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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 598x334, 4naan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8825428 No.8825428 [Reply] [Original]

is everyone here fat or what? i'm definitely overweight.

>> No.8825449

I'm 5'11" ~135lbs, I just like food desu.

>> No.8825453
File: 2.42 MB, 2800x1620, 1485841568415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the mistake thinking I could learn something from this board but instead got sucked into a blackhole of shitposting and memes.

>> No.8825460
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I started browsing /ck/ about 3-4 years ago and I was very fat at the time but have since lost a lot of weight and am almost at a healthy weight. I love to cook, eat, shop for food, go to restaurants and bars, talk about food, look at other people's pictues of food, share pictures of food I cooked, etc. I'm basically obsessed with food and cooking. This board is somewhat entertaining and sometimes funny. That's why I'm here.

>> No.8825464

I'm skeleton mode. Why don't you try eating less?

>> No.8825466

I'm here for the constant insults and lack of any sense of community, just like mootykins intended

>> No.8825470

>I just like food
Then why are you here?

>> No.8825475

It's almost like food is a basic thing that every human needs to survive, and that many humans also derive pleasure from.

>> No.8825479

That's a big fast food sandwich.

>> No.8825491
File: 95 KB, 400x298, was getting cooked part of your plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me

>> No.8825509

i do i'm eating less, got on myfitness pal and have lost like 25 lbs since last summer. i just love food and talking about it and grew up watching food network. i want to experience fine dining.

>> No.8825522

No idea. With all the shitposting and hate in every thread, I somehow can't get away from this place.

Someone please enlighten me as to why I subject myself to this every day.

>> No.8825551

it pales in comparison to other boards. the hate also is mostly in relation to flyovers which is generally pretty hilarious.

>> No.8825568


>> No.8825580
File: 1006 KB, 3120x4160, 1488069493720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browse CK for fun and shitposts. 1/2 times ill see a legitimate recipe etc. Pic is proof that gems come from here.

>> No.8825672

I mostly browse when im hungry and am about to go to the grocery store. I like the shitposting but sometimes people have some good ideas for meals and Ill go and make them. Plus this board is comfy af

>> No.8825688

On the upper end of the normal BMI range but skinnyfat, working on fixing that. I'm here for the shitposting, unfiltered anonymous discussion, and asking questions that I fail at googling.

>> No.8825701

Starting to think there is no one on this board that actually cares about cooking and are just here to do nothing more than shitpost.

>> No.8825702

Im mentally ill but food seems to stabilize my mood disorders of the extended periods that im not allowed to be in public per doctors orders enforced by my legal guardian.

>> No.8825717

I'm lonely but also have too much anxiety to talk to people IRL. Also I think I have ADD and this is a distraction, and I crave distractions.

>> No.8825773

>not allowed to be in public

Holy fuck, where do you live? Is it a sort of walled place or what? Do they guard you? How do they know you interacted with the public too long for your own good?

This shit sounds spooky as fuck.

>> No.8825776

6'2" 200 lbs

Considered overweight. I just like cooking and eating. Always looking for that new simple go-to dish

>> No.8825787
File: 206 KB, 2700x2106, 1452746919559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 foot, 114 pounds, because I eat actual food unlike you favorite fast food thread shitters

>> No.8825796

Honestly it's probably this board and mukbangs on youtube that help me NOT be overweight. I come here when I'm hungry and it usually satisfies my cravings enough to not eat

>> No.8825811

I first came here back when I had a condition that made it difficult to eat I hoped it would help make me hungry, it did not. I don't know why I'm still here.

>> No.8825814

I have anorexia and the food gore threads curb my appetite

>> No.8825815

Because I dont have friends IRL so I pretend Im talking with friends about food on the internet. If you ignore the filthy italians it can be pleasant.

>> No.8825845
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>why do you browse /ck/?

I don't even cook and actually hate cooking and I mostly eat frozen, canned or otherwise processed foods I can quickly nuke.

I come here primarily for higher quality discussions.

>> No.8825862

6'4", 340 lbs. I'm probably going to die of a heart attack within a decade.

>> No.8825866

I'm ana and come here when the hunger pangs get really bad

>> No.8825867

For the same reason I browse any other board here. It's not a fucking hugbox, for the most part, and there's a pretty diverse group of people that contribute. Sure there's a LOT of shitposting, but there's also some pretty decent content thrown in from time to time.

Now fuck off back to /reddit/tumblr/instagram/.

>> No.8826429

Im trying to eat myself to death

>> No.8826445

I'm overweight. I don't want to lose weight but I want to give up fast food because home made is much better.

>> No.8826454

ck is one of the funniest boards

>> No.8827201
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I tend to come here a lot whenever I'm dieting and hungry.


>> No.8827206

/ck/ is unironically one of the more racist boards I've been on.

>> No.8827210

>Starting to

>> No.8827225

I like talking about food uncensored
6' 160 lbs

>> No.8827236
File: 87 KB, 500x500, drug addicted dead beat asian fathers neglecting their children to do drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cook with aspirations to move up the kitchen ladder and enjoy talking about work but have no friends
Also this, shitposting is A+ here

>> No.8827241

I'm physically fit and pretty healthy. I just like to cook.

>> No.8827249

The only boards I visit are /pol/, /ck/, and /b/

>> No.8827267

i just like cooking
my main boards are /v/, /g/, and /ck/

>> No.8827275

Because hunger

>> No.8827276

5'10, around 165, used to be around 205.

I like /ck/ because I already know my taste and how to eat nutritionally, but occasionally need advice on certain things.
also, memes

>> No.8827277

The people here are funny and I find there are less childish /pol/fags here than most other boards. Or at least they're quieter about it. Also I don't care about anime.

>> No.8827287

>Also I don't care about anime.
anime is /ck/ material

>> No.8827293

Cuisine is one of the few things that everyone can agree actually benefits from cultural mixing

>> No.8827303

1/10, but you will get replies

>> No.8827306

it was definitely bait but he ain't wrong

>> No.8827308
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I'm from /fit/, but I browse because I got into cooking pretty heavily a few years ago when I got engaged because my fiancee doesn't know how to cook.

>> No.8827315

women are so useless

>> No.8827326
File: 100 KB, 600x448, homesweethome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because here I can be a complete cooking nitwit and not feel surrounded by only cooking snobs and fanatics.

>> No.8827330
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this could be cleaned in like 30 minutes with enough garbage bags

>> No.8827337
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Nooo!! I may be able to use some of that!

>> No.8827344

I mostly come here to look at pictures of food instead of eating meals. That and the go'za/mcchicken threads.

>> No.8827346

You mean you could remove the rubbish in 30 mins.
It would still be filthy.

>> No.8827354

>spray heavily with surface cleaner
>let sit for 3 minutes
>wipe clean
another 30 minutes

>> No.8827358

>/g/ /v/ /ck/
Somehow I have the feeling this is not an uncommon combination.

>> No.8827360
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I do it because the First Lady said I should cook my own food.

>> No.8827364

i call myself a /v/a/g/ co/ck/
but jokes on you i'm skinny
but my fiance is fatass

>> No.8827371

Don't forget a trip to the store, because the required products are probably not at location.

>> No.8827374

/o/ and /ck/ here
Probably the only guy here into cars and cooking

>> No.8827380

Kek, that's not what I meant, you dip.

Those just happen to be my main boards as well.

>> No.8827381

You'll laugh at me, but here goes.
I started coming to /ck/ because I'm on a diet. I turn my PC on at 3 am, come to /ck/ and look at food pics to satisfy my food cravings. I did it daily in the first two months of my diet (not kidding), but now I just like the atmosphere here. I don't get the cravings anymore, and I can just copy the recipes I like.

I started coming here when I was 242lbs. I'm 175lbs now.

>> No.8827395

I live in Liberia and every meal is fucking rice and potato greens. And sometimes I get a pineapple. I come here to look at the food I can't eat.

also I don't get how so many people are so tall and skinny and call themselves fat. I'm 6 feet and I've been on the starving african diet for over a year and I weigh 170. I hate taking my shirt off because my ribs poke out and the niggers here make fun of me. Like if you're six inches taller than me and weigh 20 less I don't think you are anywhere near fat.

>> No.8827397

I can actually understand that. Looking at quality food will no doubt start putting you off from the crappy food that is bad for you.

>> No.8827403

are you from Liberia or just working there or something? Any crazy stories?

>> No.8827405

/g/fag here
what's Liberian internet like

>> No.8827426

I only browse it because it's a mildly entertaining blue board that I can check while at work to pass time.

>> No.8827428

I'm on my phone. No water, medicine, or electricity for miles but hey at least I get the barest possible internet connection. You'd be amazed how many mudhut dwelling tribals who still hunt with bow and arrows also have a cellphone. Technology man.

American NGO worker, I do health stuff with the local community. Malaria mostly. I ate dog once because they didn't tell me before hand it was dog. That's about the only story I can tell that isn't extremely racist or depressing.

>> No.8827434

i heard dog is like savoury beef
was it

also yeah i imagined you were on your phone, africa doesn't lend itself well to an underground cable infrastructure but literally fucking everyone and their mother has a cellphone

>> No.8827443

How the fuck does looking at food satisfy your cravings? If anything it should make them worse

>> No.8827448

>the only story I can tell that isn't extremely racist

Browse to the top of the page, click on /pol/, start thread plz.

>> No.8827451

6', 205lbs. I'm mostly fat from beer calories though. I enjoy drinking a few fairly high ABV beers while cooking dinner most nights.

>> No.8827459

>not being combined /fitlit/, /pol/ and /ck/ master race.

>> No.8827460

I'm a fat manlet but I stick to fph /fat/ and dumb threads like this one

>> No.8827462

bragging about browsing /pol/ is like bragging about browsing /mlp/

>> No.8827463

This is actually almost verbatim what I did, down to the weights. 240 to 170 so far. Good shit dude.

>> No.8827468

It's worse. I have never once heard them brag about the pony board. The containment is superb. Only seen two or three escapees.

But /pol/ browsers regularly brag about their board which is bad and they should feel bad about it.

>> No.8827469

/pol/ used to be better. The time when it was 90% ron paul memes was a particular highlight but even after then it was okay. Definitely dead by time countryflags and IDs arrived

>> No.8827477

dunno exactly how to describe dog since it was smoked. They smoke a lot of their meat so it stays edible for longer. The dog I ate was dry and blackened and chewy and got stuck in my teeth a lot like really bad beef jerky. I've had monkey too and it was the same way. Was actually kind of disappointed.

Fresh porcupine though, that's some savory shit. It's the other red jungle meat. The tiny deer they have here is great too. Too bad it's entirely reliant on if the hunters can catch any or not.

>> No.8827496
File: 60 KB, 646x594, 1492248232334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'3" and 187lbs
Just love stuffing my belly with yummy, crappy and fine foods

>> No.8827505

>tfw /ck/ and /fit/
feels good to be master race

>> No.8827509
File: 243 KB, 462x309, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.
To plebbit.

>> No.8827583


>> No.8827592

Food memes are hilarious.

>> No.8827694

I can't get most of the food people post here. Not because I'm poor, but I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. So instead of binging on oat cookies at 3AM, I came here and looked at food pics. It's weird, but it worked for me.

>> No.8827698 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 537x761, mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe or not, I am browsing /ck/ to get myself banned repeatedly. I don't have the slightest idea, why, but here it is by magnitudes funnier than in other boards.

also, I like cooking.

>> No.8827704

are you the one i usually end up posting toastsandwich.jpg at

>> No.8827705 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8827714 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8827730

>Anorexics looking at all the food they can't eat
>Fatties who love food
>Overweight normies looking for 'le healthy meal plan'

Which one are you /ck/? Fatty checking in

>> No.8827765

i stayed because i once was looking for ideas for a cookbook of mine and made a thread, there were many very helpful ideas, so i stayed.
I think ck is great when you have something very specific to talk about/ask, or if you can contribute something to a real question.
Mostly i come here when im sitting on the couch after work and got nothing real to do, in that case its not doing anything for me, most threads are shit if you randomly lurk.

>> No.8827803
File: 9 KB, 231x218, B.O.S.S. CHINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's about the only story I can tell that isn't extremely racist or depressing.

Tell me about it. It seems like most of the continent today is being taken over by the Chinese...

China now owns more oil, land, & resources in Africa than any European power at ANY time in history.

And liberals are still trying to hate the whites for Africa... the Chinese are 1000x worse. They don't bend over for niggers like liburl 'mericans do.

>> No.8827836

Are you me

>> No.8827949

/fit/ college bachelor making plans for when I actually have money

>> No.8827981

I started hoping to be around others that actually cook, and don't just shitpost their fast food opinions

I get it's food and cooking, and fast food is part of food, but whatever. I mostly came here for cooking ideas because I like trying new things.

One in every 20 threads is actually pretty good. The rest are shitposting. Can't blame them though, it is 4chan after all.

>> No.8828002

>chinks 1000x worse

My brother is a professor in a STEM field and he told me 95% of his doctoral students are chinks and those fuckers are ruthless. He said they freely admit to wanting to grab it all no matter who or what they trample before the next major upheaval happens. They've always been considered the jews of SEA, so it makes sense I guess.

>> No.8828009

I like alcohol threads.

>> No.8828010

I am 5'7 and 245 pounds. I'm just shy of having to buy clothes at a special store.

>> No.8828050

Yeah, I'm in the same boat except I actually did learn a few things. But the ratio of learning to shitposting and memes is 1:1099939848.

>> No.8828062

>why do you browse /ck/?
Because my life sucks.

>> No.8828201

nah im here too

>> No.8828208

>wants to experience fine dining
>browses the fast food & alcoholics board

>> No.8828258

If your bitch can't cook what good is she?

>> No.8828266

I'm fasting for 3 days and I must vicariously engorge myself in order to not eat.

>> No.8828289

Not overweight currently, but sometimes I am.

Food is a lifelong hobby of mine. I cook a lot at home and currently work in the restaurant industry (as FOH). When I was a teen I spent a lot of time watching Food Network with my family. I have a lot of opinions on food/drinks that I can't really discuss with anyone I know IRL so I come here to shitpost. I guess it also helps that sometimes I learn more about the things I love when I come here too.

>> No.8828296

the memes

>> No.8828566

I'm just here to see different recipes and opinions and cooking methods. As well as americans and europeans sperging at eachother, that shit is hilarious.

>> No.8828572

Ive been indulging in massive amounts of cereal.
I usually hate cereal.

>> No.8828614


college student living on $10 worth of oats and peanut butter per week

>> No.8828679

6'2" 200 .
Yes but I'm working out and eating healthier.

>> No.8828818

>that isn't extremely racist or depressing.

Reality isn't racist.

You're spending time in Liberia, which will do fuck all because they're pieces of human garbage that will always revert back to their savage ways when whitey leaves, and yet there's niggers here in the states that you could hep.

The fuck, man? Could have saved flight time and immunizations costs, bro.

>> No.8828828

>But /pol/ browsers regularly brag about their board which

No they don't.

The only references to /pol/ I see come from butthurt tourists that accuse somebody of being /pol/ any time something gets mentioned that hurts their little feelings.

>> No.8828863

Fatty lazy man who loves eating.

>> No.8828865


This board gets a lot of fuckwit meme posters from /tv/ and you chose not to ignore them.

>> No.8828872


Average, but I love cooking.

>> No.8828883

You have to go back

>> No.8828897

>why do you browse /ck/?

>is everyone here fat or what?
by american standards i'm slim.

by asian standards i'm skinny-fat.

5'6" dont know my weight but im like size 26 pants so probably 130-140 lb range. i tend to gain and lose weight easily, last summer i was 160-170 lb, before that i was 130 lb.

>> No.8828908

>why do you browse /ck/?
dont really browse, just a quick scan of a few select boards now. ive been on 4chan since February 2006 and there are only a few boards with content worth visiting

>> No.8828948

Is that thing real? kek

>> No.8828967

50 pounds overweight

>> No.8830563

I browse mostly for inspiration on new cooking ideas. I'm pretty /fit/. 5'9 150lbs with a 225 bench and a shitty 9 minute mile.

The upside of being /fit/ is that I spend a lot of time cooking and it's a useful skill in general. The downside is that I'm extremely health conscious and refuse to use shit ingredients and aim for primarily lean recipes. I'll do the occasional cheat meal with my gf or sister/family/friends/etc, but it's pretty rare.

I come once in a blue moon when looking for said cheat meal ideas, or when my diet needs a little sprucing up. No different than how I browse /mu/ when looking for new music. Sure 90% is bullshit and shit opinions, but there's usually something worth taking if you look hard enough.

>> No.8830576

I honestly don't know, I've browsed this shithole daily for years and honestly don't think I've gained anything from it....except laughing at ja/ck/ webm's the first time I saw them

>> No.8830593


>> No.8830595

same here

>> No.8830615

I seriously hope you didn't eat that.

>> No.8830622
File: 44 KB, 720x468, american burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here
also: to relax a bit from being triggerd by /pol/

>> No.8830625

Out of boredom.
I come looking for food, I end up wasting an hour in pointless debates with stubborn kids or watching cooking with jack .webm

>> No.8830632

im underweight

>> No.8830661

Holy fuck are you a skeleton? I'm 6''2 and weigh just under 200, but am by no means fat.

>> No.8830664
File: 104 KB, 800x547, 78951013484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy some nice foodgore to lessen your hunger

>> No.8830720

Just in case there's something interesting.

>> No.8830804

I browse because I want just be reminded of different kinds of food and hear strong opinions on them so that I can decide whether I agree with anyone.

I'm always in danger of being too thin, and have to spur myself to eat rich foods and carbs so I can prevent myself from wasting away.

>> No.8831865

Bro, don't. It's not that bad...

>> No.8832321

>156 lbs
I came for the legitimate recipes and stayed for the shitposts

>> No.8832484

Im fit.
I come here to make myself feel even more superior by laughing at all the retarded shit posted by angry alcoholic fatties

>> No.8832498
File: 922 KB, 1200x1000, BFF9CE73703748E59C4B9EF9130C49AA13370000099F714044CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like shit posting about food more than I like eating it

>> No.8832508

Used to be a fat sack of shit (260lbs) but dropped to 175, it kind of sucks though because i can't eat a whole lot of food in one sitting.

>> No.8832520

Living longer doesnt suck, and eventually you will eat the same amount of food just over a longer period with thos extra years youve gained

>> No.8832551

If I had a choice to live longer or be able to eat unlimited half pints of Ben and Jerrys, I really couldn't give you a straight answer.

>> No.8832569

I don't get it, it's a a very achievable scenrio
Just eat a pint or two everyday for the rest of your life and die fat

>> No.8832574

I like 4chan culture with the cooking theme.

>> No.8832938

5'11", 140

I like to cook.

>> No.8833159

Because I'm fucking bored and this board is kinda comfy. I don't care for food but it's interesting discovering different board culture.

>> No.8833242

not overweight (alcoholic as fuck but thats for another thread)

basically I eat healthy during the week so I like looking at pics of delicious food I might indulge in at the weekend to keep my spirits (not the alcoholic kind) up, and maybe get some ideas/tips while I'm here

I literally never browse here at the weekend, when I'm stuffing my face and getting smashed drunk

>> No.8833281

Here to pass the time while in class.

Houston, want to cook more, this and /biz/ are really the only sfw boards I can frequent without being too disappointed

>> No.8833314

Because when I'm mobile posting 4chan a tends to ban my posts from dynamic IPs when I try to post on a busy board. It tends to be cool with slow boards like /ck/.

I also like Jack threads and bad cooks in general.

>> No.8833361

I've lurked for years, but the Challenge threads have gotten me fired up about cooking again.
I just need parameters with cooking, and gods damn if those threads don't provide them.

>> No.8833451

Good on ya, fag.

>> No.8833462

But /lit/ is shit.
Please replace it with /diy/ and /tg/.
Then, and only then, will you be my nigger.

>> No.8833474

I tried this recipe out! Tasted amazing.

>> No.8833475
File: 205 KB, 1024x272, 1476318327656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flags came in handy during the US election, as it made the shills much easier to detect.
IDs were useful in the same way, the number of faggots responding to themself was fucking amazing.

>> No.8833481

Im 5'9" 116lbs and I operate on a calorie deficit. I'm going to die some day because of my eating habits.

>> No.8833486

True as fuck. You can't half-ass clean. It'll just be less dirty, not clean.

>> No.8833494

I love the idea of cooking and cooking itself. In an alternate universe it could be my hobby or even job.

>> No.8833499


I was recently told that /ck/ is mostly females. That's not why I post and I think the the idea is completely insane (maybe before the invasion of /tv/) but nonetheless I got a good laugh out of it.

>> No.8833527

Found it after installing clover on my phone and discovered alk threads and felt like I found home. Im not overweight. Workout everyday and eat good for the most part except for the drinking

>> No.8833538

Rice and beans can be ginned up (is that a term? I'm sure that it is) to be tasty in so many ways. Pirate "The Flavor Bible" and get crackin' nigga.

>> No.8833882

/diy/ can be breddy gud, but your mileage may vary.

>> No.8833896

Creeping alcoholism and an inability to cope. Sometimes I even post about food.

>> No.8833909

I just wish I could get a fat ass qt gf who likes to shitpost here. I've always liked the THICC but was too embarrassed to get it when I was younger. Now I have no shame. I dig fat chicks.

>> No.8835692

>120 lbs
help me

>> No.8835697
File: 112 KB, 617x456, 1486030924274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck i'm curious. Explain.

>> No.8835744
File: 231 KB, 256x421, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started coming here before the /pol/ and /tv/ cancer arrived. I wish I could leave.

>> No.8835775

Literally just started browsing this board this wekk out of curiosity plus seeing all the "people getting really mad at food" images floating around the internet, hoping for some laughs. And while I haven't seen anything uproariously hilarious as of yet, it's still been entertaining and comfy reading these threads.

>t. lurker going back to lurking

>> No.8835783

hello fellow skeleton

5'10" 115 here

>> No.8835790


6' and 170lb here

I come here because, oddly enough, this is one of the least cancerous boards.

>> No.8835805

Does being a fatty who regularly starves himself count for anything?

>> No.8836130


> Normal weight former fat-ass who can only limit their caloric intake through heavily restricting food intake (e.g., no sugar, vegan, intermittent fasting) and having what is probably an unhealthy relationship with food.

>> No.8836383

Looking for Jack, Joey, tipping, and fast food worker threads.

>> No.8836410

over weight, but I've been cutting back because I was done being fat. Down to 224-222 from 312.

>> No.8836425

Former bulimic. I browse /ck/ because I am still obsessed with food years later, even though I don't do the unhealthy compulsive behaviors very much anymore.

I also like to read alck threads and like to see people having fun with food, it makes me feel more comfortable thinkin about it in my daily life when people on here are silly and enthusiastic fools.

>> No.8837211

Used to have BED, now I am pretty normal and occasionally overeat but make up for it with running

>> No.8837326

How would anybody know if this board is mostly females?

>> No.8837333

It's comfy and I like the memes. I mostly lurk but I really enjoy food and drink and sharing it with others. Except I work a food service job and barely cook for myself. I stay for the al/ck/holic threads.

5'8" 170lbs

>> No.8837364

/ck/ taught me how to cook

yes I got scolded and made fun of a lot along the way, but I also learned a lot too

there are some really friendly people here with really good info once you get past the shitposters and 16 year old memers

>> No.8837400

/pol/, /ck/, /fit/

>>>/trv/ get out REEEEEE

>> No.8837404

I don't even know how to cook, I just come here to memepost about the McChicken.

>> No.8837417


For him, clearly it's the McChicken

>> No.8837426

The alcoholic threads are fucking hilarious and depressing and something you only see on /ck/

Reading the lives some of the people lead is just jaw dropping and blows your mind more than anything you'll see on /b/ or /r9k/

The current one is particularly fascinating: >>8836623

>> No.8837438
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For me the irony of the board dedicated to cooking, AKA the art of making food for yourself, is half filled with people drowning their bodies in booze, corporate fast food other people make, and food gore is deliciously ironic. Anon can't even cook food for himself.

Thank you for taking the time to learn our McCulture before posting though.

>> No.8837467


I like to see what isn't available to me where I live...in Canada...

Some of the web-m are fucking awesome...texas bbq stuff...but I get an idea about stuff like White Castle, grits...shit like that...

Occasionally I see something that I would like to try at home...not a great cook but I do infact give it a shot...

>> No.8837890

Deal with it faggot

>> No.8837896

/hoc/ spotted

>> No.8837902

>I don't care about anime
>Let's see what site is best for me.jpg

>> No.8838017

Totalling obsessed with food, food history, hoarding recipes.

5ft 4

Purging: That Shit's Sick, Yo.

>> No.8839129

>is everyone here fat or what
No. I'm in excellent shape, but I just enjoy cooking and baking in my spare time for a lot of reasons.

>why do you browse /ck/
Because I can't leave and /v/ contains too much shitposting to handle, so I come here instead.

Also I sometimes learn things.

>> No.8839132

The shitposting isn't as awful as /g/ or /pol/

>> No.8839176

>the only story I can tell that isn't extremely racist
Dude, if it's just the plain fact it isn't racist.

You remind me of the cynical saying I once heard about NGO workers in Africa: "They arrive as idealists, become realists and leave as racists."

>> No.8839184

Ja/ck/ threads

>> No.8839240

I'm anorexic but I love food so I browse instead of eating

>> No.8839242

Food in general is also a very normalfag tier subject(I mean, who DOESN'T like food, right?), so there's that too.

>> No.8839255
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I took up cooking mostly because I'm a knife aficionado (have been all my life) and cooking allows me to legitimately fondle razor sharp giant blades every day if I want to. I also like good food, a lot (6'3'', 280lbs). I like the knife threads and reading the /alk/ threads, they make me feel so much better about myself.

>> No.8839271

I mostly eat very humble food like beans and rice and I like to get my hunger up before on /ck/ so it tastes better.

>> No.8839380

It's the funniest board on 4chan.

I'm also a drunk.

>> No.8839632



>> No.8839674
File: 17 KB, 480x360, nick cage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what hoarders believe
I tried helping my grandmother out, and every time I addressed it, she would make some kind of remark about not wanting to throw stuff out because she may need it. Keep in mind, it was stuff like a 20 year old fax machine that ran off a phone line, or a road atlas from 1984. I would try to help, and she'd make a personal remark directed at me. "You're just too quick to throw stuff out!"
Hoarding is a psychological illness!

>> No.8839678

>making fun of the first lady
Fuck you faggot.

>> No.8839683

go back to jacking off to melanoma in /pol/ pls

>> No.8839698

I don't jack off to images, I'm not 12, you ironic little brat.

>> No.8839719

>don't jack off to images
>I'm not 12

younger people are significantly more likely to have never jacked off to images as opposed to the now readily-available videos.

>> No.8839726

I figured the two had a lot of overlap

>> No.8839732

>trying to spin the argument
You're a cuck and a mad faggot.

>> No.8839738

triggered bc you'll never fuck melly?

>> No.8839746

I'm pretty anorexic and food is literal porn to me. Nothing saves my day like a good browse before a huge meal.

>> No.8840063
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>> No.8840529

You're right. Too much time/effort. It's just not worth it...

>> No.8840900

It has unique memes and just the right amount of shitposting.

>> No.8842519

I pretty much only come here when I'm on a diet, to look at all the tasty food.

4 days under the belt dieter here.

>> No.8842524

I weigh 300lbs but I'm not fat.

>> No.8842532


>> No.8842564

I'd be surprised if this wasnt atleast 90% of /ck/

>> No.8842610
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Krabby patties: https://youtu.be/yskPFrKDP4M

>> No.8842723

I'm a fat piece of shit, but I'm working on changing that.

I was stuffing my face with all sorts of crap for years, not really caring, or maybe rather not admitting to myself that I care.

Thankfully recently something inside me clicked and my mindset completely changed.

>> No.8843214
File: 128 KB, 250x250, coffee guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

220lb 5'10" fa/tg/uy. Hardly the healthiest, but I'm pretty lazy and keep putting off getting a decent weight loss regime together

I browse because being at university taught me that cooking is an underappreciated art, and some of the memes here are pretty dang spectacular.

>> No.8843215

There are no memes here.
What are on about?

>> No.8843222
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>> No.8843489

it gives me something to do while stuck in the egg fort

>> No.8844032
File: 73 KB, 352x351, 1491400319700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6ft 5in 140lbs and 18.
who here /fit/ af

>> No.8844037

i come here before I eat because it makes me hungrier and thus more likely to enjoy my meal

>> No.8844046

I assume so, I've always been in good shape and everyone who isn't family thinks I'm kind of fitness nazi just because I exercise and eat a reasonably sane diet, but here on /ck/ I've been accused of being a ham planet because I don't believe dumb shit like "a good way to cut is to eat nothing but glazed doughnuts and stay below your TDEE for a year"

>> No.8844171

because i can browse this board at work without somone posting some sus pictures of 2d women

>> No.8844394

/ck/ is 90% female. I come here for the qtz feet pics

>> No.8844412

Where's the rest of the recipe?

>> No.8844861
File: 30 KB, 539x600, 1476803450347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fit as a fiddle
i just like it

>> No.8845974

stop eating after 6:30 pm, problem solved.

>> No.8846064

no one cares faggot

>> No.8846303

same here

>> No.8846424

>6ft 5in 140lbs

You're not /fit/, you're anorexic.

>> No.8846437

Shitty food is all I know, and this place usually posts some of the shittiest

>> No.8846446

I am American, white, and I'm a proud Obese.
>Obesity should be a race. American's instantly not divided.

>> No.8846451


>> No.8846618

>6'5" 140 pounds
>anything less than a spoopy scary skeleton
You need to gain some fucking weigh friendo

I'm 5'10" ~170 pounds and have barely visible abs currently
I come on /ck/ because my three hobbies are fitness, cooking, and shitposting and this board fulfills a good 2/3 of them

>> No.8846783

>vegan brownies

>> No.8846784


>> No.8846789

Fuck you fat ass, I'd gladly put every one of you fat bastards down for being the lazy fucks you are.

Get bullied by a manlet I take it, sunshine?

>> No.8846827

Same here, I'm a /tv/ cross poster. I'm also love cooking though and I've learned a fair bit. Mainly I'm here to cause arguments with strangers, but I have learned a little.

>> No.8846943

Shouldn't you be at the playground with the other kids?

>> No.8847917

I lurked the challenge threads and now I can't leave.

>> No.8847951

And /an/ is filled with people who hate animals, and /v/ is filled with people who hate video games, and /int/ is for people who hate connecting with international cultures.

What's your point? Every 4chan board save the porn boards /mlp/ /b/ and /pol/ are tragic inverses of their topic header.

>> No.8848003

My life sucks too

>> No.8848012

Wrong on both counts

>> No.8848027

Outbound demographic research calls

>> No.8848051

Got reaaaaaally sick with severe Ulcerative Colitis for a few years right as I was finishing college (UK). Made needing to eat more of an unpleasant chore than it used to be as a child playing WoW, and I couldn't eat any of the foods that I'd learnt to enjoy growing up like curries and flapjacks and all that good shit

So, started to more or less hate food

Fastforward to end of last year, I had surgery, and while I was recovering made a "not quite new year's" resolution that I'd learn how to cook and enjoy food again, since I finally had not only the cleanish bill of health to go out and try shit like thai food and all that stuff, but the money and means to do so

So I started to learn the same way I start to learn everything nowadays, I found the dedicated board on here and spent all my recovery time browsing

>> No.8849253

>no extra jalapeño "Hot head" special

>> No.8849926

every time i see this fucker i think he's some rando with down syndrome

>> No.8850058

I'm 5'10" 150 lbs
I come on here for the occasional genuine hilarity and to find inspiration and recipes for my qtgf

>> No.8851629

I had to change /ck/ to redirect me to /fit/. This board is bad for me.