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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8831127 No.8831127 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy 1L of whiskey and a 6 pack of tallboys
>Cashier says "changing it up today?"

>> No.8831134

wew lad

>> No.8831146
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If I was your cashier, the only thing I would have said is "How's it going today?" and your total. Unfortunately, the bonding-with-your-customer mentality is incredibly pervasive. I cannot wait for self checkouts to replace 95% of cashiers, it's an outdated job.

>> No.8831154

I wouldn't have paid and I'd drop my shit, and immediately leave if a cashier tried to talk to me, I hate it when they feel the need to impose ANYTHING against

Fucking assholes

>> No.8831172

>I hate it when they feel the need to impose ANYTHING against

They don't. They're being friendly. But you are broken so this bothers you.

>> No.8831254

Not that anon but the cashier in OP is not being friendly. He's acknowledging OP's alcoholism and passive aggressively trying to make a conversation out of it.

There's nothing that can be read in the cashier's remark other than it being mean spirited.

>> No.8831269
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>buy twelve cans of beer
>"Party tonight?"
>respond by saying every night's a party for me

If I didn't laugh it up I'd probably cry.

>> No.8831339

>I'm autistic and I hate social interaction

>> No.8831541

>buy 1.75L of everclear
>cashier says "see you later"

>> No.8831548

Where do you think you are?

>> No.8831560

xe wanted to fuk

>> No.8831623

>buy bag of candy
>cashier says "don't eat that all at once"
>eat it all at once

>> No.8831648

>There's nothing that can be read in the cashier's remark other than it being mean spirited.

Your mind is totally fucked.

>> No.8831686

>buy several 4lokos
>"oh you're getting crazy tonight huh?"
>"t-thanks, you too"

>> No.8831694

Being agressive =/= being mean spirited
Sometimes people are mean for good reasons

>> No.8831738

What's with all the frogposting aspie threads today/this week? Is it the same shitposting faggot?

>> No.8831824
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>buy booze
>"wow you don't look 25"

>> No.8831844

>tfw baby faced, but drink, smoke, and gamble.

With pleasure brings pain.

>> No.8831852
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people are so rude

>> No.8831860

>not going to multiple liquids stores per week so you don't look like an alcoholic

>> No.8831861
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>they call the manager over and then have him look at your ID

>> No.8831864
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>walk into liquor store
>before i can say anything the cashier already has a pint of vodka on the counter

>> No.8831872
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>> No.8831877

>order a shitload of Chinese delivery
>driver comes to door and says incredulously in thick accent "this ALL for you?"
It is.

>> No.8831957


>> No.8832049

good 'go 'za

>> No.8832051

Do American cashiers really do this?
In my country everyone minds their own business.

>> No.8832067
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Spotted the finn

The casheird are usualy being friendly and trying to start a conversation and the autiists cant handle it

>> No.8832076

why tho

it takes less than 1 minute to ring some stuff up i wasn't planning on making a new lifelong friend in the meantime

>> No.8832089

Exactly, I'm down for normal banter, just dont make me discuss my alcoholism

>> No.8832112

I had to order this much because you won't deliver unless I spend £10 or more!

>> No.8832137

Chuckled furiously.

t: finn

>> No.8832152

good 'go 'za

>> No.8832167

>t. Finn
I liked Woodface the best. It was pretty good.

>> No.8832184

>I don't need to see your ID, you come here every day

bitch no I don't I rotate between three liquor stores specifically to avoid this kind of rhetoric

>> No.8832207

Hey, man.

In Finland it's a crowded house if there's more than one.

>> No.8832209

Always take the weather with you my friend.

>> No.8832222

Can I marry you?

I'd make eggs benedict with champagne every morning.

>> No.8832225
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>> No.8832230

Quads confirm well be together alone.

>> No.8832232
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*human approaches*

>> No.8832251

Fuck, dude. All the gets for us.

So what do you do?

>> No.8832260

Listen to a lot of Crowded House evidently.
I never imagined anyone would get that Finn/ Woodface reference.

>> No.8832275

I'm a schizoid not an autist. Get it right

>> No.8832287

Welp, nothing wrong with that.

We're bound to run into each other in the end, especially on 4chan with many like-minded people posting.

>> No.8832292
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Y'all need to meet senpais

>> No.8832312

I will now be dropping veiled crowded house references into my posts from this day on.
If you see one make sure you use the t. Finn suffix in your reply.

>> No.8832320

Yes, chef.

>> No.8832333


>> No.8832380

>Are you suuuuuure you're 21???


>> No.8832398

>be 24
>buy liquor
>never get carded
>people say I look in my 40s

>> No.8832422

>be fat
>order pizza
>cashier says "sorry for the weight"

>> No.8832424

>got actually carded once
>"oh you look so much older"
Thanks, cunt

>> No.8832438


>> No.8832487

tell me something I don't know

>> No.8832492
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There's always a lot of frogs on this board. You just didn't start noticing until recently.

>> No.8832506
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Fuck, I know that feel. Within one week of starting my shitty retail job I went from being worried I look too young to being worried I look to old. All because 2 different people told me they thought I was 40, and one told me I looked older than I was.

>> No.8832519

Fuck I need to move to Finland

>> No.8832522

Glad to hear I'm not alone then.

What kind of job? Are you like a charcutier in a big market or something?

>> No.8832542
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Maybe she works every 3 days?

>> No.8832546

Nah, instore Geek Squad.

I'm fully aware it's a total meme job, I only went for it because I couldn't get a real job and my dad recommended it to me. I'm superstitious like that.

>> No.8832549

I can't tell if that dog wants to hump me or blackmail me.

>> No.8832585


Better stick to it for a little while then until you find a better one, yes?

>> No.8832605

>Dis arr for yuu?!

>> No.8832608

No joke, a guy I went to a beer festival with got ID'd 3 times to get in. Even then the lady who checked his ID said he looked 14.

>> No.8832613
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>> No.8832782

>twelve cans of beer

>> No.8832790

people know about tim finn outside this country?
t. kiwi

>> No.8832813

>have beard
>look 26 or 27 and never get carded
>no beard
>get carded everytime

>> No.8832818

>be 30
>be asian
>cant grow facial hair
>get carded for cigarettes

>> No.8832819

That is normal

>> No.8832837

Is it? I have a bit of a baby face without the beard and being fat doesn't help.

>> No.8832846

>get 101 wild turkey, always
>2 handles for the week
>see now handle of 101
>indian says, "will be in stock monday"
and now i have to switch it up. fuck

>> No.8832850

thats p good. years of alcoholism and now im seeing my face age. its like ive skipped 30 and onto 40 now. youll miss the baby face

>> No.8832852

>have a bit of a baby face without the beard
>confused why he looks younger without beard

lose some weight you disgusting unshaven fat cunt

>> No.8832869

i actually regressed to looking younger again when i went down from 100kg to 70kg. im a 172cm 26 yr old with baby blue eyes who cant grow a beard. a decade of drinking is finally beginning to show its mark though, even if im trying to get healthy now.

>> No.8832870

No need to be rude nigger.

>> No.8832871

>get my beers
>forgot I had a coupon

>> No.8832880

Sorry, you might not be disgusting you unshaven fat cunt. I'll check myself next time.

>> No.8832901

>I'm an baby and need constant attention no matter how superficial and forced

>> No.8832906

this thread is very good

>> No.8832987


I bet youd love to eat here.

>> No.8833003

You saved a coupon, now you have beer and a coupon for more beer.

>> No.8833036
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I ate basically 4-5 different food items 85% of the time, the rest is sides, condiment, or a snack whatever. I also buy the cheapest store brand (the price goes up from double ad infinitum otherwise) and since they're small packages, I have to buy many and often, since I don't have much space in my backpack and don't drive or whatever.
Anyways, this cashier, fat make-up-ed grimace lady, made a comment once about how I always bought 8 packs of cottage cheese. I avoid her like plague from then, and always make sure cycle the cashiers at least twice before going to the same one again.
Fucking mouthy cunts, making me more self-conscious and more hyper aware.

>> No.8833041

I knew I was drinking too much when the chick at my liquor store started remembering my name and putting me in for the rewards program without my prompting.
t.autistic future school shooter, I hope I don't live near you

>> No.8833065


>> No.8833086
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>empty line has a qt cashier
>go to one of the longer ones
>qt cashier sees all this happen

>> No.8833109
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>cashier at the liquor store remembers me from high school

>> No.8833116

>anon writes green text with obvious alternate version
>waits so it looks like someone else writes the retort

Just post your fiction together

>> No.8833121

I don't know what you're referring to.

>> No.8833135

You were going to write a greentext from the cashiers point of view but now you won't because it is obvious it is you.

>> No.8833145

I'm not sure who should be laughing at who here

>> No.8833148

wow, you got me, detective autism. On to the next case now. I hear there's murmurs of a girl posting over on r9k that might not be a girl.

>> No.8833162

I do it for free as well anon.

>> No.8833166

At least they have a job.

>> No.8833175
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>> No.8833189
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I'm only an amateur Bono, but I give what I can. Now let's start work on that shemale case.

>> No.8833204

Tim Finn is Australian you cunt

>> No.8833218

Fuck off you aussie cunt, your kind are only good for working in UK pubs.

>> No.8833220

>buy a six pack of beer most evenings on the way home from work
>there are five different stores that are fairly convenient
>go to a different store each day of the week
>starting to feel paranoid that they know i'm going to different stores every day
>have to start going to less convenient stores
>buying larger quantities of beer at the grocery store when i do my regular shopping
>why the fuck am i so concerned about gas station clerks knowing i'm an alcohol?

>> No.8833244

>buy booze from liquor store near a university
>never get carded
>buy booze from liquor store in my small hometown
>get carded every time
hmmm, really makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.8833248

i.i..iii..iiiis that pineapple on a chicago "pizza"

when will the madness in. At this moment I get it, ISIS wanting us dead all makes sense now in this moment

>> No.8833255

holy shit, this level of projection could be used for 10 IMAX theaters

>> No.8833265

MFW when the liquor store has a special section of the minifridge at the counter for me labeled with my first and last name since I've come in nearly every morning for 7 years to get a sleeve of 10 fireball at 9am and another sleeve at 5pm

Usually end up chit chatting with them for about 10-20 minutes each morning and afternoon

One day I went 3 days without coming in and they called the police to do a welfare check on me lol

>> No.8833276

New guy at the liquor store told me he didn't need to see my ID after his first week because he recognized me.

>> No.8833287

This is a believable story, I imagine you charged to the counter screeching about having ID?

>> No.8833296

No, I just have it ready whenever I buy booze so they don't have to gawk at me and ask for it?

>> No.8833307

But you were at this store enough to know it was a new guy? And still had your ID ready? In a store you go to all the time?

>> No.8833309

Yes, because even though half the time they recognize me it's easier for them to just scan the card than authorize a "no id needed" check
Why is this such a strange concept to you?

>> No.8833318

>"no id needed" check

This. wtf is this? Registers here just have a confirm age dialogue and the cashier presses yes. You don't need a blood test and birth certificate? Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.8833323

Liquor stores are state owned and operated where I live, so for them to override the ID check they have to punch in their own personal code.

>> No.8833333

Numerous states have a requirement to physically inspect the ID for every single alcohol transaction....even if you are clearly 90

e.g. tennessee

The ABC will literally send in a person who is 70 and if you don't ID them, you lose your license and get fined

>> No.8833335

What card would they scan? Do you have government issued id cards?

>> No.8833339


Witnessed and recognized

>> No.8833388

Yeah, drivers licenses have little barcode-thingies on them, have for years

>> No.8833405

I imagined it was a drivers license since you yanks are mad for driving everywhere (I'm aware of logistical difficulties in a massive country so don't get your knickers in a twist). Still, a random shop being able to scan it is a bit spooky. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

>> No.8833411

All it does is slap your DoB into the system and verifies it's a valid drivers license, and not a fake.

>> No.8833412

>live in a college town so they card everyone regardless of age
I hate this place sometimes desu

>> No.8833420
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And tells the guberment where you are and what you are doing. Land of the free indeed.

>> No.8833421

Yeah, if their food is good.

>> No.8833450

The government doesn't have the logistics to retain or use all of that information, at least not yet. Other forms of ID that don't scan are also accepted, like a passport.

>> No.8833466



>or use

maybe, but your serial number is stored and every use of it can be retrieved and you are a fucking moron if you think otherwise.

>> No.8833467

It doesn't really verify that it's a real license; the barcode is pitifully easy to fake. It just has the data on the license encoded on it (name, DOB, address, ht/wt). Any fake ID that someone put any amount of effort into will have a "valid" barcode on the back. Obviously if a cop in-state runs the license they wont show up in the system but you'd be stupid to use a fake ID from the same state you're in.

t. someone who was a year younger than all of his friends

>> No.8833543

At least you get points and rewards now

>> No.8833551


>> No.8833568

I smiled

>> No.8833579

Former liquor store employee/raging alcoholic reporting in.

It's the cashier's way of trying to be awkwardly friendly because they know you're a raging drunk. What he really wants to ask is
>If you're going to drink yourself to death, why do you drink this swill?

>> No.8833583
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>> No.8833585

Thanks, I honestly stole the joke from reddit earlier and want to kill myself because of it

>> No.8833598

Simpsons did it so you are fine

>> No.8833612


>> No.8833624

>tennessee liquor laws

I know, right? I live several counties south of tennessee in MS but occasionally make the drive to Memphis for the asian markets, whole foods and the brew store. One time I stopped into a liquor store where the clerk was behind bullet proof glass and I had to put my id (i'm old enough to be the pimple faced clerk's father, btw) and money into one of those bank drive through window type tray dispensers and they put your id, change and jar of liquor in the sliding tray and shoved it back out to you. Fucking surreal. I thought we had it bad in bumfuck MS, but you guys, not to be rude, really suck ass.

>> No.8833766
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>go to self checkout because i'm an autist who doesn't want to talk
>just have two items
>four self checkout stations
>one broken
>one has an incredibly slow old lady
>will inevitably ask for help because she can't do anything herself
>one has a black lady shuffling through 20 coupons so they can get 20 cents off their shampoo
>will inevitably ask for help because they can't figure out how to use them on the self checkout machine
>final station has group of asian college students with a cart full of 20 different types of produce that they will have to weigh and manually enter the numbers for
>will inevitably ask for help when the finnicky machine freaks out
>takes five minutes for one of them to finish
>meanwhile the regular checkout lines are pushing people through in like two minutes

if it going to fucking take you more than 60 seconds to get through self checkout then you shouldn't be doing self checkout. if you have enough shit that you had to get a shopping cart instead of a basket then you shouldn't be doing self checkout. if you're over the age of 50 you shouldn't be doing self checkout.

>> No.8833811

One thing that really gets on my tits is people who scan things and put them down. The fucking bags are right in front of them but they have to scan everything, pay and THEN put it into bags. I fucking hate them. PUT YOUR SHIT IN THE BAG FIRST YOU CUNT

>> No.8833854
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See you tomorrow Hugh.

>> No.8833865

Need to rid yourself of a perishing thirst sometimes.

>> No.8833923


>he's never had 'ple 'go 'za

>> No.8833939

I prefer 'nap

'ple isn't catchy enough

'nap 'go 'za

>> No.8833948

why is the mustard behind the counter?

>> No.8833962

Because that is the UK and French things are frowned upon.

>> No.8833971

Read the sign
"No 18?no sale!(of assault dijon mustard)

>> No.8833981

"you need variety when your life is in shambles"

I like self deprecating humor even if it's not accurate

>> No.8833995


People do this because most self checkouts will flip the fuck out if you put your reusable bag on the bagging area. The machine thinks you're literally Hitler and starts blaring a siren while then lights all go red, and a recorded voice starts screaming for every employee to converge on your location because there's a mysterious 200g item in the bagging area, and it needs four employees with unique keys to all turn them at the same time, and then retina scan the CEO of the company who has to fly in and manually enter a forbidden code that has been otherwise lost to time so the machine will let you continue scanning your items.

>> No.8834041

>big store
>favorite items
>talkative cashier
>long line
>awkward moment
>uncomfortable experience
>regular visitor

>> No.8834044

Really, all the ones I go to have an option to say using your own bag and then you can put it on and it takes the bags weight into account. Maybe you live somewhere with more thieves so extra precautions are taken.

>> No.8834209

Kek. While your diatribe was humorous and witty, like another anon said you can't really blame the store. Hell, there have been a number of scumbags on this board even who have admitted to scamming the self checks.

I have to admit I got pissed the other day when in nignog town doing self scan and there was only one bag rack so you put your item in the bag, wait until it registers and then remove the bag when it's full and put it in your cart and continue scanning other items. After I fill my first bag, put it in the cart and start scanning some other shit, this fatass nignog bitch gets in my face saying, "you cain't put dat bag in yo caht until you'se done wid all yo' items." So I look at her and ask, "just where am I supposed to put the full bag so I can continue scanning?" Her response? "You jus' not s'pose to, dat's all." I just laughed and kept filling my bags and putting them in the cart while she hovered over me, and Tyrone and Shaneeka on the other register got away with $300 worth of merchandise free.

>> No.8834268


Bruh I've been to this chain on the east coast called Martins, and they'll actually give you a damn wireless bar code scanner and you just scan your items as you put them in the cart. At the end, you just place the scanner into a dock at self-checkout, and it brings up your total, you pay it, and walk right out. If you were using your own bags for the trip, it's the greatest grocery experience in the world, even if they are just another Raley's/Ralph's.

Interestingly, I think Martins was recently bought out by Food Lion, which is garbage.

>> No.8834309

Damn, that's convenient. I have a feeling that's a long way away for us here in bumfuck backwater, though.

>> No.8834310

Wild Turkey in a whiskey sour is life.

>> No.8835041

>buy food at meat counter
>clerk says: "dont you want to change it up today?"

>buy groceries
>cashier I see fairly often says: "see you tomorrow"

>buy groceries
>clerk says: "I like your new haircut!"

Everything that happened to me the last few months. It's a bit weird, I don't think thus happens to many customers.
There's also a qt cashier, I like when she talks to me.

What are they doing?

>> No.8835167

Or any normal fucking country you shitted obese fucking burger

>> No.8835557

>my superior intellect demands that you plebeians not speak to me unless given permission

>> No.8835796

>go to shop to buy gin as usual
>girl at the till says see you tomorrow
Fucking humiliating

>> No.8835808

>buy 10L of boxed wine
>"having a big party tonight?"

>> No.8835942

>chocolate on sale
>walk three miles to store
>sunburned, hungover, sweating
>buy four pounds
>cashier says "I guess you must really like chocolate, huh"

>> No.8836001

Not an argument.

>> No.8836027


I've never stolen from stores intentionally but I do think I have accidentally taken stuff before. Usually because I scan too many things too quickly, then have to pull everything off the weight checker to try and fix it but then I'm dumping paid items into my cart full of unpaid stuff. It's only once or twice that it's happened but inevitably something gets buried and I left without paying for it.

Also I think the hypersensitive weight checkers are completely retarded simply because they distract whoever is suppose to be watching all the checkout stations. There's nothing to stop anyone from grabbing a bag and just loading up unpaid goods and dumping it in their cart if the cashier isn't looking.

>> No.8836035

>THe pressure of Hello and Goodbye is too much for you

Pathetic, also GOOD 'GO 'ZA