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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8758997 No.8758997 [Reply] [Original]

now that were back to normal lets start a good ol fashioned alck thread
Theres a lot of silhouette images to keep these going, post your favorites

>> No.8759143

I'm bored so I'm drinking a shit ton. Not really an alcoholic though since I don't like buying alcohol.

How do you guys do it?

>> No.8759295

you buy alcohol and then drink it

>> No.8759303

I'm not made of money, buddy. Addiction is expensive.

>> No.8759305

make some yourself then

>> No.8759356

I'm sober and I really wish I wasn't.

>> No.8759364
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malt liquor and bottom shelf vodka, my friend

>> No.8759386

I'm alive and I really wish I wasn't so I guess we're in the same boat

>> No.8759387

nigga I can get a liter or vodka for just under 10 dollars. You underestimate my drinkin skills miyagi

>> No.8759424

True, but alcohol is just about the cheapest addiction there is. Cheaper than a food addiction and pretty much any prohibited drug.

>> No.8759453

Nah, I can get an oz. of weed in Coloardo for $120. That lasts a month and a half smoking daily. If I wanted to drink daily, it'd put me in the $200 range.

>> No.8759476

Those are nowhere near equivalent amounts of alcohol and weed.

>> No.8759477

Alright hotshot, tell me what alcohol you drink each week and how much it approximately costs you.

>> No.8759488

Better start the boiling process if you wanna become a true mooshiner.

>> No.8759535

If I wanted to drink myself to sleep every night for 6 weeks, it would cost around $200. It would probably take two ounces of weed, so just over a gram a day, to do the same. No way 0.6 grams would do it after the first couple of days.

>> No.8759570

still fucked from last night, have have some vodka left

just realized im down to my last $19 instead of $9. I guess I wasn't seeing straight when I checked my account

waiting till noon for the store to open so I can have more vodka

may pawn shit tomorrow for money

>> No.8759574

You got any cool stuff?

>> No.8759598


>> No.8759610


I have lots of tools as I was working as a mechanic before the booze took over

that or my guitar amp/distortion pedal

wont pawn guitar tho

>> No.8759652

>9 beers a day
>Get surgeries to remove unrelated cysts
>Keep off the booze for 3 days as per doctors instructions
>Felt no different
>Just really bored
>Had a couple last night
>Everything is fun again

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8759845
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I'm in for a rough day. Slept like garbage last night thanks to withdrawals and I have to work a 9 hour shift at a job where I'm on my feet all day. I hate alcohol.

Kill me.

>> No.8759906

save me

>> No.8760056
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Haven't drank since Wednesday. Had half of my babies momma Smirnoff yesterday and feel like shit cause I could have gone longer

>> No.8760235

fuck i feel so happy now, my neighbours was social enough to share weed and vodka, still got 6 pack beer for wrestlemania

life is good

>> No.8760586


>Manipulating people to get free alcohol and drugs

At least someone here shares my views, to not be a complete retard, and take advantage of actual retards

>> No.8760635

>Can't tell if tremors in hands are from hands or early onset of parkinson's

>> No.8760820

Sober six months after being sent to ER and psych ward

Last time that happened I got a year under my belt then fucked up big

I don't think it's the alcohol I think it's an underlying psychological issue I hate myself and the entire world when I'm sober

>> No.8760828

Is there any going back after u start getting beer/liquor delivered to the house? kind of feel like ordering beer delivery is crossing a line that cannot be uncrossed

>> No.8760837


I can buy a handle of vodka for like 10 bucks. It's way cheaper than smoking.

>> No.8760842

Same here, you can put yourself in the hospital for 20 bucks, you can drink to blackout every night of the month for 100

>> No.8760846

The tremors and cognitive symptoms of long term alcoholism can be alleviated by taking vitamin b, you should buy some b-complex supplements, or eat some marmite, that has lots of b vitamins in it. If you guys do one thing to look after yourselves this week, take some vitamin b.
Scientific source here if needed: https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh27-2/134-142.htm
t. Neuroscience nut

>> No.8760889


>Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

Is that why I frequently have problems with eyes being able to focus?
Blurry vision, something double vision (though I've had that common for a long time with sleep deprivation)

>> No.8760916

2 weeks off the hooch. Been drinking 10+ drinks a day for 13 years, with a few breaks... this is the first time I've ever "quit" and have noticed my body feeling better.

But I'm fucking bored. Not sure what I'm gonna do when I "go back" to drinking. This shit is killing me, so I should really stop permanently, but I know I'm not going to.

>> No.8760927
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Yeah I take vit b daily, thiamin is fairly crucial too. Pic is my binge survival kit, and probably the only reason I'm still alive.

>> No.8760971


Fuck, my diet is super poor, I'm gonna go to the pharmacy tomorrow and get some shit

>> No.8761050

What are you getting and why?

>> No.8761054

I'm done smoking outside of parties, I hope.

>> No.8761055

So my refrigerator is broken.

What's a good way to cool my beer without a fridge?

Right now they're soaking in a bowl of ice water.

>> No.8761077
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Got any N-type and P-type bismuth telluride? Add some wires and ceramic plates and a spare DC power supply, and you're in business.

>> No.8761080

Gonna probably cook me some steak and taters for wastlemania. No drinks though, I'm cutting back. Hoping for the return of hardys and angle

>> No.8761085

I feel the same. I can tolerate some people sober but most I can't. Its more me acting out from being in a controlling relationship.

>> No.8761120


The b1 tablets, thiamine

>> No.8761132
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I miss /co/
dringken yuengling

>> No.8761140
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>tfw texting everyone but no one wants to talk to you because they know you're drunk

>> No.8761152

Listening to this right now. It's not helping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpCCvNcnCi8&list=PLLeyPMXAKUnx2czK62Kxu0EC9mPl_RSiU&index=12

>> No.8761154

>Live in Canada
>Malt liquor is actually more expensive than regular ass macro brews
>Bottom shelf vodka is only $2 cheaper than decent stuff

It's not fucking fair.

>> No.8761163

Alright I put this on now, that's better. Glory to mankind!
No one wants to talk to me here either

>> No.8761180
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>need alcohol to fix my anxiety
>anxiety too bad to go to the store

>> No.8761195

I know this feel, my friend. Good thing they have drive through beer stores here and I can just have my sunglasses on.

>> No.8761196


Enjoy it my friend, i dont keep my hope to high for the return of hardys or angle, but it would be fucking awesome anyway

>> No.8761199
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Day drinking. I got really fucking high too

>> No.8761207
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What a story, Mark.

>> No.8761212
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Dinner is served

>> No.8761230

You're holding your hand the wrong way.

>> No.8761253


Cobra > Colt 45 double the malt > oe > Coors > shit > Steele > pbr

>> No.8761261

Nice, got myself some vitamins

Pharmacist told me there are shit loads of multi vitamins with b1 so I asked him what he recommended for an alcoholic, and I got those, it has B1 in it

>> No.8761297

Let me extend that list for you
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale > Bell's Two Hearted Ale > Bluemoon > Any Sour Beer > Sam Adam's > Shitty "Craft beers" > Budweiser > Cobra > Colt 45 double the malt > oe > Coors > shit > Steele > pbr

>> No.8761298


The merged boards still exist they're just hidden.


>> No.8761304

Oh shit! Nice. No one will ever post there though.

>> No.8761491

What do you guys mix with your tequila? I usually just drink it straight or add cheap off-brand energy drinks.

>> No.8761534

Where do you live? In Canada alcohol is expensive as fuck because excise taxes. I can easily drink $60 worth of beer in one day of hard drinking. That's more than I spend on groceries per week, and I eat a lot.

>> No.8761563

Tequila is the only shit I won't drink. If I had to choose between top shelf tequila or bottom shelf vodka/rum/whiskey, I would choose the bottom shelf every time.

>> No.8761578

You and me both, man

>> No.8761606

Margarita mix is the only answer.

>> No.8761635

Keep forgetting where I am. Takes me like 20 mins sometimes to remember whet my bathroom is, what room I'm in and what my street looks like. I've lived here ten years. Am a little scared. Fug.

>> No.8761647

>blow friends up on steam because the only time I'm chatty is when I'm drunk
>they don't respond because they know

>> No.8761655


shitted black today
not long left hopefully

>> No.8761659

Holy hell man. Well on the plus side, you don't need to remember what your street looks like to make it to the fridge xD

>never talk to anyone
>want to talk to everyone
>they know i'm drinking because I wouldn't be talking to them otherwise

It's a vicious circle.

>> No.8761661

I think it's an acquired taste. I also drink it for the nostalgia, when I was in highschool there was a dive bar that rarely carded anyone and they sold cheap tequila errynight.

>> No.8761662

>can't smoke weed because of mr shekelstein
>drinking self to fatness and death
god bless burgerstan

>> No.8761664

>tfw addicted to alcohol and valium

What a ride.

>> No.8761667

Seriously though, you might consider seeing a doctor.

>> No.8761671

>drinking self to fatness
Looks like you've never realised you can stop eating and maintain alcoholism

>> No.8761676

Already have. Averaging 3 new irreparable brain lesions every 6 months. Going blind. Still drinking. Fucking unstoppable.

>> No.8761679

working on it
i feel really weak and awful if I don't eat
I got dumped two years ago and went months without really eating anything and I was just drunk 24/7
lost a ton of weight, shit was cash

>> No.8761685

You should aim for lower calorie hangover food then. Of course it can be difficult.
>tfw 6ft2
>tfw 150lb
>tfw drink every day of my life
Hello darkness my old friend.

>> No.8761690

That's a harsh mistress. I'm addicted to vodka and lorazepam right now, and I shit you not, coming off weed, heroin, gent, codeine and crack were EASY AS FUCK compared with what you and I face when we need to quit these hyper-addictive fucks.

>> No.8761698

Autocorrect pls. Typing is hard enough as it is.

>> No.8761703

Tell me, my dude. I have been struggling with it for a couple of years. Sometimes I can come off it for about 1 week, at a push. But I always end up back on it. Giving out the usual excuses of stress etc. I don't really care though. Weirdly I can work and socialise without it affecting my life too much. I just need to timetable my drug use, well, heavy drug use. I go to work every day but try to keep my usage low. Then I go home and I spend the rest of the day fucked up

>> No.8761709


T-tim...is that y-you?

>> No.8761727
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Do you mix drugs and drink? Since pic related I've been in hosp... I think 3 times, heart has stopped twice. Feelsprecariousman.

>> No.8761730

Certainly not
>tfw from UK and of Italian descent

Tim sounds like a good guy though.

>> No.8761737

How much do you two drink?

>> No.8761738

Yeah, man. My favourite is 50mg of Valium, 2 bottles of red wine and a few joints.
Sometimes I can get greedy and that can vary, but it's my go to dosage.

>> No.8761755

Depends. At least 2 bottles of 14% red wine, sometimes some spirits or beer along with it too. Depends on my drug intake that day.


>> No.8761758

Holy fucking shit man. RIP. And it's definitely caused by alcohol? Or is there something else at play?

>> No.8761759
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2-3 x 70cl bottles of Smirnoff daily is the norm. 1 is enough to stop withdrawal but I've been known on occasion to drink up to 5. Every time I drink >5 though I wake on a ward or in jail.

>> No.8761769

Nah, it's the inevitable consequence of being drunk and high for 23 years.

>> No.8761815

At what point do we need to start worrying about things like cirrhosis? I am 30 and have been drinking heavily for 10 years, and I'm thinking it's time to give it up. I hate to be the guy who says "I can stop anytime I want," but honestly two days of recovery after a serious binge is all I need to feel normal and healthy.

>> No.8761839
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Well at least I know my psychiatrist was just blowing smoke up my ass with the "danger of acute withdrawl" bullshit

>> No.8761863

Differs. My liver function is so good that my docs have spoken about detailing my experiences in med journals. Something I put down almost exclusively to 15 years of total adherence to the 'specific carbohydrate diet'.
My spleen and brain are rekt though. And not gonna be getting transplants for those precious fucks. Worse than a ruined liver.

>> No.8761939

find a way to stay busy. even if its walking dogs at the local animal shelther. the longer you are busy in your day the less time you are sitting there obsessing about alcohol.

>> No.8761944

thats what i did when i was too poor to pay my electric bill

luckily my uncle had a solar generator and we went up on the roof

>> No.8761946


Eat shit yuppie hopps fag

Go vote for Hillary

>> No.8761950



>> No.8761952


Tim is pretty cool. Similar 6'2" scrawny lawyer. But the cracker can DRINK. All his best case stories come out after a couple beers.

>> No.8761954



>> No.8761956

My rampant alcoholism encouraged me to get a job to fund my addiction and actually hold the job for 4 years. Working isn't even bad when you're drunk. I've even saved up a bunch of money.

>> No.8761959


Goodnight sweet prince q_q

>> No.8761964

Bruh that new trailer park boys though.

>> No.8761966


Being a single alcoholic I was saving a lot more money than I am now sober with a wife.

The wife even earns more than me so you'd think we'd be rolling in it.

>> No.8761969

So your doctor said you just have brain legions because of drinking? I've never read anywhere that drinking causes brain legions. How old are you? Maybe it was going to happen sooner or later anyway. Anyway, that sucks man, on the bright side soon you will be free of this miserable prison we call life.

>> No.8761972

ive been sober for about a year. im dreading tomorrow because there are some serious things i have to sort out. i could really use a drink.

>> No.8761976

Then guess what? After 2 days don't drink anymore. You feel fine then. Shut it down. You really want to reach the edge of cirrhosis and feel like you'll be smart enough to quit then? You won't. You'll have pain and bloating, fluid accumulation and pain. But you know what? You'll keep drinking. You'll start looking at your eyeballs every morning to see how yellow they are. It'll start as barely perceptible in the lower and upper whites. Keep drinking and looking. You'll see it blossom. This shit is real. Knock it off.

>> No.8761979


Chug a whole load of water. When I was hungry and had no money for food I'd down water and it would put off the food cravings for 30 mins or so.

>> No.8761985

Yea wifes are expensive. I like the idea of getting married, setting down, maybe having a kid but I dunno. I mean I get why people do this but I've thought about it a bunch and decided it's in my best interest to avoid all of that. There are much worse fates than loneliness and my nephew is like my part time son.

>> No.8762000

Serious question: not sure what country you live in, but how does one even do this? How is it possible? Surely you can't have a job and keep this up at the same time? Have you been living on disability? I'm not being judgemental I'm just honestly curious how someone can accomplish this.

>> No.8762001

>black shit

Depends what you were drinking. When I drink red wine, my shit looks black as tar. When I drink licquor or beer, nothing of the sort; plain brown.

>> No.8762017

Woman all spend money like there is no tomorrow. Then they divorce you, and don't get me started on alimony. Men should boycott marriage until family law is reformed.

>> No.8762063

Yeah, my neurologist seems to have arrived at the conclusion that alcohol is to blame for the otherwise inexplicable holes in my brain and the other physical/neurological problems Ive faced through the years I've been on the bottle.

>> No.8762125

I voted for Trump. I voted for the best candidate, and I enjoy the best beer, you mad?

>> No.8762138

Well it probably is, but it may have been something you would've gotten anyway, alcohol might have just sped up the process. People die from brain legions all time that don't drink every day or even at all.

>> No.8762149

Please don't mention that idiot in these threads. Political discussion is the last thing al/ck/ needs.

>> No.8762182
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>oz of weed
>lasts a month and a half
Bullshit. Your zip is 28.35 grams all day
You burn 0.94g a day and that's keeping you tight?

>> No.8762205
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Au contraire, my friend. I think some /pol/ is exactly what this thread needs to spice things up a bit! CONFLICT is what defines humanity!

>> No.8762209
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whats everyone have for tonight??

>> No.8762213

Fuck off cuck

>> No.8762217

>quit chemicals (speed, mdma and the like) a couple years ago
>weed helped me through the withdrawal
>quit weed
>start drinking more and more
>always by myself, while writing or drawing
>worried I might become addicted even though I have no al/ck/s in my family

Should I just lay off the booze? Everything feels so right when I got a good buzz going, I feel like Charles Bukowski and it has helped my writing, but judging by your posts I'm worried about the side effects. Is it worth it or

>> No.8762219

>brain legions

>> No.8762225

What's the problem?

>> No.8762252

Ex weedfag here, I got turned onto booze when I couldn't find weed. And I always hated buying weed. I just fucking hate weed. I hate weed culture. I hate being high.

That being said, stick to weed. It's still better.

>> No.8762256

I'm not that guy but smoking a gram of quality bud per day would be enough to get me through each evening.

Now, considering that we are on /ck/, I strongly recommend cooking your weed. Make brownies, or just cook a batch of butter and spread it on some toast, but it is a much more efficient method of using pot.

>> No.8762274
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>role model

Why not just choose Kerouac? He was a better writer and he died from alcoholism at 47. Bukowski died at 73. I've always suspected Bukowski wasn't as much of an alchoholic as he pretended. Kerouac, on the other hand, died the typical drunkard's death from esophageal varisces due to cirrhossis.

>> No.8762292
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>quit drinking
>my life still sucks

if dubs I start again, right now.

>> No.8762301

Envious. Nowhere to get Steel Reserve where I'm at.

>tfw a 40 of 6% malt liquor (low gravity isn't even worth drinking) costs over $6 here

>> No.8762321
File: 34 KB, 600x600, $T2eC16NHJHwE9n8ig+GSBR(Io8Yz7Q--60_58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has kept me going - touted by those who do oral 'roids for keeping them from turning yellow.

>> No.8762336

Only got about 4 bucks till payday on thursday so tomorrow gonna get blitzed off a bottle of hand sanitizer with a liter of brisk to chase it with like I used to back before I was 21. Sad, embarrasing shit, but I actually prefer chasing the gel compared to knocking back shots. The burn is more manageable, however the flavor that gets stuck in your sinuses is hardly pleasant. Anybody close to you will comment that you smell like cleaning products

>> No.8762341

just beg for change like a respectable person

>> No.8762351


why not mix it with the brisk?

>> No.8762378

Takes longer and far less pleasant to get down that way. My system is remove the pump/cap, squeeze it to the back of my throat, then chug & swish chaser no more sign of gel in my mouth. Repeat until drunk.

Small town & everyone already knows me as the nervous faggot without a car, no need to rub more salt in the wound

>> No.8762408
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>My system is remove the pump/cap, squeeze it to the back of my throat, then chug & swish chaser no more sign of gel in my mouth. Repeat until drunk.

just drinking a few casual cans of brew

>> No.8762409


Which brand of hand sanitizer is your favorite? Are name brands generally superior to generics?

>> No.8762414

Help /b/
>middle upper class fag here
>slam a 375 ml 2 blocks from home
>drink 6-8 beer at night after that
>got 4 kids who I do everything for
>never miss any of their shit
>keep my business running smooth
>but tired of being hungover all the time
What do I do to get out of this shit?
I need your help /b/
I can't keep this up forever

>> No.8762439

Its funny, back in the day I used to joke with the nihilist punks I would hang with about starting a sanitizer tasting review blog. If you can find a generic thats 60% or more ethyl alcohol thats cheaper than purell go with that. Stay away from anything with isopropyl or aloe.

Notable stories from those days include my mother who I lived with at the time finding a stash of ~20 empty sanitizer bottles and crying when I came clean about what I was doing (should have faked a severe germaphobia in retrospect), as well as stealing the giant sized community sanitizer pump from my community college's library.

3 years later living on my own and I'm still finding new and inventive ways to be a depressing fuck up incel substance abuser

>> No.8762442

you ever use cannabis?

can help lower your liquor intake. have a few drinks and then smoke for the rest of the night

>> No.8762443

youre gonna get ulcers if you keep that shit up senpai

brew your own cider ffs

>> No.8762458

If you live in a legal state theres no reason not to do this. Unforutanetly people are holding onto the stigma everywhere else till the end it seems

>> No.8762469
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ended up breaking my only decent drinking glass on friday
what are some aesthetic glassware choices for vodka? looking for something besides a typical tumbler
it'd be neat if something existed between a shot glass and a drinking glass in size
but i think that sounds retarded

>> No.8762476

I did used to worry about all the additives in it but I came out with good health suprisingly, its true what they say about certain organs ability to regenerate if you give them time to heal. This will be the first time in 2 years that I've done this, just been extremely depressed lately. It feels like theres strangers constantly commentating my life, the only legal things that help is my headphones and alcohol

>> No.8762523


Just put it in any glass. I put mine in a reusable water bottle. Who are you trying to impress?

>> No.8762559
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When this this thread was posted I had nothing, but I was inspired.

>> No.8762568

Wat the fuck why would it get turned sideways.

>> No.8762574

Depends. Lots of writers are al/ck/s. Do you feel like your work would suffer if you quit? Maybe try quitting for a month or two and see how it goes if you think it's negatively impacting you.

>> No.8762593

Umm... that doesn't really answer the question. But anyway I wish the best of luck to you.

Did you think about planning out a vacation or something to spend time with your loved ones?

>> No.8762599

OH. lesions. God damn I'm dumb.

>> No.8762600

He's trying to impress himself, and there is nothing wrong with it. Even us alcoholic loners should have a bit of self-respect.

>> No.8762606

Life sucks either way, drinking just creates different (although usually worse) problems. But it definitely sucks either way.

>> No.8762608

pretty much this although drinking makes times more bearable as when i dont drink im miserable 100% of the time

>> No.8762610

You could start by going here

>> No.8762623

pretty much this
no reason for it besides trivial desire

>> No.8762667

I can confirm this. A guy I went to college with was a major pothead. I was a major al/ck/. I dropped out, he graduated and got his masters after.

I did manage to finally get my bachelor's but it wasn't until another 5 years later while meanwhile he was living out in SF making six figures.

>> No.8762678
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oh fuck this hits hard

>> No.8762680
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Why not get the god-tier vodka glass?

>> No.8762683

Your right. Now that I'm sober I spend a lot of time being anxious about whether I'm doing life right. When I was drinking all the time, I spent a lot of time being anxious about whether I could get rid of the hangover from the day before soon enough for work.

Though the latter is a lot worse for my health in the long run, I honestly think it is more manageable.

>> No.8762748

Ha. I went over to the bar today to go pick up my phone that I left there last night. And then I don't remember what the conversation was that led up to it but as I was leaving she was like, don't worry about it, you're a good man. And then I had a mini-existential crisis about what it means to be a "good man". Whatever it is, it probably involves not drinking.

>> No.8762773

sometimes I like to bask in the glory of my depression

>> No.8762780

There's not enough a/ck/ posting in this thread. Where did everyone go? I thought you were all NEETS that had no boundaries in life. Did everyone pass out already? I'm taking a Canadian holiday away from work tomorrow, that's my excuse for being here.

>> No.8762781

i work 3 days a work and a 30 year old neet and i work 3-11 and wake up like 12 so i get fucked up all the time

>> No.8762794

im on spring break right now you'll be seeing a lot of me

>> No.8762797

>i work
Anon... you might want to look up the definition of NEET...

>> No.8762803

i work 3 days a week at most and still live with my parents and they pay all of my expenses

>> No.8762842

I work 5 days a week, and I took the advice of my uncle to move back home when my family came out because my dad was in the hospital. And the only reason I did that is because my parents hit some very hard times financially and I'd rather they tap me for money than having to call up my uncle for money. So I moved up almost a year ago, but as luck turns out it was a good thing I did because the company I was working out got aquired by a venture capitalist firm and the CEO left, and all his sons left, and they let me go about a month later. So I would have been pretty fucked had I not moved back here. Oh and before that my dad got out of the hospital, he was on dialysis for a while but apparently one day the doctors were like, hey you're kidneys are working now, you're good! So now he doesn't have to go to dialysis. But he had to have his leg cut off a few years back, he's a diabetic. But anyway, now I'm at home again and I decided I'd rather just save up money to move out the midwest because every day I spend here is like a day down the drain to me, this isn't real life. So I'm saving up to move to Austin, TX. That's the city I decided upon. Plus I was born in TX so it'll be a little bit like moving back home for me. So that's my blog I doubt anyone made it this far, please like and subscribe.

>> No.8762847

>out the midwest
move out of the midwest

>> No.8762859

id much rather live in the midwest then pos NJ

>> No.8762867

Lol. No shit. I grew up in jersey. Passaic county. You really don't though. I don't know if you're familiar with the term "food desert" but shit is real.

>> No.8762870

I hate the anti gun, pro high taxes piece of shit that run this state. I also hate winter and being depressed from like December until april

>> No.8762880

Haha yeah I feel you there. I honestly though maybe it was because I was born in TX that I hated winter so much. Never had to worry about the taxes, I was still in school when I lived there. Seems like TX would help with both those areas though. Texas has no income tax.

>> No.8762885

I miss the city though, miss the people most of all. People out here just suck. Also can't find a decent slice of pizza to save your life.

>> No.8762889

i live in a rural area of nj but still 15 mins from the city and shit. my town is nice but hate this state

>> No.8762891

>rural area
>15 mins from the city
You must be talking about a different city than NYC right?

>> No.8762894

im in south nj near Atlantic city

>> No.8762896

First time alcoholic poster. I usually talk about cooking, but the alcohol is kicking my ass up and down the street. Even though I tried to avoid you guys, this thread was pretty okay, and I can definitely relate.
Don't even know what to say really. This shit took me over and feel nothing but 4 hours drunken high and 20 hours hating myself every day. Is it possible to go back?

>> No.8762898

Ahh ok. Yeah there is actually one place out here that has decent pizza but I don't like going there because it's called Goodfellas Pizza. I don't like supporting companies that proliferate that stereotype.

>> No.8762899


This is me every weekend

>> No.8762905

It's the continental way!

>> No.8762910

It's a stereotype. And it's offensive.

>> No.8762920

Sorry, that's my only connection to NJ these days, watching Sopranos. Hoooly shit that intro sequence on the turnpike fucked my mind up the first time I watched it after all these years, I couldn't tell what was my memory from watching the show and what was my memory from actually driving down the TP.

>> No.8762921


And that means you're not a NEET. It means not in employment, education, or training. You're working so therefore you're not a NEET.

>> No.8762926

i havent worked for 5 years prior so im still an honorary neet

>> No.8762930


No you aren't sorry.

>> No.8762933

He never said he was sorry.

>> No.8762952

Everyone in this thread have shit black before. You're good.

>> No.8762957

First time being propery drunk in a full week. Huge milestone for me.
God I forgot how fun it was.

>> No.8762958

Wait. Shitting black is bad?

>> No.8762959


Same. Took a good while, but fuck me it's awesome. Music just sounds so much better.

>> No.8762964
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Welcome back, my friend!

>> No.8762968
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The dirt is softer than the rope, brother!

>> No.8762970
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>> No.8762973

Every single person in this thread is going to die.... Eventually. May as well enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.8762976

I always looked at it as the body filtering all the alcohol out. Shitting is always good--except when there's blood or hemorrhoids involved.

>> No.8762982

So on that high note... Post music!
I've been stuck on this soundtrack for the past week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfS0kctjWls&index=35&list=PLLeyPMXAKUnx2czK62Kxu0EC9mPl_RSiU

>> No.8762992

Here's what I would've posted if I wasn't being truthful

>> No.8762994


>> No.8762997

Awe come on.... no....

>> No.8763001

>fuck the internet
gee I wonder why he would say that

>> No.8763003

Sometimes n9ne just kills it

>> No.8763005


>> No.8763009

At least post king shithead

>> No.8763011

Now this is what I'm talkin about

>> No.8763017


>> No.8763019

Ugh, I tasted it as soon as I saw the can, you fuck. Never again. Bottom shelf vodka I can do, because I've grown to not mind it a bit. 211, don't care if I ever drink that shit again.

But hey, as it's been said already, alcohol is a fantastic drug of choice from a financial perspective. And legal everywhere that matters.

>> No.8763028

this came on the radio today
fuck 90's rock was good, why can't we have nice things anymore?

>> No.8763033

watching the video these days is pretty funny... like so bad it's funny. song's still good though.

>> No.8763036

So is this what people listen to when they drink the cheapest possible malt liquor? I guess it makes sense.

>> No.8763057

Hey I was just joking. Well it looks like I ran this thread into the ground. Just like everything else in my life. It was to be expected.

>> No.8763064

Quick, post your favorite trance song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1R9QubCs_Y

>> No.8763071


>> No.8763079

Ayyyyy there we go

>> No.8763083

There are plenty of hobo's in my neighborhood who are alcoholics

>> No.8763096

Hardys came back but Fuck the main event man. Has to ruin a good thing with a bad thing.

>> No.8763100

So what's your guys' experience with hard drugs?
I've done just about everything but heroin is the one thing I'll never touch. Cocaine, I loved it but I knew how addictive it was so I never paid for it myself or sought it out but if it was around I was like an elephant. Weed I always hated, I always said maybe if I just do it another time I'll get more used to it, but it always just made me paranoid, always hated it. Tried MDMA once, was alright nothing special. Tried acid once but it was a weak tab so I didn't get the real experience, was still an interesting trip though. Shrooms where awesome only did it once though with a group of guys, probably the most fun drug taking experience of my life. Let's see what else... probably took a few Xanax while drinking, I think that's about it thought. Oddly enough I never became a druggy though probably just because I hated weed so much. Alcohol was always my main woman.

>> No.8763101
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>>mfw when im that dude every night and I always suceed cause I make it about them before they know I'm.drunk
>>im drunk right now about to start bugging people
Fuck me man

>> No.8763128

Well, alcohol and nicotine. I'll always curse the day my friend handed me a cigarette when I was 17 and was like hey try this! That's one thing I'm still trying to tackle, I used to smoke every day, about a pack of marlboro lights a day, now I only smoke when I drink. But I'm trying to figure out how to not smoke when I drink. Probably need to just stop drinking for like 6 months to totally get the urge to smoke out of my system. But yeah... I Don't really know how to do it...

>> No.8763137

Ayyyy where'd my jersey friend go? post jersey things

>> No.8763139


I smoke like a fucking chimney and wish I knew how to quit. I realise it's fucking me up for the future, but somehow I'm unable to dissociate just having a single fag from the wider habit of smoking. I always think just having one right now won't really matter here or there. So I always do, and then another, and then another...

>> No.8763147

When I quit I was going crazy for a while. I used to have dreams where I was out at a bar smoking. I cut it down so now if I know I'm going to be drinking I have a pack because I'm just so used to smoking while I drink. And all self control just goes out the window. I'm working on it. I always have a pack lying around so even if I don't buy a pack I find one. Need to just burn them all and have a weekend where my mission is to not smoke.

>> No.8763151

All good things come to an end

>> No.8763165


>> No.8763178

>this fucking thread
Alright I'm just going to gracefully bow out. I've contaminated this site with my presence enough. And that's kind of an accomplishment. I'll just leave you with this

>> No.8763181

That's relaxing. Thanks for the njpost.

>> No.8763184

Here's one better. But it's from Canada, not NJ.

>> No.8763186

10 days no booze. I feel alright. Is it possible to feel less sharp after quitting? I feel less creative than I do even when I was hungover and vomiting blood from my ulcer.

I'm also quitting cigarettes. Going to do the e-cig thing and go from 1.2mg, to .6, then 0.

>> No.8763194

Yeah you need to give your brain time to adjust. Right now it thinks something's screwed up because the usual chemical level's aren't there so all your energy is going towards the healing systems. Just give it time.

>> No.8763202
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drinking it now friend
rock bottom tastes delicious

>> No.8763215

>you guys
How do you do it? I mean, I used to drink Tornado's in college, as a meme but how do you live your life day to day and drink that?

>> No.8763219

Hurricanes not tornados.

>> No.8763244

i used to drink liquor heavily a few years ago. that being said im only 23. blacked out almost everytime i drank with friends cause it was strictly liquor (5'10" 120 pounds, you see the issue here). after doing that enough times try beer. hate it. acquire the taste of beer. get into fancy beer because live in socal, micro brews are everywhere. shit got too expensive, my weed habit was getting to expensive, after working my ass off for 8-10 hours a day i just go for it cause my friend would do the same. even as i started this tall can it was fucking gnarly, give it a few more sips, everything is fine

>> No.8763251

Ah, ok. I drank that shit too at your age. I was thinking you were a grown man that picks up groceries and oh yeah let me get some steel reserve too with my TV dinners shit's cash!

>> No.8763264

It's my dry day for the past few weeks. I have work in the morning, and it's 2 am and I'm still not ready to sleep. This blows.

>> No.8763265

So it's 3 in the morning here, this seems like a good thread to ask that no one will see: things are about to get a little dark here...
What would you do if you got into an altercation with a bunch of bikers and.... your cousin who was involved with those bikers... turned up dead a week later? Just hypothetically.

>> No.8763275

Suck their cocks

>> No.8763285

My own answer for myself is, that I've been able to figure out so far, is get the fuck out of dodge. I'm terrified that if I go to someone they'll come after someone else. I'm even scared to just post this but I'm pretty sure none of them are going to see a Malaysian cooking board.

Kek. I appreciate your jest, friend. I wish I was making this up.

>> No.8763291


its so great hardys are back but i totally agree on the main event and the match was beyond horrible

>> No.8763296

You don't believe me, do you

>> No.8763310

You know what? I don't even believe myself. They said it was a suicide. Her husband said he was home at the time, heard a shot upstairs and found her. But He's In That Biker Gang.

So either they said something to her which made her kill herself, or he's in on it. Or he wasn't in on it but he's hiding it because they'll kill him if he doesn't.

Moral of the story is: don't join a biker gang and don't let your cousin join a biker gang.

>> No.8763318

Fucken terrible, a fucken legend who was one of my favorites had to go out in such a fucken way. The arenas silence spoke for the world. Bullshit match.

>> No.8763321

Fuck. You know what I said to them? You know what caused all this? I was playing pool with them, and they just didn't like me. The one guy backed up into on purpose I'm pretty sure, backed into my lit cigarette and then started flipping out becuase I dirtied his jacket. So I was drunk of course, and I said: so you guys hate niggers right? They were like hell fuckin yeah SIEG HEIL. I was like ok... You ever have a moment of self awareness and realize you're just as bad if not worse than they are? Driving around on motorcycles, dealing drugs?

>> No.8763340

Well they didn't like that too much. KEK. I just remember the guy closing his flip phone and just leaning over like, "hey, I just put a hit out on your cousin". So I started laughing. I was like ha! A "hit"? What is that? What do you mean by that? and he did that thing where you put your finger across your throat and went gggghhhhhht.

Then I got serious because the realisation sank in at that point. I told him hey listen I fucked up, I offended you guys, kill me. The guy was just like, nope can't do it, it's against the rules. We don't mess with civilians.

>> No.8763349

I'm nervous as hell to even talk about this at all but I felt like I had to post it somewhere just so there's a record in case one of them comes and kills me in the middle of the night or something.

>> No.8763365

I don't know why insane shit like this has to happen to me all the time. Maybe I literally am insane and I'm dreaming it up.

>> No.8763379

I didn't remember any of this until after the funeral. But a whole bunch of those gang members showed up. And then I googled them, and I saw it was the same gang as that night because it was already in my search history.

I had another thing happen where a guy a taxi driver tried to abduct me in Philadelphia. But that was another time where I was so drunk... who knows if it really even happened. Maybe I just went nuts.

>> No.8763395

Well I guess this thread's over. Good night, /ck/. Stay safe. And don't fuck around with bikers like a drunk idiot.

>> No.8763397
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Hey guys.

>> No.8763403


>> No.8763431
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Nah, you're not Jim. Hair's too conditioned.

>> No.8763434

I forced a drunk fucking kid go home by wavying my hatched around and screaming at the drunk fuck louder then he screamed at me.

Im killing people with a shotgun soon. The world will thank me.

>> No.8763443

Well that's not nice. What people?

>> No.8763444
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? english pls

>> No.8763455

You're the kind of people Im killing. Stay sober Stay clean.

>> No.8763458
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english lad.

>> No.8763468

Ah. Alright. Going to a bar then? You guys are alright don't go to the bar tomorrow.

>> No.8763483

I just want to say one thing. I don't know if you believe in God, but I do. I'm sure this will enrage my angsty friend over here. But just know that we'll all be together one day. There've been too many coincidences in my life, sure you could say there's a statistical probability that coincidences will happen....But they happened to me in such a way that I know that someone was there making them happen. And just supports the thing I knew all along, just like Elon Musk said. We are in a simulation. So just play the game, guys. Things will turn out right in the end. I know this to be true. Goodbey and good luck.

>> No.8763500

And you, my friend. If you're serious about that I guess it's too late to change your mind but what exactly do you hope to accomplish? Just want to be edgy? Your life sucks so bad might as well ruin some other small group of people's lives? You go and do something stupid it'll be in a news for a week and after that people won't care. Life will continue as usual. So if you want to be an Edgelord that's your decision but just realize the fact that no one will give a shit.

>> No.8763514

Honestly you just sound like an angsty 14 year old, but in this day and age I have to react to you as if you're a grown ass man that can buy a gun. Just wait a couple years the hormones will wear off.

>> No.8763694

Hey everyone all those posts I was just jk lol I stole the idea from the movie Easy Rider look it up some time it's a good watch.

>> No.8763715

I'm so tired of this shit. Alcohol makes me exhausted the next day but I can't sleep without it which makes me equally exhausted. It's like never fucking ending. How do you quit while trying to maintain your life? My job is so physically straining and it's killing me. Please someone with some experience offer some advice. This is just wrecking me.

>> No.8763717

Bad joke, I know. I guess my whole life is one long bad joke. Oh well. I'm trying guys. I really am. You do the same ok? See ya round.

>> No.8763721

Death and power only death and power. Dont type so much. Condense.

>> No.8763729

Quiting is not that hard. Making your mind up that you actually want to quit is the part that's hard. You haven't quit yet because you don't want to. As it turns out, alcohol is an addictive drug, so you'll create any number of excuses to tell yourself why you're drinking, but you have a cognitive dissonance because on some deep down level you know you're killing yourself.

So if you really want to change, and you really want to see what it's like on the other side, you have to decide first to do and then just do it. Once you have your mind made up it's really not that hard. Quitting smoking is actually worse. But it takes lifestyle changes too, if you meet all your friends at the bar on friday every week at 8 you can't do that anymore at least not for a while. That's the hardest part at least for me it was. But just think of it like a marriage or something, it's a commitment. A hard one. But you need motivation to go through with it. And you know what? Life's still gonna suck. But you'll just have to find something else to keep yourself occupied and ultimately you'll be happier.

>> No.8763739
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9S? Is that you?

>> No.8763748

My problem is I never talk to anyone unless I'm drinking. I just... for some reason, I'm not interested in talking to anyone unless I'm drinking. And when I am that's all I want to do. So it's weird for me, no alcohol is like living in isolation for a bit. I guess I kind of become an asshole when I'm sober that's just not very interested in other people. When I drink, I become an asshole that thinks he has social skills and really just becomes a bigger asshole.

>> No.8763767

But anyway, this is coming from a guy that quit drinking once for a year.... Right now at this very moment I'm pretty much the opposite. But the way I see it now, I have a handle on it. It's just a chemical craving no different than the feeling of wanting to smoke a cigarette. When I quit, I get cravings but you just have to recognize what's happening and it's temporary, it passes. But yeah, I totally get an urge out of nowhere on a friday night like, I should be doing something! I should be out having a good time at the casino! Beer!!! And yeah man, that's a powerful feeling. Especially when you've been working all week and you feel like you deserve a reward. But you know, just think about it like going to the gym it's something that's not fun but you do it anyway.

>> No.8763782
File: 62 KB, 1280x738, NieR-Automata-“Glory-to-Mankind-119450310”-Trailer-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, little brother. Glory. To Mankind.

>> No.8763795

So I've just started going to bars and trying mixed drinks, here's the three I've tried so far, what else do I need to bump up on my list?

Tom Collins

Whiskey Sour

Long Island Iced Tea

>> No.8763796

This is why you're 9S
>I just have to kill them all

>> No.8763808

Moskau Mule

Dirty martini (I usually get Ketel one but really it's probably a waste since the flavor gets so overpowered by the olives, just get something that's not awful)

T&T (Tanqueray and tonic)

Super amazing if you want to piss off the bartender edition: [source: I used to be bartender] Oldfashioned

>> No.8763819

Oh wow, cheap beer and soft cocaine = dancing to 90s country songs.

>> No.8763899

Well I called out of work sick today. This shitbag life's kind of nice, I could get used to it.

>> No.8763903

Ah I know I can't kid you guys. I've been used to it.

>> No.8763911

uhhhhhh don't die or something idk

>> No.8763915

I won't. Nice 911 dubs.

>> No.8763920

ayy thanks buddy i don't think i would've even noticed my peak in life if you hadn't pointed it out

>> No.8763923

Haha, no problem at all.

>> No.8763932

So what are you drinking, buddy? Or did you just come in here to laugh at all the sad bastards in this thread?

>> No.8763936

I came here to do a little of both desu. But I'm mostly laughing at myself.

>> No.8763940

mostly to laugh and throw stones from my glass house. i'm not drinking because i ran out of my trash green apple vodka and am too lazy to go outside for more.

>> No.8763942

>green apple vodka

>> No.8763946

Well honestly it's not worse than half the things I've seen posted here, Steel Reserve etc

>> No.8763949

you left off the trash. also it tastes like jolly ranchers.

>> No.8763954

You should try making Skittles vodka. You could probably do it with Jolly Ranchers too.

What time zone are you in? I'm EST been up all night.

>> No.8763956

tfw I drank a large mix of shit tonight

>1 bottle of Rochefort 8
>1 tallboy of Corona
>1 tallboy of MGD
>3 bottles of Heineken
>1/3 a bottle of Forty Creek whiskey
>1/3 a bottle of Polar Ice vodka

Diversity is strength :^)

>> No.8763962

i'm pacific, so not as late for me yet. why haven't you slept?

can i do it with dum dums? I have a giant bag of them.

>> No.8763981

It's probably theoretically possible but it would take a lot longer and you'd have to keep it at a warm temp so it dissolves.

Why didn't I sleep? Well..... I forgot my cell phone at the bar Sat night. So when to pick it up yesterday. And of course was like hey why not get a drink while I'm here! Well after that I already had it in my mind to stop for a 6 pack before I even left... So I did that.... Then I found this thread and some guy posted a picture of his two hurricanes and a steel reserve asking what everyone had prepared for the night. And that just inspired me. So I went out, got 12 yeunglings.... And here I am.

>> No.8763988

I wouldn't be in this thread if I was capable of controlling myself. I texted my boss this morning saying I was coming on with a cluster headache. He hasn't responded yet.

>> No.8763991

Hopefully he doesn't browse /ck/ ex dee.

>> No.8763997

But hey, I started at this company 3 months ago, and you're not allowed to take any personal days for the first 90 days, so today is the first day I'm allowed to. So I took it! I'm obeying the rules!

>> No.8764004

what the fuck kind of company does that?

>> No.8764010

Call centres, I worked at QVC and they did that

>> No.8764013

Shitty companies based out of Montreal.

>> No.8764017

That was actually my excuse when I was picking up the beer I was like, Oh yeah I don't have to work tomorrow, Canadian holiday. Oh yeah it's a company-wide holiday!

>> No.8764019

well that sounds like shit. but then again i used to be a wageslave for yidsney so you're probably still doing much better. you also have more booze than me, which i think is the main measurement for success in life, right?

>> No.8764022

But I rused them :^)

>> No.8764027

I'm actually this poster >>8763795 but I do have money for other things

>> No.8764031

Well, it's the only objective measurement. So it's a convenient one. But lots of people get rich being shitbags so... What did you do for Disney?

>> No.8764041

Oh hai, I thought you were one person but you're two people.It's kind of fun trying to figure out who's who by their posts though.

>> No.8764042

wagecuck job at one of the rich people resorts at wdw. sucked ass desu, but was also a fun experience.

>> No.8764048

Really? I probably stayed there. Why'd it suck? I always thought being a "crew member" would be a lot of fun. Although everyone I talked to seemed almost too happy.

>> No.8764054

Cast member. It's been a while.

>> No.8764059

which resort did you stay at? there are like 40.

being a cast member definitely had its perks, like i said it was a really fun experience in a lot of ways. free park admission is fab. and being too happy is part of the job description, so there's that.

they just treat their employees like shit in a lot of ways, especially scrubs like me. didn't help that i sucked ass at my role and couldn't get a transfer, also the management at my location was DICKS.

universal lmao

>> No.8764063

Grand Floridian mostly. Is that what they call it at Universal? Never been. One day I'll see Shamu.

>> No.8764068

oh wait, i think it's team member? idfk, never worked there. never even been to the one in orlando, though i always wanted to while i was there. ;_;

ha chomp chomp i worked at poly mostly

>> No.8764073
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oh, my alligator emoji didn't show up after chomp chomp

>> No.8764083

Oh that's cool. I always wanted to stay at the Polynesian, that's where I would sneak off to when I was like 10 lol. Is it team member? I thought the word cast was in there. Good times. My parents took me every year. I was just about to move down there but I thought better of it because the salary to cost of living ratio isn't the best.

>> No.8764088

But no income tax! Also no income tax in TX. salaries are much higher. Were you interning there? I hear a lot of people work there and tolerate the shit treatment just to have Disney on thier resume.

>> No.8764091

oh no, i mean for universal, it's team member there.

where you at now?

>> No.8764094

Ahhh, I see. I'm in Ohio right now I hate it. :/

>> No.8764102

As much as I hate it here, my mom's from Cincinnati so I'm half Cincinnati though I don't like to admit it. Other half is nyc where I grew up.

>> No.8764104

what's so wrong with ohio besides being a bumfuck irrelevant flyover state?

>> No.8764107

>besides being a bumfuck irrelevant flyover state?
Sounds like you answered your own question?

>> No.8764116


why'd you leave nyc then? never been there, but looks fun and i've been vaguely planning a visit.

>> No.8764118

No just kidding let's see... No restaurants... The people are just... horrible to interact with.... I've literally had people at work gasp because I said god damn.... Shit weather... Pick up trucks everywhere.... Just everything you could imagine about life being horrible it's given corporeal form here.

>> No.8764132

If you ever go, go around Christmas time, that's a nice time to be in nyc. Got the tree and everything, you can take your gf ice skating, real romantic. So why am I out here? Heh. Well probably the same reason I'm in this thread and same reason I called out today. But beyond that.... being closer to home makes it easier to help my parents out. I grew up really rich. My dad owned a restaurant. Then he sold it around 2008. And I don't know details I don't pry into his busniess but shit turned upside down. Plus he's a diabetic and they took his leg a couple years ago. So things have been just kind of nuts and I feel a little guilt since I'm an only child.... I didn't make it through the first university I went to..... So... let's just say I'm out here because of a lot of reasons.

>> No.8764143

And I say guilt because they were paying for that school I didn't graduate from. So ever since 2008 they've been in a really rough way and I guess the best thing I can do to help them is just go out and make as much money as possible but so far that has meant working in Cinci

>> No.8764153

But yeah, that's it in a nutshell. Sorry you opened Pandora's box there.

>> No.8764158

But the real reason? Is because I'm screwed up. If did what I was supposed to, I would have had a master's by now and I'd be living in CA and i'd be taking care of my parents. But I didn't so I'm not.

>> No.8764159

i fucking love christmas and ever since seeing movies like elf, i've always wanted to see nyc during the holidays. like you say, ice skating, the big rockefeller tree and all that, seems comfy as fuck. might try to go with this guy if we can hack together some plans.

did you finish at a second uni? what do you do now?

>> No.8764163

well anon we all probably fucked up in some ways, that's probably why we're here. do you have discord or something i feel bad shitting up this thread so hard

>> No.8764170

yeah I finished eventually, i'm an ios app developer now

it's the best you have to go in Christmas time, that way you won't smell all the trash laying out in the streets lol. no not really I'm just kidding, the best smell of nyc is the street peanut vendors mixed in with car exhaust fumes

>> No.8764174

No trash though. Unless you go to the Bronx then you might smell some trash.

>> No.8764178

But yeah, you're not really missing out on too much, if you've been to a big city, you've been to them all. What area are you in?

>> No.8764193

Let me guess. Wait, don't tell me... Orlando?

>> No.8764216

no i was just there for disney and my now-ex. i'm back on best coast and single now, but hey at least they sell booze at walmart here.

btw if you don't wanna do the discord thing, i'm probably gonna lie down soon.

>> No.8764229

Sorry man, I didn't see your post. Don't worry I've been shitting up this thread for hours now. Yeah I'm on Discord, Edgemaster #0264

>> No.8764570

Im addicted to gin, valium and codeine.

Have stopped drinking - well I only drink on saturdays

How did you stop codéine? Im tapering but at this rythm it will take me years to quit

>> No.8764625

>How did you stop codeine?
Just stopped. Cold turkey from 500mg/day. 2 weeks of hardcore hell later and I was basically over it.
3 years on and still trying to stop benzos.

>> No.8764645


Because it's cheap and I have no money.

>> No.8764790
File: 36 KB, 640x640, Tommy 420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the idea

>> No.8764834


>> No.8764842

Jesus, >>>/mlpol/ is still here. It's an abomination.

>> No.8764870
File: 324 KB, 1280x720, Kerouac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bukowski drank mostly beer and wine (high quality too, later in life). Kerouac IIRC was more partial to hard liquor and was drinking 5 bottles of port wine a day in his final years.

Not that it necessarily matters, though. According to Bukowski's wife his doctors, when he was finally dying of leukemia, said he had the liver of a twelve year old boy. She also said he was drinking up to 9 bottles of riesling a day when he visited the set of Barfly. But hell, who knows what's true of all that. You're right that Kerouac died a true alcoholic's death, though.

>> No.8764933

I'm too young to hate myself this much.

>> No.8764987

It get better, surprisingly.

>> No.8765055


I've been reading On the Road
girl got me into all the Beat culture stuff
I guess I don't have much to say about it

>> No.8765144

Alcohol is making do weird things. Like i made an appointment to get tattooed next week. Yeah, I've always wanted a tattoo but sitting there for 4 hours getting poked by a needle over and over and paying 500 dollars is not my idea of fun.

>> No.8765161

sounds like an ambitious first tat

>> No.8765255

Yeah I just woke up drunk and decided "i'm going to get a half sleeve tattoo"

>> No.8765518

Anyone else order booze for delivery from immigrants? It costs more money but they take it right to you. I just ordered two 2L bottles of cider.

>> No.8765579
File: 30 KB, 200x196, worried griffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get drunk last night
>wake up without feeling a hangover
Oh this is going to be a bad one

>> No.8765596

I always get a hangover.

>> No.8765599

It's not THAT bad. It's pretty bad, though

>> No.8765762

alcohol makes the quality of your sleep very poor. that's why you are constantly fucked up. alcohol withdrawal makes you edgy, twitchy and restless. its a vicious circle, but try to get some exercise when you stop drinking to fatigue your body and release some dopamine into your system. Or go full circle and don't sleep for a night, and just ride it out.
just came off a long while escalating abuse myself, and it is worthwhile. I feel so much more energetic, positive, and happy. Sleep is so fucking good now, and the first waking hours are no longer a slumbering haze.

>> No.8765899

>drank 5 days last week, non-consequetive
>"I'll just stay sober for 10 days now"
>ex-colleague of gf invites himself for dinner
>well, guess I'll have a beer
>he left, I drank 3 beers "oh there's some vodka left"
>only yielded a glass of vodka tonic (75 - 25)
>cornerstore closes in 20min
Two beers or not two beers...