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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8845560 No.8845560 [Reply] [Original]

Should the perfect steak be cooked on a charcoal grill or a cast iron skillet?

>> No.8845564

>falling for the steak meme

>> No.8845580

>Season with salt, pepper, basil, olive oil
>Coat in Dale's Sauce
Perfect steak

>> No.8845590

>being a low test beta
What kind of massive autist doesn't like steak?

>> No.8845591

Skillet, because it makes full contact with the meat for a complete sear.

>> No.8845604

stainless steel skillet so you can deglaze all those juices into a sauce
also that

also cooks more evenly

>> No.8845781


I've gotten some really great results by filling a skillet with 1/2 inch of broth, dumping the kitchen sink in for spices, and cooking a steam (covered) on high for 5 minutes, then take the lid off and just keep moving the steak around flipping it until all the broth is gone.

Great flavor, super tender, super fast, and you can literally use a microwave timer to get the perfect cook time to your rarity preference.

That was back in my atkins days.

>> No.8845807
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I have both, and honestly, I use my cast iron 99% of the time.

>> No.8845830

Is that because you like it better, or because setting up the charcoal grill is a pain in the ass?

>> No.8845834

way to much oil faggot. fucking retards don't know how to cook

>> No.8845836

he doesn't know how to cook, don't worry about it. Looks like he is eating oil with steak.

>> No.8845840

There is literally nothing wrong with deep frying a steak to sear the outside.

>> No.8845850

this motha fucka knows what's up. the sear + oven method works well, too. It's what I do if I'm cooking really thick cuts. I prefer a peppercorn or shallot based pan sauce, but the nice thing about seasoning the meat simply with salt and pepper is that you can go in whatever direction you want with the sauce. Ginger, garlic, and thai chilies make for a delicious Asian inspiried sauce.

>> No.8845867


That's butter you ignorant twit.

>> No.8845870

fuck off with your toxic masculinity

>> No.8845873


I prefer the crust that is created with a pan sear.

>> No.8845877

most restaurants will deep fry a steak to cook it faster

>> No.8845884

butter has way too low a smoke point and will either burn before a good sear happens or will take too long and overcook the meat

>> No.8845885

>toxic masculinity
Kill yourself faggot. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.8845890

>He doesn't put butter on it after the sear for the full American

>> No.8845892
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>taking the bait
4chan is so easy to troll these days

>> No.8845893

You put it in at the very end along with some fresh herb as you just finish the steak. It imparts a buttery herby flavor then you pull the steak before it burns. Have you ever even cooked?

>> No.8845898
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wrong image

>> No.8845903

>I-I'm a master troll got you!
Lmao kill yourself autist. You're a buttblasted baby crying in tears after you got rekt and now you're pretending to be an amused Bond villain. Go back to plebbit with that gay shit.

>> No.8845905

so are you topping the steak with butter then?

the argument was against COOKING the steak in a pan with butter

>> No.8845908

wood fire

>> No.8845913

>15 year old's first time cooking after he sees Gordon Ramsay and pretends he knows shit
loving every laugh

>> No.8845920

>not cooking in pure activated coconut oil
jesus christ its like you dont even know what savory is

>> No.8845922

Nobody here was arguing in favor of doing that you mouthbreathing imbecile. The person you've been trying to talk shit to wasn't even doing it.

>> No.8845924


>> No.8845933

holy shit are you even serious?

just go pour some buttermilk over your steak and make a nice roux

>> No.8845935

You're not even making sense anymore. You're incoherent.

>> No.8845938
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You've gone incoherent.

>> No.8845941

your the one obsessed with dairy products

I bet you eat cheese with fish

>> No.8845942

>he's still trying to convince everyone he's not a retard
LMAO thanks for bumping my thread ugly faggot. Keep it up.

>> No.8845947


>> No.8845951
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>when the stupid faggot gets cornered by everyone and still desperately tries to convince others he's in the right

>> No.8845956
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nice comeback

>> No.8845959
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Just give it up dude, you're retarded. We're all anonymous, so you can just walk away and no one will ever know.

>> No.8845964

>being so wrong you try to insult the other person and ask them to leave

>> No.8845967
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>redditor still trying to convince everyone he doesn't have asperger's

>> No.8845972

What, exactly, am I wrong about?

>> No.8845978

there is nothing, wrong, with topping a steak with, butter, and herbs,,,,,

>> No.8845980

>two idiots so desperate to have 'LE LAST WOOORRD' they get into a shitpost competition where they both spam irrelevant crap until one gets tired enough to pitch it in

>> No.8845981
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Dumb nigger, your entire life is wrong. You're so fucking stupid you didn't even know what you were arguing about lmfao

>> No.8845993

please continue replying, your stupidity is so funny to me

>> No.8845995
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Truly fascinating post, a great insight into the mind of a real imbecile.

There are at least three of us by my count.

>> No.8846013
File: 21 KB, 320x239, hobama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this assblasted nigger is STILL trying to convince us he doesn't have down's syndrome

>> No.8846014

Four, actually. You haven't been right about a single thing, faggot.

>> No.8846017
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Stop shitting in the compost heap, cletuses.

>> No.8846023
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I said AT LEAST three, so four means I was still right.

>mfw this bootyfrustrated cockmongler tries to convince me that I'm not superior to him in every conceivable way

>> No.8846031
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>tries to convince me that I'm not superior to him in every conceivable way
Top fucking kek what a virgin. How do you get dressed in the morning? Do you have a tard wrangler? M'lady.

>> No.8846032


>> No.8846035

Congratulations, you did one thing right, and proved that you can count to at least three.

>> No.8846052
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>mfw the buttblasted nigger isn't going to reply anymore because he's literally in tears from getting e-bullied

>> No.8846056
File: 26 KB, 41x1184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebin...simply ebin, my friend. I'm bookmarking this thread so that years from now I'll be able to show my grandchildren the time that I BTFO an anon so hard that he was reduced to posting such gibberish as this.

Thank you.

>> No.8846069

Sorry it took a minute to get back to you, sweetie. I'm making a number of high quality posts on three different boards right now and there's only so much of me to go around.

>> No.8846090
File: 33 KB, 500x375, Laughing-Dog-Pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my grandchildren
>16 year old fat neckbeard virgin talking about grandchildren
lmao sure anon

>he was reduced to posting such gibberish as this
Top fucking kek. What part of my post was gibberish? The part where you cried over me calling you a fedora wearing sperg? Or the part where you cried over me finding out about your tard wrangler?


>he's still desperately pretending to be a master troll at this point and thinks anyone buys it

>> No.8846108
File: 100 KB, 600x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this fanny-finangled turd muncher is still marching on

>> No.8846133

Love the mouth breathing retards in tears pretending they were "trolling all along." It's the funniest thing on this site by far, how desperate someone can get over internet arguments.

>> No.8846373 [DELETED] 


>> No.8846376



>> No.8847168
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>> No.8847186
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This is why I fucking hate /ck/ bunch of retarded faggots acting like they know what they're talking about with less than basic knowledge and then zealously defending their dumbassery. Literal muslims of the autism spectrum.

>> No.8847212

skillet because pan sear + jus

charcoal flavour is great but imo a good steak is wasted with this, the charcoal competes with the beef. It is better suited to cheaper meat, sausages and burgers

>> No.8848104


People get most defensive the moment they realize their opinion might be wrong.

>> No.8848105

>bunch of retarded faggots acting like they know what they're talking about with less than basic knowledge and then zealously defending their dumbassery.

That's legitimately every board desu

>> No.8848106

oh look, yet another person who watched an episode of alton brown and tries to copy gordon ramsay
tell us again of your cooking expertise

>> No.8848221
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>you will never partake in a civilized discussion about steaks on /ck/ that doesn't immediately devolve into shitflinging

>> No.8848259

Depends what you like and what the overall dish calls for. Grill will create more charred/smoky flavor, skillet/pan roast will create a nice thick crust over the entire surface evenly. You can also baste with fat easier in a skillet.

If you want the flavor and char you get from a grill, do that. If you want that even sear and distributed crust, go for a skillet.

>> No.8848310

that's 99% of humanity, it's just that some people hide it better

>> No.8848374

>using sauce on steak
Easiest way to let everyone know you can't even do something as simple as cooking steak

>> No.8848406
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>> No.8848435

Grill outside in the evening, because there is little that matches the comfy that follows

Just grilled up some steaks, some shrimp skewers and some skewers with cubes of halloumi and red bell pepper. Had a bloody feast, and I'm on my mobile right now, belly full of good hot tasty food, sat as close to my little old charcoal grill as I can get just letting the warmth and the scent flow around me

It's bliss lads, this is why I work for a living rather than collecting my due autistic dole money

>> No.8849508
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Olive oil

Get my cast iron pan sizzling hot
Cook on one side for 2 minutes and a 1:30 on the other l, perfect steak every time

>> No.8850993

where do you think you are

>> No.8851020

why'd you cut it up before it was done cooking?

>> No.8851298

is this trolls trolling trolls?

>> No.8851327
File: 16 KB, 259x224, 1477003350031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be crazy to sear a steak in a deep fryer? I don't think meat absorbs oil in any significant quantity. In my personal experience, it doesn't make the steak any greasier to fry it in a skillet with a quarter inch of fat than frying it with just enough fat to coat the pan, as the amount of fat that ends up on your plate is pretty much just the portion that clings to the surface of the meat. Going from a little fat to a lot of fat in the pan has improved my steaks by making them sear better, but I wonder if the logical extension of this would be to forget about the skillet entirely and just drop the steak in a deep fryer.

>> No.8851335

>le putting anything on steak ruins it meme


>> No.8851340

you gonna loose all the juices