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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8760297 No.8760297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the /ck/ challenge: Monthly edition!

The theme is announced on the 1st of every month, and submissions are welcome all month!

The winner for the March challenge is Toothpick !ar04b2AUa2 who submitted an egg yolk ravioli with tomato sauce and zested parmesan and salt cured egg yolk. Congratulations!
(thanks to Numbaz for doing the math)


We recommend an 'Iron Chef' style scoring system. This means you, the people of /ck/, will judge each entry individually instead of deciding on what you feel is the "best" dish.

Dishes are scored out of a total 20 points, based on 4 categories (worth a maximum of 5 points each); Presentation, Originality, Appeal and Challenge Goals. You may award 0's if you feel the contestant did not meet your expectations for a category.

-Presentation: The appearance of items on the plate; plating skills
-Originality: Creativity in composing the dish
-Appeal: How appetizing the food looks/whether or not the dish appeals to your personal taste as a voter
-Challenge Goals: How closely the entry followed the challenge goal(s)

The distinction between Presentation and Appeal: If someone submits an artfully arranged but burnt steak as an entry, it may score high in Presentation but low in appeal.

Copypasta Scoring Format for Lazymodo

Presentation: /5
Originality: /5
Appeal: /5
Challenge Goals: /5
Total: /20

This month we'll be trying out casual voting only.

The theme of April is..... Roll a Spice!

Make a post and match the end of your post number to the following:

1. Ginger
2. Pepper
3. Vanilla
4. Basil
5. Garlic
6. Five Spice
7. Paprika
8. Chilli
9. Cinnamon
0. Rosemary

If the spice you roll is unavailable to you, you may reroll once.

While you're perfectly welcome to make a large spread of food, please make sure there is clearly a "main dish" because that is what people will be voting on.

>> No.8760299


Introduction video explaining the challenge for you newbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo6KUNqdsz0

Photography guide:
Text version - http://pastebin.com/VTK7inJQ
Vertical version - http://i.imgur.com/wqE7hys.jpg

How to make webm: http://i.imgur.com/qmj9lnL.jpg

How to make verticals vertical: http://i.imgur.com/9zYnUbu.jpg

>> No.8760312

Those of you who rolled in the ded thread, you may keep your roll or reroll in this thread.

>> No.8760341

Rolling for Rosemary. Respectfully, how is one to showcase the spice? You could make any pretty dish and say it has x in it. Should there be some perameters?

>> No.8760345

They see me rollin...

>> No.8760346

its gonna be 5 spice :(

>> No.8760352


>> No.8760362

It's entirely up to the participants to do as they please, and also up to the voters how they're gonna judge the results.

For instance:
I roll pepper. I could use a variety of different peppercorns, white, black, pink etc. I could make a pepper consomme. I could make pepper candy.

When making the above things, take photos of the process and include them when you post, or in the vertical. That'll help people believe you.

It's a for-fun challenge so theres no point in cheating.

woah how did you know

>> No.8760371

Keeping my roll from >>/ck/thread/S28373#p30134

>> No.8760375

Fair enough. Failed for the vert last round due to messy kitchen, poor lighting general laziness and not wanting to catch a raft a shit for it by strangers (yeah, yeah welcome to 4chan complimentary cola and...) Will attempt for the current challenge.

>> No.8760382

>no cayenne option

welp, i'm out

>> No.8760397

One should think cayanne faaaaalls in the 'chiiilli' category Chef.

>> No.8760506

/ck/ Challange 3/2017 results.

Place=Dish - Name
- P(resentation):-O(riginality):-A(ppeal):-C(hallange Goals):=T(otal)

1st=Steamed egg - asdf
- P:4/5-O:3.56/5-A:3.39/5-C:4.67/5---T:15.61/20
2nd=Egg yolk ravioli with tomato sauce and zested parmesan and salt cured egg yolk. - Toothpick !ar04b2AUa2
- P:3.22/5-O:3.67/5-A:3.56/5-C:4.22/5---T:14.67/20
3rd=Egg Hash Cup with Bacon, Goat Cheese, Spinach and Red Bell. -Nack
- P:3.33/5-O:3.67/5-A:3.22/5-C:4.11/5---T:14.33/20
4th=Puff pastry round with strips of a sous vide rib eye steak, on top of that is a poached egg covered in béarnaise sauce - byz !qmwDv.Rl4Q
- P:3.44/5-O:3.39/5-A:3.78/5-C:3.33/5---T:13.94/20
5th=Fettuccine carbonara with homemade noodles. - eyepatch
- P:3.22/5-O:2.78/5-A:3.67/5-C:4.11/5---T:13.78/20
6th=Flyover devilled eggs - flyover anon
- P:3.11/5-O:2.22/5-A:3.56/5-C:4.56/5---T:13.44/207th=Rice and Chinese bbq tri-tip steak (char siu) -Racer X
- P:2.83/5-O:2.78/5-A:4.22/5-C:3.56/5---T:13.39/20

>> No.8760511

>>8760297 (OP)
/ck/ Challange 3/2017 results.

Place=Dish - Name
- P(resentation):-O(riginality):-A(ppeal):-C(hallange Goals):=T(otal)

8th=Omurice! Chicken fried rice with demi-glace sauce and butter topped with a soft omelette and more demi-glace poured on top. - Dice
- P:3.28/5-O:2.61/5-A:2.89/5-C:4/5---T:12.78/20
9th=Green Curry Omelet, with shrimp, tomato, cucumber, & cilantro, served with nam pla prik. - spice jar
- P:2.39/5-O:3.33/5-A:2.67/5-C:4.11/5---T:12.5/20
10th=Eggs 3 ways: Leek flavored aspic with caviar and suspended poached yolk (yolk broke during presentation); steamed whites, mushroom, caviar, sour cream and dill. - Fleek
- P:2.06/5-O:4.11/5-A:1.78/5-C:4.22/5---T:12.17/20
11th=Elite breakfast of 5 eggs scrambled, 3 frozen hashbrowns, 1 Thomas Bagel Thin (buttered) - Ya Dingus
- P:2.33/5-O:1.11/5-A:2.56/5-C:3.44/5---T:9.44/20
12th=Upside down bread pudding with poppy seeds and toffee apple. - Webmfag
- P:1.89/5-O:2.56/5-A:2.33/5-C:2.44/5---T:9.11/20
13th=Sauteed cabbage and onion with tomatoes and pinto beans scrambled together with an egg. garnished with a bratwurst and homemade hot sauce - White Castle
- P:1.22/5-O:2/5-A:1.83/5-C:3.22/5---T:8.72/20
14th=Chicken quesadilla, containing pepperjack cheese, chicken, bell peppers, and shiitake mushrooms. - Hello Kitty
- P:1/5-O:1.89/5-A:1.18/5-C:0.83/5---T:5.39/20

5 Spice? Fair enough.

>> No.8760525
File: 7 KB, 152x196, Kpkoopa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mnice, rolling

>> No.8760538

If I reroll do I have to keep my reroll?
Garlic is kind of boring but I don't want to reroll into, say, ginger and be stuck with it

>> No.8760602


>> No.8760763

roll for worst spice

>> No.8760852


>> No.8760866


>> No.8760875

Rolling for vanilla or cinnamon... come on...

>> No.8760883

link to old threads? i want to read each review

rolling for spice

>> No.8760924

Vote thread

>> No.8760967

By the way, follow up on the steamed egg as I made it the other weekend without a steamer.

I placed the bowls of steamed egg with cling film on top in a pot with an inch or two of water, and put the pot lid on. It took forever to set the eggs for some reason but they did eventually set but after a half hour or so rather than less than ten minutes. Could have just been a coincidence. I was also cooking with a very frustrating electric stove and it was difficult to get the heat right so I may have simply used too low a heat which is why it took so long.

>> No.8760974

Just throwing this out there, but shouldn't people be rolling with a trip/identifier, or at the very least their name?

>> No.8760996

My roll. Ginger it is.

>> No.8761015

Spice jar rolling for anything other than vanilla or cinnamon.

>no 7 spice option ;_;

>> No.8761020



"Literally" vanilla.

>> No.8761121

Imma reroll, and if I don't like what I get, I'll choose what I got in the last thread.

>> No.8761139


>Imma reroll

Who cares? Nobody even knows who you are. You'll just keep doing that until you get what you want.

>> No.8761184

Stop spamming the board with new threads you autistic redditors.

>> No.8761445

That would be keeping in the spirit of sportsmanship, yes. I'm sure you'll figure out something cool

Electric stoves are the hand of the devil

>> No.8761454

I just read this in Satan from family guys voice xD

>> No.8761457

Yeah that would be better for preventing cheating. They would be cheating on a prizeless cooking challenge on an oriental digital art sharing forum however and I want to believe in the spirit of sportsmanship

>> No.8761530


>Borneo !!K2UbCid3PAf

>> No.8761595

This is reddit.


>> No.8761626

Ummmm how is this "Reddit" exactly? And furthermore what is wrong with using Reddit?
Just because we use names, have a community with a up/down voting system, tell awesome puns and are friendly doesn't make us Redditors.

On a side note I actually started using Reddit before 4chan was a thing; I still use r/cooking to this day but I don't see it as an insult. Reddit is an informative, intelligent hive of gifted individuals so if you want to call me a Redditor then fine. I'll take it as a compliment ;)

>> No.8761632
File: 137 KB, 717x880, gb2reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8761649


>being so naive and admitting you're a homo redditor

Christ, you redditors really are self-absorbed little cunts.

>> No.8761674

You just fell for an obvious troll, numbnuts. Get over your reddit obsession or get out.

>> No.8761695


>I trol u XD


>> No.8761726
File: 10 KB, 377x184, tripcodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone doesn't know how tripcodes work. How new are you?

>> No.8761735


I never said anything about tripcodes, champ. I'm simply pointing out this is a reddit thread. I don't care who posts.

So you >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8761747

I'm not trololololing I'm just using this name as a mantle to prove my point.

>> No.8761788

I'm interested too, now. How is this "reddit"? What does that even mean? Is there some kind of reddit essence that infects people who click reddit links? I understand sort of where you're coming from, the whole upvote system is just begging for attention whoring, but it's not all that different from (You)s here. Define "reddit" for me. What makes something "reddit"?

>> No.8761794

Anyone with reddit cookies in their browser history should be perma-banned.

>> No.8761819

Reddit is for faggots, but they're nothing compared to these faglords.
Take a counter-sage and choke on it.

>> No.8761830

t. Average Redditor
Every single mouthbreather that circle jerks in these """""contest""""" threads are faggots that would be more at home on r/cooking than /ck/, You cancerous tripfags are in denial.

>> No.8761845

What is it that you hate about the contest?
Hard mode: without using the word "reddit".

>> No.8761852

But what makes this reddit? What does that mean? You didn't answer my question. I generally stay away from reddit because I personally find the whole concept of it distasteful, but it feels wrong to treat it like a big homogenous blob just because you don't like it. It's like how 4chan has a bunch of different boards; some of them are nothing like each other. People on 4chan generally get mad when you try to reduce it to a single character archetype like people do with reddit. You'll find a similar thing on a bunch of sites, including 4chan: the big parts suck, go for the low traffic areas.

See, I don't understand this. What makes it bad? You say that the contest thread is "reddit", therefore it's bad. However you can't seem to articulate WHY being "reddit" makes it bad.

>> No.8761860

Let us see what I get.

>> No.8761868

Everyone involved in it, how it is extremely poorly structured, the way you underage faggots talk, the nasty shit you "cook" and try to pass off as food, the attention whoring tripcodes/namefagging, the excessive number of threads that get made when not one has reached bump limit. What's not to hate?

>> No.8761874

Rolling for Rosemary, cos I can't fucking get rid of the stuff.

>> No.8761886

No one cares fag.

Also rolling/GET threads are against the rules outside of /b/

>> No.8761897

>The theme of April is..... Roll a Spice!
This is in direct violation of Global Rule 3:
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>post number GETs

>> No.8761902

Call the cops

>> No.8761907

Kill yourself you dog-faced gook slut

>> No.8761922
File: 16 KB, 250x241, 1489984805687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have a thread that hasn't even reached 200 posts. Can you fuck off already?

>> No.8761928

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
Good job retard, get fucked.

>> No.8761935

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>Average Faggot
Good job, kill yourself too you flaming faggot.

>> No.8761957

>it's okay if I break the rules xD
That's not how this works sweetie.

>> No.8761967

> how it is extremely poorly structured
How so?

> the way you underage faggots talk
You have no way of knowing if they're underage.

>the nasty shit you "cook" and try to pass off as food
This is mostly subjective, but I might understand where you're coming from better if you gave a few examples.

> the attention whoring tripcodes/namefagging
Is name/tripfagging inherently attention whoring? I don't think so, especially in this case. I really hate it when people use them as usernames, but the original intent was something else. Tripcodes are supposed to be used as per-thread identification where it's relevant. They're intended to be discarded after they're no longer needed. In the case of a contest like this, they're really the only way to ensure that different submissions can be told apart, so people can actually take credit for winning the contest. Without the names, I feel it defeats the whole point of having a contest.

Names on this site are an optional tool, and used right they're fine. Problem is, it seems very few people understand how to use them right.

>the excessive number of threads that get made when not one has reached bump limit
Now this I can agree with. Borneo, why to you do this?

>> No.8761982

>>the excessive number of threads that get made when not one has reached bump limit
>Now this I can agree with. Borneo, why to you do this?
I think I can chime in on this point.
Different threads for different purposes. The previous thread was still for voting, but the voting is over. This thread is preparing for this month's challenge.

>> No.8761995

Don't make a new thread until one is finished, this should be treated like a general instead of you autistic faggots making a new thread for every single thing. NO ONE cares except a half dozen tripfags. If you can't even manage to get ONE fucking thread to bump limit stop pretending like this is a "/ck" contest, it's just a circlejerk/chatroom for autists.

>> No.8762121

What's ironic is that the people that scream redditor probably post 4chan memes on facebook.

>> No.8762122

>150 threads
>2 threads make you sad
So, which shit thread did you start?

>> No.8762140

The only reason there are two threads is because of /cock/ and all the threads yesterday 404ing right away. /cock/ always confuses faggots.

>> No.8762141

>2 threads
>not dozens that fall off the board constantly
Not this one or the other 100 that you fags feel the need to repost.

>> No.8762144

The reason there are two threads is because an attention seeking chink couldn't wait to post another one even though the "voting thread" ended after 150 replies.

>> No.8762250

rolling for a god-tier breakfast spice.

>> No.8762412
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numbaz pls.

>> No.8762520

Fair enough.
Good luck with your next entry.

>> No.8762747
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>cooking contest
>judges can't taste the food
You have to be a special kind of retard to participate in this shit.

>> No.8762791

>implying that by seeing how a dish is made you can't deduce its quality
This is why I skip the "judging" portion of any cooking show I watch. It easy to tell by the process, if you've used the ingredients before, whether or not the dish is good

>> No.8762874


>> No.8762890

>Now this I can agree with. Borneo, why to you do this?
There are two different threads for two different purposes. Read the OP posts.

>> No.8762943

Thanx m8 & thank you for taking the time to crunch the rate to #M/CK/G without collecting a dime.

>> No.8762953

You don't need 2 if you can't even finish 1. Your toothbrush and your vibrator serve two different purposes too but you don't use them at the same time in the same hole you dumb cunt.

>> No.8762975

And yet here you are spewing shit out of your mouth when you should just use your ass.

Different purposes need different threads.

>> No.8762979


>> No.8762981

I'm not talking, I'm typing you retarded faggot.
If you can't finish 1 thread, at all, you shouldn't be making more than 1, ever. I don't know how much more simply this can be put.

Put your trip back on, sweetie. I'm sure you love the attention.

>> No.8763002
File: 24 KB, 400x400, DEG5AL2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I love her....

>> No.8763006

>On a side note I actually started using Reddit before 4chan was a thing;
Is this bait? Are all tripfags this fucking stupid?
>Reddit founded 2005
>4chan founded 2003
I just got memed on didn't I

>> No.8763012

babby cant understand metaphors?
Did your carbonara shitpost thread get bumped off the board by this one?

There's no point in "finishing" a thread that accomplished it's purpose. Hence why there's a new one.

Go back to your containment thread and stay there you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.8763191


>> No.8763201

There's no point in making any thread if you're going to have a handful of people involved okay sweetie?

Speaking of that you need to stay in your containment thread (this one) before you get your reddit shitposts all over the place.

Kill yourself, babycakes.

>> No.8763208

>wah wah wah muh reddit!

Triggered autism.

I'm sorry you're such a miserable joyless cunt. Perhaps you shouldn't spent every waking moment of your life on /ck/.

>> No.8763892
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>> No.8763896

Garlic? Garlic.

>> No.8763905

Rolling for anything but Vanilla... I am but a humble poorfag.

>> No.8763937

Rollin' for a trollin'

>> No.8764077

Yes because all ingredients are always exactly the same with no variation in taste or quality, as is all cookware, ovens, climate and method. Apparently you have tested every single cooking method, time and recipe of every single anon using their exact ingredients (despite never having actually done any of that.) You know how I can tell you know nothing about cooking? Because you know nothing about cooking. This isn't a cooking contest, idiot. It's a picture of food contest.

>> No.8764103

No guarantees Ill follow through but roll anyways.

>> No.8764121

reroll. dont feel like spending that much an a spice.

>> No.8764169

If you're going to do that then why are you even rolling just pick the one you want you stupid nigger holy christ.

>> No.8764183


>> No.8764354


>> No.8764364


>> No.8765186

Why exactly isnt there a point in making a thread because the number of people participating is lower than some arbitrary threshold you pulled out of your ass.

Just hide the thread if it triggers your autism this much.

>> No.8765221

Keep rollin' that die

>> No.8765327

Rolling, this could be fun.

>> No.8765440


>> No.8765447


>> No.8765473


>this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.8765496


>> No.8765543
File: 142 KB, 1331x918, HideThread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But /r/cooking sucks. Isn't it a default sub?
What good cooking sub is there?

>4chan should commit invasion of privacy
Why don't we start by banning phoneposters? And making /mlpol/ a permanent thing.

>Closing one thread per month is too much
Got you covered here buddy. Look at this awesome picture I made for you.

OP, next time, tell people to use random.org for their rolls. And not to do it here anonymously, it's fucking useless, anybody can point at any post to pick up their number.

>> No.8765592

>banning phoneposters? And making /mlpol/ a permanent thing.
Not him but I'm fine with both of these.

>> No.8765915
File: 3.07 MB, 4320x3240, Garlic sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spice jar garlic roll.

Garlic Shrimp & Duck Liver Lap Ceung Sausage Cabbage Cups, Garlic Confit Marinated Grilled Scallions, Roasted Garlic Parmesan Crisps.

Walkthrough here: >>8765766

(If webum anon is still around, I’d be grateful if she’d be willing to work her magic like she did last round.)

>> No.8765921
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Sexy shot.

>> No.8765927
File: 3.11 MB, 4320x3240, Close up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Close up. The idea is to eat the parmesan crisp first and then eat the lettuce cup. The crisp has a dab of fig preserves behind the roasted garlic, and the red bit is a bird’s eye chili, so it’s a sweet and spicy bite, while the sausage and scallion is more salty and bitter, and has more of an aggressive garlic bite.

>> No.8765936
File: 3.01 MB, 4320x3240, Money shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Money shot.

>> No.8765953


>> No.8765954

rolling rolling rolling rolling

>> No.8765987

>ban phone posters

You do realize there are people that live in 2017 who are aware they don't need a 'puter, right Cletus? The phone does everything necessary except for faggotry gaming. Please join the present or fuck right off.

>> No.8766010


Perhaps the phone is technically capable of it, but a computer does the job better. Why fuck around with a tiny little screen and minuscule buttons when instead you can have a nice big screen and easier to use input devices?

>> No.8766033

Because I dont have to sit at my desk and can go outside.

>> No.8766156

Precisely. The fucking basement dwelling NEETS think they have to be tied to a 'puter because they could no more conceptualize walking outside, than skipping a meal of frozen tendies their mom warmed up.

>> No.8766714

Rolling drunk, I am.

>> No.8766724

Basil, fuck.
I'm taking my re-roll.

>> No.8766729


I think I have everything in stock save for Five spice

>> No.8766740

Basil it is... bugger.

>> No.8766781

>I'm taking my re-roll.

top fucking kek


>> No.8766808

I know right?
>all the ingredients for Chinese Five Spice
>plenty of vanilla
>garlic as well
>a variety of peppercorns
>rolling in cinnamon
>plenty of chilies
>two giant rosemary plants that cannot be killed
And I get fucking Basil.

>> No.8766841

your food looks like it's sitting in dried piss.

>> No.8766863
File: 22 KB, 599x432, 1483313432337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling desktop users basement dewlling NEETS
>carrying a poop-covered screen around in your pocket so you can browse image boards during every spare second of every day

ok boss.

>> No.8766892


Switch it up mang. Use thai basil.

>> No.8767003


I've never tried thos before, but it's near the beginning of the month, so fuck it, let's give it a shot

>> No.8767011


oh shit, vanilla, this sounds fun.

>> No.8767019

See, non-neckbeards dont shit on their phones like you do. We have proper hygene.

>> No.8767031

On second thought, fuck basic, rerolling.

>> No.8767053

Keen to try this out. Gonna roll and see if I can chuck something together by the end of the month.

>> No.8767060

Hmmm, guess I'll use that reroll.

>> No.8767272
File: 814 KB, 2080x1560, ginger stir fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled ginger. I made a Ginger Pork Stirfry. Ingredients were pork, ginger, garlic, carrots, broccoli, soy sauce, olive oil (was out of vegetable), salt, sesame oil, and hoisin sauce. I honestly put the least amount of effort into presentation or creativity for this one. It tasted pretty damn good though.

>> No.8767325

Looks good, man. Would eat.

>> No.8767395

Saved for posterity/voting threads.
You two were quick.

>> No.8767435


>> No.8767538
File: 2.94 MB, 5312x2988, 20170403_205853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling for 5-spice. No re-roll.

>> No.8767554
File: 1.09 MB, 2656x1494, 20170402_043141a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capsicum it its is's.

>> No.8767575

Sweetie, ummmmm you forgot to put your trip on....

>> No.8767581


>> No.8767587

Now I have to find fresh garlic somewhere. I've actually never seen it, even though the restaurants around here are always frying up garlic chips for their food.

Hmm. I should've gone for that, I could've just made another quesadilla. :-) But I haven't seen chili powder either. Good thing bay leaf wasn't on the list, I've looked for that for two years now without any success.

>> No.8767593

You're the troll that put a fake submission in last month's contest. Stop replying to me.

>> No.8767595

Fuck you, you aren't me.

>> No.8767604

It was a real quesadilla. Just because you don't understand that chickens come from eggs. . . .

>> No.8767605


What shit hole could you possibly hail from?

>> No.8767620

Fuck off I've been using this name since 2012 on /a/.

>> No.8767629

I think you're the shitposting autist that screams reddit in every thread judging by your poor attempts at trolling.......

>> No.8767646

I've been thinking that for a while I just didn't want to be the one to say it.

>> No.8767648

Go back to /a/ then. :-p

I'm in Taiwan; they just don't have the same spices. On the other hand, they have fruits and vegetables here that I've never seen in the U.S. Until I got here, I didn't know that a "jujube" is an actual plant, not just a name of a candy. Or that there's something called "eggfruit", which either needs some serious ripening or else is basically inedible, I'm not sure which. Posted it a couple of times here without getting any information on how (or whether) to eat it. :-(

>> No.8767650


>> No.8767660
File: 1.89 MB, 800x450, 1490304876172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also doing the unofficial ironchef deal, got South Korea, I might be posting a cookalong bread in a couple/few days for that.

>> No.8767669

Love your bumps, but I said at the beginning that I would just be using my identifier and no trip for posts.
And since there is no indentifier pic for this post, it's probably just you impersonating me.
Since this IS you posting this reply, why didn't you point out to my BFF online GF Borneo that 7 falls in the category of 8?
Tsk tsk.

So what? Just make another quesadiller. You should be able to find chili/chile/chilli peppers in any country, at least on Amazon or Alibaba. So what if you lose 5 points for challenge goals by not using your rolled spice? It's not like you're going to miss out winning some faggotty ass mug or apron that says you're a /ck/ challenge winner.
Also, voting for changing the contest name to >>8761995 "circlejerk/chatroom for autists challenge"

>> No.8767671
File: 28 KB, 647x202, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Try harder when you troll and people won't call you on it...

>> No.8767687

I thought you accidentally left a piece of paper you scribbled on in your pic. Have you tried going back to writing class or treating your early-onset Parkinson's with medication?

>> No.8767689

Omg I am so jealous ffffffuuuu-

Can we trade gets? I got chili and I hate spicy food so I can't do anything with it .-.

>> No.8767690

Yeah, I can use MS-Paint to blue out an area too.

>> No.8767694

Definitely needs to learn to "troll softly".
I think a lot of noobs cut their teeth on /ck/.
Kinda like how script kiddies used to think they were hackers in the late 90's early 00's.

>> No.8767697

Not that anon, but if it takes you 5 mins to post the screencap, it's too late.

>> No.8767702

Go post a McChicken thread.

>> No.8767711

>Not that anon
Sorry I don't have my eyes glued to the screen 24/7

>> No.8767712
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 54f94139c7ddc_-_anthony-bourdain-berlin-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imma git me dat apron that says you're a /CK/ challenge winner

Rolled Rosemary, so let's see as a vegfag I've got potatoes, sweet potatoes, asparagus, and potatoes.

>dat apron tho...

I'll figure something out.

>> No.8767714

>writing class
wut? Are you trying to say penmanship?

>> No.8767722

>claim samefag
>get proven wrong
>its shooped!
Remember guys, there's no winning with trolls. The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.8767737

Fuck I know right? I love spicy shit. But that's the whole point I think, the expanding of our horizons and the challenge of it.

I could make allll kinds of vegan goodies with rosemary, just most of them will look like mush. I'll have to do something trippy.

Wish I had fresh Rosemary at home, despite being a landscaper I can't keep anything green.. green.

>> No.8767739


>> No.8767744



>> No.8767746

Who the fuck needs to go to school to learn how to use a pen? You apply pressure to paper, wow that's fucking hard. Retard.

>> No.8767751

nice dubs, so what do I do now, cook anything I want with basil?

>> No.8767763

Hey I ain't tryina kiss ass but your entry last month looked kick ass, despite the whole egg theme.

Just realized I might not get to participate every month if the theme isn't vegan.

>lemme just break my ethics to prove I'm a better chef to a bunch of anonymous strangers on a Lithuanian mini-bike repair forum.

>> No.8767769

Read the thread before you post. You need to use a tripcode before you roll.

>> No.8767783

Being vegan isn't an ethical choice, it's common sense.

>> No.8767820


>> No.8767831
File: 23 KB, 680x447, b2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhhhhh they don't know that, I just want to do chef stuff w/ strangers not start a shit storm

>> No.8767847

I never said you were a samefag, I just came to see the pics, but it's an undeniable truth on 4chan that posting anti-samefag screencaps after a timely reasonable manner renders it moot.

>> No.8767886

If you're autistic and can't go 1 min without looking at a screen I suppose.

>> No.8767915


>> No.8767993


>> No.8768119
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>> No.8768133
File: 2.85 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20170404_143706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help ;-; i forgot to tripcode on my first post and i forgot to timestamp on my final product, i started eating ;-;

my entry is "Poor Student Aglio e Olio" , please help ;-;

>> No.8768193



>> No.8768235

Hell yeah first entry

>boy's got gumption, don't give him points tho...

My WiFi is shit so the images aren't loading full res, but looks good home-skillet

>> No.8768238
File: 3.03 MB, 992x5000, CK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled Spice : Garlic!

thanks papi

>> No.8768271

kek, good shit daggu

Incredibly simple, five ingredient dishes used to be my shit, keeping it simple. Not sure how prominent the garlic will come through though for creativity, but for what it's worth I'd eat the fuck out of that.

Damn dude we gotta wait a month for everyone to enter?

>> No.8768282

My bad, six ingredients. Lemon sounds like a good accent. Used to make this kale, Yukon gold potatoe, dill (dried, I was such white trash), olive oil and lemon stew. The lemons were whole slices, along with the juice of a couple more lemons. I recall it at the time (I only made it once, and haven't made it for years) I recognized it as the "literal best food I've ever eaten".

Shit I had another idea for my rosemary roll but maybe I'll just do that and sub rosemary for dill.

>> No.8768290

How has nobody pointed out yet that some of the things in this roll aren't actually spices?

>> No.8768298

Why not cook it al dente?

>> No.8768300


>> No.8768307

most of the "people" that actually take this thread seriously are fucking retards

>> No.8768314

thanks papi, cook soon! i'm lonely here and im shy
i tried cooking it al dente and finishing up in the pan but it always ends up with a bit more bite that i'd like.

i don't know, i'm autistic sorry

>> No.8768316

It's fun nonetheless, give it a rest or do something culinary.

>> No.8768319
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Why did you put that in quotations?

>> No.8768322

Shit I got you, I gotta do the unofficial iron chef random country thing before five days is up but I think I can make something with a spice quicker than that.

So with the lemon kale stew, I was thinking, what if I did the most pretentious thing possible to make it more presentable, deconstruct it. I mean I can break out the linen and wood table and garnish the fucking ceiling but, if I seared or roasted the potatoes with olive oil, rosemary and lemon, then made a bed of kale chips (something I've never done) then made like a creamy almondmilk rosemary drizzle over the top holy shit brah.

>> No.8768323

Henry Rollins

>> No.8768326

Vanilla, fuck yeah.

>> No.8768812
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good job op cool idea

>> No.8769478
File: 571 KB, 1000x747, spatchespre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soccerpatches preview, vertical will come w/ timestamp and icon.

rosemary teriyaki skewers and carrots in a rosemary honey butter sauce

>> No.8769571

Damn, these entries are looking good! I didn't think that I'd see entries so soon either.

>> No.8770216


>he doesn't have a water sport cuck voyeur food fetish

You should be automatically disqualified from voting.

>> No.8770856


>rosemary teriyaki

I'm not opposed to that. If you see it show up in an OC thread feel free to take credit for the idea.

>> No.8770891

This is hardly fair. I guess I'll join.

>> No.8770899

Kill me.

>> No.8770963


>> No.8771629


>> No.8772590

Go for it

There's no prizes this year though

>> No.8772616
File: 345 KB, 1228x1536, 2b1ba0e9b4274ed6a81bc9b156a06f0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y U no liek basil!??!?!?

>> No.8772759

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'

>> No.8772763

It might not be fall, but I love me some cinnamon!

>> No.8772790


>> No.8772793

I know, but this is surprisingly fun.

>> No.8772821

Rollin. I didnt join last month though. About to go grocery shopping in an hour.

>> No.8773363
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>> No.8773538

Because we have jobs.

>> No.8773554


>> No.8773562

Fuck Basil

>> No.8773982


>> No.8774141

Looks bomboo.

>> No.8774526

I like basil, I just didn't have any of the plants last past winter.
Planted four varieties today though, so I'll be fine.

>> No.8774565
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>> No.8774634


>> No.8774645


basil, nice. screenshotted for future reference. see you soon /ck/

>> No.8775455

Saved for voting.