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File: 105 KB, 900x600, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8808209 No.8808209 [Reply] [Original]

Should Chili be made with or without Beans?

>> No.8808216


>> No.8808219

even on a chili dog?

>> No.8808228

its chilli CON CARNE for a reason you flyover fuck

>> No.8808236


What's your point? Are you trying to suggest that chili contain nothing but the peppers and meat?

>> No.8808238

It isn't chili if it doesn't have beans.

>> No.8808246

What about cinci chili? Or sloppy joes?

>> No.8808250

Citation needed.
And yes, I know it's a long shot that you know what citation means.

>> No.8808282

Chili needs beans. Chili without beans is not chili it is meat sauce

>> No.8808308

depends on the application. for burgers/hotdogs, usually no beans. if you're going to eat it like a stew, then beans.

on baked potatoes, I usually prefer beans, but don't really care.

>> No.8808401

Whichever you're in the mood for. Personally I like chilli with loads of beans in, and not just one kind of beans either. Sometimes I add lentils too if I'm in the mood for it, but it can be a bit too stuffing with both lentils and meat for me.

>> No.8808406

Not who you're asking, but the origins of chili con carne in that shithole Texas seem to indicate that. This from wikipedia:

"As far back as 1850, a recipe consisting of dried beef, suet, dried chili peppers and salt, which were pounded together, formed into bricks and left to dry, which could then be boiled in pots on the trail, was found".

So, apparently, a brick of dried beef, fat, chilis and salt is the only authentic chili. Any of Texasfag recipes that use fresh meat or chilis is not chili con carne, but a bastardization.

>> No.8808408

Is that cheese? Why

>> No.8808409

Always beans

>> No.8808413
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try goulash it you want something similar, but without the beans

>> No.8808414

the original is always best

>> No.8808416

Beans OR meat and the recipes arent interchangable.

>> No.8808421

Refried beans can be substituted in that case

>> No.8808454

i prefer chili without meat. meat is rank.

>> No.8808455

Yep, always need cheese, macaroni, and a dollop of sour cream too

>> No.8808463

However you personally prefer it. Who gives a fuck what a bunch of screeching autists think.

>> No.8808467

Macaroni wtf?
That just sounds like hamburger helper tier

>> No.8808469

Irrelevant, it's chili either way

>> No.8808474

Only kidney or black beans, if you use pinto beans you're a horrible person.

>> No.8808535

It's just the opposite. Use only pinto; kidney and black beans suck in chili.

>> No.8808544


>> No.8808548

To your preference.
Next question.

>> No.8808554

It's chili mac, you fucking fruit. The toppest of chili recipes.

>> No.8810143

That means you don't need beans, because "con carne" means "with meat".

>> No.8810149

Cincinnati "chili" and sloppy joes are most certainly NOT chili

>> No.8810159

That actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.8810236
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i like this recipe guys

>> No.8810250


if you put beans in it, it's not chili, it's fucking stew.

the ONLY things chili can contain and remain chili is...

A. beef.
B. Chili peppers
C. Onions

that's fucking IT!




t. texan with a masters in culinary tradition and ethnic nutrition from A&M

>> No.8810256





and meat

and onions only because cowboys would dig up onions from watering holes.

>> No.8810259


you are a



>> No.8810265

Thank you. Beans are a cheap additive stemming from chili being made in non-cattle states that didn't have cheap readily available large amounts of beef.

At least, that's what I remember hearing from at some point, and I'm sticking with it.

I love beans but they don't belong in chili.

>> No.8810271



>> No.8810285


cowboys received a certain amount of beef as part of their pay. chili peppers grew everywhere. onions grew at waterholes. they'd dry beef and and put it into a pot with water and chilis and onions (cut into quarters) and mash it up real good.

that's what chili is, and anything else contaminates the purity of it.

>> No.8810286

So a veggie chilli would just be chillies and onion? How fucking limp.
inb4 stop being a carrot muncher

>> No.8810291


what the fuck is a veggie chili?

>> No.8810293

Yes. It's braised meat with spices.

>> No.8810300

A chilli that's vegetarian you fucking mong

>> No.8810304

Thanks, I didn't know that! I'm willing to bet people that clamor for beans or anything else just haven't had a really good authentic chili.

Of course, I have the same feelings about BBQ sauce in general being crap compared to dry rubs.

>> No.8810311

Without, generally speaking, but I don't hate.

I'll eat both.

t. Texas, which generally is vehement about NO BEANS

>> No.8810314

depends on the setting

>> No.8810319


what the fuck does vegetarian chili even mean? it's a meat dish.


it's not real BBQ sauce if it's not made with grease drippings from the meat. although there are great tomato+vinegar based BBQ sauces. the important thing is that it cooks down ON the meat.

i've made BBQ sauces with apples, beets, bacon, vinegar, onions, garlic, and molasses - i added some hot sauce. if you brush it on the meat every 45 seconds at a medium roar on charcoal, you can stack layers of glaze on a meat that has already sweated.

>> No.8810336
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I actually wasn't aware that chili wasn't supposed to be made without beans. Can someone post a recipe of "authentic" chili?

>> No.8810341


what the fuck is wrong with you faggot?

recipe: beef, chili, onions, salt.

>> No.8810343
File: 146 KB, 223x223, 1489577494248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Texans always so angry?
>what kind of chilis
>in what proportions
>what cut of beef
>what kind of onion

>> No.8810346

Without is probably better, but when I make it I use a lot of beans to make it larger because I'm poor.

>> No.8810347
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Chili isn't a stand alone meal if it doesn't have beans.

I couldn't care less if you're slathering it over something else, but if we're talking about the meal "chili", then it better have beans.

>> No.8810352


fresh chilis chopped up




>> No.8810355

>Why are Texans always so angry?
They're not good enough to be their own country despite trying several times. Also, dehydration from living in the southwest but being drunk hicks instead of reaching for the water.

>> No.8810356

fyi if you use beans they should be black or garbanzo, not kidney

kidney a shit

>> No.8810364


texas can be it's own country any time we want. we have our own power grid and oil infrastructure. also, we're one of the least alcoholic nations in the south.

>> No.8810365

Chili is such a simple and broad dish you can put anything in it and it will still be chili.

But your a pleb if you omit beans.

>> No.8810367

>texas can be it's own country any time we want.
Then fuck off, even your gun laws are shit.

>t. Arizonan

>> No.8810372
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>this thread

>> No.8810376


we can shoot someone dead on our property, with no explanation. you can't.

fuck off, cucks.

>> No.8810379

>implying we can't

This is advanced retardation.

>> No.8810384

>They're not good enough to be their own country

Worse than that, in Texas' desperation to be with another country, any country, they repeatedly petitioned the U.S. to join the union. We refused at first because we knew accession would trigger war with Mexico. Which of course ended up happening. And to this day Texans whine about their special recipes, "yanks", and secession.

>c'mon baby i'm not with Mexico.

tl;dr Texas was with Mexico, it didn't work out, begged U.S. to move in, the U.S. had to beat up its ex. And Texas has threatened to leave the U.S. ever since. Texas is the quintessential bitch.

>> No.8810398

It was also called chile con carne
not chilli
not chilli con carne >>8808228
not chile y carne, no mas
only autistic fucks and competitions that don't want to force judges to load up on beans say no beans ever and talk about origins

>> No.8810409

Chili without beans, much like the inhabitants of Texas, is two-dimensional and wearisome.

>> No.8810421
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>texas can be it's own country any time we want. which is why we carried the Confederacy to victory.

Texans really think this

>> No.8810435


it can literally happen on accident, if we forget to renew the treaty anally.

>> No.8810621

I think people are memeing the whole "real chili" thing as "has to be/must be" instead of the intended "traditional chili".
Back in the trails days, you had chili con carne or you had beans, it wouldve been super rare and extravagant to have enough food to combine the chili con carne + beans.
"Real chili" is following that tradition, chili+beans is basically two different co-existing contemporary dishes mixed together.

>> No.8810692

As a meal chili should have beans and lots of vegetables. For like chili dogs and using it as a condiment just meat.

>> No.8810725

You need to go back

>> No.8810734

fucking NO you gay dumb faggot chili never EVER should have fucking beamns fucking retard?

>> No.8810739

>My dear Maudeline, It has been two and a quarter years since I joined the service. I hope you understand that I made this sacrifice, despite missing your sweet face, so that our daughters could live a better life. I only hope they allow my resignation soon for my rear grows sore from the end of the year sodomy treaty. Your Beloved, John.

>> No.8810753
File: 74 KB, 920x613, 920x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No beans. Never beans


>> No.8810775

holy shit rippletits

>> No.8810884

>black beans suck in chili

what, they're the best

>> No.8810889


I hate the cheese
why ruin a good chilli recipe with cheese?
I just want to taste the spices, the beans, the meat,t he onions and peppers
cheese gets in the way of that for me when it comes to chilli

>> No.8810895
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>chilli isn't """true""" chilli if it has beans
>it becomes a stew

>> No.8810914

Then don't put cheese. Problem solved.

>> No.8810998

pinto or black?
beef or pork?

>> No.8811118



>> No.8811144

>Texans are so cringey

>> No.8811241
File: 199 KB, 1011x1080, ck has the lamest gets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8811311


>> No.8811353

>throw out your mckormick prepacked spices
>make the mix with separeted mckormick spices

every fucking time

>> No.8811374

Nice meme-ing. Must be nice to pretend to be texan online.

>> No.8811379

>originally chili was weird wild west instant ramen
fuck, i wanna try that now

>> No.8811420

i want to violently strongarm the faggot who made this picture

>> No.8812704

And if Congress just forgets about the Constitution, or Texas v. White.

The only "secession" Texas can avail itself to, is division into multiple smaller states. Per the documents governing its accession to the Union.

>> No.8812741
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Huge white beans cooked for a long time are like potatoes

Black beans trap most chili flavor

Kidneybeans are im between

>> No.8813758
File: 39 KB, 540x404, 1489266932342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what purists don't understand is that food becomes good sometimes when people fuck with it. A lot of the times, the result is bad, and is discarded. But sometimes, the change becomes an innovation, and betters the previous product. This is true in any field, be it food, medicine, art, anything. If innovation doesn't happen, the medium dies. Tomatoes weren't a part of Italian cuisine until centuries after the new world was found, and we don't have a ton of fucking faggots screeching "tomato sauce isn't real italian REEEEEEEEEE". same with pasta, that shit got "borrowed" from the chinese. The vocal minority can try and push a holier than thou attitude, saying chili with no beans is in a class above beans, and I'm better than you for thinking so, but in the end, its a vocal minority, and I truly think taste is a secondary factor in why they are making such a staunch position on fucking chili

>> No.8813778

What is chili called when you put spaghetti noodles in it? The only thing I've heard it called is "Fag chili" from my Grandmama and we live in Tennessee so everyone I know calls it "Fag chili" too

Goddamn, she made some good fag chili

>> No.8813782

Either is fine as long as you don't overdo it. There should be twice as much meat as beans.

Also chili is best Cincinnati style, with spaghetti noodles in it.

>> No.8813818

Cincinatti/Skyline chili

>> No.8813823



>> No.8813831

Thank you! I usually just browse this board to read posts and discussions (lurking) since I'm no good at cooking usually. But I remember a lot of tips my Grandma gave me, and I have her recipes somewhere, so I might have to finally give seriously cooking a complete meal a try :D

>> No.8813835


>> No.8813986

objectavley wrong dumb cuck

>> No.8814013
File: 129 KB, 1054x735, CUCCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's chilli CON CARNE Y FRIJOLES for a reason you C.U.C.C. scum.

>> No.8814055

>from the same state that wants to claim chicken fried steak
I like a lot about Texas, but sometimes y'all are fucking stupid.

>> No.8814058

Yes beans because they make the chili go further, round out your nutrition and shit. Use less meat that is organic or better yet grass fed and stretch it out.

>> No.8814076

I heard beans were added as filler by people in the north because beef was more expensive than it was in cattle county.

>> No.8814098
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>> No.8814106

Chili is:

Kidney Beans

You need the beans to provide texture otherwise you're just eating slop, like a pig, which you beanless white trash philistines are.

>> No.8815696

Without beans it's not chili, yankee.