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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8827664 No.8827664 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to go try the Starbucks™ Unicorn Frappucino®?

>> No.8827670


Nope. I hate starbucks and everything it stands for.

>> No.8827677

No, I don't support liberal numale organizations. This is why I only buy from places like Dunkin Donuts and Chik-Fil_A. Nice traditional Christian owned franchises

>> No.8827685

What about hooters?
Their pretty liberal.

>> No.8827690

Their wings are decent too.

>> No.8827700

But what about muh liberal numales?

>> No.8827703

How can someone eat so much sugar at once without vomiting is still a mystery. Is that shit full of sodium too?

>> No.8827708
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>liberal numale organization
Starbucks is literally run by cackling supervillains. They're about as liberal as North Korea.

>> No.8827718

I seriously doubt they're in Hooters.
I mean it's a restaurant about tits. Not really a gaiboi's typical place.

>> No.8827720

I'm a liberal... and I eat at hooters.

>> No.8827722

I've never seen people drink a whole Starbucks coffee in one go. They just sip at it over some period of time.

>that one chick in class that comes in with a Starbucks coffee and only takes one sip of it during class.

It's like they buy it just to have the cup on their desk.

>> No.8827731

Well, then you aren't a gaiboi.

>> No.8827742

But I'm bi.... I'd say I enjoy some scrumptious penis every now and then.

>> No.8827757


>> No.8827764

Better than being a a faggot who gets is thong in a knot about Hooters objectifying women.

>> No.8827769

Don't make me suck your dick!

>> No.8827776

I go in to complain to the managers about dress codes and buy wings.
You can protest and eat at the sametime.

>> No.8827781

>off by one
>a homofag
>complains about hooters
I mean you've figured this out by now, I'm sure, but it's time to kill yourself.

>> No.8827782

I burn Bibles while drinking Starbucks and wiping my ass with th American flag. I take more advantage of my freedom than you.

>> No.8827789

I don't know, does it comes with insulin?

>> No.8827793

>It's like they buy it just to have the cup on their desk.

They do.
They might not even like coffee, but a srarbucks cup is basically a fashion accessory at this point and they just need to be seen drinking it.

>> No.8827796

They serve good food. its just I'm not down with their dress code.
Or that they don't employ fat chicks and fat men.

>> No.8827804

K-k-k-k-k-killll yourselffffff.

>> No.8827810

How much sugar is in it? I can't shovel that shit down like I used to.

>> No.8827814

That really explains why the cups are so expensive. The plastic ones that you can reuse, I mean.

>> No.8827822

Someone's easily triggered.

>> No.8827847

I think they'd cost the same amount even if they weren't sb branded.
That being said, I need a new ceramic one, my stainless steel thermos keeps ruining the taste unless I drink it right away.

>> No.8827892

Why must numales drive everything to excess?

>> No.8827897

probably has 3000 calories

>> No.8827900

Wasn't the CEO bragging about how awesome he is for going out of his way to find and hire Syrian refugees? That's pretty libcucky to me, I don't know. Not that I disagree with the organization being shady as fuck on top of that.

>> No.8827909

Iktfb u walked into a star bucks and immedielty hated every single person in the room.

Some white girl with long ass dreads, some pretensions faggots, an overdressed man with his legs crossed tight.

The only one I could stand was the cute cashier.

>> No.8827911

I'm taking advantage of my freedom. You are not.

They're hiring veterans too.

>> No.8827919

Truly. That fagbait actually thought he was being witty and comical but actually just took everything to it's most extreme like an edgy middle schooler trying to fit in.

>> No.8827920

Why must numales drive everything to excess?

>> No.8827926

Excess is freedom.

>> No.8827927

Everyone hires veterans because they make good employees. Also, he was grandstanding about hiring Syrian refugees solely as a response to the attempted travelban, it was done with leftwing politics in mind.

>> No.8827929

>the people who hate freedom are the same people who can't do anything in moderation

That would explain a lot, actually.

>> No.8827933

Wtf is wrong with your life when you think like this? People drink Starbucks because it's everywhere and tastes better than the slop at Dunkin Donuts. I don't drink coffee, but I had to comment since pretending having a coffee cup on your desk is some libcuck fashion accessory is retarded and reeks of insecurity.

>> No.8827953

No thanks, I give enough money to Israel through income taxes

>> No.8827959

Is HuffPost down or something?

>> No.8827968


>> No.8827985

i'll get a dark roast instead. black.

>> No.8827988

>going through life not hating everyone and everything around you for no reason is reddit.

>> No.8827997

Just like your wife's daughter.

>> No.8828003


>> No.8828516

Are we just going to accept blatant advertising now that mcdonalds made it ok?

>> No.8828544

Were people actually mad about this?
>complain that refugees are lazy liabilities who do fuck all and drain money
>complain that they're actually being given oppurtunities to be employed and do something helpful to the ecconomy

>> No.8828554

Because there's tons and tons of unemployed people within their own country.
Why would you purposefully state that you INTEND to hire foreigners JUST to spite the president of another country?
It just reeks of virtue signaling, but on a corporate level, it's disgusting.

>> No.8828797

kek. The right actually thinks this way. It's the same thing when they complain about immigrants opening successful businesses complying with the mantra of capitalism.

>muh, shitskins running a business. No thanks, I'd rather kneck myself than patronize them.

>> No.8828801

Ugh, you reminded me of one closeted faggot that i had as a friend that wanted to fuck me. Pretty sure he wanted to, otherwis he wouldn't have sticked to my ass 12/7. Even if he was a fag he was a good guy and almost as loyal as a dog
>inb4 nice blogpost faggot

>> No.8828804

Them dubs

>> No.8829214

Why are people so insecure about what restaurants they frequent? And at what point did they become political?

>> No.8829221

if you really wanted to make a statement youd burn the pages of the koran, but we all know you are too fucking cowardly to do so

>> No.8829232

>Were people actually mad about this?
Nobody actually gave a shit, they just thought it was a stupid political gimmick, which it was.

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.8829253
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What does it taste like? Skittles?
Il stick with Caramel Frappe and the Mango smoothie. They are cheaper and taste good.

>> No.8829259

kek the dude who owns most of the Dunkin Donuts in my immediate area is a fucking Turkish Muslim sand nig

>> No.8829261

imagine being so shitty at your job that a dude from another country who doesn't even speak your language can steal your job. lmao

>> No.8829271

Staffed by indians? Here in NYC, all the stores iv been to are staffed by indians for some reason.

>> No.8829281


>> No.8829282

I don't get it. What flavor is it and why should I care about it? Is it some kind of gay pride thing? It looks and sounds really gay.

>> No.8829301

Coffee is fucking gross. Anyone who likes drinking coffee probably also likes drinking boiling sewer sludge.

>> No.8829346

Wrong thread?

>> No.8829366

Is this some kind of gay drink or something?
Because I kinda wanna try it, but if it's some limited edition gay drink, I don't want to.

>> No.8829379

Calling coffee gross is always relevant.

>> No.8829421

is ths a gay people thing?
is it like kowing what dick tastes like, you only find out by being a faggot?

>> No.8829520

>not mocha

plebian taste

>> No.8829529

What flavor is it? I'm a flaming faggot so I love all that unicorn bullshit

>> No.8829533

>I dont like thing pls giv me attention!!

>> No.8829542



>> No.8829556

Not into /fit/izens, they're too insufferable even for my taste

The drink is like a creamsicle-y flavor and super sweet, too sweet for anyone over the age of 17 whose name isn't some iteration of Kaitlyn.

>> No.8829574

oh whoops


>> No.8829608

>You're a fucking retard.

You're a fucking /pol/tard. You can go on /pol/ any day, at any time, and see a thread screaming about shitskins running businesses according to the basic principles of Mammon capitalism that we embrace. And here you go again...

>> No.8829619

>Expensive Coffee
>Their black coffee tastes like shit
My own personal opinion of this shit place.

>> No.8829625 [DELETED] 


honestly i've never gone before but i fucking want this. it's so colorful.

>> No.8829667


where would you recommend to go to for better coffee?

>inb4 dunkin donuts

>> No.8829683

Coffee is definitely an acquired taste. I used to feel exactly the same way you did, then I tried drinking the coffee they had at work to help keep my energy up. At first, yeah, it was bitter as fuck and I just barely tolerated it, but after a week or so of drinking a cup every day I guess my senses adjusted to it and it started to taste pretty damn good.

That said, the shit in the OP has more in common with a milkshake than coffee; you'd probably barely even taste it over all the other ingredients.

>> No.8829692
File: 1.02 MB, 632x351, starbucks frappuchino.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk to me till I've had my coffee!

>> No.8829702


For some reason Starbuck's instant coffee tastes better than in store though. My workplace has coffee from there and it tastes better than the bullshit in the store.

>> No.8829704
File: 145 KB, 1000x1000, 484189[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90s nostalgia flavor
No, I will not be trying it because I'm not a child.

>> No.8829710

I'd say black coffee is an acquired taste, coffee flavor mixed with milk and/or sugar tastes really good even if you dislike actual coffee.

It took me months to wean myself off sugar and cream.

>> No.8829716

>literally the same color and pattern, only reversed

holy shit

>> No.8829718

>black coffee is an acquired taste
how can tasteless liquid be an acquired taste

>> No.8829723

>tasteless liquid
have you ever had coffee?

>> No.8829724

It's not tasteless, if all you've ever done is drink sugary shit your whole life, it takes getting used to.
I can't even drink soda anymore it's fucking nasty.

>> No.8829725
File: 278 KB, 500x500, sub-buzz-13692-1464727355-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coffee-flavored confections are the gateway application. Coffee ice cream, coffee chocolates, most of Starbucks' menu.

Those things are never not delicious, and once you've consumed a few sweet, sweet gigacalories of them you're ready for an espresso. That taste hits your tongue, and your brain says "I KNOW THIS FLAVOR" and carpet bombs itself with dopamine.

>> No.8829738

Ingredients: blue sour drizzle, red coloring, mango syrup. You'd probably like it.

>> No.8829746

>ingredients: sugar, sugar, sugar, blue dye #5, sugar

>> No.8829759

and a bit of coffee

>> No.8829781


coffee ice cream is best flavor

>> No.8829784

There's no coffee in that gay purple drink.

If they were more committed to this gay homo frappe, they're make a translucent drizzle sauce with sparkly bits in it like tooth paste.
In fact they could just use actual toothpaste, their customers won't even notice.

>> No.8829792

Starbucks is a worldwide corporation. It's not that crazy to think that they can hire 10,000 refugees when they have over 24,000 stores and there's no time limit. They're still working on the 10,000 veterans promise from 10 years ago.

This isn't a coffee drink. Starbucks sells tea, smoothies, juices, things that aren't coffee. If you want coffee, order one and stop being so fucking passive aggressive about people's choices of digestion.

>> No.8829802

Isn't it a frappe?

Pretty sure that has coffee in it

>> No.8829828

Yes, as are all of the blended drinks.

>> No.8829832

a drink served with ice or frozen to a slushy consistency.

>> No.8829840

Actually it's a Frappuccino.

Are you seriously gonna argue that there's no coffee in those drinks where there obviously is?

>> No.8829865

They're always cute, be then fags or 18 year old girls, they're always attractive

>> No.8829873

people who drink coffee all the time disgust me
I enjoy a cup of good black coffee once and awhile but I'm not some normie dependent on coffee to function

>> No.8829875

It's a "Creme Frappucino"

no coffee. without the food coloring, that drink in OP's pic is completely white, like a vanilla milkshake

>> No.8829877

enjoy your vanadium poisoning

>> No.8829896

I have a vanadium knife, can you elaborate?

>> No.8829898

>stainless steel
>leeches into your drink
>stainless steel has fun things in it like chromium and vanadium and other heavy metals

>> No.8830852

No, I don't want to catch the gay

>> No.8830856
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>> No.8831278

>blue mountain or bob marley
>just make your own

>> No.8831316
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>> No.8831319

>Poz: the drink

>> No.8831323
File: 62 KB, 533x799, egg_8825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't someone make a Hooters but w thiccccc gals? They could call it Udders or something.

>> No.8831371
File: 1.16 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesnt have coffee in it.
It tastes like sour warhead mixxed with a cremesicle.

T starbucks manager literally on my break

>> No.8831425

How much is it?

>> No.8831471
File: 1.97 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in dallas, at least.

>> No.8831502

thanks, eric

>> No.8831506

you first. cy@

>> No.8831509

I tried one. Solid 6/10 pretty underwhelming

>> No.8831531

what is the most absurd order you've ever had, Eric?

>> No.8831576
File: 775 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric was just the person assigned on that register.
Pic related or something similar.

I have a lady that comes in four times a day and gets a trienta ice coffee with 14 pumps of classic,12 pumps vanilla and half the cup full of heavy creme.

>> No.8831584
File: 42 KB, 328x505, 20160626202919_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Aaron, is that the total amount of coffee in the drink at the bottom of that cup?

>> No.8831609

Do you not use your brain?
Yes, that's all the coffee in the drink.

>> No.8831614

Fatty here.
We are a gross race. Why you'd want to have fatties in Hooters uniforms baffles and repulses me.

>> No.8831617

Thanks Jeff, that's what I thought was happening there.

>> No.8831626

It's a concentrate. It tastes awful on its own, smells faintly of fish, and stains your fingers when you get it on you. Which is all the time.

>> No.8831635
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Found this in my inbox. Enjoy, you cucks

>> No.8831679

This is all sugar.
It's not even enjoyable because it's mostly ice and not milkfat.

>> No.8831692

>Do not share with customers.
I'm telling on you senpai

>> No.8831769

What the fuck, the large is cheaper than the medium green tea frappuchinos, the Unicorn seems more absurd to make too

>> No.8831798

>people too uneducated to do anything but die for rich old people
>good employees

I guess they actually are for many jobs, the best employee doesn't question his/her employer.

>> No.8831799

Fatty lover here

If a restaurant employed tastefully chubby and well portioned girls (about 215 lbs would be the maximum) and called it like "Rubenesque" or something I'd definitely eat there. While I do enjoy fatties exceeding that 215 limit, I think around that weight and lower would be about what's socially acceptable without a female looking disgusting to most.

>> No.8831808

This. They're more expensive than milkshakes while being infinitely worse.

>> No.8831911
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Thanks Anon, I'll make this whenever I need to induce vomiting

>> No.8831920


stuff it in your ass

>> No.8831969

>combining your political identity with the food you eat.

>> No.8832011


Starbucks is pure cancer.

>> No.8832015

Serious question, how would you make one of these drinks at home?

My Facebook is currently blowing up with normies saying "UGUGGGH I WISH THIS EXISTED IN OUR COUNTRY"

>> No.8832038

I might try it if my campus star bucks has it desu

>> No.8832325
File: 25 KB, 244x294, 1488967987234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are u a gril

>> No.8832340

First day on /ck/? It's easily 1/3 female posters here

>> No.8832512

>easily 1/3 female posters here

More like "women in mens bodies", rather than actual women, dude.

>> No.8832526
File: 11 KB, 318x313, 1490927988809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know about that one anon

>> No.8832535


I've heard other folks claim it's as high as 1/2.

t. been here all summer

>> No.8832545

Back to /pol/ please.

>> No.8832572

More like Faggucino lmao

>> No.8832579

I just had one. Wasn't bad but wasn't good either. Weirdly sour, kind of gross but aesthetically pleasing

>> No.8832601


>> No.8832602

Back to /reddit/tumblr/instagram/ please.

>> No.8832610


>> No.8832626

>no whip

Whew! I was worried for a second there that it wasn't going to end well.

>> No.8832638

>implying I'm a customer

>> No.8832648

how much does something like this cost?

>> No.8832728

are you a retard? calling someone /pol/ for saying you arent actually a girl if youre a dude.
get real faggot
engage URuGuAY

>> No.8832729
File: 9 KB, 110x177, IMG_0308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy the occasional free trade artisan roasted French press black coffee

>> No.8832736

wasn't this featured in that squatty potty commercial?

>> No.8832914

im ok with this

>> No.8832923

Got one for my 7 year old. She liked it. Me I prefer wet cement