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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8819780 No.8819780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts, /ck/?

>> No.8819789

Cuck, mudslime, nigger.
Am I /pol/ enough now?

>> No.8819821


>> No.8819824


>> No.8819833

virtue signaling
cultural marxism
white guilt (((liberals)))

>> No.8819848
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And a memeball to top it off

>> No.8819856

I think /pol/ should stay in pol. Actually, I think /pol/ should be deleted. It doesn't act as a containment board it just attracts shitheads to the website more than any other board, even /b/.

>> No.8819860

>a board should be deleted because I don't like them

>> No.8819870

delet /pol/

>> No.8819877

i hate white people.

>> No.8819881

If that isn't a good reason, then what is? Tolerance is only a virtue when the results are positive.

>> No.8819886

he is definitely broken
what happened?
a symbol for all those broken promises?

>> No.8819892

>i hate white people.
i hate people.

>> No.8819904

But still better than that evil bitch Hillary.

>> No.8819907

His exalted highness is definitely as thinskinned as an eggshell.

>> No.8819919

>objectively incorrect on all levels

>> No.8819926

>not an argument on any level

>> No.8819927

Drumpf is leaking out as a broken man and it is symbolic of the Russia leaks. Soon Drumpf will spoil and be cleaned up out of office when Birdie wins in 2020. The egg whites represent the white house the yolk represents his comically yellow fake hair.

>> No.8819932

Neat argument, I'll remember it for all these liberal faggots who want to flood my country with degenerate shitskins.

>> No.8819952
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>> No.8819960

Interesting that he is leaking anything. Thought he is just full of hot air.

>> No.8819963

There are numerous benefits to accepting immigrants and refugees.

T. The country built by immigrants and refugees

>> No.8819965

>immigrants and refugees from Europe are the same as those from Africa and the Middle East

>> No.8820020

i hate conservashits.

>> No.8820022

broken beyond repair

>> No.8820054

>There are numerous benefits to accepting immigrants and refugees.

Fun Fact: This statiscic is actually only true of Immigration pre 1970's.

Immigrants used to be a net gain for the US economy.

Something changed, or the tipping point turned, in the late 1970's, where new immigrants now cost us more, alot more, than they add to the GDP.

Essentially, every new immigrant we take in is no longer benefiting our GDP, but diluting it.

And this is really hurting US productivity and our ability to compete with the world.

Why do you think China has bee kicking ass economically & growing productivity for the last 30 years? Because of all those Muslim & sharkskin Immigrants in China? lol no.

>> No.8820059

>Why do you think China has bee kicking ass economically & growing productivity for the last 30 years? Because of all those Muslim & sharkskin Immigrants in China? lol no.

Yup. China's immigration policy looks like the 3rd Reich compared to the USA's open borders.

>> No.8820062
File: 55 KB, 470x395, US Productivity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something changed, or the tipping point turned, in the late 1970's, where new immigrants now cost us more, alot more, than they add to the GDP.
>Essentially, every new immigrant we take in is no longer adding to our GDP, but diluting it.

>> No.8820063

>wasting an egg like that


>> No.8820065

>Why do you think China has bee kicking ass economically & growing productivity for the last 30 years? Because of all those Muslim & nigger Immigrants in China? lol no.


>> No.8820068


>> No.8820082

>There are numerous benefits to accepting immigrants and refugees.

Yeah. China's economy caught up to the mighty USA's economy in 20 years because of all those niggers and muslim refugees we take in right?

Europe is so fucking successful right now because of their flood of ciminals fucking blowing shit up right?

white people are so fucking retarded. lol you don't deserve to be #1. China will take your spot very soon.

>> No.8820090

I don't understand economics: the post

>> No.8820118

cuck: the post

>> No.8820134

>global competition has cut into US productivity gains

It's that handful of shitskins that we let in that are causing all our problems! Hurry, the sky is falling, the sky is falling and it's the couple of million shitskins who caused it! Seal the borders quick! Meanwhile, let's go bomb somebody so we feel better! Let's loosen gun laws so the certified mentally ill can buy AR15's while we're at it.

>> No.8820138

>white people are so fucking retarded. lol you don't deserve to be #1. China will take your spot very soon.

Soon? Like, pretty much now. China already has the world's fastest supercomputer and your 'Mericans are too busy bending over to appease Niggers.

>> No.8820142

>Yeah. China's economy caught up to the mighty USA's economy in 20 years because of all those niggers and muslim refugees we take in right?

but.... but.... it's refugees that make an economy strong!!!

>> No.8820151
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, why_every_other_board_hates_pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8820159


> go to /pol/ search /ck/
> get 0 results
> go to /ck/ search /pol/
> get 321 fucking threads

/ck/ kids are fucking obsessed with /pol/. can't stop talking about them, when /pol/ doesn't give a shit about /ck/.
