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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8796144 No.8796144 [Reply] [Original]

why are black people so fucking dumb, just cook that shit

>> No.8796179

Tapeworms inside meat? I thought they live inside intestines.
Also, op is a faggot.

>> No.8796188

Yes op is a faggot I bet he fucks girls unlike us

>> No.8796207

Murikan educashun at its finest, haven't you learned about life cycles?

>> No.8796263

>why are black people so fucking dumb
A lower mean IQ and lower levels of educational attainment?

>> No.8796274

statistic-spouting racist

>> No.8796293

Eating meat is disgusting and inhumane

>> No.8796308

Yeah, I bet worms go great with those cocks that OP eats

>> No.8796316

Negroes are definitely dumb, but at least theyre friendly

>> No.8796321

Well, are the statistics wrong?

>> No.8796322

>this thread

>> No.8796677

- Im not 'murrican you quick-assuming cunt
- I like biology but don't remember live cycles of every goddamn animal, (you quick-assuming cunt)

>> No.8796721

Those aren't tapeworms, they're white racist mind-control worms, maliciously placed in EBT-grade pork by the CIA to keep black families destitute.

>t. Woke ass nigga

>> No.8796972

You gotta be buying some low quality pork from some unknown shithole to even have the risk of finding worm eggs in your meat.

>> No.8797000

Are you a drug dealer of some persuasion?

>> No.8797562

They're some other parasite, and that meat is pork from China. Chinese meat isn't under very strict health codes.

>> No.8797798

Lol where have you been? They are not friendly at all where I'm from. At least, they're mistrustful.

>> No.8797804

>in muscles
Not all parasites are tapeworms or salmonella.

>> No.8797862

why do we have to be racist man

>> No.8798108
File: 410 KB, 394x553, burburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are tapeworms

they're cysticerci, the infectious life cycle stage that actually turns into a tapeworm in your gut. You ingest that, it excysts in your gut and hooks on, develops, and shits out segments and eggs.

The bad part about pork tape worms is that if you ingest an egg, those cysticerci can actually encyst in your muscle tissue. It's also been reported to lodge into brain tissue, and in really rare cases in the fucking eye.

t. biology major who took medical parisitology.

Also, these aren't trichinosis either. They aren't calcified nurse cell complexes. Those are also smaller.

>> No.8798139

yes how dare he mention those pertinant facts