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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8814006 No.8814006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>dad is a chef
>gives Asian people more rice
>gives black people less rice
>gives women and manlets less food since he thinks they will "waste it"

Is he legally allowed to do this?

>> No.8814019
File: 362 KB, 600x400, kitchen scraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd feel inclined to serve black people the kitchen scraps.

that's where the soul is.

>> No.8814020

probably not but whos gonna know?

>> No.8814233

asians are subhuman

>> No.8814263

My Asian gf is subhuman when we do missionary.

>> No.8814274

>Is he legally allowed to do this

Sure he can. There's no legality concerning portion sizes.

>> No.8814296

the white man should get more foodstuffs b/c his brains and brawn has fuelled western civilization and also he has to fugg his CAUCASIAN HONEY with his BIG CACUCASIAN DING DONG

>> No.8814406

Nice try

>> No.8814416
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What if they are female asians or asian manlets

>> No.8814437

Not really, but good luck proving it to anybody.

>> No.8814532

My dad gives more sauce to white people because they always complain about their shit not being saucy enough.

Skinny fags also never finish their food so he gives them less.

Construction workers eat fuck tons so he gives them extra, so everything balances out in the end.

>> No.8814543

This actually seems like a good idea if the customers were aware. Just offer 3 sizes on all meals. I don't see how that would be hard on the kitchen staff, but I could be overlooking something

>> No.8814564

>gives black people less rice
I like your dad.

>> No.8814565

guy friend?

>> No.8814600


fuckers would always ask for the large portion and never eat it all, but you already knew that

>> No.8814604

>skinnyfags never finish their food

I'm honestly offended that skinnyfags have ruined my reputation for me. I always finish every fucking scrap and I'm 6'3" 130lbs. I eat absolutely everything I ever want.

>> No.8814621

Your dad is intuitive.
First, have you ever noticed the amount of rice served in Asian cuisine? It's insane compared to whatever the other portions are. Asians love their rice...give the people what they want. Couscous is largely the same, Mediterranean style....both are like penne pasta---PASTA with all dem other tings...gimme dat pasta with them trimmings....

Black folks...speaking generally, they focus on the entree. Wings, shrimp, chicken, beef...whatever. The side of rice (or whatever) gets hit, but they want what they ordered--thing one (meat), followed by thing two (in a sauce), followed by thing three (the side). Mashed potatoes, green beans or mac n' cheese goes way further than plain old rice, my man....no harm, no foul.

Women/manlets: Gotta cater to those who don't stuff their faces to the point of explosion. Some people just like a nice simple meal, cooked well. Restaurants tend to advocate the "19 plate double slam-jam crush your mind" platter or, a tiny soup-salad. Really, I can't get something basic AND filling? There needs to be levels of gradation, so again...your dad is on point. If only these things were integrated into all menus...

>> No.8814625

>tfw 6'1 170
people call me skinny, cant even imagine what you look like
i want to be like 155 though

>> No.8814626

My plan involves pricing for the different sizes.
>Rabbit size- $8.99
>wolf - $10.59
>Grizzly - $11.99

My hypothetical restaurant is an outdoor-themed BBQ place.

>> No.8814720

I'm apparently tolerable enough to have a qt gf.

As long as I sow my inferior seed I'm achieving.

>> No.8814737

Op is this copypasta? I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just having serious Deja Vu. I feel like I've read a story like this before.

>> No.8814757

Hello spooky skeleton

>> No.8814774

>go to Japanese restaurant
>they give me a fork and Asians get chopsticks
>my guest is whining about racism or something stupid and how the restaurant is insulting us
>I don't give a fuck they were right to give me a fork

>> No.8814785 [DELETED] 

How does your dad know what the customers look like, and what they order? Does he go to each table to personally greet each guest and take their order?

>> No.8814792

There's a good tofu place down the street from me.
The first time I went, I got chopsticks.
They gave me chopsticks. Five minutes later I asked for a fork. We both laughed.
Now I just ask for forks whenever I go.

>> No.8814793

>tickets have the table number on them
>you can see out into the dining room from the kitchen
It's really not hard to fathom how this could be possible.

>> No.8814796 [DELETED] 

But how does he know who ordered what?

>> No.8814800

Nope not copy pasta. He actually does this.

>> No.8814807

lmao based dad

>> No.8814812

i guess that the people usually come in groups of the same colour or with their family so all of them are Asian/black or whatever.

>> No.8814817
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>go to an Asian place
>the Asians sitting next to me mysteriously get extra sauce and different dishes to the menu

How do I get the homemade sauce from the back?

>> No.8814826

>go to chinese restaurant in chinatown
>almost all chinese
>everyone using chopsticks
>say to my friend that i hope they have forks
>the waiter brings a fork right after
quality service

>> No.8814837


Stop hangin around fatties, thats a normal people weight for your size.

6'2 180 here

>> No.8815029

The day a well built, white family take their fat asian exchange student out to dinner with their sons skinny black friend and his fat black gf anon's dad is going to have some trouble.

Ask for the other menu, they'll tell you its in chinese.

>> No.8815035

So what happens if someone complains about his portion size?

>> No.8815036

>go to Chinese buffet
>walk in
>get container
>go towards buffet
>sixteen Chinese people are giving me nasty looks
>return the container

I gave up after about 10 times.

>> No.8815040

Giant fridge?


>> No.8815045
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20170406_143614806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay friend?

>> No.8815068

>be black
>Get get less rice than everyone else
>"no darkie you get less!"
>shoot him
>OP migrates from /ck/ to /pol/


>> No.8815088

Your dad is a hero and should be praised for his heroics.

>> No.8815091


>Asian manlets

You don't need to include manlet when you type out Asian.

>> No.8815102

your dad seems like a smart guy
send him my regards

>> No.8815121

>yes please i would like the fat fuck grizzly size

>> No.8815139

No, not legally. You pay for the food, not how much you eat. I don't always finish all my food, and I'll bring it home. I could buy every god damn thing on the menu if I wanted.

>> No.8815188

You legit need to speak the language.

I agree, it's bullshit.

>> No.8815191

They are pleb enough to be eating at a buffet, who gives a fuck what they think?

>> No.8815198

What law would the man be breaking?

>> No.8815199

I do something like this too except I spit in the food of white people or throw a piece of pubic hair in it.

>> No.8815203

I really don't care, I mean it makes me uncomfortable but I've been trying to figure out why they do this to begin with.
We have chinks here but it's some kind of in-joke to stare at skinny white people and l can't get a straight answer as to why.

Ask around, it happens to all of us normal looking white guys. I will get to the bottom of this some day.

>> No.8815204

Discrimination laws.

>> No.8815215

>giving the people what they want

>> No.8815218

It's like you saw the word "legally" and jumped into the thread without so much as reading the OP.

>> No.8815226

Hey, the Asians want more rice, the white people want more sauce, the black people don't want to waste no rice, women want to lose weight.

OP's dad is in the right, everybody wins.

>> No.8815230

I've just got back from Hong Kong and Macau. Chinese people stare. It's not considered confrontational. They stare at all kinds of unusual shit and they don't break eye contact. And, the dumber they are, the most shit they find unusual, the more they stare.

I tried doing it back but I just ended up in a 40 minute staring contest with some warty old bitch on a train, and neither of us gained anything from the experience.

>> No.8815234

This is why you would never be able to run a business or work in a professional setting.

>> No.8815239

Holy shit thank you for solving this mystery man now I can finally eat at panda express without thinking the chinese mafia is after me.

>> No.8815251

lel, would be a great scenario

>> No.8815274

You know this story doesn't make sense, right?

Is your dad a cook and a waiter?
Does the wait staff tell him who ordered what?
If a whole table ordered the same thing, how does he know which plate will be given to who?

You're not funny.
Whatever you're doing doesn't make sense.


>> No.8815294

>blacks being violent

>> No.8815295
File: 59 KB, 560x564, 1463039932850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever you're doing doesn't make sense.

I love it when dumb people proclaim something "doesn't make sense" because they can't think up a solution.

>> No.8815297

Your Asian gf is subhuman because she's a pilow

>> No.8815305

kek, this is pretty racist, but put things in perspective. being mistreated over food is not as bad as lynching people or shooting up churches. it's just food. if you don't like the way your being treated, then just man up. "i'm american. i deserve the right to more food. give me more. or w/e special menu i want." or you could just go to a different restaurant.

>> No.8815308

But he's on point, OP's story is bs. kys faggot

>> No.8815312

>he's on point

You mean
>(you)'s on point


>> No.8815314


get out, coon lover

>> No.8815347

This. OP is more full of it than his boyfriend's ass if he thinks chefs can afford to 'tailor' food outside of specific diner requests.

It'd make more sense if he was doling out portions in a cafeteria, but that's not exactly 'chef' work, is it?

>> No.8815480

Ok smart guy.

Answer this question.
You are OP's dad.
A group with the diversity of the Burger King kids club just showed up and ordered the same thing.
You want to give different amounts to each race and gender how do you do so without knowing which plate will be given to who?

>> No.8815487

the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. Places of “public accommodation” include hotels, restaurants, theaters, banks, health clubs and stores.


You're an idiot.

You managed to stir the shitpot and draw out the /pol/tard degenerates who fail to understand ironic racial shitposting 7/10 troll post.

>> No.8815494

>how do you do so

*By* knowing which plate will be given to who. I can hand-deliver each tray (or to-go bag) to each person specifically.

This could even be "coded" in the paper sack the food is in, or on the paper tray liner if they are dining in. A plain bag/liner indicates a normal amount. A tiny fold on a corner indicates less than normal. A fold on both corners indicates more than normal. That way I can hand out trays or bags accordingly.

>> No.8815505

>I can hand-deliver each tray (or to-go bag) to each person specifically.

You're a chef who delivers food trays to each person specifically?
What kind of dive are you working in?

>> No.8815510

his dad is the chef and he's a waiter. it sounds like they have a system where they note down the race/gender of the person taking the order to prepare it accordingly.

>> No.8815521

That's a lot of thought put into going out of business

>> No.8815533

Are you fucking dense?? Not everybody pays to get the super size at mcdonalds just to toss the extra fries. But it's there for the fat fucks that want it. And they'll pay an extra 2$ for .10$ worth of extra fries and .02$ worth of extra soft drink. How genius is that?

>> No.8815535

That was my first post in the thread. Admittedly, I did not read the thing very well. I saw "burger king" in >>8815494 and thought that anon was posing a different question in the context of a fast food restaurant. That was my mistake.

But the scheme I concocted would work just as well in a full-service restaurant. The waitstaff could be in on the procedure and know what dishes to give to whom, either by simply looking at the amount of food present, or by subtle changes in how the food was plated.

>> No.8815544

>That's a lot of thought put into going out of business

Nope. It was about ten seconds of thought put into answering the question posed by >>8815480

I'm not advocating actually doing this, but it would be simple as fuck to do if someone actually wanted to.

>> No.8815589

Yrah, just ask, but helps if you can speak moonrune.

>> No.8815665

You must have looked uncultured for them to bring over the fork without asking

>> No.8815717

The place could be small meaning he could cut staff during slow hours and serve the food himself, and it could be that he only practice that stuff when the case is clear cut such as slow hours, uniform tables or single orders.

>> No.8815824

So I'm an Asian woman who eats like big black guys how do I tell the chef more meat and cheese, less starch and cheap shit without FOH interfering?

>> No.8815856


>> No.8815868

Learn Chinese, even if you fucking suck they'll appreciate the gesture. Just like how immensely pleased you feel when you're on vacation and a local engages you in competent English.

>> No.8815871

leaving this opportunity open....

>> No.8815873

They know what good service is. I don't care that Brad will be our server tonight. I just want him to take our drink order and fuck off for 5 min while we read the menu.

>> No.8815887

Maybe you're just projecting your own insecurities onto them. Chinese people are just really blunt, a dirty look from them is akin to a vague glance from an American which is, in turn, akin to a half smile and nod from a Leaf. All of these things mean, I notice you newcomer.

>> No.8815888
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>i'm american. i deserve the right to more food

>> No.8815892


it only works if they're not aware of it at all.

>> No.8815893

Eh, Korean people can grow decent facial hair. Japanese people on the other hand...

>> No.8815900

Even an 80 year old woman controlling 5 grand kids with iron fisted courtesy?

>> No.8815905

Chinese people are like Texians mixed with Canadians. Really blunt in a socially awkward way.

>> No.8815997

Since I know the layout of my restaurant I can easily code a tablet app or just print special table forms with checkboxes for the relevant information. When I know the spatial position of the customer I can attach the appropriate identifier to the plate and have the waiter deliver it to the right spot.

>> No.8816002

>The faggot that overuses ellipses.

>> No.8816008

>my gf(male)

>> No.8816035

There's an all you can eat sushi place near me that charges you extra if you take any and leave it on the plate. Maybe go to that model - when you take their plate, weigh all their leftovers (maybe by category, with meat being more than carbs) and charge a "disposal fee".

>> No.8816038

Which Chinese? Mandarin? Yue? Min? Many are unintelligible to each other. How in god's name will you know which they speak?

Also good luck with the tones which distinguish differences in meaning in words that sound the same. You'll probably end up saying, "shove this chopstick into your eye you yellow bitch" when you really wanted to say, "I'd like an order of steamed dumplings and Egg foo young."

>> No.8816064

That's a lot of fucking steps just to break the law.
And you need to make your your wait staff doesn't report you.

>> No.8816127

I speak mandarin and restaurants don't give a fuck if some white guy speaks to them in chinese. Even if you speak 10/10 chinese with perfect tones and accents they will still reply in english to you anyway, just cause you are white.

>> No.8816142

>>get container
You mean you were trying to fill tuperware with buffet food to take it home with you? No wonder they all had to stare at the gluttonous laowai stealing food.

>> No.8816213

If they've been in China within the past 70 years they probably speak Mandarin no matter what other variety they learned at home. tones are not difficult.

>> No.8816218

If you're gonna be racist you don't half-ass it. If you have treacherous staff you could also use hidden cameras to check on the customers from out of the kitchen.

Hell, if I ran an operation like this I'd fill my restaurant with sensors to determine the vitals of the customer and automatically have scripts modify their orders.

>> No.8816228

guess it depends, there's a little sichuan restaurant here where the people seem happy to hear someone speaking chinese, and give you discounts if you order in chinese too. in general chinese people seem pretty proud of their language/culture and will gladly use it over english whenever possible, they're even working on getting characters to work for domain names so people won't need to use romanized addresses.

>> No.8816251
File: 1.16 MB, 2560x1440, 20170415_141441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 130lbs coming through
If I wasn't a lazy fuck I'd take advantage of my metabolism by working out

>> No.8816281


>> No.8816288

>3/4 of a beer

Go home Skelly, you're drunk.

>> No.8816303
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>> No.8816322

>tones are not difficult

Lel, sure buddy. If you'd said the grammar structure is simple, I'd accept you knew something about the language. When you say tones are simple, you out yourself as fos.

>> No.8816330

i've studied it for a few years, really the tones are easy after the first year or so

>> No.8816353

>A year

Yeah, fuck you C-milk, some of us don't have to live in China to get an ugly wife.

>> No.8816445

IIRC restaurants are subject to non-discrimination laws because they are involved in inter-state commerce



>> No.8816465

>I don't know the definition of the words I use.

>> No.8818037

what? and i mean just a year in a classroom, if you're really trying to learn the language quickly you can master tones faster. Chinese phonology isn't very hard in general. imo the hardest part by far is reading followed by knowing the shitload of idiomatic expressions

>> No.8818077
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Japanese people what?

>> No.8818231

Call the cops before he becomes the next Hitler

>> No.8818248

>good friend
>goes on missionary's yearly to Sudan to spread the word about Jesus
>Since their culture is still backwards and women have little rights, she is treated like a subhuman over there

>> No.8818272

Honestly just when you get your plate mention you want more rice or whatever.

I've worked in a variety of restaurants, any seasoned place starts to do this.
for example
>mexican place
>mexicans get extra tortillas and salsa as a given
>might not even bring more than one tortilla per person to a white table cause they just don't tend to eat as many
>indians like salsa so give them all that shit
>asians do love rice so give them a little extra
>blacks don't give a fuck about sides/tortillas but will want extra sauce/salsa/cream

but I wouldn't serve smaller portions just because it's a person I know won't eat it all anyway. Wish I could but fucking ruins the plating and general system. But small side shit yeah I'll do it different if I know they're gonna be different about it.

>> No.8818274

open kitchen faggot

>> No.8818338

Please refine insult, this time using the word parenthesis

>> No.8818390

>serving food to people in a restaurant is inter-state commerce
Nice one.

>> No.8818461

No since the food is priced per weight...

>> No.8818478

What if they have big muscles?
What about fatties, do they get extra?

>> No.8819357

>but I wouldn't serve smaller portions just because it's a person I know won't eat it all anyway
I didn't get this part either. Who cares? They paid for it already. A restaurant itself wastes way more food than their customers do anyway if it's over muh starving africans

>> No.8819396
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5'6 140 pound manlet here

Fuck you give me the whole portion

First of all it must be a pain in the fucking ass to not only make sure that the blacks get less rice and shit, but how can you ascertain race over the fucking phone unless they're like "OHHHH HERRO" or "yo nigga gimmie dat fuckin spaghetti" - so if he actually does this (doubtful) it must be hard to plan for food costs

Second, yeah I'm a short skinnyfat fag, but I also smoke weed so I can eat more than you'd expect, also I take shit home with me.

Tl;dr your dad is a faggot

>> No.8819400
File: 862 KB, 1428x1002, tmp_23834-john-derbyshire793085855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your wifes son gonna hate you for being hapa.

>> No.8819488

6'2" 175 here and I'm still pretty thin, 155 at this height is truly skele mode and probably unhealthy

>> No.8819537

Yes, when you get a plate of food in a restaurant it's kind of up in the air as to whether it is meant to be exactly same as every other dish he's serving currently called that or each dish being individual and catered to guy ordering. There are obviously limits and these will be tested through his customer interaction. I don't think he would legally be allowed to refuse one customer what he gave to another. But he is entitled to give two different people who order same thing slightly differing plates.

My question is how does he know who is what, do you people feed him a description as well as the order?

>> No.8819565

If you can get by with chopsticks but look a bit silly/might be a little messier than optimal what is the etiquette?

>> No.8819618

IIRC the two main arguments are that

1. All the stuff in the restaurant (the food, the silverware, the refrigerator, etc) come from interstate commerce
2. The refusal to serve out of state customers would significantly reduce inter-state travel and therefore inter-state commerce

So, theoretically, you wouldn't be subject to non-discrimination laws if you got everything from within the state and you didn't discriminate against out of state customers.

>> No.8819641

>someone would go through this much fucking effort to give a skinny black guy a couple tablespoons less rice
>he also convinced the entire waitstaff to memorize some dumbass secret code so Asians get an extra tablespoon of rice

>> No.8819807

>that restaurant run by the retard that serves uneven portions

>> No.8819855

Damn dude, 6'2", 175lbs is skinny as fuck. I'm 6'3", 215lbs and am definitely not fat at all.

>> No.8820209


Yeah man, when active and eating inline with my activity I pack on the brawn, just a lazy sedentary fuck atm

Also when I was in college they had a buffet in the dining halls but you were served from it and they would always give athlete types bigger portions and fatties much less

>> No.8820284

are you anywhere near the capital of britain

>> No.8820297

>6'3", 130 pounds

Holy shit, I'm 6'1", 140 pounds and people say I look like a bird.

Post a pic of your bod. No homo.

>> No.8820333

That's retarded and I would not go to that restaurant

>> No.8820337

more like kathoei

>> No.8820366

post pic. that's craezy. you must look like a tall north korean

>> No.8820691

Hello skeleton
Lankys always eat their food, I think he meant skinny, flat, generic skindudes

>> No.8820997
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>Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964

>implying I live in burger land

>> No.8822479


Does she have nice feet?

>> No.8822673

They are pretty comfy, she takes good care of them.

>> No.8822678

I'm a skinny 5'9" piece of shit and I can and will eat more than most people I know
If there was something wrong with portions I'd ask for more

>> No.8822683

Does Australia even have black people or just abbos and maori

>> No.8822782

If it weren't for the Internet and your mandated courses in shitposting starting in primary school the world would continue to forget you exist.

>> No.8822808

This is a good thread

>> No.8822977

>I eat absolutely everything I ever want.


I used to believe this until i tracked my calories for a week

>1200 calories on average

>> No.8823027

Jiro makes em smaller for women cause the got girly hands
Source: That documentary

>> No.8823042

Actually a smart move but theres always the exception to his serving criteria
Eg blacks that eat alot of rice
Asians that dont
Whites that dont want alot of sauce etc

>> No.8823290

I used to think like that too, I generally eat 2200-2600 per day though. if you're not sedentary it's not an unreasonable intake but still feels like eating "literally anything"

>> No.8823458

>Sydney and Melbourne constantly ranked as top tier quality of life
>the world will forget this

>> No.8823620


>> No.8823818

Where? Aus is literally the spastic kid in the corner gnawing at his elbow whilst drawing on the walls with his own shit screaming "looooooook aaaatttt meeeeee!!!1!1!" as his parents stare into their mobile devices

>> No.8823835

Most of that can be repurposed for soup stock you faggot.

>> No.8823919

Why does the chef eye all his customers? Usually they stay in the kitchen.

>> No.8824163

Unjust laws are made to be broken.

>> No.8824228

That'd make an excellent veggie stock

>> No.8824300
File: 54 KB, 834x979, No+it+s+because+90+of+are+australian+_e101cec9fe25cd6003212d7947bbbf4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so butthurt that aussies have a developed country? Did you get bantsed too hard?

Not even australian.

>> No.8824326

I hope your dad dies of pancreatic cancer for being a subhuman hores fucker.

>> No.8824329
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>developed country

>> No.8824362

Quality thread but yeah, he can get away with it. The only way he can get caught was if he posted anywhere the serving size of each dish, which most restaurant don't. There is no proof that the "small" size wasn't the regular size, nor each serving was different, or if he just blames on the cook.

>> No.8824440

fucking dirty ainu

>> No.8824451

They cook through out the day and then place them in steam tray where they just scoop and serve to people cafeteria style

YOU FUCKING BRAINLESS FAGGOT just think for a second look back at your memories and past experiences

>> No.8824459

It's a good deal if you possess yourself.

>> No.8824464

you're one insignificant faggot. you have zero influence on anything

>> No.8824482

Just give me more meat and veg you fuggin gook

I don't want more rice
I don't want more sauce

t. White person

>> No.8824504
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Reminder that as soon as you step into a restaurant or takeaway you WILL BE judged behind your back.

If you are a white person at an Asian place, then they will ask if you need a fork and they will secretly put less chilli for you. If you are an Indian or Asian they will put more in chilli for you.

If you are eating alone, the staff will talk shit about you. If you a a lardass ordering tons of food they will insult you behind your back. If you are a regular the staff will also talk about how your an idiot. If you look like a sperg when ordering, welp everyone's going to have a good story to laugh at after that.

>> No.8824517

I don't mind because the food service industry is full of scum

>> No.8824539


>manchild screaming that he can eat alot
>i smoke weed! I'm cool! I can eat alot!
>immediately admits he can't clean his plate
>i take shit home with me

I can literally feel your Napoleon complex thru the internet

>> No.8824568

he's a manlet
he will never learn

>> No.8824600


I just was to dong my qt hapa daughteru while her mom's away.

>> No.8824664
File: 131 KB, 396x385, 1491285022772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second globally on the Human Development Index

>> No.8824716
File: 44 KB, 600x564, 1491414710119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incest pedoshit

>> No.8824880

Your dad is not a great chef of he gets around to see the customer while cooking

>> No.8824907

I thought so to until I actually worked in several restaurants and realized nobody has time to complain even about the most obvious senile man who forgot what he ordered and then complains about his order being wrong all staff is busy as fuck

>> No.8824942

flinched, drew my piece, shit myself, called the police.