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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 1552x1152, 1489380187163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8723353 No.8723353 [Reply] [Original]

>new roommate
>ask him if he minds if I make coffee, since it's pretty strong smelling especially in this small dorm
>"No haha I love coffee"
>"What's your favorite thing to get at Starbucks?"

>> No.8723354

Kill yourself frogposting cancer

>> No.8723358

Fuck you, you shiteater.

>> No.8723360
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>> No.8723364

>Do you mind if I make coffee? I dont want the smell of coffee beans to offend you.

Way to out yourself as the beta cuck in the relationship

>> No.8723366

>Oh boy I can't wait to tell 4chan about this thing that happened to me! They'll LOVE it!

>> No.8723370

i doubt u make better coffee in some shitty dorm than at starbucks

>> No.8723371


>> No.8723375

Did you really expect anyone to take you seriously when you have a stupid ass frog picture in the OP or are you just retarded?

>> No.8723377

If he brought pungent Indian food into the room id be fucking pissed.

Nice projection buddy.

>announcing reports

>> No.8723385

>be op
>ask my roomate if i can make coffee
>rubs his fingers through my hair
>uhhh ugh ooo uuunnngh!
>he unloads in my mouth and i suck the remaining semen off his now flaccid penis
>yeah sure, whats your favorite starbucks coffee?

>> No.8723387

I think you're the moron here my man.

>> No.8723392

That didn't happen but I'm okay if you want to fantasize about it.

>> No.8723394

>If he brought pungent Indian food into the room id be fucking pissed.
Coffee is literally the least offensive smell on earth, it's why perfume makers use coffee beans as a "palate cleanser" when they're smelling things.

And if you ask somebody "do you mind if I [x]" you're giving them the chance to say yes. It's an incredibly submissive way to act. Try acting like a man.

>> No.8723395

Only get Starbucks at the original place in Seattle, and even then at most it's just ok.

>> No.8723396

>n-no you're a poopie head!

Yep, confirmed retard

>> No.8723418

Wrong, I've known people who can't stand coffee. Not everything can be determined objectively like your autistic mind thinks.

Stop embarrassing yourself bro. Just stop posting.

>> No.8723419
File: 101 KB, 864x717, 1458755583812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the story ends with you asking him what his favorite thing to get at starbucks is? pretty lame anecdote, bro

>> No.8723423

>doesn't know how greentext works
Newfag detected.

>> No.8723428

You used fucking quotation marks with a tool built for quoting. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.8723430

>Wrong, I've known people who can't stand coffee. Not everything can be determined objectively like your autistic mind thinks.
You're getting caught in the semantics and missing the point.

Grow some balls and do what you want in your home.

>Hey I'm making coffee.
>Oh I really don't like coffee.
>You don't need to drink any, and I wasn't offering.
>But I don't like the smell of it.
>Too bad.

>> No.8723435

>trying to deny your a cocksucking faggot

>> No.8723439

Actually it is you the one who doesn't know how greentext works

>> No.8723445

nah it's just that when you put a line break between dialogue it implies a different person is talking

also not sure why you felt the need to use quotation marks when greentext literally is quoting but whatevs

>> No.8723447


Lurk more you fucking idiots. What I did is how you write the dialogue of another person. That's how most people do it here. Don't fucking reply to me again lest I lose even more brain cells from your absolute retardation.

>> No.8723454

so what did he say his favorite thing at starbucks is after you asked? seems like there should be more to this story

>> No.8723461


MOREOVER, greentext is used to quote people you are directly talking to, NOT to quote people who are not present in the thread. Learn the convention or get the fuck out. Fuck you've made me really upset.

>> No.8723465

You're as dense as a neutron star, buddy.

>> No.8723467

>upset because there isnt a dick in your mouth, yet

>> No.8723470

Give me yours, faggot. I'll gladly take it in my mouth so I can fucking bite it off, anything to cause you agony.

>> No.8723475

>I'll gladly take it in my mouth
kek I'm sure you would

>> No.8723485

>Ill gladly take it my mouth!
OPs mantra

>> No.8723486
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>> No.8723548

>I'll gladly take it in my mouth
I'll bet OP

>> No.8723717

>you ask if it's cool to make coffee
>he says yeah, i love coffee
>he asks you what you enjoy when going to a coffee shop

dude why are you triggered over this

also, the answer is cafe mocha.

>> No.8724060

Indian food smells delicious though. Not even pajeet here

>> No.8724203

>asking "do you mind if i make coffee"
>not asking "i'm making coffe, you want any"

neck yourself you pemavirgin.

>> No.8724236

>I'll gladly take it in my mouth
you're the faggot here, buddy.

>> No.8724245

>coffeepleb gets mad when a fellow coffeepleb asks him a typical coffeepleb question
Kill yourself sweetie.

>> No.8724333

You guys should have seen his first post. He posted the same thing, just fucked the greentext up a little more. I'm surprised you gave him this many (You)'s. Nice work.

>> No.8724393

What are you?

>> No.8725546
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>> No.8725560
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Good thread.

>> No.8725563
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>> No.8725584
File: 424 KB, 464x381, Loli gets pounded from both ends.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll gladly take it in my mouth
Great thread actually

>> No.8725595

It's not. The break in the sentence implies it was your turn to talk. You should have just kept it all in one line.

>> No.8725689

>be me
>post anecdote
>say what someone else said without differentiating dialogue from narrative
>dialogue is that of someone else's who isn't here on the thread

I see this all the time. Just worried you're going to teach people a rule that isn't really so solid.

>"No haha I love coffe
>"What's your favorite thing to get at Starbucks?"

is one person in two paragraphs, but once the quotes get removed (which OP didn't), there's no formal way for greentext to distinguish between paragraph breaks for their own sake and those which denote a change in speaker.

>> No.8725710

Corpata! :3

>> No.8725733

This, if you pay rent you can cook whatever the fuck you want

>> No.8725740

>new room mate
>first morning together
>hey dude want a cup of coff-

>> No.8725749

This is such a hostile thread.

>> No.8725878
File: 1.26 MB, 416x234, urfucked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point did you two faggots start blowing each other?

And do you have pics?

>> No.8725900

>You used fucking quotation marks with a tool built for quoting. You're a fucking moron.
>he thinks green text is for quoting

>> No.8727589

>tl:dr OP sucks dick and expects others to care

>> No.8727638

new faggot

>> No.8727812

The is the best thread I have ever seen on ck thank you op

>> No.8727821

>not making effort to live harmoniously with your room-mates

>> No.8727833

honestly it's pure cringe how many newfags in this thread don't understand how to greentext dialogue between you and another person properly

>> No.8727837
File: 451 KB, 1120x1680, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I think you're a real nice fellow, being considerate of others is a good thing. The smell of coffee, ok yeah you probably shouldn't ask your roomate's permission unless you're a submissive beta cuck, but hey day lived lesson learned

>> No.8727841

>Strong smelling

So you're basically fucked if you want to make dashi. or anything that involves braising.

>> No.8727857

>not just making some coffee and telling your roommate "Hey dude get a load of this shit im making: THE BEST COFFEE YOULL EVER TASTE"

if this person says "i-i dont coffee because flavor/gets me sick in the stomach/whatever cuck excuse", then you say DUDE THIS IS LITERALLY MEDICINE, I USED TO HAVE A BURNING STOMACH WHEN I DRANK INSTANT GARBAGE, NOW IM CURED AND GROWING STRONGER AFTER REAL COFFEE.

i have converted all my friends to real coffee.

>> No.8727861

literally no one in the world thinks coffee smells bad, not even non drinkers. i think you may be mentlly ill, OP.

>> No.8727864

>giving a shit

>> No.8727870
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omg someone cap this shit, OP is a legend

>> No.8727976
File: 46 KB, 600x588, angery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using my french press to make coffee for multiple people
>my brother has a french press, doesn't know anything about coffee though
>mocks me when I weigh beans and water
>"wtf lol just use a measuring cup"
>mocks me when I grind the beans
>"lol I just buy pre ground it's no different"
>mocks me when I use filtered water instead of tap water because the tap water tastes like trash
>"lol dude you're not gonna be able to taste the tap water after boiling it and adding coffee"
>mocks me when I use my variable temperature kettle to get a certain temperature
>"lol dude it's just boiling water"
>mocks me when I set a timer for steeping
>"lol why are you doing that I just let it sit for anywhere between 4 and 7 minutes"
>legit laughs when he sees me checking the timer for whatever fucking reason
>"lol don't let it go 1 second past 4 min the coffee will be ruined!!!" (sarcastic of course)
>mocks me when I use a wooden spoon to stir rather than a metal one because it's longer and there is no risk of cracking the glass pot
>"lol it's not gonna break dude people use metal silverware on glass plates all the time"
>mocks me when I preheat the mugs and press with hot water
>"lol dude the cold mugs won't change the temperature"
>mocks me when I start cleaning the press after finishing my coffee
>"lol you don't have to do that right now just leave it dude"

can't even imagine what would have went down had he watched me use my v60

>> No.8728003


>> No.8728007

Are you a coffee hipster?

How about you stop being autistic and just say "I rarely drink Starbucks because X. That's why I make my own"

>> No.8728086

>have egg cooker
>roomie falls in love with it
>watch him cook and eat an entire 18 egg carton

s-settle down, friend

>> No.8728099

Except he doesn't pay rent. He pays half the rent, at most. Maybe even a third, if he had two roommates.
Who says he gets to funk up the entire place with his shitty burnt bean water?

>> No.8728106

>being such a passive aggressive little shit that you don't say that you don't drink shit from starbucks

unless of course you're a woman

>> No.8728115

you have no idea what he said after he was asked

>> No.8728134 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 496x319, do you want the pipe...gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck off 4chan you dumb retarded pieces of shit

>> No.8728136

fuck you shiteater

>> No.8728292

yes, that would be a good place to start

>> No.8728384

It's coffee, not mustard gas you fag

>> No.8729698

>your daily reminder OP of this thread is king of the cocksuckers

>> No.8729874

Starbucks smells like coffee, if he can stand that he can stand someone making it around him

Is your beef that he patronizes Starbucks? That just makes him a white girl

>> No.8730520

>he needs permission to make a cup of coffee

Maybe you should stick to juice boxes kid

>> No.8731544

This thread is our autism

>> No.8731549


>> No.8731560

haha yeah normies am i rite guys

he probably had a macbook le updoot reddit haha

please respond

>> No.8731596

>blowing each other
>implying OP ever gets his dick stimulated and can't cum from pleasing other men alone

>> No.8731690 [DELETED] 

dumb retarded piece of shit

>> No.8731721
File: 263 KB, 1024x704, Tom Brady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You a fuckin' qweah? Fuck yourself. Charbucks got nothin' on Dunkin', guy.

>> No.8731737

People who complain about the smell of coffee are a scourge.
It's a fucking berry not a fish.

>> No.8731759
File: 29 KB, 387x450, id_like_to_speak_with_a_manager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family gets to the order counter before you
>they all order venti frappachinos with a million modifiers after changing their minds multiple times
>you just want a an iced coffe

>> No.8733645

t. starbucks drinking nigger

>> No.8733836
File: 490 KB, 500x707, 1484263936345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit your brother sounds exactly like my parents, my condolences anon

>> No.8733851

Having roomates is terrible.

>> No.8734051

>daily reminder op is a faggot

>> No.8734482

shut the fuck up fag

>> No.8734723

>moeshit garbage

literally kill yourself