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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8785414 No.8785414 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most feminine beverage and why is it coffee?

>> No.8786085

Because I dump my cream in it daily?

>> No.8786086

Post some anime girls drinking coffee

>> No.8786112

Your semen is, faggot.

>> No.8786130 [DELETED] 

Fuck off weeb scum

>> No.8786180

How the heck is coffee feminine

>> No.8786191
File: 515 KB, 856x1425, GayCoffee_3x5label_BigBearBlend-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is for real men only

>> No.8786284

Most cocktails I would say

>> No.8786285

Fuck off back to /b/, retard.

>> No.8786359

Strawberry juice?
strawberry milkshake

>> No.8786362
File: 3.38 MB, 4032x3024, 14916479636901054742968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink my morning coffee (s) out of this cup.

>> No.8786374

Is that one of those cheap plastic buffet cups?

>> No.8786383

>that first swig of Espresso that feels as thick as yoghurt in your mouth

>> No.8786393


Yea. I own a restaurant and a few other businesses. I USED to have hundreds of these cups in the attic of our home, in case we needed them there, until we renovated the house and turned it into an actual usable living-space, then they had to go. I salvaged one for personal use.

I usually drink an entire pot of coffee in the morning, every morning, then more coffee or espresso at the diner. Yes I'm Greek/American.

>> No.8786424

shoo, shoo, weeb.

>> No.8786765

I prefer gween tea.

>> No.8787020

It's adherents are limp wristed 3rd wave coffee hipsters, most coffee beverages sold in the US are specialty beverages, which means those sugary coffee milkshakes with a tiny amount of espresso used for flavor, women carry around coffee cups as a fashion accessory, they think it's cute to glorify caffeine dependence with silly mantras like "don't talk to me till I've had my coffee!!", I could keep going.

>> No.8787361

It's somewhat rare to see girls into third wave coffee tho. Second wave sugary drinks, sure. But serious third wave shops usually don't even carry any flavorings. All about the different single origins.

>> No.8787733

Anyone here try caffeine pills instead of coffee to get their fix?

>> No.8787752

>feminine is bad
Go away.

>> No.8787758
File: 82 KB, 660x495, roflel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women carry around coffee cups as a fashion accessory
Do women in your area still wear ugg boots?

>> No.8788378

I have a kilo of pure caffeine.
Pure caffeine is a different "high" than coffee, which also has theobromine, theophylline, and so on. Basically there's less of a body load/high than that associated with coffee, since caffeine is less promiscuous than the other alkaloids, and more CNS effects like wakefulness and alertness. The ultimate effect is less fatiguing and more simultaneously relaxing and wakeful

>> No.8788387

>third wave coffee
I don't even want to know what that means

>> No.8788394


>> No.8788398

so, if I just drink coffee for the caffeine effect I should take caffeine pills instead?

>> No.8788403

Yes. You can get a jar of 200 pills (200mg each, ~2 cups) for eight bucks at a Vitamin Shoppe. It's obscenely efficient.

>> No.8788417

Neither does the guy you're replying to. He confused second wave with third wave

Caramel skim pumpkin spice latte made with burned beans roasted six months ago is second wave

Third wave is microlot coffee roasted light last week, ground in an EK43 and brewed from a Kalitta Wave one cup at a time, and consumed black. Or, espresso where "to go" is explicitly disallowed, and you get a little cup of sparkling water with your espresso as a chaser

Second wave is at every strip mall, airport, and gas station in America. Third wave is relatively uncommon outside of places like Seattle, Portland, and so on. In a fairly cultured flyover town like Minneapolis there might be five or six legit third wave shops in the entire metro area, vs hundreds of second wave shops

>> No.8789196
File: 544 KB, 500x730, my_type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a French press. Where can I get some pretty good coffee? Always been a bit of a tea fag but I'm willing to branch out a bit

>> No.8789212

>40 grams for eight bucks
You can do better, but that's not bad

>if I just drink coffee for the caffeine effect
Well, the effect you're getting is actually the interplay between several drugs, and when you're used to one it can be jarring to go to the other. But yeah I prefer caffeine only

Costco has great stuff
Make cold brew sometime with the french press, I didn't even notice that normal coffee had something of a "burnt" flavor until I was able to compare the two. It's way smoother

>> No.8789217

>Just bought a French press
We all make mistakes. If it's not too late, return it and get an aeropress

>> No.8789260


>> No.8789298

That wasnt the question I asked

>> No.8789307
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>> No.8789326


Nice house, family-fag

>> No.8789830
File: 668 KB, 1118x985, 1468104891069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does whole bean coffee cost in your area?
The only non shit coffee ive been able to find is Costco for ~$4.30/lb which is like $0.21 for 16oz of coffee (1 serving).

>> No.8790007

What the fuck is first wave then, Dunkin Donuts?

>> No.8790028


>> No.8790032
File: 72 KB, 300x340, 1355537710779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8790038

$7.99 +tax for literally one handful of coffee beans in a foil bag with a hole on the front of it.
Aldi has a pretty good store brand that's really well suited for iced coffee, it might not taste right to everyone but it's only 3-4 dollars for a can.

>> No.8790050

under the shirt?

>> No.8790506

No, it's Giuseppe the Eye-Talian who washed up on the shores of Brooklyn 100 years ago and brought his primitive espresso machine with him. Why are you so angry?

>> No.8790569

So thirdwave should be popular and widespread in a year or so?

>> No.8790576

Is this animu any good?
Looks cuuute

>> No.8790579

All anime looks the same. Badly drawn cartoons scribbled by some neckbeard sexually frustrated pedo jap.

>> No.8790580

Piss off, pedo.

>> No.8790665

I used to drink 20 cups coffee a day combined with a heavy nicotine addiction. After I quit smoking I somehow didn't enjoy coffee anymore and now I drink Earl Grey and green tea every single day.

>> No.8790686

It's already widespread. Popular, in the sense I assume you mean, probably not. By definition, something that focuses on the finest of a limited supply of product cannot be popular. It can be relatively more popular than it is now, but it will never reach second-wave levels of popularity.

Second wave was able to become what it was because it was infinitely compatible with the existing supply. That trademark ashy taste of Starbucks, Bustelo, Illy, Lavazza, Peets, etc, is not an accident. If you want to supply 10,000 stores with consistent product, you don't want to taste the beans when the beans are sometimes not so good, sometimes variable in taste and quality. When you buy in that quantity, you need to be able to *always* meet demand, regardless of crop failures, heat waves, and so on. Which means you have to make do with what you get, which means you want people not to taste the beans, but to taste the roast, which means dark roasts. But they can take it a step further. You don't even have to taste the roast. You can just taste the whipped cream and vanilla syrup.

Also, Starbucks can hire any retard who doesn't give a shit about coffee, because it's fast food tier drink assembly. A third wave style store brews and serves stuff that requires training and attention to detail. It doesn't take a genius to pull a good shot, but it's not something that any jackass can do after 2 minutes of training. So, once again, you have a scalability question. Places like Stumptown are trying, but consistency becomes a major challenge once growth takes you to that size. So they're going to have to make a choice: become more like Starbucks, where it's consistently ass quality, or have wildly inconsistent quality (or wildly increased operating costs)

>> No.8790704

If you work at Starbucks and lnow what youre doing, you can still make a better product than the twat who thinks single origin pour overs are the next cultural revolution

>> No.8790705

Unfortunately, this is not true

>> No.8790720

Hey so has anyone tried Ethiopian coffee? Supposedly it has a far more winelike aroma and taste

>> No.8790731

What do you mean by "Ethiopian coffee"? Ethiopian varietals? Coffee physically grown within the borders of Ethiopia? Coffee grown as per popular perceptions about what makes "Ethiopian" coffee "Ethiopian" (dry process)?

>> No.8790735

Ive been to plenty of third wave places and they always fuck up on little things that make a big difference

For instance getting an iced americano, theyll put 2 shots and water it down so much with no ice so its just luke warm

And dont tell me "thats not a real drink" its the most basic iced coffee drink to make and i drink it black, no fru fru bs

Also alot of these places rely heavily on the cold brew trend but somehow make it twice as sour and acidic as regular coffee when its supposed to be the opposite
Then theyll do like a himalayan vanilla flavored one that tastes awful, no ice in a beer glass and charge 6 bucks for it. Most customers just add milk and sugar to it even though they say "you dont need it because its naturally creamy and naturally sweet" but thats marketing crap

>> No.8790740

Ethiopian varietals grown in that region/climate
I think the varietals are actually from yemen originally, but they were only then cultivated on the other side of the red sea iirc

>> No.8790748

> iced americano
That's already fucked up, why would you do that?

As far as quality problems and catering to customers who don't care about coffee are concerned, what you're describing is precisely the issue that makes it impossible to scale up a third wave coffee shop into a massive, "popular" operation. There are plenty of third wave roasters who fuck up the beans. Plenty of third wave shops who serve shit coffee. I don't even order pourovers from shops because when they're busy (which is always), they're trying to do too many things at once and the entire point of a pourover is defeated if the guy making the coffee is also running the register and making espresso drinks. To solve that problem you need to hire more people and also pay higher wages to pull talent away from other shops and let you be more selective about who you've got making coffee. That increases the cost of doing business and most people are already conflicted about paying $4 for a cup of coffee when Stumptown is charging $3.

That being said, your original point was "if you know what you're doing at Starbucks you can make a better coffee than a third wave twat" which is not true. It's like saying if you work at McDonalds you can make a better hamburger than Keith McNalley. Quality starts with ingredients. Just because some people fuck up good ingredients doesn't change that fact.

>> No.8790754


Its tea.

Little girls have tea parties and tea time. Hell, brits have tea time too, doesn't get more emasculating than little girls and brits.

>> No.8790759

The processing is always the #1 factor

Don't worry too much about muh microclimate except to the extent that it determines how the beans are processed

>> No.8790770

Starbucks cares about its ingredients, its just not feasible to scale up to the level theyre at but they make do with what they can. Alot of third wave places rely on the same workforce that Starbucks does, college aged liberal arts students who either never held a job or used to work fast food/retail.

There are plenty of restaurants Ive been to where its all local, not frozen, prepared fresh, costs 100 dollars for two people and its still mediocre. Its not JUST ingredients because if it were, the restaurant industry would be alot more stable than it is. Alot goes into training, mgmt, and menu variety. Half of Starbucks menu is trash but its still better than going to Dunkin because its not bizarre for you to like the taste of coffee at the former, where in the latter they default sugar and cream you because they dont like coffee for anything but caffeine.

Starbucks also attempts to educate the public about the proper methods and equipment, whereas a third wave wants to pretend it can only be done by artisans with 5 years experience.

If I make an omelette at my house, and care about what im doing, its going to be better than a place making 6 omelettes every 15 mins. Its not only about better product, which im not going to argue that they dont, but theres a reason why people still prefer Maxwell House because you also have to be able to anticipate taste, and preference. NOT try to recruit them into the single origin mentality, and if they dont "get" it, theyre a lost cause or something.

>> No.8790792

>Starbucks cares about its ingredients
In the same way that Entemanns cares about its ingredients, yeah
>Alot of third wave places rely on the same workforce that Starbucks does
Yes, that's what I said earlier. How are you going to get 3 star michelin consistency on a McDonalds level workforce? You aren't. You just have to hope that the "cool" factor attracts the talent you want, because the minimum wage plus tips certainly isn't going to.
>There are plenty of restaurants Ive been to where its all local, not frozen, prepared fresh, costs 100 dollars for two people and its still mediocre.
Right, and would you say that, therefore, since McDonalds is more predictable, therefore McDonalds is better? That seems to be your argument.
>Starbucks also attempts to educate the public about the proper methods and equipment,
Not really, only in recent years with their "Starbucks Stating Room" which is a response to their own realization that they were going to get eaten alive by third wave shops if they didn't do something. A bit like the sudden interest in increased quality with companies like ABInBevMillerCoors or whatever the fuck they call themselves now
>whereas a third wave wants to pretend it can only be done by artisans with 5 years experience.
Much like the irrational butthurt in sushi threads, that's basically just fantasy on your part.

>> No.8790885

Entemmans doesnt train their workforce to learn the ins and outs of the donut making process from farm to store. They dont advertise and promote their donut making process as something important or desirable.

And youre making my argument about quality way too black and white. What you said was that ingredients are the most important factor in taste. What Im arguing is not that McDonalds would be better, its that ingredients are one part of a paradigm that also involves experience, knowlegeabilty, customer service and variety. A third wave place does not automatically become better just because they roasted their beans last week. If that were the case, than I could just buy the beans from them and without having any knowledge of how to make coffee, produce the best cup Ive ever had.

As far as the customer education goes, its not just at the Roastery, the stores have like 4 or 5 different brewing methods that customers can be served or purchase themselves.

The sushi thing is usually overexagerrated but it doesnt mean its not partly true. Like sushi, coffee can be upcharged almost indefinitely based on perception of quality. It doesnt mean its inherently better when ingredients are imported or the chefs speak fluent Japanese, but people like to see it and pay extra for it.

People also like to see wood countertops, handdrawn signs, local artwork, glass bottles, fancy coffee mugs, and recent roast dates. But most people dont even know what these things mean, like to an average joe he might think coffee roasted today is the best coffee but thats not true. He might also think that it doesnt matter when it was roasted and thats also not true. But Starbucks wants people to know this information, even though alot of its own coffee is months old, because theyre not worried about scaring customers away who had no idea of what coffee was "supposed" to be the day before. Third wave assumes that you know better, and for some thats great, others its pretentious.

>> No.8790900

You seem to be confusing my point for something that it isn't. You asked what "third wave" was and how it differed from "second wave". I explained it and you replied with this weird butthurt comment about how Starbucks is better than third wave, which is a reach to put it mildly.

Point being third wave exposes the quality at every step of the way much more than second wave which is designed to hammer out any accidents so that if you're reasonably competent you can have a fairly predictable result.

Second wave sacrifices the possibility of 10/10 coffee in exchange for never getting below 4/10 coffee.

Third wave risks 0/10 coffee but offers the possibility of 10/10 coffee.

These are of course generalizations, "third wave" is not a brand, a company, or an organization. It's just a generic catch-all for a kind of establishment that tends to follow certain fashions as far as brewing and roasting are concerned, inb4 extreme butthurt because I used the word "fashions"

>> No.8790915

Yeah, at work we have real shit instant, so I started taking caffeine tablets instead. Bit slower to work than liquid caffeine but feel more alert with them

>> No.8790919

I wasnt the first person you replied to. Im well aware of what third wave is, and ive been to at least 5 places around my city that are part of this trend. The places that do it best are the ones who arent trying to be "The Starbucks killer" and are trying to do their own thing. I dont hate all third wave, but their quality wavers so much that im reticent to try a new place when it opens. Its kind of like all these breweries popping up claiming locality and quality when all they make is some really gross Red Velvet porter or a gross IPA, which I usually prefer.

Lets concede on the fact that third has the potential to supercede the 2nd, but probably wont because of the reasons youve listed about scalability, and that both have their place. If I wanted to try something different, yeah Id go to a place like Stumptown. But to get "good" coffee consistently, and without having to wait 20 mins, Starbucks is a worthy alternatve.

Alot of what third wave is doing is taken from Starbucks and their customer base, but I also realize it works the other way too.

>> No.8790944

>not 16 years old
>not a girl
>available for more 4 hours per week

Application discarded.
And it's not just Starbucks any more. It's the while workforce. I've lived here 6 years and only one man has acquired a job in city limits. Only did a month at the deli.

>We're hiring!
>doesn't actually hire people

The workforce is really a joke here and I'm in the sticks of appalachia.

>> No.8790968

im guessing you dont have much experience so the best thing to do is literally apply at every place. Once you run out of places off the top of your head youll find things you didnt think of. My first job was at Panda Express, which I never had been to before and lied about in my interview, and I assumed I wouldnt bother because I wasnt Asian, but it turns out everyone was either white/hispanic besides my boss who was half chinese and spoke fluent spanish.

Try schools, post office, inventory companies, warehouses, dishwashing jobs, overnight stocking etc Half the time they might want you for another job in the same business.

>> No.8790985

I concede nothing. Third wave is decidedly superior in every way.

>> No.8790995

Holy shit Kek, this is like that expanding brain meme. Someone please make it

>> No.8791026

Ok go there and say you dont normally drink coffee and see how quickly they scoff and dont help you and then make a 10 minute luke warm pourover

>> No.8791042

why not just get enough sleep dude

>> No.8791056

>walk into a steak restaurant
>I don't like meat, but the customer is always right. make me happy bloodmouth carnist. oh nice shirt btw did you get fired from your bank teller job? LMAO lighten up it's just a joke. you want a tip? here's a tip get a real job!
>one star. waitstaff was rude and scoffed at me

>> No.8791100

>autism:the post

>> No.8791551

Folgers in a percolator

>> No.8791556

No serious coffee should should serve an Americano, iced or otherwise.

>> No.8791575

Coffee is only feminine if you get one if those sugary concoctions make at Starbucks.

Coffee with some combination of milk (whole or 2%), and/or a little sugar is patrician.

>> No.8791677

It should should only be an espresso in a demitasse cup right? Try living where its 90° outside everyday sipping your Ehithiopian Yirgacheffe

>> No.8791696


I say diet coke. I don't think I've seen a man drink diet coke.

>> No.8791729


One day someone will have to explain to me why women are always so oblivious to open windows when walking around indecent.

Just last week I was leaving some girl's place and she followed me through her kitchen naked and I turn and stare back and forth between her and her open window above the kitchen sink that lines up with the neighbor's windows. And she's like "What?" I swear this happens all the time. I mean, not with her, but just in general.

Situational awareness impediment based on sex? I only meet shameless whores? Who knows?

>> No.8791812

Any middle aged man drinks it at home, like 24 packs every 2 days. I think it helps curb cigarette dependency.

>> No.8791878

>a small cup of hot liquid consumed indoors is totally incompatible with living in a hot climate
Doesn't seem to bother Arabs, Colombians, Brazilians, Italians, etc...

>> No.8791890

Theyre still on the 1st wave though anon, i thought you wanted to be cool?

>> No.8791911

They'd be 0th wave, actually. And I am cool, because I can drink a 25ml cup of espresso indoors without keeling over from an acute attack of the mimsies. I must be some kind of superhuman I guess.

>> No.8791948

tea is the ultimate feminine beverage.
Coffee is for men who need to get up in the morning and get things done. Coffee is a tool, tea is a luxury.

>> No.8791971

By that metric coffee is also a luxury because it has no nutritional value and people drink it often enough that it stops having any effect and they become dependent on it just to function normally.
It's vain and frivolous, with no utility, that sounds pretty feminine to me.

>> No.8792014

>drinking anything but water is feminine

>> No.8792175

Theo do Japanese style flash brew pourover. There's nothing wrong with ice and coffee, it's everything about the Americano. Iced or otherwise.

Also I do still go straight espresso when it's 90-100°f and extremely humid. It's a small drink, it doesn't have enough thermal mass to heat you up like brewed coffee. And you should NEVER consume any coffee when it's hot, it should be just warm.

>> No.8792450

>And you should NEVER consume any coffee when it's hot, it should be just warm.
Very smart comment.
But many people are ignorant to this fact,
same as they are ignorant to not drinking iced cold water with their (warm-hot) food.
And stupid restaurants are serving water with ice thinking that they are doing favor to those stupid customers.

>> No.8792671
File: 28 KB, 800x309, Arabica_Robusta coffee beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After numerous tests making the same coffee with Aeropress and moka pot (I use stainless steel model moka pot not the aluminum model)
I come to conclusion that I like taste and flavor of coffee made in moka pot much better.
Aeropress coffee tastes weaker thinner, not so full flavor bodied as coffee made in moka pot.
With Aeropress I use metal filter supplied with it, (not the paper filters) so both A-press and moka pot have very similar filtration systems.
And coffee beans I use are medium roast, (100%Arabica) from local very reputable roaster, but I'm going to buy good quality Robusta beans to experiment with them,
and to also get almost the double the amount of caffeine from Robusta coffee beans compared with the Arabica beans.

I'm thinking of starting drinking (good quality Robusta) medium roast Robusta coffee in the morning (after or with the breakfast,never on the empty stomach) for the extra caffeine blast,
and after work in the evening I will drink 100%Arabica more for the fine taste and flavors of it and much less caffeine.

Arabica vs. Robusta what’s the real deal?

>> No.8792674

Unemployment does sound pretty chill

>> No.8792692

not everyone has bellybuttons anon

>> No.8792725

make sure you are not confusing them with anuses

>> No.8792908 [DELETED] 

Well, there's the oil, but without knowing your grinds, your beanwater ratios, and your brew times, it's hard to make a real assessment of that "test". The trouble with moka pot is that aluminum is quite a bit more reactive than plastic. Done properly a moka does a roughly 1 minute brew, which is on the low side compared to a press, but the oils would compensate for the lower extraction

>> No.8792984

OK let's start here;
>The trouble with moka pot is that aluminum
>(I use stainless steel model moka pot not the aluminum model)

>but without knowing your grinds,
same setting on the coffee grinder for coffee made with Aeropress and with moka pot
>and your brew times,
brew time for moka pot is what it is,as you know it, with the Aeoropress I tried the suggested 45-60 seconds brew time before pushing on the plunger,
and I also left the coffee brewing for 5 to 7 minutes (same as in french press) before pushing on the plunger of Aeropress.
And I use the same amount of coffee in both devices.
Aeropress coffee tastes good,nothing wrong with it, but just my personal observation that I prefer taste of coffee made in my moka pot.

>> No.8793069 [DELETED] 

>too high
>too low
You ever consider something in a reasonable range? Say, 2:00-3:30?

Also what is your beanwater ratio

>> No.8793208

>You ever consider something in a reasonable range? Say, 2:00-3:30?
actually yes, I went through several different time ranges with my Aeropress including 2 to 3 minutes (and I did it few times) to make sure I can "taste-remember" how the coffee tasted.

>Also what is your beanwater ratio
I must say that I don't understand what you mean here.
Aeropress is what it is, I was filling the Aeropress tube-container to the top with water, and I used the same amount of water in my moka press,
so both devices got the same amount of water to the same amount of coffee grinds.

>> No.8793227 [DELETED] 

>I must say that I don't understand what you mean here.
Generally one states the ratio in terms of mass of beans vs mass of water. For example 250g water to 18g bean would be about 14:1

>> No.8793259

OK understand.
But I don't measure how much water I pour into my Aeropress, I just pour water to the rim.
I measured how much it is and I pour the same amount into my moka pot.

>> No.8793276

>I measured how much it is and I pour the same amount into my moka pot.
actually in my moka pot I add almost one ounce of water extra because there is always that much left on the bottom after brewing in moka pot.

>> No.8793292


calm down, reddit.

>> No.8793302

Guess we are having an actual thread, how the fuck do I clean a french press? I rinse the glass part (beaker?) out until it stops smelling like old coffee, dissemble the plunger and rinse the grounds out then plunge it in the water-filled beaker 15 or so times but this takes forever.
Robusta is just going to be extremely bitter, there's a reason it's only used for filler and instant coffee

>> No.8793308

>muh reddit
Go away, reddit

>> No.8793428


>I usually drink an entire pot in the morning

Confirmed for not buying locally roasted, sensibly sourced single origin coffee.

>> No.8793434

You can brew a whole pot of fancy coffee.

>> No.8793450

>Confirmed for not buying locally roasted, sensibly sourced single origin coffee.
Confirmed for overpaying for garbage-tier coffee.

>> No.8793499


Yeah if you want to place your mortgage up for auction because you spent all your money on coffee beans.

A single carafe of coffee is 750 ml or 750 grams of water. At a solid 1:15 ratio, that equates to 50 grams of coffee per carafe. If I were to buy my preferred beans (Kokanna, Ethiopia, locally roasted at $18.00/lb, which sounds overpriced but they are magical beans) it would be.... jesus christ it's $1.98 per carafe even when you buy the most expensive coffee. That's cheaper than the smallest black coffee at Starbucks. Holy shit.


bruh don't even try and trigger me bro I'm already assblasted from this thread

>> No.8793517

>Robusta is just going to be extremely bitter,
yes I agree on that, but I noticed that extra caffeine (almost double the amount in Robusta) is what sometimes I like to experience in the morning,
that's why I will be looking for high quality Robusta beans not the crappy low quality crap.
But my preferable coffee is of course 100%Arabica (with the understanding the there are different levels of quality with Arabica beans as well).

>> No.8793535
File: 91 KB, 808x768, No_Starbucks_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would be.... jesus christ it's $1.98 per carafe even when you buy the most expensive coffee. That's cheaper than the smallest black coffee at Starbucks. Holy shit.
I just heard on Secret Scanner that hit man from Starbucks were dispatched to your location. kek

>> No.8793573
File: 572 KB, 2088x576, Very burnt_garlic bread + Very_burnt_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro I'm already assblasted from this thread
should I post few scientific medical factual articles talking about health hazards (cancer causing) of dark roasted charred burnt coffee beans, or toxic molds growing on green coffee beans
to turbo blast your assblastering state of mind. lol

>> No.8793579


>charred coffee beans

Kek, I haven't drank anything darker than a tan roast in years

>> No.8793635

>Kek, I haven't drank anything darker than a tan roast in years
you are smart and lucky anon, I just learned about this dark roast charred crap coffee secrets few months ago.
I'm not buying or drinking dark roasted coffee any more, just medium roast (or lower sometimes).

Very interesting site with great pictures.

Using Sight to Determine Degree of Roast.
Color is just one of the ways to determine degree of roast. By itself, it is of limited use. When complemented by the audible cues (first and second crack) and the aromas of the roast process, it is extremely informative.
Here's a video showing the color changes that occur during roasting.


>> No.8793656


good on you, the lightest roast is where it's at. None of the delicate flavonoids are destroyed in the roasting process. My coffee tastes more like tea sometimes.

>> No.8793798
File: 79 KB, 680x1020, buff person from side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has abs

>> No.8793826

if you live in a city, there's probably a decent roaster near you, otherwise you're stuck ordering online or roasting your own
also http://www.jimseven.com/2010/11/04/cupping-vs-french-press/

>> No.8793831

pink wine is the most feminine

>> No.8793865

He's not wrong tho

>> No.8793884
File: 122 KB, 1024x439, coffee beans .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the most feminine
coffee beans are very feminine
just look at them they look like pussies

>> No.8793889

fuck off and die

>> No.8793901

I've had a lot of ethiopian coffees, some are the best I've ever had, some are winey and fruity, some really aren't
a lot of ethiopian stuff is natural processed (lots of sun, water's expensive, traditional way of doing things, etc.) which leads to a "winier" taste, supposedly because of cherry-fermentation. this is more true for meme sidamos, and less for a lot of yirgacheffes (meme yirg-z's especially). ethiopia's a really big place, with more varietals than everywhere else on earth combined, and crazy difference in terroir. you should go to a coffee shop near you with tastings/cuppings some time, and ask to try multiple things prepared the same way and think about the difference between what you taste

>> No.8793923

>bruh don't even try and trigger me bro I'm already assblasted from this thread
I'm not joking or trying to troll, they take so many fucking shortcuts and really don't give a fuck about quality. It's large distributors that tend to actually do it right

>> No.8793926

what are your usual brewing processes?
my cups are mostly hario skerton->clever dripper, but I'm pretty disillusioned with the grinder and don't seem to get anywhere near the fidelity/cleanliness of a cup from a decent cafe
I'm thinking about lido/feldgrind, but even being a fucking nerd for this stuff it's hard to stomach $200 for a grinder
more likely to be true*
i.e. most yirg-z's are washed, something something delicacy, something something "preservation of original flavor"
inb4 natural defeners, I like natural coffees too

>> No.8793930

Drink arabica and top it off with some caffeine pills

>> No.8793949

in that case might as well skip both and just do coke. kek

>> No.8793950

Honestly I got this grinder for free when I bought my french press and it works infinitely better than some $50+ electric burr grinders I've tried; I get minimal powder with this (a small enough amount that it doesn't contribute to any bitterness) while said electrics resulted in a sludge tasting of charcoal

>> No.8793954

>appeal to nature: the post

>> No.8793962

is it true that when using electric coffee grinders the electromagnetic charge from them is destroying the delicate flavors and oils inside the coffee beans and that's why best is to use manual hand grinders

>> No.8793971

where did I appeal to nature, I like washed and natural coffees
I'm saying there's a big difference between ethiopian coffees so saying "they're winey" doesn't really mean anything, that cherry-fermentation can produce that "winey" taste and is derived from natural processing where the cherry stays on the bean for a while, and that talking/thinking about coffees in isolation doesn't mean much or help you, alongside a suggestion of coffees that may match or not match his description
what did you think I said, or what did you take issue with?

>> No.8793978

That sounds like complete fucking nonsense, this one just goes for quality over convenience in terms of speed/quantity

>> No.8793979

Nowhere near good enough. You need at least a Feldgrind tier grinder for decent coffee. It's only better than your old electric since the cheap electrics are literal garbage.

No, not at all.

>> No.8793983

>just keeps using baseless buzzwords like "natural" and "traditional" over and over which says absolutely nothing about the quality
>wonders why it's a fallacy

>> No.8793984

the lido is (from what I've heard) on par with $3-400+ grinders for non-espresso grinds, even a $130ish baratza is still below it
I saw people on /ck/ had both in the archive, and was hoping they'd see it and be able to comment
thanks though
fuck I'm stupid

>> No.8793987

Natural process is literally the name of the process. It's not a descriptor. It's just what the process is called.

>> No.8793992

you're retarded or I'm being b8'd
natural is the name of the process, and it's the traditional way beans were processed before mills were brought to ethiopia

>> No.8794001

Are you trolling or just actually retarded?
>if I pay a lot it means it's worth the money!
Like every board, there's two types of idiots who will argue vehemently

>> No.8794002

sorry to post so much, but to extrapolate, I'm saying that's why so many ethiopian coffees are natural-processed, it wasn't a value judgement

>> No.8794010

My bad then, I'm too used to jumping all over idiots who use "natural" as a selling point and shit all over everything else

>> No.8794011

Your grinder has a garbage burr and is poorly aligned. A Feldgrind for $150ish will easily last you a lifetime, and produce actually good coffee. You can not make good coffee with your grinder. The uneven grind inherent to the design will not let you push >20% extraction yeild without tasting like shit:

>> No.8794013


>It's large distributors that tend to actually do it right

The audacity of that statement. There are plenty of ways to fuck up coffee, but the most important distinction between mass produced coffee and local roasters is that local roasters make a point to source from smaller family farms, and more attention to detail is applied during the roasting process. Neither can be said about the multi-billion dollar counterparts.

Saying the larger coffee distributors "tend to actually do it right" just completely underestimates the sheer volume of the coffee they are distributing.

>> No.8794027

>these roasters who have less turnover, far less sophisticated equipment, technology and resources as do their growers will surely have a better product, why else would I be paying more for it?
Personally I'd rather purchase from somebody who knows what the fuck they're doing, especially for something that requires a precision process. Sam's Club and Costco's store brands actually have very good coffee whereas every time I've bought local, even with really good reviews it's been unimpressive at best.

>> No.8794031

If you're shitting on the electric go ahead, but my $15 manual burr grinder leaves virtually no dust. If you want to keep trying to justify overpaying, go ahead but you're getting significant diminishing returns after a point

>> No.8794039

sorry for starting like 3 flame wars by the way
but those're logical extremes that don't mean anything, I agree with the guy you're shitting on in this post
the skerton doesn't give a consistent grind at any particle size, and it shows up in the coffee I make. what I said originally was that I can't make as good a cup of coffee as a barista can, and I want to get a grinder that can help me do so
I mostly agree with this, larger operations can't have a supply chain delivering freshly roasted coffee and don't have the autism/care required to fine-tune every roast properly. large-scale "third wave" roasters (intelligentsia, stumptown, etc. even pre-buyouts) start slipping once they get over a certain size and I don't think anything can be done to fix that. the sourcing point is true too, but I think mostly because it delivers small amounts of distinct beans instead of getting muddled in volume
but even not knowing what natural processing was, my original post doesn't have positive connotations, it just mentions the word. no offense, but you could also stand to be less aggressive, especially with regards to something you don't fully understand

>> No.8794040

I believe that electromagnetic field that electric motors emit in coffee grinders could affect very negatively quality of coffee.
Electromagnetic fields are known to affect lab animals and plants so why not coffee beans being grounded in such close proximity to electromagnetic discharge.
If you really care about the quality of coffee you drink I would definitely stay away from using electric grinders.
Just ask any experienced barista and they will tell you that hand grinders are the best.

>> No.8794046

>the skerton doesn't give a consistent grind at any particle size, and it shows up in the coffee I make. what I said originally was that I can't make as good a cup of coffee as a barista can, and I want to get a grinder that can help me do so
Because logical extremes are all 4chan knows. There's a difference between not buying a garbage grinder paying an exorbitant amount for something that'll have a 2% difference over something a fifth of its price

>> No.8794058

It's not about dust; it's about particle distribution. A grinder NEEDS to be perfectly aligned, and perfectly stable, with a good burrset to produce an even distribution. Your grinder fails on all three fronts.

Diminishing returns do exist, but they don't start there. Or even close to there.

A blade grinder or cheap electric grinder is absolute trash that can't make an even close to ok cup of coffee. A cheap hand grinder, like yours, can make okish coffee, but never good. A Feldgrind or Lido can make consistently good, even consistently great, coffee for under $200. For $600 ish you can push out maybe an extra 10% quality or so with a Bunn grinder fitted with Ditting burrs. For around $2300 you can push out an extra 2% or so with an EK43.

This is all easily measurable with refractometers as well as immediately evident in taste.

>> No.8794059

Your grinder is trash. There is no even decent grinder below $150. Yet anyway, the new Knock Aergrind looks very promising for like $75 iirc.

>> No.8794062

it's not just about fines, but about even particle distribution, fines is more of a sieving issue (though that's kind of autistic and won't be adopted until it becomes trivial/automatic)
there's more of these kinds of things around looking at particle size, but it definitely bears thinking about for pretty obvious reasons (inconsistent extraction is an objectively weaker cup)
if you're who I responded to, you're going further than the other guy though, and not contributing anything to the discussion by beating your chest at him

>> No.8794070

sup cwd

>> No.8794072

I noticed that since I had wireless internet installed in my place the quality of my coffee went down significantly and since I'm using the same coffee beans I was scratching my head why,
but now I think I got my answer, the interference from wireless internet "the electronic pollution" is making my coffee taste so shitty.
I might switch my internet connection back to cable if that's the case.

>> No.8794076

Hey just lemme yell at this guy, I don't get to be a dick on moderated forums

>> No.8794088


Somewhere Vince Fedele is crying right now.

>> No.8794093

I'll send Atago customer support to cheer him up.

>> No.8794098

what forums do you read?
you don't need to out yourself and I won't post chan bullshit on them, but there's a lot of specialty forums that all seem dead, and I don't know where (outside of instagram which is cancerous) to go for recent discussions of coffee

>> No.8794104

Why don't you assholes address the real reasons why coffee tastes like shit from using electric grinders and bombarding it with electromagnetic emissions
that kill living organisms and are rearrange the molecular structures of proteins, oils and sugars inside of the coffee beans.
Unless your expensive fancy electric coffee grinder is magnetically shielded like audio speakers are your money is wasted on fancy expensive grinders they will still negatively
affect taste of your fancy organic coffee with the electromagnetic emissions.

>> No.8794110

I thought this was b8 but I also don't have to answer to you because both of the grinders I'm thinking about are hand-grinders

>> No.8794127

>both of the grinders I'm thinking about are hand-grinders
yes hand grinders are safe and also they provide bit of exercise so I support them as proper devices to avoid electromagnetic pollution and to provide exercise

>> No.8794161

Mostly HomeBarista. /r/coffee or /r/espresso if I want to get really mad at everything. Coffeegeek every now and then even though it's dead. Perger's Facebook even though Perger is a bit silly at times and Facebook is trash. Some Instagram, mostly SocraticCoffee, Kafatek, and Lyn Weber.

Only really participate in the first two. And some smaller chats. And of course in person conversations with other enthusiasts. You can easily tell who fits the bill at third wave shops, and they're usually excited to talk to someone else whose also into coffee.

Better use your hand grinder in a faraday cage. Don't want Earth's magnetic field deactivating your coffee's chakras or whatever.

>> No.8794210

thanks. what are the chats? like digital conversations with people who know what they're talking about?
I'm too autistic to blind-talk to people in real life about coffee and only one of my friends half-cares, the rest think I'm insane or only tolerate it
I read /r/coffee sometimes but I don't know how to read reddit properly and don't want an account so I basically visit once a month sorted to top/month and read until I get angry about stupid shit or the culture and stop
wish this place was less of a shithole

>> No.8794213
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, burned charred dark roast coffee in the middle .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better use your hand grinder in a faraday cage. Don't want Earth's magnetic field deactivating your coffee's chakras or whatever.
stop making fun of it, if you are uneducated on the topic say so but by being sarcastic you will not gain the knowledge, or maybe your job is to deny this scientific fact same as many roasters
are hiding and denying health hazards (cancers) from drinking dark roast charred coffee and selling it to unsuspecting customers at regular prices knowing that dark roasted coffee beans
are of very low shitty quality that should be sold at 1/2 or 1/3 of the price.

you don't agree that electromagnetic pollution is affecting living organisms, do you?
so why you think it would not affect freshly grounded coffee beans that has living molecules inside, unless of course if is dark roasted and everything that was alive inside of that coffee bean
was killed with excessive heat and is now dead dark/black charred coffee bean that has no nutritional value any more but actually become a cancerous poison.

>> No.8794235

I'll shoot you some stuff if you have an email or something. I don't really want to overrun any chat with 4chan folk.

Why are you even on 4chan? The electromagnetic radiation from your computer is killing you. Go back to drinking distilled water in a concrete cube. Your argument is so totally fabricated, and inconsistent (why doesn't Earth's magnetism, solar flares, wifi, static electricity from manual grinding, or radio broadcasts also ruin coffee?) that it's like trying to refute the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Nobody has any comprehensive evidence against it because nobody cares.

Except a few old blind tests of grinders, those are pretty outdated now, but still don't look good for you. One manual grinder made it in the Titan project tests. Spoiler: it did terribly.

>> No.8794246

this >>8794040
>I noticed that since I had wireless internet installed in my place the quality of my coffee went down significantly and since I'm using the same coffee beans I was scratching my head why,
>but now I think I got my answer, the interference from wireless internet "the electronic pollution" is making my coffee taste so shitty.
>I might switch my internet connection back to cable if that's the case.

>> No.8794247

you don't have to send me anything too personal, but if you have a wider thing I'd be interested/appreciative (either symposiumish or more open discussion, though I don't know how much I could contribute)

>> No.8794266

Ok, so what about radio waves you can't shut off, cell phone towers, satellite signals, solar activity, and the Earth's own magnetism? Even the wiring in your house produces some EM signal. And if you have any CFLs or really anything with a transformer in it, then forget about no em radiation even in a 20' thick wall concrete cube with a faraday cage.


>> No.8794290

Recognize that electromagnetic pollution in electric coffee grinder is very close to the coffee beans and it's negative destructive effects are very real on atomic and molecular level.
That's why manual coffee grinders are safest to use and not to affect quality of your freshly grounded coffee if you really care about it, but if you like to drink brown water then of course your
arrogant and ignorant attitude is fully understood here.
Carry on being a poser that you are a real coffee aficionado.
>what a shame

>Unless your expensive fancy electric coffee grinder is magnetically shielded like audio speakers are your money is wasted on fancy expensive grinders they will still negatively
>affect taste of your fancy organic coffee with the electromagnetic emissions.

>> No.8794299

Manual grinders still produce static electricity. Better use an obsidian scalpel to disassemble your beans.

>> No.8794304

>Manual grinders still produce static electricity.
don't be silly now, you would have to spin them very fast to create such destructive emissions that regular electric grinders produce

>> No.8794312

What about belt drive grinders (like say a Versalab) or grinders with burrs far away from the motor (like eg-1). I'm curious how far your ridiculous paranoia spreads, when somehow wifi is damaging but cell signals aren't.

>> No.8794333
File: 53 KB, 625x343, youcanuseit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally cracked my Bodum French Press glass on the sink at last night before bed
>drove several miles walmart and bought a cheap one (18 bucks) at midnight so I could have coffee this morning
>took the glass out of the new one and stuck it my old one
>tossed the broken glass in the trash
>went to bed
>woke up today
>had tasty coffee
>decided to take trash out
>whack bag with my foot
>broken glass slices through the skin on the knuckle of my big toe
>2 inch long gaping wound
>can see my tendons and cartridge and muscle
>hobble to the kitchen for paper towels blood pouring everywhere then to the bathroom for band-aids
>all my band-aids are old and shitty
>blood everywhere
>neosporin is expired
>pour isopropil alcohol on it
>need stitches, but don't want to go to hospital
>use super-glue
>feels like a giant chunk of sharp plastic in my wound
>so much blood

I hate coffee

>> No.8794343

And that's why you put sharps in a sturdy container.

>> No.8794345

stop speculating, just use hand manual grinders if you really care about quality of your coffee.
it's not paranoia, those are basic scientific facts, study electromagnetism and you will understand how it affects living organisms and how it contributes to rapid decay of organic matter.
coffee is known for losing it's freshness very rapidly and electromagnetic emissions are speeding up this process on atomic and molecular levels, dummy

>> No.8794350

I do have a very nice manual grinder: a Lido 3. I far prefer both my Bunnzilla (Bunn G1 with a Ditting KR804 burr swap) and my Lyn Weber EG-1 to it.

>> No.8794353

Is electromagnetism the rotational velocidensity of /coffee/?

>> No.8794355

>my utter delusions are basic science

Please seek help

>> No.8794356

333 wow,
you must have the famous "french press curse", don't buy or use that crappy device to make coffee, they are way overrated

>> No.8794365

>not just using an aluminum french press if you're an autistic klutz

>> No.8794372

keep grinding you coffee with electric grinders and marvel why your coffee tastes like crap
you are so backwards in understanding basic laws of physics, you are so limited in your perception of science it hurts, might as well you switch to drinking instant coffee you would not know the difference anyway

>> No.8794392

Tasting the difference now isn't the reason to switch to manual grinders. Manual grinders have lossless emissions, while electric blade grinders are 'lossy'. What this means is that for each turn the grinder makes to produce your coffee, it will lose roughly 12 bioactive molecules, assuming you're on 120v - it's about 15 bioactive molecules on 240v, but only 7 bioactive molecules on 110v, due to electromagnetic velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is with conical grinders.

>> No.8794394

you might prefer them on some personal level but the negative destructive electromagnetic emissions are doing their "killing" of your freshly grounded coffee

>> No.8794411

Wanna fly out to me and I'll make you some cups with each to blind test?

And then I'll show you some refractometer measurements to back up the difference in extraction scientifically.

Oh wait. The flight will deactivate your almonds with negative energy from the ionosphere or whatever.

What about grinders with low voltage DC motors?

>> No.8794412

very freaking impressive but with manual grinder you will never achieve the speed (the revolutions, the RPM) of electric grinder, so your presentation is just scare tactics

>> No.8794426
File: 81 KB, 1024x570, 322DA2E900000578-3491266-Using_six_GoPro_cameras_arranged_in_a_cube_the_BBC_has_managed_t-a-5_1457953533373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need for your basement tests.
real tests were done few years ago in Switzerland by some of the scientist working on the CERN Evil Collider and the findings are solid.
stop fighting with facts anon

>> No.8794431

>not using a hatchet to cut beans


>> No.8794465
File: 139 KB, 1024x576, CERN- Will the 'Large Hadron Collider' Make Contact with Other Dimensions? .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you assholes went from coffee grinders to CERN hadron collider and managed to tie them togheter.
not bad fuckers not bad at all.

>> No.8794474
File: 290 KB, 857x1202, 57c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8794494

I buy from victrola coffee in Seattle, but i also live like 45 minutes north of Seattle so shipping times are like, a day. I could drive, but fuck Seattle traffic and drivers.

Look for roasters in your area and try some blends. After a while, if you're interested, you can try some single origins beans to see how beans from different areas taste completely different.

>> No.8794507

I found it boring even though I sat through 5 episodes desu.

>> No.8794521

Sysadmin-senpai, is that actually you?

>> No.8794527

Mind-meltingly sweet kawaii 2sugoi4u diabeetus bullshit

I absolutely love it and pray to God every day for season 3 to be announced

Syaro a best

>> No.8794528
File: 53 KB, 638x496, dwango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EE here. Holy shit.

What if I told you there were moving electrons in your beans, right now? That you get more EMI from the lightning that strikes the earth 44 times a second than your 60 Hz main power? Truly a miracle that you haven't been ionized, friend

>> No.8794567

Pretty sure coffee isnt feminine or masculine it's just coffee...

>> No.8794589

you are wrong

>> No.8794612

I just scrub the plunger lid and both sides of the filter with a soapy sponge.
Then I scrub the beaker like I would a drinking glass.
There's absolutely no reason to take the plunger apart every time.
I do it once every 6 months maybe, and that's mostly because the plunger screw head is stripped and I need a pair of pliers to unscrew it.

>> No.8794718

>implying a kalita wave is sufficiently expressive and extracts well enough to be used in my rustic futurechrome cafe with my artisan-crafted hand-tuned poursteady
>implying the seltzer water is a chaser and not a palate cleanser
baka this is 2.3rd wave at best

>> No.8795562

please don't be closed minded,please stop acting like your scull is full of nothing

>> No.8795591

How is trader joes for coffee?

>> No.8795593

Don't dude.

>> No.8795615

but a skerton *is* a garbage grinder

>> No.8795674

>not returning the old broken glass for a refund
lmao your life must be shit

>> No.8795694

I gave them 3 chances, I was disappointed every time.
Their beans are completely stale, years stale, their medium roasts taste like dust.
Not even walmart folgers is this stale.
Their only mildly decent shit are the dark roasts because you only taste the roast and not the beans, but it's overpriced at $9/lb so don't bother.

>> No.8795714

who's coffee you are pushing here on /ck/ ?
you know that your post is full of shit and it's obvious that you are spreading lies and have an agenda

>> No.8795723

are you just an asshole or socially awkward in real life or something? Most people who work in coffee are happy to suggest or briefly explain something at the register any time, or in depth during downtime, and a lot of shops run tastings and cuppings to get people at any level involved in coffee. Why do you think they all stock basic brew stuff and entry level grinders?
Regardless, if you walk into starbucks and say "I don't usually drink coffee," you always get a shit coffee made from stale burnt beans (and I don't say this blindly, I drank a load of starbucks and still do when traveling in the middle of nowhere ) no matter how inoffensive the barista was. A third wave shop can often make you something good to great and will almost always make something strictly better than Starbucks despite the perceived atmosphere
you should try what you suggested and see how it goes

>> No.8795732

Alright go enjoy your overpriced swill garbage.
TJ is utter shit.

>> No.8795733

I'm really just trying to find a place to get good coffee

>> No.8795738

Well if you measure the amount of water the aeropress can hold, each time you can subtract the bean mass in grams from it, convert l->kg and you have the amount of water
measuring coffee/water ratio is like consistent grinding or brew timing, it's a basic thing that helps with consistency and improving your coffee by understanding it

>> No.8795743


I don't care about blood-harvest coffee or the itty bitty kiddies picking the beans in 3rd world shitholes. I've a business to run, I buy coffee wholesale through Sysco for the diner and take a few containers home with me for personal use.

>> No.8795908
File: 104 KB, 600x456, bitchtits mcfuckface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Syaro a best

>> No.8796070

>tape up foot as best I can and hobble to my car and buy bunch of new first aid gear from cvs
>get home and properly clean and close up gaping wound with combo of liquid bandaid, butterfly banages, and colorful sport knuckle banage
>works great
>later that night stick a sock over it and go to bed
>lay in bed worrying I will fuck it up while asleep
>wake up next morning and it feels a little better
>manage to do my exercises like normal without any problems
>make tasty coffee again with my new-ish press
>stick a plastic bag over foot and close it with rubber bands and take a shower
>change dressings after shower and it's actually closed up and started healing already

I love coffee

>> No.8796695
File: 548 KB, 2829x1590, coffeetism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your setup

>> No.8796744

Are you making meth?

>> No.8796785
File: 105 KB, 351x398, 1447081754465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw glass in trash
>decide to kick the fucking trashbag that has glass shards in it

fucking casuals

>> No.8796860


Well then just admit that quality is no longer a factor.

>> No.8796868


Profit is the only factor in buying coffee for a diner. Idiot. Cheapest coffee that tastes best. Simple.

>> No.8796894


Thanks for clearing that up. Now that you've confessed that profit is the only concern in your decision of which coffee to buy, might I point you in the direction of literally any other thread on this board that you may contribute to.

>> No.8796902

>tfw Can't stand the thin mouthfeel and burnt flavor of black coffee so I always settle for Mochas.

Granted I've mostly only gone to mostly chains, and only a few local roasters.
I'm usually a purist when it comes to consuming spirits(neat, no ice, rarely ingest cocktails), beer (prefer pure styles to hybrid with artificial ingredients/adjuncts), and water. (No pH change, no fizz, no flavoring). Wat do?

>> No.8796918

Yes, but my meth setup isn't pictured

>> No.8796947


There's more than enough room for the 2 of us ITT coffee sperg.

>> No.8797114


You can't say a single good thing about your coffee besides that it's cheap. gtfo

>> No.8797124

So how much should I expect to pay for locally bought coffee? I have a few places here but considering I live in the hipster bullshit capital of Colorado, anything goes

>> No.8797136 [DELETED] 

Here in NYC the locally roasted stuff goes from $14-18 for a 12 oz bag of "the basic shit", yours should be cheaper

>> No.8797173


It tastes good for the price, I've already stated this.

>> No.8797262


It's brown hot water that you've deluded yourself into thinking it "tastes good" by dousing with cream and sugar and turning into a milkshake

>> No.8798052

>local roaster


>> No.8798202


>> No.8798268

I'm scared to start drinking coffee. Can we pray please.

>> No.8798380

Depends if you have a good one in town. A lot of "local roasters" are kinda trash. Too dark, low quality beans, underdeveloping the coffee trying to be light, etc. I'm lucky enough to have a great one by me.

Their prices range with the price of the greens they buy, I've seen anywhere from $16-$30 for 1lb. If you count other places I've bought from, I've paid anywhere from like $10-$40. The higher end of that tends to be more exotic coffees or really special roasters that I only very rarely buy from.

Most of the coffee I drink I buy green for under $7/lb and roast myself. But there's a very substantial investment in gear for that.

>> No.8798432
File: 63 KB, 639x740, 1491859517686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this supposed to be? A cut up truck-bed hard top?

>> No.8798455

It's the roof to my Miata. It lives inside except in winter.

>> No.8798458

That looks like a $248.99 futuristic platinum white feline friend companion hideout shack with wifi enabled.
You can get them anywhere that idiots buy stuff that their pets don't use.

>> No.8798515

I think it's a portable toilet positioned close to the coffee making table when anon get runny shits from his shitty coffee.

>> No.8798668

you have too much leeway to spend money on this
it's not even the autism grinder that bothers me, why did you pay like $150 for a scale

>> No.8798679
File: 5 KB, 365x241, 1489955194331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you waste this much effort over something that does not matter

>> No.8798683

Look at his table the metal edge is all dirty like shithole in outhouse, the place is dump, look at the dirty walls and baseboards on the left under the window.
I doubt it that all that set up is even his. Must be some temporary set up to take picture so he can post it on /ck/

>> No.8798692

no, it's his, this guy posted before, he lives in the middle of nowhere and only spends his money on coffee

>> No.8798701

OK in that case I give him my respect. That is a very solid dedication forking so much money on coffee devices.
Maybe he is barista.Did he ever said if he works in the coffee industry.

>> No.8798736

I prefer gween tea.

>> No.8798739

fuck off you getting boring with your shit

>> No.8798842

Don't be dissin my vintage table. It's a bit tarnished, but it's old enough that it's got a right to be a little worse for wear. Still might replace it though, just to have something taller. Move the current one to be a second dining room table or something.

The rest of the place isn't bad, but it is a pretty old building (which is why the base is so fucking huge). Basically everything within a few miles of my work is 80+ years old, and fuck everything about long commutes. As for the cleanliness, well, you try keeping something next to a coffee grinder and a knockbox looking pristine and call me back.

It's a nice scale.

It's a flyover state, but not middle of nowhere. Still in a city. But, yeah, cost of living is damn cheap compared to you coastals. Only spend like a quarter of my income on total living expenses.

Nah, if I were a barista I would have enough crazy shit at work to not need to buy it myself. It's a hobby for me. And not even that expensive compared to a lot of hobbies. Yall freak out any time you see someone with a 50 grand classic car they enjoy keeping running?

>> No.8798905
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Coffee I need fucking coffee lot's of coffee

>> No.8799751
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What does /cowfee/ use to store their coffee beans?

>> No.8799788

retard detected

>> No.8800372

I work graveyard shifts and eat 600mg in an 8 hour shift. Just make sure to cycle for tolerance breaks. I do a week on, a week off.

>> No.8800583
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How exactly is the question retarded?
I know people who store their beans in the grinder, those who just store it in the package, those who use one of the many different varieties of jars available.
If it's in a jar you should tell me the name of it so and if it has one of those one way valves so I can judge you.

>> No.8801019

I use the 4oz mason jars to store individual 15g shots worth of beans. No valve, they're not actually useful.

>> No.8801180

That's what I meant with judging.
You use transparent jars?

>> No.8801591

Yes, but stored in an opaque container.

>> No.8801625

I also often store them in the freezer and grind frozen, as per the suggestions based on the findings of this research: https://baristahustle.com/blogs/barista-hustle/the-grinder-paper-explained

>> No.8801644


I use whole milk and honey in coffee, but hey...not everyone can get THIS mad about what other people like, only you.

>> No.8801746


Because the people who go around proudly proclaiming that their "personal preference" happens to be the cheapest coffee or the cheapest beer or the cheapest anything are completely ill informed and inexperienced, thus they should be humbled. It's like if I said that my favorite food was grass because it was the first thing I found when I left the house, except you guys are arguing that grass is the best and that anybody who eats anything else are hipsters.

>> No.8802960

why coffee is so bad healthwise

>> No.8802974
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Tea > coffee desu

>> No.8803135
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, No more coffee for me!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have enough coffee beans left to make 2 or 3 cups and after that I'm not buying anymore and not drinking that shit anymore.
Not worth it, nothing special about coffee. It only makes your teeth yellow and urges you to pee.
Fuck you coffee.

>> No.8803637


>> No.8803643

Its hard to see through someone else's window from the outside unless it's really bright inside

>> No.8803653
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid-Taku] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka S2 - 09v2 [9EA43150].mkv_snapshot_12.56_[2017.04.10_15.51.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, use this image next time.

>> No.8803654

When I brew with a moka pot, should I pour it immediately when the the top fills or should I wait longer?

>> No.8803891

this >>8789217 is pretty spot on.

aeropress w/ paper filter is way smoother than a french press which is too acidic and silty.

>> No.8804441

I'm from Puerto Rico andI've been seeing a some of Peaberry variety coffees turn up. Coffee here is pretty good, but I'm unclear about what makes the Peaberry coffee different.

>> No.8804460

>introducing that many variables with a hand cranked espresso machine
Do you even autism?

>> No.8804470

Yes she is

>> No.8804930

>I usually drink an entire pot of coffee in the morning, every morning, then more coffee or espresso at the diner.

You're gonna have some major heart problems down the road.

>> No.8804946


Who said "personal preference" now you're just going full retard over water with burnt beans mascerating inside of it.

>> No.8804957
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Unlikely, as a Greek I'm very genetically diverse and come from strong stock of lifelong ouzo/espresso drinkers. My yaya and pappoús are both near 100 and get drunk after dinner pretty much every night, on both sides.

>yfw no superior Mediterranean genetics in your blood.

>> No.8805119
File: 413 KB, 795x469, pefectcowfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect cowfee blender for /ck/s team is done

>> No.8805425


If your choice of coffee tends not to be your "personal preference" then you are either exploring new varieties regularly or you hate yourself. It is implied that most people here are sharing their "personal preference"

Now go argue about semantics elsewhere while we talk about hot water with burnt beans macerating inside of it.

>> No.8805558

Manual lever is the only correct type of machine for home use, at least short of a MVP Hydra.

>> No.8805792

>chino is emotionless anti-siscon bitch pedobait
>cocoa is autistic and can't do absolutely anything right
>Rize is okay if not extraordinary in any way, the only reason you'd be with her is for access to her money and gun collection
>Chiya is actually great and definite wife-material but not as good as syaro
>Syaro looks like a goddess in her uniform, is the cutest cinnamon bun by far, and if you suggested a threesome with Rize she'd ask the bitch to join in for you. And she can make you delicious crêpes.

Explain your fucking reasoning.

>> No.8806893

but coffee actually tastes good when you don't slurp it down daily like an addiction.

>> No.8806913

You're just a fucking prude, is what. I walk around fucking naked in my house all the time. Don't like seeing cock? Don't fucking stare in my fucking window.

>> No.8806919

enjoy your sex offender registry

>> No.8807695


>getting "prude" confused with "not being trailer park trash"

>> No.8809258

>yes i'm greek

god bless you, diner-kin. I WAS HAPPY TO HAVE YOU SERVE ME

>> No.8809335

I do it too and don't even draw the blinds. I had a neighbor ask me about it one time and I just said, "Why are you looking in my windows?" That shut him up pretty fucking quick.

>> No.8809425
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you say this like it's a bad thing

>> No.8809513
File: 39 KB, 900x900, Angry_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order more coffee because I ran out
>it arrived at the post office yesterday morning, early
>im at college so it needs to go through a mail system
>fucking idiots still haven't forwarded it through
>email out of concern because it never takes this fucking long
>absolutely no reason for having to wait 3 fucking days AFTER your package is delivered to receive it
>some cunt responds to me with a snippy tone, having clearly misunderstood my situation
>send another email, no response this time

i am sorry for the blog post, i am irrationally angry at this fucking garbage

>> No.8809916 [DELETED] 
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>in my house
Maybe if you weren't such a flyover you'd understand why he's making a big deal out of it

>> No.8809925


What semantics, I order the best tasting, cost effective option to serve my patrons. Profits are important in business wagecuck. One day (unlikely as it may be) perhaps you'll do more with your life.

>> No.8809931

you could just go to the store

>> No.8810033


>calls me wagecuck
>literally cannot stop talking about money


>> No.8810040
File: 67 KB, 540x534, 474739398470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only a barista would obsess to this degree. How awful working retail as an adult.

>> No.8810060


>How awful working retail as an adult

I wouldn't know, I work for an independent brewery. I will admit that I like coffee as much as I like beer, and cost never crosses my mind regarding either.

>> No.8810684

there is nothing good at the store

>> No.8810749

honestly supermarket coffee isn't that bad so long as you finish it before it goes rancid.
I've bought open air hipster local roasted garbage before, and it was dusty and stale as shit.
I've never gotten that from even the cheapest store brand ground coffee.

I'm not saying they're all like that, but being a microroaster is no guarantee of quality.

>> No.8810806

what's a good poorfag drip machine

>> No.8810807

^ Very good post ^

>> No.8810812

yes, but I look forward to drinking coffee that tastes good, not "that bad" and so I usually buy from roasters that I know produce good stuff from experience, and stay away from the roasters that I know are shit

>> No.8810818

I bet you couldn't taste the difference.

>> No.8810829

but i can, I've had it before

even my pleb ass brother who doesn't know shit can taste the difference between his freshly ground and roasted stuff and supermarket stuff

>> No.8812167
File: 70 KB, 512x768, tumblr_mc8qnseCY41r6wmavo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freshly ground and roasted stuff and supermarket stuff
fresh or stale coffee sucks and has very little benefits.
waste of money, greatest illusion of satisfaction

>> No.8812378
File: 101 KB, 247x249, 1489947298857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it tastes good

>> No.8812401

Because this is a reasonable question:
I store them in their bags, unless I do a big order. Then I vacuum and freeze most of them.
I buy 500g-750g fresh espresso once a month.

>> No.8812409

>t.permavirgin nerd faggot

>> No.8812451

It is true you child.

>> No.8812463


>> No.8812787

>tfw order a moka pot
>It's at the post office, walk to go pick it up
>excited as all fuck, holy shit
>it's fucking good friday
Fuck holidays, fuck Christians, and fuck the post office

>> No.8812875
File: 130 KB, 1463x1536, 1492019115006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>8809513, I finally got my coffee today. I would have gone on a shooting spree if my building's mail room was closed.

>> No.8813005

it's never too late!

>> No.8813317

By the way FBI this post was entirely ironic

>> No.8813336

>fuck Christians
N-not until marriage, senpai...!

>> No.8813885
File: 855 KB, 809x1100, 1487714870769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I got into coffee, I can no longer drink the burnt swill garbage coffee they sell outside.

>> No.8813889

Too late, your citizenship has been revoked and a drone has been despatched. Do not attempt to evade justice, terrorist scum

>> No.8814500

>b-b-b-b-but it tastes the same you retarded hipster!!

>> No.8814650

prime example why drinking coffee creates violent rude individuals in the society.
I never heard this primitive subhuman behavior from TEA DRINKERS.
Thats why coffee is subhuman drink.

>> No.8814683

I know a guy who has no belly button

it's because he had a bladder surgery and they stitched his abdomen back together without it. But still

>> No.8814701

haha same, I have the same problem with audio equipment, I just can't stand listening to music from cheap setups

>> No.8814839

Fuck coffee.Fuck the coffee you drink.Must taste like anus.

>> No.8814856

FUCK Drumpf and FUCK white people

>> No.8814870

using technology conceived and created by White People to perform cheap monkey tricks to convey your subhuman impulse that no white person is giving any level of shit.
If you are black or brown person you have a big problem.
you are fucked.

>> No.8814910

What's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?

>> No.8815028

Newfag he was being ironic

>> No.8815646

Audio equipment stops mattering once you past $80 or so.
Yes, there's cheap garbage, but the rate of diminishing returns plateaus out after you pass $80, which covers all headphones with low enough impendence that they require amplifiers, and this also covers all amplifier equipment because they usually cost more than the headphones themselves.

>> No.8815734

Starbucks has a light roast tho
I blame the dark roast members

>> No.8815891

No anon you didn't say anything wrong, I was just being silly I guess.

>> No.8815918

I just got an aeropress. I'm drinking some cheap sumatra blend crap right now. Can anyone recommend a decent coffee to buy? I've got a grinder coming so I can buy whole beans.

>> No.8815931

>Audio equipment stops mattering once you past $80 or so.
$80 is way to low, perhaps $800.
There are audio quality nuances coming from cheap badly design audio equipment that are not so obvious when listening but they do produce distorted signal that is very irritating to our senses on subliminal level
and the whole listening experience is affected negatively because of it.
But I absolutely don't agree with you that $80 is the "magic" line level, as I said perhaps $800. Even at that level there are differences if you take receivers/amplifiers for example.
Same as there are differences with let's say say 100%Arabica coffee beans. Not all 100%Arabica coffee beans taste the same even if you are comparing high quality beans.

>> No.8816250

>I've never listened to anything better than my Coby headphones from Target
Yes, we can tell
$1500 is around the point where the diminishing returns cliff starts to fall off quickly for speakers. Beyond that your biggest concerns are going to be room treatments, and this is assuming you've gotten your speaker placement sorted out, which is a given obviously

As for electronics can get perfectly good stereo integrateds for $500-600 new. Less, if your speakers are 90+ dBW

I only say "stereo" because there are some plebs who think the quality for multi-channel home theater audio actually matters. Obviously, we are talking about high dynamic range acoustic recordings here. BIS Classical, Telarc, and so on, from a lossless source and a functionally passable DAC, along the lines of ODAC or some such thing

If you are just listening to "wall of sound" tracks, like most of what /ck/ thinks is '''''music''''', you might as well just buy some Klipsch garbage

>> No.8817702

I won an Amazon giftcard at work. Can someone recommend me a good whole-bean sampler pack I can buy on Amazon?

>> No.8818599

me too dude
I just drink tea because you can steep it however you want
while for coffee there's only one way to brew it correctly depending on who you ask and everyone shits on you for brewing it a certain way that isn't the way they do it
I'll second to second wave coffee and be a purist over other beverages

>> No.8818601


>> No.8818620

There are heavy bodied coffees that aren't thin.

>> No.8819468

your test worked
you are not banned anymore. kek

>> No.8819478

zima is the most pussy drink. i would say gay, but i know so many gay people nowadays and none act that stereotypical. but i do have a whiney neighbor who buys that stuff

but i guess any fruity drink with vodka, something that usually comes with an umbrella and is multiple colors.

but a drinks a drink, who cares.

>> No.8819562

How can I not make my coffee taste like shit? What is the proper ratio of grounds to water?

>> No.8819583

coffee is shit to begin so you are out of luck faggot if you are insisting to drink this shit
just drink pure water you will feel much better

>> No.8819596

Every once in a while I'll brew a really great cup of coffee. Then the next day I'll do everything the same and it will taste like complete and utter shit and I have no idea why. I use Eight O' Clock whole bean, usually with milk and sugar. If it turns out good I like it better black, but it does only like 1% of the time. I just poured some out because it was so shit it was making me sick. Maybe coffee's just not for me?

>> No.8819601

eight o clock is utter shit
mass produced indian multinational tata beverage megacorp garbage
buy literally anything else

>> No.8819609

What do you usually drink?

>> No.8819797

why do you morons act as if coffee is the only thing "coffee people" drink?

>> No.8821280
File: 18 KB, 626x626, thumbs-down-symbol_318-40864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 days ago I run of coffee beans and even tho I was in 3 different stores in last 4 days and I was close to the roasting house I did not buy any more coffee beans,
and you know what?
>I'm doing just fucking fine.
>coffee is just fucking such a nuisance, not worth it your money, and your wellbeing by drinking this piss producing and teeth yellowing shit.