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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8811718 No.8811718 [Reply] [Original]

Part of my weekly tradition is treating myself to breakfast at Waffle House every Friday and Saturday before I head into work. I usually spend about 45 min there and read the news and drink several cups of coffee, and usually spend ~$7.50 per meal.

I always give the waitress $10 even to cover the bill and she keeps the change. Usually, my minimum tip at a restaurant is $4, but it's always so cheap over here that even $4 is a 50% and I'm there so often. What do y'all think?

>Waffle House is awesome btw

>> No.8811720

I think you should grow the fuck up.

>> No.8811731

What does that even mean in relation to this, o autist?

>> No.8811742

>wasting 40 bucks a month on breakfast
>eating breakfast at all

Besides that retardation, there are certain benefits of tipping well in an establishment you're a regular customer of.

>> No.8811761

>called waffle house
>they dont serve waffle

>> No.8811767

One time I went to waffle house and asked if they made blue waffles. The waitress and chef didn't know what that was so I asked they look it up on their phone. I snuck out while they were doing it.

>> No.8811786
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>eating breakfast at all

>> No.8811795

Get a load of Daniel Ocean over here

>> No.8811824

>he fell for the breakfast meme

>> No.8811838

Because wahoe is so cheap (usual my wife, daughter, and I are out for 11-13 bucks) I always tip close to 50%. That's about 6 bucks, and its equal to the 25% tip I would have at any other restaurant in the area that would have cost 26-35 bucks.

>> No.8811876

He sounds pretty grown if he is trying to figure out if the percentage is appropriate given the lack of total price in conjuncture with the fact that America is a tipping culture and the waitresses work hard but do not make much money.

>> No.8811883

Coming to 4chan, and then the cooking and food board to ask about tipping at a shitty breakfast joint is not grown. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.8811889

Sure it is. It is grown to ask for advice for things you are not sure about, or things that you were not taught about growing up....just carry along with your substance abuse and shit starting that has defined your life ;)

>> No.8811897

Grow up babby. Go outside and get some sun on that fat American belly. To many tendies not enough cheeseburgers, huh Randy? Fucking disgusting. Come back when you have a convincing argument, gay boy. Oh, I guess you'll never be back then. Grow up baby boy.

>> No.8811900

You sound angry anon.
Did the Waffle House hurt you?

>> No.8811903

I've heard of tipping the scales, but this is ridiculous!

>> No.8811904

You sound dumb, dubs babby boy.

>> No.8811907
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>waitresses work hard

>> No.8811913

Not that anon, but asking 4chan for any kind advice is retarded.

>> No.8811922

Lol, you an angry lil shit aren't ya lol. Take a few more sips from the bottle, you'll forget about all your poor life decisions....until you sober up again to repeat the process

>> No.8811924

Exactly this.

>> No.8811941

>Assuming the abuse of substances

Not him, but do you think about what you're posting or are you just smashing your face into the keyboard and somehow solving the captcha with your asshole? Don't cast stones while living in glass house.

>> No.8811949

Take a few more sips from your gun.

>> No.8811963
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Hey kid. I've fucked more bitches than niggers have railed ur mum. I've won more fights than you've had drinks from your sippy cup. Bullied in middle school? That was me kiddo. Now I'm making 100k a year and have a hot wife and sexy side chick. I'd snap your neck in an instant without a second thought. So think about that the next time you try to act tough on the internet when you're really just a blubbering babby

>> No.8811982

You need to go back.

>> No.8812065


Yeah run away to mommy you little bitch. Hopefully she'll fix you up some chickie tendies with your favorite quinky sauce. Rekt nerd.

>> No.8812074

>What did you say to me you little bitch/10

Try harder.

Posting "this is a shit thread" in any thread on /ck just bumps it unless it has hit limit.

You never added anything to the thread and all you ever did was refresh it.

If your life is so great, then go live it.

pls go

>> No.8812079

the only tip I want is a tin of altoids sours

>> No.8812080
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>as if your post is adding something to the thread

>> No.8812083
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>working on Friday
>working on Saturday

>> No.8812085

>i have no ability to add anything positive to the world so i will just shitpost

>> No.8812088
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>lacking this much self awareness

>> No.8812095

>i have no idea how to shitpost so i'll just bump this bad thread

>> No.8812102


I like this thread. I think talking about how much to tip at really cheap restaurants is important because the standard 15% rule starts to break down when your meal costs 4 bucks. How is a waiter/waitress going to live on a single dollar tip?

The inverse is also worth talking about... why would I tip someone 40 bucks just because my meal costs 200? They did no extra work compared to the waffle house waiter/waitress and even if they did slightly more work, there is no objective reasoning behind a 40X increase.

The people that don't like this thread (you) that are bumping it are the people that aren't self aware.

Often times around here I find that the people making the accusations are the people most guilty of it - while being totally self aware. Here we are again.

Thanks for that.

>> No.8812109


>tipping threads

This is a rather tame one

>> No.8812119


Tipping threads are usually a disaster. But this one has merit because it is a discussion about the price of the food.

It's tame because it has a broader topic than just "should i tip."

And until the shitsters came in there were very few edgelords talking about how they never tip - which was a nice change of pace.


>> No.8812307
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Support my slave workers, goy, because I sure won't

>> No.8812327

What's the best thing to get at Waffle House?

>> No.8812341
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They do, but retards don't get them for some reason. Their pecan waffles are fucking fantastic.

>> No.8812354

Pecan waffle or hashbrowns with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, and ham slathered with hot sauce.

>> No.8812356
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>> No.8812357

Pecan waffle, patty melt, chicken sandwich, hash browns, pork chops. >>8812341

>> No.8812371

Grow up.

>> No.8812382

this shit has to stop.

if you're a server you are taught to add up your tips and your check at the end of the week, and if it's less than minimum wage per hour you worked then the company HAS to compensate you. the truth is, people that get tips make MORE than minimum wage, they're just piss-poor excuses for human beings so they post on facebook and tumblr about "rights".

lrn2merifatlaw newfags, if everyone stopped tipping overnight the whiny folk would get minimum wage pronto, and they'd quickly go back to school because they'd be making less money and would suddenly have nothing to complain about other than their weak life decisions.

>> No.8812386

Don't feed the trolls. He was triggered as soon as he entered the thread.

>Tipping? I can't afford to tip! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8812388

I did grow up when I realized that I'm not doing any good when I tip - neither for myself nor the service industry.

It's child-like to do something stupid just because it feels good for a short amount of time.

>> No.8812390

This. Stop feeling guilted into tipping and the shit will change. Wa la! No more tipping! No more guilt! Waitstaff goes to school to get real jobs! Everybody happy!

>> No.8812394

You not going isn't going to do anything except show the server that you are a petulant child.

>> No.8812404

>You not going
>isn't going to do anything except show the server that you are a petulant child
No, what it'll do is increase the frustration of the slave worker which over time will hopefully lead to the changes that need to happen - as these two point out >>8812382 >>8812390

Re-read the last sentence in my previous post. As much as I'd enjoy having a server crawl up my ass because I'm throwing money at them, it's not a positive for either of us when this unfair system keeps maintained that way.

You're the only child in here for putting your feefees over what is rationally the best course of action.

>> No.8812424

Why you gotta make things hard for the working class broh? I find it's the NEET cheap fucks that make it harder for the hard-working folk who just need a small tip to get by? The nice thing is, your tip is a rating of how well your server performs, and it keeps your price reasonable. If restaurants paid their employees more, you'd have a much higher increase in price all across the board, even if your server is shit or you were picking up an order where a larger tip wouldn't be necessary. The system works broh.

>> No.8812428

All Star breakfast.

>> No.8812458

Who's this douchebag? Is this a meme?

>> No.8812477

I'm the child? You passive aggressively refuse to tip, because you think your actions matter even a little bit. Keep stroking that neckbeard, kid. For every waiter or waitress you refuse to tip, a hundred other people are tipping generously. Stop throwing a temper tantrum.

>> No.8812501

>You passive aggressively refuse to tip
Again with the feefees. I'm not really emotionally invested in my transactions.

>For every waiter or waitress you refuse to tip, a hundred other people are tipping generously.
And that should bother me why exactly? Best case scenario their wageslavery ends, worst case scenario others foot the bill while I get to keep my money.

Use your brain before you type this nonsense, anon.

>> No.8812531

Grow up child.

>> No.8812533

seriously guyise please spread this information i'm tired of seeing this shit

>> No.8812543

See >>8812388

>> No.8812552


Why would I want to stop tipping? It's the most tax-efficient way to pay servers, and results in cost savings to all involved.

If a server's hourly wage were increased to give them the same take-home money as they make from tips the overall cost will go up due to taxation.

>> No.8812556


giving the waitress a 10 and walking out for anything under 10 is fine.

>> No.8812564

I see you not growing the fuck up.

>> No.8812569

What's grown up about making irrational choices?

>> No.8812667

i never said i wanted them to be paid more than minimum wage

>> No.8812675

it doesn't matter. Even if you want them paid standard minimum wage and not a penny over it would still cost you, the customer, more than an equivalent amount of money paid via tipping.

>> No.8812722

>Even if you want them paid standard minimum wage and not a penny over it would still cost you, the customer, more than an equivalent amount of money paid via tipping.
Show me your math

>> No.8812725


>> No.8812732

ayy is this ray?

>> No.8812749


Simple. If you tip someone $1 then that $1 goes straight into their pocket, most of the time. If the tipped employee is following the letter of the law (unlikely) then they report the tip as income and they are taxed on it at their normal tax rate. For the sake of easy math let's say that's 25%. So if we assume that they're obeying the law and reporting tips for taxation you tip them $1 and they take home $0.75

Now, let's instead assume that we want to pay them that $0.75 "take home" via wages instead. There's the normal taxes on someone's paycheck to consider (just like legally reported tips), so at this point we're back to paying them the $1 in wages so that it ends up as $0.75 after taxes. Sounds the same right? Not quite. We're forgetting something. When an employer pays wages in the US the employer pays an EQUAL amount of tax to what the employee does. So in order for that $1.00 to appear as pre-tax wages on an employee's pay stub, the employer already had to pay an equal amount of tax--25%--on it. In this case that would mean the owner of the restaurant must pay $1.33.

so, comparing the 3:
1) Real world scenario. You tip $1, server gets $1.

2) Current scenario, assuming everyone follows the law. You tip $1, server gets $0.75

3) Raising wages. Restaurant owner pays $1.33. After the first share of taxes $1.00 goes on the employee's pay stub. After the 2nd round of taxes, employee pockets $0.75.

Thus, paying a higher wage costs 33% more than the tip option.

Unless you yourself were involved in running a business you probably had no idea that payroll taxes are essentially double--your employer pays exactly what you, the employee, pays. The tip system circumvents this.

>> No.8812757

> then they report the tip as income and they are taxed on it at their normal tax rate.
Which is going to be 0% since the first 20k bucks or so are tax free.

Stopped reading.

>> No.8812774

The first 20k may be tax free as far as federal income tax goes, but that doesn't apply to all the other taxes: medicare, medicaid, state taxes, social security, and so on. Not to mention that there are a litany of additional taxes that an employer pays that I didn't even bother to mention, like unemployment and state taxes.

>>stopped reading
I can't fix stupid, anon.

>> No.8812790

>working on Saturday

Unless you're a cop or a nurse you may as well kill yourself.

>> No.8812794
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>that retarded tipping debate again
And that's why I don't eat out. Fuck restaurants and fuck servers, the only winning move is not to play

>> No.8812824


Nurse detected

>> No.8812829

That and you have zero income and live with your parents.

>> No.8812832

haha #rekt

>> No.8812837

>i-if you don't waste your money on frivolities y-you must somehow have less money than meee!
why would I need to eat out when the most delicious thing is your rage and I get that for free?

>> No.8812852


>> No.8812865

Who's raging friend? I bet my arrow hit dang close to the bulls eye if not directly on. You are the epitome of sour grapes. If you had your own income you wouldn't feel insecure about how others spent theirs.

>> No.8812885

>you wouldn't feel insecure about how others spent theirs
I don't give a fuck how you spend yours, all I said ITT was how I spend mine. Or more specifically, where I don't.

Where's the rest coming from and more importantly, why?

>> No.8812887

Why do you sound like an insufferable cunt? I can't imagine you're a very popular person with such a shitty attitude.

>> No.8812892

>w-why aren't you nice to people that talk shit about you

>> No.8812900

>spend mine
Is that your good boy points or the actual currency your parents give you?

>> No.8812914


>I find it's the NEET cheap fucks that make it harder for the hard-working folk

Anyone that is trading their fair labor for money, will always get screwed over by someone that is a greedy fuck that thinks they are better than everyone else and that their money is worth more than your labor.

Greedy people suck. And people that don't tip are sucky greedy people.

Also, don't feed to nontipping trolls. They don't have the balls to not tip. They are just internet edgelords.


You sound like you have 99 problems and money could fix at least 83 of them.

>> No.8812981

>dude just throw money out of the window lmao
this is the type that assumes anyone not retarded with money to be a neet living with his parents kek

>> No.8813676

Nicely done.

>> No.8813700

So, is OP tipping enough or not?

I think he's fine. Being a regular at a restaurant and tipping well has it's perks. The thing about being a regular: if you tip well consistently a server SHOULD give you priority service. But you might be held to higher standard of tipping amount.

>> No.8813726

The United States runs on tips.

>> No.8814853

Lol you sound like a fuckin loser my man

>> No.8814890

I used to tip $5 every time I had the big breakfast meal when I stopped by Waffle House everyday before work.

I quit my job. Months later, I ran into one of the waitresses from Waffle House at a Crackle Barrel down the street and she said the staff at Waffle House were worried about me when they didn't see me stop by anymore.

>> No.8815235

See now that's adorable.

>> No.8816446
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You should actually tip about 200% of your bill.

For example if you had an $8 meal you should tip $16

>> No.8816477


>> No.8816582

>le real jobs meme
Grow Up

>> No.8816592

>le I should scoot by my entire life on a job meant for high school kids because I'm too shit to move into management meme

>> No.8816600

>projecting this hard

>> No.8816700

$3 minimum tip always.

15% if it is more than $3.

>> No.8816703

>grow the fuck up

Daily cheap breakfast and coffee over a newspaper isn't just grown up, it's practically geriatric

>> No.8816768
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The last time I ate alone was at a Cracker Barrel off I-80 a few months ago.

It was a busy Friday night, around 5:30, place was full. They sat me at a table for 4. I ended up tipping $6.00 on a $13.00 bill because I felt guilty for taking up valuable space.

>> No.8817113

I eat alone all the time. Waffle House and breakfast in general are socially acceptable to go chill by yourself in a restaurant.

>> No.8817117

Are your good goy points somehow a more real currency?

>> No.8817593

Why does tipping sound like an issue that only 4chan autists have trouble understanding?

>> No.8817821

$2.50 tip is 33%
That's more than most people give her, I guarantee it. You're less work than most people if you just sit around chilling with coffee and a paper. You're probably one of her favorite customers.

-t. waitress

>> No.8817847

As a waitress, I can tell you definitively the people who don't tip:


Everyone knows it, even black waiters and waitresses. If you see a table of niggers, it doesn't matter how hard you work to please them, how many flavored lemonade refills you bring them, it doesn't matter how much or how little their check is - they never, ever, ever tip. In my decade of various restaurant experience I've learned to just not give a shit about niggers. If I get a table of niggers, I'll go out and have a smoke, take a bathroom break, I purposely don't bring them shit they asked for because I know, from experience, they weren't going to tip anyway and nothing I could do would change that. Smiling condescendingly as they mutter some backhanded comment about their third bowl of lemons for their water is more payment than I would have gotten in currency.

Maybe one in a hundred white people will leave zero tip. 97% of black people leave nothing at all.
So what I'm saying is, if you don't tip, you're on the same level as a filthy nigger. If that doesn't make you feel ashamed, well, there's no hope for you, my friend.

>> No.8818090

That waffle looks horrible. I would have sent it back if I were you.

>> No.8818103

This guy speaks the truth.

>> No.8818111

And your point is? You're doing a job a robot can do honey :/

>> No.8819218
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Sayeth the Nigger on Easter Day.

>> No.8819242


Gee, it sure would be nice if there was some kind of organisation that could collectively bargain for fair and livable wages on behalf of those who can't do it themselves.

Don't get mad at people who don't tip.
Get mad at your shitlord employer for not paying you enough to not need handouts from randos.
It is not the customer's responsibilty to subsidise the shitty business practice of some greedy assholes.

>inb4 b-b-b-but communism

>> No.8819254
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Wtf, I love niggers now.

>> No.8819282
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>organization to engage in collective bargaining

Yeah, it's called a union, which the workers, against their own best interests, have been brainwashed to reject nowadays. Those who do the work won't even try to help themselves improve their plight anymore.

>> No.8819307

I guarantee you shit eating retards don't know the reason why unions are bad at the macro level of an economy

>> No.8819339

Unions are a good idea for monpsony scenarios which were a major problem in like 1889

A gold mine in the middle of nowhere is ripe for abuse due to the immense power imbalance between the mine owners and the workers

For fast food shit, in some shitty suburb, or for that matter car factories and so on, those should be subject to the basic federal regulations on workplace safety and hygiene standards, but beyond that, let the labor market sort it out

>> No.8819362

you mean that market where the supply of laborers is constantly increasing but the amount of jobs is staying largely the same leading to people fighting over jobs with shitty hours and crap pay.

>> No.8819369

The CEO of burgerking can only afford two private jets for each of his grandkids ?

>> No.8819371

>Maybe one in a hundred white people will leave zero tip. 97% of black people leave nothing at all.

That's right. Deal with it.

... and you fucking entitled white servants fucking complain when you don't get a tip for a job you SUPPOSED TO DO & already gettin paid for.

Fuck you. You'll get treated like shit when you serve me and you'll like it. You think we ever fucking got any tips for centuries of serving you people?

>> No.8819376

pretty much this

if you are living in some kind of dystopian world where your government does nothing to break up monopolies then fine have a union your economy is already fucked

elsewise you should kys if you think unions are good for your economy

minimum wage laws should be removed too

having easy low effort jobs like retail and fast food service with livable wages only accomplishes keeping people in low income brackets but not so low that they have to do something else, its like the opiate of the masses for decreasing economic productivity by encouraging people to keep shitty tertiary sector jobs

if fast food and retail workers were actually paid what they were worth(mostly less than minimum wage) that would actively encourage people to seek education, or training to do an actual job, improve their quality of life, and even generate more taxable income/gdp growth

>> No.8819379
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First day?

>> No.8819382

I garuntee you none(0) of the workers for burgerking could do the CEO's job

CEO wages are based upon the number of people who can successfully do that job

obviously there are not many people who can do it well, and its a competitive field as everyone would want to do it so obviously the best people would only accept a higher wage

its called having marketable skills

not that I expect fast food workers to understand what those are

>> No.8819389

>Can't read
>still talks shit.

Lets break it down, shall we?

>~3-5 weekends per month
>Eats there every Friday and Saturday

That would be $60-100/month not $40

>> No.8819391

does every item you order come on a separate plate?
Thats odd as fuck.

>> No.8819398

to be fair I have been to waffle house before and my things came on the same plate

>> No.8819402

Servers make a ton of money. Most of them would be pissed if they got straight hourly and no tips.

>> No.8819405

>You think we ever fucking got any tips for centuries of serving you people?

Do black people have a justification for every fucking thing that they do that involves blaming white people?

> Niggers don't tip because of white people

jesus christ niggers. start taking SOME responsibility for your own fucking decisions.

>> No.8819417

And just do you figure out "the number of people who can successfully do that job"? Running a multi billion dollar fast food chain isn't something that you can just do a bunch of experiments by creating 100 different identical copies of that company and seeing which CEO does the best and then making prospective CEOs take some kind of objective test that establishes whether he fits the criteria. The macroeconomic situation fluctuates, competitors rise and fall, food fads happen, the regulatory environment changes, etc. It's pretty well accepted by economists that C-level compensation is totally out of whack because it's not subject to the same free market forces that determine rank-and-file compensation.

btw I'm the guy who was agreeing with you that unions are stupid

>> No.8819426

Correct. You know what labor unions do in that kind of environment? They turn the rank and file workforce into a sort of mafia. Often literally.

I'm not in any way apologizing for corporate abuses but unionization is a blunt tool that doesn't fix every economic problem despite what union fanbois seem to think.

>> No.8819429

Until owners stop treating labor like any other commodity and compensate the actual producers of goods and sevices commensurate with their efforts, collective bargaining is the only weapon available to ensure even a minimum amount of justice. However, the propaganda machine on the right has convinced the worker that it's against his best interests and red states have passed "open shop" laws that have effectively killed any chance for it. Hence, wage stagnation and loss of benefits among the people actually producing, while CEO and corporate officer salaries soar.

And stop pretending we're only talking about restaurant staff. We're talking about the people who produce goods and services in every facet of the economy.

>> No.8819443

imo, if unions were actually just hurting workers, I don't see why Uber, Walmart, etc. would go to such lengths to design propaganda against it. they have no reason to actually care if someone is wasting a portion of their paycheck on the membership fees like they claim, otherwise they should make anti-gambling propaganda and shit too

>> No.8819471

how many "actual" jobs are there? plenty of college grads are struggling for employment too. do you really think there'd be enough open jobs that every single fast food worker could go get one if they went to school? what about after everyone gets their real jobs and wants a mcchicken, who's left to make it when the entire population moved to s.f. to make a startup?

your evaluation of the job is purely subjective, it's something people have a (huge) demand for, and someone has to fill it. there's nothing wrong with people living off of these jobs, they're providing a service that people want.

also generally, blue collar jobs aren't "easy" and "low effort", they're physically taxing which is why tons of people already want to get out of them. I guarantee most people would tell you they'd rather sit in an office if they could make the same amount.

>> No.8819480
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CEOs and all the other C niggas are *generally* hired based upon relevant experience and alignment with the companies goals/pursuits

its such an intensive process that most companies use "recruiters" if you will to find people who are right for the job

COO CEO CFO ect.. wages are all within what the market rate dictates, they are just high as not many people get these jobs and they are important

>Until owners stop treating labor like any other commodity and compensate the actual producers of goods and sevices commensurate with their efforts

citation needed

>collective bargaining is the only weapon available to ensure even a minimum amount of justice

xd muh justice, you dont want justice you want to be paid more than what your labour is worth in terms of market value because you have no skills worth selling

> Hence, wage stagnation and loss of benefits among the people actually producing

You do understand unions and social welfare programs are the largest contributors to the downward rigidity of sticky wages as they encourage voluntary temporary unemployment or just waiting out till the potential for wage decrease goes away, there however is no evidence that wages maintain any real upward rigidity outside of the break even costs for the companies, I dont expect half brained socialist to understand actual economic concepts but you are a fucking troglodyte

>And stop pretending we're only talking about restaurant staff. We're talking about the people who produce goods and services in every facet of the economy.

on average people in secondary and primary sectors of the economy are paid above minimum wage voluntarily by their employers because they actually posses marketable skills, if it weren't for minimum wage laws shit breathing mongrels who work in tertiary sector positions would be generally paid far less

>> No.8819516

>how many "actual" jobs are there?

that completely depends on who is president and what level of protectionism we have

>plenty of college grads are struggling for employment too

if you study a field with no job prospects and then wonder why you have no job you're a mongrel, Marine Biologists are a fine example of this, its obviously a rather technical field, but there are only so many of them to go around so its VERY unlikely you will get a position like this, same thing with forensic chemistry as there are so few forensic chemists in any given state in the united states it would be foolish to go that path

>do you really think there'd be enough open jobs that every single fast food worker could go get one if they went to school

first of all not everyone has to leave their tertiary sector jobs, but we certainly dont want a lot of people there, secondly not all jobs require school, thirdly there are many jobs unfilled by US citizens that we use imported mexican labour to fill, with proper foreign policy, monetary policy and immigration enforcement its quite reasonable to say that we could maintain near 100% employment amount those looking for work

>what about after everyone gets their real jobs and wants a mcchicken, who's left to make it when the entire population moved to s.f. to make a startup

people with no marketable skills(teenagers) would be filling these jobs as they should, the point isn't that nobody should do the jobs its that fully functioning adults shouldn't

>your evaluation of the job is purely subjective, it's something people have a (huge) demand for, and someone has to fill it. there's nothing wrong with people living off of these jobs, they're providing a service that people want.

of course its something in high demand but its also nearly universal in who is qualified to do it, by that nature the wage paid for that work is naturally low

(im running out of characters I'll respond in a second post)

>> No.8819530
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>also generally, blue collar jobs aren't "easy" and "low effort", they're physically taxing which is why tons of people already want to get out of them

I somewhat agree with that statement, you notice things like this in agriculture as the seasonal wages for someone picking apples in an orchard can get upwards of 250 dollars a day if you are very efficient at your job which is insane when you think about how universal that skill is of picking fruit off of trees but nobody wants to do it because they can just work a relatively plush jobs in a retail store or a fast food place for minimum wage

>I guarantee most people would tell you they'd rather sit in an office if they could make the same amount

clearly, see point above

>> No.8819575

>CEOs and all the other C niggas are *generally* hired based upon relevant experience and alignment with the companies goals/pursuits
You mean like every other position?
>its such an intensive process that most companies use "recruiters" if you will to find people who are right for the job
You mean like every other position?
>COO CEO CFO ect.. wages are all within what the market rate dictates
Again, the issue here is that nobody can confidently determine what "the market rate" even is. You are trying to compare a rare job that only a few dozen people in the world can possibly fill to a rank-and-file job that has thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of possible replacements. The fact that you used the word "wages" and not "compensation", and the fact that you said "recruiters" and not "headhunters" or "executive search agencies" shows that you erroneously think these are comparable situations.

The nature of a CEO position is that assessing his added value is pretty much impossible, and the default response to uncertainty is just to shovel more cash at him in the hopes that he is irreplaceable. And if his job performance is determined to be bad enough that he gets replaced, STILL shovel cash at him, because the next in line may view the replacement as a political move (maybe the bad performance was due to macroeconomic events outside of the last guy's control) and we don't want to make the new guy think he'll be punished for something that he thinks wasn't his fault.

>> No.8819622

I love how most people assume that if you tip a server every dollar goes to the server. They tip out bartenders, bussers, support staff. So if you don't tip them at all they have to end up tipping out on a percentage of their sales and have to eat the cost that your autist asses think you're too good to pay for. Anyone I've seen have that no tip mentality is either a nigger or an autist

>> No.8819666

>You do understand unions and social welfare programs are the largest contributors to the downward rigidity of sticky wages

Oh, so now unions are responsible for decreasing wages and wage stagnation? Since unions have essentially been decapitated with open shop laws, why have wages stagnated? Because of social welfare? That would be inversely related since more people sitting on their ass would reduce the size of the labor pool forcing the owner to pay more, not less.

>need citation

Citation for what? Your own arguments are based on the premise that owners view labor as a commodity.

I wouldn't expect a half witted corporate fascist tripfag to understand basic economic principles anyway.

>> No.8820883

lmfao you actually dont even know what downward rigidity of wages is

ayy lmao

the left everyone

>> No.8820893

I didn't grow up poor and my parents paid attention to me, so I eat breakfast daily

>> No.8820958

You can't afford to eat out, so I'm not worried.

>> No.8821138

The reason jobs aren't increasing much is because the younger generation isn't entrepreneurial because they feel entitled to a cushy job because cultural Marxism indoctrination in schools taught them that they're just slaves to "da man"

>> No.8821163
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>> No.8821171

If you need food stamps with a full time job you just have bad judgment

>> No.8821197

>Posting "this is a shit thread" in any thread on /ck just bumps it unless it has hit limit.
Have we finally reached the point that nobody is left on 4chan that remembers sage?

>> No.8821206
File: 62 KB, 400x460, Arigatou Obama San___ _ iFunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we should allow the govt to subsidize corporations that hire people with poor judgement

Shiggy diggity du.