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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8759274 No.8759274 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm boiling dried chickpeas today, I've been thinking about boiling them up with spices, is it a waste of spices or a bad idea for any other reason? I can't find anyone adding spices when boiling up their chickpeas when googling.

>> No.8759281

Are you white? I don't mean that as an insult but randomly adding unspecified "spices" to boiling water is such a white people thing to do.

Please specify which spices and why. Chances are the answer is no, this is a stupid idea. Sometimes people add sodium bicarbonate (is that what you call "spices"? white people logic is beyond me) to chickpeas for flavor and texture. Otherwise, no. Boiling chickpeas with random unspecified "spices" is just going to fill the kitchen with the smell of that spice boiling. If you enjoy that sort of thing, then sure.

>> No.8759333

lmao what an autistic response

some things absorb spices better than others

some spices that exist are: allspice, black pepper, cumin, cloves, cardamom, ginger, paprika, chilis, etc etc

>> No.8759346

>some things absorb spices better than others

Yeah, like oil for instance. Which is why frying the spices is usually how it's done. Feel free to say "autistic" again now, it really gives your point so much more weight.

>> No.8759350

Lmao, that deep hatred of the white race because secretly you know they're superior. What are you, a rice monkey? Poor little androgynous fag.

>> No.8759355


How overweight are you?

>> No.8759360

>Freaking out this badly over someone saying that putting random spices in chickpea-water is a waste of spices

>> No.8759361
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well you did come out of left field with the white people hate >_>

>> No.8759365

How does it feel to know that even asian women don't want you? They only go for white guys. Asians are slowly being cucked out of their pathetic existence. Your women belong to us now.

>> No.8759368

I'm white and that poster is right. You didn't specify the spices or why you're adding them to begin with. He's also correct about them being oil not water soluble so boiling the garbanzos with spices is pointless.

>> No.8759369

Uh... frying spices with a small amount of oil is the standard for shitloads of recipes, dude. It's not going to make you fat.

>> No.8759370

Are you black?

>> No.8759372

I dunno why I even post on this board holy shit

have you ever boiled anything

>> No.8759373

Check the number of unique posters, stupid. I'm not the guy you sperged out at.

>> No.8759378

You have no idea what you're talking about and neither does that beta asian guy.

Why do you idiots think that you're meant to add bay leaves and black peppercorns to stock? There's no fat in it, you're boiling them in water. Or are you too stupid to realise pepper is a spice? Cumin is another spice that adds its flavour to the water well when boiled

>> No.8759393

You drain the chickpea water.

There's a world of difference between making a stock with bayleaves and peppercorns, and putting bayleaves and peppercorns in chickpea-water. The latter is just a waste of bayleaves and peppercorns.

>> No.8759398

No it isn't. Pelmeni are meant to be boiled in water with bay leaves and black peppercorns and it really does add a great flavour to the pelmeni. I see no reason why it wouldn't work with chickpeas, though I've never tried it.

>> No.8759401

>doesn't know how to cook
>instantly assumes everyone is fat
You're fat because you refuse to understand food
It's not hate, white people just don't understand how to cook anything that isn't a huge hunk of meat, coated in salt and placed in a hot cast iron pan

>> No.8759403

Pelmeni are dumplings. They're made of dough. They're soft. They absorb flavors.

Chickpeas are not dumplings. They are not made of dough. They are not initially soft. They do not absorb flavors.

OP asked if boiling chickpeas with spices is a waste of spices and got (somewhat rudely) told that yes, it is a waste of spices.

>> No.8759404

The question was essentially how well does chickpeas absorb spices when boiled but I guess nothing absorbs spices in water ONLY in oil

>> No.8759407

Nice hyperbole faggot you sure got your point across

>> No.8759408
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Actually disregard that, I just realized that I implied that white people don't pop out of their mom's vaginas filled with knowledge of everything that has ever been, so this is basically the same as genocide against the proud white race

Sorry I ever questioned you, op
It's a question of effectiveness. Are you going to be just eating boiled and drained chickpeas with a spoon? Then sure boil whatever the fuck you want with those dry chickpeas. Most people boil them as a first step in a recipe that involves something else later. That "something else" is a more productive way to add flavor.

>> No.8759410

Cumin isn't a spice, anon. It's a herb.
Stop giving advice, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8759413

Chickpeas are soft towards the end of the boiling process, so they'd absorb the spices towards the end.

Not to mention that the chickpeas absorb the water they're boiled in. How would they be absorbing the water without absorbing the spices? You think they somehow filter the spices out of the water? Lol, they don't.

>> No.8759417

>confusion with other spices
You lose, faggot.

>> No.8759418

Dude, take some deep breaths. You're getting angry and personally offended by someone saying that chickpeas wouldn't absorb spices well by boiling them in spiced water, and are intentionally misrepresenting the Asian guys argument.

Tell you what, how about you give your spiced chickpea water a try? You're making it clear you don't want to listen here, so seeing for yourself might be for the best.

>> No.8759419
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>cumin is a spice

>> No.8759426

>You think they somehow filter the spices out of the water?
Actually, water-particles by themselves are a lot smaller (and thus easier absorbed) than chunks of spice. Chickpeas aren't particularly porous (note how they don't expand much on being boiled, unlike other things like rice, which absorbs so much water it doesn't need to be drained) so they're not going to absorb much and most of your spices will be poured down the drain, as has been said repeatedly. If you kept boiling and boiling them till they were really soft then you'd get some decent absorption, but you'd also get badly overcooked chickpeas.

You've said it yourself, you haven't ever tried doing this with chickpeas and tried to compare them to dumplings as a trump-card. It's not working.

>> No.8759429

>Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum,
Shot yourself down there, retard.
Also, using Wikipedia as a credible source.
I wish you dipshits would stay on your own boards, you add nothing of value here.
tl;dr you're a fucking moron.

>> No.8759433

Lmao, don't you idiots know the difference between herbs and spices? Seeds are spices, e.g., cumin and coriander seeds, whereas herbs are the green leafy bits.

Are you guys perhaps not native English speakers and in your language spices are defined differently? I'm struggling to see how someone who doesn't have down's syndrome could think cumin isn't a spice.

>> No.8759438

>I'm struggling
You certainly are.....

>> No.8759445

He's right, you know

>> No.8759449

This is such a fucking awful thread.

>OP: will chickpeas take up flavours from stuff I boil it with
>morons: hatred and shitflinging


>> No.8759454

Says the guy who can't come up with a proper response so he just insults me.

At this point you've actually realised you're wrong, so you're just going to reply to this post with another insult.

>> No.8759457

this is /ck/ in a nutshell

amateur masters

>> No.8759462

>OP: will chickpeas take up flavours from stuff I boil it with
>Thread: No (rudely)
>OP: shits pants
>OP: sets house on fire
>OP: cries

>> No.8759465

show me the post :^)

>> No.8759474

Read the thread.
OP and others feelings were hurt by the 'Are you white' comment (which was rude) and hysterically made fools of themselves in response.

>> No.8759480

>put dry chickpeas in water
>put in aromatics
>the aromatics infuse the water
>the dry chickpeas absorb the infused water
>drain the water
>get cooked chickpeas that taste like whatever you put in the water

This is not a difficult concept.

>> No.8759481

onion, garlic, bay leaf, saffron, tomato, paprika, parsley, spinach

>> No.8759484

global rule 3

>> No.8759502

>Putting saffron in fucking chickpea-water
Most of it is going to go down the drain, what the fuck is wrong with you?

And parsley and spinach would just get overcooked to the point of turning to mush. Onion, garlic and bay-leaf maybe, absolutely none of that other stuff until the chickpeas are actually cooked. There's a reason recipes don't say 'waste considerable amounts of ingredients this way'.

>> No.8759505

Some foods are too robust to absorb course particles in the water, yes. Salt is used because it's water soluble and will penetrate almost anything..

If you boil chickpeas in spiced water, you'll just end up with more concentrated spice water and chickpeas filled with plain water.

>> No.8759536

Source: my ass

Chickpeas and just about all vegetables are porous enough to absorb the aromatic compounds in herbs and spices. With meat it's different, as meat only really absorbs salt, water and some acids.

>> No.8759542

Chickpeas are not vegetables.

>> No.8759616

>meat only really absorbs salt, water and some acids

Wrong. When I cure meat such as bacon or corned beef, the spices indeed penetrate the meat along with the salt. Otherwise, corned beef would simply taste like salted beef and that's not the case at all.

>> No.8759621
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ur a vegetable

>> No.8759623

Didn't realise you were going to drain the chick peas

>> No.8760989

why did you start your post with the word 'so'?