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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8799641 No.8799641 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't like vegetables you're a fucking baby.

>> No.8799654

I just found some frozen peas in my freezer that passed their best before in February 2015 and I ate them about 10 minutes ago.

>> No.8799672

>I just found some frozen peas in my freezer that passed their best before in February 2015 and I ate them about 10 minutes ago.

Rest in Peas.

>> No.8799677

truely a meal for a grown up
it's also quite manly food (without assuming your gender)

>> No.8799703
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Not even lying

>> No.8799719

It's true. I have to force feed myself vegetables. Sucks, but I do it because I know they're good for you.

>> No.8799722

If you don't like vegetables you don't know how to fucking cook
People's aversion to vegetables stems from shitty mother cooks forcefeeding them boiled broccoli, tasteless Walmart tomatoes and season-less lettuce

>> No.8799723

Reminder that pizza is a vegetable.

>> No.8799770

reminder that americans are mental vegetables

>> No.8799775


>> No.8799781


>> No.8799799

RIP in Pepperoni

>> No.8799806

there is literally nothing wrong with boiled broccoli

>> No.8799850

They tasted like regular frozen peas, pretty sure I'll survive this saga.

>> No.8799893

nobody said you were

>> No.8799923

The absolute Madman

>> No.8800196

>tfw loved boiled broccoli as a kid
My dad sometimes mashed it with boiled potatos and called it dinosaur mashed potatos. Was the fucking best.

>> No.8800203


My wife only likes cooked vegetables that are basically mush, raw vegetables outside of romaine and iceberg lettuce = won't touch.

>> No.8800206


I fucking hate celery. Just celery. It's the only vegetable I find completely intolerable.

>> No.8800221


Cumdumpster here, celery tastes like semen. If you stopped being a bigot for as long as it takes to enjoy something, a wide world of wonder would open up to you. You should also try pegging, you'd like it more than you'd think.


>> No.8800228

The only vegetable I dislike is aubergine. I can tolerate it with other stuff but I don't enjoy it.

>> No.8800240
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>tfw you unironically want to try legging but women think it's gay

>> No.8800267

dont listen to this faggot, youre fine

>source: I work at a frozen vegetable packaging place

>> No.8800288
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Pegging isn't gay, nor is submitting to women.

>> No.8800309

Lots of food is still good after the expiration date even when opened up.

That is if the food is actually kept stored in a preservative way. Ate some pasta yesterday which should've expired in 2013. T' was still fine, not even weird bowel movements.

>> No.8800318

Cumdumpster here, all the cum I have tasted, including my own, tastes rank.

>> No.8800335

Lead by example, anon. Expiry dates are a social construct. Food ageism needs to stop!

>> No.8800337

Agreed, cum is gross as shit.

>> No.8800371

True. I love most veggies, but some of them I rarely eat just because I don't seem to be able to prepare them well, like zucchini. When someone else makes them, I love it.

>> No.8800419

Dude I eat vegetables raw, boiled or steamed all the time and they taste fine. Cooking has fuck all to do with it. If you can't stomach vegetables on their own, you're a pussy.

>> No.8800425

you sound like a nu-male piece of shit

>> No.8800430

damn it carlos

>> No.8800501

>waah waah i can't handle the taste of real food and need to add unusual flavors to it so i don't gag and spit it out like a 3 year old

>> No.8800515

The point is if you can cook, you enjoy vegetables. Sounds to me you're just tolerating them.

>> No.8800521
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>Makes up vegetables so people don't think he's a babby

Nobody believes you

>> No.8800569


french name for eggplants

>> No.8800572

Bigass bowls of



>> No.8800586

>why does anyone even bother heating food
>I bet these manchildren cook their potatoes
>tfw no one understands that if you don't enjoy something raw you're a child and have no palate

I feel you bro. I eat onions, shallot, potatoes, brussel sprouts, and eggs raw for breakfast. After that I drink cream for dessert

>> No.8800596

Misrepresenting what I said isn't going to change what I actually said, anon.

>> No.8800671
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>Making up languages

>> No.8800686
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I was about to point out how retarded your comment is but I'm not going to bother defending the French.
You're still a retard though.

>> No.8800695

Ferme ta gueule gros con.
t. another french

>> No.8800699

>he seasons lettuce

>> No.8800747

>Fake Canadian
Blabavloo muka luka rik roo.

I can do it too ;^}

>> No.8800760

Best before doesn't really matter if the food's been frozen

>> No.8800766

You're still a retard though.

>> No.8800773

I don't give a fuck tho. :^)

>> No.8800779


>> No.8800878

There are no vegetables that I don't like. When I was a very young child, it was different, I can remember being very little (maybe 4 years old) and not liking green olives, mushrooms, or acorn squash. But that was it. And by the time I was 6 or so, I was eating those as well. I was probably the only little kid I knew who loved eating spinach and broccoli. I remember my friends making fun of me in the school cafeteria because I would trade them the chips my mom put in my lunch for their vegetables. They also made fun of me for drinking V8 with my lunch nearly every day.
But, my parents had a huge garden, where they grew all kinds of vegetables, so I'd always eaten them, ever since I could remember. I remember being a toddler and following my mom around the garden, eating peas off the vine, and tomatoes, and more, and snapping up young asparagus (mom used get pissed when we'd eat the asparagus out of the garden before she could even pick it, but that was the only one she didn't want us to nibble on).

>> No.8801167

I...I actually would really like to try that.

>> No.8801197

This posts sums up dutch cuisine. Boil some vegetables and potatoes to shit and mash them together with gravy. Add your flavor of pre-formed mystery meat patty and you've got what dutch babyboomers eat 3 - 5 times days of the week.

>> No.8801250

This anon is very correct

As a young Britbong lad, I was fed limp and lifeless steamed/boiled vegetables for Sunday roast years on end.
Really turned me off eating vegetables big time.
Just pick up a fucking cookbook and you will understand that vegetables can and will taste good when seasoned with matching spices and complemented with your favourite meats and starches.

Pan fried broccoli with a drop of olive oil, garlic and sea salt on a high heat so you get that crunch and sear on the outside
Fuck it's so aesthetic you will not believe. When grilling meat, save some of the run-off and tip it in with your best veggies and sprinkle with some sesame seeds and spices.

>> No.8801432

I ate some green onion raw once and it felt like this flavorless bunch of strings in your mouth with this disgusting ooze taste and it wasn't pleasant at all

>> No.8802242
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>> No.8802263

Everyone looks weird at me when i eat some raw mushrooms.
They're fucking delicious.

>> No.8802323

your parents are amazing