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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8771333 No.8771333 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome back to episode 2 of /ck/'s Amazing Race! Even though >>8697415 is still up, the bump limit limit is on death row. I'll make sure to preserve everyone's submissions when the thread gets deleted.

Same rules as before, with some extras:

> go to https://www.randomlists.com/random-country

> set number of countries to 1

> press refresh button 5 times

> you must now within a reasonable amount of time make a dish from that nationality's cuisine

> You may reroll if you get a country that's already been done before, but do not have to if you want to one-up someone

> You must reroll if you get your own country, unless you come up with a good excuse to do it anyway

> Bonus points if you make a separate cook-along thread prior to you submitting your finished dish

Like last time, I will participate myself, and let you know very soon what my challenge was.

Good luck everyone!

>> No.8771361
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OP here- I decided to roll three times even though it breaks the rolls because after what I got, I want you guys to vote on how I suffer. I kid you not:

> Zambia
> Burkina Faso
> Niger

>> No.8771368

* breaks the RULES

(4chan needs a quick spelling edit function)

>> No.8771400

Are you doing a straw poll? If not, I choose Burkina Faso because it's the funniest sounding of the 3.

>> No.8771477


>> No.8771600

Zambia because we have enough people doing West Africa, assuming at least some of them deliver

>> No.8771622


I got Guyana, won't be able to post until Saturday though

>> No.8771652

Zambia it is.

>> No.8771790
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Rolled South Korea in the last bread. I've got until Sunday. Went full autismo today at the Asian market making sure the ground chile flakes were sourced from Korea, they're just fucking Chile flakes. Got some Kombu for broth, and some extra soft tofu among other things. Forgot a couple things (fucking rice) but I'll pick them up tomorrow. They have enough entire isle devoted to chile-sauce, but don't have shit for fresh garlic.

Gotta work on my truck tonight so I don't have time today, but I'll probably do the cookalong tomorrow.

>> No.8772232


>> No.8772788


>> No.8773212


>> No.8773216
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Does that mean I'm making fish and chips, a sausage roll, Cornish pasty or..?

>> No.8773225
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>> No.8773226

*Cue endless boring Briddish cuisine jokes*

What kinds of things do you like and I'll give some suggestions.

>> No.8773228


>> No.8773229

kek, beat me to it

>> No.8773231

I was thinking something Britishly foreign if that makes sense, like chips and curry sauce with a fish pie

>> No.8773242

Not British roller but to what I know they usually dress fish and chips in vinegar, forgive my ignorance, but what if the whole focus was on the vinegar. Like a rosemary infused balsamic.

Fish pie with chips sounds like starch with starch and although here in Trumpland that's common, idk. good thinking though.

>> No.8773246

Literally never ate a fish pie in my life, unless it was an Admirals pie, but that's not really the same thing. With regards to curries, something like Tikka Masala or Korma maybe? Fairly mild curries of English origin, but can still be good if cooked right.

Personally I'd just do a roast of pork shoulder or lamb leg or something similar. Minimum effort and with good meat impossible to get wrong. Get your seasonings and herbs right and the meat does the work for you.

>> No.8773257

Sounds good, I saw pork shoulder roasts are on special at the moment, I'll grab one after work.
Might do some roast veggies and have a go at making elderflower infused apple sauce. I think the sauce would work as elderflower cider is delicious.

I agree about the vinegar.
I'll try fish and chips another time and maybe infuse a vinegar then.

>> No.8773276

Personally, I pay it dry, score the skin and rub with salt, coat the meat (not the skin, that's for crackling) in crushed fennel seeds, garlic powder, pepper and salt and roast in the oven for 20-30 at a high heat to start the skin crisping and then turn down and roast for a few hours at 165c/325f. Either cut the skin with the slices of meat or remove whole and serve separately as crackling.

Also recommend a dessert, jam roly poly, custard tart, Eton mess, cranachan, loads of options out there. We're good at desserts.

>> No.8773297
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Don't really know what to make, this is really the only thing I could find. http://www.kiwifaves.co.nz/recipe/fijian-palau/ Guess I'll do that with some dragonfruit or something.

>> No.8773305

Fish? Seems likely for an island nation.

Ooooo found this;
>Fruit bat soup (whole fruit bat wings and head included cooked in a broth of coconut)

>> No.8773561

What would be a substitute for fruit bat? Rabbit dyed black?

>> No.8773730

I rolled Mali and somewhat fortunately their food seems simple

>> No.8773787

What's you planning on making? I got Senegal and there's some overlap there so I don't want to make the same thing.

>> No.8773825

Probably foufou and grilled chicken. I'll steer away from anything senegalese. I saw a recipe for a dessert that's just butter honey and sesame seeds and also might make that just because I have everything at home.

>> No.8774341

Honestly, how bad can a country that's by the ocean be?

>> No.8775136

> when you're doing research, and a recipe calls for caterpillars in a non-joking way

>> No.8775146

Trinidad and Tobago. I like fish, so this should be fun.

>> No.8776223

meat pie?

>> No.8777034


>> No.8778388


>> No.8779006

Good chance a cook-along thread will happen today.

>> No.8779726
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I was going to make a cook-along, but this ended up TOO easy. It's rapini, onion, tomato, garlic, eggplant, and lamb all cooking on the BBQ. Will post results.

>> No.8779741

Got Papua New Guinea. Could be worse I guess. Any suggestions?

>> No.8779775

Pork (or, more preferably, some form of game meat) slow roasted over fire or underground with citrus flavoring.

>> No.8779799

Reading around it seems the cuisine is mainly vegetarian and heavy on roots. Might do something like that.

>> No.8780056
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Zambia delivered. It may not get any Michelin stars, but it's a fun to make, fun to eat afternoon snack.

>> No.8780963


>> No.8781072

>tfw you were doing this to build up confidence to enter the /ck/ challenge but now the thread is gone

>> No.8781110

I know right, they should make a new one.
I hope

>> No.8781137
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My thread series is just as good though, right?

>> No.8781168

Stop begging for afformation.

>> No.8781229

I'm guessing it was the rolling aspect, although they've done something like that in previous years.
Mods might have been mad people were talking about actual cooking and not fast food.

>> No.8781239

Ah. I wasn't aware that I had started. It was a thing called jokes

>> No.8781280

I posted in the original thread a long time ago, I'm past my 7 days limit but I still want to make the dish from my country which was Guyana. I've just been really ill and kind of bedridden for a while.

So I just want you to know I didn't abandon the metemgee.

>> No.8781805
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I got Israel.
Gonna put my 20 percent Ashkenazi heritage to good use here.

>> No.8782568


>> No.8783133


>> No.8784242


>> No.8784264

How did it taste?

>> No.8785134
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Sundubu jjigae - South Korean soft tofu stew, delivered.

>> No.8785349

Not really a fan of the whole scallion garnish but other wise looks great!
Did you end up fermenting your own kimchi?

>> No.8785395 [DELETED] 

Thanks man, no I didn't, but I still want to. I've just been so busy that making just this was a crunch on my time. Just getting the kimchi started would take as long as this did. I will though eventually.

Felt kinda like a jackass after taking the pic then rinsing off the scallions and chopping them up and sticking them back in haha I think I got garnish memed. It was way good though, makeitagaininacoupledays/10.

I took pics of the whole process so I'll do a cookalong when I get the chance.

>Used a tablespoon or more of ground chile flakes for one bowl.
>Wasn't spicy in the least bit

Kinda pissed but it was really tasty anyway. Never made kombu stock before.

>> No.8785452
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Thanks man

No I didn't, didn't use any either. I'll make make some eventually just been really busy.

Here's the photo setup lol.

Took pics of the cooking process so when I get time I'll make a cookalong.

>> No.8785738

Extremely tasty manifold. The lamb and rapini are actually a decent summer meal combo.

>> No.8786574


>> No.8787265


>> No.8787332

I'd help but I've got the next 5 (or 6?) days worth of meals planned. After that I might have a go.

>> No.8787373
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I'm going to make some Budaatai Khuurga (pic related) I guess, or maybe flour soup. I will post a cook along if I have the time.

>> No.8787384

> Mongolian cook along thread

You have my attention

>> No.8787399
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>> No.8787405

>flour soup
I....I never want to eat this.

>> No.8787410

Why? They probably have the worst cuisine of any country in the world.

>> No.8788229

You're only proving my point

>> No.8788271
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170408_173006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my neighboors are Lebanese/Syrian/Greek.

Have a can of hummus and carrots to dip in it.

>> No.8788422


>> No.8789118

Clearly a fake, you can't be from the future

>> No.8789658


>> No.8790814


>> No.8791765

Bump 2: The Sequel

>> No.8793079


>> No.8794165


>> No.8795165


>> No.8795216


Guess I'm doing Aijaco, which is easy enough.