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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8821327 No.8821327 [Reply] [Original]

Bacon sandwiches are delicious, I always ate at least one every 2 or 3 days.

I dislie the infamous BLT, crunchy water aka lettuce is disgusting and the red ring of death aka tomato is disgusting too, but a little touch of sriracha or ketchup is ok.

>> No.8821396

You do you.

>> No.8823308

Why did you toast the bread? It's supposed to be flexible.

>> No.8823314

Thanks for letting us know that you are six years old.

>> No.8823320

Sounds pretty gross. The tomato is supposed to be the heart or meat of the sandwich. The bacon accentuates it. Same with turkey and bacon, or egg and bacon. Bacon, alone, is not very good.

>> No.8823436

its ok though because anon left in the bukakke-levels of mayo to completely suppress the flavors of anon's bread and bacon

>> No.8823447

how old are you?
When I was like 10 I refused to eat tomatoes and would eat bacon and cheese sandwiches. Now that I'm older and realize acting like a little brat and eating as such will send you to an early grave.

>> No.8823452
File: 3.98 MB, 1020x1020, Daym_Drops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on foodie senpai, are you pretending to be me again?

>> No.8823462
File: 24 KB, 537x230, autism2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that autistic children prefer crispy/crunchy textures above all else and will scream IRL at any other texture in their mouth because of their sensory processing disorder.

>> No.8823472

>tfw I refuse to eat food when its hot out of the oven
I at restaurants will wait 5-10 minutes before eating a "hot" meal

>> No.8823480


fuck off reddit

>> No.8823484

>garlic and chili sauce
>somehow reflective of a website

Maybe you should relax anon, reddit cant hurt you anymore

>> No.8823533


>Having reading comprehension this low

Seems like a touch of the 'tism

>> No.8823547


>> No.8823549

It's acceptable to toast on one side (the filling side). This provides a structural backbone to the sandwich while leaving the outside flexible and mouth friendly.

>> No.8823559

I like blt but id trade the lettuce for fried onion and mushroom

needs lots of home made mayo

>> No.8823657

Nah, he's just a 'tard.

>> No.8823674
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>Bacon, alone, is not very good.

>> No.8823849

Add some scrambled eggs onto it

>> No.8824458

add a fried egg and we have a deal

>> No.8824469
File: 1.21 MB, 872x950, 1490013634663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bacon, alone, is not very good

>> No.8824527
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>Bacon, alone, is not very good

>> No.8824530
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>> No.8824547


You are pure fucking cancer and I hope you choke to death on your maymay sandwich.

>> No.8824548
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>no cheese
holy shit die

>> No.8824549
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>> No.8824552
File: 188 KB, 298x273, 1393261678186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad tomato fucking sucks on its own

>> No.8824588

A burst of mildly-sweet, slightly acidic juiciness in your mouth "fucking sucks" to you?

I'm sorry your dad's a pedophile, anon.

>> No.8824596

holy shit tomatofags are this triggered
but no tomatoes taste like copper
they're horrid on their own
'mildly sweet' my fucking ass. only good for various tomato sauces and ketchup

>> No.8824773

>tomatoes taste like copper
Are you sure you didnt jsut have a stroke? if you taste only copper then you either have a walmart shitty tomato or you're brain is fucking fried. You do know tasting copper is the sign of a stroke right?

>> No.8824781

What can you expect from a pleb who likes bacon with white bread and nothing more?

>> No.8824827

I personally dislike tomatoes.

>> No.8824841

Do what I do. Make a bacon sandwich but instead of bread use bacon.

>> No.8825026
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raw tomatoes are grotesque. kys.

>> No.8825483

You fucks don't like beef tomatoes with salt and pepper?

>> No.8825964
File: 247 KB, 700x467, bacon-grilledcheese1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor and mix mozza and cheddar grilled cheese with bacon

>> No.8826075

>he thinks i'm op

only tomatoes taste like metal

>> No.8826076

raw tomatoes are fucking horrid
people eat them like an apple and i want to puke watching it

>> No.8828269

>Sriracha OR ketchup
>he doesn't combine his cha and sup for spicy sauce with his bacon wrapped nuggies mommy makes him for taking out the trash


>> No.8828314

>people think they have sophisticated taste by unironically enjoying eating a raw basic bitch vegetable right off of a vine
The only good whole tomato is a green unripened one breaded and flash fried. otherwise you need to puree that shit or dice it for salsa. fucking savages act like we're still in the hunter-gatherer stage of humanity eating plain ass tomatoes

>> No.8828353


>> No.8828385

Maybe some people just like tomatoes

>> No.8828407
File: 33 KB, 550x370, a7526188bd2fcc2c_bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I haven't had a bacon sandwich like the one in OP in like over a decade. I used to eat them a lot when I was younger but I avoid bacon these days if I'm not eating out, I don't keep it in stock at home. I keep seeing this fucking picture in the catalog and it makes me want to make one to bring back old memories.

>> No.8828450


>> No.8828480

They serve the food at uncomfortably hot temperatures because that way the food won't be cold by the time the meal is almost finished. That's how you're supposed to do it dude. 10 minutes is a bit excessive though.

>> No.8828944


Just go to the butcher and get half a pound of bacon.

>> No.8830192
File: 28 KB, 315x315, 1489284077768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bacon, alone, is not very good

>> No.8830286

oh mai gawd BACON ooohhh

u know what w*ould spice up this meal a little more????


haha I like the way this guy thinks^^^^

>high five

>> No.8830696
File: 186 KB, 332x512, 1407412673913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if you could get /ck/ to stop eating food entirely by making food a big meme on reddit.