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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8836914 No.8836914 [Reply] [Original]

>work at a brewery
>delivery kegs and cans because we self-distribute
>browse /ck/ and filter it so every thread that has "beer" in the OP goes to the top
>find daily threads about how craft beer is nothing more than a blue pill for the goyim to consume to up their estrogen levels and convert them into neckbeard nu-males that will make themselves extinct by never getting any pussy and thus eradicating craft beer as a whole
>tfw I read stuff like this and go to work the next day and encounter 40+ people that have full time jobs and livings because of craft beer

Why does craft beer evoke such hate from /ck/? I grew up on food related forums and never even saw this much disdain from anti-vegetarians and anti-vegans. Howcome when someone makes a beer, everyone is fine with it, but as soon as someone cares about how that beer is made, it immediately becomes a ploy by the jews to eradicate cucks? I just don't get it.

>> No.8836927

I'm pretty sure it's just one guy.

>> No.8836934
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So, do those 40 people get pussy and have kids, or is it just a nu-male circle jerk up in there? Sounds like it.

Nice blogpost.

>> No.8836968

>So, do those 40 people get pussy and have kids
Do you?

>> No.8838404

>nu-male circlejerk
pretty much

>> No.8838433

Alt-right shut-ins are nothing more than shitheel hypocrites. They will shun local businesses, community events, locally produced food, traditional crafts and trades, and traditional symbols of masculinity because "hipsters" beat them to many of what should be the core values of any traditionalist. Instead of creating their own businesses and communities in these spaces they reject good values because they are actually only interested in sef-pity and contrarianism, the politics is an act.

>> No.8838448
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>Why does craft beer evoke such hate from /ck/?

Because 99% of them brew coffee infused marmalade egg lager with toast esters but couldn't consistently brew a simple pilsner or amber ale to save their fucking lives.

Every famous beer is famous for consistency and reliability, not for being brewed with strains of yeast cultivated from some hipster assflap's beard.

So take your Yerba maté flavoured top fermented pilsner with lingonberry juice and cream of sum young Gai and stick up your hipster cockdock, you throbbing anal fistula.

Ps pls no bully

>> No.8838453

I guess it is the same for most hobbies. I think the tipping point is when people with weird hobbies start to criticize people that don't care e.g. "Ew I can't believe you drink macro beers, what garbage."

>> No.8838460

Beer snobs and hipsters, who subsequently have turned craft beer into a meme.

>> No.8838474

I have sympathy for both sides. I like good beer. On the other hand, beer '''''culture'''''' is just as if not more insufferable as linux '''''culture''''''. If it's mainstream, it must be bad. If it's pleasing to the taste buds and not aggressively "unconventional" it must be bad. Good beer exists now, therefore all other drinks are obsolete. These are actual things that people in this community believe.

Shuttleworth said something recently about loonix fags that really could just as easily describe craft beer fags if you just swapped a few words:

>“I came to be disgusted with the hate on Mir. Really, it changed my opinion of the free software community.”

>“I used to think that it was a privilege to serve people who also loved the idea of service, but now I think many members of the free software community are just deeply anti-social types who love to hate on whatever is mainstream.”

>“When Windows was mainstream they hated on it. Rationally, Windows does many things well and deserves respect for those. And when Canonical went mainstream, it became the focus of irrational hatred too. The very same muppets would write about how terrible it was that iOS/Android had no competition and then how terrible it was that Canonical was investing in (free software!) compositing and convergence.”

>> No.8838516

>symbols of masculinity

I think this is the real reason they hate craft beer. Historically, at least in the US prior to prohibition, local microbreweries were everywhere. The men building this nation in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century drank craft beer and were hardly nu-males.

The ones labeling craft beer drinkers as feminine pussies don't understand history and are projecting their insecurity with their own masculinity onto others.

>> No.8838517



The better question is WHY women don't find you suitable to procreate with.

>> No.8838521


Lack of non-horse transportation in general meant pubs had to make their own beverages, also preservatives to keep beverages shelf stable in a non-temperature controlled environment like a train or boat. Massive factories were dedicated to infrastructure, factories dedicated to luxuries came after the mans work was done.

Oldest brewery in America (Yeunling) makes pig-disgusting swill.

>> No.8838522


Alcohol is a JEWISH concept to make men effeminate and lazy.

>> No.8838526

>microbreweries were everywhere

>> No.8838530

Pretty much this, alot of CAMRA are just as insufferable as hipsters but I do enjoy talking to someone who cares about beer
t. brewer
tl;dr /ck/ can't accept people enjoy different tastes

>> No.8838531

t. AB-Inbev shill

>> No.8838533


Alcohol and caffeine fueled the industrial revolution in the Western world and enabled sickly/destitute people to overcome their shortcomings and conquer the entire world. Drunken debauchery is the reason a vast majority of the people posting exist today. 14th century hairy/unwashed box doesn't sound too appealing to me, one would have to be drunk to enjoy that.

>> No.8838548

Lol, no, you're fucking stupid

The alcohol reward mechanism is a biological relic from when pre-human mammals foraged for fruit. Fallen overripe fruits with a small amount of alcohol in them were the most bioavailable and the animals that ventured onto the forest floor to retrieve them were better off than the ones that didn't

The idea that gin-drinking street people from 19th century london are why we have GPS and wikipedia is a ridiculous NEET fantasy and you should be ashamed

While we're on the topic, no, ancient beer didn't cure diseases nor did the alcohol kill germs. Boiling kills the germs, and ancient people were much less stupid than you

>> No.8838553


You are both overlooking the JEWISH hand in all this. Schlomo Shekelstein makes big money with all these men and women buying alcohol. And it gets them addicted, even mildly, so they keep coming back to waste their money and lives on it.

So Schlomo gets to kill more white goyim and make a profit off it.

>> No.8838563
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>> No.8838575


>> No.8838594


What part of this off topic nonsense disproves the fact drunken, malnourished, and sickly people floated across the planet from Europe and decimated the entirety of every civilization they came across, then built their own to better suit their needs. Before Islam poisoned South Asia, all Semitic peoples enjoyed the benefits of alcohol.


Go back to your containment board faggot.

>> No.8838604
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Indeed there are some shitty micro-breweries that are inconcsistnt from batch-to-batch. Sometimes these breweries hit one out of the park and sometimes they fall flat.

But, faggots, like it or not, there are some screaming good American Small-batch IPAs on the market that are establishing a new bar for what "good beer" is.

The irony that you don't seem to get is that the "craft beer is a meme" whine has become a meme unto itself.

Now shush.

>> No.8838688

despite, not because

might as well claim that HIV put neil armstrong on the moon because it jumped to humans around that time

>> No.8838703

Woolworths owns Sail & Anchor, it's not really craft beer.

>> No.8838744

>4000+ breweries in the 1860s
he's not wrong

>> No.8838772

Yeah well bravo, my point is that I drink a wide variety of beer from both micro and macro, and that simplicity and consistency is massively undervalued in the craft beer industry.
One of the most enjoyable microbrews I ever had was 'Piss'. And they made two beers: Piss and Piss Weak' the low alcohol version.

>> No.8839149

But craft beer is the thing that's pleasing to the taste buds and gassy macro lager is not. This simple but important fact is what you get wrong and is destroying your entire argument.

>> No.8839195

People with extreme or exclusive opinions are annoying, no matter if its craftbeer,coffee,wine,cigars,sport,gin,whiskey... it literally doesnt matter what the topic is.
Getting all religious about a certain thing you enjoy shows a bad trait of your personality, if you feel the need to establish a superiority over someone over a simple pleasure or hobby, it gives away how empty your life is and how stupid you are to not notice how unreflected you are. Its different if you have someone with whom you share a passion for something, but if its as "inyourface" as many craftbeer enthusiasts are towards people that dont give a shit,theres nothing redeeming about it.

>> No.8839422

>"Ew I can't believe you drink macro beers, what garbage."

This here is *always* the point at which the majority lashes back. When the minority group starts getting uppity. The problem with being in the minority is that most will not be content until they make their group the majority.

Tale as old as time. I imagine it's some part of human nature that we just can't stop.

>> No.8839437

bc 90% of craft beers are IPA swill, which is the easiest baby beer you can make and it doesn't matter how much you fuck up because it's just gonna taste like hops anyway, and bearded hipsters will chug it and act like their tastes are sooooo refiiiined but nah ipas are shit tier garbage and anyone with any resistance to peer pressure can admit it to themselves and order ANYTHING else

>> No.8839442


>> No.8839443

what region is your brewery in? california head brewer here. glad to see someone else in the industry.

>> No.8839457


Be gone

>> No.8839465


>> No.8839475

How does that disprove the point? Microbreweries (or pub breweries) are an American tradition clearly. Are you implying that shit like Bud Light is somehow more American because they have big factories and distribute all over the place?

>> No.8839480

>have a new brewery
>finally get my first beer made
>taste it
>taste like crushed aspirin soaked in skunk spray
>fuck I gotta sell this to make money so I can make more beer
>label it IPA
That's how IPA was born.

>> No.8839485

damn man. must be fun to be you. happy friday.

>> No.8839487

Your absolutist view is just as bad as the retards who suck every IPA down like it's liquid gold. It's hard to make a good IPA, you're right, but the good ones do taste good.

>> No.8839490


Pubs making their own beverages is European tradition and not Americana. At all. We don't have traditions that aren't an embarrassment, like NASCAR for instance.

>> No.8839502


Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC has been brewing beer since 1852, so...yes, Budweiser is more American.

>> No.8839515

>more American because they have big factories

This is really the point. These girlish men that suck at the macro tit believe if something isn't produced on a massive scale using bland, flavorless ingredients and techniques designed to appeal to the largest volume of people who have no taste, it's somehow exotic, scary or foreign, not american. It's true of much of american food culture too when you get out of urban centers.

>> No.8839538
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>mfw able to enjoy cheap swill and microbrews
git gud niggers

>> No.8839542

How is that more American than people brewing in their homes or pubs which has been happening since (and before) the creation of the USA?

>> No.8839548
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Same. 4chan has a real problem with applying a tribalist mentality to random things. It may genuinely come from autistics

>> No.8839553

Literally every tradition we have that can be traced back to colonists is a """European""" tradition, if it took hold here and still exists, while also taking a uniquely American skew (which I'd say micro-brewing fits all three categories) it's pretty fair to say it's an American tradition.

>> No.8839565


Capitalism and the products coming from said financial institutions in the Republic of America, are what makes America, America.

>> No.8839586

Why are you directing them to my post where I make an argument against macros? I agree with their positions.

>> No.8839589

>cream of sum young Gai
mah nigga

>> No.8839599

You're not a real capitalist if you're anti small business.

>> No.8839606

They're missing out.

>> No.8839616

I like how you're pretending "craft beer" doesn't have a slippery definition that changes based on the agendas and insecurities of the neckbeard whining about pisswater

>> No.8839637

man, this thread went to shit real quick.

>> No.8839657

Asking retards to defend their positions usually isn't a good way to start a thread

>> No.8839957
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Real Americans don't drink beer, craft or otherwise. They drink rotgut and pretend that it's whiskey. Fact.

>> No.8840668
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>OBSESSED: An Inside Story

>> No.8840683


>beer tastes like crushed aspirin in skunk spray
>fuck I gotta sell this to make money so I can make more beer
>label it IPA
>It actually flies off the shelf, does phenomenally in every taproom, and beer journalists and critcs are revering it for it's balance and impeccable flavor
>have enough self-awareness to question the authority of my own taste buds since everyone else seemed to like it
>Decide that hops are simply an acquired taste that I have yet to acquire
>Decide not to shitpost on anime image boards about food and cooking
>Decide not to pound the keyboard every time someone likes something I don't like

This is kind of like an Aesop fable tailored for you.

>> No.8840699


I didn't have high hopes for it. I really dislike the anti-craft-beer shitposting that goes on whenever someone on here makes a thread about it, but now it's become so absurd that there are 4+ active threads against craft beer on this board, so I made a shitpost of my own and what do you know, 55 replies and counting

>> No.8840747
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>small business
>produces enough products to be sold nation wide

>> No.8840823


Local brewing companies have successfully combated every issue when it comes to distribution and freshness. An IPA that it meant to be enjoyed fresh? Stone takes it from Escondido, CA to North Carolina in less than a week. The only ingredient in beer that tends to denature over time is hops, so most beers can sit for 6 months or longer. At that point it's just a matter of storage space.

At the brewery I work at, we have a cooler that we can store our entire inventory of packaged beer in, but it's usually maxed out. We manage this by packaging or kegging beer on an as-needed basis, meaning our fermenters and brite tanks usually have a beer in them that is ready to be packaged at any time.

>> No.8840837

>balance and impeccable flavor

Lolwhut nigger, American IPA's are infamous for their excessive hopping and bitterness, not a balanced palate.

>> No.8840910

>muh baseless, cherrypicked exaggeration will make people agree with me!

>> No.8841001

It is

>> No.8841010

Fellow burgers might be triggered, but Vancouver beer is way better than Portland in both diversity and quality.

>> No.8841037

>beer journalists and critcs are revering
Ever heard the term pretentious cunt?

>> No.8841069

every craft beer I've had that wasn't a dark beer tasted like fruit juice

>> No.8841113

Portland isn't even a top beer city in America. It is notable for being an early adopter and was one of the best in the 90s, but its nothing worth talking about anymore

>> No.8841144

Vancouver and BC beer in general is actually pretty great

>> No.8841151

I like the idea of craft beer, and I like some craft beers. I hate a lot of the culture surrounding it, which tends to cater to assholes. If it isn't plastered in a label designed to get the attention of Guy Fiery fans, it's usually an attempt at recreating an old recipe that turns out OK, but not great, or something like pumpkin spice stout.

>> No.8841160

You never met any straight-edge kids in middle school, OP? That's who posts it here.

>> No.8841165

Thats a really specific and narrow view of craft beer, its such a tiny portion of it that it amazes me you've latched on to it. Craft beer is marketed to normie 20 something guys

>> No.8841171


Infamous among who? You? IPAs dominate among America's critically acclaimed beers. They're also the majority of beers that get imported from the US.

>IPAS are excessively hopped, says me. Don't go to Beer Advocate and filter highest rated beers in the USA, or ask a person out in the real world what their opinions on IPAs are. Let me just echo my opinion into my own ear until I'm convinced everybody feels this way.

>> No.8841175

Do me a favor and post a picture of the craft beer section in your grocery store.

>> No.8841189

Maybe next time I go. There are surely a handful of fucking dumb labels like Three Floyds, seems like the most common labeling scheme is much more minimalist though

Remember though, there are some 6000 craft breweries in America, you can find all sorts of examples of good and bad stuff, most of them are pretty much just normal ass stuff

>> No.8841200

Also, yeah, then you can get into the beers that don't even taste like beer anymore.
Like the apple martinis of the beer world, catering to those who don't like beer or are "being initiated" to beer, but want to be a part of the craft beer thing for some other reason. But then, that is a small part of the market from what I've seen.

>> No.8841209

Yes, and, as I said before, most of that
>normal ass
stuff is just an attempt at recreating an old recipe that only turns out OK.

>> No.8841234

I'm just talking about labeling schemes, not the actual beer, but to that point there are a lot of craft breweries making old recopies that you just couldn't find elsewhere, the trend has brought a lot of formerly obscure regional old european styles to wide availability in America to the point where you can get better examples of the styles in random grocery stores in America than where the style was once common
As for labels, it seems like most new brewers just put their name and style or beer name on their cans or bottles with a color scheme, very minimalistic

>> No.8841276

>I'm just talking about the labeling schemes
Well I'm not, and it was stated before that my view is very narrow and that I have latched onto something. It's like a cognitive dissonance with some people.
>the drastically different hops breeds equal better examples here
Having tasted a lot of the OK stuff out there, I disagree.
There are some that manage to adjust and make some very nice beers based off old recipes, which are some of the ones that I like.

>> No.8841293

I wasn't even talking about hop breeds. America has developed some delicious hop breeds, and that part of the reason the best beer is made there, but thats mostly relevant to the pale ale/IPA category, thats not at all related to the trend of making old forgotten styles common and delicious again
Also, you specifically mentioned "guy Fierrie label design", which is what I was previously referring to with the label discussion, you brought that up

>> No.8841300

Your view is narrow in that the things you associate with craft beer are a really tiny fragment of the market. They are things that definitely exist, but are in such a small minority that you look rather silly whining about them

>> No.8841359

Most people here like it, if you actually read the threads you'll see most people there are pro-beer.

>> No.8841480


Copypasta from a pamphlet. How pathetic.

>> No.8841490
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Its just one faggot. Ck beer threads used to be pretty good up till this faggot reared his head.

>> No.8842461

The IPAs are nuanced and don't beat you over the head with hops (generally, there are some shit breweries). Sours are fruity and flavorful. Dark beers are rich and warm, not just a vehicle for high AC.

>> No.8842563


>posts picture of the most overrated brewery in the country

>> No.8842816

>Trusting /ck/ when it comes to beer
The majority of the plebs in here fucking chug IPA's like mad

>> No.8842853

Implying you've ever even tasted Heady Topper

>> No.8842861

This thread:

>America likes guns and Trump
>America must suck
>Europe is so smart and thin and pretty and America is fat and dumb
>The best IPAs (and therefore the best beer) on earth comes from America
>b-but if it's from America it must suck becasue it's cool to say everything in America sucks
>therefore IPAs must suck and shitty sour pilsners that have the same tired recipe for 500 years must be better even though the rest of the food world has evolved and pushed the envelope

>> No.8842911

op pls take your self pity to /r9k/

>> No.8842960

IPA is literally piss on bottle made by hipsters for hipsters

>> No.8843005

The best IPA and the best non IPA comes from America

>> No.8843026

That your beer man? Neat, yall distribute to ga?

>> No.8843062

pretty much. the only real fight is about how Chesapeake region ipa's and east coast beer in general evicerateson the hot weather made trash from worst coast

>> No.8843070

>Chesapeake region
Dude, don't try and ride New England's coattails
But yeah, Northern style IPAs whether they are New England or Upper Midwestern blow the fuck out of West Coast ones

>> No.8843093

Yea sorry m8 but maryland and delaware ipa'sdemolish every other ipa making region

>> No.8843095

As a twin cities native I agree, all of west coast craft beer is garbage. Every time I'm in Portland they shove that in your face and when you tell them they should try some Minnesota / Wisconsin craft they act like I've personally offended them, and others pretend like our craft beer is too small to have beer better.

Which is weird because twin cities has a big craft beer market

>> No.8843100
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Guys, what should I get?

>> No.8843111
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I really think upper midwesterners have it best when you consider their local beer and availability of beer from other regions, plus a lot more retail space devoted to beer and better prices
Also Toppling Goliath

>> No.8843121

I don't drink, but I wokred in the same industry you do on the soft drink side. I have a problem with the "craft beer" industry, actually it's more a problem with your costumers and some people running your industry in general.

You are not entitled to shelf space or tap space in a bar. End of story.

If you sold well enough for that bar or store to have you on the shelf they would, you can have the best beer in the entire fucking world, it literally does not matter if you don't sell in the numbers that the store/bar owner wants.

>all they sell is ambev swill, it's not evne craft beer they shouldn't be able to label it craft beer

it literally doesn't fucking matter, because the consumer and ultimately the costumer has chosen it instead of your product. There is a great brand of soft drinks in the USA that is in 3rd, and people will literally talk about their cola as if it was a thing of the past that no longer existed that they long for, yet it sat on the middle of the fucking store selling six packs of half liters for 1.88 and people walked right by that shit, and I will tell you their cola was better than ours or the other guys cola, but there it sat.

Then there's the issue of gatekeeping
>oh you like drinking shit huh
>oh ambev isn't craft beer
>idc how many barrels they make its ambev
>so and so isn't craft beer they make to much

just shut the fuck up with that shit, make beer and sell it, your costumers like it, wonderful, they don't like it? to bad, can't win em all, maybe try making something they will like.

>> No.8843131

InBev uses some pretty shitty anti-consumer tactics to try and keep less craft beer on the shelf though.

Plus the beer industry is so insanely overregulated unlike your end, the government has it designed in InBev's favor

>> No.8843141

Are you telling me a store owner or bar owner isn't free to sell what ever beer they want?

>> No.8843183

There is a lot of politics involved such as InBev's control over the distributors. The whole 3 tier system the government made has been designed for decades to help the big guys at the expense of consumers and small producers.

There are many cases where a store would rather devote more space to good beer but the distributor requires them to devote extra shelf space to brands of the big brewers. The whole system is fucked up and ridiculously overregulated. Most areas have only a small handful of distributors, its anti-capitalistic, almost cable-company tier
Why do you think so much space is devoted to shit like Shock Top?

>> No.8843225

First of all, there's states and there are states, some states are the distributor themselves, so we have to set those aside for obvious reasons, the shit is to complicated.

In states where the free market exists.
>There are many cases where a store would rather devote more space to good beer but the distributor requires them to devote extra shelf space to brands of the big brewers.
That shit right there, is the store owners damn fault, they signed a contract stating they would provide that shelf space, don't blame distributors or big brands for a contract the store owner accepted.

>Most areas have only a small handful of distributors, its anti-capitalistic, almost cable-company tier

Seriously? Of course there are only a small of handful distributors, they pay for the franchise contract and they get the rights to a certain territory for the brands of the franchise, you as an independent beverage producer, can sell where ever you want, your problem is you're to small to compete on the same level as the big ones. That doesn't mean you deserve special treatment or legislative protectionism to stay in business. If the consumer wants your product they will come to you, if they have to, in order to get it.

That is the basic premise of the free market. If the consumer wanted you to to have 50% of the market, you would have it.

>> No.8843235

>That shit right there, is the store owners damn fault, they signed a contract stating they would provide that shelf space
When your city only has 2 distributors and both are more or less controlled by the Big Brewers you don't really have a choice

>> No.8843238

>In states where the free market exists
No states have a free market. The federal government mandates the existence of the distributor tier

>> No.8843243

>you don't really have a choice
they always have a choice, they can pay a different price and not sign a contract, they chose to sign that contract in order to get a certain price. or they can go fully independent, they chose not to.

>> No.8843252

Dude, I am 100% arguing for the free market here. I am saying federal and state regulations of the beer industry are very bad for both consumers and small producers (as is true with most industries as only the big guys can afford to buy politicians)

>> No.8843259


this. get your queer beers off my board

>> No.8843261

No, they cannot go independent, that is not legally allowed by the federal government. If the store wants to sell beer, they must buy it from a distributor. Some states are blessed with less regulation and better options for distribution, but many are not and in these cases its more or less a cartel or monopoly like we see in the cable industry

>> No.8843263

>Dude, I am 100% arguing for the free market here. I am saying federal and state regulations of the beer industry are very bad for both consumers and small producers (as is true with most industries as only the big guys can afford to buy politicians)

But that premise is also not true, if you want me to believe that the beer industry is as powerful as you say in order to control politicians, there wouldn't be the level of control that there is on alcohol and at least beer, could be sold in every store at any level at any time, and that is not the case.

Arguing that limiting the market the way it is, is profitable to the beer industry is beyond ridiculous, they would prefer it to be completely unregulated.

>> No.8843270

>If the store wants to sell beer, they must buy it from a distributor.
If that were true, then breweries couldn't have their own bars, and as I am aware of, many of those exist all over the US.

>> No.8843276


my nigger. i only drink limited run farm to table microsourced brews. i cant even swallow supermarket "beer"

>> No.8843278

>if you want me to believe that the beer industry is as powerful as you say in order to control politicians
Note its not that the beer industry is powerful, its that the big brewers hold legislative power over the small brewers. Very many industries are overregulated, and in almost every case, its the big guys making regulations to keep out competition, very anti-capitalist. But it has nothing to do with the size of the industry as a whole, its just whoever has the money in the industry has the means to buy off the politicians with respect to laws governing that industry

You are conflating a bunch of different stuff here

>> No.8843293

Many local jurisdictions have made exceptions, but the current 3 tier system was originally designed so that brewers would not be able to buy their own bars in the post prohibition years, tied houses were actually somewhat common before prohibition. As is usually the case with legislation, it became bastardized and used in a completely different way than originally intended and was full of unseen consequences over the next 80 years

Also note that a taproom is not a bar. Breweries are allowed tap rooms in many states, but they generally cannot own outside bars, and often they are not allowed to have a real liquor license only being allowed to sell stuff made onsite (not allowing wine or liquor sales)

>> No.8843304

MD was doing great for a while but New England has pulled ahead. Alligash curioux, for example

>> No.8843306

He's just made that there are people on the Internet that don't like his beer and this thread is just him trying to shill it to us by using guilt trips.

>> No.8843363

The russian imperial stout

>> No.8843901

Wow, you are literally a shill this is nuts

>> No.8843980

arguing choices consumers take have consequences is now being a shill, fuck off m8

>> No.8844045

Went with the Red Oak Aged Vanilla Bean Darkness, and a Misanthrope
That restaurant is the fucking best though

>> No.8844054

>Coffee ale
Yes pls

>> No.8844059

Try alligash James Bean. One of the top rated cold brew coffees roasted in the US added to one of the top rated strong ales on the planet

>> No.8844654


Heavy hopping is the defining characteristic of American IPA's, you dopey cunt.

>> No.8844671


I never said it wasn't you psycho

>> No.8844702
File: 66 KB, 1024x764, IMG_20150529_145806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely dumb so feel free to tell me I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that making it super hoppy was the whole point of making it an IPA?

tldr I was told that an IPA is a pale ale that had added hoppes to it so it would still taste /somewhat/ fresh when it arrived in India for the English occupying forces. Is this true or nah?

>> No.8844758
File: 33 KB, 650x450, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute worst part of beer culture imho are the fucking parents who bring their kids to the brewery or worse, to wait in line for beer
I can get over the other pretentious and retarded aspects but truly that is the worst

>> No.8844879

In what state did they turn bars and breweries into disneyland? I've never been anywhere that allows people to bring their snoflakes to bars or breweries.

>> No.8844894

>tl;dr /ck/ can't accept people enjoy different tastes
That basically sums up the whole board

>> No.8844938

>Why does craft beer evoke such hate from /ck/? I grew up on food related forums and never even saw this much disdain from anti-vegetarians and anti-vegans.

It isn't the beer itself that people hate, it's the hipster snobs that drink it and hate on everyone else for drinking something slightly more well-known.

>> No.8844950

I work in wine industry, the shitting beer gets here is nothing compared to that.

>> No.8844997
File: 151 KB, 750x740, IMG_6438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8845026

is it snobbery to just not like the more mass produced stuff? Like, if I'm given the choice between a macro lager and ice water or a soda or something, I'm not picking the lager. It's okay sure, and if I absolutely had to drink beer I'd be okay with it, but assuming I have any other choice basically I won't drink it. If I'm drinking Bud or something I'm doing it to be polite.

I'm not even an IPAutist, I drink stuff like amber/brown ales and trippels and the like.

>> No.8845034

yeah, its 4chan people, its called autism
pls explain

>> No.8845049

way more people have full time jobs jobs getting cancer while manufacturing weapons, is the military industrial complex a good thing too?

>> No.8845050

Shiner or bust.

t. Kansan

>> No.8845070

Not him but it's snobbery when you claim you like stronger beers because your a "real" man when guys who work in mines and steel mills wouldn't touch a double batch imperial Russian chocolate oatmeal stout with a ten foot pool.

>> No.8845081


>> No.8845101

That's fucking dumb. Drink what you like. Do people like that actually exist? That's embarrassing.

>> No.8845109

>Do people like that actually exist?

Are you serious? I lived in very rural flyover and even I seen those people who talk down anyone who buys beer that comes in packages bigger than six packs.

>> No.8845126

It's snobbery to look down on others for drinking fucking beer. All beers have their place and to sperg out because someone is drinking a Bud or some cheap swill because they just got done mowing the lawn/they don't have much to spend is retarded. I love stouts, IPAs, pale ales, imports like most things from Paulaner, Chimay Grand Reserve, etc but on occasion, drinking something like a Bud on a hot summer day while cooking out is more refreshing than drinking a thick 10.5 ABV Russian Imperial Stout. It just seems foolish to act like a snob over fucking beer. I love microbrews and imports but I hate the hipster pretension that is associated with it. Faggots need to grow up.

>> No.8845153

are you trying to build a strawman or do you not know that low abv refreshing beers come in good?

>> No.8845161

There's people like that in these threads all the time. I have nothing against craft and I have my select favorite craft beer I get. But if someone doesnt understand the appeal of a light refreshing beer after a days work then they're hopeless

>> No.8845178

>are you trying to build a strawman

Don't act like most craft beer consumers don't do this. I've never met a craft beer hipster (ones that bought craft beer and nothing but) that didn't act like that and I used to work in a liquor store. If you are one of the few that aren't snobby about your fucking alcohol habit, kudos to you. Again--if people are hating on "craft beer," 9 times out of 10 they're hating on the people associated with it (pretentious hipsters) and not the beer itself.

>> No.8845180


You're right on all accounts. An IPA is heavily hopped, but not excessively hopped. Even the most hardcore IPA lover would not like a beer to be "excessively" hopped, for that would mean it was hopped to an undesirable level.

An IPA is also a more aggressively hopped pale ale, as a pale ale is a mildly hopped ale with pale malt, a traditional IPA is a heavily hopped ale with pale malt. It's called an "India Pale Ale" because the concept of heavily hopping beers came from the early British colonization of India, where they would heavily hop their beers so they'd survive the voyage from the UK to India, as hops are known for their antibacterial qualities and lengthens the shelf life of beer.

>> No.8845184

most things are associated with stupid fucking jackoffs because most people are stupid jackoffs in general

>> No.8845331

You're correct. But American IPA is a separate category to classic British IPA. The primary difference being a much heavier use of hops in the American style, and frequent use of dry hopping.

>> No.8845380


Treehouse doesn't brew Heady, bro. Go be entry level elsewhere.

>> No.8845401


>the joke
>your head

Treehouse is the best. and Trillium.

>> No.8845411

>tldr I was told that an IPA is a pale ale that had added hoppes to it so it would still taste /somewhat/ fresh when it arrived in India for the English occupying forces. Is this true or nah?
Hops do not help a modern beer stay fresh. Back then europeans did not know what bacteria or sanitation was so all of their beer was infected and went sour. The extra hops helped keep the bacteria at bay longer, so fresher in a sense, but not the fresh taste of modern IPA, the actual flavor of hops deteriorates quickly

>> No.8845424

Where the fuck are you that its illegal to bring kids to a taproom? Mississippi?
I mean its mildly annoying to have kids there and plenty of breweries would frown on it but its certainly not illegal

>> No.8845440

Lagers have been engineered to be cheap and flavorless for hundreds of years, god forbid people decide they like a beer with actual flavor

Keep in mind that strength of a beer is directly related to how much malt is used, and the malt is a huge contributor to the flavor. So being strong is inherently correlated with better beer. Its certainly possible to make good weak beer, especially if you have some non-malt factors adding to the flavor, and its possible to make bad strong beer, especially in the case of malt liquor where adjuncts are used instead of malt, but there is a general correlation to strength and flavor

>> No.8845443

beign uneducated and working at a shitty job makes you much less of a real man than someone who likes drinking good things

>> No.8845448

>All beers have their place
No, light beer has no place. There is always a better choice, and its a national embarrassment that such bad beer is so common (though bad beer is super common everywhere)

>> No.8845470

Yes because every college age kid taking their anthropology courses are inherently better men the union men who bust their asses in factories

>> No.8845490

I work in the distribution sector as well. It's hard ass work. I get 10+ hours a day so I make okay money.

>> No.8845499

>Implying for your short comings

>> No.8845526

Motherfucker I'm not trying to drink IPA on 4th of July on a hot ass boat in a lake

>> No.8845533


>ignorance is bliss: the image

>> No.8845544


Nice. The hardest part of my day is lifting the 1/2 barrel kegs that are 150+ lbs. each. I deliver to a beer garden (one that holds the record for most taps in the world), and each week I will deliver 5+ kegs to them. That's the biggest pain in the ass. The second pain in the ass is dealing with food/beverage employees. They all seem so bitter and weathered like they're vietnam vets or something.

>> No.8845545


Both brew overrated trash IPA's loaded with oats and flour

>> No.8846160


>> No.8846247

>Highland Brewery
I live in Asheville, that place makes good beer. I like their mocha stout.

>> No.8846293

They hate it because other people like it

>> No.8846429

do you live in asheville, OP? that city is one of the best-kept secrets in america, although it's become more infected by "occupy" potheads since 2011 or so.

used to live on a farm in marshall, nc. that's where i met my wife. god i hate california. anyways, best of luck OP

>> No.8846444

Agreed about Asheville. Low cost of living compared to other nice parts of the country, pretty decent job market, some of the best food I've had in America period, and it's an artist's paradise. Plus the high liberal population keeps the poltards out.

>> No.8846716

>the majority of craft beer fits into the descriptions I made
>you're narrow
No, you're insufferable, in denial, and attempting to turn this into an argument that never was.

>> No.8847068

>Keep in mind that strength of a beer is directly related to how much malt is used, and the malt is a huge contributor to the flavor

Please expand on what you mean by 'strength', so I can tell whether you're merely uninformed or genuinely retarded.

>> No.8847419

This is true
Joining a union is the lazy way out of life

>> No.8847421

>union men
>busting their asses
Maybe busting their asses waiting for the punch clock. Union life appeals to leeches who want rules to block their peers from outperforming them because it might make them look bad. Fuck that shit, I did 2 years of union life before I finished school, and I will never do that again. We should just adopt UBI and block the uneducated from voting, it would fix a lot of problems.

>> No.8847452

I mean that the ABV of a beer is tied to the amount of fermentable sugars present in the wort. Those sugars primarily come from the malt, a higher ABV beer inherently required more malt to create which imparts more flavor (with the exception of some cheap beers that use flavorless adjuncts like corn or rice to add some ABV without contributing much flavor)
Note this can be though of as a ratio of the amount of malt used to the amount of water. When you are drinking a weaker beer, it just means you are drinking more water. There are certainly plenty of weaker beers that are also good, primarily in the realm of sour beer, but as stated previously ABV is closely tied to one of the major flavor contributor so it very much makes sense that people who like good things often gravitate toward higher ABV beers

>> No.8847459

Did you respond to the right post? Sounds like this should be directed to the previous post in the chain

>> No.8847461

I somewhat understand not wanting to drink an imperial stout on a hot summer day, but not wanting IPA in the summer? Thats absurd

>> No.8847467

IPAs tend to have higher alcohol

Who the fuck wants to get drunk on a hot boat in the middle of a lake?

inb4 durr durr I'm a hamplanet with a drinking problem and can drink a four pack of DFH 120 without even a buzz, inb4 not all IPA

I get it, you need IPA to validate your weird ideas about masculinity. fine. the rest of us will drink pilsners and witbiers and stuff like that

>> No.8847489

>Who the fuck wants to get drunk on a hot boat in the middle of a lake?

>> No.8847496

IPA is the perfect refreshing summer beer, if you are worried about getting drunk too fast just drink slightly slower, not that hard
What the fuck does any of this have to do with masculinity? Its equally true if you are a lady, IPA is a perfectly good summer beer
Also, the whole fucking point of the 4th of July is getting drunk, its what the founding fathers wanted

>> No.8847499


>grew up 4 hours away from Asheville
>hear lots of great things about Asheville as a kid, that it's a great place to live, beautiful mountains, and awesome chill people
>decide after high school I'm going to save up enough money to move there
>finally reach my goal, decide to stay in a hostel there while I search for rooms to rent
>step out of my car, immediately get asked for change by a guy with a ukulele and a sportcoat
>make my way to the hostel, the air tinged with curried armpit as I evade more solicitations for change
>finally reach the hostel, get to my bed and search for rooms on craigslist
>find a guy who wants 300$/mo. for a room in Swannanoa. I meet him for a beer.
>he's a seasoned festival go-er, dreads, beard, completely spaced
>we go to his house and he shows me the room
>The room is actually a hallway upstairs
>"we can put up some tapestries for you to give you some privacy"
>he gives me a tour of the rest of his house
>he shows me his room. It's lit exclusively by grow lights for weed plants and mushrooms
>I tell him I'll have an answer for him tomorrow

I lived in Asheville for 3 years and I enjoyed my stay, however, it is much more of a struggle to live there than people claim. Wading through tourists and buskers everywhere you go, elevated costs because mountains are nearby.

>> No.8847500

>the rest of us will drink pilsners and witbiers and stuff like that
Dude, I said "light beer has no place" In response to the statement that all beer has a place. I very much wasn't saying witbeer is bad or anything at all about manliness, how the fuck did you get that from my statement?

>> No.8847508
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>light beer has no place
>but I didn't mean light beers are bad
so you were just trying to score "beer bro" points on an anonymous tyrolean hat trading forum, or what?

>> No.8847516

if I want to get drunk I'll get drunk in the shade, or better yet indoors.

being drunk with hot sun beating me down and fucking bugs everywhere with a boat rocking around is about the least fun thing I can imagine, and anyone who thinks otherwise is out of his mind. I'm all for outdoor sports but drinking is a totally different thing. like people who try to mix eating and sex. just, what the fuck. stop. some kinds of fun just don't mix.

>> No.8847527

by "light beer" he obviously meant bud lite and the like, not witbiers and pilsners
also, an APA is the perfect answer to "want an IPA but don't want to get drunk"

>> No.8847543

so why did he not just say "bud light has no place"?

obviously the answer is he's suffering from that post-prohibition complex that a lot of people in this country suffer from

everything related to beer becomes an overreaction to mega-macro adjunct lagers (aka "normal beer") and an irrational need to distance yourself from those beers no matter how illogical a position it puts you in

>> No.8847585

Do you know what the term "light Beer" means?

>> No.8847589

Whats the point of boats if not to be drunk on?
Also do you live in a swamp?

>> No.8847595

The fuck are you even talking about? This isn't a real thing and no one was talking about that

>> No.8847610

the point is to transport people and goods on bodies of water

also, I live on an ocean now, but the guy who was talking about going to "the lake" on july 4th was referring to an upper midwest tradition, and that means fucking bugs everywhere. I gather your sole experience with lakes was Lake Havasu or some such thing, but I can assure you natural lakes have bugs, in general

>> No.8847622

>natural lakes
>my lake is more organic than yours
holy shit calicucks have truly lost it
water is a chemical

>> No.8847626

>the point is to transport people and goods on bodies of water
Shit, I thought we were talking about recreational boating, not freight shipping or running a ferry. If you are the captain of a ferry you definitely should not be getting drunk, probably should even pass on the light beer
> but the guy who was talking about going to "the lake" on july 4th was referring to an upper midwest tradition, and that means fucking bugs everywhere
You don't get bugs on the lake really, thats mostly a problem in the forest or in grass in the summer (but bug spray easily takes care of it, its not like there are rainforests in the upper midwest, just a few mosquitoes and occasional biting fly). I have vacationed in the northwoods many times, its a perfect spot for a summer vacation really. If I wanted a classic up north boating beer I would go Two Hearted

>> No.8847635

>just a few mosquitos and the occasional biting fly
>just a few
one is enough to make drinking not fun. if I am drinking I want to relax, not swat at bugs and huff cans of DEET

I've been to actual rainforests in south america and frankly I'd rather get drunk in one of those than in the boundary waters on a boat

sorry, you're not going to convince me that drinking on a boat under a july midday sun is "fun"

>> No.8847650

>sorry, you're not going to convince me that drinking on a boat under a july midday sun is "fun"
Note that the premise was he was already on a boat, but he would prefer drinking Bud Light. I was just saying if you are drinking on a boat, drink good beer.
I'm not really saying you should go on a boat if you don't want to, just that hanging out on a lake on a boat deserves good beer, not bad beer.

Mosquitoes really aren't a problem out on the water though, especially not on hot sunny days, they are more of a dusk/night problem in the north

>> No.8847655

mosquitos at night. biting flies during the day. one bug is enough. I'll drink indoors, thanks.

>> No.8847658

I mean thats fine with me, just drink good beer

>> No.8847763


"light beer" has become ambiguous in the age of craft beer, as plenty of craft beers are "light" like witbiers, pilsners, and lagers. The proper term to use when referring to Bud/Miller/Coors/PBR/etc. is "adjunct lager"

>> No.8847766


Anything less than 120 IBU and 12% ABV is not craft beer. Witbier is for middle aged women and gay men who can't handle real beer. Pilsner is literal pisswater that should stay in Europe where it belongs.

>> No.8847769

you can still be a neckbeard nu-male beta fag with a full time job and livings

beer uses glutens and i'm gluten intolerant so i don't play with that shit

>> No.8847782

No one is fucking talking about wheat beer in general when they say light beer, maybe Blue Moon, you are just intentionally misrepresenting what people are saying

>> No.8847791

>Looking for a place to stay on fucking Craigslist
That was your first mistake.

>> No.8847822


>> No.8847824
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, Sn3xfay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>beer is for neckbeard nu-male beta fags
>I'm gluten intolerant

Kek, you cannot make this shit up. Pic related.

>> No.8847836

did you actually read that? It doesn't say what you think it says

>> No.8847841

This whining about beer drinkers as nu-males while being "gluten intolerant" is hilarious

>> No.8847844

Nah, reading is for neckbeard nu-male beta fags.

>> No.8847847
File: 951 KB, 500x384, 1489319731014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not allergic to glutens you dumbass. i can have them and be fine.

i'm intolerant of the bodily harm that glutens cause like turning people into low t fags like yourself with irritable bowels and shitty immune system deficiencies

glutens have been shoehorned into our everyday culture by the government, and i don't appreciate it.

i'll bet your women has glutens inside her all the time behind your back. and they make her smile more then you ever will.

how do you feel about glutens now?

>> No.8847850

>being such a low-test nu-male you have to whine about MUUUUHHHH EYEE BEEE ESSS all day

Enjoy being a generic modern faggot like the rest.

>> No.8847852

>i'm intolerant of the bodily harm that glutens cause like turning people into low t fags like yourself with irritable bowels and shitty immune system deficiencies
I literally lold. Is this a thing you actually believe?

>> No.8847860
File: 85 KB, 653x800, cc49685abd279db97ee2e457d7c154d6ebd66cd25a8722df6b2e75c65c548a6e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>has dietary restriction that prohibits consumption of beer
>is in a beer thread
>is posting in a beer thread
>is submitting text in a thread about beer
>is sharing their thoughts and opinions in the form of Germanic symbols to an online string of comments that exists for the sole purpose of discussing a substance which contains a protein that their body reacts adversely to

>> No.8847863

Time to lay off the internet, son

>> No.8847866
File: 75 KB, 550x550, 22b9d028b8c6972b750c9c21fd976779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep lol'ing. you won't laugh when glutens fuck you up when you're older.

i can bench, squat, and deadlift more than you idiots weigh, and its thanks to gluten intolerance

if that's what you consider low t, its time to close your browser

>> No.8847868

>>has dietary restriction that prohibits consumption of beer
Most importantly one that isn't even real

>> No.8847873

>assumes i'm allergic to glutens
do you read?

>> No.8847879

>Everyone on Earth is a subhuman like me

t. gluten intolerance cuck

>> No.8847882
File: 103 KB, 900x300, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>breaking news: guy who believes he is gluten intolerant continues to post despite getting kekked out of the room

You've made my day dude, this shit is so funny.

>> No.8847891


>having an inferior digestive tract somehow entitles me to a god complex

>> No.8847896
File: 48 KB, 575x332, cmon son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gluten intolerance is a choice, not a belief, you idiot.

are you affected by healthism?

>> No.8847905

wow finally someone gets it

i am gluten intolerant.

i don't eat/drink like shit and i have a pretty healthy life. i will live longer than you. i am better than you.

>> No.8847911


Beliefs are choices.

>> No.8847921

beer in moderation has long been shown to be beneficial to human longevity

>> No.8847928

>My subhumanness forcing me to not eat like garbage is somehow better than chosing to do so on your own

loooooool betas

>> No.8847935

Do you think a sober person would just sail out into the endless ocean, not knowing what was there or if he would ever be able to get back?

>> No.8847937

you really need to go over your reading comprehension skills. not even joking.

>> No.8847945
File: 80 KB, 424x283, bacon-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you got me. guess i'll pack it up. keep sucking down that gluten jizz. later fags.

>> No.8847967

>My genes are shit
>This forces me to eat like a human being
>Somehow this is superior to anyone else just choosing to eat like a human being

loooooooooooooooooooooooooool betas

>> No.8847979
File: 112 KB, 250x245, 1372015129220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my personal problems with alcohol are why great men achieved great things

>> No.8847990

I think there's only one nu male circlejerk here....

>> No.8847993

triggered gluten intolerance fag

>WAAAHHH THEY ALL CALLED ME A BETA ;______; *slits wrists*

>> No.8848063
File: 20 KB, 251x295, you when you eat gluten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848092
File: 3.35 MB, 4032x3024, dayglow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore that shit. It's a very vocal, very small minority.

I just finished a bottle of pic related. So delicious.

>> No.8848101
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, trois pistoles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does craft beer evoke such hate from /ck/?
Its just a meme, personally beer is beer and whatevers good is good regardless of marketing as "microbreweries" or "craft brews." I've worked in a liquor store and met some people in the whisky and beer industry and the science is actually really interesting stuff from the terroir the barley and hops to the yeast cultures used in the fermentation.
Regardless the people constantly hating are just trolls and underage from /b/ or other shitty boards, just ignore them.
>tfw cant find this tasty shit anywhere
Being in Ontario sucks

>> No.8848115
File: 198 KB, 200x200, 4TVRLHa[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8848142

I just came back from a trip down a potato mine and most of the guys on the tour were metrosexual liberals.

>> No.8848149

Why the fuck are there little rocks or soil on your eggs?!

>> No.8848291

He probably lives in a hoarders dream and his house is decomposing so much bits of shit fall from everywhere.

>> No.8848476


>> No.8848497


overgeneralized hyperbole

but pretty funny


>> No.8850004

Misanthrope sounds good right now
good looking menu
Trois Pistoles is top tier unibroue.
>Who the fuck wants to get drunk on a hot boat in the middle of a lake?

>> No.8850276

>you'll never convince me drinking on a boat under a july midday sun is "fun"

Of course we won't. You're some sort of dwarf, deficient feminized male that sucks at the macro tit. The men that built this country were in the fields and on the boats in the hot july sun, drinking microbrews to provide you with your fucking moldy, dank basement where you wipe cheetos dust off your hands and wail that people have been /out/ in the last year and had their drink of choice.

>> No.8850293

>mixing contradictory memes to make a point
it was an ambitious attempt and I'll give you a 2/10 but only because I'm genuinely surprised anyone even tried

in the future, think before you post

>> No.8850309

people dont enjoy being around you.

>> No.8850382

Thanks. I try to work in the cheetos dust and moldy basement memes at some point, even when they might not apply, since you crawled out of the basement and did your obligatory missionary service among the darkest of heathens.


>> No.8850691

>find daily threads about how craft beer is nothing more than a blue pill for the goyim to consume to up their estrogen levels and convert them into neckbeard nu-males that will make themselves extinct by never getting any pussy and thus eradicating craft beer as a whole


>> No.8850742

>come to thread
>this is the first post I see
>leave thread
>come back just to tell you this
>leaving now

>> No.8850746

Apparently you've never set foot in a microbrewery where the average age at the bar is 45. I don't get it either. There's some bizzare attempt to villainize craft brew when it's been around since the early 80's, before these kids bitching about it were even born. Christ, Papazian wrote his Homebrewer's Bible in the 70's.

>> No.8850758

I drink craft beer primarily, but won't turn down Bud Light. It helps that there is a brewery in my city for it. Fresh beer = best beer.

>> No.8850784

There is literally gluten-free beer available now fyi

>> No.8850807

Sadly it's not entirely hyperbolic.


From the same hipster assflaps that created a hot sriracha stout (surprised they didn't get honey roasted bacon and açai in there too).

Making something ludicrously fancy doesn't necessarily make it better, which is a point sadly missed by the fixie-seat sniffing, ear gauged, sideshaved skinny jeans and plaid shirt crowd.

>> No.8850816
File: 3 KB, 403x32, germanic symbols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>germanic symbols
4chan doesn't even support those, these are clearly latin scribbles

>> No.8851186

Rogue is fucking terrible, most beer from the famous Portland breweries is because it's all catered to tourists.

>> No.8851369

Almost all microbreweries are bullshit parlours run by pretentious fuckwits who compensate for a lack of actual ability by using gimmick ingredients, Portland or not.

Redoak café and microbrewery in Sydney has international beer awards from wall to wall and stuffed into trophy cabinets everywhere you look. And you know what they brew? Classic styles. No exotic ingredients. Just the best they can make each classic style. Their barleywine is fucking amazing.

If more micros followed their example, maybe microbreweries might not get so much shit. Just saying.

>> No.8851554
File: 68 KB, 232x288, 1492631696608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8851575

Why rouge is still taken half seriously is mind boggling to me. Didn't he use to spit and piss in the brewer tanks too, in addition to being an asshole in general to his employers?

>> No.8851642

Don't talk shit on Yuengling you putrid waste of a human being that beer built PA which was (and still is in a few ways) the most important state building America kys senpai desu

>> No.8851661

>Plus the high liberal population keeps the poltards out.
Liberal Tolerance™

>> No.8852053

That first rune is a "j" sound not a "y"

>> No.8852448

Painting all microbreweries with the same brush is kind of silly. There's something to be said about keeping to classic styles, but there's still room for innovation without being a massive retard about it (a la Rogue). Eg., I recently had a sour that was brewed with cucumber, and it was fantastic, because the flavours work well together. The brewery that makes it sticks generally to straightforward classics, but trying something a little different sometimes can have good results.

Rogue's Lemon Donut Ale is, on the other hand, pure hipster pandering and it tastes like garbage.

>> No.8852515

Those are Cushitic people and that's an East African dude, bad image

>> No.8852903
File: 4 KB, 300x132, bad image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8853010

To leftists, intolerance is a virtue.

>> No.8853216
File: 267 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all like being cucks? Keep eating gluten, it'll bump up those estrogen levels. Fucking fags letting big grain fool you

>> No.8853649

Yuengling is bad, its like a shittier yet more expensive version of High Life

>> No.8854382


While it might be a j it's a germanic/norse j, which is pronounced as an English y. See 'ja', it's pronounced ya.