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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8794960 No.8794960 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think about keto?

>> No.8794979

gay af

>> No.8794982

cooking sucks without carbs desu

>> No.8794988

Tastes like shit, destroys athletic performance and is incredibly unhealthy. What could go wrong?

>> No.8794999
File: 164 KB, 838x559, whole-grain-breads.jpg.838x0_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm never giving this up.

>> No.8795056

Many people would benefit from eating less carbohydrates, but not so little they enter ketogenesis.

>> No.8795067

Many people like who? You mean like people in Thailand and South America where most everybody is slim and healthy?

>> No.8795072

I wonder what could possibly go wrong in this thread. Anyway, keto is too but lowcarb is the best diet.

>> No.8795101


>> No.8795272

>3rd world

>> No.8795696

Having done it for a little over a week now, I can tell you the following things have happened:

>I've lost about 10 pounds
>the usual host of stuff that happens when you drop refined sugars from your diet - natural sugars are sweeter, etc
>I've actually been able to eat considerably less and still feel full, and have substantially cut down on snacking throughout the day
>my refrigerator is fully stocked for the first time in probably months if not longer, and it's about 90% fresh veggies
>I'm effectively forced to cook/prepare food for myself rather than be a lazy fuck and just get fast food

I've been chubbyfat literally my entire life, and am fucking sick of it. If giving up bread and sticking to veggies and healthy fats for nutrition is how I stop that, I'll never touch a loaf of bread again if I have to.

>> No.8795710

>hilarious diabetus rate from all calories being white rice

>> No.8795721

I do keto and fasting frequently because it feels like being on adderall. Sometimes in the morining I just eat a krill oil pill, drink some black coffee, smoke a bowl, then go cycle after a couple hours. When I get back I'm so enrgetic I'm almost tweaking. It's the best feeling ever. If I'm still hungry i cook some bacon to keep the buzz going

>> No.8795728

The diabetes rate in 1950s China, Thailand and Japan was around 0%. Calories from carbohydrates in the form of white rice around 80%. Diabetes has gone up dramatically as consumption of white rice has gone down and consumption of fat and animal products has gone up.

Why do you just make things up on the spot? Are you retarded or Jewish?

>> No.8795740

I can't speak for everyone, but I think it's amazing. Cutting down on carbs does suck initially, but once you're past the induction phase, you won't be able to stand the taste of certain things you once ate. My ravenous sweet tooth is gone and has been replaced with a lust for fine cheeses. I've started menstruating again, after suffering from PCOS and thyroid issues. I'm bursting with energy, my hair is growing back, my nails are stronger, my libido is up, LDL cholesterol is down, and my brain fog is gone.

>I do keto and fasting frequently because it feels like being on adderall.
That's a pretty good way to describe it. All I have in the morning is coffee with a little heavy cream and I'm set until dinner.

>> No.8795745


Yeah, but the amount of rice they eat hasnt changed to compensate for the other shit they consume - instead of massive ass bowls of rice and little else, it's massive ass bowls of rice alongside everything else.

>> No.8795754
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To get into ketosis, you guys eat less than 20g carbs a day?

I've been trying to keep my intake at ~20g. It's challenging for me, personally. After about week I've already noticed weight loss, so this is pretty cool. When I get over this cold I'm going to step up my exercise routine to compliment the diet.

>> No.8795759

>The diabetes rate in 1950s China, Thailand and Japan was around 0%.
>Life expectancy was also 25 years shorter oh whoops there goes my stupid argument


>> No.8795780

Keto imo is one of the easiest plans to stick to
It's how I originally lost all of my excess weight, helped me learn tons of new recipes, and overall experiment with different seasonings and different ways to cook things.
The only thing I really craved though were fruit
Planning to go back on it in the next few weeks since it made me feel great desu

>> No.8795788

>To get into ketosis, you guys eat less than 20g carbs a day?
Net carbs. Say you're eating a cup of spinach. That's 1g carbs and .7g of fiber. Subtract the fiber from the carbs and you're left with about .3g of net carbs.

>When I get over this cold I'm going to step up my exercise routine to compliment the diet.
Make sure you keep your electrolytes up.

>> No.8795798

>statistics from backwards, blood-thirsty countries over 60 years ago are accurate or relevant

>> No.8795844

>Make sure you keep your electrolytes up.

Fiber too. Hoo man, taking a high fat, low-fiber shit is NOT something I'd recommend. Especially if you've been eating jalapeno peppers.

>> No.8795867

If you want to be healthy, your meal should be plant based and not meat based. Although, I do think keto does have a place in the short term for weight loss. I wouldn't do it for the long term since meat tends to have an inflammatory effect on the body.

>> No.8795889

Thanks guys!

By the way, have you bothered with those urine test strips to test for ketones, or is that pointless?

>> No.8795907

buy the strips

I've been doing it for a year and 4 months, lost 90lbs so far. You need to eat the right stuff though, you should be munching on chicken breasts, fish, shrimp, lean beef etc not sausage bacon and pork rinds

All of your carbs should come from veggies, don't eat a reeses cup because you can "afford" it.

>> No.8795924

>day one
>feeling fine

>day two and three
>my body and mood feels different. not in a negative way, i just feel something's off

>day four
>suden stomach ache. feel sick as fuck. hunched over the toilet bowl for an hour, just puking and puking

>continues until day five
>give up and eat some bananas
>sickness gone in less than an hour, feel completely fine again
>say fuck it and just eat normal food while counting my calories

Keto is not for me. i've never felt sicker. it was as if my entire stomach was twisted in a knot and i got dizzy every time i stood up.
and i did everything right too. i kept carbs to under 30-20g and ate lots of fatty food like eggs and meat while taking vitamin pills.

>> No.8795925

They're highly inaccurate, so you're better off getting a blood ketone meter.

>Especially if you've been eating jalapeno peppers.
Yeah, I had jalapeno-cheddar soup this morning. My husband (also keto) was in and out of the bathroom at least 5 times in the span of two hours because he hasn't been paying attention to his fiber. Yikes.

That largely depends on the person. I grew up vegetarian and, to help deal with health issues, I went vegan for a few years. It nearly destroyed my body because, for whatever reason, I can't handle carbs. Eating moderate meat and high fat does the opposite for me.

>> No.8795926

90 in 4 months! Incredible. Appreciate the advice.

>> No.8795933

>buy the strips
They're too inaccurate. They don't measure all types of ketones produced by the body, only what you excrete via urine. And as you become keto adapted, you're going to be peeing less ketones. Hydration can also really mess up the reading.

>> No.8795938

That sounds a lot like keto flu. Did you keep your electrolytes and water intake up? My husband went through the same thing (with additional side effects) because he didn't listen when I told him to drink broth with me. I ended up avoiding it completely.

>> No.8795943

i drank a lot water, but i can't remember what i did for electrolytes.

>> No.8795951

When you up your water, you have to up your electrolytes as well. I drank a lot of bone broth and added Lite Salt to everything.

>> No.8795955

>I drank a lot of bone broth

What does it feel like to be unaware of what stock was until you learned about it's new name via a fad diet?

>> No.8795961

Lost over 100 lbs on keto

Was pretty easy and not terrible, but as far as cuisine goes it can be lame, I ended up mostly eating the same few things for the duration

Keto can be great for weight loss for someone who's disciplined enough and knows what they're doing, so basically it's shit for most fatties

Goes without saying keto isn't the most culinarily interesting thing

>> No.8795962


Remember that magnesium and potassium are also electrolytes you might be lacking (potassium especially, considering you were fine after the banana.) There's a reason you see avacados and spinach in so many keto food lists.

>> No.8795970

>What does it feel like to be unaware of what stock was until you learned about it's new name via a fad diet?
I knew what it was, but if you read above, I was vegetarian/vegan for many years. I always say vegetable broth or bone broth when I'm talking to people so they know exactly what I mean.

>> No.8795982

>fad diet
>been around since the early 1900s to treat epilepsy
pick one

>> No.8795987

>it's good at treating epilepsy, so other people should do it too!
literally the definition of a fad diet

>> No.8795993

its clearly good at a lot more than that though

>> No.8795994

>so they know exactly what I mean.

As opposed to saying "chicken stock" or "vegetable stock"?

>> No.8795996

>pick one
I pick fad diet.

Just because it's been around for ages doesn't mean it's not a fad. In the last several years it's massive surge in popularity is clearly a fad.

>> No.8795999

> I went vegan for a few years. It nearly destroyed my body because, for whatever reason, I can't handle carbs. Eating moderate meat and high fat does the opposite for me.
You should go to the nearest university and become a case study, given that your case would refute decades of established science according to which it does not "depend on the person" whether saturated fat and cholesterol will destroy your body.

>> No.8796001

>As opposed to saying "chicken stock" or "vegetable stock"?
I use those as well.

>> No.8796007

yes, it is, but like >>8795996 pointed out, it's still, quite literally, a fad diet, in the sense that it has become a fad for no good reason, even if there are good reasons

>> No.8796010

it works for weight loss but not worth it in the long run

>> No.8796013

it's the same damn thing

>> No.8796022

>You should go to the nearest university and become a case study, given that your case would refute decades of established science according to which it does not "depend on the person" whether saturated fat and cholesterol will destroy your body.
I had very high LDL cholesterol and low HDL before keto, which is somehow linked to my PCOS. Now my HDL is up, LDL is lower, and overall cholesterol is lower. It's a pretty common thing to read about if you hang out on keto forums. It's not associated with weight loss either, because I've pretty much stayed the same.

>> No.8796037

/ck/ tier debate

p. sad tbhh

>> No.8796045

>going to your rotten shithole of a circlejerk community to communicate with other mongoloids about their anecdotes

No thanks

>> No.8796050

You're adorable.

>> No.8796150

What the fuck did you ate to be sick to the point of vomiting in four days ?

>> No.8796159
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>i'm posting for some reason

>> No.8796165

I read that as "sucking cocks without carbs desu."

>> No.8796178

you need a bi-daily dose of protein to make up for all those carbs, anon

>> No.8796231

>smoke a bowl

>> No.8796375



I still piss on the far end of positive after 2 months of solid keto, and I have a cheat weekend about that often to reset.

>> No.8796380

no idea, i'm not a nutritionist.
i ate according to the instructions, counted all my cals, carbs, proteins, fats, you name it. it came out of nowhere too. i just got really sick.
i've read a bit about the keto flu, and if one of the other posters here are correct, i guess i just forgot to watch my electrolytes.

>> No.8796407

Doesn't that make you wonder that your body is breaking under the stress of an addiction to carbs?

Everyone else is able to smoothly cut out carbs. Why can't you? Doesn't that concern you?

>> No.8796415


it works.

it's the only diet that's different from any other diet.

ketogenesis is scientifically proven.

>> No.8796434


We figured out why, was missing key nutrients. please read the rest of the thread.

>> No.8796437


the keto flu happens. it can last up to two weeks. the worse it is, the worse your addiction to sugar.

go through with it.

>> No.8796441

Not sure if this is satire or actual cultists

>> No.8796453

low carb just means a low amount of carbs, usually 50-150 g a day. To enter ketosis you need to eat a lot of fat and usually not more than 15-30 g carbs a day. ketogenic diets' pure intention is to enter ketosis.

>> No.8796455

It's not the same thing dumbass, keto is under 20-30g of carbs, lowcarb is under 50 or 100.

>> No.8796461

>people post relevant information in a thread about a specific topic
fuck off bread addict

>> No.8796470

>to enter ketosis you need to eat a lot of fat

I think the idea is that the fat you're eating (preferrably mono/poly unsaturated) is just a replacement source of the calories you need to just keep existing, since you're no longer getting as many calories from carbs. Less "eating lots of fat" and more "replacing carbs as your primary energy source."

>> No.8796493


>anything i don't like is a cult

is this a cult mentality?

>> No.8796518
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>Less "eating lots of fat" and more "replacing carbs as your primary energy source."

>> No.8796545

is it really wrong to say eat a lot of fat though? what food cultures with (sort of) balanced nutritients eat as much fat as people on keto?

and yes I have minimal experience with it, so you're welcome to roast me if I'm completely off

>> No.8796557

read the fucking /fit/ sticky and get this fad diet horse shit off of my board

>> No.8796568

>is it really wrong to say eat a lot of fat though?
It depends on the individual and their goals. You only need fat for sating hunger, and depending on the person, it may not be a lot. But of course there are people that chug bulletproof coffee all day.

>> No.8796578

You're not on /fit/. Also, carb cycling on keto is a thing for those that lift and find it difficult to make gains.

>> No.8796586

Meme diet for wannabe vegans

>> No.8796594


That depends on what you would and wouldn't consider "balanced nutrients," but Inuits have a nutrient balance of about 50/30/20 fat/protein/carbs, due to the necessity of the environment.

>> No.8796611

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.8796625

>wannabe vegans

>> No.8796628



>the diet where people may eat nothing but meat

it's literally the opposite of what you said it is

>> No.8796630

>wannabe vegans
>the diet almost always consists of massive amounts of meat-based proteins
you alright pal?

>> No.8796639
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Eating a lot of fat causes heart disease. Keto diet causes heart disease and diabetes.

>> No.8796643


that's the most retarded thing i've ever heard. fat is literally what keeps your gluons well lubricated. heart disease is caused by sugar-inflammation. anytime you eat sugar, your body becomes inflammed.

>> No.8796645

Are you the vegan shill the infests /fat/?

>> No.8796663

Nice memes. The guy literally did your meme diet for a year shoving butter down his throat to prove a point and then his fucking heart exploded like a Muslim

>> No.8796664

"The present study shows the beneficial effects of a long-term ketogenic diet. It significantly reduced the body weight and body mass index of the patients. Furthermore, it decreased the level of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and blood glucose, and increased the level of HDL cholesterol. Administering a ketogenic diet for a relatively longer period of time did not produce any significant side effects in the patients. Therefore, the present study confirms that it is safe to use a ketogenic diet for a longer period of time than previously demonstrated."

Want more?

>> No.8796696

>shoveling so much fat in their stupid fucking heads they cant understand a basic analogy

Disgusting stupid fucks

>> No.8796701

I seriously hope you are joking...

>> No.8796709

I tried it once and got sick.

Also had a lot of digestive problems.

>> No.8796716

lol dumbass

>> No.8796755


there's no coming back from comparing the keto diet to vegans.

>> No.8796758

I didnt compare the diet you fucking retarded zero

>> No.8796762

Nice response, really convincing

>> No.8796774

The study is shit. It's shit even among all the studies you could have possibly picked to cast keto in a good light. You should be able to see why the study is totally useless and shouldn't even have been done because of how big of a waste of time it is.

>> No.8796781


>> No.8796783

>put patients on keto diet
>as per usual with keto studies, patients lose weight
>also following long term and see no significant negative side effects

What's the issue?

>> No.8796789

Then what comparison were you trying to make? We're not dogmatic or running around telling people that they should be keto, then shitting on them because we have the "superior" morals (not that all vegans do this, I just don't get what other comparison you could be making). We're just giving advice to those that are interested or may be struggling. If you don't want to do it, that's fine. Not my business.

>> No.8796792

>we're not dogmatic


>> No.8796804


Can you even give examples?

>> No.8796807

Your triggered ass for one

>> No.8796821

This is what happens when you spout your stupid opinion on a subject you obviously know nothing about.

>> No.8796822


Response =/= triggered. I just asked a question.

>> No.8796829

Still nothing, huh?

>> No.8796845

No control group. No placebo. not double-blind, not crossover, not random.

The abstract contains information that isn't even in the study, such as fat being 20% saturated. The diet and methods are not transparent at all. No indication that they even tracked adherence. The introduction, discussion and conclusion take up about 5 times more space than the study itself and are littered with bullshit citations. The authors are obviously in love with themselves and their pet meme diet and are trying to create relevance for their non-country Kuwait by pandering to fat American idiots who need more garbage papers to justify producing, selling and eating shit.

The patients lost weight. Weight loss improves health, including in all the parameters that were measured. There isn't even an attempt to account for this fact through statistical methods, let alone a control group. Therefore there is nothing to be learned from the study at all because it is impossible to determine whether it was the weight loss or the diet that caused favorable changes. Despite this simple fact, the authors go out of their way to attribute these changes to the diet, with no evidence or reason to do so. They are obviously biased.

And the study did not even look at what I talked about, which is heart disease and diabetes. No glucose challenge, no insulin levels, no cardiovascular health profiling. For all we know, these people are well on their way to a heart attack, and that's probably the case.

A total disaster.

>> No.8796856

This is the response of another triggered retard that cant read lol

Thank you for perfectly confirming my theory alongside all the other zilches that answered

No one cares faggot

>> No.8796870


>'Triggered, The Post' coming to a city near you

>> No.8796911


>studies are only true when i want them to be


>> No.8796922

You basically just got BTFO bud

>> No.8796927


>i can deny scientific evidence when it doesn't agree with my position

no, no you can't. sorry.

>> No.8796934

>im going to bitch and whine about my poor evidence getting immensely BTFO


>> No.8796945


>i'm going to make up reasons why it's ok to deny science 'just this time'

cool dude

>> No.8796962

>im going to continue to moan about being btfo

Oh sweetie

>> No.8796965


>i'm going to post stupid /pol/ memes and make fallacies and accuse others of being what i am


>> No.8796968

Let me know when youre done crying, honey

>> No.8796975


please stop samefagging

>> No.8796978

After you

>> No.8796981


let me know when you've killed yourself

>> No.8796986

Aww wittle babby are you twiggered?

>> No.8796991
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>> No.8796997


>triggered: the post: "calling trigger" coming soon

you're triggered

>> No.8797004

Lmao you are the stupidest fuck ever

>> No.8797005

Are you okay man?

>> No.8797007


please. make the samefagging stop. it's not funny.

>> No.8797009

Shut it, nerd

>> No.8797011


i'm fine, just i can hardly see from laughing so hard that tears roll down my face at you

>> No.8797016

Oh so you are crying lmao

>> No.8797017


this is what i'm talking about.

>> No.8797018

No one cares. Go kick rocks you fucking dork

>> No.8797020
File: 99 KB, 798x798, smilelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah i'm crying, pic related

>> No.8797022


let me know when your diaper gets changed

>> No.8797025
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intensely bepis


i'm beginning to think you're either a ho, or just a very girly male. you talk like one.

>> No.8797033

I think youre just mad

>> No.8797039


nice defensive psychological projection, you fucking mental patient

>> No.8797041

>no you

Nice projecting, nerd

>> No.8797052


i said projecting first. and now you're saying projecting. i said crying first and then you said crying. i said that you're denying science first and then you said.

can you please stop fucking imitating me? i mean it's flattering but you're a douchebag i'd rather not be associated.

>> No.8797059

Lol stay mad you fucking dork

>i-i got BTFO!!!!


>> No.8797079


oh, you got BTFO?

nice to hear you come to an understanding of your situation.

>> No.8797086

I was clearly talking about you. You should clear your head and keep calm

>> No.8797097


and now you don't even know who you're talking about. it's like i'm watching you degenerate in front of my eyes.

>> No.8797105

I'm fine. You appear to be seething which explains the sudden change of tone to passive-aggressive lol

>> No.8797113

Anyone else get dry mouth on keto? I drink a gallon of water a day and still get it.

>> No.8797174

Keep on it dude. People on this board talk a lot of shit but I lost 100 pounds doing keto without exercise. It's definitely worth it

>> No.8797263

Not sure if you're still around, but make sure you're getting enough salt. Salt metabolism is very different when you're in ketosis and it's easy to not get enough.

>> No.8797617

>hey i haven't eaten anything containing vitamin C for a year and I have scurvy

>> No.8797962

What's the best way to keep track of my macros?

>> No.8798781

Why would I need fruit for my vitamin C needs?

>> No.8798788

Bind them to your keyboard.

>> No.8798791

Anyway you did the right thing to stop that shitty meme diet.

I'm currently followed by a professor which handles the whole nutritional department of the biggest hospital of my city (Switzerland) and i can't fathom what he would say about keto diet. He would probably shit on it so hard i would be expelled out of the building.

>> No.8798796

>literally inducing ketoacidtosis because you can't handle jogging more

Can't imagine anything more nu-male than embracing the nu-diet that is paleofaggotry.


>> No.8798800

>I'm currently followed by a professor which handles the whole nutritional department of the biggest hospital of my city (Switzerland) and i can't fathom what he would say about keto diet.
He would say "stop using me as argument from authority in your internet debates, retard"

>> No.8798803

I see it in a month or two and will note his answer, shit, i would even record it with my phone if your dumb ass could understand a single word of french.

>> No.8798807

>diet based on how humans ate before the agricultural revolution over ten thousands of years ago

>> No.8798809

>he's from the faggot part of Switzerland

>> No.8798819

Are you me?

>> No.8798825

I speak four languages, Cletus, while you speak what, one at the very best ? There's no "faggot part of Switzerland" since we're not jews and don't use divide and conquer techniques. Everyone in Swizerland is considered as swiss.

As your meme diet : it's shit. Get over it. If your disgusting fat ass needs such a diet to lose weight maybe you should consider doing something which implies using your legs, not your fat scooter, to move somewhere.

>> No.8798831

>being this triggered
Pull that baguette out of your ass, Pierre al-schwuli

>> No.8798838

Nah bruh you don't understand , 9000 years of agriculture allowed at least 600 whooping generation , I bet it's enough to develop grain adatation :^)

It's not like evolution take place over ten of thousands of generation haha .

>> No.8798841

How do you fit "ten of thousands of generation" into 9000 years, anon?

>> No.8798857
File: 56 KB, 901x1008, smug ass mofo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing more hilarious then fat or chubby dudes thinking they need a "special diet" to fix their whole shit.

When, in the end, they just need to be more conscious about what they put in their plates, the quantities of it, and their physical activity. It's that fucking simple.

They don't need to remove anything, they don't need to go through days of vomiting and dizziness while sipping on chicken broth. They don't need to consume a unnecessary amount of fat to make up for an unnecessary removal. They just need to educate themselves.

Just like a skinny dude would need to educate himself to gain weight without resorting to "LOL GOMAD AND OATS BRO YOU GOTTA BE THE MAN BRO JUST EAT BRO JUST GO MCDONALS BRO".

And you, my fat friend Cletus, you lack that education.

>> No.8798863

You don't , that's why eating grain and sugar is completely retarded and make no sense.

And yes I know we are omnivore , but veggie don't contain that much sugar and wild fruits are not sugar bomb like our fruits .

>> No.8798865

You would have lost 100 pounds without exercise with any caloric deficit.

I'm on keto as well, but don't make people think they can eat all they want on keto and still lose weight.

>> No.8798866
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>he's going all out

>> No.8798878

Keto is not only about weight lose , it's just a good way to fix literally everything wrong .

Most brain , liver and bones related illness can be prevented if you go keto .

>> No.8798895

The twist is that on keto you don't need to calories count nor watch your macro like a retard because a well functioning body with a working hormonal system ( the result of evolution ) will adjust itself and will refuse being overweight , it'll try to reach a healthy weight by curb-stomping your hunger .

No animal can get fat "mistake" or by " lack of willpower" , only human have a concept as dumb as the " willpower to restrain yourself from eating" , and it's a proof that we fucked something in our body and mind .

>> No.8798900

Dietary ketosis is not ketoacidosis. You're not very educated on metabolism if you have the two confused.

>> No.8798901

>deluding yourself that your diet of domesticated forms (regardless of the actual nutritional breakdown) is anything like what paleo man ever ate

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL i love it. Ketofags really are nu-males prancing with their fake prehistoric diet pretending they're BIG STRONG MEN LIKE RON SWANSON because they eat meat. it's hilarious.

>> No.8798906

>pretending that ketoacidosis isn't simply unregulated ketosis

nice try ketofag but ketones are ketones. Eat my grain-filled shit.

>> No.8798914

1.5-2.5 mmol/l vs 10+ mmol/l

>> No.8798917

>The twist is that on keto you don't need to calories count nor watch your macro like a retard because a well functioning body with a working hormonal system ( the result of evolution ) will adjust itself and will refuse being overweight , it'll try to reach a healthy weight by curb-stomping your hunger .

I mean, you're sorta right. A non keto diet causes insulin resistance which causes overeating.

>> No.8798924

That is a ridiculously medically unsound opinion.

>> No.8798925

Really, your """""criticism"""" is that we don't have time machines, anon?

>> No.8798932
File: 30 KB, 418x287, your diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my body doesn't even digest the shit I'm eating b-but it must be healthy somehow

>> No.8798935

>No animal can get fat "mistake" or by " lack of willpower"
But fat dogs are a thing.
Are the owners shoving the food down the dog's throat? How could a pet ever get fat if animals always regulate their hunger so well?

>> No.8798941
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> No animal can get fat by "mistake" or by " lack of willpower"
your argument is invalid

>> No.8798943

Canis lupus familiaris are 100% carnivore , most dog food is made of at least 65% cereal .

>> No.8798946

Most cat are also Grain-feed carnivorous , their entire hormonal balance is off balance thanks to that .

>> No.8798953

I take a supplement that induces ketogenesis for like 6 hours at a time so I don't have to abstain from carbs 24/7.
Still, most of the stuff I cook is just meat and vegetable dishes, it doesn't seem like that bad of a diet to me. The main things you have to stay away from are just bread, pasta, potatoes, and most snack foods.

>> No.8798954

you know there exists fats besides butter and lard right

>> No.8798964
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Tigers can get fat too off only meat. It's all about easily available food and not having to work for it.

>> No.8798973

You know tigers in zoo aren't fed only meat, right ?

You really believe animals can put themselves in a state as unhealthy as obesity ?

>> No.8798976
File: 29 KB, 600x338, acne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I developed ocular migraines at around 13 years old and got one every 3-4 weeks. Happened for years until I went on keto at around 21 years old to cut some body fat (I bulked a little too hard in college). Was on Keto for about 4 months with a cheat day once every 1-2 weeks. I had 0 migraines for that 4 months and the next 1 month after that even though I stopped doing keto. Then I started to get my ocular migraines with my previous regularity. Went back on keto, they stopped. Now I've been doing Keto for about 8 months and have not had a single migraine. It's shitty sometimes but you get pretty creative with recipes and even desserts. and I still have a cheat day too.

Also I stopped getting acne during my keto periods when I would have pretty bad cases of it when I wasn't on keto.

I don't understand the proper science or bodily response to a low carb diet but all I know is, it fucking works.

>> No.8798979

They can if all their food is delivered to them instead of them actually having to work for it.

>> No.8798989

There is no known situation in nature where , even if food is overly abundant and require no effort to get , an animal became obese .

>> No.8798993

This is a ridiculous statement. I have been a type 1 diabetic since childhood. After eating a classic 70% fat ketogenic diet for several years, all of my health metrics improved drastically. Refined carbohydrates are the foods that most likely cause heart disease and type 2 diabetes. I have 28 years of data that attests to a high-carb diet playing a key role in elevated blood cholesterol, higher body fat and insulin resistance.

>> No.8798996

Pimples and shit are mostly caused by inflammation , which are mostly caused by sugars .
Read about Glycation and advanced glycation end product if you want to start swallowing the ketopill .

>> No.8799000

Unless it's an animal that purposely need to get overweight for certain reason ( hibernating mammals for example )

>> No.8799010

But make sure you're ready , it's a really huge and hard to swallow pill , you'll see how much the big pharma and food industry are fucking people in the ass .

And you'll not want to get off keto ever again .

>> No.8799013

Explain all those people 80 and older who have a slice of toast for breakfast, drink coca-cola in the day, and have a piece of cake or pie for dessert every day and are perfectly healthy

>> No.8799019
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>> No.8799021

Whatever keto shill.

>> No.8799026

Yeah man , every time I convince someone , 0.5 bacon are sent into my frying pan .

>> No.8799036
File: 15 KB, 320x289, 420a5bb48410c64282eea87c4169d6ff_i-wish-they-paid-me-in-sex-nobody-pays-me-in-gum-meme_320-289[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever pays me in bacon...

>> No.8799039

That's a hypothetical group of people, so I'll counter it with an equally hypothetical group of people that also probably do exist:

explain all these people 80 and older who eat eggs, bacon and smoke a cigar every day, yet are perfectly healthy.

Without statistical analysis of controlled groups with recorded metrics over time, none of this is even useful. Even then, the extreme outliers in data sets are insignificant.

>> No.8799042

people who lose weight on keto have never eaten a healthy carb in their life so when they stop eating wonder bread and pop tarts they can't believe how easy it is

>> No.8799056

I propose every person who has a dietary bone to pick go to a doctor and get some labs done as a baseline, then switch to the opposing diet for two months and have the same tests. Compare results. You know, for science. Not to be right on the internet, but just to be objective.

>> No.8799060

Before I went keto my main source of carbs where lentil and oats , I still feel way better on keto .

>> No.8799142


>> No.8799145
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meant to post this

>> No.8799168

Just so you know... your parents very much dislike you and often blame each other for the should-have-been abortion that you turned out to be.

>> No.8800458
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Stop being a meanie for no reason, faggot.

>> No.8800464

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

>> No.8800477

You forgot

0 muscle

>> No.8800541

I'm awaiting your peer-reviewed study, my man. I'd be particularly interested to know how "refined" carbohydrates could possibly cause heart disease. Because, you know, we already have mechanistic explanations for why saturated fat does it. For glucose not so much.

>> No.8800551

You have cripple genetics and can't even digest a potato without your eye exploding, that's the proper science.

>> No.8800555

Did Keto for a month and a half almost 2 years ago.
Only drank water and almond milk, didn't know there were other no-carb drinks.
Ate pepperoni sticks as snacks.
Had massive craving for cheeze-it's
snuck some carbs in every sunday.
Ended up losing 20 pounds.

I'll start again once basketball season ends.

>> No.8800624

>Had massive craving for cheeze-it's
You can make cheese crackers by baking piles of shredded cheese in the oven, if you want a similar thing that's low-carb.

>> No.8800654

I was practically no-carb just so i could have some snacks every sunday

>> No.8800679

>how humans ate

Fruits, nuts, plants, some meat? Isnt fruit haram for you ketocucks eh?

>> No.8800684

Lol you fucking retard you have no clue what youre talking about

>> No.8800725

Currently on Day 4 of a 10 day water-only fast, ask me anything related to fasting or ketosis.

>> No.8800833

What's stopping you from conducting a controlled dietary self-experiment?

>> No.8800848

Have you done this before? What day do you stop feeling hunger?

>> No.8800890

>The diabetes rate in 1950s China, Thailand and Japan was around 0%.
That's because all three countries were so impoverished that they let babies die if they had any medical problems.

>> No.8800913

You've done pretty much what I've done.
Lost close to 55lbs in the last 6 months and gained some muscle.

Still got a long way to go but I'm the best I've felt in ages and catching women mirin, I'd never thought I'd have that again. Just a shame they're either 19 y/o singles or 27 y/o in relationships. Being 31 and having Salt&Pepper hair, it's fucking easy mode.

>> No.8801049

Of what kind exactly? I already have a pretty high carb intake and so far I'm not dead yet. So there's the experiment.

>> No.8801083

Have a nice day.

>> No.8801715

Can anyone comment on the stresses that keto causes for the kidneys? I've been having some kidney problems lately, and while I'd like to go on a keto diet to lose weight (and maybe help them), I'm worried that the stress might cause serious problems before any benefits could kick in.

>> No.8801752

Yeah, basically just some retard spouting off with nothing to back it up. Regarding his blathering in >>8796845 :

>No control group. No placebo. not double-blind, not crossover, not random

Yeah, that's because it's kinda hard to feed someone a "non keto" diet when they can see what they're eating. But you can take blood samples before, during, and after, and do analyses on them.

This is the same reason that there have been no double-blind trials about the effects of DMSO on health, because it's really fucking difficult to do a double-blind test when the slightest droplet of the stuff causes a "garlic" flavor to show up in the test subject's mouth within a couple of minutes. I suppose you could cut out all your test subjects' tongues but strangely they are reluctant to do that.

>> No.8802386

The amount of carbs that will throw you out of ketosis varies and is highly dependent upon how much you work out. When I was lifting really heavy, swimming, and climbing everyday, I was eating as much as 65 carbs. The body recruits these carbs for immediate energy and muscle repair. I was bulking on close to 7200 calories a day for 3 or so months.

Honestly, depends on the person. When I'm not mega bulking on keto, I hover around 15-25 a day. Some days I dont take in more than 5g just through cheese. Play with your diet, see what works. Don't give up. The benefits are amazing. I have done it like 5-6 times now. currently on it again for summer bulk!

>> No.8802451

>Isnt fruit haram for you ketocucks eh?
All you had to do was read the previous post to read "paleo", grain shill

>> No.8802470

i lost 120 pounds eating carbs, i just ate less and no junk. keto is overrated

>> No.8802483

The keto/Atkins diet made my brother's bones disappear. He couldn't walk without immense pain, also got gout and some liver problem. And he gained the weight all back and then some. Lost weight at first, but now he's now morbidly obese.

Don't do it.

Also made me the sickest I've been in my life. Had no energy at all, immobilized me.

Our bodies need carbs. Keto is the combination of starvation and only eating extremely foods. I can't believe I fell for that shit. Food was gross too. Would have been better off being anorexic.

>> No.8802484

>having 120 pounds to lose in the first place
yeah, not going to give a shit about your dietary advise

>> No.8802488

extremely unhealthy foods*

>> No.8802490


>> No.8802501

Oh god, no. Don't do the keto diet if you have any health problems, unless you're suicidal. It will cause even more health problems for you. There are other, healthier ways to lose weight, just as fast. Don't torture yourself.

>> No.8802537
File: 457 KB, 1000x662, sample-keto-diet_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

point to what's unhealthy on that pic

>> No.8802547

>unironically eating cutting board with rope attached
Keto fags, everyone.

>> No.8802552

gotta get that fiber

>> No.8802789

kept it off for 6 years now

>> No.8802800

>grain shill

t. egg council creep

>> No.8802806

Someone's triggered

>> No.8803004

I am a ketofag and I don't even bother with these threads anymore

>waah I need carbs
>here's some pseudoscience on why you're going to die TOMORROW!
>I did keto for 4 days and felt like poo because I didn't get any electrolytes, the diet is a fucking sham

Have fun with it though. I'm gonna lay down, jerk off, go to sleep and eat a big plate of eggs and guac for breakfast when I wake up.

>> No.8803511

I did it for 16 weeks. Was only really able to do it for that long due to having a goal and knowing it would be over eventually, You SERIOUSLY limit the amount of food you can eat and makes cooking a bit of a pain.

And my stomach cant handle avocado, pretty much the only thing I cant eat.

>> No.8803631

just go on the Tendie diet

>> No.8803635

Shitty meme diet.

>> No.8803638

>I don't even bother with these threads anymore
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8803865

I don't bother trying to correct people like

>> No.8805406

Isn't keto just a way to trick you into eating less calories? That's essentially what are diets are

>> No.8805440

>I don't even bother with these threads anymore
>...yet I'm bothering to reply to this thread
okey dokey

It's like atkins or paleo. "Carbs are the enemy" shit.

>> No.8805462

Sigh. Anyone have real information?

>> No.8805468

Real information: if you want to lose weight, eat fewer calories than you burn. Ta-da!

Start exercising, cut out junk food, set up a balanced diet. It isn't rocket science.

>> No.8805575

And specifically regarding Keto/Atkins causing stress on poorly-functioning kidneys?

>> No.8805619

Take it to /fit/. We only care about taste and presentation here

>> No.8805621

There's a difference between a reply and bothering to give an informed dissenting opinion.

This is a reply.

>> No.8805978

That was some top notch bait m8.
I kinda see it though, some people in both camps give off a cultist kinda vibe

>> No.8805993

i think that picture is really good because i love mr smithers. he is a good man.

>> No.8806124

If it works for you, then that's fine. But weight loss comes down to eating fewer calories.

And there is no way to say that carbs=fat, else the obesity rate in china/japan/korea/italy would be much higher

>> No.8806229

Those diets are high in carbs but low in fat, both ends of the spectrum work fine. It's when you have a balance of high fat/high carb that obesity starts to soar

>> No.8806328

can you cite any studies?

>> No.8806331

how about france? lots of fat and bread

>> No.8806750

Hgh-carb, low-fat calorie restricted diets always lead to muscle loss and often cause gallstones. High-fat, low-carb calorie restricted diets do not. If a person is trying to lose 10-15 pounds of fat, it probably doesn't matter which one you choose. If you're losing a significant amount of weight, I'd go with the low-carb route. So far, nobody has been able to prove losing significant weight on this diet has side-effects. I've been looking for info on possible kidney function damage from low-level dietary ketosis for years and still haven't found any, or even any anecdotal stories. It seems at this point to be the boogieman. I'm 2 years on keto myself, and have no issues. So if somebody does have something on this, I'd be very interested.

Because of the relatively higher caloric density of fats, it is very possible to still eat too many calories on keto, but it's harder. Fat is satiating and just hard to eat. You can have a similar satiety with complex carbohydrates, as they are slower to digest, thus will not spike insulin levels, but there is still a glycemic load over time. It's still not a good choice for pre-diabetics because of that. If you were to choose high-carb, low-fat, do not eat refined carbs (sugar, white flour, bleached pasta, etc.).

Yeah, fatty carbs are the magic unhealthy weight gain combo. The insulin you pump out to metabolize the sugars makes all the excess fat calories convert to stored body fat.

>> No.8806759
File: 227 KB, 1240x786, lu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High carb-low fat diet always lead to muscles loss and often cause gallstones

Stopped reading there lol. Please direct your book shilling and /fat/izen broscience elsewhere

>> No.8806763

Not to vilify fat or carbohydrates, because they're both metabolically useful macronutrients. You can certainly find that types of sugars or fats are pretty fucking detrimental to humans: transfats, refined sucrose and fructose. These are things that don't occur in food sources without very heavy processing.

>> No.8806782

Oh, I'm sorry. You don't know any people who were obese and now have no gallbladder after losing weight on a high-carb diet? It's actually one of the classic diagnostic factors. Feel free to look it up in any medical text. It's not hard to read the same books doctors read, dingleberry.

>> No.8806785

How about, you know, a balanced diet with carbs and fats, where the total calories are still less than you're burning?

>> No.8806788

A real bitch to cook.

You will feel miserable for the first few days.

Afterwards, you will just feel a little lethargic.

Wouldn't recommend for weight loss, but some people with health problems (everything from ADHD to autoimmune disorders) are helped by keto diet.

>> No.8806806

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. if people had been eating like that in the first place, they wouldn't be overweight. Problem is, once people are significantly overweight, they find it difficult to find that balance without caloric or food-type restrictions. Why? fuck if I know. I'm not overweight.