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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8834481 No.8834481 [Reply] [Original]

how do i learn to like wine?

>> No.8834483

wine is for nu-males

>> No.8834487


>> No.8834493

You seen this shitposts about "you don't like beer you just wanna be manly so you force yourself to drink it"?

Well that's literally true for wine. People wanna seem cultured so they pretend to like wine. Some just ask a clueless waiter what suits their meal others go as far as to learn arbitrary terms and phrases to show off at wine tastings.

Regardless of their level of involvement one thing remains true; wine is bitter barly alcoholic dog shit people pretend to like because of cultural prestige.

>> No.8834496


>> No.8834497

Ok, I understand the curve when it comes beer and hard liquor...but fucking wine? Does welches grape juice make you gag anon?

>> No.8834501

>Does welches grape juice make you gag anon?
Yes. Should I drink some purple fructose syrup?

>> No.8834500
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It is sort of like craft beer in that I will drink what is offered to me but I dont want to get autismal about red vs white and age quality

>> No.8834503

I only like port or buckfast i cant drink any other

>> No.8834508
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>become alcoholic
>get in situation where only wine is available

>> No.8834521

>pull flask out of pants

>> No.8834529

>Well that's literally true for wine. People wanna seem cultured so they pretend to like wine.
You're no different than the cunts that shitpost about beer.
Kys, turbonigger.

>> No.8834540

i dont think thats true at all. did it ever occur to you some people like that tart taste? Im sure some people think im insane for liking really spicy or sour food.
Let me guess, youre 22 years old and think you have some higher understanding of why people do certain things because you were sitting around smoking weed and figured there no way people like wine because you dont?

>> No.8834541

>He pretends to like wine anonymously

Lul, you're not getting any points for your oh so refined pallet here friend. No need to continue the charade.

>> No.8834542

If the contents of a flask you can fit in your pants would be enough to tide you over for more than a couple hours, you're probably not an alcoholic.

>> No.8834546

See >>8834541
Really, you're not impressing anyone Mr. "I like super spicy food I'm special look at me" No one wants to hear about the time you ate a plate of atomic fire wings my dude.

>> No.8834553

>refined pallet
I'm not trying to impress anyone, mate; I find the taste of wine enjoyable.
Do you also think people eat salads in an attempt to seem cultured?

>> No.8834558

Do you think you're fooling anyone? You only like wine cuz you aren't manly enough for whisky.

Enjoy those sour grapes literally.

>> No.8834562

I have a bra flask, a novelty butt pad flask (it's not comfortable so I rarely use it), in addition to four thigh flasks.

>> No.8834569

First you have to like milk.

>> No.8834572
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You really had me going there.

>> No.8834576

>he actually can't drink whisky

Wow I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you just enjoyed some fruity 20% grape liquor with Italian food but you're actually a nu-male pansy?

I might have known.

>> No.8834580

I already know you're messing with me, you can stop now.
Have a nice night whisky poster.
Don't bother responding.

>> No.8834595


That was a pathetic showing on both sides. You both should be ashamed.

>> No.8834604
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>four thigh flasks

>> No.8834605

>He thinks it's a troll

No my friend. It started as a troll but you've made it very apparent you fit the very pathetic niche the troll was intended for.

I mean..What kind of person calls themself a man but can not even drink a shot of whisky? I bet you drive a 4-cylinder car or even a hybrid.

>> No.8834644

You start by drinking swill of different varieties.
Then you get better versions of the types you like.
Eventually you won't be able to stand the swill you used to drink.
Congrats, you've become a snob about whatever drink/food culture you got into.

>> No.8834696

Did you know that restaraunts intentionally price their cheapest wine as the second cheapest because people are stupid enough to think that an extra few bucks will either make it a better wine or will impress whoever they're with if they don't get the cheapest. They rake in that sweet profit margin.

Wine is ok, but don't pretend like there's any difference between a $7 bottle and a $25 bottle.

>> No.8834707


don't some people like bitter?

>> No.8834761

>barly alcoholic
idk m8 if i scull 2 $6 bottles it get's me there

>> No.8834775

Alcohol-related question

I have a handle and a half of Taaka (I know shite as fuck) leftover from a party I threw last week. This week I wanna turn that remaining alcohol into some sort of edible punch. What do?

>> No.8834780

You can make it into just about any flavor of jungle juice. Are you kidding?

>> No.8834813

Next you will tell me people love the taste of coffee too.

>> No.8834816

Start by understanding that all white wine is awful pig-swill

>> No.8836039

try different kinds of wine, see what you like. Go from there. I'd start by picking up a dozen or so bottles with some friends and have a little tasting. Describe what you taste, have fun with it. These days you can get some very decent wine cheaply. I never liked wine until I started waiting tables at a fancy restaurant. They paid for me to go to this expensive wine class with this guy who was a master of wine. Being able to talk about wine is much simpler than you'd think, eventually you're able to start picking out the different notes in a sip of wine, the kinds of fruits or flavors it evokes, and wa la, you now know about wine.

>> No.8836588


Guess we've found out that anything you're unable to get into is for nu-males, making you this generation's John Wayne.

OP, I got into beer by drinking new beers every chance I had. Enjoying beers has been a years old process, and it's the same for wine. Going out for dinner? Get a glass of wine. At the grocery store? Buy a bottle. Make a habit to drink wine every chance you get. That's the only way to "learn to like" it.

>> No.8836621

I'm just here for the girl in OP

>> No.8836624

You don't. Just use gpu passthrough or make a partition

>> No.8836631

> t. uncultured swine

>> No.8836632

you have to start with a cheap bottle so you can learn to pick up the notes. go buy a couple bottles of wild irish rose and have them with a nice meal. The good thing about wine is that your body will thank you for it in the morning. No hangovers come when you drink wine. Don't even need to worry about drinking water like you do with other shit tier alcohols. The grapes will hydrate you enough

>> No.8836696

should I drink red wine for the resveratrol?

if so what brands are good?

>> No.8836789
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Steady on there, Pilgrim. Here in the wild, wild, west we drink nothing but rotgut whiskey straight from the bottle while gunning down Liberty Valance by shooting him in the back, while Strother Martin giggles like a maniacal dwarf.

>we was men 'n shit

>> No.8836809


>we was men n' shit before there were more than 5 breweries in America post-prohibition.

/ck/ shitposters actually believe this

>> No.8836863

beginners at wine should try something fresh and fruity such as a beaujolais-villages. i have yet to meet anyone who does not like beaujolais

>> No.8836911

hey now, don't sell yourselves short...
you're both fucking retarded
>if i call him a troll i'll look like less of an idiot!
alt f4 and go drink some water you dipshits, bet both of you can't drink any kind of booze.

>> No.8836922


>> No.8836936


>> No.8836943

Gee, is wine, something that has been enjoyed for millenniums, for nu-males? Hmm...

Anyway OP, if you tend to like bitter things, I started out with Chianti, Merlot, and Malbecs. Also dry white wines are pretty refreshing if you're hanging out on the porch in the late afternoon. Specifically (and cheaply), I like Casillero Del Diablo and Josh in terms of brands. They always deliver.

If you tend to like sweet things more, you can look for Rosé and sweet white wines. I don't like them as much, but they serve their purpose. Also dessert wines are great for people that don't stomach bitter very well.

You can always transition from liking one to the other and vice versa. Wine is really fucking awesome when you get into it. It isn't a secret club or anything, like those sommelier documentaries would like you to believe. Anybody can learn to appreciate different types of wine without being a pretentious snob about it. Also, it makes going to restaurants a lot of fun, provided you have some excess money to squander.

>> No.8836949


Meh. I like to take 1 or 2 sips, then I'm done. It tastes delicious, but for some reason it gets worse and worse at an exponential rate for every drink I take. I'm happy just getting the initial taste in my mouth.

>> No.8836960


That dress is gravity defying. Certainly not an article of clothing I'd entrust my drunken self to wear responsibly. If you're gonna get hammered, go for shirt and jeans. Possibly a chastity belt depending on which frat you're going to.

>> No.8836962

She clearly had no intention of keeping it on for long

>> No.8836964

Try some Riesling or Tokaji wines, I can almost guarantee you will enjoy it

>> No.8837443


>> No.8837671

>implying anybody can taste the difference between cheap and expensive wine
There is no actual difference in taste besides how much you paid, idiots.

>> No.8837854

Avoid drinking with women and anyone else that talks facilely about one of the oldest, normalest parts of human culture.

>> No.8837856

>t. bud light enthusiast

>> No.8837857

implying this skank wasn't going to whip out those milk meteors after the second glass

>> No.8837876

Pair it with food.
I literally hated wine until I started using it as meal enhancement

>> No.8837915
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I'm nearly thirty, a habitual drunk, a decent cook and fairly open minded when it comes to drink and food.

I'll drink anything from gin to ouzo, or bottom shelf """blended whiskeys" to the warmest PBR.

I cannot stand wine. My mother has been trying to get me to drink it since I was a child. A glass with dinner is fine, I can appreciate a merlot with a good meal.

I cannot drink it in volume, though. There's something about the way it sits in my stomach. It reminds me of when I was a teenager and experimented with abusing cough syrup. It just feels heavy and sloshy.

Last year my brother took me out to a nice Spanish place that did tapas and had a sangria happy hour special. He drank it like water, but after two glasses I couldn't force it down anymore.

>> No.8837917

Why anon? Just don't like how it sits? Wine drunk is really wonderful

>> No.8837933
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That's pretty much it. Also, in excess it will give me headaches.

I'm not here to shit on any one else's tastes, I'm just saying it isn't for me.

I've tried. As a Romanophile, I feel like a failure that I can't enjoy wine in excess.

What's fucked is that I can drink champagne by the barrel. I love the stuff.

>Wine drunk is really wonderful
I've reached it a few times, mostly when I was younger and didn't drink as much.

The people that say all alcohol is the same are either idiotic or liars. You're right, wine drunk is very relaxing and mellow. Champagne is close, but a bit more uplifting..

Sorry I'm rambling, working on my second drink, just got off work.

>> No.8837942

Oh no, no problem. I understand that. Some people like different alcohols. I can't stomach high ABV beer very well; I just don't like it.

I'm on my third by the way. Cheers m8

>> No.8837947


Literally this. When you wanna get fucked up and there's no hard liquor, wine starts to seem like a gpod option. Plus, the more you drink, the better it tastes.

>> No.8837949

Also great that you're a romanophile. What in particular?

>> No.8837950

It might be the added sulphites.
It could also be the tannins in red wine. Try airating it, you may feel a difference.

>> No.8837956

Everyone's different. Love wine. Can't stand beer. Some people love beer and can't stand wine.

When I started drinking I tried different drinks, and red wine is the one that appealed the most to my tastebuds. I see beerfags and wonder how they can enjoy some triple-hopped IPA that makes me gag to no end.

For me, I think it's because I drank black coffee and tea a lot before I started drinking (20 years old), so I got used to tannins and deep earthy flavours, like you get in a dry red wine.

>> No.8838193
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The language, culture, history, military, architecture, I could go on. Started when I began studying Latin back in 2004.

There's just something so intriguing about an ancient civilization that seems so relative and modern.

That's part of what I've gathered. The sulphites, sure, but the tannins are fine by me, I love a good strong cup of tea, even a black coffee every now and then.

I haven't given up on the drink altogether, it's just something I have issues with.

>> No.8838203

i enjoyed this post

>> No.8838209

>No hangovers come when you drink wine

you are terribly misinformed

>> No.8838230
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>No hangovers come when you drink wine
Fucking no.

Wine hangovers are second only to cheap champagne and bad, cheap beer.

>> No.8838236

yeah Im gonna assume it's a joke

>> No.8838270

drink it more.

that's all. seriously. it's an acquired taste. drink more of it and you will understand it over time.

>> No.8838289

I went to a wine tasting yesterday. Great experience. I tried like 50 different bottles and met some vintners from Austria, France, and Spain. I learned what ice wine is and found that to be really fascinating.

I'm no expert but if you want to learn about wine they say you should drink it often and read about it. Liking it isn't really something to learn. You either like something or you don't. There is, however an immense variety of wine out there so if you keep sampling different things you're guaranteed to find something you like.

>> No.8838355

This chick reminds me of this slightly chunky girl that gave me head at a party. She was relentless and high as a cloud it was awesome

>> No.8838635

>everything anyone does comes with the ultimate goal of challenging the perceptions others have of them.
Some people like drinking wine, some people like making their food unbearably hot. some people enjoy feminine dick. It's a matter of taste, and it sounds like you've never had a chance to develop your own.

>> No.8838677

White wine is for childish pallets. Red is the patrician's drink. Plain beer is for the common man.
People who like IPAs taste the flavor nobody else tastes.

>> No.8838692

this is good post

>> No.8838768

Personally I much prefer to drink wine alongside food, especially white which I don't really care for if I'm not eating something together, but when paired with shellfish I think it's delicious.
Maybe you should try pairing it with other things.
Also remember, wine is pretty much only good when you've just opened the bottle.

>> No.8838770

>t.delusional retard who loves being ripped off

>> No.8839211

Well I'm hungover from wine right now

>> No.8839309

wine taste is subjective
basically all food is
there are retards who eat shit and think it tastes great aka germans

>> No.8839360

Is that really the case though? I like the taste of both wine and beer. How is beer more manly anyway? Wine has more alcohol content and most of it is much stronger in taste. Also where I'm from wine is cheaper than beer, youth use it to get drunk.

>> No.8839368

But do you have a feminine penis?

>> No.8839384

t. delusional retard who trusts double blind tasting tests because HURR IT LIEK SCIENCE RITE?


>> No.8839397

Why would you ask this here? You know youre just going to get hordes of "I don't like thing so everyone else is pretending" posters.

Just Google it senpäi, or buy a book about it.

>> No.8839445

>reading (((books)))

>> No.8839456

Epic post

Addendum OP, don't listen to people saying that white or red is objectively better than the other. That's apples and oranges, you drink them on different occassions. It's fine to prefer one or the other, but there's still a time and a place for each. E.g., you wouldn't want to drink a heavy red with fish or salad, whites generally don't pair all too well with heavy foods like steak.

>> No.8839479

I think someone who likes whiskey would know how to actually spell whiskey

>> No.8839496

>printing press invented by Koreans
>books are somehow jewish

>> No.8839504

drink a lot of Riesling

>> No.8839507

Some of the fastest production cars in the world right now are hybrids

>> No.8839512

Wine is twice as alcoholic as beer you fucking retard.

>> No.8839513

Such as?

>> No.8839516

never had a full bottle of burbon hangover I see

>> No.8839523

The Mclaren P1, the Porsche 918

The electric engine gives instant torque, it makes the car faster off the line, and it lets the companies avoid the high MPG taxes they normally incur.

>> No.8840074

It all tastes the same. If it's available drink it.

>> No.8840097

i knew girls like this in college who drink a lot freshman year and start to get fat but it shows in their tits a lot so they just keep drinking and showing off their big tits and they all look good for a bit but they dont change and just keep getting fatter and fatter and it goes to the rest of their body and by senior year theyre not hot anymore and just settle down with some guy with a receding hairline who works in finance

>> No.8840108

>it all tastes the same
t. eenager

>> No.8840138

I used to load up that language learning website and drink wine on correct answers for French with a roommate of mine. Sake on Japanese questions is more fun tho. The funny part is we learned the language to drink the alcohol. You need an incentive to get hammy which baffles the al/ck/

>> No.8840182

so many basic bitches dont realize they are drinking the liquid equivalent of a big mac every night

>> No.8840199


>> No.8840425

Start with pinot grigio and moscato then work your way up to cabernets

Familiarize yourself with decanting, which varietals are sweet and which are dryer

Learn how to hold a glass, stem for whites, bowl for reds

Whites go in the fridge, reds room temp

Wa-La you now know more about wine than 80% of America

>> No.8841615

Add a tablespoon of sugar to every glass you drink.

>> No.8841616

I can never get drunk off wine because it gives me such a gnarly fucking hangover from all the sugar

>> No.8841619


>> No.8841627

>Learn how to hold a glass, stem for whites, bowl for reds
Nobody is actually this much of a faggot about etiquette, right?

>> No.8841645

Helen Mirren?

>> No.8841719

>no one is this much of a faggot about etiquette

Take the average wailing autist on /ck/, multiply by a factor of 10, and that will give you a hint of a typical winefag's faggotry.

>> No.8842162
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Considering I drink about a 750ml bottle of cheap bourbon a night, it happens from time to time, but generally, water and greasy food are all I need if it get bad.

I actually don't know if I'm hung over anymore or if this is just what it feels like to wake up.

>> No.8842843

t. cletus mcneil from flyover land

>> No.8842863

it's not etiquette, holding a white by the stem prevents your hand from warming the wine (which ought to be cold). It doesn't actually matter how you hold a red but I find holding it by the bowl is more comfortable. Suit yourself though, nobody is going to judge you for your warm sauvignon blanc

>> No.8842870
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For me it is the McLaren P1, the best British limited-production plug-in hybrid sports car

>> No.8843088

false. red wine should be chilled to old world room temp at roughly 60F. whites should be at cellart temp of 50-55F

>> No.8843097

I'm 26 and i hate wine. Many of my female friends love it. To the point they drink whole bottles at a time.
They might be alcoholics or just depressed from all their loan payments due

>> No.8843179

>that fake guy again

You have no idea what you're talking about other than a few factoids you picked up from wiki. Stop the trolling.

>> No.8843196

Become dependent on it

>> No.8843223

sorry you aren't as well read as me on the subject friend, but it is my profession. try to keep up perhaps you could try some of Johnson's edicate guides :^)

>> No.8843246

You're an idiot. your hand is 98 degrees red should never be above 70 uless your making mulled wine or some kind of german vinyard pickers hot wine you donkey

>> No.8843756

Really bizarre I feel the same way except with beer. From the first time I tried wine I loved it but I've never been able to drink beer. After one or two my stomach just starts revolting on me. I love any other alcoholic drink just can't stand beer.

>> No.8843768

You must be one hell of a pretentious twat if you think the way you hold a glass affects the the taste or temperature in any perceptible way. Either that or you spend 30 minutes sipping on one glass of wine.

>> No.8843790


I don't profess to know shit about wines, ok now thats cleared up.

Go with a dry moscato, or a sweet rosé. If you want something less sweet, maybe a nice chardonnay. Ask your friendly neighborhood booze employee but don't let them sucker you into dropping $20 for something you might hate, stick with cheap wines initially.

t. vino fag

>> No.8843811
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not that guy, but when I'm at a nice place and drinking out of nice stemware, I hold it by the stem so I don't have to look at my own grubby fingerprints

if I'm at home on a tuesday night slobbing down a $20 bottle of finger lakes wine from a riedel vinum glass while watching netflix, obviously I'm not going to be particularly delicate about the whole thing

>> No.8845501


Who is she? More?

>> No.8845969


>> No.8846140
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This whole thread and any having to do with alcohol, dark chocolate, and black coffee.

>> No.8846151

Go to a nice area for viticulture and go on a wine tour, my man. Bonus points if one stop has wine and cheese pairings.

>> No.8846155

Primus sucks

>> No.8846158

Merlot makes my very specific sort of despair feel bittersweet. Im pretty sure at any rate whiskey fags are more likely to be pretentious about it.

>> No.8846242

Try different types. Malbec is good and not too sweet. Cabernet Sauvignon is usually not very good, sweetish and perfumey (unless that appeals to you). There are different grades of Riesling ranging from dry to very very sweet. If you like sweets, try beerenauslese Riesling or gewürztraminer. Chardonnay tastes like foot odor. Rose is for fags, it tastes of perfume and rubbing alcohol. Fruit wines are popular if you're a pussy

>> No.8846250

Very cheap wine tastes like vinegar, watery grape juice, battery acid, or just disappointment in general. It gives me a headache

>> No.8846260

Moscato is for gays and women

>> No.8846529

This one gets it.
Very good sir

>> No.8846548

Yknow what? This is the best post I've seen on /ck/ in years. Good on you.

>> No.8846580

If there's one near you, visit a winery and try a few different styles.
You might not like the wine you've drunk because the only stuff you've had is grocery store garbage that has a lot of spices and additives in it to try to mask the fact that it's little better than toilet water.

At least go to a liquor store, and ask for a recommendation for a red and a white wine.

The best wine I've had is some Muscadine wine my aunt made. The only freely available and affordable thing around here that I know I can stand is Arbor Mist.

>> No.8847264
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Rose refers to the color of the wine. Whether or not it's sweet has to do with how they made it. Maybe you think "rose = white zinfandel" which is heresy. If you have never had a 15+ year old rosado gran reserva from lopez de heredia you aren't allowed to have an opinion on rose wines

Also probably the reason you think merlot is "bitter" is that you've been drinking bad chilean merlot. In other threads I've seen people on /ck/ refer to merlot as a "sweet wine", for inexplicable reasons. It's a question of vinification mostly, from south america there's almost always something wrong with the wine just like from california there's almost always something wrong with the people making the wine. Chileans to their credit seem to be less prone to doctoring it up than the argies where the wine basically just tastes like the wine version of sunny D, but still. You're better off looking to lalande de pomerol if you want cheap and good merlot.

The trick to getting bang for buck is knowing who is good and bad at what. Anyone can throw insane amounts of human labor at a project and make good wine in strange places but doing it at a reasonable price that a middle class person can afford is where the magic happens. California is amazing at zinfandel (provided you drink the stuff from the cool hilly areas along the ocean and not the inland garbage like from Lodi or wherever), and bad at pinot noir - yes all of it, all California PN is shit, just stop, it's shit, everyone who disagrees is wrong.

French and germans are pretty much the only people who can be trusted with white wines. Spaniards are good at selling wines meant for aging, with some age already on them, for reasonable prices. Aussies (NZ same shit) and seth efricans are the best at making stuff for cleaning your bicycle chain that comes in a wine shaped bottle with a picture of a critter on it. The Pacific Northwest is good at hyping itself up and delivering mediocrity in a bottle, over and over again.

>> No.8847281

Got any pussy pics of her?

>> No.8847296

>$20 bottle
is this considered a low price cause if it is we leave in a different world

>> No.8847310

I don't get this place, nobody blinks at buying beer that isn't steel reserve or whisky that isn't fleischman's but as soon as someone mentions drinking wine that isn't bum wine it's suddenly "omg get a load of this guy throwing around money on EXPENSIVE wine sorry we're not all bill gates mr. buffett"

>> No.8847313

Wine imitates the uncultured.

>> No.8848146

What does this mean?

>> No.8848366

There are garbage wines and they tend to be cheap.

The difference between a $20 and $100 wine is down to individual taste though. Once you reach decent quality, there are no bad wines.

>> No.8848381
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>the purpose of wine is to play The Price is Right
Do sharts really do this?

>> No.8848402

there are very cheap wines which taste good, you just have to know which ones.

>> No.8849377

So, can we see her breasts?

>> No.8849394

Wine is never better than ok

>> No.8849709

Become an alcohol and you will enjoy even the cheapest wine

>> No.8849724

The reason some of them give you more of a headache is they add sugar to mask the bad flavour

>> No.8849752

Have you ever tasted straight mirin? Try adding cranberry juice to red and white cranberry juice for white wine. Or plain sparking water, ice, sprite, or just white zinfandel it up if you don't wanna dilute your wine. Or cut up fruit and make sangria.

>> No.8850389

imgur DOT com SLASH a SLASH FeZ8u

>> No.8850421

If you ever meet some qt bitch like that, you WILL learn to like wine.

>> No.8850442

Thank you, kind sir

>> No.8850462


>> No.8850859

that bitch

>> No.8851057

Ugh. One of those gals you can look at and just KNOW her pussy smells awful.

>> No.8851066

Is this you, or did you creepily snap some pics at a party without asking and then put them on 4chan?

>> No.8851072

Air it out

>> No.8851218

>beer tastes bad

IRL pretty much everything is an aquired taste and booze in general is about learning how to ignore the taste of the alcohol in your drink so that you can appreciate everything else about it.

IPA is a sin though and anyone making and selling that swill should be forced to watch their loved ones being drawn and quartered.

>> No.8851244

Oh shiiit, I think there's a greater album of this girl expanding to 300+ pounds

>> No.8851297
File: 91 KB, 800x533, lemans-24-hours-of-le-mans-2015-17-porsche-team-porsche-919-hybrid-timo-bernhard-mark-webb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about the Porsche 919, a racing car capable of producing 1,350 horsepower upon full hybrid boost, that has a 2.0 V4

>> No.8851823


>> No.8851985

male here, I sit down, crack open a nice video game, put on some music, and go through an entire bottle of wine at least once a week

>> No.8852046


Start drinking it with food in watered down form from about age 8 or there abouts.

If you've failed to do that then you're probably not going to learn to like it, either you do or you don't.

Try and be an individual anon.

>> No.8852617

I honestly am getting tired of beer and liquor.

What would be a good starting red wine that does not break the bank?

>> No.8852635

Where do you live?

>> No.8852643

In ventura county oxnard.

40 minutes south of Santa Barbara

>> No.8852650

Might sound like I'm fucking with you but Walmart has a $7 red wine that's won like 30 different awards
Start with that. If you don't like it try others.

Worked as a sommelier's assistant for 3 years and in that time I've learned categorically that a wine's price is in no way related to its quality.

>> No.8852653

I will drink anything mostly so it should be fine.

I have sunk so low to drink colt 45 before.

What is it called?

>> No.8852654


It's a Malbec by La Moneda Reserva


>> No.8852666

I grew up in Oxnard. Then I moved back and lived there for a few years. You should probably leave.

>> No.8852674

Yeah I know I know.

I grew up in rose park

This place is turning into a bigger shithole by the year.

More houses less road work more people.

>> No.8853506

Tensley makes some great syrah and it's not far from you

Quality is high enough that people who know wine won't sneer at it at all, but it's very approachable and user-friendly

>> No.8853510

Drink it until you're drunk.

>> No.8853606

hehheheeh yeah indulging yourself in alcohol without self control makes you MANLY!!! who cares that women are extreme alcoholics too, it's MANLY!

what's truly manly is being like Trump and avoiding alcohol temptation.

>> No.8853607

or read the man page nigga

>> No.8853609

that's the sulfites

>> No.8853618

>other people can only have preferences identical to mine.

>> No.8853623

More like Helen of Troy

>> No.8853628

4chan has a resentment against xkcd because they've made fun of them a couple times.

>> No.8853681

Drink your first glass.

Congrats. Now you like the rest of it regardless of what kind it is.

>> No.8853692

>le sulfites maymay
I suppose you believe msg causes migraines too

>> No.8853730

>doesn't know how consumer cars work and that clearly nobody outside of NASCAR or f1 is gonna buy that on an imageboard, also doesn't realize all consumer hybrids are for metrosexual hipsters who roll one pant leg halfway up

>> No.8853746

Don't pretend there isn't a difference between $7 and $25 wine because you're a cute little penny pincher. Everyone in my family keeps multiple bottles of varying quality, but nobody uses $7 wine for anything but cooking because we know vinegar when we taste it. Not saying go for the $50 over the $25 but quality does change and there's a point where shit wine is shit wine.

>> No.8853754

You sound like a faggot

>> No.8853760

No, I do believe that the additional sulfites used to mix different batches of wine effectively into one bottle contribute to the severity of a hangover.

>> No.8853767

I like beer and dark chocolate. Neither take a sophisticated tongue to appreciate. I don't harass people for not having similar tastes. Sounds like you're projecting insecurities about masculinity. The only person who thinks you're a bitch for not drinking beer is you.

>> No.8853807

your mom mixes different batches of my old cum into her smoothies every morning

the labeling on the bottle is worthless, you can get >10 PPM s02 on your fucking homebrew

>> No.8853868

Do Scottish girls really look like this?

>> No.8853875
File: 37 KB, 500x611, 1486301391139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wine imitates the uncultured.

>> No.8854897
File: 582 KB, 403x624, wine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i bought this at the dollar store

myfitness pal said it had 200 calories per 3 oz

>> No.8855565

>I do believe
Well it must be true, then. That settles it, all urban legends are true because anon believes.

>> No.8855569

For a poor channers the difference between a $7 wine and a $25 wine might as well be the difference between $25 and $50 because $7 is all they've got

inb4 I had expensive wine once and it was yucky. Was that before or after you threw a tantrum because there were vegetables on your plate?

>> No.8855599
File: 138 KB, 200x500, steelies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sunk so low
>colt 45

Man colt is like the nectar of the gods compared to this stuff. Colt is actually kind of pricy where i live, sometimes i will splurge on it for that sweet corn taste. Cheaper to buy a ton of pabst or something.

>> No.8855613


>the ancient greeks
>the romans

You're Fucked in the Head

>> No.8855630

They were textbook numales.

>> No.8856496

>one pant leg rolled up
>being a disgusting cager
pick one

>> No.8856510


>lived in the old times

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8856529

Nope it is piss water.

>> No.8856533

Many of my female cohorts have suddenly fallen in love with wine. They're all in their upper 20s, and they suddenly all developed a "taste" for it, and they go out every weekend to the local vineyard to get sloshed. I think it's a status thing. When women hit a certain age, they feel they gotta start liking wine.

>> No.8856561

I honestly just wanna try something different.

And eat tons of dry meats and cheese while I drink it.