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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 500x333, 4013466441_29cb827e76[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8783118 No.8783118 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite food-pleb filter?

Mine's runny eggs. Makes picky man children squirm at the sight of it.

>> No.8783125

Runny eggs with some hot sauce to slip it up oh god im already salivating

>> No.8783148
File: 324 KB, 1024x1024, ketchup-cake-fwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite food-pleb filter?

Pic related.

>> No.8783156

>posts the most pleb condiment of all time

nice bait

>> No.8783178

putting extra virgin olive oil on bread

>> No.8783183

>refers to it as a "condiment" when it is clearly a core ingredient in the cake mix

New here?

>> No.8783296
File: 284 KB, 1500x1125, 20160505-sauteed-broccoli-rabe-vicky-wasik-7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's so bitter! waaah!

>> No.8783300

Drinking Soda to good food.

>> No.8783320

Water. Seriously, i know some fuckers who are like "uhh i dont like its taste muuuhhhcant drink that".
Also: black coffee, tea without sugar.

>> No.8783331
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x720, numales.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i drink black coffee

>> No.8783337

"dont tolk to mi befor i drenk my cofee;;)" is the worst meme shit, but speaking unironically, coffee is good when you don't glorify it.

>> No.8783363

Brussel Sprouts boiled with some vinegar on there.

>> No.8783468

Ok....so what exactly does this taste like? I've heard its something Canada came up with but ketchup and cake just sounds awful.

So, anyone?

>> No.8783815

Dude. The right picture is red velvet cake (chocolate, but red). Nobody in their right mind would make a ketchup cake.

>> No.8783839

sam of sam & max did. to trigger a manchild with allergies(tomatoes), make him hurry away to the WC and thus rig a singing competitions judging

>> No.8783851

god yes i love brussels sprouts

>> No.8783857

Black coffee
Unsweetened Tea
Sushi that isn't slathered in mayo or cream cheese

>> No.8783896

I eat runny eggs literally every morning with some toast to soak up that yellow goodness

also, mushrooms olives etc, any earthy vegetable that kids say taste like dirt. Fuck you, your mother tastes like dirt, those shits are divine

>> No.8783898

Chili without beans or tomatoes.

>> No.8783905
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>> No.8783906

I know children who like eggs over easy. you aren't special fgt.

>> No.8783908

Fuck you I like the dryness of a hard boiled yolk.

>> No.8783909

Hawaiian pizza

>> No.8783913
File: 67 KB, 800x533, tp_486973955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slathering sushi with cream cheese
What the fuck, people actually do this? I can understand mayo since nips do that, but cream cheese?

>> No.8783929

but cream cheese, avocado, cucumber is a great sushi piece.

>> No.8783944

>fresh potato smell

good potatoes boiled to perfection with gravy give me boners every time.
The meat is an afterthought, really.

>> No.8783948

anchovy on pizz

>> No.8783951

Hawaiian pizza

>> No.8783961

My wife rarely drinks water, because it "has no taste." Sometimes I want to smack her up.

>> No.8784005

It's because retarded amerigans stuff cream cheese into absolutely everything they possible can.
Like this dipshit >>8783929
That's not sushi fuckface, that's rice slathered in fats.

>> No.8784027
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>there are people that don't like runny eggs

>> No.8784041
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literally the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.8784048

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six-foot-four and full of muscles
I said, "do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
And he said
I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover, yeah

>> No.8784066

cream cheese is not actually very popular for anything other than cheesecake and bagels here, so I don't know where you're getting this info about "Ameriga"

>> No.8784076

I´d say something like boiled beets or kalt tastes earthy. (Green) olives definitely aren´t earthy, they have more of a strong, bitter and salty taste (if they´re brined, and the ones here in Central Europe are sold like that.)
And now I want some. I haven´t had any olives in a year.

>> No.8784079

Have you told your parents you're a fag yet?

>> No.8784086

oh, are we having this dicsussion again? how on earth do you think olives are bitter? I live in eurofagland too, for future reference

>> No.8784088


I told them about 6 months ago. My dad beat the living shit out of me and now I am staying with my Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air.

>> No.8784121

Cream cheese and jalapeno pizza, nigga

Bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers stuffed with cream cheese, nigga

Jam and cream cheese sammiches, nigga

>> No.8784152
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When presented with a whole, cooked lobster, I've found there are 3 types of people
>The tasteless men/womenchildren who will only touch the claws and tail
>The good boys and girls who suck the meat out of the legs, knuckles and tail fins
>The champions who clean out the torso

>> No.8784157

No, the anon you quoted is right. Heinz in Canada really did make a recipe for a ketchup-based velvet cake, for their 100th aniversary. See

It does sound repulsive, but I have to wonder if they decided to use a salty ketchup to complement the sweet chocolate. That might´ve been good, somehow. Besides, sweet ketchp with chocloate and creamy cheese sounds like too much sweetness at one.

>> No.8784256

Hey, at least you get to have your vegemite sandwiches in the open now

>> No.8784955

And I like to stick two fingers up my rectum while I beat my meat, but you don't see me bragging about it on the internet.

>> No.8785251

You're missing the point anon -
Why not love both?

>> No.8786597

Outside of Cheesecake, cream cheese isn't eaten much outside the north east in the US.

>> No.8786806

>amerigans stuff cream cheese into absolutely everything they possible can.

Nope. It's used as a bagel topping, making cheesecake, and very rarely as a substitute for butter in certain sauces.

It had a brief popularity 25yrs ago but you never see it. In fact, I bet you can't find a single muurkin that can name two brands of it.

>> No.8786823

This looks very good, i wish i could find one of those in my region

>> No.8786831

I live in Philly, cream cheese Capitol of the universe, and I have never seen anyone eat/buy/ask for it here. Not even the tourists.

When I do see it, it's always packaged as a condiment and sits next to the butter on the breakfast bar at shitty hotels.

>> No.8786835


another common use is stuffing hot peppers

>> No.8786836

is ketchup a drink?

>> No.8786840


>> No.8786855

Dark chocolate.

>> No.8786894

Tuna sandwich for lunch.
Not even a big fan but it gets annoying Co workers to let me eat in peace.

>> No.8786902

Who's weirded out by tuna sandwiches? That's common fare

>> No.8786909

Flyovers probably

>> No.8786917

Likely, I was born in WA but I live in CO and the amount of people here that are repulsed by all seafood is insane to me

>> No.8786918

Nosy skinny butches

>> No.8786932

hating on seafood, especially shellfish.

>> No.8786948

I know someone that will only eat shellfish and sushi, but refuses to eat cooked fish of any kind


>> No.8786956

the red/green junk in the trunk is the best part.
I prefer green.

Theres actually 4 types, those that eat the white ooze that secretes from the whole body.

>> No.8786969

Dijon mustard, veal, and sausage with natural casing

So basically anyone who would puke eating weisswurst

>> No.8786998

Speak for yourself from the get-go, then, Shlomo

>> No.8787141

Crab rangoon

>> No.8787146


>black coffee

That was just standard in the Navy. Anything added to it defeated the whole purpose of having a drink as bitter as one's attitude

>> No.8787149

>being such an insecure twat you'd even make this thread

>> No.8787173

Its ok not to like some kind of food and refuse it.
But true pleb wont even try something new to him.

>> No.8787174

Jalapeño poppers nigger.

And the "Can't name two brands" thing is only because of the absolute market dominance of Philadelphia Cream Cheese™ not because people don't use it.

>> No.8787178

Welcome to /ck/ newfag.

>> No.8787306

>eggs over hard cuck detected

How is having the taste of an 8 year old?

>> No.8787310

>I don't like fish
>I don't like mushrooms
>I don't like olives
these are the biggest possible red flags. "I don't like onions" and "I don't like garlic" are obviously massive red flags too, but I've never actually met someone like that

>> No.8787330

What if I love fish, hate regular onions, but love green onions

>> No.8787344

Then you're a retard. disliking any of the aforementioned puts you strictly in the "should be gassed" category

>> No.8787355


>> No.8789019

>I browse /ck/

biggest tell of them all

>> No.8789043
File: 1.39 MB, 595x5669, IMG_2372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black coffee

>> No.8789048

that would break his neck.

>> No.8789330

Love water.
Fuck black coffee. Honestly fuck coffee culture in general. It's okay when sweetened but not as an all the time drink.

>> No.8789345
File: 2.97 MB, 600x336, unhinged cook.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8789372

Don't forget the hardcore lobster demolishers who destroy the lobster with their bare hands, cracking the shells between their palms

>> No.8789386

I thought i was the only one to think of that

>> No.8789407

Do you think your contributing anything to this thread by posting that? That's not even shitposting, it's just fucking pointless.

>> No.8789434

Don't forget those insane sons of bitches that eat the goddamn shell, too

>> No.8789607

Fucking this. The ultimate pleb filter. I know to disregard all their opinions once they say fruit on a pizza is weird. The next thing they usually say is their favorite pizza is cheese. Fucking idiots.

>> No.8789624

Fuck you.
Now I want eggs.
It's almost 5am, I can't be bothered to fucking cook.

>> No.8789800

>drinking coffee with cream and/or sweetener

>> No.8790106

Dark > white > milk

>> No.8790136

love fish, hate salmon and shrimp

>> No.8790282
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, img_5646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a runny egg you fucking autist.

>> No.8790688

It was literally the 3rd google image result for "runny eggs". What you just posted was an undercooked egg, retard.

>> No.8790717

Not that guy, but it wasn't pointless, It's fun seeing pop culture references, especially songs, imo. You're just a big stick in the mud.

>> No.8790772

Dislike for mushy veggies

Must have wine chilled

Will question any pinkness in meat, even with goat or lamb.

Btw, will only eat cow, pork or chicken meat.

Not so much the use of ketchup, but over by everything in it instead of having it available to dip.

Only likes ranch dressing.

Drinks a light beer.

Calls certain cuisines "ethnic".

First place that comes to mind when going out to eat is chillis, applebees, or something like that.

No veggies on pizza.

Wants pizza, only thinks of national chains.

>> No.8790927

runny eggs refers to the white being runny, not the yolk
and google images isn't a fucking dictionary/encyclopedia
OP pic is over easy

>> No.8790950
File: 127 KB, 430x364, 1366463177355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Runny eggs =/= runny yolks. OP just pleb-filtered himself.

>> No.8791023

>the yolk side is very clearly totally uncooked

Is this bait?

Euthanize yourself, retard.

>> No.8791045

>Muh coffee is as black as I'm a manly man
Yeah, would have guessed you're from the navy.

>> No.8791057

>Will question any pinkness in meat, even with goat or lamb
Fucking this so much oh my god. We don't live in biblical times Justin you paranoid, neurotic imbecile. Fucking faggot likes too cook everything to fuck so that it's "safe to eat". Fuck you Justin

>> No.8791094

You were that guy, admit it.

>> No.8791149
File: 10 KB, 197x200, 1490757111004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Please learn to cook eggs, they're super basic.

>> No.8791160

its not a reference its just the fucking lyrics

>> No.8791638

Only like raw eggs if its with a good hot sauce.

>> No.8791650


Is this shit actually good? I always wanted to try it.

>> No.8791659



also cooking a steak past medium is ultra pleb holy shit

>> No.8791795

Cumming on your food before you eat it.

>> No.8791800

It was a reference, a vegemite-related pop culture reference. Don't they teach you kids anything in school these days?

Also, on a different note, I bought some vegemite once, and I liked it on toast well enough, but you use so little, I never could use up the whole jar before the expiration date. What are some other ways to eat that stuff besides just on toast? I want to buy another jar, but I don't want it sitting around forever.

>> No.8791941

Hate those people. Imagine how smelly their piss must be. yuck

>> No.8792188
File: 5 KB, 218x231, FB_IMG_1491515984797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw allergic to shellfish

>> No.8792208

This is my nigga

This is a nigger

>> No.8792210
File: 369 KB, 2048x2048, im-sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with some hot sauce to slip it up

are you having a stroke? what do those words even mean?

>> No.8793825

>not slipping up your eggs with hot sauce

You some kind of homo?

>> No.8794115

Using about a tsp mixed into the broth of a soup brings out a lot of flavour

Ignore the best before though people have jars in their cupboards spanning generations and it's still good, I've never seen Vegemite go bad, Marmite is amazing too

>> No.8794472

Because failing to cook eggs all the way through means you will certainly get salmonella some day?

>> No.8794477

Can name:
(1) Philly
(2) Generic brand of whatever store you're in

Nearly identical, of course.

>> No.8794481

Can we extend this to "Ewww! Smells like fish!"?

>> No.8795139

Are people really this pleb? I'm not even the biggest fish person but I can eat canned tuna no problem.

>> No.8795177
File: 336 KB, 200x200, 1412581244990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some lobsters secete a white ooze from the whole body.
Do I even want to know what that is?

>> No.8795185

No reason to freak, it's just protein cooking out.

>> No.8795220

>tfw allergic to all shellfish
I can't eat your bottom feeding sea monster.

>> No.8795223

I hate onions. Fuck you

>> No.8795227

i prefer pineapple and chicken but yeah

>> No.8795228

somehow swedish to me

>> No.8795316
File: 59 KB, 604x340, IMG_1369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please faggot, Hawaiin Pizza is literal child food.

>> No.8795506

>can't even spell Hawaiian

>> No.8795528

>I choose to consume 200 calories of sugar and fat because I'm picky when it comes to coffee

>> No.8795536

Is the reason people don't like runny eggs because they think they are dangerous or some shit?

bet they have no problem eating hollondaise

>> No.8795543

Flyover here. Wrong.

>> No.8795563

>be in group of 6-8 people
>taking orders for pizza
>hipster cunts demand Hawaiian pizza has to be one of the pizzas they order
>everyone else says whatever, I'll eat anything

It may not be a pleb filter but it sure as fuck implies terrible taste

>> No.8795571

Sunny side up isn't the same as over easy you fucking pleb

>> No.8795580

If you can't bear the shame of being publicly outed, just walk to the kitchen, grab a knife, and slit ur throat


>> No.8795663

Refuses to try anything new.
Dislikes all vegetables.
Dislikes all fish or meat.
Orders/cooks steak well-done and gets mad when other people don't.
Blasts non-fast-food with ketchup or hot sauce instead of actually tasting it first.

>> No.8795847

I used to love runny eggs

>> No.8795855

What the fuck?!?! I get now why everybody hates us mexicunts, we're the only type of person to ruin doritos like that. Also mexican doritos>americunt doritos. Also also, I catch a glimpse of doritos incognita, that shit is my favorite chip.

>> No.8795859

A diner in my hometown (central coast california) serves a dish that's two sandwhiches made from four pieces of french toast with cream cheese between them drizzled with maple syrup. It's pretty fucking good.

>> No.8795894

>breaking the yolk
Fucking infidelity.

>> No.8796177

Yeah, that's what I was saying in my post, you fucking autist.
>publicly outed
>anonymous anime forum

Again, remove yourself from the gene pool. Do us all a huge favor.

>> No.8796192

Thanks for the tip, will do. I want to be eating it regularly, since it's so good for you, but I get tired of eating it just on toast.

>> No.8796315

what do you fucking think 24-hour diners are for

>> No.8796325

they improve almost every savory dish. you probably eat them all the time and don't even notice they're there

>> No.8797381

It's good on crumpets, crackers with cheese, Vegemite and cheese sandwiches are also great
Best is those large round, thin crispy rice cakes with butter and Vegemite

>> No.8797388

>since it's so good for you

it's a jar of salty paste

>> No.8797410

I immediately discard the opinion of anyone who likes catsup

>> No.8797420


>> No.8797427

It smells and tastes repulsive.

>> No.8797431

This i fucking hate caffeine addicts and their trash coffee ""culture""

>> No.8797446

You mean you don't like it.

>> No.8797455

No, I don't like strawberries, but I can still eat them.

Catsup is physically repulsive and smelling it makes me nauseous

>> No.8797477

It doesn't make most people nauseous. This seems like a you problem, not a ketchup problem.

>> No.8797678


>> No.8798204

Potatos are literal pleb food. High cal, low nutrient. It's just cheap filler for poor people to cram their stomaches full with.

>> No.8798401
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>ketchup cake
mfw it's actually a thing

>> No.8798461


You havent seen shit yet. I hace seen sushi with sweet plantain, well done skirt steak AND cream cheese. For that to be my first sushi exposire it was pretty bad desu.

>> No.8798720


I've spent some time in oz and I can tell you that if you do eat some vegemite you better spread it real fucking thin on some toast and maybe put something over it like butter or jam. It's not that it directly tastes bad it just tastes to strongly of everything. Malty, yeasty, salty, bitter at maximum overdrive all at once. The only real reason aussies eat it is because they all grow up eating it and assume it's normal when your an adult then they feed it to their kids. Vegamite was originally supposed to be a vitamin supplement for children despite not being particularly nutritious in reality. Somehow australians managed to turn it into a fucking national treasure.

>> No.8798760

>edible food makes you nauseous
That's you being a massive faggot

>> No.8798786

How do I git gud at cooking eggs like this?

Most of the time I do it, end up fucking up the yolk and then it's scrambled eggs

>> No.8798920

Mushy vegetables are overcooked slop in almost all cases. The only good "mushy" vegetables are like cabbage that has been cooked with corn beef.

>> No.8799024

You mean flipping it without destroying the yolk?
Get yourself a good spatula. I've got a silicon one marketed as specifically for eggs. It slides under eggs really well.

You can also have the eggs swimming in butter to make it easier to get the spatula under them.

>> No.8799028

Literally any offal.

Because apparently eating muscle tissue is perfectly fine, but oh no, eating liver, tongue, sweetbreads, etc is just too strange.

>> No.8799037



i am officially triggered


you can baste it with hot butter/oil for a bit til the yolk is slightly opaque and then flip it.

assuming you're using a nonstick pan, of course. frying an egg without it sticking is a little bit more complicated with stainless/aluminum pans

>> No.8799043

Is the tongue not technically an internal organ?

>> No.8799061

It's a muscle you spastic.

>> No.8799062


it's muscle.

all muscle is technically an internal organ if you want to get technical.

>> No.8799070

Food that you pair with rice

Plebs don't know how to eat food with rice

>> No.8799076

So is heart not offal either?

>> No.8799082


technically, i'd say no. it's muscle.

people definitely consider tongue/heart offal, but in my opinion it's not. offal is anything that isn't muscle.

>> No.8799119

Broccoli rabe is fucking great. People hate it?

>> No.8799120

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.8799127

pretty sure every black coffee drinker I know is opposite of this

>> No.8799134

Broccoli is among the plants descended from the ancestor of the cabbage. All such plants have a somewhat bitter flavor to them.

Many people have bad experiences with them as children, due to children being more sensitive to bitter flavors as well as possibly being served by inexperienced parents who overcook them.

Some people never get over these and continue hating or thinking they hate the vegetables well into adulthood.

>> No.8799151

I love runny eggs. Nothing better when you have a hangover than a greasy bacon and egg sandwich with running eggs that puddle out when you bite into it. Delicious.

>> No.8799170

Confirmed uninformed pleb.

>> No.8799861
File: 160 KB, 734x734, smug girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I drink coffee with a shitload of creamer and milk and /ck/ hates me

>> No.8799878
File: 2 KB, 125x103, Rehehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equating food preferences to age

>> No.8799888

one of the most /ck/ posts I've ever seen

>> No.8800462

>3rd world/American wisdom

>> No.8800514
File: 2.57 MB, 3056x3056, Red_Onion_on_White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a japanese restauraunt, it's surprising how many asians say "no green onions" or just no onion at all. like seriously I'd say a good 10% of orders per day are no onion or no green onion, they fucking make a dish, how picky can you be, onions are like the candy of vegetables

>> No.8800607

>at work
>access to a bean-to-cup machine and unlimited milk, sugar etc
>coffee is strong but very, very bitter
>buy aeropress
>order coffee to the office weekly, admin lady has to deliver it to my desk on a monday
>skip the queue for the machine before each meeting/brief
>press my own delicious coffee
>dash of milk because its tasty
I know you guys would think I'm a freak or a hipster, but I don't care.

>> No.8800639

>Food preferences don't change with age

I bet you still eat ketchup

>> No.8801641

Pasta with not a lot of sauce
Pizza with not a lot of toppings
Indian food besides curry
Rare meat
Stinky cheese

>> No.8801667
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Farm fresh eggs are the best runny eggs. The sole reason I have chickens and feed them pic related. Orange and creamy yolks for days.

>> No.8801693

I honestly can't stand olives. Olives and ketchup are the only 2 foods I've ever tried that I simply don't like.

>> No.8801737

The green is the "tomalley" or liver. The red is eggs.

>> No.8801848

I've seen people say manchildren won't eat runny eggs because of texture and others say they won't eat solid yolks because they want their dippies.

Which one is it?

>> No.8801888

the coffee from those instant keurig coffee cups taste great when paired with instant hot chocolate

>> No.8801972

>Mine's runny eggs.
I'm pretty sure most people loves those.

>> No.8802014

I don't like canned black olives, they are tasteless pieces of shit. They off chance they do have flavor is when they sit in the can too long and pick up a metallic taste. Don't get me wrong I like olives if they're any color besides black. They just need a bit of flavor.

>> No.8802166

Mushy veggies are definitely overcooked my man. And overcooked veggies in general are one of the main reasons that a lot of people have an aversion to vegetables in general. Pretty much what >>8799134 said.

never tried vegemite but marmite is so fucking salty
it's a good dip/sauce for underseasoned or bland meat and can add a kick to plain vegetables, but you only need about 10 molecules of it before you oversalt the damn thing

>Orders/cooks steak well-done and gets mad when other people don't.
no one in real life does this
if anything it's people who order blue rare who do this to people that order any other doneness
but really no one gives a shit what you order

If it smells funky aka "smells like fish" then the fish is definitely not fresh should not be bought. The people who blindly eat ingredients without understanding their quality are the actual plebs.

>> No.8802204

>fresh fish does not smell like fish
Said the guy who has never had fresh fish and is just spouting memes

You've been caught, flyover

>> No.8802902

OP is memeing you dip.

>> No.8803145

Man I always considered Marmite to be the sweeter of the two and slightly milder huh that's crazy

>> No.8803230

You are the autistic one in the situation

>> No.8803349

I'm a complete picky fuck but brussel sprouts are really good and a lot of people hate them.

>> No.8803551


Are you kidding? Scorched/roasted and halved Brussel sprouts are the new meme food in the US

>> No.8803571

I'm one of these people.
I had a bad experience with fish when I was a kid and it turned me off to seafood entirely. Yes, even lobster, crab and shrimp.
I'll still have the occasional tuna sandwich though.

>> No.8803574

No they aren't.

>> No.8803587


My food pleb filter is natto. I eat everything covered in natto. Whoever can't stomach it is a gigantic faggot who I am better than without question. Also raw chicken. It's completely safe given modern poultry science. Salmonella was a thing of the past that resulted from less than ideal processing conditions. If you won't try and enjoy chicken sashimi, you're letting your FEELINGS get in the way of proven food SCIENCE. So whoever decides to do feels over reals, I have absolutely no respect for.

Everyone who doesn't have exquisite taste like me and OP are completely ridiculous food babies.Go cry in the corner with your craft singles and white bread while connoisseurs like me and OP enjoy our runny eggs and chicken sashimi, fucking plebs, kys.

>> No.8803590


>> No.8803740

You're halfway there mate. Put the butter on first but never add jam or anything else.

>butter or whatever spread you use
>thin layer of vegemite

Chuck it in the oven for a few mins to melt the butter and make the bread slightly crispy.

t. Ausfag

>> No.8803761
File: 236 KB, 1000x748, pickles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they won't eat:

>pickled food in general
>vegetables common in western cuisine
>cooked fish
>raw fish
>anchovies on pizza
>beer (for guys)
>liver, gizzards etc.
>steak past med. rare

Extra pleb points if they:

>pick stuff out of food at a restaurant
>follow meme food trends (quinoa, bone broth etc.)
>drink copious amounts of soda/soft drink
>unwilling to try new things
>claim to have non-celiac gluten intolerance (it doesn't exist)

>> No.8803763

I meant to say if they eat steak past medium rare*

>> No.8803827

Not him

Some are, some aren't. Depends on how they're brined FYI.

>> No.8803840

I get that canned black olives are pointless, but you should try black Greek style olives.

>> No.8803845

onions taste great but a lot of people are intolerant, which is why "no onions" is common. I love caramelized onions but I never get them because I know how much they'll fuck with my guts the next day.

>> No.8804261
File: 6 KB, 351x351, U_tried_by_adorablemusings-d5rg49h[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8804901

>I eat everything covered in natto

Even ur mum's snatch? Must be a taste improvement there.

>> No.8804915
File: 251 KB, 533x335, [Asenshi] Amanchu! - 05 [A23728E9].mkv_snapshot_06.24_[2016.08.12_16.38.43].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky tofu.

>> No.8804929

I think the biggest pleb filter is wanting everything to be overcooked, like egg yolks, beef, salmon.
Some people connect not overcooked texture with salmonella they had a child or something, its pretty annoying.

>> No.8805217

>tfw dad refused to eat beef that wasn't thoroughly well done so growing up any beef or steaks were overdone horribly
>tfw as a child I hated steak because of this

Then I learned how to cook

>> No.8805236

Food related ills seem to cause worse trauma than being raped.

>> No.8806477

fucking S A V A G E

>> No.8808309

I was making fun of OP's elitism. Natto is actually disgusting... like way worse than pussy.

>> No.8808378

>eating seabugs
Literally originated as plebfood. Now a good quality fish however.

>> No.8808969

Yeah, I think that was the joke he was making, you dolt. That your mother's rotten vagina tastes even worse than natto while also implying you engage in incestuous relations with her.

>> No.8809068

Runny eggs are god tier with toast.

Not so much with anything else.

>> No.8809319


Salts or peppers a dish served before tasting.

"Can you change the side/veggies to French fries?"

Makes soup out of packets unironically.

Doesn't even like soup.

Barbecues on just lit, obviously still flaming coals.

Still using a non stick pan that barely has Teflon anymore with how old and mistreated it is. I actually see this a lot.

Initially putting the fucking range at its maximum heat output. Every time. For everything.

Will bring any oil to its smoking point as a sign that it is hot enough to begin cooking.

Uses Apple cider vinegar on everything.

Hell, uses the same fucking condiment on everything and again, before tasting the dish.

Will travel to another country and eat at Subway if available.

>> No.8809345

I like onions but they sure don't like me

>> No.8809351

>Initially putting the fucking range at its maximum heat output. Every time. For everything.

Why wouldn't you put it at maximum heat initially? Of fucking course you'd turn it down for most things once the pan heats up, but what is to be gained by waiting for an empty pan to heat up on a low setting?

>> No.8809352

>Even ur mum's snatch?

Where do you think he grows it?

>> No.8809358

Too late. I already sired you, cuckspawn.

Commit haiku nao please.

>> No.8809366

>only possible choices are absolute black coffee or dumping 200 calories of cream/sugar in it
>can't use moderation and only put 50 or 100 calories of cream/sugar in it or coffee police will come and shoot you