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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8829280 No.8829280 [Reply] [Original]

Who /pickyeater/ here?
I've been an extremely picky eater all my life, I don't use condiments, I don't like sauces, I don't like any fish or seafood aside from calamari, and I eat hotdogs and hamburgers with nothing on them just the meat and bun.
I'm trying to branch out and eat more but it's hard, I can't make myself like something that tastes like shit to me. I couldn't even eat fried rice or blackened chicken until I was 27
I'm not the only one am I?

>> No.8829284

How the fuck can you like calamari but nothing else?
Squid is shit tier seafood

>> No.8829295

Just can't do it man, I've tried a bunch of different fish, lobster, crab, can't eat more than a couple bites of any of it. Hell I can't even eat spaghetti if there's sauce on it.

>> No.8829329

Don't take this the wrong way, but... are you on the spectrum?

>> No.8829335

Nope. Have a wife and two kids and a masters degree.

>> No.8829364

I'm not that picky but I absolutely can't eat mussels, eggplant, raisins, licorice, blue cheese, pork belly and maybe a few other things I can't remember right now.

Since it's not much I don't see a reason to change that. Everybody dislikes something right?

>> No.8829392

you could have all that and be somewhere on the spectrum. i'm not saying full blown autism.

>> No.8829394

That's not normal, though it's unhealthiness is debatable. If you feel you're not getting proper nutrition because of it, then go to therapy. If you feel fine about it and your doctor says you're fine, then don't worry about it.

My autistic son, who is in OT for (among other things) his picky eating, eats more variety than you, and he's really fucked up.

>> No.8829399

Not liking sauce in general(that you didn't make yourself) is understandable since it's reserved for people who enjoy semen in their food. Seafood on the other hand is retard. You're missing out.

>> No.8829407

Do you have a sensory processing disorder? Do you find that certain fabrics, etc. bother you but nobody else?

>> No.8829427

I'm tolerant of everything, more so than most people it seems like.
Autism has nothing to do with being a picky eater though.

>> No.8829988

Typicall spergs
I fucking hate spergs. They are so stupid and call themself "high funcionable autist"
Pfff kys

>> No.8830010
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>everything is autism

You sure showed him. Way to go!
Here, have a star shaped foil sticker, you earned it!

>> No.8830016

I was a really picky eater up until my dad died and suddenly i had to take care of his garden, so i stopped being a little bitch and ate all the vegetables he planted and never looked back

>> No.8830077

Those are things commonly dissliked by a large percentage oh westerners. You have nothing to worry about.

>> No.8830105

You know what you have to do, OP.

Kill your dad.

>> No.8830142

This is a obviously sperg behavoir
Stop lying urself
I bet you dont even know is living with a "mild" sperg

>> No.8830210

You have autis. But you are probably tall , white and average looking. Your wife is probably some basic bitch who cares more about fitting in than personality.

>> No.8830225

This is what happens when you get vaccinated your whole life.

>> No.8830337

Right here, tried cooking rice the other night and it sucked, although i'm a shitty cook. Been meaning to get better at cooking in general, but i'm just so picky and i hate the idea of spending money on something i might end up not eating

>> No.8830397

I was a really picky eater as a kid and still am a bit (25 now) but i've gotten a lot better. I enjoy trying most new things now but i still stay clear of a lot of shit.

I still don't even like ketchup.

>> No.8830398

only westerners like licorice

>> No.8830404
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>I eat hotdogs and hamburgers
pick one

>> No.8830411

Ketchup is disgusting trash made for babies, anyone who says otherwise has no fucking tastebuds

>> No.8830414

I just don't like iceberg lettuce, mustard, or raw onions on pretty much anything.

Beyond that I am not really much of a picky eater.

>> No.8830653
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>Autism has nothing to do with being a picky eater though.

>> No.8830656

Oops she's like desperately praying, thought it was a snicker. All autists are picky eaters though, so you can't deny a correlation

>> No.8830772

I think its revolting

>> No.8830774

I don't think that I will ever like cheese and mushrooms.

>> No.8830837
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If your objective is to be loathed by everyone you encounter, you're succeeding admirably. Perhaps consider suicide?

>> No.8830851

Aside from some Icelandic dishes I'll try anything once.

The only things I don't like are milk (not lactose intolerant, just can't stand the taste) and mushy peas.

>> No.8831468

>needing condiments on your food
Fucking lol, you literally have a shit taste buds if you need to add disgusting unhealthy shit to enjoy your food.

>> No.8831480

Which ones?

I had cured puffin there and some raw whale. I liked both.

I think I eat just about anything. I don't particularly care for horseradish, though.

>> No.8831483

It's because it's deep fried

>> No.8831487
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>> No.8831490

I'm fine with anything, but I absolutely hate most candy. I only have a bite or two of most desserts, even if I really enjoy them. Stuff like caramel eggs, Reese's cups, or snickers makes me sick to think about.

>> No.8831491

Reminds me of that guy on Tosh.0 where the only thing he ate was BK chicken fries and threw an autistic shitfit when they were discontinued.

>> No.8831494

That wasn't the question.
You sound mildly autistic.

>> No.8831510

I used to be like you OP. In my early years I would only eat spaghettios, bananas, and cheerios. As I grew older I liked everything plain. However, I was sick of my taste alienating me from my family's meals.
Just buy a food you don't like or a condiment you cant stand and use it in every way you can. If you approach food gamely instead of assuming you won't like it like a bitch, your pallette will adjust. Keep an open mind and set goals to at least get used to a food at a time.

Now there is very little I don't like and I am much better for it.

>> No.8831516

(((You))) must be a blast at parties.

If you're a picky eater it just shows me that you don't want to open your mind to new things and are therefore a boring loser.

>> No.8831519

How would you account for this as a social trend?
Like, why are there suddenly people in their 30s and 40s doing this?

>> No.8831523

A friend and I work with autistic people (shit job by the way) and with 100 different autisits between us that had 1 thing in common: extremely picky eaters.

Short answer as to way is because the autistic live in their own little world and i do me little. They eat the same small variety of foods, one kid only eats plain burgers, pickles from the jar that have the bird on them and carrots. OP may not be full blown autistic like the people I see but if he is an adult and his taste is still infantile he could very well be high functioning autistic.

>> No.8831525

100% aspie dont deny it

>> No.8831530

Fuck milk man, that shit is so gross

>> No.8831543
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you're a dumb faggot I'd ask you if you were my cousin Shawn if he hadn't died two years ago

>> No.8831557
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>had kids

>> No.8831577
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Holy fucking shit kek
So many autistic kids on here projecting and making baseless assumptions
Glad I'm not 14 years old anymore

>> No.8831627

What kind of retarded statement is this? Are you literally a 16 year old high school student? There's absolutely zero correlation between the two. It's like if I were to say "Oh wow you like to eat that food? You must also be tons of fun at gay orgies bro!"

>> No.8831651

What foods do you eat

>> No.8831665

Majority of meats, most fruits, a handful of veggies

>> No.8831683

Hmmm. No sauces or condiments though? I'm assuming you stray away from ethnic food as well?

>> No.8831709

Probably this. If you are tall and not hideous, girls will go with you pretty much no matter what just for the status. Even if you have a baby dick, they'll just fuck on the side more than they would anyway.

>> No.8831714

I don't like raisins, but golden raisins are fucking delicious. If textures the problem it won't help, tho.

>> No.8831717
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>I don't eat X Y Z
That's not being a picky eater, that's being a manchild and not eating properly with a varied diet rich in veg

Eat less processed shit and you'll love trying new foods.

>> No.8831722

Post a pic of your bod tubby

>> No.8831746
File: 160 KB, 738x890, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares. No one thinks your cool for regurgitating hipster shit.


>> No.8831768

I have Aspergers and am really picky. The problem is that I don't even know where to start in solving this. I've introduced many new foods throughout the years, but only those that are not disgusting to me. Although I definitely have signs of food neophobia, I think it's sensory issues to blame. Because how the fuck can I eat, for example, fish if even its smell makes me gag?
I'm already a sperglord, but these eating problems make social things even worse. I avoid scenarios where eating out might occur (i. e. doing anything with other people for more than a couple of hours). For this reason I think I gonna work only as a freelancer because I don't want unpleasant things happening during lunch breaks in the workplace.

>> No.8831774


That disgusting looking sheeps head.

Oh and that shark that they leave to rot.

>> No.8831818

I used to be a picky eater but as I got older I started to eat more things. Now I eat nearly everything I used to always avoid.

>> No.8831834

I was vaccinated and I don't have autism? Is it an American thing?

>> No.8831839

Stop being such a cunt

>> No.8831875

I'm on the other end of the spectrum (not in the autism sense), where I'm fine with just about everything (with the exception of shellfish and offal, which is more texture/smell than anything), but nothing further. If you had a gun to my head I wouldnt be able to name a favorite food (or really favorite anything for that matter), rank shit in a top 10, etc.

>> No.8831940

Holy shit, i couldn't live like you. God damn.