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8748577 No.8748577 [Reply] [Original]

Fish disgusts me, how do I change my perception of it? Thinking of starting out raw fish because sushi is palatable whereas cooked fish just makes me nauseaus.

Also are mushrooms important? Because I can't eat them either, the idea of eating a fungus just creeps me out.

>> No.8748579

I feel like I should replicate Jap diets since they live so long and fish is the first step.

>> No.8748583

don't eat fish

it's the least sustainable protein (with a few exceptions)

>> No.8748618

what does that even mean?

anyway, japs live the longest and it's generally accepted their diet is the reason for this. I eat 2kg of chicken a week anyway, I can live with getting some of the protein from other sources.

>> No.8748640

Koreans live the longest because they eat kimchi apparently. Try using canned fish and make salmon cakes, or tuna cakes. Then try moving on to grilled white fish from a resaurant

>> No.8748933

Try mushrooms with braised beef and gravy. I had that last week and the mushrooms were amazing. I hate mushrooms normally. Too slippery. These mushrooms were tiny and still had the caps.

>> No.8748935

and what does kimchi do that makes them live longer?

>> No.8748944

>are mushrooms important
You don't need mushrooms to be healthy, if that's what you're asking.

Pretty much the only fungus that I'm okay with is yeast.

>> No.8748957

i hated fish too.
actually i still do hate most fish.
i do make an exception for salmon and tuna though.
those are the only types of fish that i like. other kinds just taste disgusting to me. and i literally have tried everything manta ray to dolphin and shark.

>> No.8749147

Mushrooms are important because they contain amino acids that aren't found in any other foods we eat. They're extremely healthy for you, but ONLY in cooked form, because cooking breaks down the cellular walls and allows your body to absorb their special nutrients. (Kind of like how tomatoes are healthier for you when cooked).
There are numerous ways to incorporate mushrooms into your foods. When we were getting our toddler son to eat mushrooms, we would pulse them in the food processor until they were about the same texture as ground meat, and then add them to ground beef or ground turkey for burgers or cottage pie, etc. Our son is a teenager now, and he loves mushrooms (and fish too, as a matter of fact, fish is his favorite food). Another good way to start enjoying mushrooms is in soups or sauces. They really add a savory, meaty flavor to brothy soups or sauces for meats. And make sure you try different varieties, not just standard button mushrooms.
And, as far as fish goes, if you want to start with sushi, Don't eat rolls. Start by ordering sashimi or nigiri, because then you'll actually be able to taste the fish and not just whatever else they stuffed in the roll and smothered in sauce. Toro, which is tuna belly, is one of the best, but it's pricey. It's so tender it melts in your mouth. Yellowtail is another good one. I don't care for salmon sashimi, but a lot of people like it. I prefer my salmon grilled or pan cooked or poached. I'd say try mackerel sashimi, but I think it's probably too strong for someone who's just trying to get into eating fish.
Also, like someone else said, buy some canned salmon (you could also use fresh, if you really wanted to) and make salmon cakes. That's a cheap and delicious way to eat fish, and great for beginners. Again, that's how we got our son to start eating fish as well. And now he eats all kinds of fish, all the time.

>> No.8749243

Raw fish?

Not even once.

>> No.8749251
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never had sushi? GOD you're pathetic *rolls eyes at you*

>> No.8749256

slow exposure. start mixed with things, different dishes, different types of fish. It's a bit of an undertaking.

I mean, just look at me, I was one of those cilantro is soap faggots but started with pico and pho, and am no starting to appreciate it.

>> No.8749305

You can eat cod

I hate fish but can eat cod