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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8842026 No.8842026 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of my friends going """"oooghhhh you don't like fruit??!?!?""" Clearly Sarah you fucking whore I don't like fruit I was neglected as a child Sarah I hope you feel better at yourself for making me have to uncomfortably explain that you fucking WHORE SHARAH I HATE YOU

>> No.8842043

Fruit tastes good with fruit.
(Actually fruit isn't that good for you because they contain a lot of sugar and nutrients you can get from other sources. If you never find fruit to be palatable, don't sweat it.)

>> No.8842051
File: 97 KB, 1920x1080, chocolate fountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put me on a skewer and cover me in chocolate senpai

>> No.8842056

Ik they're not that healthy and idrc about not liking fuit but the regular people do. They care jeremy and I hate their judging eyes so I MUST conform

>> No.8842058

Usually I like fruit with cheese. Sometimes with whipped cream or yogurt. If it's apple slices I'll sometimes put peanut butter on them(supposedly also good with banana- have not tried). I love fruit, though, so ymmv.

>> No.8842060

Yes, hello i'm Sarah

>> No.8842061

>fruit isn't that good for you
>muh sugar

Jesus christ you fat earthers multiply faster each day than your weight. I cannot actually fathom how fucking stupid you are to think fruit is bad for you. Like christ who bullied you with fruits growing up

>> No.8842062

I love cheese thank you I didn't know they went together. I like apples with honey better than woth peanut butter

>> No.8842084

Honey is great. Usually I go with maple syrup if I sweeten my fruit- almost always if I get tart strawberries or blueberries. Try making a compote to put on a pancake, biscuit, or whatnot, perhaps? It's really easy!

>> No.8842089

PS- I remember a great /fit/ tip to have yogurt with honeydew melon, just using the half melon to hold your yogurt. I usually only eat 1/4 a melon at a time, but can vouch that yogurt and honeydew are great together. Have you had fruit salad? Frozen mango is another favorite of mine- nice texture.

>> No.8842093

>addict trying to justify more nutritious sugar
Eat some leafy greens and non-sweet root vegetables instead, you fatty.

>> No.8842102

Says the obese sack of shit fat-earther that thinks eating bananas and apples will make you fat because MUH SUGAR as if someone is forcing you to eat blueberries with maple syrup and cane sugar drizzled on top

How gross looking are you? Don't even want to imagine your stench, fat fuck.

>> No.8842106

You cucks eating a diverse range of nutrient rich fruit and veg disgust meat. Meat only diet is clearly the only rational option.

>> No.8842108

>gotta avoid those DANGEROUS sweet potatoes and carrots!

>> No.8842109

Last I heard even the Jenny Craig diet plan will let you have as many fruits and vegetables as you want. It's the grains that cause all the problems, in my opinion. They slow digestion and are basically sugar to your body. Processed sugar is an even bigger problem, but everyone knows that...

I don't even really care, but I grew up with a nurse and had to listen up about how good for me fruits and veggies were my whole childhood.

>> No.8842116

Whole grains are perfectly fine.

>> No.8842118

On a serious note don't let rabbits have carrots often or they'll get diabetes, same for guinea pigs senpai.

>> No.8842136

I used to have a gunnieaususauau pig. He really loved carrots. He'd get a baby carrot every Friday when I got home and he used to eat it like he'd never eat another one again

>> No.8842141

What non-sweet root vegetables are you fucking talking about
Potatoes are practically grains from a nutritional standpoint and carrots and sweet potatoes are sweet
What else is there, onions?

>> No.8842142

Have you tried smoothies? Restaurants like to blend their smoothies with tons of ice cream and milk and sugar and yoghurt until it tastes more like a milkshake.

>> No.8842144

>falling for the juice meme

>> No.8842146

Not according to Weston Price. But seriously, people just eat more grains than they should- not gonna hurt in moderation either, whole or not.

>> No.8842149

Add refined sugar to compensate for the fact that the fruit available to you is probably unripe, low quality and too low Brix value


>> No.8842150

Weston Price was a fat earther and a dentist nutcase
>people just eat more grains than they should
Except that populations who eat proportionally more grains than Westerners are healthier than Westerners

>> No.8842151

>absolutely smothers the berries in sugar

>> No.8842155

What the fuck is a fat earther

>> No.8842156


Haha WTF. At least natural sugars like honey and maple syrup have some redeeming qualities. That's straight up trolling. I can't stand fruit shipped from far anymore- if you want some good tasting fruit try to get it local, and if you can afford organic it's usually allowed to ripen more before harvest and therefore will taste better.

>> No.8842157

Yeah dude all that oatmeal, quinoa, and barley is fuckin everyone up

>> No.8842168

Nah, Weston Price was against the modern way of preparing grains. He believed that traditional grain preparation improved digestion, and that poor digestion of grains which dominated the diets of the poor led to deficiency and therefore poor dental health. His biggest legacy is basically vitamin D supplementation.

>> No.8842181

Fuck off with your diabeetus you disgusting morbidly obese fruititarian piece of shit. You have a literal sugar addiction if you're drenching your sugar in maple syrup and cane sugar.
Try some leafy greens without your gallon of ranch dressing and 3L coke next time, you fucking fat piece of shit.

>> No.8842195

I'm the one talking about maple syrup, and not the one you are replying to. You seem confused and angry. Take a deep breath and repeat after me "It's just the internet."...

>> No.8842203

>fruit tastes good
>too much kills your liver
>vegetables taste like shit
>you can eat as much as you want
Screw god, SMT was right.

>> No.8842207

Yeah that's not true at all

>> No.8842211

The fat-earther can't read a sentence a third grader could comprehend. How shocking.

>> No.8842221

I've been rused, sorry god.

>> No.8842225

The obese sugar addict just assumed that I'm the same person as maple syrup fatty and expected me to be nice to them in return. No, go fuck off to your fruititarian paradise.

>> No.8842228

How fucking big of a hamplanet does somebody actually have to be to call somebody a "morbidly obese fruitarian" and suggest diabetes when fruitarians never develop diabetes or obesity at all? All that fat is clogging up your brain to a point where you can't even recognize basic reality.

>ranch dressing
Another fat guy who thinks something extremely high in fat is actually high in sugar. Surprise!

Carbs keep you slim. Sugar is carbs

>fruit tastes good
>too much kills your liver
There isn't a single documented case of fruit consumption harming the liver. Not one. Stop believing bullshit

>> No.8842230

>the obese sugar addict just assumed I'm the same person as maple syrup fatty

The egg sucking fat-earther fat sack of shit is clogging his brain with so much disgusting fat on top of his digusting fatty fat self he seethes in an uncontrollable anger to a point where his fat fingers are just mashing words on a keyboard, unaware of who he is even talking to

Many such cases ---- Sad!

>> No.8842240

61kg 2m 21cmx18cm
Enjoy your diabeetus and atherosclerosis eating all that sugar and endothelium damaging oil.
I don't eat eggs, you sugar addicted bed-laden fatty fat fat.

>> No.8842245

The fat earther is so ashamed of his sorry blabbering blubbering fat ass he is lying to himself for the sake of an internet argument. Still can't read either - Very sad!

>> No.8842254

The fatty fat fat sugar addict can't believe that some people are healthy while not eating piles of sugar all day long. Still won't apologize - Rude!

>> No.8842260

Fat earther tries to actually convince people that his protruding bitchtits and inability to read basic Human are a sign of good health. Very disrespectful

>> No.8842270

Healthy young child goes to school, learns about the "health benefits" of sugar laden fruit, gets tooth decay and bed ridden - ADDICT. Many such cases!

>> No.8842271

I can't figure out who you two angry folks are, but no need to get angry at maple syrup. Seriously, though, it's not as black and white as you guys seem to think. Fats are good- they slow blood sugar spikes and help you feel full for longer leading to lower overall calorie consumption. Fruits are good despite their high sugar content because their nutrients and fiber offset any potential downside from the sugar. Fiber will also slow a blood sugar spike- which is why fruit juice isn't such a good idea. Can we calm down now and agree that moderation is the key to happiness?

>> No.8842274

Uhhhh no sweetie

pumpfkins are the UNHEALTHIEST food on the planet and will raise your blood sugar by 6 MILLION

>> No.8842279

So, you're arguing with yourself because you're bored? Okay, I'm going to bed.

>> No.8842292

>blood sugar spikes
Propaganda terminology pushed by fat earthers.

All you need to know about the current carbphobic culture is the lack of the phrase "triglyceride spikes" or "fat spikes", despite that being exactly what happens when you eat fat. Or "protein spikes" for that matter.

Yeah, when you eat things they enter your blood, big surprise. Holy shit, better become a breatharian or lightarian so I don't get any "spikes" in my blood!

And "spike" isn't even defined. Any change in blood values is going to have a maximum value as its peak. So therefore every change in blood values is actually a spike.
Why is it bad to metabolize glucose quickly? Because fat earthers

>help you feel full for longer
Wrong, dietary fat has the lowest satiety as a macronutrient.

>> No.8842297
File: 151 KB, 668x445, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys always have to fight this is just like when mom and dad were together. I just wanted to learn how to like to eat my fruits so I can impress Sarah and you guys want to fight over grains

>> No.8842303

Step 1: Grow Up

those are all the steps.

>> No.8842304

It's not my fault that this fatty fat fat fruititarian has to keep eating sugar and oil all day long. I'll bet he has 500lb of pure whey protein sitting around so that he doesn't lose his gains. I only eat green leafy vegetables and low sugar roots.

>> No.8842316

so savage. Are you okay? Something bothering you? You can talk to me if you need to

>> No.8842320

Did you say something, sweetie? I can't hear you over the sound of your fat rolls.

>> No.8842327

>fucking OIL
Are you literally braindamaged?

>> No.8842334

>avocados and coconuts aren't fruits
All that sugar has killed your brain cells.

>> No.8842585

stop pooping on my fruit you bully

>> No.8842602

whats not to like, its essentially flavored sugar+water
just try everything im sure theres plenty of fruit youll like

>> No.8842697
File: 61 KB, 1024x921, IMG_1473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat earthers

At this point I don't know if my sides ever existed. But farewell to them anyways, I never knew them.

>> No.8842718

slice strawberries, add powdered sugar, combine, a syrup will form. very sweet and tasty. let it refrigerate for 30 mins or so for best results. give it a shot maybe

>> No.8843074

If you stopped eating so much fucking sugar give it a few months and vegetables will taste amazing. Fucking sugar addicts.

>> No.8843688

Eat tropical fruits like mangoes.

>> No.8844579

Keyword veggies

>> No.8845072


>> No.8845118

>root vegetable

Kek. Garden much, urban shut in?

>> No.8845148

just eat it with cheese, goes perfectly together and there's always a good pairing if you know where to look
>even for shit like pineapple

>> No.8846168


>fat earthers

RIP in pieces my sides 2017

>> No.8846344

Like shitty American craft singles cheese or like European god tier cheese?

>> No.8846386

golly gee, I wonder

find a cheese store or, strangely enough, a butcher shop. or drink your fruit - wine is always a good thing

>> No.8846395

Do like the rest of us
>buy some fruit one time because reasons
>they're pretty good, I should buy them more often
>end up not buying any for months

>> No.8846401


>> No.8846405


>> No.8846412


>> No.8846414

I'm under age. I'm calling the cops on you bc you're a bad influence

>> No.8846421

Sarahs a fucking cunt no doubt

>> No.8846423

Sure but she's still a fucking babe

>> No.8847165

Actually im a doctor and ive had many cases where patients developed diabetic blood sugar levels from excessive fruit and root vegetable consumption. Most of the time it was from people thinking they were being healthy and juicing everything in sight, meaning every meal they drank like the equivalent of an entire bag of carrots or a whole sack of apples and berries. But sure, go ahead with thinking youre right by assuming anyone who disagrees with you is morbidly obese and hideous looking.

>> No.8847218

>Actually im a doctor and ive had many cases
That must be why you browse 4chan, type like a dimwitted teenager and don't understand the basics of how science is conducted.

>> No.8847412

post melons