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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8815953 No.8815953 [Reply] [Original]

michelin star chef here

imagine my suprise when i came to /ck/ for the first time and found out people here rate cilantro

>> No.8815959

I rate the cilantro 8/8

>> No.8815963

Cilantro 10/10 must have in arroz con gandules, salad, salsa, rice and beans.

>> No.8815967

Coriander is bretty gud

>> No.8815969

Cilantro is only good in soups.

>> No.8815971

I give it a 7

>> No.8815977

what are your favourite herbs and spices then?

>> No.8816289

Tastes like chemicals/10

>> No.8816312
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I'll give cilantro a 5/10 and I'm being generous.

>> No.8816350

>Be me
>insatiable 16 year old kid
>omg chipotle is the best restaurant ever
>so much food for the price,
"muh value"
>have a weird sinus system
>sometimes get food up my nose when I eat too quickly
>buy a burrito
>devour said burrito in under 3 minutes
>huh? what's this? something smells funny.
>A piece of cilantro is stuck up my nose
>try blowing my nose, no avail
>try using nasal decongestants, no avail
>try steam treatment, no avail
>try q-tipps, no avail
tfw everything tastes and smells like cilantro for over a month before the cilantro finally dislodges itself. Can't stand cilantro now.

I also had a whole raisin stuck up my nose for a few days. Was pretty gross when it came out.

>> No.8816378

wtf disgusting mutant

>> No.8816389

I've never rated it before

>> No.8816394

everything is a chemical

>> No.8816397

If this wasn't from years of cocaine abuse, you weren't meant to live.

>> No.8816398

0/10, it makes everything it touches taste like shit and has this horrific lingering aftertaste.

>> No.8816399

Who calls it "chinese parsley"?

>> No.8816400
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>> No.8816413

how do you get stuff on your nose? are you a Jew by chance?

>> No.8816420

There is no way this is a bait thread....100% not possible

>> No.8816435

Light isn't

>> No.8816440

it isn't. cilantro is shit and we do have michelin star chefs around here. hell even gordon ramsay admitted to lurking on /ck/.

>> No.8816452

Rate it what, you fucking mush mouthed euroshit?

>> No.8816492

I know I'm a mutant. I have really large and deep nasal passageways. I could have an ant colony in there and I might not notice.
Never done drugs in my life desu
Pretty close to what I look like
I'm Aryan master race

>> No.8816509

As a michelin starred chef, you of course are aware of the innumerable subtle and sophisticated techniques and recipes posted on /ck/ from time to time, which I presume is why you're here. How many of those have you used to help attain your glorious star? Did any of them use cilantro?

>> No.8816632

>hell even gordon ramsay admitted to lurking on /ck/.

kek, why do you have to make shit up on the internet?

>> No.8816649
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>> No.8816758
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For me, it's a glass of pure water mixed with lime and cilantro.

>> No.8816935


>> No.8816971
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>>sometimes get food up my nose when I eat too quickly

>> No.8818613


inferior american genes
