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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8817192 No.8817192 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you'll never eat real mexican food

Might as well neck yourselves, /cuk/s

>> No.8817197

>you can only have "real" Mexican food in Mexico
>There aren't millions of hispanic immigrants making Mexican every day all across the country

Same ingredients, same recipe, same meal. Kill yourself.

>> No.8817202

t.whitebread flyover who thinks that his MUH HOLE IN THE WALL garbage is "authentic" just because they were playing tigres del norte on the PA system

>> No.8817206

Stay mad whiteboi

>> No.8817210

But I'm from NY and I've been to Mexico. Goat stew is GOAT...as is the fish. Red Snapper was great.

Playa Del Carmen BITCH OP

>> No.8817216

>implying I'm not of Mexican descent
>implying I don't live on the California/Mexico border and regularly visit relatives in Mexico

Kill yourselves.

>> No.8817224

>implying northern mexico has good food

>> No.8817225

a flight to Mexico costs like $250, I can go whenever I want. Plus I live in a super white state and there is still a mexican neighborhood ten minutes away

>> No.8817228


>> No.8817294
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>implying baja cuisine isn't top tier
go fuck yourself

>> No.8817312

>when your country is such a corrupt crime infested shit hole that you have to cling on to your meme food in order to feel relevant.

I feel for you, Mexibros.

>> No.8817315


Baja Californorte is full of white people and chinks that own all the wineries, not to forget all the top-tier foreign owned resorts also in Baja. Their cuisine is a compendium of tourists demands paired with poor fisherman's tradition. I'm more Mexican than the cuisine eaten there currently.

>> No.8817320


To add to this, Rick Bayless is a Mexiboo of rpic proportions. If you truly wanted "authentic" mexican food, you'd look up his recipes.

>> No.8817322
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>implying squeezing a lime over some raw seafood is unique to baja
>implying you didn't just steal the idea from someone else
peru here, glad you're enjoying our invention, now don't get too uppity or someone might get hurt

>> No.8817338

>ACTUAL Mexicans come to /ck/ and act as if their steaming pile of gang war torn slums they call a country has anything unique left to offer
>ACTUAL Mexicans don't realize that the United States has every last valuable Mexican already across the border.

Ayy hombre I saw your grandma working at Jack in the Box.

>> No.8817360
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t.shitskin coastal urbanite that thinks anybody gives two fucks about authentic fecal contaminated beaner food.

>> No.8817369
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This isn't 2002 anymore. Bajas cuisine started to do unique with the seafood , unlike the rest of Mexico. The food in Baja is for the locals, not the tourists. You're confusing north baja for south. The best tacos are in Baja as well. Ive been all over Mexico and Baja has some of the best food outside of Oaxaca and DF

>> No.8817392

>Some buttmad flyover in kentucky or some shit was butthurt enough to make this and only add two cities that are the only known ones from around the world. and YOU SAVED IT

>> No.8817408

Honestly this should include Miami.

>> No.8817431

WIDF actually

>> No.8817457

>Their cuisine is a compendium of tourists demands paired with poor fisherman's tradition
This is probably the worst comment i've seen in this shitty board.

>> No.8817461

>real mexican food
you mean indian

>> No.8817465

No .Mexican food is Mestizo

>> No.8817503

Yeah, I think Ill live. "Real" mexican food is peasant food. TexMex is what is actual food.

>> No.8817505

texmex is just bar food. no thanks. Even in the US real mexican food gets Michelin stars.

>> No.8817507

>implying any of mexico has good food

>> No.8817517

The way you people obsess over flyovers im beginning think they may be better than everyone else.

>> No.8817518

>implying it doesn't

>> No.8817522

There are honestly a lot of ingredients you can't get in the US, or at least it's difficult to get. Fresh guavas, limas and other fruits for example. Seafood too. Having said that, I've had some great Mexican food in the US, that's just as good as what you might find in Mexico. The great thing about food in Mexico is it's really good and really, really cheap.

>> No.8817524
File: 713 KB, 800x800, pi4KIxX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you that 8/10 "mexican" restaurants are either a watered down version of a homade meal by an abula or just a lazy version made for money. It's sad especially since I live in Arizona but it's the truth. Don't get me wrong I get the craving for my American Mexican food but to compare what we get here for the most part to the food found in Mexico even just in terms of ingredients is grasping at straws.

>Tfw godparents parents make farm raised pork with chilie served with handmade tortillas.
>Tfw after a few beers head down to the open air taco stand I've eaten at every time I visit
>Tfw grab some tortas from a local torta shop
>that comfy feel when grandma's menudo made with fresh beef that's was killed the day prior

Pure bliss

>> No.8817527

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.8817531

There's no need to lie anon.

>> No.8817532

>one of the most diverse cuisines
>michelin stars
>on the unesco list along with french for its cuisine

yeah Mexican is based

>> No.8817536

Let me know texmex has more michelin stars than real Mexican food in the US lmao

>> No.8817546

I am hesitant to agree with you about the tacos because some of the small villages I've been to have some prime shit because of how fresh and good the ingredients are but I'll have to try them for myself. What area of Baja would you recommend m8?

>> No.8817548

You can tell me all you want how well mexican food does, it's still shit.

>> No.8817552

You people and your michelin stars are pathetic.

>> No.8817557
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>> No.8817559

From Tijuana to Ensenada and in between. Tacos el Yaqui, El Mazateno, Mariscos ruben, Tacos fenix, tacos salceados are some well known places that sell some of the best tacos in Mexico

>> No.8817573



LOL faggot.


Prove me wrong. The ONLY industries in Baja are foreign owned fishing vessels, wineries and tourism. Outside of that it's Ramen tier squalor.

>> No.8817580

Confusing Baja with southern baja

And? Some of the oldest wineries in the new world are in Mexico. I don't see anything wrong with that . Are you implying that Mexico should just stick with shitty beer and tequila?

>> No.8817586


It's one peninsula, hombre. True, the further north you go the poorer it is, lack of gringo money does that.

>> No.8817609

>butthurt urbanite cucc sperges out every time this graphic gets posted

>> No.8817618

I'm not talking about Southern Baja. Places like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n3xBdTj3CM

has no tourist influence whatsoever. you're just assuming that Baja cuisine is correlated with tourist traps such as Cancun , Playa del norte baja sur and the such. And that is far from the truth

>> No.8817623

>hole in the wall
Retarded coasty manchild