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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 375x375, _95387715_capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8752465 No.8752465 [Reply] [Original]


>Popping soup dumplings is the equivalent of smearing jam all over your plate/table, and eating your toast plain
>You're acting like a bunch of 3 year olds playing with your food
>Watching you waste all that soup is akin to someone geting battered fish and chips and peeling all the batter off, while remarking "love peeling dead skin to reveal the smooth new skin within?"
>Why on Earth would you compare eating Xiao Long Bao to popping zits? Are you deliberately trying to offend half a continent?
>You might as well order a some steamed dumplings skin, a plate of steamed meat, and a bowl of soup. Save the dumpling shifu some effort.
>All my life I tried to live healthy. Never smoked, never drank, always ate natural foods. I grew up abstaining from junk food and greasy fried foods. Always drank purified water, always used suntan lotion when I went out, exercised everyday. Sadly, none of that matters anymore because this video gave me cancer.

>> No.8752485
File: 128 KB, 634x1107, 3D7136A200000578-0-image-a-24_1487587465551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought maybe there was some new kind of pressurized xiao long bao but no. Turns out it's just white people being white

Yet more proof that whites shouldn't be allowed anywhere near food that isn't untoasted wonder bread with the crusts sliced off with a dull plastic knife, then smeared lazily with something containing a lot of high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil

>> No.8752495


What a bunch of babies

>muh 1000000000000 years of culture is so fragile it can be destroyed by some people eating their food wrong

>> No.8752511

That's how it starts, anon.

>> No.8752513

It's about respecting the effort put into making the dumplings. It's actually pretty tricky to make and time it right to get the gelatin in there to become soup after cooking, in order to get the particular taste and texture of biting into a parcel of soup. If you're going to play with your food like that and drain all the soup before eating, you may as well have ordered a basic steamed dumpling with a bowl of soup on the side instead of wasting the chef's time.

>> No.8752523
File: 150 KB, 1317x550, C1wSOAOVQAAMP78.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texans will rage hysterically about putting beans in chili and that doesn't even involve not just throwing away food, but throwing away the food the existence of which is the entire reason for the dish

It's approximately as wrong as ordering a pizza, peeling off the cheese, wiping off the sauce with a paper napkin, putting a few pieces of pepperoni back on, and then just eating the crust

>> No.8752528


They paid for the food, no? They can do whatever they want. How can they be such children about how some people want to enjoy things they paid for?

If they want to protect their fragile culture that can be destroyed by white people eating their food wrong, they should go back to their own countries and do business there.

>> No.8752541

Is that a bay leaf? Did she order a bay leaf chicken burrito?

>> No.8752554

>I'm not the fragile one! The other people are the fragile ones! Foreigners white guilt cuck cuck cuck REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>> No.8752559

Would a westerner get offended at someone eating french fries with chop sticks? Then why the fuck would Asians get pissed off about how you eat your dumplings?

>> No.8752561


Texans are pretty retarded for that too. People who seriously care about and get offended over things like this have nothing else to be proud of so they lash out over the little things they do have which is not necessarily something they individually even had a part of creating.

That might've been a 2/10 argument if I were actually your target race.

>> No.8752572

They're also teaching others to eat it wrong, or in such a way that the entire point of the method of preparation is lost.

I'm sure someone would get offended if I asked for my steak to be well done because I want to kill all the germs and get rid of the blood.

>> No.8752574

Not even close. This is food waste. If someone went to McDonalds to make an instructional video on how to eat McDonalds food in the proper way, and they proceeded to fling fries all over the floor and stomp on them, not as a joke, but as a serious, straight faced attempt at educating an audience, then yes, they'd rightly be derided as fools. And there'd probably be Chinese nationalists raving about how westerners are being triggered snowflakes.

>> No.8752580

>Would a westerner get offended at someone eating french fries with chop sticks?
as a matter of fact, yes. Internet is raelly defensice when it comes to eating "american" shit.
Just try to start a chili thread. Literal death threats will be sent.

>> No.8752585


>food waste

Is everyone under the impression that these guys just throw out the soup and not drink it afterward at some point?

>> No.8752586

It's a stereotype and an anon's made-up story example. As a texan, we might not consider chili-w/-beans as "real chili", we might prefer texas chili, but we don't go around throwing it away and riding violators outta town on a rail.

>> No.8752596

Why do you keep changing the subject? You are defending an "educational video" that teaches wrong information. You might as well be arguing that vaccines cause autism at this point.

>> No.8752599

That's what I thought

>> No.8752605

Hold up. Why not just move the dumpling to a spoon? Thus if it breaks you can still drink the soup. Why the fussing and fighting instead of trying to solve the problem?

>> No.8752606
File: 17 KB, 265x300, irritant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks bay leaves are lettuce

>> No.8752616

>get served a perfect beef wellington perfected by years of experience
>remove beef from pastry
>throw the beef in the deep fat fryer for a few minutes because it looks a bit red still
>eat pastry with ketchup while waiting
>I bought it I can do what I want with it
Eating french fries with chopsticks doesn't change the texture or taste, and french fries take no effort to prepare.

>> No.8752622

>I bought it I can do what I want with it
Is there a problem here? Do you hate freedom?

>> No.8752625

2/10 I responded, but apply yourself next time.

>> No.8752627

Do you hate my freedom to call you a moron for doing it? Do you hate my freedom to call you an even bigger moron for making an educational video teaching people that this way of eating it is the best?

>> No.8752632

>Texans have nothing else to be proud about

You've never met a Texan.

>> No.8752633

>>I bought it I can do what I want with it
As long as you don't mind people laughing at you, it's fine I guess. You enjoy being the butt of jokes, do you? Do you tell yourself "I sure trolled them!"?

>> No.8752634
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1444928890203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The video published by Time Out London on Facebook

What a surprise, britbongs don't know anything about food

>> No.8752643


Not at all. I also reserve my freedom to call you out on your shitty culture that can so easily be destroyed by some one video's misinformation.

>> No.8752652

Because asians are narcissistic retards

>> No.8752664

Literally only one of the comments ever claimed that "this is destroying culture". The majority of the comments are complaining that they are wasting the soup and wasting the effort put into making the dumplings. Also incredulous that anyone would compare eating the dumpling to popping pimples.

>> No.8752666

Let him have his straw, he's grasping it tightly and it would be cruel to take that away from him

>> No.8752669

I'm amused by asian americans getting butthurt over cultural appropriation, Indos sperging out when Ronaldo or whoever it was triggered a spergfest over fried rice, etc.

This shit is a critical fail though, it's wasting food and being disrespectful to the craft.

>> No.8752675

It's a singaporian chick, let's not act like they represent asia. Especially with the heavy British influence and the totalitarianism in the country today, it's no surprise.

>> No.8752684

There's a whole imgur album of Twitter screenshots from people bitching at Chipotle for putting leaves in their bowls.

>> No.8752703

stupid americans dont know what bayleaves are kek

>> No.8752709

Let me translate this into American
Imagine you made a burger for a bud at a BBQ
Then for a laff they say "watch this" and they squeeze your buger so hard all the insides slip out onto their paper plate
After eating the bun and throwing the rest away, they ask, "how bout another burger bro?"

>> No.8752718

Soup dumplings do take more effort to prepare properly than burgers.

>> No.8752729

Do they all look like bay leaves? I'm assuming the issue is the idea that they came off a tree outside.

>> No.8752744

who gives a shit. im more annoyed that this might be a new white people fad. xiao long bao new meme food 2017

>> No.8752750

>we don't go around throwing it away and riding violators outta town on a rail.
Time to start, chili with beans is awful.

>> No.8752862

Yes, they're all bay leaves.

>> No.8752876


>> No.8752892

not reading that, but complaining about the way someone eats something is autistic

>> No.8752933

Literally in the article.

>"There are many ways of eating Xiao Long Bao, so there is really no fixed way to enjoy it. But you shouldn't play with it like that. It is simply not showing respect to the expertise of the chefs who created it."

>> No.8752939

This. Its not about some vague sense of culture. Its about people being fucking retarded/objectively wrong and then claiming its normal. Its someone who orders a pizza and then scrapes all the toppings off. Or someone who orders sauced wings but then for some reason decides to run them under a faucet. Theres a difference between having certain tastes and eating techniques, and being flat wrong.

>> No.8752940

It sounds like the problem might be people struggling with chopsticks than it is intentionally popping the dumplings.

>> No.8752942

>being this triggered

>> No.8752945
File: 887 KB, 1796x1530, 1490215417320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sounds like the problem might be people struggling with chopsticks than it is intentionally popping the pimples.

>> No.8752966

> Indos sperging out when Ronaldo or whoever it was triggered a spergfest over fried rice
I think that was more about their animosity for the Malaysians and Singaporeans,

>> No.8752989

>Indos sperging out when Ronaldo or whoever it was triggered a spergfest over fried rice

Can someone explain this to me a little further please?

>> No.8753000

Fucking Bongs, how do they get things so wrong?
Here on the west coast (best coast), you'd better not eat soup dumplings like that, or you'll embarrass your whole table and everyone will think you're mentally deficient.
>How to Ruin Soup Dumplings 101 - Love, Britain

>> No.8753016

>peeling off the cheese, wiping off the sauce with a paper napkin, putting a few pieces of pepperoni back on, and then just eating the crustpeeling off the cheese, wiping off the sauce with a paper napkin, putting a few pieces of pepperoni back on, and then just eating the crust

that's precisely how I eat mine, save for wiping off the sauce

>> No.8753018

>I don't just order it without cheese

Nice try.

>> No.8753022

well, no. I only do it when the pizza's fresh out of the oven.

I peel the cheese off and eat the crust while the cheese cools.

After the pizza's cooled down enough I eat it like a normal person.

>> No.8753024

>deflating your dumplings before eating them is dumb
>deflating your dumplings before eating them is GRAVE INSULT-U TO MY ASIAN HERITAGE
You are capable of picking the first one you narcissistic crybabies.

>> No.8753041

hahaha the mega autist in this thread screeching about the wrong way to eat food

bravo /ck/ bravo youbve made my night

>> No.8753149

wogball player goes to singapore, eats some nasi goreng and tweets something like "nasi goreng, keeping it local in #singapore"
this starts a fire amongst internet dwelling indonesians

>> No.8753151


The local Dinesty chain actually teaches you how to eat it. You puncture the dumpling once you got it in the spoon and either eat the soup and dumpling toger or just slurp the soup

>> No.8753173

Wait, are they complaining about that video in OPs link? Because he just poked it to show that there is soup in there. Then, he ate the next one like normal. Why the fuck are people up in arms about that?

>> No.8753186

>'Asian food lovers'
>'angered foodies'

Nothing to see here, it's just the West slowly collapsing upon itself.

>> No.8753208

No, that's the BBC's own video.

They're complaining about Timeout's video on Facebook.

https:// (Facebook dotto commu) /TimeOutLondon/videos/10154427935432405/

>> No.8753228

you eat bay leaves?

>> No.8753231

Nope, but I wouldn't treat it like I found hair in my food

>> No.8753233

if you dont have a spoon you can also just bite a hole and suck the soup out

>> No.8753249

I don't understand it. Asians don't give a fuck about how white people eat their food. It's only white people getting offended for the sake of brown people.

It must be the dopamine rush. Everyone wants to be a WW2 hero fighting le evils of racism.

>> No.8753267

The only actual confirmed Asians in the article (Singaporeans) disapprove but they aren't screaming about muh culture but rather about respect for the chef and not playing with your food like a child.

>> No.8753274

self-loathing white people are the worst

>> No.8753288

Pretty cringey really. It's obvious that most people wouldn't play with the food like that, so it seems like they did it intentionally for the views. I always hated that "buzzfeed" style of video too.

>> No.8753336

I don't understand. Did they throw away the soup? You can still soak up the soup with the dumpling, even if it breaks, can't you? Wasting food is bad, sure, but it's not like there's gonna be a huge difference in texture or flavor if the juices are on one side of the dough or the other, right?

>> No.8753351

I can only think the soup gets cold pretty fast outside of the dumpling.

>> No.8753368


That's okay? A few degrees of temperature difference isn't going to radically change its taste or texture. Not like it turns into gazpacho if you puncture the dumpling.

>> No.8753567

chink genocide when

>> No.8753590

Pfft we don't need your help to do that.

>> No.8753595
File: 182 KB, 881x736, 451654641655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can't wait to eat the crust? Crust that is too hot is your thing, for a slice or two, and when it cools, you eat it normally.

Was there a lot of lead in your drinking water where you grew up?

>> No.8753597

That's because Chipotle is being lazy as shit for not taking them out.

>> No.8753606

Seeing as how you fuckers popped a billion out of nowhere and are still going strong I think you do

>> No.8753615

In decline by 2050. Turns out when you raise the quality of life people have less children.

>> No.8753640

not to mention the best weapon of all, western degeneracy

>> No.8753650

lol this

>> No.8753653

Jesus, they almost completely block out the video with their giant banner if you don't have a stupid Facebook account.

>> No.8753659

I once had a dipshit boss of a chef who left them in his soups because "finding one is good luck."

I always took them out when serving it because I didn't want to be embarrassed to work there.

>> No.8753670


>they aren't screaming about muh culture

cause normal rational adults don't do that when something pisses them off
its become a common reaction to scream at something you don't like in America, fucking pathetic
it used to be that disdainful glances were enough to curb retards' behavior in public, but that doesn't work anymore either
so unless someone is screaming in someone else's face, millennials will keep doing retarded shit

>> No.8753676

my buddy freaks out cause he thinks that if you eat one its very poisonous and can seriously harm you

>> No.8753733

Purposely leaving (no pun intended) them in is fucked, happening occasionally because you're scooping the meat out with a scooper happens.

>> No.8753741


>> No.8753772

>My traditional food is not here just for your next cool trend
Haha that chinaman thinks I care about his opinion. That's rich.

>> No.8753842

Ten to one it's not even a proper Chinese, just a banana "Chinese-American".

>> No.8753851

Ten to one white guys who say racism is dead

>> No.8753855

>its only food for you, but for me (and many others) it is more than that. its culture and history, and for someone like me who is a first gen born to immigrants and constantly divided between two cultural identities, food is an extremely important way (and sometimes the only way) to stay connected to my heritage
Yup, it's just another dumbass British born Chinese who doesn't know shit about what actually being Chinese is like and is latching on to some vague notion that her ancestors' food is some kind of ancient treasure so she can LARP as a persecuted minority.

I'm more concerned about Western-born Chinese not knowing how to speak, read or write any Chinese dialect, not understanding their own history, traditional arts, culture and music or even caring about learning or promoting them, yet somehow acting offended on real Chinese people's behalf all the time, than how white people are somehow disrespecting the entire culture of China (instead of just the particular chef) by playing with their food

>> No.8753859

>I'm more concerned about Western-born Chinese not knowing how to speak, read or write any Chinese dialect

why do they have to know how to speak Chinese if they live in an English speaking country? Stop encouraging people to not integrate.

>> No.8753867

The key phrase was
>yet somehow acting offended on real Chinese people's behalf
If you're going to try and militantly defend the integrity of a culture, it would help if you were actually a part of that culture. And knowing the language is one of the basic requirements of being a part of any culture. If you want to integrate into the Englishman's culture, then fine, but then stop pretending like you are still Chinese and can speak on the Chinese's behalf somehow.

>> No.8753893

Please excuse my poor reading comprehension. I gotcha.

>> No.8753917

Banana? Is that halfu for chinese?

>> No.8753944

Banana = "yellow outside, white inside". Refers to overseas-born Chinese who are completely Westernized and out of touch with their parents' culture.

>> No.8753961

>implying anyone is obliged to eat food they paid for in a certain way

Telling people how they can and cannot eat shows how little your opinions are worth

>> No.8753993

Shit... so all this razing of villages has been for nought?

>> No.8754023
File: 23 KB, 456x443, talktothemanager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only white people getting offended for the sake of brown people.

More like a bunch of white people getting offended at the idea that brown people might potentially dare tell them how to eat a food

>I paid for it how dare you give me these chopsticks can I speak to the manager

Probably in that cringey "white person who can't deal with an accent" baby talk they use, talking loud as fuck and intentionally using bad grammar because they think talking to a foreigner is like talking to a dog

>> No.8754031

>The religion and the politics of the Zhang brothers were based on belief in an apocalyptic change in the order of the world, and they told their followers that in the jiazi year, beginning of the new sexagenary cycle, the sky would become yellow, and that under this new heaven the rule of the Han Dynasty would end and a new era of government begin.

>Rebel deaths numbered in the hundreds of thousands, while many noncombatants had been left homeless or destitute by the wars, and the economy and society over great parts of this most populous region of the empire were left in ruins and without resources
>Death toll said to be from 3–7 million.


>The revolt arose over a pricing dispute involving bamboo poles, when a Han merchant selling to a Hui did not receive the amount demanded for the goods.
>Colonel Bell estimated that the population of the Gansu Province was 15 millions before the revolt, and was reduced to 1 million after, during which 9/10 of Han people and 2/3 of Hui people died.


>The Taiping Rebellion began in the southern province of Guangxi when local officials launched a campaign of persecution against a millenarian sect known as the God Worshipping Society led by Hong Xiuquan, who believed himself to be the younger brother of Jesus Christ.
>The war was the largest in China since the Qing conquest in 1644, and ranks as one of the bloodiest wars in human history, the bloodiest civil war and the largest conflict of the 19th century, with estimates of war dead ranging from 20-70 million to as much as 100 million

>The systematic extermination of sparrows led to an upset of the ecological balance
>Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine, in which 20–45 million people died of starvation.

>> No.8754045

>wasting the chef's time

>> No.8754258

You are wasting his time if you are ordering it so you can make a video of you popping it like a zit and encouraging everybody to do the same.

>> No.8754289

>RREEEEEEEEEEEEEE, how dare someone enjoy food a different way than I do???? t. slant
Could chinks be anymore autistic?

>> No.8754514

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.8754533

Most people that call everything and everyone on this board are.
You can find a minimum of 15 references to autism in every 200 post thread.
It's a dead meme with no credibility. Kids just call everything autistic as soon as they learn the word these days.

>> No.8754585

It's not disrespectful of chefs for the same reason that sawing a car engine in half isn't disrespectful of Toyota and dissecting a chicken carcass isn't disrespectful of butchers. Nobody involved in the production of the video thought that popping the dumplings was the correct way to eat them.

>> No.8754596

>t. slant
It's weird how the more "progressive" people claim to be, the more prone to direct racism they are when facing foreign culture. The power of imaginary moral highround.

>> No.8754620

no one is claiming to be progressive, you fucking child. Racism is human nature, only you're just too chicken shit to admit it to be apart of the ""cultured"" hivemind. Those imaginary moral high ground brought you up, by the people that died for it, only for you to piss on it later, you pampered sheep

>> No.8754628

All this article did was make me want to eat soup dumplings.

>people get mad at thing posted on internet

I really can't judge because I post on a Inuit scrimshaw forum but yes, this is silly. If someone is eating something the wrong way a public, chiding post isn't going to do much except make you look a total prat.

>> No.8754653

>tfw you're so white that you don't have the imagination to tooth out a hole in the dumpling and then simultaneously slurp the soup out of the dumpling and the dumpling into your fuckhole at the same time, aerating the food and flavouring every bit of the dumpling with the broth.

ypipo will never enjoy the culinary pussy that is the soup dumpling

>> No.8754658

You aren't good at trying to imitate that "pol posting" you believe in, that never existed.

>> No.8754668

I agree that the "waaah stop being a culture-disrespecting imperialist you are giving me anxiety" comments are dumb, but a respectable publication encouraging people to dump the soup out of perfectly good soup dumplings (because popping things is awesome or something) at least deserves a correction or two. The Singaporean comments seemed reasonable unlike "Christina Chan" who is apparently a Western-born Chinese i.e. not Chinese at all

>> No.8754675

>who is apparently a Western-born Chinese i.e. not Chinese at all

Please stop with that. I've worked with numerous Chinese that actually believe that until they want something from said person then it's all 'hing dai' this and that. Don't be a cunt.

>> No.8754721

Sorry, I am just exasperated by the "Asians" who decided to jump on the "muh cultural appropriation" bandwagon while barely knowing anything about the culture they are rabidly defending, because they want to feel like they are part of a persecuted minority.

>> No.8754741

OK, let me rephrase that. You can be Chinese if you at least speak Chinese, know a little bit about Chinese history, mark the festivals, respect your elders and are filial. You don't have to listen to the music and wear the fashion and become mahjong master or anything but the social values like filial piety and respect for education and merit are important.

>> No.8754792
File: 14 KB, 470x313, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to put the gari on top of the sushi

>> No.8754928

I paid for it you gook

>> No.8754958


>> No.8754965

What I have to say every time I go to panda express when Chinese people stare me down for buying literally anything.

>> No.8754994

it's mcdonalds tier food

do you know white people who stare you down for eating mcdicks? same thing

>> No.8755363 [DELETED] 

Doesn't stop Shitcago from complaining about ketchup on hotdogs.

>> No.8755385

>Nobody involved in the production of the video thought that popping the dumplings was the correct way to eat them.
Then I wonder why they created a video encouraging people to pop them like bubblewrap, with multiple shots of the dumplings being popped, even a shot of someone holding it up and pouring out all the soup.

>> No.8755405
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1490936800826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't pretend like Asians don't repay the favour.

>> No.8755444

They're BEANS

>> No.8755447

They don't get pissed off it's just kind of funny when they fuck it up
It's like going to an actual taco place and being surprised they pack the taco with two tortillas
You're supposed to pick both the tortillas up

>> No.8755455



>> No.8755466

>abbreviation of chile con carne
>no beans mentioned


>> No.8755658

I paid for it, it's my property now. I'll eat it however the fuck I want
I'll be popping dumplings just to spite them

>> No.8755672

I like how eager some people are to project bloggers and social media persons' opinions onto all asian cooks so they can express their deep seeded racism.
Face it, they only care that you bought it, and those billions aren't all on ENGLISH social media platforms.

>> No.8755673

boy do I sure love it when someone condescendingly criticizes the way I eat food!

don't ever fucking tell me I'm "eating wrong", like those cunts that insist you only eat sushi fish side down so that touches your tongue before the rice does. That's a great way to get me to start flipping tables

>> No.8755679

>trips says beans
>dubs says no beans
I wonder which one I should follow...

>> No.8755747
File: 329 KB, 512x668, 1479004822703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Irreversibly destroy an old and noble culture within a single decade

Leave that job to a particular individual

>> No.8755765

People get assblasted by stupid things

News at eleven

>> No.8755786


Why is news always at 11? Isn't evening news at 9?

>> No.8756108

We know when food is raw you donkey

>> No.8756141


I just lost The Game.

>> No.8756152


No fuck you bilingualism is a real fucking thing. LEARN BOTH.

Goddamn trash-ass amerilard

>> No.8756362

>It's about respecting the effort put into making the dumplings.
Did I get them for free/gift? If not, fuck off.

>> No.8756369

White people think having a brain is a form of cultural marxism

>> No.8756976

It's just ABCs and BBCs who saw the poor minorities being treated poorly by whitey and decided they wanted in on the "cultural appropriation" meme.

>> No.8757032

That actually depends on the channel.

>> No.8757033

>he thinks we don't know he's a white american

>> No.8757042

Buthurt autist

>> No.8757050

The Asians online are completely different than the ones I hang out and associate with in real life. I hope to never meet the online ones.

>> No.8757057

>Learn both of all the languagismsis

>> No.8757873

Thank you.
If you asked 90% of the fags out there that are on the anti-bean meme 5+ years ago, they would have said they liked beans.

That's not to say there aren't areas that don't like it, or people that don't like beans, but this cultural upheaval is just because some semi-influential people said they didn't like it.

>> No.8758361

Texas here. Sometimes I put beans in chili, sometimes I don't. People who say a dish has to be done a certain way are dumb as fuck. kinda like you desu

>> No.8758501

the correct term is Twinkie.

>> No.8758517

If I'm making a meaty as fuck chili with all types of pig in it then I leave the beans out because that's already enough protein going into it. There would basically be no room for the beans anyways.

>> No.8758949

Where, in America?

>> No.8759166

>its OK to boil dogs alive then beat them to death with a stick but its not OK to eat dumplngs a slightly different way

chink logic

>> No.8759218

That just seems like a pain in the ass to keep it all together right.

>> No.8759225

So what ARE you meant to do with bay leaves when eating? Throw them out?

>> No.8759226

You should just stop eating pretentious hipster food

>> No.8759252

Realistically you're not supposed to leave the leaf in when serving if possible. But if you get one in your meal just toss it

>> No.8759260

This is /ck/. There is literally nothing we can discuss that won't necessitate death threats.

>> No.8759266
File: 32 KB, 400x278, cow_downed31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is ok to torture cows with a cattle prod until they're technically "standing up" due to violence-induced muscle spasms so that they're legal to turn into muh hamboigahs
>but eating the wrong species of meat is bad because muh feelings
The reason white people are so obsessed with islamic radicals is that they have so much in common

>> No.8759292

>Bay leaves
>Shart in mart detected

>> No.8759626

Cows are significantly larger than dogs, which means America produces less animal cruelty than China does for the same volume of meat.

>> No.8760011

Whereas China does not eat nearly as much meat as America because they're not a bunch of fat fucks.

>> No.8760047

>"There are many ways of eating Xiao Long Bao, so there is really no fixed way to enjoy it..."
>... But you shouldn't play with it like that. It is simply not showing respect to the expertise of the chefs who created it."
Bitch, the respect was paid for by the fact that I'm paying good money for those dumplings.
I doubt that the chef cares too much about how the ~100th dumpling set they made that day was being eaten, so why should (You)?

>> No.8760058

So what if it is?

I get that it's a waste and not how you're supposed to eat the food but stupid comments like:
>"My traditional food is not here just for your next cool trend."
Are just retarded. The traditional ways are still being preserved, in fact, I'd wager that 99% of how this food is still prepared, served and consumed in the traditional ways. But if someone wants to mix things up a bit and do stuff differently, why not? It might be stupid, wasteful and objectively worse, but why not?

>> No.8760168

Not our fault Chinese are a bunch of commie peasants.

>> No.8760261

This is why I like 4chan.
Despite being called racist by tumblr, anons on here would call that girl dumb for being American, not for being white. Meanwhile tumblr goes apeshit and say she lacks "culture" because she's white, always focusing on skin

>> No.8760286


Sometimes it's not so easy. I use bay leaves from time to time, and more often then not they're going into a soup, stew, broth, or other fluid mixture left to simmer for a while. Sometimes you don't always have a perfectly intact leaf to contribute so portions or pieces have to do. It's tough to get them out sometimes.

I interpreted the whole bay leaf/Chipotle thing as an example of how today's consumers expect their food to be this perfect, sterile product, when real, authentic cooking often isn't. The people complaining about 'leaves from a tree" being in their burrito bowls serves as evidence to the fact that eating out at Chipotle is likely a regular thing, and eating at home isn't.

I'm not the best cook, and when I shred meat off a whole chicken, a piece of cartilage may find itself among the meat, or a bay leaf may end up in a soup or stew. I don't mind it because it's my cooking, but people should be more understanding when stuff like this happens in the world of dining.

>> No.8760427

almost as if... these people were journalists and wanted to showcase the broth inside to their video's viewers... woah..

>> No.8760460
File: 296 KB, 540x438, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done OP

>> No.8760461

I don't think racism is dead because I read stupid posts like yours crying about white people all the time.

>> No.8760904

Youre cringing up this thread, nigglet.
White people are the sole reason our species make progress.