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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8824742 No.8824742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share your edgiest, most contrarian culinary opinions.

>> No.8824769

food sucks

>> No.8824802

pickles on sandwiches suck
raw tomatos are shit on everything, especially sandwiches
sriracha is not a "use for everything" sauce. It's good on some things but that's it.
cabbage in all forms is shit
beer in all forms is shit. cheap stuff tastes like metal, microbrews are for hipster fags.

>> No.8824807

Mashed potatoes suck

>> No.8824814
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Vegetarianism is the next step in human evolution, pic related is one of the most famous vegetarians. It's not so much the ethics, but too much meat is ruining our health.

>> No.8824815

hawaiian pizza is my favorite pizza

>> No.8824817

>vitamin b12

>> No.8824826

>fortified foods

>> No.8824835

Eggs, no matter what method is used to cook them, smell and taste like farts. I can hardly stand to be in the kitchen when someone's making eggs because it smells so fucking awful. They're the only food I do not and never will like.

>> No.8824843

ravioli is disgusting

>> No.8824850

ketchup should be illegal

>> No.8824851

You can get Vitamin B12 from cheese, eggs, and milk on a vegetarian diet, veganism requires more likely than not >>8824826

>> No.8824856

Presentation has been taken too far and its ruining everything.

Akin to how tv ruined music and politics.

Its missing the true substance.

>> No.8824858

Now you know how it feels like for all them (hundreds) poor man in your bed when you get your stinky pussy out, not fart smells more like rotten fish. Now apologise for what you said about eggs!

>> No.8824866

olive oil is shit and the biggest joke of all is that i live on a Mediterranean country

>> No.8824868

>He thinks I'm a woman
There aren't actually that many women on this board friend. I'm a proud penis-haver. And no, I won't apologize for telling the truth about chicken periods.

>> No.8824885

you probably never had good olive oil

>> No.8824889

>Now you know how it feels like for all them (hundreds) poor man in your bed when you get your stinky worn asshole out, not fart smells more like sweaty, porta-loo shit storage unit from years of unholy behaviour . Now apologise for what you said about eggs!


>> No.8824945

Shredded coconut is fucking revolting.
Avocados are alright.
BBQ anything and pulled pork are disgusting.

>> No.8824953

even when loaded with crap that isn't good for you?

>> No.8824960


>> No.8824961
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asian cuisine, and especially sushi, is overrated trash

cancerous fast food like mcdonalds and kfc tastes really fucking good and everyone loves it, but people pretend its disgusting simply because its unhealth as fuck and is cool to shit on big corporations

>> No.8824976

jam and cheese or cheese on fruit toast. fite me

>> No.8824981

hungry man tv dinners hit the spot
sour cream is amazing

>> No.8825003

People who can't appreciate a moderate to med-hot amount of spice / heat / scovilles / whatever you want to call it,
Have no opinions on food that anyone should ever respect.
It's like declaring yourself a music critic who "just feels like" overdrive or distortion has no place in any sort of music ever.

>> No.8825014

Pho and most vietnamese food is overrated trash. Broth soup with pasta and shit in it, congratulations Mr. Nguyen, truly nobody has ever thought of this before.

>overdrive or distortion has no place in any sort of music ever
except that's a correct statement

>> No.8825016

Rare steak is good

>> No.8825027


flyover detected

>> No.8825033

im European

>> No.8825035

This guy gets it

>> No.8825036

all of europe is flyover

>> No.8825039

Sriracha is shit tier
Bacon has it's place and more often than not makes a dish trashy and heavy
In n Out is the best place to eat a hamburger
And this guy is a faggot for not liking pickles

>> No.8825044

Pickles on a burger / sandwich is a crime against humanity.

>> No.8825053

To where?

>> No.8825061

Why have them on a sandwich when you can just shove them up your gaping asshole? Fuck you and your shitty opinion

>> No.8825064

retardation: the post

>> No.8825069

Mecca, where yall will be praying to soon enough

>Inbred Irrelevant Eurocletus: the post

>> No.8825090

So you get a plane from your important city to Mecca.

Right, what for?

>> No.8825101


>> No.8825123

Son is it you?

>> No.8825124

No fite, u rite. Lime marmalade and cheddar is a good sandwich

>> No.8825138

You take that back!

>> No.8825144

KFC is trash and has been for years. Not like Popeyes or Fried Chicken in a restaurant is any better for you, but at least it's not a greasy disappointing mess like KFC turned into.

>> No.8825207

mcdicks is genuinely disgusting though

>> No.8825256

That's not edgy or contrarian though. If anything, people who emphasize presentation too much are the edgy ones.

>> No.8825265

loaded mashed potatoes is like the first flyover side dish that comes to mind.
no. not like i won't eat them, but they're definitely the worst way of preparing a potato. i also just like biting into things.

>> No.8825296

i gave them just as an example since they are the most popular chains, you get my point

>> No.8825303

Sous-vide is for fags that can't properly cook.
Bacon is one of the worst ways to consume pork.
The "White people don't use seasonings" meme is spread by niggers because they're angry their favorite food (fried chicken) was invented by the Scottish.

>> No.8825353

>shredded lettuce is completely obsolete in the face of other leafy greens such as spinach and arugula
>raw tomatoes are dogshit on everything except bruschetta
>brussel sprouts are actually god tier
>Cayenne based sauces are superior to all others
>there is nothing ecologically or nutritionally wrong with eating large amounts of meat, the main issue is cheap mass produced shitty meat fed by subsidized crops

>> No.8825364

Burgers with fried egg on top are a total fucking meme for hipsters

>> No.8825369

Why not just say "I'm picky"?

>> No.8825392
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juicy meat/poultry isn't too great.

of course i like tenderness. i don't want to eat shoeleather. but i also don't want to eat a gusher steak that leaves a pool of liquid on the plate.

i let my meat/poultry dry out. either by cooking it well, or letting it rest for quite a while.

tenderness can come from pounding with a mallet, or marinades/seasoning.

>> No.8825426


Iceberg lettuce is a good plain base for a lot of foods. More bitter, fibrous greens often fuck with the food, and people just add creamy dressings and cheese/meat to mask over while feeling "superior".

Peated whiskey or smokey mezcal taste much worse than their cleaner companions. It's such a stupid competition.

>> No.8825473

Brine it, best of both worlds. Do it the morning before and bake, broil, or pan-fry as usual.

>> No.8825485

Fucking relax it's a pickle, just don't eat them. Not our fault your a pleb

>> No.8825511

Only the weak put sugar in coffee
And only bitches take the tea bag out

>> No.8825527

Frozen food can taste pretty good if you buy the right dishes from the right brands.

Raw tomatoes are terrible.

Cilantro tastes like soap.

Bacon is very good, but it does not make everything better.

>> No.8825531

Oh, and I don't like steak.

>> No.8825536

When I cook eggs, I actually like burning them a bit.

>> No.8825549

Sorry to break it to you but Hitler wasn't vegetarian. He ate sausages and stuff like that.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain, and Albert Einstein on the other hand, yeah, they were vegetarian.

>> No.8825561
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Cheese is shit as an ingredient.

>> No.8826085

red meat sucks

>> No.8826122


it's literally butter and salt though

>> No.8826129

>buying can beer
It's your fault desu

>> No.8826134

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.8826152

>crunchy peanut butter is retarded, its just unfinished peanut butter
>ALL curry is fuckin trash and makes you smell like a bucket of horse shit.
I cant even be around people that eat curry. Pig disgusting slop.
>putting cheese on everything is gross
>mayo is gross
>i never order pineapple on pizza, but I think the people that strongly object to it are buzz kill faggots
>almost all beer tastes good unless its bottom shelf malt liquor shit but id still drink it.

i have a million autistic opinions about booze, but my main gripe is people that critique every drink you get at a bar, like if you have a couple pints and then want a cocktail and the bartender is like "WWWOAH youre really changing it up now!" I know they are just making conversation but it pisses me off for some reason.

>> No.8826171

Trappist ales are overrated meme water

>> No.8826181

Beer is terrible, I can never think of any reason to drink it over liquor unless it's the only thing available.

Being health-conscious about your food is just wasting your life.

>> No.8826214

>cold butter is awful
>cold cheese and feta is awful
>cold salads are awful
The only cold food i tolerate is gelato

>> No.8826218

the man was a vegetarian, he's dead to me

>> No.8826226

Cilantro tasting like soap is a genetic defect.

>> No.8826256

Avocado is shit.
t. mexican

>> No.8826387

Nattō is super tasty

>> No.8826388

Hot salads?

>> No.8826392
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>> No.8826428

is that regina george? standing on her toes?

>> No.8826448

Chocolate fucking sucks. Any type of it, manchild milk chocolate or fedora dark chocolate, or what in the lord white abomination is. It's acceptable as addition to dishes or drinks, but chocolate as threat is fucking disgusting.

And yeah, I can totally understand somebody loves some chocolate, but I can't stand this:

>somebody offers me a chocolate
>oh, no, thanks, I do not like chocolate
>really?! how can somebody dislikes chocolate and this one is good trust me just try it!!

Every god damn time. So now I just do not run my mouth, take a threat and then pass it to someone who likes the stuff. That's sometimes bothersome while you working at office.

>> No.8826471

i want her to sit on my face, not gonna lie

>> No.8826508

you confuse vietnamese food with your flyover takeout joint, the fact thats its hyped in the US isnt really the fault of an asian noodlesoup.
also opinions on something you dont know are always retarded, i only had shitty bbqs so far but i wont be ignorant enough to say bbq sucks, i just realise im at the wrong place of the world to experience it properly

>> No.8826577

German, Czech, and Belgian beer is terrible

>> No.8826601

pre-seasoning your food before you've even tasted it is fucking retarded

>> No.8826620

Western breakfast is overrated. Breakfast sausage, maple ham, english muffins, crepes, french toast, etc. I'll eat it but I'll never go out of my way to make or order it. Pancakes, waffles and hashbrowns are great though.

My nigga

The most confounding phenomenon is those vile fart pucks they put on breakfast sandwiches at fast food restaurants. I can't fathom how anyone can put that in their mouth without retching.

>> No.8826623

opinion discarded smelly nigger go back to sucking shit out of a cow's ass

>> No.8826628

i agree that we'll be going vegetarian in the future but I think it'll be due to pollution/methane rather than health or moral causes

>> No.8826633

This opinion is neither edgy, nor contrarian.

>> No.8826639

Absolutely this. I don't often care about people's taste, even some of the weird things in this thread boil down to "okay. We have different opinions. That's fine.", but if I giving cook you food and you season that shit before you taste it you should go outside and eat dirt you human trash.

>> No.8826657

>pickles on sandwiches suck
The reason that this is a terrible opinion is because there are so many kinds of sandwiches. To unilaterally declare that they "suck" on everything pretty much proves that you are ignorant, and probably have the pallette of a 7-year-old.

>> No.8826673

Every non-German beer is terrible. So is Öttinger

>> No.8826678

sriracha is the best hot sauce and its not even close

most chefs would agree too

>> No.8826725


T. Sugar addict

>> No.8826783

>stop disliking things
go ahead and enjoy your sour fruit on your sandwich I don't give a fuck

>> No.8826787

Hipsters/nu males/whatever generally have pretty good taste in food and beer. Artisan and local food is actually good and not a meme.

>> No.8826789

quiznos is one of the best fast food chains depending on the location

>> No.8826793

>sriracha is not a "use for everything" sauce. It's good on some things but that's it.
It's a sad state of affairs when this is considered edgy or contrarian.

>> No.8826794

You're not being edgy, you're stating a plain fact.

>> No.8826832

Beer is totally awesome for tempura.
Best tempura dough ever !
Just one egg yolk, some flour, a pinch of salt and... beer until you reach the right texture.

>> No.8826871
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>chocolate as threat is fucking disgusting.

>> No.8826875

coffee is a drug, dependence and withdrawal is very real for the stuff and anyone who exhibits the symptoms is a degenerate.

>> No.8826878

>manchild milk chocolate or fedora dark chocolate
thx senpai

>> No.8826879

I think that's the motto of this board

>> No.8826911

Maybe it is because I have always drunk british ale / bitter / whatever you want to call it, but I don't like the continental stuff at all

>> No.8826912

McD is gross and overcooked. KFC is gross and greasy now. They don't even taste that good anymore.

>> No.8826914

america makes better pizza than italy, people just claim they prefer italian pizza because "authenticity" is a meme

>> No.8826934

For me, it's the McChicken

>> No.8826935

>Using a tea bag to brew tea.

Cmon now.

>> No.8827048

If you eat sriracha you are a straight up apologist faggot hipster tryhard piece of shit trying to be 3rd world nigger tier.

>> No.8827204

Other way around. If you like cilantro, you are not white.

>> No.8827244

Steak sauce is for faggots. Might as well use ketchup you piece of shit

>> No.8827258

There is much debate on this topic. But it's generally accepted that he occasionally had a sausage or bit of meat. But these incidences were few and far between. His chef prepared vegetarian meals for the vast majority of his meals. Ergo, his diet was largely vegetarian.

>> No.8827259

Chili with beans
Steak well done

>> No.8827278

I was using meme sauce before it was cool *tips le feddora*

>> No.8827283

alcohol and its effects are terrible

I do, however, love some wine in my stew

>> No.8827288

It's just something about them that make me sick

>> No.8827333

There is not an enormous difference between good beer and bad beer.

Ketchup is awful on nearly everything, disgusting sugar glop.

Most people use too much salad dressing.

[spoiler]avocados are good, but solidly overrated.

>> No.8827359

Bacon is just gimped sausage

>> No.8827361

salads are fucking nothing. They're nothing. It's like eating a mediocre dream you immediately forget. It's there and it's gone and you aren't any better or worse off.

I don't even hate vegetables. Take the same ingredients, steam them a bit, throw them together with some hot rice or something, meal is 100% more satisfying and you don't even need to use dressing.

>> No.8827409

Damn, straight talk.

>> No.8827419

if you eat mushrooms you are a faggot

>> No.8827435

tendies, nuggers, For Me', and soup are the only good preparations of chicken

>> No.8827647

holy shit, irrevocably BTFO

>> No.8827653

don't associate your autistic pickiness with whiteness, fag

>> No.8827665

>everything I don't like is autism


>> No.8827766

People that complain about sweet + meat flavor combinations (ketchup, or pineapple on pizza, etc.) have juvenile palates and are missing out on some of the most tasty foods (not that specifically pineapple pizza or ketchup are the best examples of this)

>> No.8827799

>microbrews taste bad because hipsters drink them

You're a smart guy

>> No.8827806


I don't think they have juvenile palates, I think they don't know what they are talking about. It is very common for dishes to combine sweet and savory. Heck, even a very basic pizza is sweet + savory: sweet from the tomato sauce, savory from the cheese and the crust.

>> No.8827811

The smell of coffee is disgusting and often makes me gag

>> No.8827884

taht's not edgy. that's just autistic

>> No.8827893

Cooking is a meme. An unhealthy dish with lots of fat and salt will always taste better then a skillfully prepared Quinoa Salad from a Michelin Starred Restaurant

>> No.8827918


>> No.8827937

The chicken patties are so freakin good

>> No.8827955

Just admit, as I have, that we have inferior bodies that can't handle too much meat. Beef was one of my favorite things to eat before I had gallbladder problems.

>> No.8827957

I think people "like" non-sweetened coffee because it's a fad.

Calamari feels like chewing on rubber bands.

If you have to put ketchup on a burger/steak sauce on a steak, it wasn't a good burger/steak to begin with.

I pity picky people and refuse to take their food opinions into consideration because I feel it's like having chris-chan critique classic art.

>> No.8827983

Agreed. Salads are horrible. ALL salads are horrible even Caesar

>> No.8828026

The Post of Truth. Gospel Edition.

>> No.8828051

Our idea of 'italian pizza' originated in burgerland and nobody really knows what a neapolitan pizza is supposed to be like anymore

steak is a boring, expensive and tasteless hunk of meat so it's no surprise that british chefs pride themselves on PAN SEARING a 30$ cut of meat that tastes like ass anyway

sriracha is a horrible hot sauce

>> No.8828061


you eat a salad on the side, generally to aid digestion. steam lettuce and other veggies? congrats, now they've lost a fair portion of their nutrients and taste objectively worse.

learn to make a better salad or recognize that not everything you shove in your mouth needs to taste like the second cumming of jesus

>> No.8828112

i don't like pizza with tomato sauce

>> No.8828137

> Our idea of 'italian pizza' originated in burgerland and nobody really knows what a neapolitan pizza is supposed to be like anymore

yeah I hate how my local pizzerias put a kilo of cheese on it. It makes it soggy, heavy and the dough can't cook well
Foie gras is disgusting.

>> No.8828157

>steam lettuce and other veggies
>lost a fair portion of their nutrients

"Look mom, I did the shitpost again!"
-this fucking faggot

>> No.8828168

flavourless food sucks
flavour filled food sucks
it needs a quite small amount (but not too small) of flavour otherwise it's horrible.
95% meat is disgusting, not because of ethics or anything, I just hate how it feels in my mouth.

>> No.8828178


I guess if you drank the water from your steamer when you were done then there would be no lost nutrients, but I don't think too many people do that.

>> No.8828191

nigger you'd better be trolling

>> No.8828216

putting milk on cereal is fucking gross, i can only drink milk with it not cover it

most steak is horrible

milkshakes are the best dessert

>> No.8828221

couldn't agree more on the picky eater thing. These 4 dumb nogs on my team at work are constantly shitting on food they don't like and dismissing it as "trash" but then gush over how good the pasta at fucking tgi fridays is sooo good. Makes me want to freak the fuck out on them for having terrible taste. Also 2 of the 4 won't eat chicken off the bone because "its nasty".

God I'm so mad right now

>> No.8828328

Nipon food is higly overrated

>> No.8828346

This guy gets it. I have eaten in high class steakhouses and I prefer Mcdonalds over a $50 steak. People just say its shit taste, but thats not how taste works.

>> No.8828536

well-disguised shilling right here

>> No.8828608

Blessed art thou foreign poster
May many happiness become of you

>> No.8828625

it's always a mistake to put salt into something you're cooking. you get a ton in everything else you eat and it's bad for you

>> No.8828673

Bell peppers are the worst vegetable
The best way to cook eggs is over hard
Canada should return to the stubby beer bottle

>also don't want to eat a gusher steak that leaves a pool of liquid on the plate
>i let my meat/poultry dry out by letting it rest for quite a while.
Letting the muscle tissue reabsorb liquid is the entire purpose of resting meat

Sounds like you're overcooking your calamari

Salt is an essential nutrient and isn't bad for you unless you're already disposed to hypertension

>> No.8828706

Pad Thai and most Thai food is too sweet tasting

>> No.8828715

hey. fuck you

>> No.8828992

>Eating meatballs with a bit of onion baked in tastes better plain than with tomato sauce
>Tomatoes are one of the worst vegetables, its got a chewy thing to it but has no crunch and adds a needless bitter/plain taste to everyfood
>Steaks are a waste of meat
>Brussels sprouts are one of the tastiest vegetables around, just cook them with the same spices and oil you use for asparagus
>Orange creamiscle is the best Ice cream flavor and can replace vanilla ice cream on every occasion for a better taste.
>stuffed crust is worth the cost

>> No.8829029

Chili + garlic is not new and sriracha didn't invent it.

>> No.8829368

It's the sulfur. You probably don't like broccoli and cabbage either for the same reasons I'm guessing?

>> No.8830299

edgy opinion there fag-boy

>> No.8830429

Actually I don't accept that people eat meat or eat/use any product that harms animals. I leave them be because I don't want to be one of those anoying, nagging vegans. But I think people are human trash if they don't have enough sympathy to care about pure beings like animals.

>> No.8830434

Soft drinks are disgusting.
Dairy is disgusting.
Beef and poultry are disgusting.
Bread makes you stupid and ugly.

>> No.8830436
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>> No.8830468
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>> No.8830511

Alcohol is pointless. With the emergence of clean drinking water practically everywhere, it is 100% obsolete and the fact that people still drink it is a mystery to me.

>but you don't drink it for the taste! you drink it to get buzzed!

Why the fuck would I want to drug myself to have a good time? I can make my own fun thank you very much, I don't have to drink it out of a bottle.

>if you start drinking it, you'll start liking it!

So wait a minute: you're saying that I have to hold my own tastebuds hostage to a shitty, bitter, burning flavor until they develop some sort of strange Stockholm syndrome and I start enjoying alcohol? No thanks.

Call me a straightedgelord or a manchild, I don't give a fuck. I also don't give a fuck if people drink alcohol, but I will forever politely turn them down when they offer it to me.

>> No.8830520

Holy shit I might have actual cancer right as my life is turning around.

>> No.8830521
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>> No.8830557
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pasta and pesto from a jar is a perfect meal

>> No.8830562

i don´t understand it either!

>> No.8830585

>Why the fuck would I want to drug myself to have a good time
Well I'm autistic, and I have more fun in social settings with alcohol. If you don't though, that's fine.

you're saying that I have to hold my own tastebuds hostage to a shitty, bitter, burning flavor until they develop some sort of strange Stockholm syndrome and I start enjoying alcohol?
This is true and I don't know why people can't admit it. Even now as a moderate drinker, I'd never drink it if alcohol didn't have an effect on me. I'd much prefer milk or something for drinking calories.

>> No.8830650

Kill yourself.

>> No.8830755

>I don't drink microbrews because they're for hipsters
>I have to not drink things that are popular with a group of people
You are the hipster

>> No.8830870

I like ketchup on my mashed potatoes

>> No.8830907

Beer tastes the same whether going down or up
Toast is awful
Brussel sprouts are bests when bitter.
Coconut, ginger and lime ruin food.
White fish is garbage
So are nuggets

>> No.8830924

Dispenser soda is the worst.

>> No.8830961

but its actually the best.

>> No.8831157

>pickles on sandwiches suck
>raw tomatos are shit on everything, especially sandwiches

>> No.8831160

>Toast is awful
you fucking win this thread

>> No.8831193

Bacon and pizza are overrated
Raw tomatoes are gross
Kale tastes like literal grass from my lawn

>> No.8831198

Non vegans are subhumans

>> No.8831207

People who give a shit about animal "rights" are sub-human.

>> No.8831253

soda is for fat children
turkey sandwiches are shit
there's no reason to eat chicken breast
shrimp are the weakest possible choice of seafood
cheese is overkill in most sandwiches
flour tortillas are vastly inferior to corn
any dish that can be improved by adding ranch, BBQ sauce, ketchup or honey mustard was awful to begin with
mac & cheese kinda sucks
sweet corn is a shit side dish, so are green beans
a good burger is delicious, but most burgers suck - same is true for pizza
milkshakes are bullshit, so is drinking milk in general
Doritos are awful

>> No.8831281

Avacado is mostly shit

>> No.8831286

I want to help alll those dumb fattys to become something...
like soap

>> No.8832444 [DELETED] 

Bacon isn't good.

>> No.8832486

>flour tortillas are vastly inferior to corn

this isn't edgy at all, it's a fact.

>> No.8832501

I poured red wine in my coffee once and it was good

>> No.8832504

Sorry guys, I shouldn't really comment on a food when I can't even spell it.
I'm off back to /b/.

>> No.8832509

gordon ramsay is a hack

>> No.8832513

pineapple pizza-fag detected

>> No.8832521

American "cheese" is better than most cheeses

>> No.8832599

Nope--you don't "get a ton of salt in everything you eat" unless you eat lots of processed/restaurant food. If you don't, then adding salt is 100% healthy.

>> No.8832617

how would you know?
a lot of cheeses are forbidden in america
and if you are from somwhere else: why would you even try american "cheese"?

>> No.8832775

>muh rare


>> No.8832838

>I also don't give a fuck if people drink alcohol
everything else in your post suggests otherwise

>> No.8832876

>still repeating the old myth that people drank beer/wine because of pathogens

Beer/wine is shitty at controlling microbial growth. Why do you think brewers are so autistic about contamination? You need at least 50% solution of ethanol to kill pathogens effectively, and 70% is preferred. The 14-19% you get out of modern wine isn't even enough to cut it, much less the shit people fermented back then without selectively bred super yeast or even clean working standards. People drank water all of the fucking time in the Middle Ages according to actual accounts from the period, which you would know if you weren't a brainlet. They didn't know about pathogens. They didn't know about bacteria. They believed in miasma theory and humoralism. But somehow they were supposed to know alcohol was a disinfectant, centuries before germ theory or even steam distillation's spread to Europe? Come on.

>> No.8833181

Sweet sauces on meat are disgusting and I want to kill whoever thought it was a good idea and I also hate everything about onions

>> No.8833213

>I also hate everything about onions
Opinion discarded. This is one of those signs that a person knows absolutely nothing about cooking, and food in general.

>> No.8833223

>4 U

>> No.8833228

They taste bad and have a bad texture

>> No.8833231
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Got you covered.

>> No.8833232


Fourth worst post I've read today

>> No.8833280

Can see the texture thing, even if I don't agree. But the taste? Slow cooked onion is one of the best things in the world.

>> No.8833299

Not who your responding to, but I always just thought they drank it in place of water because they didn't get sick as often from it, not that they knew why it might be so. But I guess I'll reconsider my thoughts and delve into it a bit more based on your post.

>> No.8833408

>not using bread and butter pickles on your sandwich
there's your problem

>> No.8833554

there is something wrong with you eggs are amazing.

>> No.8833563

There is no difference between processed and organic food, it's all in the amount of calories.

>> No.8833571

There are numerous $3 frozen Italian dinners they sale at the supermarket that are much better than $100/plate versions at a fancy Italian Ristorante

>> No.8833605

American craft IPAs are delicious. No other beer can measure up.

>> No.8833613

I love eggs but he's right. Not so much with store eggs but my homegrown ones smell.

>> No.8833649

The difference is that one has been processed.

>> No.8833678

Seafood is one of, if not the most versatile and best tasting foods.

>> No.8833899

Processed and organic aren't mutually exclusive. You're thinking of either processed and raw, or conventional and organic.

>> No.8834833


>often, yes
>cabbage rolls are dope, so wrong
>oh. you're that faggot author of the XKCD comic

>> No.8834858
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>> No.8835280

All my opinions are great.

>> No.8835319

Meat is best well done.
Beer is fucking gross.

>> No.8835340

I break my spaghetti noodles in half before dropping them in the water.

I also mix the noodles into the sauce to ensure even distribution

>> No.8835341

Nah, synthetic meat will be a thing and it will be healthy

>> No.8836108

corn is by far the best vegetable
coconuts were a mistake
fruit in desserts is disgusting (with very, VERY few exceptions)
deep dish pizza is absolute trash
white chocolate is better than every other kind
cheese is poison
a raw tomato is a good tomato

>> No.8836277

>next step in human evolution
>posts one of the most disastrous failures of the past century

>> No.8836281

Pepperoni pizza sucks
Plain chocolate isn't that good

>> No.8836642

Miracle whip is good

>> No.8836680


b12 actually comes from bacteria, it's just that unless we farm them ourselves intentionally, the easiest way to get it is by moving up the foodchain to get the B12 that ends up in animals that eat the bacteria.

>> No.8836682
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***OREOS***are literal dogshit dusty chalk disks with goopy sweetened shortening holding them together and they are not, nor will ever be, good.
***Spag w Sauce** it doesn't need meat guys...marinara is great!
***liver*** hnnnngggggg!

>> No.8836686


That's because eggs and farts both contain sulfer - though I always thought it was more that certain farts smelled like eggs than the other way around. I buy an Indian salt called kala namak that is used in certain chutneys, it is quite high in sulfer. I add it to potato salad to give it an eggy taste.

>> No.8837063

All vegetables are terrible

>> No.8837078

4chan is a 18+ website

>> No.8837083

my nigga

>> No.8837291

No true penis haver would say chicken periods.

>> No.8837313

I'm sorry I love myself enough to reduce a man's drink into a sweetened dairy beverage.

>> No.8837345

>chicken periods

As a male, I have to agree. I've never referred to "female periods," be it animal or human, in any context. In fact, I'm not ashamed to admit the fucking tampon and kotex commercials really make me cringe.

Why is it suddenly the rage to show the proper female hygiene techniques in a commercial? I can remember when no one had to bother with that disgusting shit except the perpetrator herself.

>> No.8837349

>soda is for fat children
>Doritos are awful
>flour tortillas are vastly inferior to corn
>a good burger is delicious, but most burgers suck - same is true for pizza
This is not contrarian or edgy in any way.

>> No.8837354


>> No.8837355

Underage b&

>> No.8837362

Alcoholic beverages are disgusting

>> No.8837371

I really like dry as fuck food, anything remotely "juicy" feels slimy to me. along the same lines with fruit or veggies; anything that doesn't crunch is too mushy and my gag reflex gets set off.
Its sad cause I general like the flavor of most foods, just the texture kills me.

>> No.8837392

Dairy is a secretion from the breast of another species, comparable to milking your cat or dog, is probably more harmful to your health than beneficial and it should not be consumed.

>> No.8837397

I felt that way forever. It wasn't until I started to appreciate and prefer black coffee that I could get used to and like beer. That being said some beers just really taste bad.

>> No.8837402

people only like sushi because it's a vehicle for soy sauce and wasabi. shit's a fad

>> No.8837442

This. I dislike most pasta however.

>> No.8837489

Cereal and half-and-half is more tasty than cereal and milk.

>> No.8837494

I'd milk my dog if it wasn't more efficient to just go to the store to buy milk.

>> No.8837520

Filthy. You can't just milk your dog without continually knocking her up and what are the puppies going to eat if you are taking their milk? Same thing happens to cows. Guess you gotta cook those puppies and enjoy them like veal.

>> No.8837537

Not enough meat on the puppies for me, I'd just grind them up and feed them to my pigs.

>> No.8837638

I like getting drunk and I got drunk every weekend for a while. I got accustomed to the taste of beer and hard liquor(i can still drink about any liquor[full regular glass]without anything else in one go without flinching). Had favorite beers, whiskeys, vodkas and whatnot. But alcohol is inherently disgusting.
Alcohol free beer should be selling like crazy if it were just about taste and not about getting fucked up. People lie to themselves all the time and they delude themselves here as well.

>> No.8837651

Avocados are like weed.
Not worth the hype, only worth it when its included for free, but nobody should be arrested for enjoying it.

>> No.8837667
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mah nigga

did you grow up with a mother who overcooked the everloving shit out of everything too

as for me,
>raw cabbage and brussels sprouts are godtier
>jap food is actually way too sweet/salty, not bland
>Korean food beyond memebimbap is breddy gud
>chocolate and coffee do not not not belong together
>boiling water does not fucking burn most green tea
>hardboiled eggs, cold cuts, and most cheese are all fucking terrible at room temperature

>> No.8837745

I go to sweet tomatos, and LOVE getting a huge salad with all raw veggies, garbanzos, kidneys (feta optional), with only lemon juice, vinegar and fresh black pepper for dressing. most people would gag at this.

>> No.8837750

they used to market "extra rich milk" thats a bit better, more milky, less creamy, but still nice and cream sweet.

>> No.8837756

that sounds really good.

>> No.8837773

you have a genetic mutation around cilantro. some taste soap, some taste something like tarragon. or maybe we have the mutation. if youve never eaten a truly ripe, organic, farm fresh tomato, you have not lived on this earth. unless you are hypersenstitive to nightshades, in which case you get special dispensation from the food pope.

>> No.8837780

a really fresh red ale, is slightly sweet but not cloying. very refreshing. i mean 1 day old or 1 week old fresh.

>> No.8837784

>implying the food pope does not command us to crusade the filthy plebeians who cannot enjoy fresh tomatoes

>> No.8837787

maybe McChicken tier manchildren but most adults should be able to eat (and enjoy) that. I would probably want a pinch of sea salt but that sounds really good to me

>> No.8837789

All alcohol tastes mildly unpleasant.

>> No.8837796

i love bitter coffee, with half and half however. always have, since working at peets back in the 80s. i was in before meme

>> No.8837799
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Grow your tomatoes in a trash can so both tomato lovers and tomato haters can enjoy them.

>> No.8837861

That needs some oil.

>> No.8837867

This is true. I'm physically addicted to caffeine. Been trying to break the addiction but there is always coffee in the goddamn house and its not going any goddamn where because faggots don't understand this concept.

>> No.8837927


>> No.8837965

>im too autistic to understand why people like beer

Its not JUST alcohol and it's not JUST the taste of beer. Yes, beer DOES taste good. And they do sell a non-alcoholic type and yes, people buy it. Usually old timers that can't drink because of medication or something.

>i'm also too autistic to understand coffee or decaf
Again, it's not just the taste or the effect, it's both. It's the whole experience, but yes, some people will still enjoy coffee even with zero caffeine. Wow, what a concept.
If you genuinely can't understand why someone would drink beer just because YOU don't like the taste, YOU HAVE AUTISM.
People on the spectrum don't have empathy, don't understand why others like what they don't like. Yeah, they make millions of different types of beers for all different tastes just to cover up the fact that we all secretly hate the taste.

Are "nobody likes beer" faggots the "flat earthers" of /ck/? It's not a huge conspiracy, you're just an outcast.

>> No.8837967

don't talk shit bout muh pickles you faggot