, but certainly nothing special. Can't say it wasn't fresh though.

>> No.8849035

They were recently bought out by Constellation. No wonder the quality had gone to shit.

>> No.8849048

At least we'll never be coastiefags like you. Kill yourself you shit. How dare you speak to me.

>> No.8849073
File: 1.33 MB, 2576x1932, 20170415_161626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

west coast ipa's are all a meme. they don't realise balance is the most important thing in an ipa. a strong hoppy ipa can be delicious when properly balanced.
>pic unrelated

>> No.8849086

>tfw I only drink superior Dutch and Belgian beers at home, and ales etc. in the UK when I'm studying there.
>tfw you buy a Japanese beer in a London restaurant and it's in fact brewn in the UK.
What the fuck man

>> No.8849161
File: 60 KB, 640x560, that's_questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what age did you grow out of unbalanced, overhopped beers?
21 here desu

>> No.8849167

it's okay when there's nothing else but everybody in san diego pretends to hate it because it's not real """"""indiebru"""""""

>> No.8849348

For me it's a pilsner

>> No.8849382


There's your problem

>> No.8849388

Very good for a west coast IPA, kind of wildly overpriced though

>> No.8849417

/ck/ has the worst taste in beer. It's all disgusting sweet, malty shit.

>> No.8849478

The additions of coffee/vanilla were way too strong for me, this was like the Starbucks Frappuccino of beer. I much prefer much more subtle additions. The smell/look on this was great though.

I'm not sure why I didn't like Derniére Volonté, on paper it's perfect but the scent had some funkiness I couldn't even put my fingers on. I loved Petit Détour and really want to try Herbe à Détourne. I really love Belgian IPAs and hopped new world Belgian styles.

>> No.8849525

Have you ever had a brett beer before? Because it definitely is a weird flavor/scent

>> No.8849693

Citrus, floral with a hint of spice. I wasnt a huge fan of it the first time, but I could have these everyday now, nice and refreshing.

>> No.8850374

Yeah I've had sours and I love funk in styles like Saisons, but I didn't notice yours was the brett version. I've only had the regular version and it was a bit old, even though it says it's apt for aging I feel like the hop notes definitely subsided. I'll revisit probably, I love florals.

>> No.8851170



Brewed under licence because it's cheaper than importing it. There's loads of them.

>> No.8851210


I quite enjoyed it. Ratebeer say that Sculpin IPA is meant to be one of the best for style.

So I don't really get the hate given in this thread to it.

>> No.8851379
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Triggered much, you pretentious prancing poofter?

>> No.8851408
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>Getting this worked up over an alcohol thread rofl

>> No.8851416

Because these threads are generally the preserve of:
Edgy contrarians.
Hipster, nu-male twinks.
Amerisharts who have never tasted real beer.
Boring middle aged fucks with questionable personal hygiene.

Beer fags are a cancer to this board.

>> No.8851462
File: 132 KB, 350x350, hwprivatereserve_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my shit at the moment. Almost as cheap as crappy light beer but 50x better, tastes like a real beer but not too much
Get it if you can, might be a NW only thing though

>> No.8851673

It simply has a lot of hype behind it. It's not bad by any means but it certainly isn't worth its price or the praise it gets. It's a middle of the road ipa. If you put a Sam Adam's Rebel in front of me with a Sculpin I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference

>> No.8852681


I was with you until you said that you couldn't tell a rebel from a sculpin.

Very different flavor profiles.

>> No.8852803

funny smelling poos maybe

>> No.8853161


You'll be a little extra drunk, maybe have some skunky breath

>> No.8853183


As someone who used to be big into IPA's, most IPA's are shit these days. The craft beer market is saturated with that crap. Faggot

>> No.8853400

I paid $15 for a 6 pack and don't think it was worth it.

>> No.8853419

Ones a little fruitier. Their both fairly traditional west coast ipas.

>> No.8853625

What? IPAs are better than ever. Its so incredibly easy to find very good IPA

>> No.8853797

IPA's are generally babbys first taste of craft brew after attending macro kegger parties in high school. Thus, it's such an eye opening distinction, he immediately assumes that's the only beer he'll ever drink again and becomes a kind of missionary for it to his friends with peachfuzz instead of hair. Consequently, it spreads like wildfire. After 5 years or so, babby's tastebuds mature, and he (gasp) tastes other microbrews and progesses.

The problem is this cycle repeats itself because you always have a fresh crop of babbys coming out of the macro kegger culture.

>> No.8853819

Beer having a "soapy" flavour is a sign of adult onset diabetes. You should get a blood test, OP.

>> No.8853827

I don't think I'll ever enjoy IPAs. Which sucks because they're fucking everywhere.

I'm more into imperial stouts which for some reason my liquor store doesn't stock very much of.

>> No.8853839

This has literally never happened. Maybe things are a little different for todays 21 year olds than even 5 years ago, but most entry level craft beer is big craft brewery flagships, stuff like Fat Tier

>> No.8853860

Which is crazy because imperial stouts are probably the second or third most popular style in the US next to ipas/pale ales.

>> No.8853861

it's because imperial stouts are boring and expensive.

>> No.8853963

>literally never happened

You fucking dimwit, I'm one who experienced it as a participant. And I don't have any idea why you brought up fat tire since we were talking about micros. Fat tire is macro parading as a micro.

>> No.8854008

So you first started with IPAs? and everyone in your frat did along with you? Seems rather implausible

>> No.8854101


>most IPA's are shit these days

Confirmed for being an underage meme spouting retard who has no clue what he's talking about.

>> No.8854328

>seems implausible that people in peer groups follow trends

See, that's the kind of knowledge you miss out on when you never crawl out of mom's basement.

>> No.8854343

So what IPA did your peer group latch onto that was totally typical for frat bros your age's first good beer?

>> No.8854359

Most frat bros have money and now a days they'll spend a little extra on something like lagunitas. Not the same poster, just chiming in. The only people I know who don't drink ipas regularly are poor hipster punks and rednecks

>> No.8854383

Nice try NSA, but it was one from our college town local brewery and another from a city 40 miles away. The one in town was a relatively early microbrewery that began in the 80's. And yeah, most of my bros have mostly progressed out of babbys first IPA now.

>> No.8854396


Confirmed for unwilling to admit your taste in beers is shallow and you can't even admit it.

>> No.8854405


You're right in that it's easy to find IPA's. Them being good, however, is doubtful.

>> No.8854473


>i can find good beer in any style, instead of dismissing an entire category as icky like a picky 5 year old who refuses to eat veggies
>somehow that makes my taste shallow

I'd say that you're drunk, but you know so little about alcohol that I doubt you even know what that means.

>> No.8854479

>"Waaaaah, /ck/ doesn't like beer bitter enough to trigger a gag reflex!"

Neck yourself, cunt.

>> No.8854494

But anon, IPAs ARE shit

>> No.8854506

If you are outside California, most of the IPA you can find is pretty damn good, hell even in California your chances aren't bad
IPA has improved a whole lot in the last decade

>> No.8854512

Maybe I'm just too old but frat boys were mostly just drinking Natty Light about 5 years ago when I graduated, and most people's first foray into good beer was large regional brewery flagships, which mostly were not IPA

>> No.8854513


>If you are outside California, most of the IPA you can find is pretty damn good

I think you meant to write, "if you are in California..."

>> No.8854519

Nah, your average IPA in California is significantly worse than the average IPA in New England or the MIdwest. California is rather mediocre for beer selection in general, especially when it comes to IPA

>> No.8854522

This. Is it any surprise that pig disgusting IPA's became popular around the same time as millennial manchildren living at home become popular?

>> No.8854543
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>> No.8854597

Just going to a grocery store in California vs in the north the difference is striking

>> No.8854779

shits pretty expensive, is it worth it? the price of a six pack would buy me like, a 12 case.