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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 283x424, C-CTEt0XgAA_1i3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8845600 No.8845600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hes never had matzah, the bread that jews had no time to allow to rise because they had to flee the pharoah
>hes never had latkes, delicious potato pancakes deep fried in oil to remember the blessed oil that kept the menorah lit for 8 days
>hes never had challah, sweet braided egg bread eaten in honour of food that dropped from the heavens whilst jews lived in the desert for 40 years following fleeing from egypt

pro tip, if your food doesnt have a rich historical narrative like jewish food, it is literally walmart tier garbage that deserves to be put in the trash

>> No.8845609

Why did they have to flee from the pharaoh though

And every other country

>> No.8845620

>Why did they have to flee from the pharaoh though
because we were slaves

>And every other country
because just about every other country has tried to murder and genocide us

>> No.8845622
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I would gladly waltz into a synagogue if it meant scoring some cholent.

>> No.8845636

befriend an old jewish grandmother. as soon as she is satisfied you genuinely like her food, she will cook you so much your stomach will burst.

>> No.8845647

I never liked latkes growing up, but when I brought them to culture day at school everybody loved them. What's with that shit?

Challah is the best bread though.

>> No.8845655

>What's with that shit?
deep fried potatoes are pretty delicious

>> No.8845657

This is really good cause as a Muslim I can't remember any kind of food that was important for us in the past. Really weird.

>> No.8845661
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Stop cutting dicks

>> No.8845669

Every food has a rich historical narrative. Wal-Mart has more of a story than you do, and they didn't even have to make it up.

>> No.8845681
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At this point I might have to. Sure there are plenty of recipes to be found but it needs a certain je ne sais quoi only Jewish women can add.

I had a Jewish friend back in high school and he always brought Sabbath leftovers his super hot mom made.

Finally got my chance to eat cholent when he began inviting me over for their Sabbath lunch. SO FUCKING GOOD, I could put 2-3 bowls away in one sitting.

Plus I got to watch his smoking hot mom bounce her titties around in a tight dress, HNNNGH!

>> No.8845688

>tfw I haven't had Kugel for a long time
Oy vey, now you've given me a hankering OP.

>> No.8845694

Matzoh Ball soup is probably the best soup that's been invented thus far, when made correctly.

>> No.8845707

i've never really understood why so many people hate jews, and not just the 'lol finebros are dirty money grubbin JEWSSS' but how consistently throughout history people just fucking hate them

>> No.8845713
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I have to say, I've always enjoyed a steaming bowl of chicken soup. That's when I got the idea, if I like it, I can make an inferior version stupid goys will lap up for $.20/ serving and sell it for $3.00.

So yeah, I like our food traditions.

>> No.8845715 [DELETED] 
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I'm sure it's totally everyone else being racist.

>> No.8845717

Yeah nah that would be chicken and dumpling soup.

>> No.8845730

>garbage that deserves to be put in the trash
what a coincidence, just like the jews

>> No.8845731

>jews persecuted jesus. catholic church which because dominant political institution wanted revenge
>jews were not allowed to hold propety in many countries, so to make money they lent it. who do people hate more than the people that call in their loans?
>jewish religious practises such as keeping food groups separate and emphasis on cleanliness meant that during the black death jews were far less impacted.
>totalitarian governments across all times in history need to construct an enemy to unit the people. jews because of the aforementioned reasons were the easiest target

>> No.8845733


>> No.8845736

Certain religious minorities have always been persecuted by the dominant cultures of most countries/regions. Many of them have died out. The Jews just managed to survive.

>> No.8845739
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>t. ahmed mohammed bin abdullah

>> No.8845741 [DELETED] 

They tried to screw over every single country that took them in, so ofc they had to expel them.

>> No.8845742
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I think it's to do with their depiction in the New Testament. They're portrayed as redemption denying Sadducees and conniving Christ-killer. And their presence in Europe following that. They were money lenders (because usury was prohibited by the Catholic Church.) That naturally paints them as something to hate.

It's easier to paint a giant bulls eye on the hand wringing happy merchant meme. It's ALL (((THEIR))) fault.

But whatever right? Those NEETS over on /pol/ will say I've been bluepilled by (((them))), maybe even a secret ZOG agent.

t. filthy disgusting goy who loves cholent and big Jewess titties

>> No.8845745

Pork: eaten to celebrate god letting Peter eat food that judaism deemed "unclean."

>> No.8845753

I had mathza with chocolate back I. Highschool during the two weeks period when they couldn't sell anything with yeast on it
It's actually pretty good when you don't eat it by itself

>> No.8845755

t. jew

>> No.8845756

It's amazing to me that people can use an image like that to defend themselves for a hatred of other people. Being a leader, thinker, or artist doesn't make one less likely to have faults. Prejudice is everywhere and reasonable people don't marginalize the dark and the ugly that resides in all of us.

>> No.8845758


t. abdul al fasisi

>> No.8845759

What percentage of Jews do you think actually eat bacon? Pretty sure at least half since almost every Jew I know does.

>> No.8845763

Close but my name is Ali ibn Al Tahlim

>> No.8845764

the only thing I envy from jews is the fact they use chicken fat to cook. I don't even know how to get it off the chicken.

in my country people use mostly pork fat or butter, but man I prefer my people's cuisine.

>> No.8845765

Because Jews worked as a closed community to get control of the land and get rich through taxes and the king allowed it because a couple of years later when. The Jews empobrished everyone and had a ton of money the king decided he wasn't ok with the Jews anymore and they had to leave and leave all their possession behind
I'm not even kidding you and then they went to another country and did it all over again
The only time Jews where allowed to stay in a country was in forced ghettos they couldn't leave without permission or work outside

>> No.8845767

In reality it would be t. Nick Thompson, high school student

>> No.8845776 [DELETED] 

its called fries you kike

>> No.8845794

>not allowed to own property
>not allowed to have membership in guilds
>therefore, only feasible way to make money is to pool their community's resources and lend money
>help the wider non-jewish community grow through giving the people access to capital
>non-jewish community grows greedy
>want the money jewish community has saved
>start spreading lies (jews eat/sacrifice their children)
>jews get chased out of town
>move to the next one
>same situation

really makes me think. thank you for your contribution mr usman al sheik ebin al muhammed, proud citizen of germany.

>> No.8845799
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Here, here!

>> No.8845811
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It just never stops lad.

>> No.8845812

>So you be sayin
>*Gets expelled from Carthage (250)*
>We wuz
>Expelled from Italy (855)*
>*Counts Shekels*
>*Expelled from England (1290)*
>Some kinda
>*Circumcises infant*
>Some Sorta
>*murders Goy*
>Expelled from a dozen other countries
>some kinda chosen people???

>> No.8845821

It's amazing to me someone can look at a pattern over the coarse of all known history and think it's everyone else. If I get fired from one job it could be anyone's fault, if I get fired from every job I've ever had it may be my own fault.

>> No.8845826
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>over the coarse

truly, compelling

>> No.8845842

Oh no, I misspelled a homophone! My whole post must be discarded now.

>> No.8845847


>> No.8845851


are you saying that our dominance in nobel awards, ceo positions, politics, army success, strong history, university positions, philosphers, comedy despite facing genocide

suggests that we are not indeed gods chosen people?

>> No.8845856

opinion disregarded my good chum. try again in a year when perhaps you have developed an iq higher than that of a retarded chimp.

>> No.8845862

My man it wasn't even close. If it was a there/their issue you might get off but that was abhorrent.

>> No.8845865
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Its alright today you have your own country, BUT ON OTHER PEOPLE'S LAND

>> No.8845880
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>yeah, America/Europe/Asia has NEVER invaded another country, claiming it their 'natural right.'

muh keks

>> No.8845888

>palestine never existed before 13th century
>other peoples land
what did you mean by this?

>> No.8845889

>reddit spacing

>> No.8845925

>falling for all this fake lore and stories

lol you got tricked

.t jew here

>> No.8845928
File: 1.79 MB, 200x200, blick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move it to /pol/ fellas, we cookin here.

>> No.8845930

There is no record, outside of Jewish mythology, of Jews being enslaved by Egyptians. You're dumb.

>> No.8845936

>Jewish food
>Jewish woman
>Jew gold

If only we could get rid of the rest and just keep those.

>> No.8845940

i started this thread to discuss jewish cuisine before all these butthurt stormfags came in

>> No.8845949

Maybe the devil is doing it.

>> No.8845955

This is pretty juicy bait, but anyway the reality is I've only rbeen friends with one Jewish woman and she cooked Russian food. I wouldn't even know where to look to get Juisine around here

>> No.8846078 [DELETED] 

pick one

>> No.8846109

I want to eat a pulled pork sandwich on challah

>> No.8846128


dude, that sounds fucking delicious, with or without sauce?

>> No.8846132

There, maybe
Juuuuuuuust maybe
might be a reason

>> No.8846149

Just a little bit of sauce and some pickled red cabbage.

>> No.8846300
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>> No.8846347
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>because just about every other country has tried to murder and genocide us

>> No.8846404

>just about every other country has tried to murder and genocide us
Maybe you should start wondering why that was.

>> No.8846417

I like matzah, honestly. It's basically big fuckoff saltine crackers (usually) without the salt, which is extra good for spreadin margarine.

shit's just wheat and water, and they sell it by the pack of dozens for dollars a piece. I got a palette of boxes of matzah for $6.99 it was something like 80 boxes of 15 matzah each. Pretty sweet deal. Not a fan of latkes or challah though, just ain't my style.

>> No.8846852

they're practically the same thing just with different shaped dumplings

>> No.8846903
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this is a very simplistic way to think. from, say, an african perspective you could say well white people have only screwed us over and therefore it is incumbent on us to oppose white civilization for our own protection. and then the african could lay out a similar [cherrypicked] timeline of white misdeeds to justify himself. and every group can do that to multiple other group.

have you gone through the timeline of expulsions and examined them individually? if you haven't think about the logic of your argument for a second.

>jews are bad
how so?
>look at all these expulsions
why were they expelled?
>because they were bad
well how do you know it's because they were bad
>look at all these expulsions

it's completely tautological. i mean, there are inevitable tensions between a foreign population in any country, and expulsion might be a very reasonable course of action for a monarch, but your position is reductionist to the point of idiocy.

and consider for a moment that the main reason why such a foreign population even existed in europe is because europeans left europe, invaded the levant, and then dissolved the jewish national polity and forced them to leave.

>> No.8846911

where do you keep the foreskins

>> No.8846916

>historical narrative
You mean we don't invent a bunch of fairy tales to make kids eat bland food?
Exodus never happened nor did manna rain from the sky and there isn't a Jew in history who wouldn't have sold the menorah as an indefinite light source on the sixth day.

>> No.8846918

Reminder that majority of jewish "cuisine" is just central and eastern european foods adopted and made kosher. Jewish homogeneity is a meme.

>> No.8846924

>jews are direct subjects of the king and not provincial lords
>king uses them to collect taxes as they must report directly to the crown and as a tax base he can collect from without having to consult parliament
>peasants hate jewish tax collectors
>peasants also hate jew creditors who loan money because they are banned from agriculture and trades
>peasants also literally think jews have horns and eat babies
>king has easy scapegoat jews for when his financial ventures and/or abusive tax policies
>tensions erupt and king says jews gotta leave in order to appease the mob and/or prevent his own insolvency by looting jewish savings

those jews really had it coming every time though.

>> No.8846937

Move into a community and refuse to integrate into it while calling yourself gods chosen and see how long it takes before your neighbors starts avoiding you like the plague.

>> No.8846946

I tried to say that the holocaust wasn't the largest genocide in human history and I was called an anti-semite by this one jew. This other jewess liked to gossip a lot and backstabbed some of her friends so she could get valedictorian (I have no idea how, she wrote some god awful essays). She lived in the wealthier part of town. The people there would go to the nearby bridge and light the homeless people's tents on fire or smoke them out. I could see how people could hate them pretty easily desu.

>> No.8846949

You are wrong and you have terrible taste and your whole thread sucks.

>> No.8846957


low T fag beta male detected

>> No.8846965
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german jews were the most integrated in history. they stopped speaking yiddish and spoke proper german, went to services on sunday, ate pork, and celebrated christmas. they also intermarried at higher rates anywhere else.

of course once that happened, people got upset that they were integrating TOO MUCH and disguising themselves as German by acting like Germans.

antisemites always want it both ways. they want Jews to stop being so recognizably Jewish and then when they do just that they claim that they are hiding their jewishness for some nefarious purpose.

>> No.8846967


>> No.8846974
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You have a designated oblast. Go there.

>> No.8846976

Germany is literally the exception. jews have always been well integrated there. it's russia, central/eastern europe, and spain where they've been most ridiculed for dividing themselves from society. Austria-Hungary had a very healthy Jewish population.

>> No.8847034

To be fair point to any nomadic people that got treated better
Also that's the nice clean version and j don't buy I entirely, I'm pretty sure Jews had to be pretty ruthless to survive

>> No.8847040

They didn't speak German, they spoke an hybris language of both German and Hebrew like poor Mexicans or Chinese women do
As in for the most integrated as a whole maybe but they where offered the option to convert a couple times through history
Also it's suspected that most settlers in early America where actually Jewish

>> No.8847070

Germans are cancer though

>> No.8847105
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>To be fair point to any nomadic people that got treated better
jews on the whole weren't nomadic in the sense of maintaining an itinerant lifestyle like pasture grazers or tinkers. they'd be in one place for a century or several and then have to move. in any case, that's not really the point.

it's not meaningful to "blame" europeans for oppressing jews or whatever. i think we both understand that there was a natural tension between a population of "natives" and "resident aliens." my point is simply that whatever tension or oppression there was wasn't somehow the consequence of dastardly jewish schemes to enslave the peasants (although i'm sure to a medieval peasant that might certainly appear to be the case when confronted with a caste of foreign financiers and merchants) being revealed.

as for why those outsiders found themselves in europe, you'd have to take that up with the romans.

>> No.8847153

>be hated for 14 thousand years by every group you come to contact in, from pharaos to indigenous Southern Americans
>never stop to wonder that it might actually be your fault

The jews never learn do they?

>> No.8847217

>not originary from europe
>spread all over europe
>went from country to country
>not nomadic

>to "blame" europeans for oppressing jews
according to the laws of the time no opression was made, jews never had the right to live in any kingdom, they where treated as the kings guests
>Jewish schemes
>come into a kingdom having nothing
>work your way to the top by working together in group fashion
>empobrish everyone by getting them in debt wich was ilegal more often than not
lets be fair for a second, it doesnt look good for the jews, i guet it that they had to leave at any point carrying wathever they could but that was the king ad that was the only reason the king allowed them there, to the average peasent jews where a pest

>> No.8847230

and it was very convenient for kings that jews should be pests. so what's the takeaway?

>> No.8847247

that peasents arent kings and they got the shittiest part?
that jews wer pretty awful to peasents aswell?
its pretty amazing how we hear how awful was the king for kicking the jews out but somehow the fact that jews were only there to fuck everyone else in the first place is irrelevant
usury was ilegal in most of europe during the time so yeah there was reason to kick them out

>> No.8847257


>> No.8847295 [DELETED] 

usury was "illegal" under catholic canon law, not monarchical decree, so it was completely "legal" for jews. as such, kings found it very useful to invite jews in order to promote commerce and finance. here's the big secret: loans are a tremendously useful tool and are necessary in order to finance projects. it's so absurd that you think "usury" is a good reason to hate jews when they were invited into countries specifically so that they could practice usury and therefore improve commerce and make it easier to finance various endeavors.
jews weren't there to "fuck everyone else" they were there because they needed somewhere to live and people in charge found them useful.

and it's not like you are ever FORCED to take a loan. if you don't like the terms of the loan, don't take it.

>> No.8847309

>antisemites always want it both ways
Actually all I want is for them all to relocate to Israel.

>> No.8847321 [DELETED] 

No you dumb kike

>> No.8847332

Except that during the time the church held as much power if not more power than the king in many kingdoms across Europe
>Usury means loans
No, it doesn't

>Usury is ilegal in Europe
>Go to Europe
>Practice usury
>Get kicked off Europe
Oyyyy very the jesish people was persecuted in Europe

>Go into Europe
>Make everyone poor
Oy vet anty Jewish discrimination and xenophobia was a horrible thing in Europe
The one who benefited was the king, doesn't mean Jews weren't horrible cunts to everyone

>> No.8847338

They probably were forced to take the loans the same way chicken farmers are forced to get into debt to expand on order to stay in business and then forced to sell the chicken at a loss now days, as soon as one person took a loan everyone else needed a loan to compete, the first guy to do it probably got a great deal too but then it sucked and you had no choice
Usury is not and was never honorable, Jews were the middle age banks

>> No.8847343 [DELETED] 

>has never had shit, the litefal feces, commemorating the stuff that comes out of jewish mouths every time they open it

>> No.8847347 [DELETED] 

Then why are the jews running the world government?

>> No.8847348

Food & Cooking

>> No.8847383

>food and cooking doesnt have a historical context

>> No.8847400 [DELETED] 

>every other country has tried to murder and genocide us
Have you ever asked yourself why?
Anyway show mee the recipes for that plz

>> No.8847406 [DELETED] 
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>implying this doesn't include baking as well

>> No.8847462
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>eating that
>when you can have a frugal meal so you can go back to work, which dignifies you
I truly pity jews

>> No.8847524
File: 47 KB, 500x571, crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jews are dying out at an hilariously quick rate
check the demographics of Israel, they are getting JIHADED into a mudrace. they keep trying to ban interracial content since something crazy like 40% of Israelis are in/interested in interracial relationships. They literally cucked themselves into being bred out of existence. If a one state solution ever happens, all the muslims will vote for pro-muslim candidates and Israel will become Afghanistan 2.0

>muh jew IQ
>muh chosen people
>oy vey ids anudduh shoah
also jew food tastes like bland shit, which is fitting for the kind of people who made it

>> No.8847540

>why were they expelled?
committing usury, murdering christian children, thievery, etc.

>well how do you know it's because they were bad
every single time they were kicked out/genocided it was because they were shaving coins, constantly causing problems, cheating people out of money, poisoning wells, stealing livestock, etc. every single fucking time it's because they are abhorrent criminals who try to take everything from people who have nothing left to take

they were never loyal to the local lord because they were not a part of that land. they didnt want to follow the laws of the land because they were not a part of that land. they didnt want to integrate into the land because they were not a part of that land.
they were foreign aliens who never, TO THIS DAY, became part of the host country, and instead became a parasite who preyed on the innocent

>if im ignorant to history they cant argue against it because my platform is wrong xdddd

>europeans left europe
invaded by the middle east for literally hundreds of years
>dissolved the jewish national polity
was already dissolved by islam for hundreds of years
>forced them to leave
that would be the muslims, who raped and murdered jews for centuries after taking all of their relics and destroying them

the "jews" of biblical times no longer exist. they were genetically obliterated by muslims for close to a milennia, a trend that we see continuing into contemporary times. sorry bud, you arent the chosen one. after jesus, no jew is chosen by god, as they killed his son and refused to be saved by his grace.

not a christfag, I just know my history and theology.

>> No.8847602

They are bad because of their usury and nepotism. They do not create wealth for themselves and instead siphon the labor of others through high interest rates. Their nepotism allows them to take control of media and use it to encourage behavior in society which benefits them, such as purchasing consumables in excess like alcohol or music. They also use this influence to divide their host nations to distract from what they are doing.
For example take the grievances of American blacks. Who ensures that criminality and drug abuse are common in the black community? (((Music producers))). They also encourage the purchase of low quality products made with slave labor. See Nike and Beats. So they have created a self destructive culture that funnels all of its capital into Jewish business. And when that capital runs out the taxpayer is required to pick up the bill through welfare and social services.

Let's also take a look at the short lived practice of slavery in America and who is to blame. Could it be the plantation owners who needed labor to produce raw materials? Is it perhaps the crew if the ships that brought them? Maybe it's the African people who captured and sold rival tribes? Or could it be the slaves themselves, who consent to being treated so? Or maybe it was the (((people))) who ordered the ships to Africa, then to America, them back to Europe, reaping heavy profit off of human misery all the way?
The latter seems like the most reasoned conclusion. You know, while we're placing blame

>> No.8847612

Ya nepotism plays a big part. I mean Obama has a Nobel prize for bombing brown people. It's nothing to be proud of anymore. Oh, and don't confuse expulsion with genocide.

>> No.8847813

>passing off the trade of /pol/ Jew and anti-Jew memes as a discussion of historical context

>> No.8848210

Jewish food is shit.
Not even /pol/. Most of it is just bland and looks disgusting. Maybe it's cause I grew up eating jewish food at family gatherings.

>> No.8848225

>because just about every other country has tried to murder and genocide us
Perhaps you should ask yourself why that is.

>> No.8848237
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>being alt-right

>> No.8848306

This image is pathetic and you know it. Big difference between a ZOG toolbag and a self respecting white man

You ignorant twat

>> No.8848352

>stereotyping is wrong, you racist!
I genuinely hope you're real and this is not just an ironic joke comment written for the (You)s

>> No.8848380

Jewish food is complete shit.

>> No.8848873

You deserved it every time

>> No.8848905

>because we were slaves
There is no evidence of this. Also the entire story is fucking stupid. No matter how slow you are it won't take you 40 years to walk from Egypt to Israel.

>> No.8848909
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>> No.8849072

that's some nice Polish food you just listed my friend

>> No.8849100

He's talking about the Romans, you idiot. If the Romans hadn't invaded Judea none of this shit would have happened in the first place, there might not even *be* an Islam.

>> No.8849166

>rome invaded jewlandia first
how fucking historically ignorant can you be, all while giving off aires of authority