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8760122 No.8760122 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth the effort to make your own tortillas from a scratch? Would they taste better than store bought ones?

>> No.8760126


>> No.8760152

Massively, but only if you're going to use them fresh.

>> No.8760191

>making torillas

It's literally flour, water, oil and salt.

>> No.8760233
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I made tortillas in fucking Japan from scratch, it was worth the effort and mine came out like shit the first time.

>> No.8760311


Looks exactly like what I got when I tried it, hah.
Didn't feel like doing it again. If I ever find a tortilla press for cheap I might give that a try.

>> No.8760366

Oh my GOD yes, if you want a tortilla that tastes just like mamita used to make by all means make it from scratch, you can get mixes where you just add water, mix, and press it before baking it to make tortillas.

Tastes much better than the fake smelling/tasting stuff from the store.

Just make sure it's a good size, our tortilla press is small af, which means smaller burritos in the end.

>> No.8760372
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>store makes tortillas fresh
>they're cheap af

But yeah, of course they'd be better than the prepacked ones that last for months.

>> No.8760378
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>Flour tortillas

>> No.8760399
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Infinitely better. For the corn tortillas like my pic, make sure to get the Nixtamalized Masa. It has a much richer flavor than regular masa.

My press is smaller, so when I make flour tortillas for burritos I just use a rolling pin.

Both are big improvements in both taste and texture.

>> No.8760409

I can buy 50 corn tortillas for $2 that taste pretty good. I can't imagine how it would be economical to make my own at that rate

>> No.8760416

>tfw you forget to remove your ironic name after shitposting

>> No.8760423

I wish I could find an instructional video that shows how to flatten the tortillas like a true spic mama by slapping it back and forth between the hands, but I've searched and searched without success.

They have videos explaining how to stretch and toss pizza dough and even pull ramen noodles, but why not flattening tortillas by hand?

>> No.8760444

$2 for a 5lb bag of Masa that makes a lot more than 50 without all the chemical preservatives and being stale as fuck. But you probably like the platic wrap bread in stores that is simply flour paste with chemicals and will last forever.

>> No.8760448

I dare you to take a bag of Wonder Bread, put it on your counter, and leave it there forever. See how long it takes for it to turn green and become a big balloon of mold waiting to burst all over your kitchen. 2 weeks, tops.

>> No.8760450


>> No.8760465


I don't get this Stale tortillas meme

I've never bought Stale tortillas in my life

Where do you guys buy them that they are Stale in the bag ffs

>> No.8760631
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, Traspaso-tortilleria-en-Col-Tlalcoligia-Tlalpan-funcionando_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿por qué compraría tortillas cuando hay tortillerias en cada esquina?

>> No.8760638

some people have unreasonably high standards

>> No.8760681

Because those are fucking shit

>> No.8760687

Because they aren't flattened by hand, you will always need some kind of press. Two flat plates and plastic bags is the most you need if you don't have a press.

>> No.8760840

Bullshit. I've seen videos of mamacitas slapping the dough back and forth between their hands while squatting over a comal on a wood burning fire pit. They not only don't use a press, they've never even seen one. I just want a video that explains it.

>> No.8760867

Trust me anon, it is. It only takes 10 minutes to make the dough and you can start baking it right after it. Home made tortillas taste so much better than the ones bought from store.

>> No.8760892

absolutely yes, flavor is better, texture is better, they hold up better under duress and you don't have to store those nasty store bought ones.

>> No.8760988

Depends if the have their own machine making them just a meter from where you buy them, tortillas are normally good.

>> No.8760991

>Is it worth the effort to make your own tortillas


Store bought tastes like paste compared to fresh made.

>> No.8761012

Wheat tortillas take no effort to make and tastes a lot better.

>> No.8761016

Use milk and add some baking powder and you got it right.

>> No.8761063

>unreasonably high standards
>not wanting stale, tasteless chemicals

There are few enough pleasures left to adults in 'murrica. They will not get away with subverting my demand for quality food. Hence, I make it myself.

>> No.8761714
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Yea they're pretty quick and easy to make and tastier that the supermarket ones. It's 10 minutes to make the dough, 20 minutes for it to rest which you can use to prepare filling and 10 minutes to roll and cook depending on how much dough you have. Don't make too much, you can keep them under a cloth to make them last longer but they're much better fresh, it's better to make less and keep the extra dough in the fridge.

Remember to use lard for the dough, not margarine, the flavor is much much better this way.

>> No.8762090

>stale, tasteless

I just assume you are memeing fuck or buy shit things

I have never bought stale tortillas I think you guys are just retarded

>> No.8762711

If you're a Mexicunt peasant who is unemployed and could at best make ten cents an hour even if you found a job, sure it's worth your time.

Otherwise, not really.

>> No.8762738

>never eaten or will eat a fresh tortilla in his life.

Your conception of mexican food is Taco Bell. Stay ignorant, stupid, just like your pappy.

>> No.8763122

>tfw mexican
>tfw family makes fun of you for not liking tortillas
>eat my food with bolillo instead

>> No.8763272

It's little effort but might take a learning with a rolling been and making the dough. My Nana's tortillas shit on store bought IMO.

>> No.8763277


Yes. Store bought are shit.

>> No.8763667


>> No.8763697


how dense are you that you cant figure it out yourself?


this future mother of 10 can do it. can you?

>> No.8763760

No, flatbread, the simplest recipe mankind ever created, the item which was a part of almost every civilisation's diet, is not worth the time because it's too hard.

>> No.8763780

Cute. I guess I'm inferior a 4 yo Mex girl because I still can't do it.

>> No.8764030


>> No.8764064

But what if your time isn't worthless?

>> No.8764321

self rising flower?

>> No.8764531

Then buy store brand like every other normal human being. Remember not to be autistic about it, and close the package after you've used it, that why it's not stale.

>> No.8764561


What the fuck kind of tortillas are you making?

>> No.8764826

try getting 12 stale pieces of cow dung for 2€ in germanistan.