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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8731167 No.8731167 [Reply] [Original]

Decided to plant an herb garden after spending too much on a bunch of herbs where I only need a pinch or so.

From Upper left: Jalapenos, Sweet Basil, Garlic Chives, Italian Parsley, Pineapple Sage, and German Thyme.

I couldn't find any Rosemary, so I left a spot in the middle for it when I find it.

What does /ck/ grow?

>> No.8731174

fines herbs. Shit is too expensive at the market and it lasts like 3 days before turning to purple slime; especially the tarragon.

>> No.8731186

arugula, peanuts, parsley for now

>> No.8731190

careful with rosemary, it'll turn into a giant fucking bush that snakes love to hide under since it repels insects

>> No.8731194
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OP here. Agreed. I end up freezing them, and then I have ten bags of something green in the freezer cuz I'm too lazy to label them. Plus, it's another hobby I can do while drinking...

>> No.8731202


Yeah, I was actually considering putting that one in the ground.

>> No.8731227
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Tomato and mirabilis started so far.
Looking for a 5-6 stem poinsettia and a pineapple top. Gotta get non gmoshit bell pepper seeds because apparently you can't just buy a pepper and plant the seeds any more. Looking for some other vegetables like onions, cucumbers, red bells, and whatever the hell else I can find.
Pic is beefsteak tomatoes, gotta wait for Friday to split them because I can't afford pots to plant them in yet. Only keeping the center clump in a pot, rest of them are going in the ground.

>> No.8731231

also be careful with the mint, it'll put down runners and take over your yard

unless you're into that sort of thing

>> No.8731233

Drinking 4 40s a day and growing plants is all I do during the summer.
Would recommend.

>> No.8731240


I purposely left mint out of this equation because of that.

>> No.8731247

mint is a calamity for any herb garden, like raspberries in a fruit garden, they take over everything.

>> No.8731259


A lot of mints are considered invasive species.

>> No.8731263


I think OP has clearly stated he did not plant mint.

>> No.8731264

you gon plant some weed there arent you

>> No.8731319


When was the last time you actually saw a cannabis seed?

They are rarer than unicorn farts here in Cali.

>> No.8731325


We're having a conversation tangential to his.

>> No.8731356

Watching plants grow is gives a nice sense of accomplishment.
It's really neat seeing new leaves growing and stuff
I'm also a loser who'll never have a family or pets so yeah

>> No.8731370

They're rare everywhere unless you get the northeast high mids.
Dealers started figuring out that people that are growing it stop buying from them I think.

>> No.8731377


Shorten that down a bit and you'll have a wonderful haiku...

>> No.8731380

>Dealers started figuring out that people that are growing it stop buying from them I think.

Wow! Really? You think?

>> No.8731390

You deserve a ban.
This is a blue board.
Your one ups don't work here. We have global rule 3.
Have a nice day.

>> No.8731393


Report me.

>> No.8731451

It's great if you like mint in your iced tea. During the spring and summer you use it almost as fast as it comes up.

>> No.8733309

Threw some lemon seeds in a pot, now I have 10 lemon sprouts

>> No.8733380

Basil because I love basil.
Marigolds because I read they repel insects.
Lavender because I like the way it smells. Also I read it's good for household stuff.
Bell peppers because anything other than green ones are over a dollar a pepper unless they're on a good sale. If I could grow milk on a tree I would. Non-store brand milk is over $4 a gallon at the closest supermarket. I paid $3.69 for the store brand.
Cilantro because I like it.
Rosemary because besides the fact that it can also be used around the house I see it mentioned more than any other herb in recipes online.

>> No.8733389

Put your rosemary in a separate 12" round container or a 5-gallon bucket (with holes drilled). It doesn't need as much water, likes full sun, and gets rootlocked / takes over the container quickly.

>> No.8733392

>not just growing from cutting

Occasionally I find seedy bottom shelf up here in Oregon.

>> No.8733399

This doesn't work if you got the seeds from a common store-bought lemon.

The resulting plant will be a giant thorny tree with lemon-scented leaves but no fruit.

>I learned this the hard way

If you want lemons, get a sapling or small tree from a garden center.

>> No.8733617
File: 191 KB, 640x633, 1489733183116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~15 sq ft Garlic
Soon to be ~8-10 sq ft Onion
2 Cherry Tomato
2 Cabbages
2 Kale

Planting 6 sq ft of potatoes in a couple of weeks
Planted 2 beefsteak tomato, 2 bell pepper just now
Carrots, peas/beans and chard coming mid-April to May

Wife is growing basil, spinach, lettuce, chives and will have some beans of her own.

>> No.8733674

I'm in Michigan and just about everyone I know that deals or smokes grows their own and Im sitting on at least 60 seeds of Jamaican stuff and 20 G13 hybrid seeds.

>> No.8733685
File: 128 KB, 707x585, garden babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Thai basil seeds just came up. When they're big enough, they'll go into the ground. I also planted Greek globe, Genovese, purple and lemon basils. I'm not growing it this year, but African blue basil is great.

>> No.8733706
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Which I got for free* I don't really smoke at all

>> No.8733719

Why is this?

>> No.8733735


>> No.8733747

you must have some insanely generous friends, anon

>> No.8733819


The seed companies genetically engineered the seeds so that they don't produce fruit. That way you have to buy the seeds that do produce fruit from them directly. It's essentially legal extortion.

>> No.8733835

>an herb

>> No.8733848

One of 2 things. The fruit bearing lemon tree was grafted onto another tree or the lemon is a hybrid and when you plant the seed you get one of the ancestors several generations back in the breeding process.

>> No.8733865

watching plants grow strong
nice sense of accomplishment
without family

i tried

>> No.8733901

brotip: plants will likely produce more than you need so bone up on how to properly dry/store/preserve herbs

>> No.8733974

OP, I find that I can keep basil, thai basil, all types of mint and rosemary alive year round, if not at least 6 months at a time in a pot. If you clip it in the right place, it'll be hardy.

But, really, aside from that, I buy cilantro, chives, parsley and dill as needed. If you feel like you waste those things, put them in a ziploc that has some of those airholes in it, maybe park a paper towel in there, damp for quick use, or dry to absorb moisture, and it still doesn't last til you use it all, consider compounding butter with them, and parking them in the freezer. I rarely use fresh sage, marjoram, oregano, chervil, tarragon or thyme that I don't mind just buying it for a dish, but, but like the above plants, they have a short life, even when you buy them in small pots from a garden center, bleh. Store in fridge and count on about 3 weeks.

If I was greek? Or used copious amounts of certain herbs, like whole bunches at a time in spanokopita or taboulleh, or in mexican food, I might grow them from seed if I had some raised beds. But, I don't like pests or watching a garden daily. I weigh cost and my time fiddling.

I live in Florida. I have an allspice tree, lychee, persian lime, key lime, calamondin, loquat, lots of aloe, and two types of avocado trees. and they are as hardy as weeds. Neighbors have mangos and they cause a lot of allergies in bloom *achoo*. But, these trees are no maintenance. I used to have bananas, but they seem to have too many resident snakes and you have to saw down the dead ones when they sprout a baby. I hate snakes that surprise you. If you do not have a yard like me, you can grow calamondins in a pot (even seen them at IKEA) as a pretty ornamental, and they sub for key limes and can be used in cooking, cocktails, etc. You need about 13 for a pie, and you'll get that a few times a season. Avocadoes will grow and fruit in a potted plant, too. Allspice will perfume your house in a pot, and give usable berries.

>> No.8734535



>> No.8734735


Yeah, I'll label the bags this time.

I'd also like to try distilling their essence. Maybe some massage oil for "special hug time", or maybe even try making some scented candles.