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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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>> No.8731618
File: 11 KB, 275x206, 275px-A_small_cup_of_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Coffee causes cancer



>Coffee dehydrates you


>Coffee sobers you up


>> No.8731629

this is a pretty decent list of articles
check this out:
examine.com/ coffee

also, since this is a cooking board, try to steer the topic of this thread to coffee's gustatory side, or leave

>> No.8731641

im leaving it at this. if nobody likes it, then it will be deleted and forgotten about.

>> No.8732501

Does /ck/ recommend any good canned coffee? I make my own typically, sometimes I like something cold and convenient though.

Looking at kohana coffee by it's 45$ for a pack

>> No.8732507

Damn I barely read the op before posting. My question seems stupid now

>> No.8732732
File: 27 KB, 598x598, bodum-chambord-32-ounce-french-press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french press is the best way to make coffee considering quality/price

>> No.8733203
File: 46 KB, 462x500, 1490203061455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm I need help.

I was diagnosed with having an overactive thyroid (by blood test)
but I also drink a LOT of coffee (black) and I eat only 1 meal a day

is it possible the extra ammount of thyroid-made stuff in my blood is because the absorbtion is very low for me because of my constant coffee consumption?


>> No.8734483
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 42Ca9oqD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drinking mouldy coffee.

>> No.8734918


>> No.8735344

Stop drinking mouldy PERIODS

>> No.8735856
File: 177 KB, 1280x960, TOXIC mold Mycotoxins GROWING ON coffee beans .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink any coffee any more since I learned on /ck/ that coffee beans quite often get very toxic molds growing on them.

>> No.8735859

>I eat only 1 meal a day
this is a cooking board not a starving board

>> No.8735873

Mold is good for you, retard. Enjoy your shit tier immune system when the next epidemic hits.

>> No.8735876

Mycotoxins molds in coffee beans are very toxic and will mess up your brain and nervous system.

P.S. stop posting stupidity

>> No.8735880

You don't even know what mycotoxins are. Enjoy your shit tier immune system when the next antibiotic resistant strain of TB or w/e fucks your shit sideways.

Me, I'll continue to drink my """"""moldy coffee""""" and laugh as you die when the next major pandemic rapes you to death for being a pussy frilly bitch who whines about MUH GERRMS MUH MOOOLD MUH TOXINS whenever he leaves the front door. Nu-male.

>> No.8735881

How the fuck do you expect to get a stronger brain if you're not stressing it?

>> No.8735898


Coffee pushers lying just to keep stupid naive suckers to continue buying their product regardless if their health will suffer.

>> No.8735916

Retard with shit tier immune system who will die out before breeding like the waste of deleterious genes he is.

I hope you get quarantined when the TB rots out your intestines, too.

>> No.8735924


>> No.8735926


didn't watch lol

>> No.8735950
File: 427 KB, 640x438, less-caffeine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey you triggered cunt, looks like toxic coffee molds already made holes in your stupid brain judging by the way your are posting and getting frustrated that the dirty secret about coffee is out.

Why Bad Coffee Makes You Weak

Some types of coffee have more mycotoxins than others, which is why you see some studies showing a benefit to drinking coffee, and others showing negative health outcomes.
The problem isn’t coffee per se, it’s the mold on your coffee. It even can vary by individual batch, especially for large coffee producers. (like ones with big ugly green logos on every street corner)
Mycotoxins are in almost all low quality brands of coffee. One study showed that 91.7% of green coffee beans were contaminated with mold. This is before they were processed, which allows even more mold to grow.
Another study showed 52% of green coffee beans and almost 50 percent of brewed coffees are moldy. Coffee is easily one of the largest sources of mycotoxins in the food supply.
As the researchers concluded

Ochratoxin A is bad news. It hits your kidneys, causes cancer, and messes up your immune system.
Trust me, I know. I’m an ochratoxin canary, having lived in a house with ochratoxin-generating toxic mold that caused some serious damage to my immune function and autonomic nervous system.

Coffee is only bad for you if it serves as a delivery platform for mold.
Cheaper coffee varieties cost less because they use poor quality beans and they allow a higher percentage of damaged (moldy) beans,
then companies process them with techniques that add flavor but amplify the amount of toxins.

“Blends” of coffee are bad news because they mix cheap beans from multiple areas, almost guaranteeing that you’ll get some moldy ones.
This is why its important to buy your coffee from a single estate, as outlined in the process for finding the highest performance coffee in your city.

>> No.8735957


sounds like the typical rant of a weak immune system understimulated afraid to eat dirt nu-male who believes in voodoo and retard blogs LOL.

PROTIP: Infectious diseases can cross the BBB if you're shit-tier immune system can't stop it. And considering you're a faggot, you probably have AIDS too! Better just pray for a quick and painless death to something mundane like jumping off a bridge before you get fucked by literally anything on this Earth, spineless bitch. .

>> No.8735994
File: 36 KB, 522x562, ochartoxin a btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green coffee beans

irrelevant. Coffee beans are zapped at 475f. Do you distrust roasted vegetables, too? All of the vegetables and fruits in your fridge harbor fungi - GASP - and your dreaded mycotoxins too. And cyanotoxins from the soil they were grown in. And, in the case of the edible sporocarps we tend to consume, the literal shit they were grown in! They're all around us, monkey. Do you never go outside? Do you never eat anything? Do you never drink water? Then you've ingested mycotoxins. Be prepared to cut a lot more shit from your diet if you're afraid, moron, because this will blow your fucking mind.

>> No.8736038

PS: Source for the cyanotoxin claim. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256467841_Cyanobacterial_toxins_Modes_of_actions_fate_in_aquatic_and_soil_ecosystems_phytotoxicity_and_bioaccumulation_in_agricultural_crops

>The occurrence of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in surface waters is often accompanied by the production of a variety of cyanotoxins. These toxins are designed to target in humans and animals specific organs on which they act: hepatotoxins (liver), neurotoxins (nervous system), cytotoxic alkaloids, and dermatotoxins (skin), but they often have important side effects too. When introduced into the soil ecosystem by spray irrigation of crops they may affect the same molecular pathways in plants having identical or similar target organs, tissues, cells or biomolecules. There are also several indications that terrestrial plants, including food crop plants, can bioaccumulate cyanotoxins and present, therefore, potential health hazards for human and animals.

You're not safe if you eat the animals that consume these crops either. In fact, you're worse off! Biomagnification, nigger. They're all around you. Can't eat fish, especially can't eat shellfish due to the fact that dinoflagellates and marine algae produce toxins too!

You're fucked! Might as well starve to avoid your muh toxins, because they are all around you and there is nothing you can do about it. Not to mention the heavy metals, whatever shit they absorb from the local air pollution, the dioxins...

>> No.8736061

Coffee hits me like speed,
this includes the withdrawal symptoms:
I avoid it.

>> No.8736639
File: 132 KB, 1024x576, sweet-soy-pepper-chicken-skewers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coffee beans are zapped at 475f
>Retards mixing very basic facts.
If you are zapping coffee beans with such high temperature of 475F than you are burning charring coffee creating dark roast and dark roasted charred "dead coffee beans" are scientifically proven
to cause cancer, same as charred burnt bread or meat or any other food. You idiots.

Coffee 101 » Coffee Roasts from Light to Dark.

Dark roasted coffees are dark brown in color, like chocolate, or sometimes almost black.
They have a sheen of oil on the surface, which is usually evident in the cup when the dark roast coffee is brewed.
The coffee’s origin flavors are eclipsed by the flavors of the roasting process.
The coffee will generally have a bitter and smoky or even burnt taste. The amount of caffeine is substantially decreased.

To reach the level of a dark roast, coffee beans are roasted to an internal temperature of 240°C (464°F) — about the end of the second crack — or beyond.
They are seldom roasted to a temperature exceeding 250°C (482°F), at which point the body of the beans is thin and the taste is characterized by flavors of tar and charcoal.

Dark roasts go by many names. As a result, buying a dark roast can be confusing.
Some of the more popular designations for a dark roast include French Roast, Italian Roast, Espresso Roast, Continental Roast, New Orleans Roast, and Spanish Roast. Many dark roasts are used for espresso blends.

As coffee roasts get darker, they lose the origin flavors of the beans and take on more flavor from the roasting process.
The body of the coffee gets heavier, until the second crack, where the body again thins.
Lighter roasts have more acidity than darker roasts.
Light roasted beans are dry, while darker roasts develop oil on the bean surface.
The caffeine level decreases as the roast gets darker.

>> No.8736653

>I learned on /ck/ that coffee beans quite often get very toxic molds growing on them.
are you retarded? I buy coffee beans and grind them myself. they look great and oily.

just don't buy ground coffee.

>> No.8736694
File: 572 KB, 2088x576, Very burnt_garlic bread + Very_burnt_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last few weeks I drastically reduced coffee intake and drink much more tea, and I make strong tea by boiling water in a 4 cup pot and put 3 to 4 tea bags in it a leave it in for many hours even over night.
I know that this is not the "proper" way of brewing tea, but I don't notice any unpleasant taste effects, and my main goal is to get the caffeine blast from tea not so much the refined taste, I mean tea tastes good.
And I'm not using cheap tea, I buy from mid to high grade black tea.
I'm noticing that the caffeine 'blast' from tea is much smoother and is not producing that famous 'coffee shaking' effects on my body.

Also after reducing my coffee intake I started to drink more chamomile tea, I buy high quality chamomile tea, loose (not in bags).
Chamomile tea is very beneficial in many ways, it's good for your skin and eyes, especially if you are sitting in front of the computer monitor for long hours.
Chamomile tea has bit bitter taste, but I got used to it and don't mind it any more understanding that I'm not drinking for smoothness of taste but for it's health benefits.
I usually drink it one cup every day some times every second day.
I put full teaspoon of chamomile tea in a large cup pour boiling water over it and let it sit for couple of hours or sometimes over night.

I still drink coffee but no more than one cup a day some days I skip it, and after learning here on /ck/ all those negative side effects (cancer causing) of drinking dark roast coffee, also coffee bushes and developing coffee beans on them are extremely heavily sprayed with many (most of them very toxic) chemicals on large commercial coffee plantations.
Now I'm very careful what type of coffee I'm putting into my body.
Now I buy only good quality coffee beans never roasted to higher level than medium roast.

I remember having 'shaking symptoms' as a side effect from drinking coffee to get the caffeine blast but now with black tea I don't get them any more.

>> No.8736745
File: 724 KB, 800x450, sheep-nz-taffic-jam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just don't buy ground coffee.
No your are retarded, I never said that I buy ground coffee so stop pulling shit from your ass and assume things.
Second, those toxic molds growing on coffee beans yes they do get visually "eliminated-removed" from coffee beans during roasting process but the toxins from them that already entered inside of the coffee beans are not destroyed and are not eliminated
with the heating process so you are ingesting them every time you drink your moldy coffee.
And coffee beans looking great and oily it's a sign that coffee beans vere roasted to dark roast
>congratulations on drinking charred burnt dark roast coffee that will give you cancer >>8736639

Learn and make smart choices when buying coffee or be ignorant sheep following marketing scam perpetuated by dishonest greedy coffee roasters selling substandard coffee beans roasted to dark roast.
Reason majority coffee beans are roasted to dark roast is because they are very low quality beans and when roasted to healthy medium roast level they taste like shit, so the "cleaver solution" is to charr them to dark level creating that stupid bitter flavor
and telling naive unaware consumers that this is done in order to achieve some special taste.
This is pure bullshit designed to trick people and to sell substandard coffee beans at the same price as the good quality coffee beans roasted to medium or lower roasting levels, and the roasters print creative bullshit descriptions of taste flavors
of their dead charred burnt coffee beans in order to sell it.

Now you know the dark dirty secret of the coffee industry.
Make your own decisions having all the fact. It's up to you, it's your health your money, I don't really care what you do with your life I gave you the info, (you can google it and verify if it I'm telling the truth), it's up to you.

>> No.8736766

Even if the cons for coffee were "CHRONIC DEATH, reincarnation and then DEATH AGAIN" I would still drink it. I love coffee

>> No.8736927

good for you
>heroin addicts like heroin
>there are many different types of sick masochist so don't worry

>> No.8736952

I'm not saying that drinking coffee is bad for you. Coffee has some benefits.
I still drink coffee almost every day, but if you are smart thinking person you will make changes to what type what kind of coffee you buy and drink.

>> No.8737047
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, 1484607127457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend some excellent gourmet coffee?

>> No.8737054

It doesn't matter how long you steep tea after a couple of minutes, there wont be anymore caffeine in it.

>> No.8737071

OK, thanks for that info.
But the main reason I'm leaving tea in the water for that long time because sometimes I make it for drinking later in the day or I make it at night to have it ready in the morning.

>> No.8737085
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, pajarito pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaving tea for long will actually supposedly bring out some stuff that neutralises caffeine so it might actually be less stimulating
if you want a good alternative to coffee I recommend yerba mate. I've been drinking the stuff for two years now, keeps you going much longer than coffee if you prepare it the traditional way

>> No.8737215

Your own source specifies 464-482F you fucking monkey.

>mfw idiot proves himself wrong and he can't even parrot blogs correctly

>that or he confuses external temperature with internal temperature (LOOOOOL)

>> No.8737235

>the toxins from them that already entered inside of the coffee beans are not destroyed and are not eliminated


>The effect of processing on the OTA level
in inoculated green coffee beans is shown in
Table I. The average level of OTA production by
A. ochraceus in the green coffee beans used was
29.36 0.816 mg g1 after incubation for 30 days
at 25–28C. After roasting treatments at 180C
for 10 min, the average level of OTA was
20.23 0.816 mg g1
. Roasting thus caused only
a 31.09% destruction of the toxin during green
coffee beans processing. Three different explanations
are given for this reduction: The partial isomerization
of OTA at the C-3 position into a less toxic
diastereomer, thermal degradation and the physical
removal of OTA with chaff (Studer-Rohr et al. 1995;
Blanc et al. 1998; Stegen et al. 2001). Similarly,
Studer-Rohr et al. showed that pure dry OTA is
thermostable and only isomerizes slowly. This was
emphasized by the findings of Bourda et al. (1995)
who showed substantial effects of the presence of
moisture on the reduction of OTA when heating
contaminated wheat.

>It is clear from Table I that the brewing method
caused destruction of about 71.52% of the OTA
toxin, while the oriental traditional method (Turkish
coffee) was more effective and caused 87.5%
reduction in OTA toxin. This additional reduction
may possibly be due to a limited hydrolysis of OTA
during the high temperature of coffee solubilization
(Blanc et al. 1998) and coffee decoction as well.


of course this is wasted on you like pearls before swine, but do try to enlighten yourself anon~

>> No.8737242

also interestingly

>The growth and OTA production by A. ochraceus
in YES medium containing various concentrations
of caffeine are shown in Table III. The production
of OTA by A. ochraceus in the absence of caffeine
(control) was initiated after 3 days of incubation and
increased to a maximum of 3.49 ng g1 after 21 days.
In the case of the medium containing 0.1% caffeine,
the production rate was much lower than those
of the control which was 0.44 and 0.98 ng mg1
after 3 and 21 days of incubation thus causing a
40–72% reduction in OTA production. In the same
trend, lower amounts of OTA were observed in
the presence of 0.5% caffeine after 15–21 days
of incubation leading to a 71–82% reduction.

>Caffeine at 1.0 and 2.0% concentrations completely
prevented toxin production (100% reduction).
Table III also shows the effect of caffeine

decaf is fucking shit looooool

>> No.8737608

What the hell is this stuff?

>> No.8737621


>> No.8737734

Is it any good? Whats it taste like? I am probably gonna order a tin put of curiosity in a bit.

>> No.8737835
File: 627 KB, 1000x667, yerba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes a bit like green tea but stronger and kinda different. taste depends on varieties, most of them are dried over smoke, so they tend to have smokey notes, but you can get non-smoked ones too
generally argentinian mate is more delicate while paraguayan is stronger, can be a bit sour or taste of tobacco (my favorite variety). brazilian has a fresh, vegetal taste and is more heavily ground up
any south-american brand packaged should be fine, avoid loose mate you can find in teashops
to prepare loose mate you generally need a drinking straw, though you can try to use a french press or some kind of tea infuser
>take a small teacup
>fill it 1/3 to 3/4 with mate (best to start with 1/3 and increase if you want more taste / stimulation)
>apply 70-80 degrees celsius water (basically the same as green tea)
>wait 2 minutes
>steep it many times until it looses flavor (usually 5-10 times)

>> No.8737924

yerba mate feels like a prank being conducted on a national scale
people literally throw unrefined crushed leaves into a cup of boiling water and then sip through it with a special sippy straw?

>in this pic you can see someone drinking mate while driving!

>> No.8737973

First of all it's probably a bad idea you're only eating one meal a day, your metabolism has to suck. Secondly, you don't know the difference between hypo and hyperthyroidism, as in your case? You're a fucking retard.

You mean on a continental scale, right? They drink it from Argentina all the way to Venezuela.

>> No.8738012

I wouldn't call them unrefined since most mate is seasoned for 6 months up to two years and there is the whole drying-over-fire process
admittedly the straw thing is pretty unique, I'm not aware of any other hot beverage that's consumed in such a way
parguayans also like to cold-brew mate. the process is the same as regular brewing except you use iced water instead

>> No.8738020

>Secondly, you don't know the difference between hypo and hyperthyroidism, as in your case? You're a fucking retard.
hey retard, read again. I'm talking about the chemical that they need to take, and the chemical that my body makes too much of and the fact that the absobtion is lowerd by coffee, so that may be the cause for producing too much of it.

>> No.8738447

Good thing I have a french press, I just ordered a big bag of the stuff.

>> No.8738567
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>> No.8738587
File: 84 KB, 640x492, coffee-processing06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is honey processed noticeably good or just a meme?

>> No.8738612

It's good but I assume you've been shilled by the happy mug shill, that's the only site I can think of that makes such a huge deal out of it under that specific name. I suggest you try some by a roaster who knows what he's doing instead of some jerkoffs who astroturf all over the internet and sell burned, "hazelnut" flavored chemically adulterated coffee.

George Howell's Tarrazu is the gold standard if you want to try the real thing.

>> No.8738633
File: 93 KB, 789x852, hyperstupidism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god... you have HYPER thyroidism, so you don't even take replacement drugs, you stupid prick.

>> No.8738636


You're fucking retarded. Not because of your autistic desire to have an identity on a place specifically designed to remove identity from posts. It isn't because you don't understand metabolism and meal timing at all. It isn't because you're arguing to someone with an empirically overactive thyroid that their metabolism is slow. It isn't even that you're wrong about everything you say then call someone retarded. It's that your parents were both retarded and there's nothing you can do to escape your fate. Kindly pay someone smart enough to make a noose and have them help you use it.

>> No.8738702

>so you don't even take replacement drugs
I know retard, but that doesn't mean shit. it's still the same substance that my thyroid is creating more of than necessary.

I'm saying, maybe it's creating more of it because large coffee intake decreases the absorbtion, so the thyroid compensates by making extra.

>> No.8739237

Hello George! Having fun shilling on /ck/?

>> No.8739273
File: 236 KB, 1024x644, bean-cross-section-1024x644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I assume you've been shilled

You're wise to assume, but no.

I'm just curious after seeing the term being thrown around.

>> No.8739276
File: 140 KB, 1552x1152, 1490313887524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet again the coffee thread succeeds in being objectively the most cancerous thread on /ck/.
I don't even want to even say anything coffee related out of fear of being berated by clueless morons who have no place in this thread and spamming shitposters who have no place in life itself.

>> No.8739306

Thanks anon,
great that you reminded me about it, I finished my package of yerba mate 3 weeks ago, just started drinking that stuff, I like it.
I need to buy more of it and you are right yerba mate tea tastes good and it does the trick.
>keeps you going much longer than coffee if you prepare it the traditional way
o I wasn't aware that it makes a difference the way it is prepared,I was just brewing like a normal tea. I'm going to google it.

>> No.8739367

>Your own source specifies 464-482F you fucking monkey.
OK ape, let me rip you a new one in that case.

See here, I was responding to this post >>8735994
>irrelevant. Coffee beans are zapped at 475f.
and yes in my post I'm quoting this
>To reach the level of a dark roast, coffee beans are roasted to an internal temperature of 240°C (464°F) — about the end of the second crack — or beyond.
>They are seldom roasted to a temperature exceeding 250°C (482°F), at which point the body of the beans is thin and the taste is characterized by flavors of tar and charcoal.
So the temps are even lower from your quote of 475f, that supports my point even better.
When coffee beans are charred burnt 'dead inside' when they are roasted to dark roast level nothing that was alive inside of that coffee bean is alive any more.
All the coffee oils all the sugars all the other goodies inside of that coffee bean are dead now.
Now that coffee bean from beneficial to human health became cancerous.
That's the result of roasting at such high temperatures, to dark roast level.

so you just made lot's of noise thinking that you got me but actually you don't understand the concept.
>back to school faggot ape

>> No.8739397
File: 307 KB, 800x1066, cat's payback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even want to even say anything
very good. thanks for keeping your mouth shut in that case, since you think that only proper posts about coffee are posts glorifying coffee but posts exposing dark dirty dishonest practices
pushed on uninformed public by coffee roasters are not appropriate here.
you acting exactly the same piece of shit as those assholes from tobacco industry years ago pushing their mega bullshit that cigarets are not the source of lung cancer or throat cancer.
you are the same asshole as they were, just so you know.

>> No.8739411

I drink 4 mugs of coffee every morning. Should I cut down?

>> No.8739427
File: 1.82 MB, 350x170, didn't read..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.8739556
File: 99 KB, 1024x654, coffee_warehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost totally useless crap,and very selective, in real life reality is totally different and majority of coffee beans are covered with toxic molds, many times even before they are bought from the grover if there was too much moisture in the air,also when green coffee beans are bagged and stored in the warehouses toxic molds will start to grow on it.

Here is a very interesting (inside memo) read on this topic.
Green Coffee Storage:
A Factor That Ought Not To Be Overlooked.

Inside the World of Coffee Warehouses.

do you think that coffee stored in this picture has enough room to breath to have proper air circulation, or do you think that this is a breathing ground for toxic mold growing on it and toxic elements from that mold
migrating inside the green coffee bean and washing that mold with water is not doing the trick because toxins are inside the green coffee bean already and roasting temperatures
are not killing 100% of the toxins that are inside of the coffee bean already.

To store green coffee properly in warehouses to eliminate as much as possible growth of those toxic molds costs extra money, also mold can and will grow during transportation.
So there is a very dark secret inside coffee industry about toxic cancerous molds, as well togheter with the reason why they roast coffee to a dark roast level.

So dishonest roasters here on /ck/ stop watering down this issue and stop pushing your bullshit that those issues are fairy tales, myths, no they are not, they are very real very health hazard important issues
and should be made available for people to learn about it.
Fuck your profits those of you who are dishonest greedy assholes coffee roasters, I hope that every one of you will fall down inside of your hot roaster and will fry in it.

>> No.8739564

Thanks for the recipe anon

>> No.8739577

so you got triggered because I'm telling the truth, you asshole
>very lame response to my confrontation about trying to fuck people up and grab their money selling toxic coffee

>> No.8739839
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>drink coffee
>it smells like coffee

>> No.8739854

So coffe mold guy since I've seen you around before. How do I get coffee that is non moldy? Roast it myself? Who should I buy from then. What's the solution?

>> No.8739872

shut the fuck up, faggot, we all know it's you

you fucking cringy autist

>> No.8739912

who is 'we' ?
you and your gay lover

>> No.8740001

it's tricky, even small local roasters can get moldy coffee
the only way is to find local roaster that can be trusted especially if they import direct from the growers, but even then coffee beans can get mold already growing
at the source or during transport nobody is exempt from it but there is a chance that reputable roaster will take extra steps to control it and to avoid it.
looks like the roasters who are sneaking here to advertise their business are sitting quiet on the topic because they know it that it's true nasty aspect of their business.

to reduce second major (or first major) negative effect of 'wrong' coffee on our bodies is to definitely not to buy and not to drink dark roast coffee, just medium or lower roasts.
at least that can be controlled by us 100% of the time.

buying coffee beans or grounded coffee from big stores increases chances in my opinion to get coffee that had serious mold growing on it, of course depends of the batch, some shipments could be mold free others could have shitload of it, depending on time of the year and the grower's storage practices transport, few variables involved in it.

would be nice to get those who are insiders to "spill the beans" on this topic but they will probably keep the dark dirty secrets to themselves

I have no trick how to know how if coffee was moldy before roasting.

>> No.8740048

kill yourself

>> No.8740073

High temperatures sterilize mold and bacterial infections by destroying cell structures.

Only dark roast coffees are free from mycotoxins.
Also, they taste much better and medium roasts all taste like dust.

>> No.8740126
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>Also, they taste much better and medium roasts all taste like dust.
if that was the case then why not all coffee is roasted to dark roast level?


>> No.8740189

kill yourself

>> No.8740206
File: 64 KB, 772x768, 3969545+_baa495d65178de1989c9ea924ae94e37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are so triggered pussy boy. KEK

>> No.8740250

so you have no argument. cunt

>> No.8740768
File: 64 KB, 1024x445, child-eureka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, they taste much better and medium roasts all taste like dust.
Fuck coffee roasters missing on great idea how to improve coffee taste.
I hope they are reading this and from now on they will simplify their business model for themselves and choices for consumers.
One roast level solves both issues. Why nobody think of it before, we could avoid so much confusion with all those roasting levels.

>> No.8740845

I have very important coffee questions to ask you all.

When you make coffee just for yourself, how much do you make? How long do you consider the coffee to be "drinkable" if some amount is left in the pot for an extended amount of time?

I don't know if you consider this bad or not, but I tend to make one large serving at a time. Just enough to pour entirely into my large mug with ice. However, when I go to my friend's house, he makes a huge pot of coffee that you can just keep drinking from throughout the day. My grandpa is that way as well. Speaking of my grandpa, he has told me he has drank coffee that has been in the pot and left out for upwards of three days. Judging by the fact he's still alive at 91, that can't be all bad. I've always been afraid to drink old coffee in fear that it grows mold.

>> No.8740868

I only drink fresh, but if I were making a pot within about an hour tops. Otherwise I'd be making it for iced coffee and throwing it in the fridge.

>> No.8740884
File: 231 KB, 1440x1080, grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever seen a grinder like this before?

>> No.8740885

Yeah, we had one when I was a kid. What is your question?

>> No.8740927

I bought vietnamese coffee (espresso) and it tastes very good. It's really hard to describe but it has a tiny sweetness to it and it somehow feels smoother to drink.

>> No.8740982

>It's really hard to describe
It's concentrated burned coffee mixed with sweetened condensed milk. It's smoother because of the milk and the sugar, and because burned coffee has lower acidity even though it's very bitter

>> No.8740995

>It's concentrated burned coffee mixed with sweetened condensed milk
Not sure you can generalize like that, I'm sure there is also just basic ground. However the one I bought has cocoa butter listed so that's probably it (at least it's not much). It is less bitter than the espresso I usually drink.

>> No.8741011

>I'm sure there is also just basic ground.
Not sure what grinding has to do with the coffee being burned to hell

>> No.8741023

I'm not sure what you mean, coffee beans always get roasted and then ground, of course it's "burnt". Are you saying they (whoever they are, the entire vietnamese coffee industry?) roast with higher temperatures than normal? I do doubt that, it probably wouldn't even be allowed in Europe.

However I was pretty surprised at the ingredients list, I've never bought coffee that had anything other than just ground coffee in it. Gotta be careful with those foreign products.

>> No.8741034

1. Roasting doesn't mean burning
2. Roast degree is a function of time, not applied temperature
3. Other than the cat shit coffee, vietnam is strictly a robusta country, they burn it because they don't have good coffee, although there is also the french influence (french people cannot into coffee), and the coffee producing country phenomenon (few countries that produce are good at roasting)

If you have any other misconceptions about coffee I'm happy to clear them up

>> No.8741071

What? Of course temperature is also a key factor. According to a really quick google search it's usually 200-250°C but it's pretty common for mass production to roast at 500+ °C to save time. Which is of course a lot worse as it means toxic byproducts. I guess you can call that burning.

As before I think you are generalising way too much here, just like there is good German wine there has to be good Vietnamese coffee. Though I doubt I bought that, as with many foods, if it's exported (at an affordable price) it's usually not that good. That extremely expensive cat shit coffee would be pretty interesting.

>> No.8741079

Except that nobody except maybe Aussies, Americans, and French would be dumb enough to suggest that there is no good German wine, considering German wine is some of the finest in the world, whereas nobody even associates Vietnam with coffee and those who do associate it with burned coffee mixed with sweetened condensed milk.

Yes, your blind attempt at splitting hairs was a sound tactic. There is a small amount of good coffee produced in Vietnam kind of like how there is a small amount of good wine produced in Australia. But it's not what the country is known for.

>> No.8741097

Well most people seem to think Germany is usually associated with sour and bad wine. Also Vietnam is the second biggest country in the world for coffee behind Brazil, not sure why you're trying to ad hominem me here.

You still didn't even clear up what you meant with burned coffee and you yourself seem to have some misconceptions about how coffee is made, disregarding temperature is just plain stupid. Well I don't care about this enough to continue, have a nice day anon.

>> No.8741108

>Well most people seem to think Germany is usually associated with sour and bad wine
Lol, ok
>Also Vietnam is the second biggest country in the world for coffee behind Brazil, not sure why you're trying to ad hominem me here.
Yes, second biggest for shit quality beans that don't get a country of origin designation. Brazil and Vietnam coffee sold in pre-ground burned foil packs at Tesco don't get prominent country of origin labels because they are shit coffee. It would be like putting "MADE IN BANGLADESH" in big typeface when selling a pair of shoes, nobody wants to see that so you put it in 8 point font somewhere that nobody can see. If you want to now google up some hipsters in Berlin or Williamsburg who roast Daterra or some shit like that as proof that I'm wrong, feel free, but it's like your "German is associated with sour and bad wine", it's cherry picking an unrepresentative sample set to make a point that nobody believes
>You still didn't even clear up what you meant with burned coffee
>But I don't care to find out because I've got my head up my ass, have a nice day
Ok, same to you

>> No.8741182
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>> No.8741200

Holy fucking shit, are you all autistic retards?? If you want to have a back and forth so fucking badly exchange Reddit usernames so you can fuck with this ridiculous pissing contest

Coffee related: what's the secret to getting lots of foam for lattes?

>> No.8741203

>what's the secret to getting lots of foam for lattes?
It doesn't matter, just use miracle whip. Caring about stuff like that is for reddit, where you belong.

>> No.8741215

>miracle whip
you're fucking disgusting

>> No.8741324

>Well most people seem to think Germany is usually associated with sour and bad wine
what? germany is generally associated with sweet, affordable wine

>> No.8741470

Heat up the milk a bit and put it in a french press and plunge the filter up and down until it foams.
I do mine with almond milk and it ends up being 90% foam. And a few minutes after I pour it in with the expresso the foam turns thick. It's dense enough to hold up my stirring spoon. Fucking love that shit. It's like drinking coffee through a fluffy marshmallow cloud.

>> No.8741698

no you are autistic retard, who da fuck are you to tell others no to exchange their views on the topic.
and why don't you take your stupid question to Reddit in this case

>> No.8741870
File: 44 KB, 1007x768, HD-COFFEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate coffee, it makes my teeth yellow and my poop brown.
Before I started drinking coffee my poop was nice clear translucent semitransparent and now is all brown.

>> No.8742513
File: 175 KB, 552x383, 1489898569426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my poop was nice clear translucent semitransparent
You mean your piss anon?

>> No.8743124
File: 20 KB, 305x500, 41vhRjsDkUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody actually like these?

>that last sip of the cup

it's like licking a fucking beach

imo they're only good for making large amounts at once for a group

>> No.8743145
File: 50 KB, 540x644, 90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who like the idea of coffee (but perhaps not coffee itself) go crazy over them. It's a curious cultural relic, like how retards used to line up for Starbucks for burned coffee that they pretended to enjoy when they were still hip in like 1992. French press is basically cowboy coffee but we're not supposed to say anything bad about it because it has the word "french" in it and that means it's fancy. We're supposed to pretend it's very sophisticated and good, because of muh sludge.

You'll notice serious coffee joints don't ever offer french press. They'll do espresso, pourover, and maybe aeropress (or if they want to be "unique", yama).

It's just not a serious coffee drinker tool because it ruins coffee. You mostly find it in throwback retro brunch spots, the kind with a full lineup of the new Torani syrups that have taken the coffee shop community by storm (I just love the newfangled EYETALIAN sodas!!!). Goes great with your blue corn breakfast quesadilla topped with mango salasa :^)

>> No.8743162

u described austin pretty well

>> No.8743235

If you're getting grit in your coffee using a french press then you are grinding the coffee wrong or your press is damaged.

Phin and many other filtering methods operate on no different principles and millions of people still use those because they make good fucking coffee when you know what you're doing.

Coffee joints aren't going to use a french press because it is not an efficient way to make an arbitrary number of consecutive cups. Pour over filters produce a pot of brew which just needs to stay warm, whereas espresso machines produce one cup at a time on demand. A french press on the other hand produces many cups all at once which must be poured otherwise they will overbrew sitting in the press with the grounds.

>> No.8743648

noNo, I mean my poop. Now after I started drinking coffee is all brown. I hate that.

>> No.8743663

listen to this man

also, I tend to grind my coffee a little too fine sometimes when using my french press. if I see the smaller bits getting through I just don't pour that last half ounce out into my cup

>> No.8743682

Noce word.
I'm stealing it though, you can't use it anymore or you're cheating

>> No.8743709

>Noce word.
>I'm stealing it though, you can't use it anymore or you're cheating
Nice word. I 'm stealing it. I like that word, just have to come up with a sentence that I can use it in.

>> No.8743732

Recently I've been interested in coffee, but i still ignore a few things about the basics.

I have a semi-washed coffee with some chocolate and herbs tasting notes and i want to maximize it's flavor. Should i use a dripping method or an infusion method?

>> No.8744790

I hate acidic coffee. I bought some african coffee from a local roaster and I can't finish them because they're way too sour.

What should I get next? I'm new to coffee. I use a pour over cup with a hand grinder.

>> No.8744838

Jesus Christ.
What a fucking joke.

I agree with all of this.
I do a fairly coarse grind and I never have any problems. And even if I had a little bit of grounds at the bottom of my cup I don't think Id get so upset that I'd suddenly start shooting blood out my ass and need to shove a tampon up it like that pretentious twat up there.

>> No.8745075
File: 98 KB, 768x768, 71CEX5rAioL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And even if I had a little bit of grounds at the bottom of my cup I don't think Id get so upset that I'd suddenly start shooting blood out my ass and need to shove a tampon up it like that pretentious twat up there.
>few grounds of coffee upsets some coffee drinkers and makes them depressed for life
Ha ha, that reminds me of this italian joke.
Guy is eating spaghetti in a very fancy Italian restaurant and suddenly he finds a hair, single short curly hair that looks like a pubic hair.
The guy gets grossed out and calls the waiter and starts complaining about it.
Waiter takes the fork pushes the hair on the side of the plate and offers him free glass of a very fancy Italian wine but the guy gets even more upset and feels insulted,
so the waiter calls the restaurant owner, restaurant owner listens to the story looks at the hair picks up the hair with his fingers from his plate and offers the guy full bottle of that fancy wine.
But the guy gets even more upset and insulted, now he is yelling ready to turn the table over causing a big scene in the restaurant.
The owner looks at him and asks him, Sir did you ever licked woman's pussy, the guy gets surprised look on his face and said what that has to do with hair in my spaghetti, but answers yes I did.
The owner said, so you lick woman's pussy and there are hundreds or even thousands of hair down there and somehow they didn't bother you,
but here you find one single hair on your plate and you are making big fucking deal about it.

>> No.8745237

>If you're getting grit in your coffee using a french press then you are grinding the coffee wrong or your press is damaged.
No. There is grit no matter what, this isn't even a discussion. I don't care if you're using an EK43 or sifting everything through a Kruve (and I know you're not so don't even pretend). There is grit, that is how French press works, that is the reason people like it - that and the oils. The fact that we are even having this discussion just shows the level of cognitive dissonance that French press fans suffer from when defending their 1990s style brew method.
>Even if
Yes and even if the earth revolved around the sun. Facts are pretentious :^(

>> No.8745238

I'm taking samples of my brown poop to Starbucks and will ask them why their coffee is making my poop brown.
I'm sick of it. This is not acceptable.

>> No.8745266
File: 107 KB, 816x353, Espro Press type of French Press.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ESPRO Coffee Press, best french type coffee maker if you like to use this type of brewing coffee. Very different type of filter used that ir best in the industry.
Glass models are the best (they have stainless steel as well), you can see your coffee and the glass is very special thick glass German made.
I'm using Aeropress (with the metal filter, not the paper filters) and like it, more less it's the same idea as french press but much easier to clean in my opinion,
and I don't follow the instructions to start pressing after like 30 seconds, I let the hot water sit similar like in french press for around 5-7 minutes stirring few times
and then pressing the plunger of Aeropress.
Still get few coffee grounds on the bottom of the cup but they don't bother me.
I like using the metal instead of paper filter because I like the taste of the coffee oils.
Paper filters of course will give much cleaner brew.

if you are going to buy french press style coffee maker I would pay 10-15 $ extra and get ESPRO Coffee Press, read about it and you will understand why

>> No.8745275

Just pour it through a tea strainer holy shit.

>> No.8745278

what about coffee getting tea flavor contamination

>> No.8745282

I drink drip brewed dollar store coffee from a dollar store coffee maker.
Black with sugar.

Hope I made a lot of people mad with this post.
Just kidding, I already know I did.

>> No.8745287
File: 27 KB, 400x266, 29db56d8e057d280ad9eb6f11f249a4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? So I can have the privilege of using the newfangled "French press" while listening to Enigma in my Marithe Francois Girbaud jeans and Hypercolor shirt? Why go through all that trouble when there are better tasting brewing methods out there? If I wanted to drink cowboy coffee I'd just drink cowboy coffee.

>> No.8745297

These articles seem pretty decent,

coming from Finland, the most coffee drinking country.

>> No.8745299

>if you are going to buy french press style coffee maker I would pay 10-15 $ extra and get ESPRO Coffee Press, read about it and you will understand why
10-15 $ compared to higher end regular french press unit not some cheap crap from Walmart.
Even maybe 20 $ more will be still wort it, besides much better filters system you can leave the unused coffee in the glass carafe (not like in regular french press you have to pour it out in order to separate brewed coffee from coffee grounds),
in the ESPRO PRESS they are already separated so the coffee doesn't get super bitter.

>> No.8745313
File: 162 KB, 1200x953, espro-press-instructions-gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great video about it

>> No.8745323

ESPRO PRESS P5 (glass model)

>> No.8745329

>not insulated
>only advantage is that it wastes a significant fraction of the coffee

>> No.8745335



Available two sizes:
18 oz (makes 1.5-2 US cup, 3-4 EU cup)
32 oz (makes 3-4 US cup, 6-8 EU cup)

Coffee press includes double-microfilters with twist-lock for easy separation, and 25-unit starter-pack of paper-filters
Tea press includes new tea-specific double-microfilter
Schott-Duran made-in-Germany glass, 40% thicker than industry standard French presses, with functional form to automatically close and seal the tea filter to prevent over-extraction; patent-pending safety-lock robotically assembled to ensure precise placement
Filters are BPA, BPS and phthalate free
Patented and global patents pending

>> No.8745340

>>not insulated
>>only advantage is that it wastes a significant fraction of the coffee
They have also stainless steel insulated model, best in the industry.
Also,Schott-Duran made-in-Germany glass, 40% thicker than industry standard French presses gives much better insulation then regular glass french presses.

>> No.8745346

>>only advantage is that it wastes a significant fraction of the coffee
what a retarded comment is that

>> No.8745365

If it works and you like it then go for it, you're saving money if you like cheap coffee

>> No.8745369

Do you work for this company or something?

>> No.8745377

I just don't understand these guys.
Hot water + coffee grounds = coffee.
Using fifty different scientifically different methods does not produce a different cup of bean water.

It's like you guys aren't in it for the caffeine, just the hipster factor. Drip brew is great. 10 dollar coffee makers are fucking primo and last for many years.

Shut up and simplify your own lives guys, this is sickening.

>> No.8745393

right? who the fuck cares about preparation and quality of ingredients?
wine is wine, beer is beer, meat is meat, cheese is cheese and coffee is coffee

>> No.8745402

You are correct.

>> No.8745428

I couldn't agree more

Nice things are a SJW conspiracy to make me feel dumb

All food is the same, except when liberals pretend it's better, in which case they are only pretending in order to apologize to Islamists for being white

>> No.8745440

>backed by scientists and health care professionals

>Authority Nutrition

Actually howling

>> No.8746254

>actually howling
>*pounces on you*
>*notices your bulge"
>OwO what's this!

>> No.8746278

Coffee sucks and it's not worth it to waste money on it or on any equipment to brew it.
I'm so glad I stopped drinking that crap.

>> No.8746291
File: 153 KB, 600x450, cacao-beans-on-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if coffee is so bad for you what if I make hot chocolate from organic raw cacao nibs smashed up and put in a french press? Should I roast them first? Should I add cinnamon? That shit's healthy right?

>> No.8746340

Cacao is healthy but it's very bitter by itself. The bitter compound is also the healthy compound. I do mashed bananas + cacao powder, you can also use applesauce, anything rather sweet works well

>> No.8746358

I think it's pretty tasty 2bh

>> No.8746400

>believes in the myth that you can "increase metabolism through eating more meals"
>calls others retards


>> No.8746416

I weaned myself off cream or sugar and now people think I'm a tryhard for liking coffee black.

>> No.8746442

>people think I'm a tryhard for liking coffee black.
You probably are. Some coffee should be consumed with cream and sugar. Most of it, in fact. This isn't a democracy, not all coffee can be a winner. You don't get points for pretending to like crappy pre-ground commodity-tier robusta without cream and sugar. That's like drinking bottom shelf liquor neat, from a tulip glass, and waxing philosophically about the fine sophisticated flavors. Just toss it in a boston shaker with ice, lemon, and your favorite aromatic liqueur, shake vigorously and strain into a cocktail glass. That is how you drink bottom shelf booze, because that's where it works best. And as for the coffee, load it up with that cream and sugar, and drink it with pride.

>> No.8746448

I bought kenya AA beans and they clearly roasted it with the parchment still on, I can taste it in the coffee and it makes much more mess when grinding because it's separating bits of roasted parchment from the actual bean

Don't buy kenya AA.

>> No.8746449

not him but I fucking hate coffee with sugar. milk / cream is fine though

>> No.8746451

Coffee with milk is objectively the best

The only use for sugar is to make crappy coffee palatable. I put sugar in it when I'm at hotels, but doing that at home with the good stuff would be sacrilege.

>> No.8746579

Typical third wave coffees are roasted between 200 and 210c
See the roasting graphs here: http://scottrao.com/blog/development-time-ratio/

I remember doing some research into this when bulletproof coffee was new, and they were claiming that they had very low mycotoxins in their coffee while others had too much.

Turns out that only the lowest of low grade coffee will be at risk for this. This is for fairly obvious reasons: if the coffee is so ill-processed that FUCKING MOLD forms on it, the coffee will taste awful. Any specialty coffee will be nearly 100% free from this stuff, and well below any meaningful threshold.

Here's something from a quick google: https://authoritynutrition.com/the-mycotoxins-in-coffee-myth/

Even if there were meaningful levels of mycotoxins in the green coffees, the majority of them are destroyed during roasting anyway.

>> No.8746585

No they did not. You are talking about silver skin.

>> No.8746843

Anyone got advice for cutting down on caffeine intake? Thought this might be the best place to ask. I get over a gram of caffeine a day from coffee.

>> No.8746871

I detox every six months, here's what I do

Pick a day when you don't have to be productive, make sure the house is clean because you'll be spending the whole day inside, and have one cup, first thing in the morning, and no more coffee after that. If you're a late riser, get up early and have that cup as early as humanly possible. This prevents the insane headache but still drops your coffee intake like mad. Go out for a run, walk, or bike ride (whatever it is you do), getting at least 2 hours of sunlight, then come home and watch netflix the rest of the day

Then go for the next week on one cup per day, until the next weekend, except this time, still wake up early, and have no coffee at all but repeat the process of sunlight and netflix

Boom, you're done

Then the next week fall off the wagon, and slowly slide towards 1 gram of caffeine per day until you have to detox again

Coffee is love coffee is life

>> No.8746886
File: 47 KB, 908x670, 356031035_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any verdicts on pic related?

got it for 6 bucks on amazon.

185 F using Trung Nguyen: Sang Tao 1 Coffee

Yet it comes out smooth or bitter as fuck. It is very inconsistent.

>> No.8746904

I cracked up so hard I scared my neighbors

>> No.8746908

My legbeard ex roommate used to use one of those. She would put chock full o nuts into it. The coffee tasted like ass. The viets use it with sweetened condensed milk for a reason. Their coffee sucks and their brew method sucks.

>> No.8746918

Demirelatedly, youpon, a tree littering the South of the US, is related to mate and not only has a similar flavor, but also has caffeinated leaves. Being as its a "weed" to a lot of the south, you can just gank leaves and roast em in your oven. Delicious and cheap as hell.

>> No.8746920

>Anyone got advice for cutting down on caffeine intake?

Just slowly reduce how much you are consuming. Let's say you drink 10 cups of coffee a day. Then for a few days you drink 9 cups of regular and 1 cup decaf (or something else with no caffeine in it). Then 8 cups, then 7...etc.

Same thing applies if you drink sodas, energy drinks, or if you take caffeine tablets. Just reduce your daily dose of caffeine slowly.

>> No.8746974

You need to see like fifteen doctors.

>> No.8747185

I don't mind the bitter. I already have a bunch of nibs usually I just eat them by themselves or mix them in my oatmeal.

Maybe I'll try the mayan shit with cacao nibs, cinnamon, and chiles habanero probably go good. Bet it puts hair on your chest.

>> No.8747194

Yep Yaupon is great. I just collected a bunch of leaves from parks and shit, it's all over down here.

>> No.8747762

why you are so stupid ?

>> No.8747926
File: 38 KB, 819x1024, hamilton-beach-80365-custom-grind-hands-free-coffee-grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns out that only the lowest of low grade coffee will be at risk for this. This is for fairly obvious reasons: if the coffee is so ill-processed that FUCKING MOLD forms on it, the coffee will taste awful. Any specialty coffee will be nearly 100% free from this stuff, and well below any meaningful threshold.
You making very goods point anon, and I was trying to convey that but maybe I didn't put more focused emphasis on low grade coffee being the most obvious source of it.
For anybody with half a brain the conclusion is obvious, if you are buying cheap coffee (especially pre-ground coffee) you are not only not getting good tasting coffee (and that could be "corrected" to a point by adding milk/cream and sugar to it)
but the main point is that you are most likely getting very unhealthy coffee.
So you have to decide if buying medium roast coffee beans from reputable roaster and grinding them at home (even if for convenience reasons) you need to grind few days worth of coffee,
(of course best is to grind just before brewing), you will be better off then buying pr-ground coffee.
Let's say you need to grind week supply worth of coffee, that should take you no more than 10-15 minutes.
Grinding coffee at home is not that complicated and you don't need $200 grinder, $40-60 will get you decent electric burr grinder ( if you can pay around $100 you will get very OK burr grinder that will serve you very well) and that will help you getting fresh coffee,
much better solution than buying pre-ground coffee for two reasons you have control on the quality coffee beans you are buying and you getting benefit of fresh grind.

>> No.8748020

Is that grinder any good?
I have the old version, the plastic bits are all opaque and grinds get underneath the removable grind cup and it only have one button.
I looked at the cheapest krups and everyone seems to hate it.

>> No.8748203
File: 557 KB, 2160x1161, Melitta 80395 Burr Coffee Grinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that grinder any good?
I don't own that grinder, I just posted picture as an example of inexpensive grinders.
As you noticed some people like it other hate it.

I have two burr grinders, one of them is in this picture Melitta 80395 model burr grinder, tho is discontinued now but some stores might still have it,
it's cheap and works very good for me.
Second grinder I have is also cheap around $50-$60, BRAUN 3045 (Made in Spain) also works very well for my needs.
I brew coffee or in my Moka pot or in Aeropress.

The Melita 80395 model is reviewed here,

The Best Burr Coffee Grinders for Outstanding Coffee Grinds
Get the Best Brews With These Top Rated Burr Coffee Grinders


>> No.8748211
File: 59 KB, 952x768, Braun Coffee Grinder Burr Grinder KMM30 3045, made in Spain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second grinder I have is also cheap around $50-$60, BRAUN 3045 (Made in Spain)
picture of exact model that I own.

>> No.8748222

>in this picture Melitta 80395 model burr grinder,
if you like to read reviews about it on Amazon

>> No.8748266

Other thing I'm noticing people are talking about cleaning-washing their coffee grinders.
I never clean them, never wash them, just empty the coffee container with ground coffee and that's it.
I don't see need to wash them or to even dry clean them. Why?

>> No.8749376

I clean it only when I'm going to grind a different type of coffe bean to avoid mixing stuff, and just with plain water

>> No.8749376,2 [INTERNAL] 

great post and creative ideas. I am happy to visit and read useful articles here. I hope you continue to do the sharing through the post to the reader. and good luck for the visitors site

>> No.8749376,5 [INTERNAL] 

Welche Anforderungen muss eine Registrierkasse erfüllen, um die Regelungen der Registrierkassenpflicht nicht zu verletzen?

>> No.8749376,6 [INTERNAL] 

I don't mind the bitter. I already have a bunch of nibs usually I just eat them by themselves or mix them in my oatmeal.

Maybe I'll try the mayan shit with cacao nibs, cinnamon, and chiles habanero probably go good. Bet it puts hair on your chest. And more

>> No.8749376,7 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Registrierkassenpflicht nicht zu verletzen?

>> No.8749376,8 [INTERNAL] 

this is a pretty decent list of articles
check this out:
examine.com/ coffee

also, since this is a cooking board, try to steer the topic of this thread to coffee's gustatory side, or leave

>> No.8749376,9 [INTERNAL] 

Mold is good for you, retard. Enjoy your shit tier immune system when the next epidemic hits. Outstanding.