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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8845311 No.8845311 [Reply] [Original]

ITT childish food preferences and habits
I think bell peppers are gross. I get a lot of shit for it for being a grown-ass adult and thinking that but god I can't stand them

>> No.8845336
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For me it's mushrooms.

These might be the exception though.

>> No.8845516

I hate everything that comes from the sea. I wouldnt eat that shit even if they paid me

>> No.8845568

These I've tried multiple times to change my ways but I just can't I'm glad I'm not the only one

>> No.8845573

sea food
I know. Fucking shoot me.

>> No.8845596

Bell peppers give me the shits
Carrots are kinda gross

>> No.8845598

Prawns/Shrimp creep me out to the point I can't bring myself to eat them.

>> No.8845778
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>mfw I tried to think of one about myself and genuinely couldn't

>> No.8845797

Black olives and to a lesser extent green olives are the only things I've been unable to like at least in their own right.

>> No.8845815

milk is gross.

since about the age of 4 i've strongly disliked milk.
about 2 months ago(age 23) i tasted it and it was allright but it still didnt taste "good".
it sort of had this bland flavour with a hint of something and i dont like that apparently.
probably not going to drink milk ever again.

>> No.8845824

I can't eat any form of fish. No matter how I cook it or what spices or marinades I use it always tastes like a fucking pier.
I don't get it with mollusks or shellfish though. I could eat shrimp every day.

>> No.8845848

it's hard not to like good quality olives. if you've only had them from jar/can try to find a place that sells them in bulk from those barrels. it's a whole new world

>> No.8845857


this, exactly this.
mushrooms taste gross
eating eggs as a concept is gross and weird
same with fish

everyone tells me its wierd as fuck

>> No.8845861

I like mushrooms, but the gelatinous Asian kind like in your picture turn my stomach, even though I like things like century duck eggs or jellied eels. Weird.

>> No.8845904


i think bell peppers are like cilantro: some genetic untermenschs have this extreme sensitivity to them and only taste bitterness.

i've heard these people can immediately detect even the tiniest sliver of bell pepper. just a speck will ruin their meal.

>> No.8845917

Bell peppers are the worst. Anytime they are in a dish, it's the only tong I can taste. They have that cloying sweetness that overpowers all other flavors.

They also make my intestines bleed, but that's unrelated as far as taste goes.

>> No.8845943

did you try drinking something that wasn't nonfat?

>> No.8845992

>happily eat whole bell peppers raw
>find chunks in a bowl of chili and end the meal with a sloppy pile of every single one tucked away on the side

Also green beans.
I'd rather eat raw brussels sprouts.
Green beans simply repulse me.

>> No.8846001

Onions, their texture ruins whatever they are put in.

>> No.8846004

Powdered sugar, I don't know why but it's fucking disgusting for me. If it's used in an icing I don't really notice it but if its on top of pastries and such I have to wipe it off.

>> No.8846016

>cloying sweetness
Go eat a dessert. Literally any dessert. Get some damn perspective in your life.
>They also make my intestines bleed
Oh, you have a serious medical condition. I'm sorry.

>> No.8846061

no i think it was medium fat, why?

>> No.8846159

And tomatoes
Yknow, just really any mushy, flavorless vegetable
The texture of raw tomato slices is just fucking appalling
And there's no flavor payoff, at least not with American tomatoes, which are grown to be big, not flavorful
Onions I can't stand
I understand their value in cooking, but I can't just bite into a piece and be fine
Squash, zuchinni, and cucumbers can fuck off
Specifically because my mom would make beef stew and the stew had all sorts of assorted shit throughout it, most notably little pieces of squash, really mushy and shitty squash
And fuck cauliflowers

>> No.8846629

>I'd rather eat raw brussels sprouts.
raw brussels sprouts are awesome if they're finely shredded

>> No.8846644

Literally the only thing I don't like is eggs. They smell and taste like farts. I have to leave the kitchen when someone is cooking eggs because it smells so awful.

But I fucking love everything else people that don't like eggs usually hate. I love mushrooms, bell peppers, seafood, olives, onions, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and spicy mustard. I'm not picky at all, I just can't fucking stand those little yellow farts in white shells.

>> No.8846657

Mom gave me Country Crock as a kid and I love the taste of it. Now that I'm an adult I can plow through the smallest tub in a few days.
If I buy butter I keep it frozen and only defrost it for baking. I try not to buy margarine at all ever.
For my cast iron I buy the stupid overpriced Lodge seasoning cream in a tube because if I buy Crisco or lard I'll spread THAT on toast. I'm a fucking toast addict and I hate myself for it.

>> No.8846675

Mushrooms and olives both disgust me. I've tried eating mushrooms so many times, but I always end up feeling sick from them. I can't even get past the smell of olives to try them.

>> No.8846689

eggs and milk are gross idk

>> No.8846746

>decided I didn't like butter as a kid
>try it once at ten and get terrible food poisoning
>now I pretend to have an intolerance
If nobody tells me it's butter in the dish I eat it no problem

>> No.8846795

Onions and cabbages. The flavour of onion doesn't bother me, but the texture of it just really bothers me. I despise the flavour of cabbages though, it tastes like utter shit.

Ironically, I really enjoy kimchi.

>> No.8846806

Beets taste like dirty feet. I have no earthly idea why people eat them.

>> No.8846819


I grew up hating everything that wasn't beef, chicken or cheese. I thank God every day that I grew out of that, and now enjoy pretty much everything. Used to think I'd never like seafood, now I crave it. Couldn't bear the thought of mushrooms, now gravies just aren't the same without them.

But turnips? Fuck them. It's like eating an acrid lovechild of a potato and onion that have both gone off and rolled around in some dirt. No matter how I cook it.

>> No.8846826
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FUCK ONIONS. They're only enjoyable in salsa.

>> No.8846846

I want to lock up all of you in a cell and only give you the food you hate most. After a few days you will eat. And you will *L*O*V*E* it.

>> No.8846860

Grow your own then, it's not that fucking hard

>> No.8846864

I can't drink soda or other carbonated drinks, it's physically painful to try and force down due to the carbonation. How do other people drink it?

>> No.8846871

Fuck lemon pepper. Cant stand the shit. Give me real lemon or real people, but FUCK lemon pepper

>> No.8847071

Meatloaf is pretty nasty

>> No.8847086

>Not rossting and skinning your peppers

>> No.8847106

Why are your friends cooking rotten eggs?

>> No.8847451
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>yes I'd like the chicken tendies please

>> No.8847466
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chunky salsa

Fuck all of this. Onions are by far the worst though, I can stand mushrooms if they're cooked and in some dish, and fish is bearable if fried up and fresh, but I literally cannot eat onions.

Pic unrelated

>> No.8847473

ITT: flyover

>> No.8847474

>green olives
>any fish that's not fried or smells
>organ meat

>> No.8847490

I've been hyper autistic about making sure texture has 0 impact on taste for me. The only 3 things I can't eat are yams, grapefruit, and raw kale

>> No.8847519

I used to hate

I forced them down my throat over the years and now I love everything on that list. There's not a single thing I can't eat and enjoy now. There's hope, anons.

>> No.8847571
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10/10, anon.

>> No.8847599

I fucking hate olives god damn

>> No.8847618

I don't like animal fat from meat (tallow, schmaltz, lard). I can handle pork but chicken and beef is just gross to me.
Dairy fats like butter are fine for me but I still prefer plant based fats.

>> No.8847624

You have a lot of friends/family that don't know how to cook eggs then.

>> No.8847720

black olives

that's all the foods that exist that I don't enjoy

>> No.8847775

I'll give you that a lot of my friends are shit cooks, but then why do I have the same reaction to eggs prepared in restaurants? I've smelled rotten eggs, and they do smell far worse than fresh ones, but fresh eggs still taste and smell like sulphuric farts time.

>> No.8847796

i still can't stand horseradish even though i've forced myself to eat all kinds of horseradish and wasabi several times
it makes me feel like i'm out of breath too

>> No.8847826

I don't like raw tomatoe slices on sandwiches or burgers

I mean I like salsa but can't eat them

>> No.8847877
File: 66 KB, 472x354, beans-on-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had a hatred for beans for as long as I can remember, beans on toast is literally the most vile meal I've ever seen.

>> No.8847943

-besides chicken wings i hate meat that is served with its bones still inside
-green peas and their nasty gritty texture and weird taste
-green olives are fucking disgusting
-baked beans and im not sure how an entire fucking country (UK) loves that shit
-skim milk

>> No.8847950

I don't like my food to touch, with a small handful of exceptions

>> No.8847961
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>> No.8847969
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Bad opinion/10

>> No.8847970

Whole beans and shelled peas disgust me. Also, unprocessed corn makes me physically ill, even the smell makes me want to puke. I can eat grits, though.

>> No.8847980

I've actually thought about using those but I hate eating out of anything except bowls so I don't think it'd work very well

>> No.8847997

Just use multiple small bowls

>> No.8847998

i only use mugs and cups for beverages that are either hot or dairy based. i just cant drink juice, water, pop, or anything else from them. it just seems wrong.

>> No.8848005

bowls are meant for soup and ice cream and using them for anything else is just weird.

>> No.8848039

Whole milk is where its at. I only drink whole milk much better than 2%

>> No.8848135

>phallic foods such as asparagus, bratwurst, cucumbers and pickles
>carrots used to be a problem too, but I really like them nowadays
>brussels sprouts
>butter, especially when used for frying. I dunno, it just tastes like burnt bad milk
>whipped cream
>cheese beyond a certain ratio/amount
Captcha: Twatt dead
Absolute madman

>> No.8848159

I eat button mushrooms raw and most that ive tried (including cubenses) taste good raw or dry. But I agree, those might make me puke if I eat them by themselves

>> No.8848194

because skim milk is trash and I could totally get why someone wouldn't like it

>> No.8848261

>water chestnuts
This isn't a big deal or anything, but you find them in Asian dishes sometimes.
>mass produced tomato
I never knew how much I didn't like chain restaurant raw tomatoes until I grew some myself. I can never go back.

>> No.8848272

Can confirm. Garlic marinated italian, premium quality olives are some of the best things i've ever tasted.

>> No.8848273

most vegetables. I still eat them though. I don't mind chewing on bits of diced raw onion when cooking so I guess my tastebuds are broken.

>> No.8848286

the one thing i've learned from being a weeaboo and eating jap food, is that adding just a small coating of some kinda sauce to vegetables makes a world of difference.

>> No.8848298
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>raw mushrooms

>> No.8848391

For me it's beans. They make me gag so hard. Oddly enough, I can eat refried beans without issue, but I don't really like them.

I grew up with a really picky eater for a mother, so there's a lot of the more common "gross" foods that I haven't eaten yet. For all I know, I hate brussels sprouts and stuff like that too.

>> No.8848403

Bananas are disgusting. I won't eat them and I won't eat things with them in it. Apparently my grandmother was the same way so maybe it's genetic.

Also I grew up hating onions but I've actually grown to like them in certain dishes.

>> No.8848404

t. amerifats

>> No.8848413

Beans, mashed potatoes, and a host of white-colored gunky condiments like mayo, sour cream, and ranch dressing. The condiments smell, taste, and look disgusting and I don't see how people eat them so often. I wish I wasn't picky with beans and mashed potatoes though, the texture just makes me automatically grimace.

Other than that, I'm a pretty open minded eater.

>> No.8848468

>declining to eat something
Think before you post

>> No.8848530
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I can't stand most vegetables. And the worst part is that everyone is so full of themselves for eating salad and shit, and I have to hold myself from telling them to fuck off and stop lecturing me.

Carrots are the only vegetable I eat, and even then I don't really like it, I just find it bearable.

>> No.8848572

>taste good
They don't.

>> No.8848601

How are you still alive

>> No.8848744

I'm 26 and I still regularly eat Lunchables as a snack and feast on animal crackers when I have the munchies. I'm capable of cooking real food but there's a guilty pleasure in eating the comfort foods of childhood.

>> No.8849650
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>Raw onions of any colors
Just makes me gag.

>> No.8849659

I struggle eating anything with onions, peppers, or green veggies

they just make my stomach turn and I get kinda angry when my food has them in them

>> No.8849676

Me too, Anon. Me too.

>> No.8849704

Brussels sprouts cooked or raw are great, and also fairly expensive so I find the meme of them being gross stupid

>> No.8849762

The very thought of eating organ meat and cartilage makes me gag. I also dislike eggs unless it's used for baking. and stuff.

>> No.8849813
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Mushrooms. Fucking bane of my existence. I won't even eat anything made with Cream of Mushroom soup.

Any and all seafood. That includes shellfish, oysters, and fish. I won't even eat tuna salad or fish sticks.

Olives. Any kind of olive. Fucking disgusting. I do tolerate olive oil, though.

Asparagus. Gross.

I went through a phase a few years ago where I wouldn't eat eggs because what they are is pretty disgusting when you think about it, but I've gotten over that.

Drinking milk straight. I thought this was a meme until I got to college, and seeing people in the dining hall drinking a huge glass of milk made me vomit in my mouth.

Mayonnaise is pretty disgusting in excess, but I can deal with a very thin layer on a sandwich.

>> No.8850610

Pretty much all fish. I can only stomach tuna if it's doused in mayo beforehand. I really like shellfish and bivalves though

Also fuck raw tomatoes

>> No.8850631

I hate those so much. Whenever I smell them frying it straight up smells like semen.

>> No.8850738
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>tfw you understand that taste and food preference is purely subjective based on a combination of upbringing and the culture surrounding you, that people can literally eat food containing traces of mud or dirt and be fine, and thus do not limit your palate which subsequently leads to enjoying all the culinary world has to offer

>> No.8850766

Olives, vinager and red meat.

>> No.8850789

>these are the fucking autists that shitpost on /ck/ and start the "find a flaw xDD" threads with some shitty garbage-tier fast food

>> No.8850795

I hate cabbage, and I FUCKING HATE CUCUMBERS. Disgusting. I also still eat spaghetti-o's like once or twice a month.

>> No.8850823
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I still hate olives and I still eat kraft dinner semi-regularly

>> No.8850876

Why are you on the food board if you hate food

>> No.8850880

Having a limited palate means you limit what you're willing to learn

Learn as much as you can, about everything, all the time

>> No.8850882

I don't like any condiments. I'm a grown ass adult and I just can't stomach them.

>> No.8850889


>> No.8850896

I agree. Its just so weird to hate a whole subsection of food used in so many meals. The only edible form of beans is black eyed peas with a shit ton of onions and ham, or a small amount of refried beans in a burrito.

>> No.8850905
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>be 30
>go to parents house for Thanksgiving
>mom made green bean casserole
>"green beans are gross mom, i hate them!"
>just try it anon, you might like it!
>take a fork full
>spit out because green beans are still gross

I do the same shit with lima beans and I still call them "butter beans".

>> No.8850909

8/10 i'm fucking triggered you ass

>> No.8850921

yep. i have no idea how these assholes live if they screech whenever someone serves them something that's been made with vinegar or mayo...but Doritos are just fucking fine

>> No.8850931

You are absurd. This is not bad.

>> No.8850941


Shit palate detected.

>> No.8850957


>> No.8850960

Hunger is the best spice

>> No.8850964

I can't bring myself to eat brain because I refuse fucking with prions. Some scary shit yo.

>> No.8850970
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I really don't like olives

>> No.8850976

I hate bells peppers as well. The smell of cooked ones alone is almost enough to make me nauseous and prepared foods seem to stick it in everything. I've found I can tolerate it pickled or cooked within an inch of it's life Chinese style though.
Can eat fresh peas but hate cooked and squash is a complete no-go. (Not counting zucchini)
Not a big fan of fresh tomatoes or things that are too tomatoey either but they're a lot easier to cover up.

This sounds like me only it's not bitterness, it's got an awful taste all it's own.

>> No.8851000

Does she use fresh or canned? Makes a huge difference in flavor and texture.

>> No.8851024

>Brussels sprouts cooked or raw are great, and also fairly expensive so I find the meme of them being gross stupid
in the land of brussels they're actually very cheap, like €1 or €2 per kilo depending on the season.
people also have a strange habit of boiling them instead of roasting, that might explain their bad rep.

>> No.8851028

Country Crock is margarine.

>> No.8851029

Fresh. She actually used to grow them herself in past years. I don't know why, but even fresh they have a distinctive flavor that I've never been able to develop a taste for. It's odd because growing up I always had a knack for liking things that other people hated. Always heard kids complaining about brussels sprouts, but I could down an entire bowl of those shits.

>> No.8851035


Literally me.
And I KNOW I'm missing out. Fuck mushrooms to death, but eggs are SO versatile and good and cheap, you can do anything with them. It's a baseball bat to the kneecap, trying to cook for myself cheaply without eggs, but I just don't like them.
And seafood? Fuck! It's almost always fresher than the freshest beef I've ever had in my life, there's more distinct kinds of seafood than there are all other meats combined, each different city has their own truly unique seafood specialty dishes (as opposed to all beef coming from the same damn farms, and all chicken tasting the same). It's healthier. It's more versatile. There's fish, crab, lobster, oysters, shrimp, clams, etc. etc.
I cannot stand any of it. But it feels like I'm missing out on HALF the world of meat, and I love meat!

I wish I could love them!

>> No.8851052

olives, just can't do em

>> No.8851114

I am at complete odds with every one in this thread, i will eat anything but cock yet you all seem to be the opposite way around.

>> No.8851845

See, there's the problem. Store-bought canned are packed in so much brine they're practically pickled. Varies a bit by brand but that improves them dramatically.

Brussels sprouts I used to hate until my sister did them steamed once but I can see why people don't like them. They're like little balls of concentrated cabbageness,

>> No.8851857

>anything but cock
What are you, a fag?

>> No.8851864

I never liked the smell of beer as a kid.

Now, I actually hate the chemical compound of alcohol in all the various beverages. I enjoy the drinks and flavors but the alcohol itself makes me hate it.

>> No.8851929

Anything that pops in your mouth. Cherry tomatos, blueberrys, grapes and even olives to a small extent. Love the taste of all of them but have to break them open to avoid that popping sensation

>> No.8851935
File: 149 KB, 1200x900, BANE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've grown to love every vegetable except for broccoli. That fucking stink is just so offputting.

Raw onions are the same. Any level of cooking fixes it, but they're just so rank normally.

>> No.8851945

I've always hated bell peppers, broccoli tops and any and all tomatoes. No ketchup, no tomatoe sauce, nothing.

>> No.8851983

frozen/canned green beans are disgusting

fresh, steamed green beans are amazing

as for me, mushrooms and seafood (fish and shrimp i love but the rest makes me retch)

>> No.8851990

I fucking hate bell peppers. Especially the orange and red ones, so fucking gross. The green ones are tolerable in SOME cases, but most of the time they overpower anything they're added to.

>> No.8852158

This. Those cocktail olives in a jar are the only kind I'd had until I was introduced to decent quality ones and now I love them. Same with blue cheese. The only food I've tried that I would never eat again is vegetarian bacon but I'm not a vegetarian so it dont matter.

>> No.8852203

I dont like spicy foods whatsever, the heat in your mouth feels like its distracting me from the actual taste

>> No.8852216

What is wrong with you people. Get the fuck off this board.

>> No.8852222

I usually go for a soda that has a low carbonation on the off chance that I do drink it. The only reason I prefer mtn. dew over other sodas is because of this. Only live wire tho.

>> No.8852313

So this thread just confirms it. /ck/ is full of manchildren plebs.

>> No.8852404

I hate eggplant and damn near every item of seafood that isn't raw oyster or swordfish.

>> No.8852418

Ketchup and yellow mustard. They're too damn detached from anything that looks remotely real. I like coarse grain mustard though and would probably enjoy homemade ketchup if I tried it.

>> No.8852744

I hate onions.

Not the taste of them, I love that, and don't mind when they're pureed or in powder form, but when they're whole I can't stand them. I think it's the texture. I dislike cooked ones more than raw ones though, and can tolerate thin slices on a sandwich. When they're in a soup or sauce, I gag. If using jarred spaghetti sauce, I only like Prego because all other ones have onions, Ragu makes me want to vomit. I've tried pretty hard to just get over it, but when I try to just push through and continue eating I lose my appetite entirely. Green onions are the exception, I love those, used in any way.

I also dislike tarte fruit, and canned vegetables.

>> No.8852764

me and you both

>> No.8852781

Also alfredo sauce, I can't stand it. I don't like pineapple either, and it burns my mouth. I think that's probably just an allergy or something. Sometimes the smell of bananas gives me a stomach ache. I also hate the vast majority of things with chewy melted cheese, like mozella sticks, or fried cheese balls, or pizza, etc.

>> No.8853534

I absolutely despise peas and corn.

>> No.8853548

I don't like olives or scrambled eggs.

>> No.8853593

I enjoy potatoes in any form but mashed.

>> No.8853605

>I...I love sniffing up little yellow farts anon

>> No.8854223

I've had the same problem. When I was 8, I drank a glass of milk thinking it was water, and it freaked me out so badly that taste aversion exists to this day. I'll have it with cereal, but that's it

>> No.8854233

I don't understand the hatred for zuchinni, that's hands down one of my facorite vegetables.

Also, raw tomatoes, for me, are basically just a vehicle for salt and pepper. I would shovel that in my mouth all day

>> No.8854263

Beets. I don't like mushrooms or bell peppers either but I can prepare them to make them unoffensive to me some of the time. But beets I've tried everything, and always taste like dirt to me.

>> No.8854273
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I eat sprinkles straight out of the jar

>> No.8854276

Considering the only other way to eat them is on ice cream, that's not really childish, that's just efficient.

>> No.8854352

But the yellow and red are so sweet, how could you dislike them if they're fresh and crunchy? I can understand not liking them cooked or if they're those home grown green ones with strong flavor

>> No.8854366

I feel you, anon. It's only boiled ones, though, if the yolks are still runny they aren't bad at all. Otherwise they make me nauseated

>> No.8854477

Homemade ketchup is super easy and tatses pretty dank

>> No.8854480

Fish and sea products are fucking gross

>> No.8854501

I can't stand the ocean taste in most seafood.

Halibut doesn't have it, so halibut fish and chips are the love of my life, but practically everything else tastes like tide pool. And I hate it, because I want very badly to eat so many of these foods.

>> No.8854834

cauliflowers because they're disgusting, weirdly texturized, rip-off version of broccoli

>> No.8854856

>It's a baseball bat to the kneecap, trying to cook for myself cheaply without eggs, but I just don't like them.
That's exactly me with chicken. Good god that shit just tastes bad. But it's so cheap, so versatile, everyone else loves it. It's in so many fucking dishes it can be a little hard to avoid. I don't mind it in curries where the sauce is too hot to even taste it, but that's about it.

>> No.8854857

Cant eat seafood unless it is deep fried or st least battered. Tsstes so fucking disgusting and fishy

>> No.8854863


Make cauliflower puree sometime, it's pretty good.

>> No.8854872

>canned vegetables
Personally I don't mind them, but I'll never forget the time I found tinned artichoke hearts when I was a kid. I've always, always loved artichokes and the hearts were my favorite part. Got my dad to heat them up for me and they turned out to be the most disgusting pieces of shit I had ever put in my mouth. Maybe you're only meant to use tinned ones in whatever dish you're making and not eat them straight, but they were nothing like fresh artichokes.

>> No.8854883
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I still have to cut my greens into small pieces so if I don't like the taste of them I can just swallow them.

I haven't eaten seafood since I was 7 and almost choked on a fish bone


>> No.8854898

Also, fuck shrimp fucking cockroaches of the sea I tell you what

>> No.8854899

Have you tried baked potatoes?

>> No.8854905


>> No.8854942
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>mfw finding out other people hate eggs

I unironically thought I was the only one because it's so normalized that everyone eats eggs it flew over my head.

I hate beans so fucking much, all kinds of beans get them out of here what are they about? I blame being Hispanic and having to eat bean paste so fucking often as a child.

All vegetables are better eaten raw or cold. Steamed vegetables feel like literal vomit in your mouth while there ain't nothing better than cold baby carrots or a cool salad with lemon juice sprinkled on top.

Here are some hot opinions btw:

if you think that Tomatoes are anything less than God tier you are a punk ass bitch.

If you don't like Cilantro you're also a punk ass bitch.

>> No.8854967

>If you don't like Cilantro you're also a punk ass bitch.
Some people have inferior genes and think it tastes like soap though, nothing can be done about that.

>> No.8855071

FUCK ORANGE JUICE the shit is disgusting and itches my throat. Citric acid beverages can go to fucking hell

>> No.8855075

>vegetables are better raw or cold

I dunno man, broccoli and cheese soup is pretty fucking great. That's technically served warm. You ever try it? But I agree on steamed vegetables. Nasty things.

>> No.8855078

Cucumber still make me gag

>> No.8855108

Ginger reeeeeeeeeeeerrree

>> No.8855112

Coriander, rèeeeeeeeee hate that stoopid urb.

>> No.8855113

>Some people have inferior genes and think it tastes like soap though, nothing can be done about that.
That's me!

It's sad, but I'll deal. My brother thinks mangoes are repulsive in the same way too. It's strange.
>Steamed vegetables
Fucking white people, I swear.

>> No.8855163

Do you actually think you can make up for hating beans and eggs by saying you like the most entry level foods there are? Get the fuck out of /ck/ and never come back. You are human trash if you don't eat beans and eggs.

>> No.8855187


>All vegetables are better eaten raw or cold.

No they aren't, learn to cook.

>> No.8855250

Not i'm a fat black lesbian in a wheel chair. Problem?

CIS gendered White pig!!!

>> No.8855253



>> No.8855358

I wont eat:
>Meat gelatin
>exotic mushrooms (mild ones like button, chestnut, portabello are fine)
>Cheese with citrus fruit in it
>Instant ramen

>> No.8855850

I just can't get myself to like cucumbers/pickles. Can't be doing with them, though I adore the vast amount of vegetables.

>> No.8855873

>there are people itt who don't enjoy steamed veggies

stop overcooking them you mongs

>> No.8855930
File: 106 KB, 640x418, dried-bean-selection-white-butter-beans-black-eyed-beans-also-called-fjmjw8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat beans.

The only type of bean I eat are Green Beans.

Black eye peas, lima beans, butter beans, pinto, kidney, white, etc. I hate the taste and mostly the texture of beans.

Give me a mexican dish with black beans in it and I'll sit there and pick out every bean before I put one spoonful into my mouth

>> No.8855954

I don't mind the flavour in things but eating the peppers themselves make me gag. I'm kinda the same with tomatoes despite fucking loving the flavour.

>> No.8856176


Also cheese, I can only eat cheese if it's on a sandwich if it's by itself it is disgusting to me, especially strong stinky cheeses . I can only eat the really mild plebeian cheeses

>> No.8856211

Any bell pepper that isn't red i wont eat

Any green pepper flesh i wont eat. i like the flavor of them, but for some reason i taste the green flesh as extremely bitter, like nyquil

>> No.8856298

All fish and seafood - will not eat any of it
All melons - shit is beyond gross
Raw onion
Brussel sprouts - how is that even considered food
Red meat - only will eat chicken or turkey
Anything homeade by strangers or people at work - don't trust anyone as people are disgusting psychos and I'm convinced they spit in it or something more gross
Yogurt with fruit in it
All.citrus fruits and juices
Indian "food"
Chinese "food"
Mexican "food"
All hard liquor

Fuck there's so much more. Yes, I'm a hard person to be around and have mental illness issues

>> No.8856303

I have a prejudice for green beans. Not that I find them gross, it's just they're the last things I'd add to a dish over everything else.

>> No.8856307

Pizza lunchables take me to a happy place.

I actually think the sauce is good quality, if not a bit sweet.

>> No.8856316

I agree with this.

Also, brussel sprouts and cauliflower suck 90% of the time.

>> No.8856317

I hate hardboiled eggs, but almost every other form are fine.

>> No.8856318

>but for some reason i taste the green flesh as extremely bitter

That's normal bro. Green peppers are bitter. The red, yellow, and orange ones are much sweeter.

>> No.8856322

I love cabbage and hate brussel sprouts.

>> No.8856329

ice cream, cookies, cakes, doughnuts, etc...

>> No.8856350

>reeeeee bowls are for ice cream and soup only
>reeeee my foods can't touch
>reeeee the concept of this food is gross
>reeeee I can only eat it if I don't know it's in there

Autism: The Thread

>> No.8856369

Okra is disgusting.

>> No.8856384

Raw tomatoes, celery, and mushrooms. Can't stand em

>> No.8856494

didn't realize we had rage threads on /ck/

>> No.8856498

Asparagus is phallic? do you imagine it's a fucking pencil dick or something?

What about when pickles and cucumbers are sliced? Still an issue?

>> No.8856526


any white sauce/condiment

>> No.8856863

I was talking about white asparagus, it's much thicker than green.
Also, the shape isn't the problem, the foods themselves are.

>> No.8857527

most raw vegetables. as a kid i always thought i hated veggies but they just taste like shit cold, i like almost any when it's cooked or even just steamed though. like a cold spinach salad is fucking nasty but toast that spinach on a sandwich and it's amazing

>> No.8857704

This. It's infuriating how people still act like children beyond the age of 16

>> No.8857716

That just means you aren't self aware

>> No.8857756

Anything carbonated I don't want to drink, just the, texture I guess?, doesn't sit well with me

>> No.8857811

Hate cooked carrots, love them uncooked
Love cooked onions, hate them uncooked

Leeks in any form are absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8858002

Anything with chicken, you can easily sub out for pan fried bean curd and it's really good. That's how I make all my Indian food and some of my stirfry recipes

>> No.8858018
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i find eggs disgusting. tomatoes too

you want a medal or something?

>> No.8858114

>all vegetables are better eaten raw or cold
Sounds like you've never had roasted, grilled, or sauteed vegetables. Even steamed can be good if done right, you've just had shit steamed veggies.

>> No.8858668

I can't eat guavas or mangos or any fruit with an overwhemingly soft texture.

I'm actually an extraordinarily picky eater when it comes to soft fruits. Bananas are alright since I can get them to the point of being more of a paste but for example I really like the flavour of peaches but god fucking damnit I cannot eat peaches.

Thank God for berries and apples and hard grapes.

>> No.8859412

Fish eye, brain, toungue, stomach, tripe and intestines. I can eat a hotdog and gizzards and chicken liver, but can't eat those

>> No.8859724

If I don't like a food that any decent amount of people like, I eat it until I like it

>> No.8859729

Okay seriously.

How are there so many autistic people on this board? It's like this cooking board is just FESTERING with people that only eat Standard American Diet foods. Why are you here?

>> No.8859737

>site for neets and bloggers
>multiple boards
>neets and bloggers and chubbo-lethargic types posting in a cooking board
I mean, what were you expecting, with as many people afflicted with ass-burger and audism you must have expected this to some extent, that there wouldn't be a majority of fine, experienced palates here

plenty of faggoos come here to get tips and suggestions anyways because they're beginning or just curious anyways

>> No.8859755

>Brassica oleracea is a plant species that includes many common foods as cultivars, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, savoy, kohlrabi, and gai lan.

wont eat any of these, they all taste and smell like stinky sulfur

>> No.8859768

Whether you can detect that or not is a genetic trait. Sucks to be white, they're delicious

>> No.8859800
File: 299 KB, 2048x1152, milk-chugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok, we get to drink milk

>> No.8859805


>> No.8859808


What kind of vile memery is this, no Whitey I know ever complains about sulphur from any of those except when the kitchen has plain cabbage cooking in an open pot

>> No.8859813

He just mixed up bitterness and sulphur somehow because he's probably also oversensitive to bitterness

>> No.8859819

Hell, I don't know anyone who doesn't over season cabbage or greens by drenching them in oils and spices or herb salads
At least in this whole town's local events
Might just be old people with nonexistent taste buds, but not many turn their nose at them, except maybe mexicoons

>> No.8859834

sulfur might not be the proper word, but there's a bitter smell those have that I associate with actual shit, boiled broccoli is the worst for it

I'm ok with other bitter things like tonic water, chocolate (not hershey's) and beer

>> No.8861457 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 400x400, Straw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still drink my pure glass of water with a straw.
I get a lot of shit for it for being a grown-ass adult and thinking that but god I still like them.

>> No.8861478



>> No.8861480
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Beans; I fucking hate beans.

>> No.8861495

Any of the stems/leaves remaining on fruit when I eat them are detestable

Can't eat loose kernel corn. Only on the cob

Tomato and bananas disgust the straight hell out of me

>> No.8861505

Do people honestly care if you drink from a straw?

>> No.8861997

I hate peas and carrots, more so peas.

>> No.8862299

Fucking this. It isn't hard. It's not even if a lot of people like it

>> No.8862344

I refuse to cook lima beans for myself and only begrudgingly eat them if they're served to me (won't make a scene of it though, I am civilized).

Also, the only organ meats I'll eat are stomach and intestines.

>> No.8862356

Correction: All bets are off if there's nothing else. If someone goes through the trouble of making me beef brain, you bet your arse I'm eating that beef brain.

>> No.8862379

For the first 27 years of my life I ordered steaks well done.

In my defense, my family never once made steak, we only ate chicken and ground hamburger of the absolute leanest variety. Plus, my mom drilled into me that any pink in the meat is blood and meant it needed to be cooked more.

I've recently switched to Medium-well.

>> No.8862408


>> No.8862492

why would you waste calories on shit you don't like? food literally would be nothing but gruel if flavor wasn't meant to be enjoyed.

>> No.8862549


I like Cabbage
I like Carrots
I Like dressing and mayo and shit

But I'd rather be fucked by bears than eat those together

>> No.8862718

you literally like the worst meat that still keeps the bones and hate all the other stuff that actually tastes good because it has the bones in. I am so confused

>> No.8862722

also lychess, blueberries and bananas are delicious, what do you actually enjoy?

>> No.8862743
File: 30 KB, 450x353, stock-photo-cut-and-cooked-canned-green-beans-39717244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid I had so many issues with food but now I'm the polar opposite.

Maybe green beans, (especially canned ones) but I can still stomach them if they're in a dish to be polite if I'm eating someone's food.

>> No.8862763


>> No.8862775

I only drink soda with food. I feel gross when I just sip on one by itself

>> No.8862930
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1477444595267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these fags talking about disliking Cilantro and onions

What's wrong with a bit of coriander, anon?

I bet you don't like shallots either, wild onion master race

>> No.8862947

I hate horseradish and still don't like pickles. India relish is fine though.

>> No.8862996


>> No.8863012

I still prefer to use fake processed cheese (such as Kraft singles) for my grilled cheese sandwiches. I promise that I don't use them for anything else.

I also think ketchup is perfectly acceptable as a condiment for hotdogs, burgers, and fries. I will agree that it pairs poorly with everything else.

I also think hotdogs taste better with cheap ingredients.

>> No.8863106

>Go eat a dessert. Literally any dessert. Get some damn perspective in your life.
>Only sugar is sweet
You must be fat as fuck lmao.

>> No.8863641

Black beans and yellow rice.

I'll eat literally anything but that. Don't like the color of black beans and yellow rice.

>> No.8863689

I dislike pasta and olives.
Tomatoes and sour cream are gross.

But I can eat raw onions as a snack if I had to. Love them.
Disliked mushrooms when I was a kid, but like them now.

>> No.8864634

I have always and will forever hate raisins with a burning passion.

>> No.8864720

>I have always and will forever hate raisins with a burning passion.
That's the case for me only when I think I'm eating a chocolate chip cookie.

I just hate avocados, cantaloupe, pickles, cucumber, and oyster. I live in FL and I can't stand these Cubans and Caribbean Islanders eating rice & beans every single fucking day.

>> No.8864747

You need to eat indian food anon.

Everything you hate is made wonderful in indian cuisine

>> No.8864765

Why do you know what farts taste like, anon?

>> No.8864771

I don't like vegetables or salad and consider them a huge meme.

>> No.8864780
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When I was a kid I loved mushrooms, until one day I noticed the underside of them and became terrified. I eat them now, but try not to think about it.