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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.03 MB, 1920x1080, you just know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8830927 No.8830927 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is drowning in pussy right? How does he do it when he spends his whole video getting covered in food and talking with his mouth full?
Or does an interest in food just get girls wet?
Anyone ever gotten laid because of their love of food?

>> No.8830935
File: 80 KB, 541x960, 13382197_10206367346958372_457965788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever gotten laid because of me cooking food, not "because of my love of food".

>> No.8830942
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1080, thanks boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what is the Food Ranger's secret? We all know the real point of this channel is him bleaching every Asian out there.

>> No.8831004
File: 666 KB, 807x500, eat it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it is his huge head, or hairy forearms

>> No.8831010



>> No.8831020
File: 82 KB, 554x264, no poo for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And look at that fucking darky pajeet knowing he isnt getting ANY

>> No.8831058


goddamn it anon, now I'm hard as fuck and I don't have the opportunity to do anything about it.

>> No.8831067

If this is what good food can do for a woman I want to know how to communicate my interest properly

>> No.8831073
File: 902 KB, 1048x587, hungry for more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot critical image

>> No.8831086


He's too much of a beta pussy to be "drowning in pussy". He's such a submissive little bitch, and every Chink he meets will get the first impression that American "men" are little bitch ass punks, like him.

I watched a vid where he let some Chink bitch in his cooking class make fun of him for his shitty Chink accent and he didn't do a g'damn thing. A bitch. Calling him out for being a bitch.


Regardless, he shows exactly how fucking nasty real Chink food is, so all the Chink fans can get stuffed.

>> No.8831091

Where the fuck is that vid - watching this guy FINALLY get cucked would make me so hard

>> No.8831101


No clue.

He's in a cooking class with a bunch of other Chinks.

>> No.8831106
File: 619 KB, 782x397, help yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we see the poon ranger in his natural habitat
Hoovering up low quality chinks, like he hoovers up street food

>> No.8831186
File: 868 KB, 920x468, very funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More sad Indians, looking on at the foolish white man, lowering himself to such ugly whores.

>> No.8831201

He is the 3/10 Hoover, Hoovering up all the 3/10-4/10s

>> No.8831219
File: 94 KB, 445x209, coincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the left girl looks like a vampire
Still jealous, one day I wanna get my poon ranger licence, just like him.

>> No.8831226

Who the fuck knows, but I got grapefruited once. It was alright.

>> No.8831235
File: 148 KB, 1177x577, mutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt it sting?
gets cuked in this one by a piece of meat

>> No.8831270

Damn that's a lotta durians

>> No.8831345
File: 176 KB, 1180x647, SatisfiedCustomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 u

>> No.8831381


combine knowledge of food and money to pay for it and you will be swimming for your life in fizzy knicker juice rapids

>> No.8831452

h i - t e s t

>> No.8831499

left isn't cute, just skinny. Right is the ugliest you can be while still being cute

>> No.8831555

how are people with hairy arms in food service not required to wear some version of those weird goatee caps on them

>> No.8831570

I only watch his videos with the volume muted because I cannot fucking STAND the way he always goes "MMMMMMMMMMM :)" after EVERY FUCKING BITE.

ChuChu is cute as fuck though and the main reason I watch his vids. You think she lets him finger her butthole?

>> No.8831585

Don't be gross, anon.

>> No.8831591

I think she fingers him but they're both cringy because of the relentless MMMMMM and it comes right after they put the spoon in their mouth they don't even bite and give it time

>> No.8831886
File: 25 KB, 400x400, Mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dislike that, you are going to HATE this - China cuck and the living skeleton.
Watch in horror as the annoying MMMMMM fuses with Mark's repulsive skull twisting reaction

>> No.8831912

Also shows the food ranger is a massive fucking faggot who cant handle spice, or anything he cant recognise. Also despite the fact he makes a thing out of his Chinese, I can only imagine it took him forever to learn, as he can't even manage the most basic fucking Thai phrases

>> No.8831915


fuck no not MARK "DEAD EYES" WIENS thanks anon now I won't be able to fall asleep tonight

i get this pedo vibe from mark, he definitely touches little thai boys

>> No.8831926

He has a wife and son, but despite her cute attitude, she seems to be used largely as a save for the camera

>> No.8831952

>searching for Kung Pao recipe on jewtoob
>see this faggot go into a dirty ass Chink restaurant kitchen "Oh what a nice kitchen!"
>watch as chinks prepare meal with their nasty hands while cross contaminating pretty much everything
>dipshit proclaims "MMMM great gungbao jingding!" with his stupid try hard Chink accent

I like how he thinks everything is so great despite the fact he eats mostly poverty tier cuts of meat that's simply slathered in disgusting amounts of chili oil.

>> No.8831962

*slave I mean

>> No.8831968

I have never seen a food ranger rating lower than a 7. The man actually has no taste, he just eats a load of street food. When was the last time he went to an actual decent restaurant?

>> No.8831985

Her instagram is @chuchuchu0929 if you want to know more

>> No.8831986

Couldn't tell ya.

I bailed after watching a couple szechuan vids as I couldn't stand watching or listening to the fucker.

Why is it that most jewtoobers are either bitches attention whoring their tits and ass, or beta males trying to be as submissive and non-threatening as they possibly can?

I guess normal people don't feel the need for the attention or some shit.

>> No.8831991

Yeah but he definitely is a degenerate pedophile regardless. its all in the eyes.

I wish there was a behind the scenes video of him violently shitting from the countless noro-viruses he must contract in the backyard gutters of a "local hotspot" while he goes "MMMMMMM" with a half smile half grunt of pain

>> No.8831995

She actually seems sweet, and likes lizards

>> No.8832002

Meanwhile in China:


>> No.8832004

>so fragrant
>look at the chili oil

>> No.8832033

Now for a good street food channel, where the maker seems to get 0 pussy
But the videos are nice and give a good feel of the place

>> No.8832240
File: 190 KB, 814x1088, qtranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832442

>Anyone ever gotten laid because of their love of food?

My cooking has literally gotten me laid on several occasions. Girls like a guy who can cook stuff more impressive than pasta and chicken breasts.

>> No.8832472

Even /ck/ would call him a retard.

He gave up a scholarship in some international business masters program to attend some shitty Chinese culinary art school.

Also, his real Chinese girlfriend isn't even that cute or hot.

>> No.8832482

Mark Weins does the same thing.

How the fuck are these 2 faggots so popular when they eat in such an annoying way?

The only food vlogger I can tolerate in small amounts is that Ericsurf6 guy.


His bamboo video is my favorite.

>> No.8832493

has no one mentioned the fact that he's a white guy in china?

you could fart uncontrollably and get a wet dick as a white guy in china.

>> No.8832698

I remember having a good chuckle when I saw this upload considering their personalities

>> No.8832709

Girls like that you are confident, have a skill, and fill the silence with activity or talking. It just so happens cooking fills those criteria