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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8822166 No.8822166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it, Asian girls never have this problem. Is it cultural?

>> No.8822184

It's not personal for me.

>> No.8822188

Because white men are superior at everything, including cooking. No point at letting a grill into the kitchen when you could do it better yourself. Or are you a manchild who can't cook?

>> No.8822198


>> No.8822208

>Asian girls never have this problem

If only

>> No.8822211

My mom is asian and I dislike her cooking

>> No.8822215

you probably only interact with attractive ones who are SPOILED BEYOND BELIEF and never have to learn how to cook

I'm pretty sure most ugly white girls are probably good at cooking but since they are by default worse than qt asian girls and even worse than other white girls they dont get to show it off as much

>> No.8822216

He clearly said Asian girls not Asian women

>> No.8822244

>waahh my bleached mother won't cook tendie casserole for me like my white friends moms do

>> No.8822269

Because you're mistaking Anglo for white

>> No.8822270

The majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.8822278

It's ok you'll find a nice guy who doesn't make very much money someday

>> No.8822286

Shit I was part of early /akbg/
How time flies

>> No.8822297
File: 951 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20161230_103942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you wish you were female doesn't make it so. The vast majority of all 4chan users are male and this board isn't the exception. Higher ratio of female to male than most boards? Probably. As high as /d/? Probably not. Does it actually matter? No, not really.

>> No.8822304

Oh that's why this board is lame and full of people that are perpetually riding the cotton pony. This explains everything.

>> No.8822308

because white people aren't superior mothers and don't have much culture to pass down other than to indulge in pleasures.

>> No.8822326

Wait, did you just imply /d/ has lots of females

>> No.8822341


Maybe 8 years ago.

Now two thirds of the board is /tv/ overflow, and there are no grills on /tv/.

I'm not saying females made the board better; it's just that it's been overrun with shitposting.

>> No.8822356

>Asian women
Yeah, no. I'm asian and more than half of the girls at my age which I know don't even know how to cook fucking rice.

>> No.8822374

That's because you're underage

>> No.8822381

It is filled with couples and some fem exclusive fetishes so yes.
Let me rephrase. The majority of /ck/ was born with a vagina

>> No.8822533

Japanese have compulsory Home Ec from 4th grade onwards. They learn to scale and gut their own fish before 6th grade.

>> No.8822552

Do they use samurai swords?

>> No.8822560

Source or fuck off.

>> No.8822580

Big advertisers are allowed to look at board demographics and hiros datamining. /ck/ has more than 50% females according to this.

>> No.8822584

Asian women can be quite terrible at cooking too, but it's more common that asian grills know how to cook, at least the basics. The cause of all that is a difference in how they were raised

>> No.8822585

we knew that already during moot times

>> No.8822587

What data exactly could be mined from a 4chan user to prove they are female?

>> No.8822592

That's not a source. You know what to do now.

>> No.8822594


The majority of /ck/ are white, American women trying to learn the basics.

>> No.8822596


>> No.8822597


Japanese women aren't getting married or having children. 1/3 of Japan will be dead within 20 years. Who will they cook for or be submissive to? Stronk migrant benis?

>> No.8822598

Google plus account is shown if you embed YouTube videos

>> No.8822600

>Self hating hapa male detected

You weird fuckers have me hoping I don't have a son for you to corrupt.

>> No.8822606


Only women are stupid enough to ask questions here that Google is more competent at answering, or YouTube. Why anyone would come here asking for advice is beyond me. This is the board where viral marketing campaigns ironically became memes and excepted lingo/banter.

>> No.8822609

>Stronk migrant benis?
No because they're not retarded like the west.

>> No.8822610

Fell in love with my azn qt gf when I saw her breaking down a tuna. Second weirdest boner of my life.

>> No.8822611

If you are logged in and if you didn't lie about your gender. Plus the vast majority of posters never embed a video

>> No.8822614

Hey weeb, the vast majority of Asians aren't Japs.

>> No.8822619

What was the first?

>> No.8822623


If they're so smart why are they dying out? As a former Navyfag I'll tell you first hand having to live around those bug people for 3 years that Japan's socially retarded men cannot save their culture and their women are cock hungry for anything other than Otaku style manchildren that date their Nintendo DS.

Literally saw 2 grown men get into a fist fight because they were simultaneously dating the same AI-gf on LovePlus. Pathetic. Japan is doomed.

>> No.8822624


Yea, most are chinks or Arabs/Indians.

That being said, we ARE on a Cambodian basket weaving forum for animu. So...mentioning these bug people is just common sense. They'll accept migrants within 5 years time. Guaranteed. Robots can/will only do so much. Toxic culture, glad it'll be dead soon.

>> No.8822628

More like where they grew up. American girls in general don't know how to cook.

>> No.8822631

what about the more rural places? Isn't it a lot more traditional and work oriented there?

>> No.8822633

>If they're so smart why are they dying out?
They're not, they're just decreasing their population to a sustainable level.

I don't care about your sexual fantasies, anon.

>> No.8822638

Fench guy here my wife is an awesome cook, so I can safely say you are wrong about this.

I also happen to have lived and work in Japan and South Korea, plenty of women don't know how to cook there and will rely heavily on processd food to 'prepare' family meals.

>> No.8822640

>Toxic culture, glad it'll be dead soon.
The mindset of the American kike drone that can't stand people having a save and homogenous society while back home Tyrone's most likely railing their girlfriend

>> No.8822641


Everyone moves to a large city. Bespoke glass makers, blade makers, farmers etc etc etc are taking apprentices outside of their bloodline for many reasons, the biggest of which are, they have no kids...OR their kids want more from life than that. Keep in mind the vast majority of Japanese people in general are westaboos but try to incorporate their odd traditions into foreign concepts.

Skilled trades are antiquated and looked down on. Whereas working 80hr weeks for the equivalent of $30,000 just to "prove yourself" has become the normal in Japan. Whatever fucked up impression people get from movies and televison about Japan is fantasy based. Period.

They're so autistic they segregate the sexes on public transit. The awkwardness of Japanese people is offputting and embarrassing.

>> No.8822642


33% loss isn't sustainable, I find their women disgusting. Jerked off for 3 years, couldn't imagine wanting to fuck them.

>> No.8822646


Tyrone is a French name, and County in the Republic of Ireland. Your post is confusing. Idk about the dronw comment, those people are workaholics by culture and can barely make ends meet for themselves let alone families.

>> No.8822647

>33% loss isn't sustainable
Why not? Germany lost close to 50% in the thirty year war and those weren't old fucks fading out at the end of their life.

>> No.8822650

Hm yeah I can see why jap men have trouble being men when they are so boxed in by their culture.

Why would you not try to have sex with any of the women though? Surely some were attractive to you

>> No.8822651


How many migrants are currently documented in Germany, what's the estimate on illegals due to open borders? Worst example to bring up. Isn't there a quota they MUST adhere to dictated by the EU about migrants?

>> No.8822653

>33% loss isn't sustainable
The less people the more sustainable. Japan has almost no land fit for living

>> No.8822654

>How many migrants are currently documented in Germany
Completely unrelated to Germany's loss of close to half of the population in that war, anon.

>> No.8822659


Only European women are attractive to me. I wanted my children to look like me, and they do.

>> No.8822660

>Whereas working 80hr weeks for the equivalent of $30,000 just to "prove yourself" has become the normal in Japan. Whatever fucked up impression people get from movies and televison about Japan is fantasy

Huh? The impression I get from movies and television is that Japanese people work themselves to death in little cubicles for no reward. Where's the part where you correct this? Are you a space alien just making up what "movies and television about Japan" actually say about Japan?

>> No.8822665

>Only women are stupid enough to ask questions here that Google is more competent at answering, or YouTube

I can't speak for the women, but as a man, I ask questions to set people off and get them to argue with each other. Take spaghetti sauce for instance. Just say "what's the best brand of spaghetti sauce" and you'll have /ck/ at each other's throats within the hour, attacking one another's intelligence, upbringing, and basic human decency. It's the gift that keeps on giving.